HITTIN’ THE BOOKS GRADSGRADS TAKETAKE FINALFINAL WALKWALK GBHSGBHS tracktrack teamteam capturescaptures toptop statestate academicacademic honorhonor GBHS Class of 2010 receive diplomas SSPPOORRTTSS,, 11CC SCHOOLS, 8A/8C 50¢ YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER June 10, 2010 Oil arrives, but did we Week 7 get lucky? ■ Winds, currents “Friday was our worst day,” appear to be taking oil said W.A. “Buck” Lee, execu- tive director of the Santa Rosa away from Gulf Breeze Island Authority. “What washed up looked like chocolate pud- BY SCOTT PAGE Gulf Breeze News ding.”
[email protected] As of Tuesday, all beaches in Santa Rosa and Escambia coun- The effects of the BP ties remained open to tourists Deepwater Horizon oil spill and locals looking to take flooded the sands of Pensacola advantage of the warm, sunny Beach last weekend. weather. Tar balls and tiny blobs of goo The national media came. “Everything’s fine,” Lee stressed, “People are out at the washed onto Pensacola Beach The politicians, celebrities, experts and concerned citizens – See OIL, Page 3A last week, attracting hoards of they all came, too. Related inside national media and prompting But the wave of oil did not. ■ NOAA projection map, 3A British Petroleum to begin Scattered tar balls did wash ■ Elementary student has deploying clean-up crews onto up along Santa Rosa Island over solution to capping leak, 4A Santa Rosa Island. Oil the weekend, and air reconnais- ■ Local leaders want tax sance did show sheen near the breaks for local citizens, 4A appeared to be most prevalent shores of Santa Rosa and ■ Photo gallery, 5A in the Opal Beach area; this tar Escambia counties as of ■ Guest column: Subsidies ball was spotted just west of Monday.