CEO Endorsement Request Document SN
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REQUEST FOR CEO ENDORSEMENT PROJECT: Full-sized Project TYPE OF TRUST FUND: GEF Trust Fund For more information about GEF, visit PART I: PROJECT INFORMATION Project Title: Strengthening the Network of New Protected Areas in Madagascar Country(ies): Madagascar GEF Project ID:1 5351 GEF Agency(ies): UNEP GEF Agency Project ID: 01082 Other Executing Partner(s): Directorate of Inland Protected Areas (DAPT) Resubmission Date: August (formerly the Directorate of Biodiversity Conservation 10, 2017 and the Protected Areas Systems, DCB/SAP) GEF Focal Area (s): Biodiversity Project Duration (Months) 60 Name of Parent Program Not Applicable Project Agency Fee ($): 371,000 (if applicable): For SFM/REDD+ For SGP For PPP` A. INDICATIVE FOCAL AREA STRATEGY FRAMEWORK2 Focal Area Expected FA Outcomes Expected FA Outputs Trust Indicative Grant Indicative Objectives Fund Amount ($) Co-financing ($) Biodiversity 1 Outcome 1.1: Improved Output 1: 6 new protected areas GEF TF 3,905,265 45,407,409 – Improving management effectiveness of (NPAs) established and 3 existing the existing and new protected protected areas strengthened, sustainability areas (Improving the increasing coverage of currently of protected effective management of under-represented and unprotected areas systems PAs and NPAs) ecosystems types by 354,859 ha Total project Costs 3,905,265 45,407,409 B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUMMARY Project Goal: The rational and effective management Madagascar’s biodiversity and natural resources supports sustainable development for the well-being of the entire population, particularly the poorest of Madagascar society living in and around its protected areas. Project Objective: Madagascar’s strengthened network of PAs provides enhanced protection and better representation of key ecosystems, and delivers economic and environmental benefits to local communities Indicative Indicative Project Grant Expected Trust Expected Outputs Grant Cofinancing Component Type3 Outcomes Fund Amount ($) ($) 1: TA 1.1 1.1.1: National PA agencies (DAPT, DREEF, GEFTF 666,667 8,902,000 Improvement Strengthened CIREEF, CEEF, and CSAPM) have increased of PA policy policy, capacity to develop and manage the PA system and governance, and 1.1.2: Management instruments for PAs and governance financing mangroves are developed, discussed with stakeholders frameworks for and submitted to the Government for approval PA 1.1.3: Monitoring and evaluation tools to measure management, the management effectiveness of PAs are identified including for and introduced to PA agencies conservation of 1.1.4: National Action Plan for mangrove biodiversity and conservation is formulated mangrove 1.1.5: Legal and regulatory amendments to ensure ecosystems permanent protection of mangroves and effective PA 1 Project ID number will be assigned by GEFSEC. 2 Refer to the Focal Area Results Framework and LDCF/SCCF Framework when completing Table A. 3 TA includes capacity building, and research and development. 1 management are developed 1.1.6: Funding strategy for new PAs is developed 2. Effective TA 2.1 6 new PAs 2.1.1: Integrated Management Plans for 9 PAs are GEFTF 2,775,014 22,355,429 management and 3 critical developed of new PAs mangrove sites 2.1.2: PA staff with increased capacity for PA and critical within existing management in collaboration with local communities mangrove PAs are 2.1.3: Local communities in areas adjacent to PAs sites (in managed in a and mangrove micro-sites have improved ability to existing participatory participate in CBNRM, development of alternative PAs) manner and sources of income and ecosystem restoration generating BD 2.1.4: Pilot projects on CBNRM, alternative sources conservation of income and ecosystem restoration are developed and livelihoods and under implementation benefits 3. TA 3.1 Increased 3.1.1: Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) GEFTF 277,619 12,949,980 Knowledge public database is developed and introduced to decision management awareness and makers and local communities and public policy 3.1.2: Lessons learned by the project are disseminated awareness integration of by different means at national and international levels TEK and 3.1.3: Awareness raising campaign on conservation biodiversity of mangroves and other ecosystems is developed and conservation implemented Subtotal 3,719,300 44,207,409 Project Management Cost (PMC)4 GEFTF 185,965 1,200,000 Total Project Costs 3,905,265 45,407,409 C. SOURCES OF CONFIRMED CO-FINANCING FOR THE PROJECT BY SOURCE AND BY NAME ($) Please include letters confirming cofinancing for the project with this form Sources of Cofinancing Name of Cofinancier (source) Type of Cofinancing Amount ($) National Government Ministry of Environment and Forests/Directorate In-kind 2,200,000 General for Forestry (and other members of the CSAPM) GEF Agency UNEP Cash 200,000 NGO WWF Cash 2,465,935 NGO FEM (ASSOCIATION DES FEMMES) Cash 42,000 NGO FEM (ASSOCIATION DES FEMMES) In-kind 45,000 NGO Missouri Botanical Garden Cash 792,474 National Government Ministry of Agriculture Cash 38,000,000 NGO Durell Conservation Trust Cash 150,000 NGO Peregrine Fund Cash 950,000 NGO Peregrine Fund In-kind 162,000 NGO Fondation Liz Claiborne Cash 400,000 Total Co-financing 45,407,409 D. INDICATIVE TRUST FUND RESOURCES REQUESTED BY AGENCY, FOCAL AREA AND COUNTRY (in $) Type of Country Name/ GEF Agency Focal Area Grant Agency Fee Trust Fund Global Total c=a+b Amount (a) (b)2 UNEP GEF TF Biodiversity MADAGASCAR 3,905,265 371,000 4,276,265 Total Grant Resources 3,905,265 371,000 4,276,265 F. CONSULTANTS WORKING FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COMPONENTS Grant Amount Cofinancing Project Total Component ($) ($) ($) 4 PMC should be charged proportionately to focal areas based on focal area project grant amount in Table D below. 2 International Consultants 45,000 56,000 101,000 National/Local Consultants - technical 265,000 400,000 665,000 G. DOES THE PROJECT INCLUDE A “NON-GRANT” INSTRUMENT? NO (If non-grant instruments are used, provide in Annex D an indicative calendar of expected reflows to your Agency and to the GEF/LDCF/SCCF/NPIF Trust Fund). LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Analysis of Threats, Root Causes and Barriers 6 Table 2: Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of current PA situation in Madagascar 7 Table 3: Inventory of PAs in Madagascar 10 Table 4: Representation of the Vegetation Types in the Protected Area Network of Madagascar in 2002 and 2013 (Source: MBG, 2013, CEPF Report, 2014) 10 Table 5: Baseline and Other Financing per Project Site 11 Table 6: Overview Information on the 9 Sites 15 Table 7: Project Framework Revisions 24 Table 8: Component 1 Outputs and Descriptions 27 Table 9: Definitions of effectiveness and sustainability 32 Table 10: Component 2 Outputs and Descriptions 33 Table 11: Component 3 Outputs and Descriptions 35 Table 12: Local populations in the project area and associated project budget 41 Table 13: Incremental cost reasoning 43 Table 14: List of ecosystems in Madagascar 46 Table 15: Risk assessment 47 Table 16: Stakeholder engagement 50 Table 17: Control over women’s income (% of women aged 15-49 yrs old, currently in union) 52 Table 18: Women’s Participation in Decision-Making, Either Alone or Jointly with their Spouse / Partner (% of Women from 15-49 yrs, currently in union) 53 Table 19: Budgeted M&E plan 55 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Map of the location of the 9 sites in Madagascar ............................................................................. 14 Figure 2: Theory of change diagram ................................................................................................................ 38 3 PART II: PROJECT JUSTIFICATION A. DESCRIBE ANY CHANGES IN ALIGNMENT WITH THE PROJECT DESIGN OF THE ORIGINAL PIF Project Description A.1 National strategies and plans or reports and assessments under relevant conventions, if applicable, i.e. NAPAS, NAPs, NBSAPs, national communications, TNAs, NCSA, NIPs, PRSPs, NPFE, Biennial Update Reports, etc. A number of salient developments have taken place since the PIF was approved, as follows: National Level Policies and Plans ‐ Decrees granted for the creation of 94 new PAs: 94 Protected Areas in IUCN Categories V and VI have been created; almost all of them already have received their interdepartmental creation Decree and are working to obtain a definitive creation Decree. These considerable legal steps lend significant support to the assumption that senior political support exists for the permanent establishment of protected areas. The outlook for PA establishment is stable, and a solid framework exists for civil society and donor support to the PA network. ‐ Promulgation of new Protected Areas Management Code: Promulgation of Law n° 2015-005 is at the level of the National Assembly and deals with re-drafting of the Protected Areas Management Code, and on-going implementation decrees5. This promulgation strengthens the Protected Areas System in Madagascar because all sectors accept the presence of PAs, ensuring better coherence between policy approaches. ‐ Development of the National Development Plan and its Implementation Plan (NDP/PMO): These plans constitute the roadmap for Madagascar’s national development for the next five years6. The project is designed to meet the objectives assigned by the state according to its development planning. The project responds to axis 5, point 2 of the National Development Plan. ‐ Updating of the National Action Plan to Combat Desertification: This plan has been updated to be better aligned to national