Sustainable grape and wine production in the context of climate change Co-Convenors N. OLLAT I. GARCIA de CORTAZAR-ATAURI J.M.TOUZARD Bordeaux-France, April 10-13, 2016 Bordeaux Sciences Agro 1, cours du Gal De Gaulle, Gradignan 33(0)5 57 57 59 01,
[email protected] Sustainable grape and wine production in the context of climate change, Bordeaux-France, April 10-13, 2016 Page 1 CONTENTS Scientific Committee page 3 Organising Committee page 3 Welcome message page 4 Organizers page 6 Partners page 7 Symposium program page 9 Poster presentation page 13 Abstracts : General opening lecture page 17 Session “Climatic modelling at different scales”: Oral page 18 Poster page 24 Session “Impacts of climate change”: Oral page 32 Poster page 44 Session “Ecophysiology for climate change”: Oral page 59 Poster page 66 Session “Adaptation to climate change”: Oral page 90 Poster page 105 Session “Perception and adaptability of climate change by the actors”: Oral page 115 Poster page 130 Author index page 138 Sustainable grape and wine production in the context of climate change, Bordeaux-France, April 10-13, 2016 Page 2 Scientific Committee Nathalie Ollat Bordeaux, France Jean-Marc Touzard Montpellier, France Inaki Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri Avignon, France Serge Delrot Bordeaux, France Kees van Leeuwen Bordeaux, France Eric Gomès Bordeaux, France Hervé Quénol Rennes, France Eric Giraud-Héraud Paris, France Philippe Darriet Bordeaux, France Eric Duchêne Colmar, France Eric Lebon Montpellier, France Jean-Marie Sablayrolles Montpellier, France