2020 Wild Coho Forecasts for Puget Sound, Washington Coast, and Lower Columbia Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife Science Division, Fish Program by Marisa N
2020 Wild Coho Forecasts for Puget Sound, Washington Coast, and Lower Columbia Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife Science Division, Fish Program by Marisa N. C. Litz Contributors: This coho forecast was made possible through funding from numerous federal, state, and local sources and the participation of numerous WDFW, tribal, and PUD biologists. The following WDFW employees, listed in alphabetical order, provided field data used in the 2020 forecast: Kale Bentley and Brad Garner (Grays River), Clayton Kinsel (Skagit River and Big Beef Creek), Matt Klungle (Nisqually River), Jamie Lamperth (Mill, Abernathy, and Germany creeks), Peter Lisi (Lake Washington), John Serl (Cowlitz Falls), Pete Topping (Green River and Deschutes River), and Devin West (Bingham Creek, Chehalis River). Sources of smolt data from tribal and PUD biologists and sources of freshwater and marine environmental indicators are cited in the document. Thank you to Skip Albertson for compiling data from the WA Department of Ecology Marine Water Monitoring Program. Mara Zimmerman, Neala Kendall, Dan Rawding, and Josh Weinheimer most recently completed these forecasts and provided much guidance and assistance on this one. Dave Seiler, Greg Volkhardt, Dan Rawding, Mara Zimmerman, and Thomas Buehrens have contributed to the conceptual approaches used in this forecast. Introduction Run size forecasts for wild coho stocks are an important part of the pre-season planning process for Washington State salmon fisheries. Accurate forecasts are needed at the scale of management units to ensure adequate spawning escapements, realize harvest benefits, and achieve harvest allocation goals. Wild coho run sizes (adult ocean recruits) have been predicted using various approaches across Washington’s coho producing systems.
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