VOLUME LXXII—N0.27 CHELSBA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1913 SUBSCRIPTION fl.50 PER YEAR HomeNursing Classes “Fight Infantile Gov. Stassen To Speafc Remember Fenn’s Rexall Drijg Store To Start Next Thursday Paralysis” Drive At Farmers’ Program For Best Values Always! 4 , The class In ‘‘Home Nursing” of­ Underway Here World-wide news and views from tp fered by the Chelsea Red Cross will nationally knowii speakers will1"'be Coal! Coal! m _ VALENTINE GIFTS be held from 7 to 9 o'clock every matched with useful production infor­ Cara Nome Combination Gift S e ts...... $1.65 to $5.00 Thursday evening, beginning Feb­ Our Nation'is at war to keep our mation vital to, Michigan’s rural war­ 'ill Lentheric Oombmation G ift Sets______$3.25 to $4.50 ruary 4, and* will be conducted in the country freeh a nd also a war is on, time-effort in-ihe 28th annual Farm­ ALL KINDS AND SIZES OF Coty Combination G iftSets — ...... $2.50 to $5.00 agriculture room at the high school. against Infantile Paralysis—that is ers'. Week program at-Michigan Stflto Coty Perfum e...... $2,25-$10.00-S12.50 The entire course calls for 40 hours very important to our free nation. College February 2, 3, 4. ir i of instruction and does not need to be Wo must not forget our crippled chil­ ''Departments in the agricultural, i i Evening in Paris Perfume __.__.„...__._i__$3.25-$5,25 dren and the great professors who are Rescreened Clean Coal Rosemary Cologne '...... $1.25 preceded hy any. other courses of in­ home economics and related divisions struction. ' The course abna at ex­ working diligently in our great labor­ have packed their programs to enable Apple Blossom Cologne...... ______,„69c to 98c plaining how: to do the rigfy,thing in atories to blight out the terrible di­ f^m ers to reach the miracle goals in Wrisley Superbe Bath Soap, 4 large cakes for ...... $1.00 the home in' cases of sudden emer­ sease that at one time was thought l(w*of producing more with less help ■v. Valentines, Patriotic Booklets ...... -lc to 25c gency or prolonged illness. It takes incurable. ■■■; ana little new equipment. ROOT SALT Gales Valentine Candy, Heart Shape Packages, in especial account problems arising We are going toneed these children As Stimulation’to this effort there Popular P rices...... j ______35c to $3.75 in the care of babies, small children to help build up our manpower and will be such, speakers . as Governor For Your Softener at $1,00 Per Cwt 75c Vick's Vapo Rub ...... _„_59c and aged persons. wpmanpower in the., coming years. So Harold E. Stassen of Minnesota* His 50c Minit-Rub ...... _...... -_43c No one can continue to depend in­ .let's all g i^ a little,, anil if each and youthful oratory will lend praise to Delivered Rexall Comp. Cherry Bark Cough Syrup / _ ..-w25c-50c definitely upon obtaining nursing care every one helps to ;^)ontiibute some­ the hundreds of topnotch farmers to during the war emergency and there­ thing for this great cause it will be .be honored Thursday afternoon, Feb. McKesson’s Baby Cough Syrup...... 25c fore it is wise to increase the knowl­ greatly appreciated and used for a 1.20 Sal H epatica...... — ...... 1 ...... 97c 4, in the college auditorium. Stas- edge of nursing care within the home wonderful cause. sen’s address will be "The Farmer and Stag Hair Dressing _79c itself in case it is ever needed there This year we have left envelopes at the War Effort’’ . Michigan’s Gover­ 100 Bayer Aspirin Tablets .59c or in the community. -each home for the purpose of special nor Harry F. Kelly will introduce Chelsea Lumber, Grain Those persons who have registered gifts. You may either put a stamp Governor. Stassen. 50c Mead’s Pablum ^_„\._u_-_39c for*.this course will please report, at on these envelopes and seal and send 11 the place and time designated above. to the address on envelope or you First of ' the auditorium programs & Coal Company The class will be instructed by Miss may leave at Burg's Drug Store as .is scheduled Tuesday afternoon a t 3 Charlene Brand, R. N., a graduate of you did last year. o’clock; _ Under the chairmanship of HENRY H. FENN E .I* —A«thony,-d©an-of—agriculture, DIAL 6911 DIAL 2-1611 the Nursing^ School of Grace“HospitaI7 “ Also-, we have several coirrboxes in Detroit : ■ * all business places for the change you two men who know some of the an­ Mrs. D. LV Rogers, as chairman of might have left.from your purchases. swers to the rural labor problem will the group, anticipates 100 per cent at-, Don’t pass the coin boxes up. It’s too speak. One is Dorr Stack, director of tendance at the' first meeting in order important and sacred a cause to ig­ school hoard counseling for the State that her records may be complete. nore. Department of Education. His talk V- __We will also use the March of comprises' "Youth Mobilization and THIS WEEK’S SPEC Dimes board m=ftelief».-. ±He is to be fol- THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS! il Men Leavelfar here for the first time last year, and lowed by E. D, Longnecker, occupa­ Induction Into Service on which everyone, - so generously tional advisor to the Michigan State 1-14 oz. bottle Monarch C atsup...... 17c placed their dimes. It will be in the Selective Service. Longnecker’s talk 1 lb. Chocolate StripedM^rshmaUow same location as? last year-—in front will be based on selective service and Included in the list of selective of the Chelsea State Blink. The hours its relation to farm labor.. Cookies, lb...... 29c 500 Count Cleansing Tissue, pkg. . .. 23c sei-vice men who reported at Ann Ar­ will be Friday* January 29, from 12 Wednesday, Feb. 3, rural visitors I lS lI bor on Tuesday morning and were noon to 6 p, m., and on Saturday, i2 will hear some of the answers to 2 cans Pard Dog Food ...... , 23c 1 pkg. Oven-Fluff Cake Flour ... .19c sent to Camp Grant,. 111. were the fol­ .1 noon io lO p. m.—Let’s everyone-makc "What About Germany?” Louis P. 5-lb. bag Yellow Corn Meal ....: ...... ,20c m 2 pkgs. Kraft Dinner . ... .I9c lowing irom Chelsea and vicinity: it a point to walk past this board and Lochner, for 14 years head of the Ber Lewis E. Noll, who has been a resi­ place ,a dime on the space that is lin bureau of the Associated ' Press, dent of the village for 20 years and 2 lbs. Fancy California Lima Beans <. .. 25c marked off for the March of Dimes. will relate some of the information he iter 1 lb. Shedd’s Tasty Oleomargarine . . . . 19c has been employed at the Federal They soon make dollars., ' obtained frpm contacts with Hitler, 4 rolls Fort Howard Toilet Tissue ...... 25c Screw Works. - The son of Mrs. Lil­ .Let it not be said that Chelsea could Goebbels, Goering, Hess, Himmler and s « :' 1-12 oz. can P rem ...... 39c lian ■ Noll of Chelsea, he .was. born not hold the record we maBe last year, other German leaders. 2 lge. baxes-Quick Armw-Soap Flakes.; 45c May 15, 1907 in- W ebster. township as we were far ahead of all other For the short course banquet of and is affiliated with Olive Lodge F. 2 lbs. med. size Bulk Prunes ..... _ir\. ,29c towns much larger than Chelsea.. Wednesday; evening, prnst Winkler, and A. M. and the I. O. O. F-.. -He was Help us hold that record and give Who escaped frpmfa"Nazi cohcentra- Get a can of Peanut Butter - - it is a good food married to Leora Cfrove of Chelsea Jan. 31st last day for No. 10 Sugrir Stamp. yhat we can. For any other infor- titin camp, will speak oh ’’InBide Ger- on Nov. 2ft, 1941. and makes your butter go farther. mation-or-onvelope«,-call 5373 and we many; We have Pure Buckwheat, 5 and~10HHfc~bagsr Robert R. Dorar, son o f Mr. and will be glad to help you. Another highlight of the special Mrs. August Dorer, was born Oct. l f Committee. Take home a package e-Pop Popcorn 1923^ graduating from Chelsea high talent will be thje appearunce of Aloha Uak^er7^nllednhc=^vorld,trmost--trav- school"in 1940." He.has since been, -“It Pops”! ^hI i i i i .- employed at the Kroger Grocery; St. Paul’s Sewing Unit eled wahmn. She will sneak on “Aus^ Donald E. Parsons, an employe at trajia/Nqw”, as movies taken by her,- the bomber plant, Willow Run, is the Has Enviable Record ,husband are shown in the auditorium .. w son of Mr. and Mrs, Dan Parsons, Thursday evening, Schneider QUALITY' GROCERIES AND" MiSATS and was bom in Chelsea on April 1, The members of th4.Red Gross Sew­ u _ ■, ,, V- — ------s ■ 1923. ing Unit of St. Paul’s church review Driver’s License Tests BUY WAR BONDS'AND STAMPS! , Glenwood Novess, the sop, of Mrs. with pride their accomplishments of Elsie Novess, was bqm 26 years ago the past year. The following article? Held February 4 and is a graduate of Chelsea, high of sewing have been completed: school. For three years he has been 10 children’s dresses. In keeping wjth the previously nn- ■employed as plumber —lO^childrenVflannel-bed^jackets., nounced policy of holdihg drivers’ li­ A FAMILY POLICY by Floyd Rowe., 12 soldier's kit bags. cense tests in Chelsea.the first Thurs- r>|: « Diw P ay—of-eaeh-month^F-Sheriff-iIol =eoM R B i were Joseph P. PoiichtT^Ge&rge—Wr 80 women’s^ioBpital gowh 1. Covers Residence Liability, Personal Liability, Saddle, itr officers from M m Freysinger; John G. Osterhouse,, Geo. ,12 flannel bed jackets, size 10. his department will’be at the Chelsea "E. Beeman,"GWendai K.“ Raker amt 4 convalescent^lup ro b es;"—■ ■■ . State Hank on ihursday, February 4 Sports Liability^ ' Charles W. Wood. 26 soldier’s kit bags and ' house­ from 11:30 until 8:00 o’clock. 2. Residence Burglary, Robbery, Theft and Larceny. wives. >■ ■ ‘ These monthly tests in Chelsea were Too many people let slight eye S-? p p : 3. Residence Glass. A reasonable rate for this broad form - ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE 10 boy’s flannel pajamas. inaugurated by the sheriff’s depart­ Rev. and Mrs; Ray W. B arber'of coverage. - Meetings ahe held either at the ment as a contribution to the rubber Dearborn Hills announce the marriage church hall or at homes of .the mem- conservation" program,, as .the..driver's. troubles go until they are really o r thei?_ daughter, Martha-Lou i se^to bers every .Wednesday aftemoorrfrom licenses may now be obtained without A.D.Mayer^Mnsurance Pvt.' Benjamin Adame Frankel, of 1:30 to 6 6’elock. , making a trip to Ann Arbor which-has. serious. If you are troubled , at Colorado Springs, An invitation is extended vto all to been necessary in the past THE AGENCY OF SERVICE - Colorado, on January 15. join this group in this very worth? Motorists should check up on the FREEMAN BUILDING— PHONE 7131 or 7133 Mrs. Frankel lived in Chelsea dur­ while war effort. expiration date of their license and with faulty vision or headaches, ing her father’s pastorate here and ■: ■-— - — V------— . take advantage of this service if re- •i » ' ... is a graduate of Chelsea high school.. - Sugar and Coffee -ne\vaLof their-drivibg - permit is to be- a. thorough examination-is-^in- Mr. Frankpl is a graduate ofColum- niscessarv within the next few weeks. bia University and the Juliard School ——V— ----- of Mhsic. ^ He was a professor of , You may obtain 1 Vj pounds- of GRADUATES FROM U. OF Mr I order. English at the, University of Mexico sugar for curing one hundred pounds ATTENTION! before his enlistment, and expects to of home-killed meat. James Daniels, son of Mr. and Mrs-; y i§ y i take officer training. He is now sta- Institutional users of coffefe may ob: W; R. Daniels, received his Bi A. dc- CSlonido. - T from tlie Literary College at the Wehaveagoodsupplyof Poultry, Dairy-and -||t Mi's. Frankel is visiting her parents ruary at the rationing office before or “Commencenientirxercises of the Ur of this week while her husband is on a on February 5., Office is open Wed­ M. in Hill Auditorium in Ann Arbor ■ Hog Feeds flying trip to New York to see his nesdays an4 Fridays from 1:00 to 5:00 on Saturday morning. He is a mem- ' E. E. WINATVS parents on a brief furlough. The p. m. There will not be' a special ber pf the Phi Eta Sigma and The couple expects to return to Colorado time designated for this registration.. Druids, honorary societies, senior year JEWELER OPTOMETRIST in-a-few-days. ....—~ —- Anyona- holding War Ration-Book Sales Analyst of Student Publications of the U. of M., and a member of the Number One'belonging to a man who CALL 2-2921 FOR OPTICAL APPOINTMENTS Farmers’ Co. THOMAS BUST ENLISTS has entered the armed forces of the staff of the Men’s Resident Ha" Thomas Bust, teacher, of agricul­ United States or to a deceased per­ tern. ROY C. IVES ture in the Chelsea public school for son, should turn it in at the office at James enlisted in the Army Reserve PHONE 5511' the past three and one-half, years, en­ 103 W. Middle St * , in October and expects to be called to listed-for servicein November and ,v active dut y in February. __; ...... will leave Tuesday, February 2 fo t LT. REICHERT-,INJURED Mr. and Mrs. Daniels and son Rob­ Notre Dame University, a division of 1st Lieut. Paul F. Reichert, who is ert attended the Commencement exer­ the Naval Training Station, for his stationed at the Ariny Flying school, cises on Saturday morning. basic training for an ensign in, the Camp Yuma,- Ariz. was injured on ■ ----- _V ------. : U. gptfasy* - The son of Mr. and Mrs. January l*4-wh51c playing basketball. CHURCH GROUPS ENTERTAINED FOB HEALTH! FramTjBust of Charlotte, he was born His leg was broken above the ankle. Members of St. Paul’s choir, with Feb. 1917. He . the teachers and. officers of the Sun- ^">1 "'VI/, Charlotte high school in 1934 and lough and is spending some time with day school, were entertained by ,the from Michigan State College in 1939. Mrs. Reichert and children . at the women of the church at a banquet on home, of her parents in'New Paris, O. Wednesday evening-at the church hall. Produce sunshine in-your COUNTY GETS 8845 TONS SCRAP j A decorated cake,"* representing an * Accortling to George H. Gabler, 'AvSSIGNED m HOSPITAL STAFF AmericAnTflagrTGimed the centerpiece y chairman of the Washtenaw County Victor G. Hindelnng, a former Chel­ for the table, where covers were laid i°wn home. GREATEST . , .■ v:‘- Salvage-Committee,-this county col sea resident who entered military for 3t Games furnished entertain­ i ■> lccted a total of 8846 tons of scrap service last November, has been MARVEL... ment after the banquet. %..... * f‘><■*>> met^l during the last six months of transferred to the Army .Medical ■V 1942, going fair beyond the quota of Corjjg and assigned to -the staff of PVT. McVAY HONORED Mother Nature has created 13341 tons set by the War Production tlm Percy Jones General Hospital at Pvt, Gerald K.^McVay was home Try a Sun Lamp nothing which matches the marvel Board. The collection equals more Battle Creek, Mich. on a furlough'from Randolph Field, of the diaffiond's sparkling brilti* .than 200 pounds per person in thp i DONALi T p a RWINS HONORED Texas, and a family dinner was given .county. aney. And « •tfoyntfPerfect ■ '...... v—------A family diiitip!’ on Sunday at the on Sunday at the home of his slater, Diamond-one of the world’s FRACTURES WRIST .hdme of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kolan- Mrs. Oscar Bnreis and family, The (especially good for oil eruptions) finest - U the ideal gift foc the Mrs. George Clark fractured her der, Dexter, honored her brother, guests were Mr. and Mrs. Merle Mc- Meal Fulfill the great destie loft wrist Saturday evening when she Donald Parsons, who left for army Vay and son of Chelsea, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McVay and sons of Stock- of her heart by plighting your lovo ' fell on the steps of her residence, 161 serviee on Tuesday. Donald was pre­ i E. Summit S t She was taken to St. sented with a watch and other part- bridge, Bllza McVay and MrB. Louise Glenn of Pinckney arid Miss El$a ■ W. F. KANTLEHNER Joseph’s Mercy hoepital, Ann Arbor, inggifl*. v ' for an X-ray. Bareis of Ann Arbor. Pvt, McVay the ting the will like best of all . TAX SALE SUPPLEMENT left for Texas on Thursday evening.' « A doubly signed guaranty AUTHORizct) g&>ynl?|>y - DALE KERN WRITES IN THIS ISSUE f ----- —V------L. K. HEYDLAUFF writing is your aisurance of Mr. and Mrs, Lynn Kern receivcp This issue of The Standard contains . Come one come all, i ■ ": ^ ■ /, > » r t it ) 8 letter from „their son. Dale Kern, a supplement of four pages which Big or small, rta^oneH^n the Soum 1?wrrt"c, "writ­ TrBts parcera of proporty in Washfco- & e MUM BP JUMBO,------~ DIAL 2-2621 — CHELSEA, 1IICH. *r. V.f. f. c a f n r r f> r p ' ( iD P H tl R | II (l S ten January 9, stating that he is feei- naw county which will be sojd at the Entertainment for %U, , LlUfU L • " •" ’ Ingmg fine iuiu and mru workhig wornuiR hard: n»ro. alsow thKt Slate-TaxSiletohehetdt^ JaniJary 86 K"Bt0D p. m. a is 100 degrees in the ehade. Tuesday in May, 1948...... ------F ' * '' —Adv.


... r. 1

THURSDAY, JANUARY 28,1943 THE CHELSEA STANDARD, CHEISEA, MICHIGAN ii. PAGE TWO odist home considerable plowing has Dr. A. G. Wall has given up his den* selfbave moved to Wil ried dh Saturday, January 25, 1919. that are displayed, spring was here the first of the week. Small boys dug lJiu m .i hi " . . The term "mentally or physically claimed by a father who provides the the hour because it is too near. We Uamston. ------V------support for his children living with op their marbles, frogs were hopping defective” Includes1 not only those who do not fully realise our opportunities Edward Frymuth has purchased the his divorced wife, if the support is 34 Years Ago are mentally afflicted and physically because of our absorption with the Drislane residence property on Adams about the marshes and the mud was low JANUARY W43 provided as a result of a court decree crippled, but also persons who, by Umitations-in our accustomed manner ■ Thursday, January 28, 1909 knee deep. or as the result of an agreement be­ street. ram iaca Grata JSL reason of old. age or impaired health of living. We are face to face with Michigan has been some summer re­ A large strip of Ice is out in the $200 was brought into the treasury are incapable. of self-support; The tween husband and wife. N anguish and with heartbreak. Few of sort for the past month and our citi- middle of North Lake, where the of the Methodist church last Thur* 1 2 The credit for dependent, allowable 4 state of mental or physical defect .us but have someone near and dear sens who are wintering in California waves are running high. day evening at the free seat offering. to a taxpayer filing on Form 1040, is 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 need hot be of a permanent nature, to us in uniform. To but few of us and Florida are missing out.1 Many Charles West and Fred Hafiey $880, and is proportionate with the does not the shrill ring, of the tele­ fanners have Men digging post holes caught a 17% pound pickerel a t North HELP KEEP ’EM FLYING 1 1 8 1 6 but if it existed for only a portion of number of months of dependency. 1 0 1 1 1 ? 1 3 the year, then tha credit for dependent phone or_ the- sharp-, knock, upoit the and erecting fence, while a t the-Meth­ Lake on Friday. BUY BONDS . » • BUY 8TAMP8 2 2 2 3 can be claimed only for that portion Thus. for a child bom on July lrthe door bring a sickening, if .momentary, 1 7 i i 1 9 2 0 2 1 credit allowable would be $175 (for of the year during which the depend­ fear. ■ 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 3 g ent was supported by the taxpayer. six months), and if a child became 18 *2! years of age on July 1 the credit al We are Jiving in a tragedy, and t u b 1 a t n n m r . p c a v c dressing it bunting does not dis­ A person may not acquire a credit lowable would be $175. One-half a guise the fact. We cannot escape the for dependent by reason of support of month or less is not counted as a change the events of today will make INCOME TAX FACTS a person qualifying as a dependent if, month; more than one-half a month as a result of such support, he ac­ is counted as a month in calculating in our entire life. But—tragedy has Credit for Dependents quires a head of family exemption, its compensations; An English teach­ the credit er I once had said "Tragedy is always A taxpayer ith entitled to a credit but.may acquire a credit for depend­ A credit of $385 for each dependent Urt each person cjtfter than husband ent-by-reason, of additional: persons on July 1 of the year is allowable to great and epic. Comedy is,made by or wife, whether related to him or not, qualifying as dependents, whom he man—but tragedy makes men.” a taxpayer using Simplified Form If this be tragedy—and an entire dad whether living with him or not, supports, Thus, if a person claims 1040A. who during the taxable year was de­ head of a family exemption, on ac­ .world a t war is tragedy—then what is pendent upon and received his chief count of support of an aged mother or there at which to rejoice? r support from the taxpayer, provided father, incapable of self-support or a Chelsea R B. Leagiie Tragedy is sorrow, but it is also op­ the. dependent was eitherr (a) under child, he would not be entitled tb a Standing* portunity. You of the flood lands— 1$ years of age, or (b) incapable of credit: for such dependent; but if he ' . W ; L when the river receded, much that was good was gone, but so were shackB Kimunity . i .5 1 and slums. You of-the tornado coun­ Spring ...... \ ...... 4 2 try—when the high wind struck, good Fibre ...... > . . . . 4 2 was destroyed, but many buildings Cassidy ...... 3 3 that were eyesores went too, You of r ..... , . J... -4 ----- .5l the coasts—when the hurricane lev OUR NEW STATION Federal ...... 1 5 eled your shores, what did you re­ In the opening game last week build? Out of devastation, whether it Dexter defeated Federal by a score of be flood, wind or war, arises the op­ t i 45 to 36. * This is Dexter’s first vie portunity to rebuild, and to rebuild HOURS tory of the season, Wilber and iDavis upon a firm foundation—to! discard led the scoring for Doxter with 21 the evil and to reinforce the good. .andJ.8_reap£ctiyelyv-£L_Adama_gQtJL4. We have the opportunity—of—the for Federal. ages before us. Once this war Is won, As ordered by the Office of Petroleum Ad* In the second game Kimunity took we can make, on the ashes of the oW, over first place by defeating Fibre 84 new- world, - retaining-the good, .thje mihistration, we are allowed to operate 72 to 3L, -G. Miller and C. Cameron got progress that men have... made, and 8 and 7 points respectively for the leaving behind us the prejudices, ha­ winners although Rockwell got 13 for ■ -x treds, misunderstandings—all the false hours per week. the Fibre. barriers of creed, class, or color] which In the final game Spring defeated have created the slums of our com­ Cassidy 21 to 18. R. Streets got 10 mon life.- V points for Spring, while Miller and It is this for which we-are fighting. OUR HOURS WILL BE - - Schwing got 8 points each for Caa- It is this hope1’that is urging our men sidy. on the battlefronts on to unequalled “Quite a discussion.some of the boy^ were The following games are scheduled prohibition or the government, would have OPEN DAILY 7:20 A. M.—CLOSE 7:00 P. M, feats, of daring. On the body of an having down at lodge meeting last night, to make up the money some other way. And for January 28: Australian soldier was found a verse Kimunity vs- Federal—7 :00. know, inthe;anteroom before there’s only ofie^mswer to that—more taxes. SUNDAY —T0T00 A. M. TO 12:00 NOON which expresses clearly the aspira­ the election of officers, Fibre ys, Spring—8:00, tions of those, who bravely facing'the You know w hat jthat would add u p ;to?., Cassidy vs. Dexter—9:00. , : “Sure was...and Herb Was dea,d wrong. about $25 more taxes a year for.every -J------—V----- :--- present, still look ahead; The alcoholic beverage industry does ac­ “Ye tiiat have faith to look with fear- man and woman in the country. In other, Camouflage Changes With SeaioBlT count for more taxes .‘than any other indus* less eyes words you and Sue would have to pay Some types'Of Camouflage have to ■try. I checked the figures in my office this. - tyond—the^Tttgod y- -af—a—world__a t about $50 more in some form of tax; I morning. Why the figure oh alcoholic bev­ to keep in Harmoriy with nature’s strife, guess about the only ones who’d come out changing colors. For example, au­ And know that out of death and night erages is pretty $ose to a billion and a'half ahead on that deal would be the bootleggers tumn leaves would be conspicuous -1 shall rise . , • dollars a year. Lucky thing we haven't got and gangsters.”' \ in springtime, and dark green -fo­ The dawn of ampler 1 ifcTT_____ lt7-\^VtvIjAVGHhhN- -PHONE 2-1311 liage might be in sharp contrast to Rejoice, whatever anguish rend the the rest of the landscape in autumn h eart,. Conjtrtnct nf AlcoMii Barra(t Indusiiiis, Tnt- or winter.. That,God has given jrou the priceless power To live hi thesb groat times and have •• vou^pnrt In freedom’s crowning bout; That ye may tell yipir Hons Who see the light you cam Buy lligh in the heavens—their heritage /V O W to take- I- saw the powors of darkness take «AIRPLANE ^ ...thpir. fliTriitr ___ ^ BERRY BROTHERS Ii saw the morning break’.” Chipped Beef and Noodle^Cassewle Wheat Penalty Case ...... * / A U A u r r HOUSE PAINT Alfred Lindauer has returned .from a fouMay trip to Washington. D. C. V where he attended a session of the United States 'District Court for the at District of Columbia, in connection with a hearing of a case involving the 1 NO. 12 wheat^-penalty,. in which he was one / r ^ of tho^pterfitiffs. The court, which convened specially with three judges of ( h i O. HAAB sitting, in order to consider the con- strtutionality of. the Nutrition ‘ '..'•'y'.r ■ 513 South’ Main St. expressed the View th at It was bound Kffi* S* W1 . by the decision of the Supreme-Court S e rie s Chelsea, Michigan in th$ Filburn case. The latter case, wharfr-went to the court froth Day* Aon? .Ohio,, was decided_adversely to the farmers on Nov. 9, 1942. There are different facts arid addi­ Made by the Same Paint Craftsmen tional constitutional questions before' the District Court. However, this court did not see fit to proceed with Most the trial. It*did, though, permit the plaintiif tcrftlfe ah order of proof, set mg forth the facts they would have- famous American Fighter Planes! e.stablished; had they been permitted Jfn the face of meat shortages and rationing, the interest of the meal plan* to proceed. Thus a basis was, laid for an appeal to the Uni fed- States Su­ ner m ways to make meat go farther i ^ d i l y increasing. In recent week* iWe are proud to anhouncexthat we have just pul preme Court, which might then rc- w«5 have puhhshed several suggestions for meat stretchers. Here is another. in a complete stock of Berry Brothers' “Airplane consider the matter-and possibly be­ cause of difference in the two cases, Only p o f nouiid of chipped beef required to make this delicious^nain Quality” Paints and Varnishes —and we invite rev.erso itself. Other plaintiffs were .quarter, -a is present ^fom Ohio, Pennsylvania and you to come in and let us tell you how we can help p," " y of a"VM - you protect your home. Kansas.' AU those affected and who have, not The beef and milk supply high quality protein, and the milk is al*n » «„1 Get that extra protection that comes from 85 yet paid this penalty arc advised by : z i f ^ ■ :V ^ years’ experience in making fine finishes. ^ __ the attorneys not to do so for the time UV ilfdSL ATI Ul“ x3V“Ilw vfli. CvUITfl fieiriry Brothers* House Paint — Liquid Granite fih aUy^decidc .against. them,_lhe._ntiw. 10- Floor Varnish—>lBerry Brothers' Flat Wall Finish- Congress may come to their relief, by Interior Gloss and Lusterlo for walls and woodwork cancening-the-penAlty^.-,Miny—farm- ore throughout Michigafl' and else­ —Berry Brothers' Quick Drying Enamel for kitchen where fed their wheat td livestock and Chipped Beef and Noodle Casserole , and porch furniture — Berry Brothers' LionoU poultry, rather than pay the penalty. Floor Enamel for porch floors—and Berry Brothers* Had they not done this the meat and (S Setting*) poultry shortage would have been Bolting vniler LionoU, as a wood preservative and rust preventive, evon worse than it is a t the present !4 pound shredded chipped beef ctip ■ll purpow flour are alt outstanding paint products!) time. It is therefore contended % cup shorletiins cups M«t milk Remember — there’s no paint shortage, and you that these farmers, in the light of the 2 tubleipoow chopped onion * K S !j JwodlM. end drained I: present circumstances, ImVe perform­ Buttered bread crumbs L ■ I, ' don’t need a priority to buy paint I. Pour boning water over chipped beef and then drain ft. t- ■ ed a highly patriotic act. When this ProtecPlHd beautify your home—with Berry contention was' submitted to Senator Homer Ferguson, he expressed the ^r*um n°m ^l* iY l|b t1h ro^ n, f*^^ 00,on ^ dlwetly over a low flame about ) minute* Brothers' “Airplane Quality” Faints and Varnishes. view that Congress should not only Cbfhe in gndsee our new paint department*. Well remit the penalties, but declare such Be glad to show yon ardnttd. fairmers public benefactors, Instead of criminals, which they are now,con­ 4. Add chipped beef and mix well, \ sidered to bo in the AAA program. Mr. Lindauer was accompanied by Kenneth C. Weber of Brighton, one bread^m ^ weMb? topJ*>lpP6d ^ **. ***** *n ■ fwowd Stuart eaioeruk. Sprinkle i of the« attorneys in the case, and state ml i * * » ♦ organiser for the Michigan Farmers’ t 9 A * » Guild. Michigan Consolidated Qas Co- Q uality /'am ts ana varm snes since 1858 2 1 1 E. Hnron Street ^ A . . —Tiw lS^riEM G ! “ — ; ■1 ■ ■.------1 ; -— Ann Arbor, Mtehlgtttt BUY B O N D S .. .B U Y STAMPS


WOTICeT LYNDON TAXPAYERS \ I will be e t Cbelse* State Bank 1943 Farm Goals Arc Chorus Our Neighbors free and dead*. This «U came abeal «tery Saturday* startin g January 2, .. ___ fa ...... by redjmncarted effort on the part $ i 5ntjf further notice, to collect Lyndon Outlined By M. S, C. the local members and dates back t# The chorus i* planning an All-Hi BRIGHTON—An extraordinary ear March 1,1941 when the group deter­ (township taxea. MARY ClArtK> party which will be held tee first part Ten ways to reach Michigan’s 1948 of com of the white dent variety, on mined teat the debt would be erased* of March. The chorus is trying to —Leader. gtf y Treasurer, farm goals of adequate food produc­ display in The Argus "office, was make, this All-Hi party more enjoy­ brought in by Albert Herbst. It is ——— V— :—- tion and protection of the financial able for every student in high school. Standard Liner* B rin? Quick Result*' stability of the individual farmer ap­ unique in that it has 24 rows of ker­ Various committees have been select- nels instead of 16 or 17 rows as usual pear in eight sectional reprints of the Edited by the PUPILS of the CHELSEA PUBLIC SCHOOL ed to carry out the program. More in an ear of corn.—Argus. Quarterly Bulletin of Current research news will be revealed about tj)jg-§any and scientific information of the agri­ at a later date. * tY cultural experiment Lstatloq of Michi­ GRASS LAKE#—Miss Ida Fae Coe, 1 W. SHAUN Ruth Paul and Mary Jane Eder gan State College. Girls’ Athletics daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Coe, rSafUtf(Mani "Farm ing in 1943” by the-college CO-EDITOftS Elementary News was united in marrihge to Rabon M. farm management points out.that 95 The 6 . A. A,1 girls havo learned Freridge of Jackson, son of Mr* and Since t December 7, almost twice per cent of marketed^ farm produce several new exercises in calisthenics Seventh Grade Mrs. R. M. Freridge, Knoxville, Iowa many people have been , killed in tea comes from 60 per cent of the farms Office News and are practicing Homo, of thu old (Wilma Paul) on Friday evening at tee bride’s home United States were killed in Enff*. in this state, showing need for con­ ones. They are also lining some This week we have been busy mak-- here.—News. The Coes were former land by German bombing in three centration of labor on better land. • Miss Hutzel of the State Health De­ square dances. The kImP oiro improv- ing posters for the drive against in­ Lima township residents. * years of yrar. "The Farm er and His Soil Have partment, and who has visited our ing in their basketball pructica fantile paralysis! and helping dis­ To get the full significance of teat Volunteered”, by the soil science de­ school several times in the past, Is to — . . .___ tribute contribution cards for the. PLYMOUTH—City Manager1 Clar- statement, please read it again. partment^ outlines- soil management be here?again-February-4r5 and 8. - same drive, along with the . fourth,’ ence Elliott reported today that the Isn’t it a shame, You and I are and plant food additions with curtailed Junior play, "Mumbo Jumbo” Jan. Student Council fifth and sixth grades. Every home Goodfellows took in more than $1,000 helping to contribute to thi? if wa commercial fertilizer supplies.. 30 at 8 o’clock. in Chelsea should have received one at the pre-Christmas sale of special provide condition* on our highway*, "Michigan Crops for 1943”, by the - There will be a basketball game at The idea of having the classes and of-these~little cards wite places for editions of * The- Plymouth- Mail. It ut home, and in Industry: that might farm ’fcrops department, lists war Dexter tomorrow night, January 29. clubs contribute something towards eight dimes. We hope many, of the was the largest sale of newspapers in cause an accident. Practically every types of crops and.suggests shortcut The next home game is- with , paying for the Magnavox was discuss Chelsea people will give to this wor­ the history of the Goodfellows. Late family in the land has a loved one is methods and varieties. \ on February 5, ‘ ed and it was decided that the Student thy cause. Collections will be taken returns on the part of some of the th® Armed Forces, and'we are not “Fruit Industry Problems of 1943”, The Girls' Athletic Association is Council should put it up to the var­ in school during the week of January energetic workers caused a slight de­ playing fair with him if we rob In* by the horticulture department, planning a potrluck supper February ious organizations and classes, wheth­ 25 , to 29. „ ^ r lay in the final compilation of the dustry of a worker in a plant, on the stresses quality but indicates time­ 5 forvall the students who wish to er or not they would like to contribute Starting Monday, the seventh grade sales.—M ail street, or In the. home .of making the saving plana for the fruit grower. stay for the games that evening. something. girls have been taking home-making best * possible production record aad‘ “Overcoming Some of the Dairy — :— v ------• • The following, committee chairmen and the boys have been taking shop DEXTER—The local Masons, and providing the wherewithal for fhiM Problems?’, from the dairy depart­ were appointed for the assembly Mon­ in place of science, and we have all Stars have reason to celebrate and boys. 4 . ment, serves as a guide for the aver­ Assembly day morning: Tickets, Marjorie been taking American history in place last Friday evening was the .occasion . Read this article again—teen think age Michigan dairy farmer*-the man Whipple; announcer, Dot McClear; of geography. _ • of such- celebrating. The mortgage it over, ------’ whose cows produce from 200 to 300 On Monday the Student Council stage, Marilyn Lyons. Bad news, in the forms of report has been ^aid -off. Their. Temple is It’s patriotic to be carefuL pounds of butterfat in a year. sponsored the best assembly so far* / ------— V<------. cards, came out Wednesday. “Our 1943 Meat Supply”, by the this year. It was "The Jesters”, pre­ Our stamp sale last week amounted animal husbandry department outlines sented by - the National Prograjn A Movie to a substantial sum of $18.55. feed, equipment and labor-saving .Service. This program was a ma­ Our collection of post-marks is STED ideas useful in producing pork, beef gician act It was very well received A few days ago l had an evening growing surely. We now have thirty- and lam be.______by the students. In fact, everyone is that wfts-free and I decided to go to five states and several foreign, coun- "The Poultry and Egg Situation” still asking "How did he -get in and the-movie,’ The movie showing’was triee represented. We shall end-our has been described by the poultry out of that locked trunk?” "Sergeant York”. This is the story collection this week. husbandry department-Markets, feed^ V~ of .young man,-Alvin^C. York, who ing and management suggestions are Graduates of ’43 (?) was a simple pereon jusi as you or l Fifth Grade ..../ offered for producers of chickens and but he had a certain quality which For the .first semester we bought market eggs, turkeys, geese and rab­ $151.00 worth of defense stamps. On July 1, 1926, Virginia Sullivan taught him to be good (to others—not bits. destroy them. When World War I We brought dimes for the infantile W* paralysis March of Dimes. m t drafted—>aiong tions for 1943” includes practical sug i withS i 0. the ? other ? * boys **“ of the country We are making the plan of a mon­ gestions for overcoming, shortages of Virginia should be a very good wife, astery. The monks were the best m in case anyone is interested, since but asked for deferment as. a con-. new equipment. Maintenance of scientiou8 objector. He was “denied doctors, nurses, farmers and teachers Ih q rth e buildings, fences,^ field., equipment, she likes Homemaking very niuch> in those days. Ginny^haa life-ht brown hair and clear this and so put his whole heart and ECONOMICAL tractors arid electrical services and soul into the work of training—for We have a chart_oh_which_we_puLA. the, improvements in minor ways - of blue eyes. When Ginny gets Home colored dot for every book read. ♦Mar­ Eofl 32-Oz. fronr war. When the time came “to fight be . • . < ^ drainage systems are outlined. •favorite* aflernoon - pastime, was able to see that the only way to lene S. has read one hundred and two Copies of these sectional reprints, namely football, she. says there is da away with evil was to destroy books this semester; Phyllis Stoll, I will be at Chelsea State Bank every Tuesday nothing that tastes bettor avail&ble singly, will be off the p ress­ than hot those who were causing it. He proved Geraldinfe Hale and Betty Jean Os­ . < ■_ . , • . QUART Spanish Rice. es in a few days and can be obtained to be the bravest and best vof the borne have read a great many also. G tT S m i GlASStS V- Betty Jean Osborne, and Saturday until further notice for the Feb. 2,' 8, 4 in the Bulletin Room' a t soldiers-. ♦ ■ * L the college during Farmers’ Week or Chelsea Defeats Saline This was One of the most inspiring Secretary. by writing to the Bulletin- Room for movies I have ever seen and now — ^ ---- -V— — — purposed collecting Sylvan Township taxes. O l r specific subjects. ' ■ ■ when we "ate in another World War NOTICE, LTMA~TAXPAYERS The Chelsea high school basketball I Will be at Chelsea State Bank on team gained its second victory of- the I hope that, people will think about it. Fox Deluxe Brwg. Co., Grand Rapids Standard Liners Bring. Quick Result*! — ------V— -----— Saturday, December 19. and' every current Huron League season last Saturday thereafter until further no­ Friday by subdue,ingSaline . 34-18. Do You Know? tice for the purpose of collecting The Chelsea second team also .won by. Lima township taxes...... ~ 1 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF a score of 33-6. _ G. Alberta H;— MARY HARELSWERPT, * Mrs. Thco. Bahnmiller The' game started at a . very, fast 21tf Treasurer. pace with first Chelsea sinking a shot R. Angela L. Chelsea State and then Saline retaliating. But af­ R. Catherine C. 11. ;Fay L. — . Sheet Erosion Losses Sylvan Township Treasurer ter about three minutes ■of play, the _ Gullies are spectacular, but the game^&ettled ‘down «ome.~^CernrTct]' -rar*5 1942. J. Eunice P. greater soil losses due to sheet ero­ guard, displayed some fine floor work sion receive scant notice. Published in accordance with a. call made by the Federal Reserve Bank in bringing the ball down the floor. E. Janet S. of thia.-diaiwet pursuant to the provisions of the Federal. Reserve Act and Throughout the game, he played fine Ri Bemadine P. ^by the Commissioner of the Banking Department pursuant to the provisions defensive and offensive - ball* The L. Eileeh4Fr score at half-time was 28-12 in favor M. Romayne S. • 0^ Section 82 of the Michigan financial institutions act.- ; . B. Paul G. • ' ' ' “T ' " ASSETS ’ • . „ „ ’ of the "bulldogs”. The game up to ______-LJ...1______!_J___ '__'______: ______:___ Dollars Cta. this point had been a very fast con­ Loins and dlscountMIncluding $46.27 overdrafts) ...... 1654,981.13 test With, Chelsea having the upper After Game Dance han 4 * 4 M 4 4 4 I ■ 4 I 4' classed the opponents and scored at Phyllis Weber are arranging a Valen- will. The Saline team made 2 points tine party for the club. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS the first quarter,^4rtheT8econd and1 not ...... $110,000.00 one point the last half. The Chelijea New telephone Capital* a • * i • , ^ . ^Y//&//cs/fr trr'//' Surplus 4 114 14 1 110,000.00 scoring was well distributed, with • * »-* « i 4 f t I I M I » I i 62,699.68 Undivided profits I » I « I 4 I 4 I I I 4 4 4 I I II 4 • • 4 4 I 4 4 4.4 I < * • * ,444 4 4 * 4 4 4 * May, Dietle and Ortbring each gath­ 15,000.00 service installa- >4 4 4 4 41. i » 4 4 4 4 •• 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 l ‘4 • 4 « a • • • ering. 8-points apiece '-B A PITTSBURGH Chelsea plays Dexter tomorrow effort, or to the “public health, '287#99rt& l l TOTAL c a p i t a l a c c o u n t s night at Dexter. With transportation r PAINTS <— difficulties the way they are thO easr TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL .ACCOUNTS ...... ■ .$2^45,183.57 does not expect many home-town vis­ A ? /V / (yYs* JJ made only-elf •This bank’s/capital consists of common stock with total par value itors there, but next Friday,,Feb*.6, Therefore, in other coset, of $110,000.00. ------Milan comes here. TWs will be the a temporary third league game of the season, new service con be provided, MEMORANDA Chelsea already having won two basis where H is avoltoble, only “ edged assets (and securities loaned) (book value): games. The fellows" expect a large v 1% « (a) U. S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, ...... $ 5,000.00 crowd for this game, so let’s all get on a temporary basis, the pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities out there and attend -that_gameL.^_ ------—V------— ■ applicant agreeing to relin­ , , . . $ 6,000.00 (e) TOTAL 4 « 4„4 4 4 4 4 4 4 BRUSHES * GLASS quish iton 48 ^hours' notice Defense Council IN THE PAST, your lone MIRRORS_____ jj-ltiU needed ^pr vitol war- Secured and preferred liabilities: The members of the Defense Coun­ Company has been able to expand (a) Deposits secured by -pledged assets-pursuant-to roguire-• PAINTERS SURPLUS or other e$sential purposes. cil are now working on a plan for the CLEAN-UP AIDS system to meet all service ments of law ...... v - :****’’ •®*nw,r students to buy more stamps and \s . . . , , ; $ .5,000.00 bonds. They are * quite undecided - WALLHIDE demands. Today, that is impos­ These war-crcatcd restrictions (e) TOTAL 4 I I I 4 4 4 I •) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I • 4 4 whether they should have ,another auction, or a dance for the public. A INTERIOR SLAT sible. The materials required are will inconvenience many persons, oac qq SEMI-GLOSS date of report the required legal reserve against deposits °*«145 member of the council has'bcen chosen more urgently, needed for war. we know..2 However, we shall this bank was ...... *. • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • * • “ •|M 8 ’8W,W to find out if it is possible to have a and GLOSS reported above which were eligible as legal reserve amount- ^ 970,30 public, dance. Meanwhile, increasing demand continue to supply Chelsea the Twq new members have been chosen WATERSPAR to sell war stamps for the rest of this for service has crowds Chelsea’s beat service possible under war . I, John L. Fletcher, Vice-President and Cashier of ENAMELS and jo 8olemnjy 8weap thRt thfe above statement is true, and that it fully ana cor semester. They are Dick Poor and VARNISHES telephone system almost to conditions. And we look forward Wctly represents the true state of the several m atters heroin container ana Peggy Hooker. ■ •et forth, to the best of my knowledge and belief. SUN-PROOF capacity. Aitd the War Produc- to the day when we again can give , Correct—Attest: Pot-Luck Supper HOUSE PAINT Ition Board’s orders require that all the service wanted, "when and ■ \ J. L. FLETCHER, Vice-President and Cashier. . A pot-luek supper for all high PLORHIDI ENAMEL adequate facilities be reserved for where wanted”. But now, and ior P, G. SCHAJBLEi V school students! will be sponsored by iiiiiiii 11I1I1 ■■■mi 1...... in mm service essential to the direct war the duration, u w needs come first. ANDROS GULDE, the Girls’ Athletic Association on ARTHUR J. WALVftrK tani February 6. The committee now & making arrangements for the party J. F. Hieber Son 8t«te of Michigan, County of Washtenaw, m: , q - ... are H. Grabowskl, L. Kohsmon, I. 107 W. Middle St., Chelsea l^Sworn to and subscribed before me this,9th day of Januan/. $943, ana Loeffler, and J. Vail. „ Phone i-2611 Michigan Bell Telephone Company *wby certify that I am not an officer or doctor of this bang. Last year a pot-luck supper was JaffRii C. Hofttfley, r o —^-held amLlt -was suocsssful Andrthla ' - Washtenaw >onty, ichigan. one should be equally tucceufu). The r lATttltrS GOLOAS purpoee is to get .aU the students out Hy commission expires January 81,1944, for a good thne. . *m LASTING B « u n * ' t- THURSDAY, JANUARY 28,1948 THE CHELSEA STANDARD. CHELSEA, MICHIGAN convenience as one of the sacrificee output of munitions spectively* Fireproof Wood ____—VaUied DormitoriesAfWillow PERSONALS expected in-a War. - - ■ ------But regardleSk of What Is done; you The Aavy Is studying chemicals Eighty-nine per cent of the phoebes' Let’s put it" this way. If the time which will make wood as fireproof food is insects, making it one of the Run-Near Completion Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Winans were cannot escape the annoyance of in­ ^ _ Detroit visitors on Monday. is not"changedrthen the farmer and convenience. It sums up to about as steel. most highly valued birds. others who do not approve the present this:. Which will be the gtoator in­ Dormitory rooms and war apart­ Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and family spent Sunday in Detroit with time, will continue to be inconven­ convenience—ope uniform time: for ments are scheduled to be ready for ienced. Farm' production may be everyone*, industrial worker and farm Willow Run workers in the near fu­ relatives. handicapped by loss of .labor daily on worker alike, or two sets of time, one ture.,* Applications for these accom­ Patrick Lingane of Jackson was a Order Your Stoker Coal modations are being taken now at the Sunday caller at the home of Mr. and thousands of farms. for each group ? Take your choice. project office, 2049 E. Michigan ,Ave. Mrs. Floyd Rowe. If the time is changed for all the. -But no matter which is jftpie, every- Willow Lodge has been chosen as the The. Dessert Bridge club was enter-? state, then the vast armament pro­ one must expect sacrifice. It is part NOW! name for the dormitories, which are tained on Monday at the home of Mrs. duction program in Michigan— and of the price of wtoning a war. I located two miles east of Ypsilanti on W. F. Kanttehner. this runs upwards to 14 billion dollars Michigan Avenue. There are 15 units * Miss Fenn of Detroit spent in 19431—may encounter handicaps in KIWANIS NEWS of four-wing dormitories. Each unit, the week-end. with her parents, Mr. difference of time between Washing­ ' ; ■ , \ ■ 1 . "I-; has single and double sleeping rooms and Mrs. H. R. Fenn. . - By Gene AUcman ton and Michigan. That is also an in­ •V,; and central bath . rooms. Lounge Mrs. Grace Thayer of Dearborn was Consider thepolitical importance of convenience in, production, to put it The Kiwanis dub held their regu- LANTIS COAL CO. an over Sunday: guest at the home of lar meeting on Monday evening at H. T. MOORE PHONE 2-2911 rooms for relaxation and recreation Michigan farmers on issues of-price mildly. * are provided in each unit in addition her father, W. P. Scfflfnk. ... parity and war time and on the. public ~ If two time zones are established, the new dining room/ in . thfe ■ Tower ■ ■<&k; to the community buildings, which Mr. and Mrs. C. A, Brady of Bir­ careers of Prentiss M. Brown, Murray one for the eastern industrial belt of Cafe. '. wHl have game rooms, cafeterias, tap mingham spent the week-end with D. Van-Wagoner and Bfirry F. Kelly ? Michigan and another for the upstate ./ Rev. Fr. Lee Laige, pastor of St iX roqms, etc. There is space provided Mr. and^Mrs. Fred Sager. Prentiss.M. Brown, a lawyer at St, rural counties, the citizens of each Mary's church, gave &n interesting for laundry, shoe repair, and beauty Miss Estelle Soils? of Ann Arbor Ignace' (pop. 2669) who “made good" zone will be inconvenienced every time talk on his experiences as chaplainal and barber shops. These commercial spent the? week-end' with her parents, at Washington, lost the Michigan they deal outside of their own area. the Federal prison at Milan\^and ait features will be operated on a con­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Seitz. election last fall by 28,000 votes, From a war production viewpoint, other penal institutions. - \ cession basis. , Mr. and Mr&-Jolm'Stark of Spring- There were that many farmers in eastern war time for the industrial George Doe, chairman of the club’s Eligibility Requirements port were guests at the home of Al­ Michigan who didn’t like his .coura­ war. workers and eastern standard War Stamp committee, reported that Any worker at Willow Run who haa bert Pielemeter on Sunday," geous and independent stand on the time for the farm war worker would sales o f stamps to members \in the ^ Chester miller came home from month o f December -totaled $142.50. come to th^ area within the past 12 Battle Creek on Saturday to spend matter of farm parity in the price result in the greatest efficiency in Effective At Once months and needs satisfactory living control-bill, before Congress, quarters is eligible. Others who now several dayB.-with hi’sIflSmily. In opposing the racket-busting Ho live more than 15 miles from the Mr. and Mrs.: Ernest Schuler of Ann mer Ferguson of Detroit, Brown had Arbor Sunday at the home of FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIE1NTIST s%- plant, pay more than 50c a day per spent *the political, fight of his life. He round trip, are now more than two their aunV Mrs. Louis Eppler. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Wenk were needed every vote to win. Yet he By orderv of the War Production miles from an established transporta­ stuck to his convictions, opposed'the : • ‘ : ANNOUNCES A tion system, or who take more than called to Saline on Sunday by the death of a relative, John Guthart. American Farm Bureali Federation, Board, pints of milk for retail sale three hours daily per round trip are National Grange and the Milk Pro FREE LECTURE on CHRISTIAN SOENCE eligible. , M rrtnd Mrs. H, C. Schneider spent ducers association on the. issue of giv­ the week-end in. Ypsilanti at,the home Entitled: Christian Science: are banned. For Men and Women . ing the farmers more than parity for of Mr. and -Mrs. Foster Fletcher. The Revelation of God’s Healing Presence Three of the units are ndw design their-crops,: V . and was r-.defeated - - - ._ —ty— by noted for women with the possibility ' Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ; Eder and — . ------BY HARRY C. BROWNE, C.Ift- S. chrldren“spentrSunday itr-Glinton,- asj Judge- Ferguson by o va. _s. _ OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS:[US ~ A deposit is required on all bottles of of more being used for women, -if guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Miller, which easily Could have been a few there are sufficient applications. The guests •a Member of the Board of Lectureship .of The Mother Church, Mr. and Mrs. Harold'Ford of Mu- thousand disgruntW^farmors.' o milk that are sold without an empty dormitories wili be operated like a ho-. The First Church qf diriat, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts tel with maid service and all bedding" nith were callers on Sunday at the bottle in return, either at stores or to home of their aunt, Miss Levene Spi­ Today, as the new administrator of UYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE and linens furnished. Every effort the Office of Price Administration, the -. 1^ MICHIGAN LEAGUE BUILDING will be made by the management to cer. houses off of truck. Be sure to have give residents clean, comfortable, and Mrs*. W. G. Price spent the week­ small town lawyer from the Upper . SUNDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 31, 1943, AT 3:30 enjoyable living' quarters. end In Saginaw with her brother-in Peninsula has one of the most, difficult Thp ushers wiD honor a request for reserved seatB*at the lecture. your bottles but; ~ law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William and disagreeable tasks at the nation's for those having a special need. War Apartments . .Bbck. ' ■ capital, The Willow Court War Apartments, F irst Glass Seq'man Edmund Miller^ _He vyrll try to sell rationing of THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND Waare allowed to load our trucks which are on Holmes Road directly Jr. arrived home on Sunday from New. gasoline, tfcres, foqd and whatnot to m north of the dormitories^. are-, one- London, Conn, on an eight-day fur- the American people.'This assumes room apartments fully equipped for only for standing ^orders. Extra or­ laugh. correctly that at' present it is not housekeeping and _are intended for Mr. and Mrs. John Stark of Spring- "sold” altogether to the nation, and married couples. There are two apart­ ders should be given the day before. port were week-end guests at • the such may be the case.' , .. * . t ■ ■ ments to a building with private en­ . As some citizens see it, the vitriolic trances .and facilities. home of her brother, Albert J, Fiele-: meier. I.eon Henderson (Mr. Brown’s prede­ SPECIAL Family Dwellings Effective February 1 quantity dis­ Mrs. Charles Martin and Mr. and cessor) made the mistake of trying to T * The fapiily dwellings at Wayne, Mrs. John Martin were guests at the impose the same pattern of transpor­ FOR counts will be discontinued. Inkster and Ypsilanti are under con­ home of Mr. and Mrs. D. fl. Wurster tation rationing upon every square struction. Registration for these on Tuesday. mile of land in the United States, dis­ houses, which will be large enough for Mrs. Willard'Wylston and daughter regarding the obvious fact- that trans­ Please return, at once, all empty milk .families with children, will .be taken Patricia of Detroit were week-end portation needs vary according to .fa­ how at the application office. When guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. cilities.. they are.near completion, registrants -FEATURING— — bottles you have on hand now. George Clark. O will be called in to get further infer- Mr. and Mrs. George Whoelock and The new’ OPA'czar,-:-as .the news- motion.------family of Ypsilanti were dinner guests papermen like to characterize anyone SEA FOODS ^ All accounts^must be paid by the 10th Application Office at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed; Mil~ Who has authority at Washington, has The Federal Public; Housing Auth­ ler on Sunday/' „ the canny ability of getting along of the month following purchase. ority has an application office;at 2049 . Mr.' and Mrs. Frederick Wagner and with folks/ ' ■■ ■■.• " Chicken and Chops Fa Michigan'Ave., Ypsilanti "on the. children of Ann Arbor were Sunday Prentiss Brown may be expected to ■ U ■* W , ■ n ~ik. " ■ -Willow I.odge-site.— It is open daily gpests of her parents, Mri and Mrs, talk little, act deliberately, and try from 8:45 a. m. to’ 5:45 p. m. and Sun­ George P. StafTan-. . ' r always to keep in. touch with "the 1 . . . Seived Fi-om ■I day afternoon from 2 to 5; 4 Applica­ , Mr. and Mrs. .Elmer Weinberg and folks back home.',’ tions will also, be taken at the head­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foster spent He will return in February to sound m — ■ 11:30 to 9;00 , quarters of Local 60 UAW-CIO at 20 Sunday in Ferndale, as guests of Mr. out opinion in Michigan on various E. Michigan Avenue in Ypsilanti and and Mra. Jack ‘Weber. problems,'and he has already Vindicated at the Willow Run .bomber plant. MnLand Mrs..'Harold Whipple and ------V------an intention of making the state:- an Short Ordqm at all hou^. children of Ann. Arbor were Sunday .experim ental/'test tube” in the mat*, SFiE ROB EATON portray bis^fem- visitors at the home of her mother, ter of food rationing, particularly in inine gracefulness in MUMBO JUM- Mrs. Christine Nicolai. “ the industrial war centers. BQ, SaturdayrJahuary- 30, at^8:00 p- Mrs._rA:ly5""Raker and daughters, In rationing, food, Brown again CATER! NG^TO S PE Cl A l m.: Admission 40c and) 26c. “ Adv. Joyce and Barbara, of Rreckenridge finds himself' dealing with farmers. -were-Sunday-visitors^-aMiha home^of- That ts a brt ironical, perhapg~for a _ 1 —PARTIES- .... Mr. and Mrs. Vearl Whipple. man who staked his political future Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norton and on A personal conviction of .what was Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norton of Ypsf- right ’ = '■/ ■ * lanti were guests at the home of Mr, MONTH END SALE and Mrs. Albert Ashfal .on Sunday. ' Murray-1). Van Wagoner also risked, Mrs. Dean Whitney, formerly Lu* his future’ in vetoing the Michigan cile Boomgaard; of Mio was an over­ AFE legislature’s time bill. / night guest at the. home of the Misses He lost the .election by 72,000 votes. CANNONBLANKET Jane and- Josephiijp~Walker on Fr I *" There are political observers who “ SHOE SALE day. believe that thus veto alone.cost Van Close-out odd pairs of women’s shoes. All Mrs. Robert Randolpli of Battle Wagoner the election. You will find n llltizhllf 25% wool, plain colors. Fuji 72x84 Creek \and Miss Gertrude Eppler of .this theofry popular among upstate . 1 I j - - 7 better quality Bowling Green, Ohio spent the week­ Republican legislators,, especially Special - $4.98 Sale - $1.00 end with their-parents, Mr. and Mrs. among those in the western coupties Adam Eppler,. of the state. NSW KIND OF PAINT! Margaret Zecb, daughter, of Mr,, and Again, here is an • illustration *of Mrs. Whiter Zeez, is seriously iil at how a man’s personal conviction' (in­ St. Joseph’s Mercy hcapital, Ann Ar- cidentally it was not backed at that FlXJpQQ d A T TT Lar«e «Toup._of_better..dmses^&ll-sizes, bor, where she submitted to an appen­ o n j j u SPECIALLY REDUCED! $3.98 the attomej) general in any dectomy on Friday. formal opinion, such as Rushton is­ Mr. and Mrs. W. .A. Harper and sued recently to the legislature) may daughter Eleanor were guests at thie affect a political career. ___ —— home of Mr. and Mrs. Lcland Wil- ODDS and ENOS TABLES lopghby in Ann Arbor on Sunday af­ The political plight of Prentiss ternoon and evening. Brown, and Murray^D, Van Wagoner T O f K Special Groups sit 25c - 50c - $1.00 Mr. and Mrs/ Edward Easterle' of brings a parallel case in 1943: Los Angeles, Calif, are. visiting Mr. . What will the Republican logiata- ^**ON 1 -and Mrs. KlbT GaffiTto r a few days' ture do to the-tim e bill? U1 use-out of Shopworn and Discontinued Merchandise .before.leaving for Detroit, where they-- Dresses—cottons and silks - Hosiery - Blouses - Underwear - Smocks - Gloves will spend several* months. straight return to Eastern Standard . ’Mr. . . and Mrs. D. R, . Wurater and Tifne for the entire state, what will Purses - Children’s Dresses' - Pajamas and Gowns - Boys’All Wool Sweaters - daughter and Miss Nina Crowell were Governor Harry F. Kelly do about it? in Grass Lake on Wednesday after- A few days ago, when this column Ruffled and Lace Curtains - Women’s Sweaters ' no,o.i. to -attend -the funeral of their was being written, the house of rep:- cousin, Howard M... Raymonds. ro«?ntatives had approved a bill which -Mrs. Tom Walworth and daughter provided for t\vo„ttme Zones: War of Fort Wa>Tie,/Ind. spent thb past time for . the Detroit metropolitan MEN'S DEPARTMENT week 'it the home of Mr. arid, . Mrs. area $nd standard time for the up­ Kent Walworth. Tom Walworth state‘tural area. The Senate was rwiiW rOrffr joined them on. Saturday for a week­ given the chore of ironing out possible end visit. legal flaws as to constitutionality nndj I O » W A l U C l l U R ® * M ix 1 gallon with Yoti-cnn still procure ail — ^ upply- Your Underwear ■""" Annotmcemcnts ’havoTtRyen'"TeC'eiVdd' To'arrive afc^ome 'Judginent of wliat! wAU£*E55i 1 watar=and m «kr lVit- . i of the birth of a son, Joel Robert, to was best for the public. AND gailoni paint, Your Needs Here Mr. and -Mrs. Robert Goff of Pontiac, cost, ready to ALL WOOL TOPCOAT In the fifst place; Governor! Kelly •PPly, per gal., Medium weight Unions, long or sh o rt- r bn Thursday, January 14, 1948. Mrs. owes his election to upstate counties. sleeves— TGoff formerly was Miss Hedwig mind whether your rooms suitable for.any time of year, at this stork . Van Wagoner carried Wayne coun­ modern miracle well Anish, w ilt 3choen of Chelsea. ty, the Detroit area. The Democratic ere painted orunpeinted, plastered Cover practically any surface with Good assortment of patterns. ! $1.25 and $130 Mr, ,and Mrs. Lawton. Church, and majority in Wayhe county was re­ or wallpapered, mode ofwafl- a dngto coat/ daughter Elaine of Adrian Were Anuir}n« oew A ’ . duced considerably by the popular KEM-TONE, Skerwin-WilUems ^ Before you pstnt, Investlcate:> Heavy Cotton Union Suit .$150 guests at a dinner given at the homb Kelly of Detroit and the evident fa­ Sherwin-Williams KEI^-TOwU A goojd assortment of of Mr. and Mrs. John Wellnitz on vor which his running mate, Dr. Eu­ ^ WITH t COAT, pr««B. A, RtAOIlY WAIHAIU^m lest sM Sunday to-eolebrato the birthdays of gene Keyos, enjoys among the voters. plain seep eed water. * “CLIPPER CRAFT” SUITS Good Heavy^ Cotton Miss Elaine Church and Mrs. Well* Second, Governor Kelly is endeavor­ ■ l Sweaters . nitz. : ing to .represenjLthe “people of Mich­ All wool fabrics Mr.’ and Mrs. Coral Combs, accom­ igan , not the farmer, not the factory *■ 1l>0L,,,C ,l,,l*>t' M l^’ r' ,MttT h ^ panied by Miss Dora Heikkinen and worker, not the merchant—but the Sanforized Work Charlotte Butfpr of Ann Arbor, wero collective public. awNiiiNim iwi...nM,tab *• $30.00 and $35.00 in Detroit last week to call on Joseph Pants ... . $1.75*$2.00-$2.70 He asked the legislature to investi­ ' elsMece repieead.seiee 4ey. u.—D* W4Y TO AfPtY, se easy'a eery MUrphy, who is a patient at Saratoga gate carefujly the question of time 4* NO tlVNO O* PMMIMO needed ***** brash may he vied. hospital, having suffered a brokendeg before it acted. This attitude was recently. . criticized by some persons, and we 10, MONOMIAL. . . t gattae lelxed Mr. and Mra, Donald Simpson are personally believe in hasty error, as 1 TMINMM WrfM WATtt. > jJ*![aJJ5ftf w#k*‘ the parents of a daughter, Judith Tiedging^on the subject. They do Ruth, born on Friday, January 16, at not know Kelly, This man acts slow- the U. of M. hosprtal in Ann Arbor. ly* deliberately, carefully—always! Mrs. Simpson was formerly Rowena ° / place. Mr. • Simpson 193 North Main dt. ^ te d in thejavy and is pn over- ...A ihlr? J^ervxtion: Reganiless, Chelsea, Mich. seas duty. what-thfr-legislaiure-does, or does fret do—regardless , of what the governor ?loe® dfft d o -fh e 4'pfeople,f Bring Quick Resultaf must expect to contend with time in- Sherwin-Williams Pain is mutmSPAY, JANUARY 88,. 1948 THE CHELSEA STANDARD, CHELSEA, MICHIGAN PAGE FIVE WOMEN'S GUILD MEETS Relief in 1042, Mrs, Herbert Paul A meeting of tile Women'. Guild of " I ti® “War Belief In DEATHS THE HOME FRONT Notten Road Waterloo Army and leave* for Camp Grant, IIL «* pauI’b church was. held, at the "TheMeasonge&’-t on Wednesday morning. Norman Cra- ...... I N - ...... - The : W;* S; >C. S; of Salem* Grove Mr. and Mrs.. James "Morse o f De­ %iSfhaU on Thursday aftemoob, Following the business meeting a po and son rand Paul'Fitch of Jack- S S y 21 at 2 o'clock. Thepresi- Mrs. H. C. Breitenwischer will meet with Mrs. Albert Schwein- troit were at their home here < and son were also callers. , „ f00}?1 A0ur and luiich were enjoyed MICHIGAN furth on Wednesday afternoon, Feb­ with Mrs. Woolley on Sunday. 2 Mrs. Wilbur Hinderer, called on jn the dining room, the hostesses be- Mrs. Herman C. Breitenwischer, 76, John Lehman spent Sunday with ifv’p H. Grabowski to lead the de- died Wednesday afternoon, January ruary 3. ... Several of the young people of his son, Roland and family, at Michi­ ing Mrs. Charles Meserva and Mrs. In spite of the urgent need, to save Mrs. Oscar Kalmbach visited her Annals, the topic being “The Unity John Metzger. 3b 27 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Waterloo spent Sunday evening in gan Center. \ rubber everywhere, war workers still mother, Mrs. Emma Kalmbach of Jadkson, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, S g jftJd i." This was followed by ■ ------!-V:— ;— . .■ Leo Woods, in Marshall. Funeral ar­ Mrs. Wm. Barber spent last week rangements have not been completed. are not making efficient use of their [Francisco, on Saturday, John Dykemaster, honoring George with' Mr.'and Mrs. Wendall Barber, ^dings: BIRTHDAY PARTY automobiles. Most, of the large war Mrs. B. C. Whitaker is spending Beeman, who leaves for Army, service m the Turn of the Y«r»’, by Car. . — ------V------— Mrs/Elden Weinberg entertained ' Henry Saeger. ,. plants in Michigan would have to close several days with Mr. and Mrs. Ken op Monday. He received many suit­ CARD OF THANKS Malone—Mrs. Alfred Lindauer. down if their workers had to walk toUeth Rowe and Mr. and Jdrs. Henry several little > guests ,oh Saturday'af­ .. Henry Saeger of Spririgport, Mich, able gifts, also for Leon Marsh, who We wish to thank all those loyal W°«A New Year Thought",* by Edgar ternoon to celebrate the fourth birth­ wofrk or use public conveyances, and Glazier.ofrWayne. ' leavesW ednesday. This makes Guwt-Mrs. W. M. Hinderer. died Thursday, January 21 in a hos­ neighbors, relatives and friends who day of her son, Hugh. The children pital at Charlotte after a brief illness. yet one eg the simplest forme of Henry Sager, a former resident of six young men o f our immediate com-( One chapter from the Missionary in our hour of sorrow did so much to enjoy*) a sleigh-ride, games were He was the son of Michael and Mary mileage earing—group riding—still is [ these parts, was buried here Sunday. raunity in the/ service. An honor roll make our burden a little lighter. ced to the extent that it He waa a son of Michael and Mary ftS'fiX “Rim g played arid supper was served. A pink Notten Saeger and -was born Feb. 2Tr no^ptScti will be placed in the church soon. Mrs. James Cadwell and family* byXawl Morgan—Read by Mrs. Otto and white birthday cake formed the 1875 at their farm home near Fran lt should bd. Notten Sager and for several years Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth. Stanfield are resided on a farm, near Springport. Mr. gnd Mrs. Clyde Cady. table centerpiece, cisco, Jackson county. the parents of a daughter, Dolores 7. ’ Explanation of the special gift ------V------Smaller business enterprises and Funeral services were conducted by Kay, bom last week at Stockbridge For the p u t 88 years Mr. Saeger plants kre coming more and more in­ Rev. H. W. Lenz. \ HELP KEEP’EM FLYING! V tie Women's Guild made to the War Standard Liners Bring Quick Results! had lived on his farm hear SpringpOrti hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wate to the war production picture.' .Across T. G, Riemenschneider was in Jack, BUY BONDS i .. BUY STAMPS He is survived by four brothers, visited the family on Saturday. the nation, more-than a billion dollars son on Friday. The Ladies’ Aid has been postponed Louis of Jackson, Herman, Fred and worth of Army contracts have been Theodore of Grass Lake, and four sis­ Mrs. Lina Whitaker was in Jackson to a later date. \ ters, Mrs. Minnie Coats of . Spring* placed during the -past two months on Saturday.------M r.; aiid Mrs. Lyle Wa!p and chil­ with concerns employing from five to Mrs. P. H. Riemenschneider wbr THE EXPENDITURE port, Mrs. Annie Carr and Mrs. Carrie dren spent Sunday afternoon at the 500 persons. entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Don home of her parents. \ v may vary—but every service Friday and Saturday Dowling of . Grass Lake and Mrs. WaterB onSunday. Katherine. Notten of Jackson; ^ Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ramp are receives the same careful An American soldier fighting in Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Beal of Grass Funeral services were held at the spending a week in New York on a New Guinea recently reported picking Lake visited their parents, Mr., and combined business and pleasure trip. attention. ^ Salem Grove Methodist church oh up a football 'broadcast from the Mrs. John Beal, Sunday. Sunday afternoon, January 24, with While East-they-^wiir attend- the fur United States. Wheir the announcer Cavanaugh Lake Grange"will meet auction. Rev. Henry W. Lenz officiating. PLANKELL FUNERAL HOME Burial was on the family lot Ip Salem complained that gasoline rationing February 9 instead of February 2. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Marsh enter­ had cut attendance at the game, it - Norman and Roland Kothe of Shar­ Grovircemetery. tained on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. H ar­ Martin E. Miller, didn’t go over with the boys who hadt on visited a t the Wra. Broesamle old Marsh and family, Francis Marsh slogged all the way across the jungles" home Monday/ James Howlett ^ -and"Son” Douglas "of JMkMny~Mrr~aM .■ - Owner - - ~ from Port Moresby. Com plaints, on Mr. and. Mrs. Erwin Pidd and fam­ Mrs. Leon Marsh, in honor.;of their James Howlett, 82 years old, died fuel rationing* probably aren’t top well ily of Dexter spent Sunday with Mr. son Leon who is inducted into the Tuesday, January 26; at Chelsea Pri­ received by US'S. troops in Iceland or and Mrs. Kenneth .Proctor. G O O D Y E A R ’S vate hospital, where he had .been a Alaska. ------V------patient for several months. ANN ARBOR Mr. Howlett was bom April 29, Mr. and^ Mrs/ Michigan Motorist, F r a n c is c o 186ftjn Waterloo townshiprthe soir of you are reminded to have your Vires Elmer "Sfager" was brought home “ BY THE MAKERS Of— nspectedat your-earliest convenience, from-Foote-hospitaL-Jacksonf-on-Sat^ with his. parents to the The Office of Price Administration has urday. He has improved in .health SWIFTSPREMIUKTSAM fann htfme on M-92, where he had just pointed _qut that the broken-down since his stroke a couple of weeks ago, since resided. condition of a large part of the tires but he still has no use of ope side of For many years he took an active turned in by motorists to the govern his body. ' < partjn the politics of the community, ment under the^ Idle J ’ire liPurchase /Henry Sager, whose, funeral was holding the office of supervisor ~of Plan emphasizes the need for periodic held Sunday at Salem Grove, Metho- Lyndon township for 18 'consecutive 4 tire inspection, to^ extend the life-of dist church, was a former resident of years. He also was a member of the tires now on cars. Half the tires Franciacoi He spent his boyhood oh school Ward of District No. 41, Lyn­ turned in thus far .have been appraised the farm west of town and attended don, for nearly half a century. He as scrap—casualties of the days when school here and for quite a long period was a life member of Olive Lodge 156, tire inspections were not mandatory. of time worked oh ..the- local sectibn F. and A. M. ' of the- M. C. R. R. when a young man. Shift’s Canned Milk, 4 tall cans ...... 37c On May 16, 1888 Mr. Howlett was .W ar Ration, Book Tw6, which be Arnold Lehman expects to leave married to Jennie Taylor, who pre­ comeB‘effective in a few weeks \yhen. soon for Kalamazoo'for induction into Pears, Ig. 2V2 can ...... ^ ...... 25c ceded him in death May 12, 1928. He the new point- rationing system starts, the U. S. Army. SAVINGS doyibly worth is survived by/ several nieces and will be/important to every Michigan Harry Renter of Sharon Bpent Sun- Light House Cleanser, 6 cans ...... 25c nephews. . shopping for during the last two household. .YnieniMrs. Michigan goes day with his mother and family." Funeral services will be held at- 2 to m arket: frith-' this coupon book, Qwing to impassable roads, two last days .,of this regular yeaf-end clearance o’clock Friday afternoon at the .she’ll be figuring points as closely^as minute substitutes were made in the Plankell funeral home. Rev. F. D. her money. -Grocers-will not be per­ meh-who-aeted-for-pallbearetfs-^br-the- Northern Tissue - 5 rolls 25c event. All odd lots and broken size ranges of Mumby of Milford7 will officiate and mitted to m ake "change in atamps. So late Jamei Cadwell: John Fuller sub­ seasonable. merchandise drastically reduced for imme­ burial will be in .Mt, Hope cemetery, it will mean her. calculation8 1° points stituted for Albert Walz and Herbert Waterloo. • *. must be right to the point- , Grocers Harvey for Herbert Hastings of Na­ Peas, Gojbd Quality, 2 No, 2 can s...... 25c diate disposal,. . including wearing apparel for women will remove stamps from War Ration poleon, 5 Baby Pood - Heinz, Gerber’s or and children, footwear, accessories, yard goofls and pm soM Ls Rook Two ^n-the presence Of cus- • . ■ -----V— ^------' tome-rs. And it is suggested that- the Stokely’s, 4 eaiis ...■■■...... „ .29c things for the home. A good time to fill your.needs! Zane. Hunter, ,who is stationed at shopper -use the. high point value North Francisco Jacksonville, Fla.'is home on -furlough, stamps first. For instahee, if a 10- Mrs. Velma Dorr' and family of Cut Wax or Green BeanSj 2 cians .29c; ■Mrs. ShermanJ.Wanous sjient the point commodity is.-selected/^ it is Grass Lake ' were Sunday dinner ^ALL-SALES ARE FINAL-______„ ^ week-end with her' husband in - Ro­ -suggested that an 8 and a 2 stamp be guests. of - Mr! and Mrs. James Rich- v . V:1 a .■ chester. . - ’ . - : . used instead of the low point stamps. ards/and Mr. and Mfs. Irvihg“Klumpp Miss Irenf Stofer spent Sunday in of Chelsea were callers. • ■ Wheaties, pkg. - 1 0 c Jackson, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Keith HarvvRr .and Harley Nichols. _ Public Tp Get ,Story family, of Jackson spent /Sundaj^ at John W* ifalej'Jr. was Kpme from the Herbert Harvey home. Albion College for a week-end visit Of Point Rationing Mr. and Mrs. laeonard Loveland I ige. 1 m ed. W f l with Jiis.parents. 7 .: ' spent Friday th,e home, of Bar Both & IL U MrS. Edward* Leja and son, Richard ;\ .Lansing—The I Michigan Council of IVORVSOAP their son, Rari.ey'Loveland and fam- ANN ARBOR of Detroit are guests of her parents, 'Defense- is cooperating,''-with the Of- ily. . Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Dancer, “ :dice of Price Administration in the vi­ Mr. and Mrs; Clarence Lehman at­ ...... 17c Mrs. Edith Irwin of Battle Creek tal educational program designed to tended the funeral of Henry Sager at Sunshine Grahams, lb. . visited her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. L, help everyone understand the me- ^the Sklem Groye church on Sunday • • « • t B. Lawrence, ovter the*week-«nd. __ chanics of point rationing of food be- nfLtheh-thev-ealled-on--M-rs ^-JQaephin( Sunshine -Mr. and 'Mrs~Clarence Vpgel-and irson of Francisco; Peaches, €alif.,!g,721/2 can :. .... tt23c childreii were Sunday afternoon guests at some jundetermined daite in the Mr. and Mrs. Lynri’Main and father, of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson at their near future. Every medium of infor- Dewitt M ain'or Petoskey spent Sun­ Bull Dogf'Sardines; in ftii, 2 catis-r , . : . 1% home in Manchester. mation is-being utilized to bring .the day' evening at the home of Mr. and Misses Esther Reichert and Helen information to the public. Mrs. Erie Notten. . •' ( North American Cream of Cheese Soup, • Burns of Ann Arbor were over Sun­ As one of the preliminary ..-steps, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Iyovedand and day guests of the form ers' mother, Don C. Weeks, Director of Civilian Erie Notten attended the funeral of Concentrated, 3 oz. tumbler ...... 15c Mrs.- Anna L. Reichert---c?------, , , . War ./ • Service .. . for , the .. Council .. of1 . - De­_. Henry Sager at the Salem Grove Mr. and Mrs. B. JH.; felden and fenser hqs instructed alt county„ -Ci- chuvch Sunday afternoon/ Del Monte Tomato Juice, 2 No. 2 cans ... .25c ' grandson- of - -Sylvania, • • ■ Ohio, ^ • spent-----* **--the vilian War Service chairmen to call ■ ■ - y .■« —• meetings of officials concerned in .the J first of. the week at the home of their W, S. C. S. TO HEAR PRESIDENT t) Son-in-law and daughter^ M r and Mrs. program as soon as possible. At these WHITE Hi H. T. Moore.. -meetings, community 'service mem­ The ladies of the W. S. C. S. will NAPHTHA ------V------bers of county War Price and Ration­ be privileged to hear Mrs. C. Stein- 1.^ RECRUITING WAACS IN A. A. ing Boards have been’assigped the job iqger, president of the Ann Arbor Dis­ SOAP trict, at the January meeting of the Women eligible for the, Women’s of presenting all available material With certain foods becoming scarce, it behooves all to society on Thursday afternoon, Jah. Army Auxiliary Corps, between the and information on point rationing to supplement their diets with vitamin concentrates—the be used in the community-wide edu­ 28 a t . 2:30 o’clock in the Methodist Swansdown Flour, lg. pkg...... 25c ages of 18 and 44, Who live in any church parlors. _ wardens of good health that guard your home front section of Washtenaw county, may go cational drive. County groups have against winter fits. Get them here—the products of been asked to make use of Neighbor­ This is the first meeting of the "new Reel Treet Gelatin Dessert, 4pkg>s...... 19c to the armory in Ann Arbor to in­ calendar year and Mrs. J. V. Fisher, reputable manufacturers nationally known for the Qual­ quire about.enlisting, beginning Wed- hood W ar Clubs to carry "the point rationing story directly into the homes president of the society, w ith, the Stuffed Spanish Olives, lg1, No, 0% bottle 25c ity and dependability of their preparations—-and ypull nesday, Jan, -27 between the hours of executive'staff, has planned a most at- 9 and 4 o’clock, including Saturday. of their community; get higher potency at a lower cost- Among those Invited to participate tractive prograrh, Del Monte Vacuum Packed Whole Kernel On all days the office jpill be open Displays of interest and value, rep­ PARKE. DAVIS & CO. during the noon hour. In addition, in meetings for setting Up the pro­ gram are the chairmen of the .county resentative of materials used in- the i72 cans ...... :'~.T...... ,..; 2Bc PENSLARfSL CO. (here will be evening hours from 7 to society wilt be attractively arranged MILLER LABORATORIES USDA War Boards, representatives' of 9 o’clock Tuesdays and F ridays. Those ie~local Mho o l^ ^ teinsr ohalrnten-of -so-timt-alL members wilLbe-] Vitamin Compounds raftgittg in unable to come in peftoi to understand their application to uso 2 TALL CANS i.i.p! ——------price from — or call the- armory and__application county War price and Rationing Boarde together with chairmen of in~the-organization ~,1,. ’ blanks will be mailed upon request The Fellow-ship group will serve tea MAccountants, clerks, cooks, librar­ county and local Councils of Defense, 35c information chairmen, consumer in­ following the program, to what they 57c t« S4.69 ians, weather obseWert, and motor ve­ hope will be. 100 .per cent of theiv hicle operators must be enlisted from terest chairmen, chairmen of Civilian If you don’t know your Vita-. Defense Volunteer Offices and direc­ membership. , mins, know the maker! the ranks of American women, to re­ ------V- Sunkist Spiced Pears, lg. 2% can v . .35c place men officers needed for combat tors of Victory Speakers Bureaus. duty,” according to Lt. Katharine Bur-, Meeting the: problem of teaching RED CROSS CHAIRMEN TO MEET Heinz Fresh Cupumber Pickles, $1.00 Penslar housewives how to use the new sys­ Mnltonic .V.. .".1 lingame, WAAC recruiting officer The monthly meeting of chairmen from Detroit and Mrs, Wells I. Ben­ tem/ of food evaluation is considered of Washtenaw County Rede Cross Jumbo Jar—; ttt t rr^. tt —. 25c Bv *+***< Iwt#* Im. $1.25 Beef Iron nett, ODVO chairman of the recruit­ one of the most vital responsibilities Training classes will be held in the ■*- I and Wine ...... ing center for the WAAC. of the war. canteen at North Hall, Ann Arbor, on Kraft’s Macaroni Dinner, 2 pkgs...... 13c Married, wdmen with children under Friday, January 29 at 12:30, Have $4,25 Father 7 Explain Farm Youth Plan L & S. Pure I^eserves, 2 lb. jar ...... « .45c There Are Johns .. 1 ■ •/ the age of 14 are not eligible. . " ready'any^ rermrt =from your grorip • ------V——— Plans for mobilizing Michigan th at will be of interest to Red Cross $1.25 Dynamic youths for work on farms to meet the Better Words CHURCH GROUPS ELECT workers. Any . chairmen, including 21 OZ. ICE BOX JAB L. & S. Tonic ... :. ■ • • ■ need for high food production this Nutrition, First Aid, Canteen, Motor TJrnn Best Members® of the two groups of the year; are being discussed at meetings Mechanics, Surgical Dressing, Home $1,50 Celery and Congregation^ Ladies’ Guild met on scheduled in every county of the Bromide Compound . Nursing, Sev/ing, Knitting, etc;, are Sweet Dill 29c to convey the quality of the fine, Thursday afternoon to elect their offi­ i/ower Peninsula of Michigan. The $1.00 Hypopheephltce eligible to attend. Mrs. Steger will Make that sandwich more-appetising! pure drugs used in our prescrip- cers. The group'Ahat met at the home series began Jan. 25. The program accept any call stilting that workers They are the names Compound...... l* • • of Mrs. O. H. Hinderer elected Mrs. Was outlined at a meeting of the are interested as reservations haVo to °V reputable m anufacturers $1,25 Penslar E. G. Lindemann as president; Mrs. State Youth Farm Labor Committee be made witlrthe Ann Ai*bor Canteen whope products All our .prescrip­ Vegetable Compound L. A. Wockor, vice-presidont; Mm B. at Michigan State College and is Unit. If any members are able to tion room shelves , . . names $1.25 Wampdes Tonic«i H I E. Crocker, secretary and treasurer. flexible enough to be adapted to the furnish transportation please notify QUALITY MEATS J™on aa Lilly 1 Parke, Davis & Preparation ...■<••4 I • Their name for the group is Loyalty, particular needs of each* community, Mrs. Steger. 2*Wny; Merck; Squibb; Led- and their meetings will be held on the according to Dorr Stack, of thq, State / ------rV---- -— Tender Pot Roast of Beef, lb. 7...... 29c $1'J 5 fourth Thursday of the month. bthers that have meant Department of ..Public Instruction, CLUB ENTERTAINS HUSBANDS H153T to physicians for many, Peruna .... The group that met at the home of chairman of the committee. It is es­ Fresh Ground Beef, lb...... : ... .29c years. * $1.55 Scott's Mrs. O. D. Luick elected Mrs. Luick timated that there are approximately The members of the Chelsea Study Emulsion .. as president; Mrs. F. E. Storms, lBt 50,000 high school students in Michi­ Club and their husbands met *t the Smoked Picnics, lb. , ...... ; ____ i35c vice-president; Mrs. John Schiefer- gan, in addition to farm boys and home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Daniels on Tuesday evening. The resource­ No. 1 Grade Ring , lb. .. ;. .25c Wb Have Your Favorite Sheet Music m d Ma0(unne9 stein, 2nd Vice-president; and Miss girls, who may be enlisted and trained Nina Crowell, secretary and treasurer. for work oh the farms. ‘ fulness of the hostess mor$ than made The name of this group is Service, - — — v — ;— • up for the disappointment created by SkinlessViennas,lb...... 29c and their meetings will be held .on th$ The End for 5$ Naris the scheduled speaker’s inability to Bacon Squares, lb. .... — .. ,23c second Thursday ** the month. ; Fifty Nazi police agents. Were be present at the meeting. Last- — ------killed in Poland last June, including minute plans provided for a social Rearae PleaM* to Alaska ■ the Gestapo ebipf ^t-Lublln, evening which ww very much enjoyed Hearne wai the' first whit# by th e entire grou^ ...... _ mairtu readi the Arctic pean ove^ Xaktnf Cate - I t BtifhtYargei'- land from Hudaonbay. “Take care of the sense end the :• ) sounds will take, care, qf thtm- “Slamter, like Death, iovaa a thin- 1 standard Linavs Brtag Qtttek Raaoltal eelvef.1’—Lewis Carrolt. ing mark.”-Charle« B7 Fairbanks.

'J And—and . do you always stacks,of $20 bills?” ' He looked at me puzzled, then his forehead—unpuckered,— t-'Oh, you want me to pay in advance, u that it?” “ C?ertainly not. I ’ll get a blan­ ket.” If he’d sent m e the auction letter hi was a good actor. I came back with the blanket, andrhe fol­ mwr*' am mnm lowed me around while I locked up, v n m ~ t m ■ ■ ThCre? were only the back and front doors. Perhaps I ^should have described* Bi) ISABEL W AITT^ S' the inn before. A narrow hallway W-WIF RELEASE ^ ran down the center of the lower Any harm in. that?” Ho turned to didn’t show mp. . There's been no floor, with the parlor (so uglyij, me, “If Vd heard you speak I'd cer­ Jight at the castle. He did wear a dining room off the left, CHAPTER I—Juc|y Jason, who, U tainly have answered.” square-cut diamond like the one I as you enter Mr, Quipcy's' rqpm, spending her vacation at Pirate's Head* Victor Quade whispered in my imagined I saw, on—on a hand stick­ my office and a string of down­ German Comfort receives an anonymous tetter enclosing ear, “Could you make a npte or ing out of the sea chest. And the stairs layatoriqs off the right. At Stockholm papers roppvt that in the |M0 and asking her to bid for an aban­ that?” Aloud, he said* “Such ques­ bridge was blown up!” ' the end of the kitchen was a built- outskirts of Poznan the German authori­ doned church tp-bc auctioned the next tions are for the police, provided on woodshed. Tne old barn across ties are building cheap, and unheated day. She'suspects, in turn, each of the Had they forgotten that Miss Jason’s right. . The first thing larger issue? I . could see the drive served as a garage, work- ' wood err bairacksTfitendod for polesthis guests at the Inn whcre^she lfcalso stay­ isn't mutual recrimination, as I see winter, wfio'rmust.:give\up their homes ing. They the Reverend Jonas »e- Quade’s eyes twinkle- - - ■ the Eleanor, and apartments to Germans. WM; Lily Kermhll. Thaddeus Quincy, Al* it, but a trip to the church. Not too ‘’Maybe I imagined that, too.” I That's all there was to us. The eas*.. bion Potter, Hugh Norcross aind his lis­ many of us. Don’t .want to obliterate had to say it. - “Maybe it wasn't tie, with its stables, boathouse and ter. Bessie. Other possible suspects arc any possible footprints. But first blown up'at all. It jiisl collapsed garage; all in One, and the eyesore Camion Fodde£ .. Uncle Wylie and Aunt Nell# Gerry, who we've got fb know if it is murder. of the Smedley fish shed,-were the operate the inn. But the sender of the when one of your cars backfljred, ac­ Germany’s need of manpower Is stead­ Good lord, this Lane may have had counting neatly for the noise and remainder of the Head, Except, of ily, growing, A German me'dicaUournal^ ! letter is still unknown when Judy bide a stroke— .....__r______for the church and gets it. Tltit night everything. That’s just-dandy. Now course, Mr. Quade’s trailer. A nar­ Deutsche Afedicintsche Wochenschrift, “Inside my sea chest?" I asked row beach skirted the bluff from recommends that doctors, when exam­ she tods a hand protruding from an old none of you will have any reason for sea chest in the basement of the church., coldly. ‘ ‘Had a stroke and crawled leaving Auntie in the lurch, Shall I the'church to our woods below the ining recruits, should nOLpay too much in? Or crawled in and had a attention to mental disorders. “ Slight By a ring she recognizes it. as Roddy. get the coffee?” barn, though you couldn't see it. r.ientaj, casei, perverts,.cases-.of split per­ Lane's. Roddy is. or was. the son of an stroke?” “I hope you’ll be comfortable," I unscrupulous banker who once owned the Mr.-Quincy's -cane, thumped. “I “ Please do,” Victor Quade said, sonality, epileptics, hysterical men and looking hard at me. „ said to Mr, Quade. any who suffer from mental deficiency bleak promontory called-Pirate's Head. appoint Mr. Quade, Mr. Potter and the Reverend De Witt, .Keep close Lily, left the room with me; highly “I hope you won’t be nervous^”- or the first symptoms of creeping, paraly­ CHAPTER n —When Judy returns to elated, at the turn of events. “Nervous? Well, wouldn’t you be sis may all be passed as fit and accepted the Jim She find's a new guest, Victor together and come straight back. as recruits.” . We’ll wait here. Judy, got a flash­ ' “Been a killer round that church if you felt sure something pretty quade, who has parked his trader near- terrible was "going on and no one^ by and who will take his meal* at the inn. light?” . ■ K I’d a-seen him,” Lily said, piling sandwiches on a tray.“ I was watch­ believed you?” / Barricades in Oslo The telephone wires are cut. I made Albion Potter come with me while I found Uncle Wylie's, out ing the- sunsquat, remember.*’ I re­ “I believe" you, Miss Jason,” he 7lGmrcnre'havo beguii_wprk oi. W bar- ~ CSapternn—Thr~PBrtr-a^-Oie-tnn-is membered there wasn’t any sunset said, quietiy.-r“But there’s nothing rlcades within the-city of Oslo in Nor­ further-Isolated when the bridge from =on-"the shelf in the b'aclt pantry way, preparing for street fighting ex- “Thiskindofbusinessniakes^me —just a miserable panorama of bp be done tonight. That’s why—why the "Head" to the mainland is blown up.- X_ let it slide about your ' seeing pecte.d in the event of an Allied invasion Now- Aunt NeUa’s "piercing scream has sick to my stomach,” Potter said, clouds and gathering -fog from-the C 4. 1 and rebellion by the people. just been heard from the dlrcctWo of pop-eyed. “Could we have some­ sea. The sun had died at supper­ things. Would, you feel too badly ,j A«d^aMe3Us?-A. the sea. - ■ V - ■ thing hot. when we' get back^-Opffee time, but I didn’t say anything. ?about this Roddy Lane?” orAtt cocoa?hamaaV* * When I brought in the coffee, Al- I shrugged. “Not from what I’ve This Little Pig CHAPTER IV “Sure. FU make it'for you.” Lily hlQfrHPatter was .explaining_to Mr. heard. Broken too many hearts, Bbt A-runaway pig pursued through the, Kendall stood in tne kitchen doort Qnlnt-y that the cornmiilee. had_gon£ why the change of face?’1 streets of a small coastal village by Ger­ “You'd be scared to death man soldiers provided Norwegians with “Here, he’s deadl” came a muf­ ‘fMr.Quincy sayshe-wants-hisrnalt- from the church to the castle, and. a-bit of merriment: On one side of the fled w ail from the vicinity of the old ed milk.” — -failing-to rouse/anyone there, had lie awake all night and worry.” THESE AUSTRALIANS,1 photodraphed Within 100 yurds of Japanese plg^was painted a swastika, find on the fish-shed. The light Mr. Quincy and He could just wait. I went back tried the fish shed. Both were locked “Behaved terribly so far, haven’t positions in-New Guinea; are comind'; out of the-lines for-a-Fest.-A4istra!ian- other w'in some sectors of the . “Why n fi; bother the „»« »«.,old .... m an?” Hugh word.' ■ i sons of Jackson were guests of his was forced to forbid their sale.. In many the-front, page. Me, I’mi going to pines as a spur to Filipino determination country 20 per cent of the fighters. } called over his shoulder. “Asleep, Now the committee came into the. bed;,r aktecland family, Mr. and Mrs. Ches- to resist the enemy. cases people were so anxious to get to against them are women. room., Jonas De Witt beamed at us ter Notten, Sunday. safety _that they were .willing to pay probably Anyway, he’ll keep till “Good idea, tpught to sleep well -morning.” as he spread his hands. “False Rev. H. W. Lenx was a guest of Rizal was, publicly, executed{l&50 for a gallon of tfasolinW-and-SM1 alarm,dearfrfehds? Thryeunffiff the after he had Wen convicted. ol"circntat^ ~a -mile tor ,a-seat on a Dus: ‘Timagine the police wifi guestionT coffee.” Thaddeus Quincy handed lng literature inciting his people to re One of the chief reasons for the whole* him th en " ^imagination got the better of vblt. But-Ttizah-deadr-proved to be more U/ /mi ru AT I lf A n her.” me his empty malted milk gla JMr. and Mrs. Carl Rutan of Jack- evacUatlons is the- fact that the Fas- w w u ivi c n m i W a r -aren't -mere any began to wheel_hlmself across to - -dangerous-than Rizal—alive. W-hen news cisti have^neVer bothered to organize a Albion Potter nodded in agree­ sonr^Dr.—and Mrs^ Rolaind Kalmbach; of his execution reached them, Filipinos the Head?1’ his room. “Good night, all. Sweet good air raid precaution system. There "I can answer that,"'Lily said. ment. “There certainly wasn’t a— of Lafialng and Mrs. Oscar Kalmbach throughout the land took up arms against were almost no safe shelters and the a hand sticking out of the sea chest. dream s." were visitors of Miss Rieka Kalmbach Spain. By the time the Americans ap­ organization of the was Slaves in Nazi Kitchens “Wanted to" go rowing over in the One by one the, party followed peared, the revolutionists had defeated hopelessly muddled. This is , admitted cove dne day, and they said there Or—or anything in it. Mr. Quade on Sunday.- looked. It was quite empty.”. suit, going to their respective rooms. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller spent al] the Spanish forces in the islands; ex­ even by the official Italian papers, one w am ’t a boat in the place.” 1 The inn wasn’t large, having'been cept for Manila and a few scattered gar- of which complained, in November that -Laboring all month for a quarter of' “Lanes used to have boats,” Aunt “That’s right.. Miss Jason, in that -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Taylor •risons, even though the-Spaniards were the normal Svage. Polish girls forced, to dark basement at night it’s no won­ originally, as I’ve said, a private of Ann Arbor. the situation was so confused that oven Nella volunteered, "Our boat—-the house. Upstairs we had /only five much better armed. . the higher Fascist authorities-could not work as housemaids in Germany are liv­ Eleanor—leaks.” \> der your imagination played you Mr. hnd Mrs. Robert Hawkins of, ing today in conditions of actual slavery, bedrooms, with two and a cubicle on The Filipino fighters on Luzon and do much about it “Roddy—what’s become, of that tricks. If you saw anything it's not Jackson were visitors at the Whitaker; The attempts that Mussolirtfs under- another example of the cruelty and ex­ the third floor. This is hbw.we bed­ AidtaaiiiBataan, iniit 1941,ijii, -proved uiuvcu jjvj no less uuicr* deter* > ,, * . • « . . ♦V., . . .. speedboat of his?” I asked., The there now.” homo on Sunday. mined than their forebears. Twenty j 1 have made to stimghten out the ploitation which are nt the base of Hit- ded our guests: ibr's plans for his "New Europe." thought that he’d.never use it again I sat staring from one to the oth­ . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fahrner of thousand of them died'in the light to [mess hav€ olten made me quiver. Hadn-'t seen It er, longing to whack the fatuous Mr. Quincy had the front room op­ Grand Rapids were week-end guests hold back a Japanese army superior in selves. ]Fpr example on November 18th, . Not'.only: are the Polish girls'.paid as-, posite the parlor on the first floor, the Fascist- .authorities decreed that to. little ns'$2.G5 a month, but they are also for years, she said. My aunt as­ grin off their faces. Especially the of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schwehuurth. numbers and equipment. Proud of their sured us no bpats at the Head had as a special concession, as before Mrs. Herman Fahrner returned home freedom- and their democratic govern­ avoid eongeslion no evacuees might set­ denied the right tq have any time ofT. clergyman’s, as he added, “And related. Above him was. the Rev. ment, the Filipinos fought- side by side tle within. 32 miles of any large town. According to the regulations of the Reich been used this Summer. dead bodies don’t walk away, my with them after a three weeks^ .visit The result, 'however, was even ' worse Labor Trust, as a special reward a maid “Then this person-can t get away. dear.” Jonas DeWitt. Across, in the oth­ with American troops in the Philippines. er front bedroom, slept Lily Ken­ with friends and! relative^ here and congestion,'-for many of the' refugees may given a "speeial reward" for Old, you say? And deaf,” There they all sat in a circle, in ChelBea and; Ann Arbor. ‘ Today, although the Japanese have [had found-places to live within these eflVcieiiey of a, free afternoon. — - K- ‘ ‘.WyTty^Mr"Gerry’s thelmly- one: dall. Bessie Norcross’- room ..came overrun most of the Philippines, they limits and were" tliu>> forced to move staring at me as if I were nuts. I directly, behind hers, and then Roy Broesamle of Bridgewater I) is probable, however, that few Ger­ who knows him .” stood mp and said tartly, “All right, Continue to w-age vigorous warfare from, again. man housewives will dare, to give their Hugh’s, a tiny one, even smaller spent Sunday w}th his parents, Mr. the h ’is and foroits- uLLuzon.-Visayans JUnder the. circumstances it is not sur ‘ Back into the living room we all, I’m glad I’m wrong. 1 had a day- arid Mrs; Wm. Broesamle. maids time off. or"reat -them humanely, trooped.' than Albion Potter's self-styled stu­ . and Mindanao. Tiiey know that full prising that the Italian papers are in even it they wish to. In the Nazis’ book. dio at the rear. , Mrs. H. W. Crawford is spending Philippine independence is assured by creasingiy full of scoldings, and threats any ■ kindness towards one. of these un- “Is everybody at the inn here?” two weeks with her sister and broth­ United States law, and that the whole agpinst. people “who 'always' distinguish Victor. Quade asked me. ^ Aunt Nella and Uncle Wylie oc­ fortunate-Polish .girls is a crune against cupied the room on the third, floor er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs; Lloyd Chris­ "world sees"n this proTriise—and in the j between- Italy-and-Fascisin‘'-and tliose_ the^-Slate_imd' several German Women I looked around and *aw Mr. De tian in New , New York. who “fearing the lira w;lli- collapse are directly above the Rev.. Jonas De- .record behind it~a symbol Of the Unit- ■have been sent to jn-i! 7rir4 Vueh "un Witt, Hugh Norcross, Albion Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rank and son ed Nations’- intention -to'.guarantee-to all stupidly ‘buying the iiidkI ini'iinceivable lnlWtlftl m fii-c Mr; Quincv and LiIv Kendall. “AH Witt's. My nook, next them, had peoples the right to choose the', form of things, claiming that .they are thus an­ -two windows , sawed-off and rattiy. David and Mrs. -Herbert Rank spent— The household slaves have no per* but Miss Bessie Norcross, asleep at the Rank home. government they prefer, choring their supposedly tottering cur­ sopal rights of any. kimi.'-Thcy may not’ upstairs, and my aunt and uncle.” but I could see the ocean from one rency to.goods which in their opinion go to clnirch except once si rminlh: Toey and the long, curving Neck toward M rifand Mrs.* Dorr "Whitaker anii are. a sound investment " . Mr. Quade and Thaddeus Quincy son Edson visited Mr. and Mrs, Earl rn'iisf never speak Polish, They -cannot held a eonsutbation. Then Mr. Quin­ town from the other. Across the flTr.ny.- Arufi-as-1mhoArulf ...... Gorman .pa-jx-r pm tiny hall was a storeroom full of Wolflriger on Sunday evening/ Rescuing Allied Flyers cy thumped for silence and leaned Mr. and Mrs. John Miller spent Moscow Schoolchildrentlchil it, "Nobody is responsible fof .ip.tyfrhng back in his chair with an-eager, oddments to delight antique collec-1 ’.ricir honor out liiey tlicmsel vc: " Monday with their daughter, Mrs. W. Produce Wat* Materials pleased look on his withered face, I tors, the Salvation . Army and * the Byt tlivii^li liioy u. c-ticuteii ;u jlaves. junk man. R seemed as if Auntie Riemen8Chneider. With'-the -Air-Sea- Rescue. St-rvi’ce on most of these Polish girls have fOnsi*. could vow,Jie was enjoying himself. the job, British nnd American, pilots find “Mr. Quincy and I think a com- never threw away a thing. She The newly elected Officers of Salem flie"waters "around Great Britain about Gun parfe;—Nothing;—pnekihg cases/ lulllyxrtifuscd to ;u-| tlie 'part. SV?int ^ Anrhrnr-crew memh.crsr operated by the Mom-ow si:hooL..syiiteni... iilhers liaye lio.-n soul- tiG-Wi.-ou -for we doubt you. Miss Jason.” Victor somp of thorn Withtfrb' sh'6rt"dis?aiicif' of — The-workshopsr-wlheii-are-purely-vol '■■'"ini', more..I ha 11 sbiimi-t'Tfiihsh, songs Quade expatiated. “But, after all, ofAuntCcde. Mr. and- Mrs.-; Howard K elsey' of enemy shore baiteries. * untary, began when' ii number of stu n the kitchen. Of those who have rp-- you did enter that basement alone Hugh. Norcross had put, up a. tent Wayne spent the week-end at the 'i-iieil agm-ist Ijie Nazi : [.. vel’y- arui rtif. When the A.-H.R. receive.': word that’ dents asked the Education Department and sow what you think you saw by on the lawn, where he sometimes home of ■ Mrs. Kelsey’s parents, Mr- for an opportunity to do something use- ei od for jt. only a few .arc.known, Un-jX two—flaring matches. You might and Mra Wm. Sanderson. -a plane, is.-missing, a regular routine the Nazi- are coin; a>rx;l, iiu v must slept on warm nights. With the inn ful for Russia's.'War- effort, Many thou­ have been mistaken. You did not starts at once. First,1 a patrol'piano takes sands of children nowi w'ork in the simps, ■ land as- the s.v;n"|i lor all »);,> other on one side and the castle on the^ Private Lauren Sedgebear of Okla­ off and sweeps a witty nix-a of th- .Chan* unknown cine- t-,vi i ; for. touch that--” other and woods at the rear, it faced homa spent Wednesday with Mr. and nel.or the,sen, looking for survivors, and there arc more applications for work thjtn thcro is space In the shops, One ;vt “Nd-r-fio!■■But—it. stuck out—all— virtually the whole Head-a gor­ Mrs. Wm. Sanderson. , floating in-,, or for the reasoh for Inis, is that in 'most families •11 stiff.” “1 geous spot which he himself had se­ . ------V - ~ ------debris of fiie plane. As suoh as the air­ [ the father has .gone, to the front mid the He looked at me quecrly. “If ■I . men arc sighted, large rubber dinghies, N.i.i/.i I i'iso.tiq * in lected. ,1 wondered if he'd ,sleep out One-Man Production Drive food, medicines, tl.'iie.- and other equip­ i mother Is working in a war factory, sc you’re right, that would mean rigor tonight:, Ho and his sister were ap­ 1 that there is little for the children to ft< An iiR-rea mortis—Jong enough for it and not - The labdr-menagement commit­ ment .are dropped to them. Then the'-'i r e! Nazi soldiers, parently having an argument about tee of the Four Wheel Drive' com­ piano radios-their location to the near­ ; at home. n>th oiiici t ■> a no- men, me being im- too long afterw ard.” !t in the hall. “Nothing to be afraid est shore base. j About 40% of the output, of .the shop;, ,n ifonoil1 in i;nnp.v j,j northern Norway "You appear to Khow plenty about pany, Clintonville, Wis.i reported to is war production, the rest .Ls made up Kcordi’ij: to Niij-A.xPim’ authoritioa of, I heard Hugh explode. Byt he War production - Drive headquar­ (The actual picking up of tho 'flyers Is in such thihgs" Hugh said. went, along upstairs Just the "Same, : of non-csefcfitiul items like toys.and-fine - I.ondon. K/e Vvlti!e;;s(n *who have seen “If one is planning to’write mys­ ters: “Earl Ruchdasher8ubmitted * xJno by the fast rescue launches, which needlework. the poor, henpecked brother, are really ambulance boats. i die captives report- that’they arc being teries- suggestion on o new. method of tool .v. i I Tho work is not allowed io interfei ■ veh more hrulnllv treated than RuS- Victor Quade waited tiU they were grinding which allowed him to in* The work of the A.-S,U. can be ex \,with regular studies, and some shop; tar> war Mr. Quincy broke in, “Wasn’t you iremcly dangerous. Frequently the Nazis have classrooms adjoining. running through the Lane estate all out of hearing, “With your per* Cfeoso hia machine from 129 r.p.m. ill send ovjr fighters to attack the res- Lie number of Nazir bciny'Wnt back right after dark, was it, Norcross? mission I’ll sleep here bn the daven- to 237 r.pirn., which allowed him to For all this work the children do in rom li.e nortlierri front hi Kusida ‘i« so Ste planes or the boats. During one big the shops they are paid at the full adult Judy and 1 called to you?” port tonight. I know you haven’t merease his production 50 per cent Air battle over the Channel, three rescue ;ar^ that the German authorities have an extra room, but a blanket, per­ j rate. In addition they arc given adult o$iitly taken steps to avoid publicity I held my breath. Hugh changed haps?” p«r Not only does the new toof cut fast* boats were sunk, but others managed to ration cards like any grownup who is at and have started slapping them to the color. He looked as if he’d been er Mid more accurntely but where­ pick up n total of SO fivers.. Y I work on war-produetiom------pWeri.tvirhpR in sTn’otf baTelie«, caught stealing lump sugar. — —u - .. He couldn’t bo afraid! “Of as the old one had to be ground ev? “May have been. What of it? I M b its Potter oedded It a free* course," I skid. “You don’t mean ery three pieces, the new tool wlH a t Q n la Esperanto Not Ball PUyer meat. o f * groat went to my sister’s room and—well, you re beginning'to believe I didn’t stand up for half a day of work" . M i ol mbs* tn m of grain m- Bocawfo of * m at medley of Readers of the sport pages might imagine things" - . tonguos* th* ortimHOl language of think a sack man is 0 baseball pliy. she was gone. , Thought she might nightmare, I suppose. Only rtrnem- Vfobk fowfiny for at lust have strolled over toward the \ > Dentally jinenktnc Bsperonto t* mwwuoed in tho Ruo- er, but Mo tOld fohfofo o corn prod and ran after her. but just then her sUftoddaLcame to the Head te wdlSing ^ uctstfoat \ attend the auction and wwm’t there. 4 pwuuy «^ afK rfrw - light camf.o.n 1 ra^fiomt kgain, Hg engagedgaged breakfast hdreher* ami II’m m notiRit worrying,.worrylnc, Are you? ••to W is • “danger V***#period” accord* mf w dentists. r mST>AY, JANUARY 28,. 1943 THE CHELSEA STANDARD, CHELSEA, MICHIGAN PAGE SEVEN

m o r t g a g e SALE ' ’ - Village according to the recorded plat be continued therein at least once ORDER APPOINTING TIME FOR 0 not know and have been i To the Owner or Owners of Any end The north thirty-three (3$) feqt off Whereas, default has been made in thereof, the aforesaid land fronts five each week for six weeks in succession. HEARING CLAIMS unable, after diligent search and in­ All interests In, or Liens Upon the lot seventy-four (74) Bwtholomow'a /S e n t of money secure^ by o and one half (S1/*) rods on Fifth George W, Sample, Circuit Judge, No. 83018 quiry, tb ascertain the places of resi­ Land Herein Described: ' Addition, City of Ypsilanti,- according K ftS dated the fthjlay ofJune, Street and six (6) rods on a certain To Said Defendants: , State of Michigan, the Probate Court dence of the perens named as defend­ Take Notice, that fsalu has been to th. 1948, a t ten o’clock in plaintiffs within' fifteen days after charges. ^If payment aforesaid is not ferred to as a cloudburst may result ellyn K, Winans, L. Evelina Gates, S B o rth , the principal sum of said Lodi, Washtenaw County, Michigan." the forenoon, said time and place be­ service on them of a copy-of the Bill, made, the undersigned will institute from the impact; of heavy shower? Lucy Gates, their unknown heirs, devi­ SSraW t together with all interest, "The east half of the south east ing hereby appointed for the exam! of Complaint and notice of this order, proceedings for possession of the against mountain masses or from sees, legatees and assigns, Defendants. quarter of section number 1; and the nation and adjustment of all. claims and that in default thereof said Bill land. the weakening of upward currents ST?™shall a t "**'the optlon J"*, of UieI""™"" mort- Order for Publication west half of the north east quarter of against sqid deceased, of Complaint be taken as confessed by holding a large amount of moisture At a seesion of said Court held at and demands Description: The’ following de­ Erie, become and be due and payable the north west quarter of section It is Furtherter Ordered, That public each and all of said defendants, and scribed land situated in the County in suspension. . ..•>$> ©W itt, and default having been the Court House in the City of Ann number 12 in town 8 south, range 6 also that within forty days 6f this : .y ' S ' . Arbor, Mlchigan, on the 15th day of notice thereof be given by publication of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to-'r«linaenite. a rniqeral blacker clare the principal gum of said mort­ Bldg., Ann Arbor; Michigan. Jay G. Pray, Judge of Probate. publication he continued once each affidavit made and filed in this cause paid $7^94, taxes for 1934 and ,1,935. , than coal.'*" gage and all arrearages Oof interest Janl4-Feb25 week for six. weeks in succession, or by John P. Keusch, attorney for plain­ ORDER APPOINTING TIME FOR that the plaintiffs cause a copy of this and taxes due and payable.,. tiffs, it also appearing from said affi­ And Whereas, the amount claimed STATE OF MICHIGAN HEARING CLAIMS order’to be personally served on the davit that defendant, Clarice Melson, In the, Circuit Court for the County No. 33018 said defendants and each of them at to l# due on said mortgage at the is a resident of the State of New of Washtenaw, In Chancery. State of Michigan, the Probate Couft least twenty days before the time pre­ DEAD or ALIVE! date hereof is the sum of $6091,59 York, and defendants, Hubert .C. Win- nrincinal and interest of -,$220.80 to Cora E. Butterfield, Plaintiff, for* the County of Washtenaw. scribed for their appearance,; or cause ans-and-Lleweliyn K; Winans, are resi­ ------■ vs. ------r —-— At a session_ofLsaid.Court, held at thii^ordet-ta-be. otherwise served as date, and .the ..further sum of $35.00 dents of the republic of Brazil. Farm Animals Collected Promptly. as an attorney fee stipulated for in .Elisha _W... Rumsey, E. W. Riahsey, the Probate Office in the City of Ann provided by law* . It is Thereby Ordered by this~Horr HORSESt t ...... $7750 COWS^ r$6.00 rtid mortgage and the whole amount* Henry J . Seaman," Nathaniel Norton, Arbor, in the said ■Countyron the lltb , Geo. W. Sample, Circuit Judge. orable Court that said defendants Daniel W. Bliss, unknown wife of day of January, A. D. 1943. Countersigned: * daimed to be unpaid on, said 'm o rt­ cause their appearance" to be entered Edwin E. Clark, unknown wife of By­ Present, Honorable Jay G. Pray, Luella M. Smith, County Clerk. , Sunday Service gage ie the sum of $6811.89, and no within three months from the date of salt or proceeding having been insti­ ron W. Cheever, Hannah Merkle, Mary Judge of Probate. By Margaret M. McMillan, Deputy this order, and that in default thereof Elizabeth Frank, John West, William In'the Matter of the Estate of Or- : Clerk. k ’ tuted at law to recover the debt now said bill of complaint will be taken as PAUL PIERCE, Agent Tnaininp^fteiired b H.-Merkle, William Henry Merkle, rin C. Burkhart, deceased. A True Copy: • enfeasedi1 It appearing to the Court that the Margaret M. McMillan, Deputy Clerk.1 Phone collect Chelsea 6211 or any part thereof, whereby Itr is Further Ordered that within Wm. H. Merkle, together with their unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, time’ for '‘presentation of ’ claim’s Notice CENTRAL DEAD STOCK COMPANY power of sal® contained In said mort­ forty days this order shall be publish­ gage has become operative. successors and assigns, Defendants. against said estate should be limited, The .above cause involves the title to ed in The Chelsea Standard, a news­ and that a time and place be appoint­ the following described premises situ­ ' Now Therefore, Notice is hereby paper published and circulated in said At a session of, said court, held in the court house in the City of Ann ed to receive, examine and adjusts!! ated and being . iii th e”Township of given that by virtue of the said power County, and that said publication be Arbor on the 19th day of December, claims and demands against said de­ Lima, County of Washtenaw, and of sale, and in pursuance of the stat­ continued therein at least once in each 1942. ceased by and before said Court; f State of Michigan, and that said real ute in euch case made and provided, week for six weeks in succession, or BE PATRIOTIC Present: Hon. George W* 8ample, It is Ordered, That creditors,of said estate is described as follows, to-wit: the said mortgage will be foreclosed that said plaintiffs cause a copy of Circuit Judge;- deceased are’.required to present their "The east half of the southeast >y a sale of the premises therein de­ this order to be personally served on claims to said Court at said Probate quarter of section nine, northwest scribed, at public auction, to the high­ It appearing, to the court from the Salvage Spells Victory said defendants at least twenty days allegations contained in the Bill of Office on or before the 80th day of quarter of the northwest quarter of est bidder at the south front door of before the time above described for Complaint filed in this cause, and March, -A* D. 1948* a t ten o’clock in Section fifteen and the northeast quar­ Ours is a Vitally Essential Salvage Organization _ the courthouse in the city o f Ann A r­ their appearance. ; the forenoon, said.time and place be- ter of the northeast quarter of sec­ bor,/fa the County of Washtenaw, CieorgeL-W^-Sample^Circult Jiidge. from the affidavit annexed* thereto, and that_ the residence and where; ing-hereby_appo1hted for the. exami­ tion-sixteen, all in town-two-.southr that being the place of holding the nation and adjustment of all claims range four , east, Lima • Township, Circuit Court for said county, on the TO SAID DEFENDANTS: abouts pf the - above named Defend­ DARLING’S The lands and premises involved in ants, and their unknown heirs, devi­ and demands against said deceased. Washtenaw County, Michigan." 16th day of April, A . 3>. 194$, at ten It Is Further Ordered, That public FARM ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICE o’clock in the forenoon of said day; said cause are described as follows: sees, legatees, and assigns can not be JAMES C. HENDLEY,’ Commencing at the northwest cor­ notice thereof ibe given by publication which said premises are described, in ascertained. ' Attorney for Plaintiffs, Jan.21-Mar4 $ ner of Lucy K. Gates' Second.Addition of a copy of this order for three suc- HORSES $7.50 CATTLE — 6.00 said mortgage as all .that- pertain Itjs Ordered that the said Defend- BuBinessTAddress^ Chelsea, Michigan. to the Village „ »ne-of-them cessive weeks previous to said day of HOGS. CALVES AND SHEEP piece or parcel of land situate and be­ hearing, in the Chelsea Standard, a plat; thence south eighty-one. degree* ciiYse their appearance to be; entered according to size and- condition ing in the- Township- of ? Superior, east 25,06 feet on the north, line of newspaper printed and circulated in . . 5,250,000 Tons Sunk County of Washtenaw and- State -pf in this cause within three months from The British navy has'no| otfly in-' said plat; thence north 401.24 feet on the date of this, -order and'that in de­ said County. « .Janl4-28 • Phone t'ollect'tp Michigan, to-wit:- the east line of Madison street’for a Jay C}. Pray, Judge of Probate. dieted, severe punishment on the en­ The w est half of the northeast q u a r­ fault thereof said Bill ol Complaint. emy’s v forces, as ai Taranto and place: of beginning; thence south be1 taken as confessed. ORDER~APP()I NTFNGTUdEFOR DARLING & COMPANY ter of section seven, except the west eighty-four degrees east four chains; M'atapan, but has in. addition sunk twenty nine acres'thereof; also a par­ ' It Is Further Ordered that within HEARING CLAIMi ■ 5,250,000 'tons of enemy merchant ANN ARUOli 6366 thence north one chain; thence north forty days this order shall^be pub­ No. 33019 cel of land four chains and seventy eighty-four degrees west four chains; shipping. eight I/ijks in w id th ' lying north o f lished in the Chelsea Standfird^a State of ‘Michigan, the Probate Court thence-south one chain to the place of 'newspaper'published in ,C o u n ty of _ for the County of Washtenaw. the Cowan Roiid and in the northwest beginning, being a part of the south­ , corner pLthe_.eaHt_half -of_the:-horth Washtenaw, and that such'publication At a session of said Court, held at west . fractional quarter of Section Khali continne therein at' least1’price. the Probate Office, in the City of Ann .east (Quarter of. said section'seven;' al­ ‘seven (7), Towfi two (2) south, Range so all that part of the east half of the’ oaeh week for aix weeka. in-8UGCe^n,.^-rbmY4n-the- said County, on the 11th four (4) east. George \V. Sample, .Circuit Judge. day of January, A. D. 1943. northeast quarter of said section seven and the above suit and cause involves ‘ng south-of•• said Gowan Road, all NOTICE: The above cause involves Present,. Honorable Jay G. Pray, title to the lands and premise -above the title :to ”tfie following described Judge of Probate. being in town two souths range seVen described and said auit-fs broughtto fflt, Township of Superior, County of lands and: premises situated and be-_ In the Matter of the______Estate of An- ^uiet-title-therotte mg^trrthe City of AnnKArbor,.:W^h4^elena Burkhaitrii^ea^dr: Washtenaw and Sta te of Michiga~h. ^ tr u e - c o pyr-N- ’ Hie First National’ Bank in tepavir County, Michigan, to-wit: It appearing to the=Csurtrtitst=the= J b tiN P. K.F3USCH, Beginning at a point in the north time for presentation of claims Plymouth, a N ational Bank- Attorney for Plaintiffs, Decl7-Jan28 • _ ing Corporation, Mortgagee. line of lot ope, in block four south of againstraatd-estate should be limited, Business Address: Chelsea, Michigan. Huron Street, range six east, in the and that a time and place be ap- Dated: January 16, 1943. . Dorothy L. Bulbick, Deputy Clerk. BURKE and BURKE, City of Ann Arbor, 65 feet east of the pointed to receive, ;>examine and ad­ north west corner of said lot; thence Attorneys for Mortgagee. • " just all claims and demands against BtoineBB Address: 215* Ami Arbor STATE OF MICHIGAN. east on said lot, 33 feet; thence south said deceased by and before said . Trust Building, Ann Arbor, Michi- In the Circuit Court for the County parallel with the wept line of said lot Court; gan. . Jan21-Aprl5 of Washtenaw, In Chancery. ... one, a.distance of 66 feet; thence west It is Ordered, That creditors of said William Han.selmann and Emma K, parallel with the north line of said deceased are required to present their m s M H t n ( STATE OF MICHIGAN Hanaetmann, .Plaintiffs, lot, 33 feet; thence north parallel with claims' to ‘said Court fit said probate THIS NEWSPAPEB In the Circuit1 Court for the County vs. ' ■/' the west line pf said lot, 66 feet to Office on or before the 30th day of (t YEAR) MMl Enjoy tit* flaaat snesgeodnaa (A YEAR) m m d of Washtenaw, In Chancery. John Gardner, Charlotte L. Pullen, the place of beginning, being a part March, A. D. 1943, a t ten o'clock in whila savtn^ tiro* and gas. Henry Pierce and Mabel Koch, Plain­ form erly. Burgess, Levi Annis, Sarah of lot /one, according to tba Original the forenoon, |hid time and place be Only thxoagto- thin news­ AMY HAGAZIME tiffs, Anna Annia, formerly Burgess, Israel Plat of the Village (aow City) of Ann ing hereby appointed for the exami S IX G H E 8 T paper can you get sack f tC T rit BOTH FOR . . 1 ' vs. • W. Burgess, Selcfon Pullen, Charlotte Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan nation and adjustment of all claims MAGAZINES big reading bargains. Asia A fill F R IO SHOWN Hiram Baker, Sayne Reeves, Sayner L. M. Pullen, Sarah A. Annie, Norman as recorded in Transcript, page 152 and demands against said deceased. Pick your fcrraritos and AU Mtgttlmm A ft f t t I Ytm Reeves, John Brown, C. W. Guest, Burgees, Norman Burgess, Jr., the ip the Office of the Register of Deeds It is Further Ordered, That public fO R BOTH mail coupon to ue TODAY. Q American Fruit G m n J tti CMa.W. Guest, Junius L. Field, Maria unknown wife of John Gedde$, Janies for Washtenaw County, Michigan, -notice thereof be given-by publication NEWSPAPER □ Amerkaa GM . B. Field. Sayne Reaves, their unknown C. Geddes, Florence Geddes, Edward WILLIAM M. LAIRD, of a copy of this order for three sue-, •ad MAGAZINES □ American Heme fltiw, devisees, legatees and assigns, Geddee,' Mary Geddes, David N. God- Attorney for Plaintiff.; Dec24-Feb4 cessive weeks previqps to said day of 0 - Methodist Episcopal Church'1 Trus- dee, Charles A. Geddes, Henry A. Business Address: ' 201-8 Ann Arbor hearing in the Chelsea Standard, a ; OROUF Mr-StUH T m THIS NEWSPAPER □ American Mem a n Geddes, Henry ; Geddes, Samuel , M. Trust Bldg., Ann Arbor, Michigan. newspaper printed and circulated in □ BetterHomes tg Gankna.1 Yr, □ AmericanAmeriqua Poultrynitty JtuL^.JJr t U ws of Dexter, being Ward Tupper, □ Better Cookg le Hom’k’g M l Ellsworth Scott, Hugh. Bradbury, Fay, Jr., Samuel M. Fay, the unknown said County, Janl4-28 n Woman’i Home Comp^.1 Yr. (1 YEAR) a n d wife of Franklin M. Fay, Susan A. 0 Btttet Honan A Ganfan 2.71 Vance . Murry, OiauncyCoy, Will ORDER FOR PUBLICATION . Jay G. Pray, Judge of Probate. n Amerkaa Home ^ _ ..lY r. □ Capper's Farmer „ .. I l l rinkbeiner and Cornelia Copeland, Fay, Susan A. Atlmand, Sarah Jane Pinal Administration Account □ C lick____;______1 Yr. S IX CHEAT . □ Child life —i- a.oa>: Defendants. , - Fay, Richard F. Dillon, Nevada DiUon . No. 82723 - ' STATE OF MICHIGAN □ Official Detective Storiei .l Yr. □ Christian .Herald L-mL. MS Nevada Guinnn, Richard-Fay- State of Michigan; the Probate-Court □ Amgrlwm fttrt ■ 1 Vr. • r m m n = - ---- • «a- • Order for, Appearance In the Circuit Court lor the County n Open Road (18 la ^ N M o . ; MAGAZINES Dillon, Frank M, Fay^JRebocca G li­ for the CoUnty of Washtenaw. of Washtenaw, in Chancery, □ Colliert Weekly MO At a session of said Court held at □ Pathfinder (weddy)-~«_.I Yr. □ Column Digest we Court House in the City of Ann des, Guardian, Henry Talmon Lartnee, At a session o f isaid Court, held at Paul G. Schaible and Martha Schaible, QSaeenland Yr. FOR BOTH the unknown wife of Frederick Schai- the ^rebate Office in the City of Anh husband and wife,-Plaintiffs, — ^ — NEWSPAPER □ C’try Gentleman (2 Yn.) LfiO Aroor, Michigan on the 15th day of Q Silret Screcn ■■ i-V>- □ Fact Digest ------2J0 January, 1943. ble, Margaret Stringer, the unknown Arbor, In-said County, oh the 8th day r , — - □ Spocu Afield 1 Yr. and MAGAZINES wife of John Cobb, William Gardner, □ Farm Jml. k FVm’a Wife 2.15 Present: Hon. George W. Sample, of January, A. D. 1943. L. A. Hoover, Hortense H. Stocking, □ Flower Grower - ...... SjM Circuit Judge. ■ '— Laura . Ann .Gardner, Coni fort- O. Present, Hon. Jay G, Pray, Judge Hortense Henrietta Stocking, Alonzo GROUP B Two GROUP k-$e 2.78 neroof, said bill of complaint will be Complaint of the 'H ai^ffsjt and hearing said petition; Aletta J. Stedman, Allotta J. Stedman, □ Nek Livestock Producer.! Yr, □ Nat Livestock Producer-1 Yr. n tamssM Vatptog ft|» wken as confessed. * factorily appears to this Court that It is Further Ordered, That public Adeline W. Muscott, or their respec­ □ Pou%y Tribune ...... 1 YT. 1 Poultry Trflrous — Yr. O Trea *Wsy the thereabouts of the notice thereof be given by publication tive unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, QMochert Home U ft^ .1 Vr. | Mother^ Life___1 Yr. f.Tha Wouaan ______tM ♦aI* * j ^rther Ordered that within ants and thelr and each^ of their un of a copy of this order, for three suc­ jCappert Farmer ...... ,.1 Vr. ' ‘ days this o rd er. shall be pub- and assigns, Defendants.^ n Capper's Fanner —.,...,,.1 Yr. m cessive weeks previous to said day of q Rccwdsl Facmlag —r—t Tt, ‘ Vamdni . J Yr. LMe ’®hed in the Chelsea Standard, a known heirs, devisees, legatees and Order for Publication hearing, in the Chelsea Standard, a At a session of said Court, held at Wwsp&per published and circulated in Hereby Ordered newspaper printed and circulated In ? “f°dhty, and that such publication the Court House in the City of Ann tha? the told Defendants and • their said'County. Arbor, in said County, on the 18th *!<,?ontlPhed therein a t least once in Jay G. Pray, Judge of. Probate, rilL IM AND MAIL TD wch week for six weeks in succession, day of January, A. D. 1948. • A true «opy. v Janl4-28 Present: Honorable George W. 8am COUPON ■{nw , NnmMMM TCOAV said plaintiffs cause a copy of Nora O. Borgert, Register of Probati uia personally served on pie, Circuit Judge. C*«* ■«»«*•" M n 4 n i mutm wtk It appearing to the Court from the LLr%“6‘®ndant« at least twenty days 4tWn Huw (J) » Cw iI«m «i I cxIm. , ...... 'in Pimm s a d nu fiba daW of thl,Order,.«;(! . Encourafes Care ef Eqoipmeat allegationsv contained in the. Biu .of {lX® timq above described for A Cleveland airparta company en- offer dwcbed* wWi a ytmSs qufftutulpUtim m p m papar. ,n®>r appearance.w ...... Complaint filed in this cause aad from courages its employees to keep ma­ tic affidavit annexod thereto that the AMnEni»aa—««i.w*****1 Ml*t**********^i*<—tktao»esiaw«*to-m * % a W. Sample, Cireuit Judge. takimiASjflwffl***: chinery clean by painting the equip­ ment In light colors, blue and above named defendants and their un­ mtXKT OH » y n------^ ----- f known heirs, deyirowr kgtoaOs and stan ...... - A -creator aMlghs^%fe~nccsW ify R f f i && Standard Litwn Bring Quiek lbnultol tiwTto'stid causa, and that the told \ * * l .si. V


Schweinfurth at 2 o’clock. CHURCH CIRCLES BOWLING A Sufficiency of WESTSIDE DAIRY ROGERS CORNERS CHURCH AH Things Needful Pasteurized ST* PAUL’S EVANGELICAL (St. John’s Evangelical) CHELSEA BOWLING LEAGUE R$v. P. H. Grabowaki, Pastor * J. Fontana, pastor Standings, including Jan. 21 ODAY* some Qf the source# of Want Milk and Cream Sunday, Jan. 31st— „ 9:80 a. m.—Sunday school. * Team W L Pet. our custtunary'supply are Try oar Dari-Rich Chocolate- 10:80 a. m.—Preaching service.1 “ 10:00 o’clock—-Morning worship.* Fed. Screw Govt. Insp. :.35 19 .648 TYet there is, and always will be, FOR SALB^Wor> Delicious Hot or Cold (Sharon Community), .611 adequate provision for our needs in _ 11:15 o’clock—Sunday school. Sylvan Recreation ...... 38 21 .economy to beat anything you ever ---- Sold At-*— The annual Get-Together of our St. No services. 1 Central Fibre ...... -32 22 .593 the infinitude of God’s universe. sheep. Inquire *at Standard office Ladies’ Aid. meets with Mrs. Roy We may ask. How cun this assump­ saw. ’ Wolverine Shell Horsehides HINDERER BROS. Paul’s church'will take place this year Daniels Buick ...... v32' 22, ,593 feel like’ moccasins—dry soft and 27tf on Wednesday evening, Feb, 17. Kind­ Davidson today (Thursday, Jan. 28). Spaulding Chevrolet ... .31 28 .574 tion be proved1 practical? Should RED & WHITE STORE ly keep that night open. • —*------V------' Fed. Screw Grinders ... .29 25 .587 we not be willing to utilize the truth .o/'ough^ou’lf^hlnlf'tlfo'y’IM^ver FOR SALB-^Uaed 4-ft. rofrlgsmtor, .619 of the familiar assurance from the 27 i " , ■,l"" 111 . Announcements ■'Fed. Screw Machinists ..28/ 26, twenty-third PsaliA, “The 1-ord isjtiy wear’out, You’ll get more wear for Phone 4681. WEST SIDE DAIRY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Spring 1 ...... 36 25 i510 every pennjL of cost than even ■ St. Paul’s Ladies’ Aid will meet at Ch. Rod & Gun Club ....2 7 27 .500 shepherd; I shall not.wont ? Per­ WANTED—Paper, iron, metal and Rev. W. H. Skentelbury, Pastor haps we have udinitted that if wo cheapest work” shoes give. See them the church hall on February 5 at 2 Merkel-Kolb ...... 2 7 27 .500 rags. We pay market price. Give Worship service at 10 a. m. Sermon o’clock. .481 trust in God we shall not lack cour*. at Quality Shoe Repair. *27 subjMt: ‘‘Wfiat^Do You Value.?’’ Chelsea Milling ...... 26 28 -age, strength,or a sustnining. protect­ ^U8 a ringwi-BSSl. Conrad Bcbanz. -27 -Fraternal euchxp ’party Thursday Spring .2...... 26 28 .481 Sunday school fat 11 a. nj, i( ing presence.' But would Gqd be Lyve WANTED*-Tot find a better show TIRES—Large stock; all makes; all MOTOR TUNE-UP evening,-, Jan, 28 at Magonic hall, ripped,I Fed. Screw OfficeOflico . .25. 29 .463 if we could not further rely on His than MUMBO JUMBO January 80 Choir practice Thursday evening at 8:00 p, m. IFed. Screw Platers ..... 19 32 .373 three grades. Official Inspection .power to be made mmdfcst in ways at the high school at 8:00. Admis­ Station. Palmer Motor $&lcs.. 27 A LL M AKES 7:10. : Regular meeting 0.^ E. S; oh Wed* j North Lake ...... '..20 ,370 that (fleet all phases of human need? sion 40c and 25c. 27 The postponeiLmeeting of the, Ad­ nesday, Feb. 3 at the hall. Initiation Seitz-Burg ...... AJ .815 God, who .created man, could, not h————-- *...... ! 1 1 GET YOUR General Electric Mazda visory committee was held Wednes­ following meeting.‘ Officers " practice . Individual -high' game: Rowe, Chel­ allow His own creation toi; be de­ WANTED—To buy sewing machine, Lamps and Fluorescent Tubes fro^m FORD DISTRIBUTORS day evening at the parsonage. Monday night' at 7:30,* at the hall. sea Milling, 254; Johnson, Sylvan prived of aught that is necessary to either electric i-or peddle. Must be RegularconimunicatioTiCliveLodge K J. Claire & Son. We cjirry-all Hie Pilgrim Fellowship will meet Recreationr254i sustain life and hwvrmity. -----— ■guaranteed in good- condition. ,In- sizes. ' - v - :— 27 REBUILT r next Sunday evening at 5 o’clock at 156 F. & A. M„ also work in E. A, Individual high three games: Seitz, To the divine presence, warfare Is . quire at 756 Taylor St., Chelsea. -27 the church.. degree, Tuesday, Feb. 2, 7:30 p. m. Seit?-Burg, 196-221-214—631. unknown, ft does not affect the sub- WANTED— Weed burner, with or _ 2^ .fa m ily night will be held Thurs* A meeting of th^Second District of Team high game: Sylvan Recrea­ Umity of God. It does not enter God s BATTERIES—Full line guaranteed without pressure can. C, .Ord- JONES? GARAGE day evening, February 4. Pot-luck the American Legion and- -Auxiliary tion, 191-194-134-J91 ?254—9M,_ • .. kingdom. Through spiritual sense we batterifo; Palmer Motor Sales. 27 way, phone 2-2465. 27 Phone 2-2121 Chelsea supper at 6:30.’ Rev. Samuel Wenger, will be held at Adrian on Sunday, Team high three games: Sylvan .may enter and aliide in His kingdom. chaplain0at Southern Michigan Pris­ January 81 at 8 p. m. Recreation, 887-912*835—2634, - Through spiritufil-imderstandingwe FOR SALE—New milch cow; also WANTED—To buy good used com­ on, will be the speaker. North Sylvan Grange will meet < at • may realize, that since warfare has heavy springer; both Holsteins. bination wood-and coal range, or the home of1 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent VICTORY DIVISION ,no place in His kingdom,, the so- Kenneth Proctor, phone 2-1360. 27 • laundry stove. Geo. McClure, phone FIRST METHODIST Ives on Tuesday,; Feb. 2. Oyster sup­ Standings—January 19 called results of warfare can have no 477.8. 27 effect on God’s ever efficacious -Furnished room. 228 Rev. Bert Ede, Minister—- - - per, at-7-o’clock sharp,.. „ Team Pet FOR.RENT- FOR SALE-r-Lots of tickets for the Herbert J. McKune Unit No. 31, power. Therefore, we should not ac­ 27 Announcement Morning worship at 10 a. m.sTopic: Mac’s All Stars .688 South St. Junior Play Saturday a t 8:00. Ad­ American Legion Auxiliary, will hold .646 cept for ourselves or, for others limi­ **A New Duty for a New Day.” Tower Cafe .... tations based on conditions resulting «FOIt SALE—Stained oak breakfast mission: Adults 49c, children 25c. 127 JQHN C PARKER,' D, S. C. Sunday school at 11:15. Vincent a' regular meeting on Tuesday, Feb­ Dixie Five .646 from war. To do'so would be-to limit set; alBo kitchen cabinet. Phone Ives, Supt. .' ruary 2. at 8" p..m. in the Home. Eco­ Fibre Co. No. 3 .468 FOR SALE—5-tube^nith table mod- nomics room ht -the Chelsea high God’s power. This would be an ab­ 6271r Graham •''Sprague. 27 Chiropodist • Fool Specialist ALMayer Insurance ... ;£1 .438 surdity, for-God; Life, is, the eternaL el battery radio; standard broadcast ST. MARY CHURCH school. ‘ Fibre Co. No. 2 v...... 20 .417 and short wave model; in excellent source of life, and of all that sustains FOR SALE—>2 dressers; library table; First National BWr. Father Lee Lalge. 1’astor ------u^-V------— Quality Market /...... 17 .354 and protects infinite being. Including 2 rocking chairs; 2 ,arm chairs; book condition. Priced right. Floyd D. First Mass , 8:00 ami. Ftyt Pictures, One Eye FSW PIant/Trotection ,. 17 .354 individual man. . case; lounge; dining room suite,/ 7 RoWe, “ —=27 ANN ARBOR Second-Mass' ...... rl0:00 Twtreyes axe^better than ;one, for Team *high . three . God’s care of the children of Israel —consisting of very large table, buf Mass on week days. . 8:00 a.m. the world would appear like a flat Five, 908-891-808—2607. during"their wandering^ through the fet and fHchairs. Call at 622 So. photograph, if human beings, had Team /high game: Mac’s All Stars, desert proved His goodness in a prac­ Main after 5:30 p. m.^ • 27 jPhone 2-6422 WATERLOO CIRCUIT only one eye, says the Better Vision 956. .» tical way. When the people com­ FLAGS- U. B. CHURCH institute. The'slight differences be­ Individual high three games: J6hn- plained of hunger, God declared (Ex­ WANTED— Late model cars and ALL 8IZK8. ALL FABRICS . Rev. Edgar Shade, Pastor tween the flat pictures of each eye 3on, Dixie Five, 193-245-180—618. odus 16:4), “Behold. l will rain bread • trucks. \Vill pay highest market PBICB RA'NGB TO FIT ALL PURSBS 10:00 a.m.—Morning worship. prices. Palmer Motor Sales, phone are utilized by the brain to see an Individual .high game: G. Novess, from heaven for you.” Moses, under 624 SOUTH MAIN HELP KEEP ’EM FLYING! 11:00 a.m.-^Sunday school.. divine direction; then said to the 49H, Chelsea. 27 object in three dimensions, and to Tower Cafe, 245; Johnson, Dytie Five, FOX ANN ARBOR BUY BONDS . . BUY STAMPS judge distance and sizes of objects. 246. ■ . people; (Exodus 16:16-18), “Gather NORTH LAKE; CHURCH FOR SALE—Olson rug, 9%x7 ft.; oak ——V------r — ' of it every man according to. his cat- Rev—C—B^Strahge,-Pastor... LADIES' LEAGUB--WEElhjL tiig. .. . 1 take ye every man for tliem buffet / Reasonable price. 564 W. GoodDefinitlon , . “ Middle. . ------1 -27 10:45—Church school. STANDINGS which are in hislents.” "Arid we are" 11:30—Morning worship. “A- classic is something that ev­ told that “the children of. Israel did 1.-11,1 erybody Wants to haveuead and no- PAINTING and paperhanging. First- Hogan-Hayes: Klumpp *474,, Kder so, and'gathered, .some more, some Skully Apple Butter, 28 oz. .. 20c .d> body'wants to repd.”- -Mark Twain. less. And when they'did mete it with class work. Phone 3503. Harry.. SALEM METHODIST CHURCH 397, Hollands, 43i, Jarvis 877, John­ Middleton. -27 Rev. Henry Lenz, Pastor -V- son 469. Totals: 708-660-780—2148. an omer, be that .guthe/cd much had 10:00—Sunday school. ■ Teacher Central Fibre: Hutzel 432, Pearson nothing over, ami lie that gal he red WAITRESS WANTED; also part- 11:00—Preaching service. “It is much better to want a-, 377, Phelps 407, Alexander 367; Toth little had no lack." Moses instructed :time boy. Kolb’s Restaurant. 27 Flako Pie Crust, pkg. 16c W. S. C. S. will oh. Wednes­ teacher than to> want the desire to 335. Handicap 72. Totals: 701 -645- them to leave none till the morning, day, February 3 with- Mrs.. Albert learn.”—Thomas Henry Huxleyfi; 634—1990. - knowing that the divine, promise FOR RENT—Sleeping room for lady, would not faii. But some, moved by ~ A". E. Winana. 232 South St. Phone Plakorn Com Muffin Mix, pkg. .17c Milling Co.: White 352, Parsons 346, greed or fear, disobeyed; and-ih-tfuT 6503. ------27tf 1 M. Slant1,417, McDermott 309, Mulsh morning that which they. had FOR RENT—Sleeping room in mod- T. K. Maraschino Cherrigs, 4 oz...... 10c 313. . /Cotals: 556-671-610—1637. ‘ tiourded was unsuitable for use. Chelsea Spring 'Co.: Sanders 367, ’ ern home, at li8 Lincoln St Phone The lesson is a pointed oric. The 2-1221. 1 -27 Raisin Bran j 10 pz. pkg:. .... v . .2 for 25c Sylvester 369, Haftey 389, Piatt 327, ^,law o f . Love, Gnd's law of supply, Sadloski 267. Handicap 48. Totals^ //operates!. .wllh_jnsticc_tm«ards all. -WAN.TED-4Room_and board., Phone 574-564-363—1701. Security and freedom from fear of 4751.' ' , ! , 27 Cheerioats . — r-.. .. .2 for 27c tack'niayiconur lo rachnone-througlr Chelsea Milling Co.: Wheeler 374, consecrated daily prayer ami obe-' FOR RENT — Light . housekeeping Coco-Wheats, 24 oz. pkg. ■ . . . .'.ttt. ; r rr25c ~Floyd~334r~Foster 293,—Sprague 442,- dieupe. _ ■ Toomirr lad ies “preferred; 133- Van Smith 387. Totals: 649-569-612 — ' ' '■ \ Buren. 27 1830. ■ , Christ Jesus ulilized Godls law of Argo Gloss Starch, 1 lb. pkg. Machinists!, Bollinger 278, Hunter provision to meet human needs. His W ANTED—Washing and iironing ' to 315,. Karp 276, Lixey 338, Cranston faithful follower, Mary Baker Eddy, 'do at my home. 115 Sopth Freer Boraxo, 8 oz, ran .... • a ^ ^ r XOK* ' 346. Handicap 62. Totals: 599-567- ' the Discoverer' end -Founder of Roqd. Call Susie Morgan. -27 =1739: ------f — ------Climalene. 32 oz. pkg; ...... 19c God’s law blesses mankind. As an APPLES—Rod and Golden DeliciSus, Lucky Five: T. Honeck 436, R. .Hfttl* earnest student ofvthe Bible she Jonathan, Steel Red-Baldwins. and t'.^ leek '477, Donoyari 830, Eiaeman 409, came to understand God as unchang­ Grimee Golden. N. W. Laird, phtpie Hubbert 409." Totals: 614-770-677 — ing ;Love. In “Miscellaneous W rit­ 2-1864. f 24tf A Full and Complete line eS James Richards’ Auction 2061, ings’* (p. 307) she gives this particu- , tel.,.. ...Min. ,. II f ■■■ ' ■ .. Dixie Gas afltPOils: P~ark 346, Os­ K-lEmly^hclpfuI assurance4 ^God gives .WAiNTEO^-- To buy_straw by the Fresh, Smoked, Salted Meats borne 497, Cartiale 371, Brown 331, you His .spiritual ideas, and in turn, Stack; also bale hay, custom work. i-Wedemeyer 42 lr Handicap 42r-Totala: they give you daily supplies. Never Elmer Blebn, Gregory, Mich. Phone BROPERY DEPARTMENT /^ JBEAT DEPARTMENT = =655^709-644—2008.------ask .for to-morrow: it is enough that ~ f r F I 8 ~ o -27 divine Love is an ever-present help; Phone Tower Plant:. Tuccl 278, Guest 357, and if you wait, never doubting, you GOLDMAN CLEANERS (3-day serv­ Bumpu8 360, Rabley 842, Osborne 4127 will have all you need every moment.* ice). Pick-op Monday, Wednesday, Handicap-90. Totals: 662^615-562— What a gloroius inheritance is given Thursday, Saturday. Agency’ — 6611 i if[ 1839. ■ ■■ ;- to us through the understanding of Lyons? Shoe Market, 108 South ruarv 2nd has been post- ‘V’ for Victory: Coftre 416, LaSov- ■omriipreseiit Love I More we cannot Main: ' 23tdf age 381, Stofer 871, Hummel 246, ask: more we do no I want: more we cannot have.” AUCTIONEER-^For general and live­ Sauer 416. Totals: 532-686-662—1830. stock auctions, call George J. Kla- False rumors should nol be al­ ger, R. F. D. 6, Ann Arbor, phone poned indefinitely. lowed to'influence one to become 258861. 25 years experience. Call Slats’ Diary fearful. Governed by humility, faith, a t my expense. \ 36 Sunday—I and Pa and Ma was on ritual1 understanding, and dhedi- a riding in the otto and a pleeceman once, each one will prpvo the over- J. F. HIEliER & SON—Paints arid ■A? • neerly ^.rested Pa for sum thing he operative power of divine law to wallpaper; upholstering; Venetian T H B A T R E M done rung. The pleeceman ast Pa provide for individual needs', and for blinds, and awnings.' Ice skates why he done it arid Pa sed he guest it (he larger needs of the nations. sharpened. 18tf CHELSEA, MICH. AIR CONDITIONED was becos the driver went to sleep in Praying, wiflBf faith in God as the infinite source of isupply. will help KEYS—Automobile keys cut to code; the brick seet. 'J u s t then. Ma awoke t Michigan’s Finest Small Town Theatre! up and what she sed to Pa when we to break the mesmeristit of fear and all kinds of keys duplicated. Jopes d riv on I wi 11 not repcet limitation for all mankind: Mrs, r -Garage, dial 2-2121. 49tf Eddy writes in her ;lextbook, Monday—The nookepaper yesterday “Science and-Health with Key to the EAVETROUGHING and all kinds of Friday and Saturday, January 29-30 sed .the banks have a offle lotto.-money 1 ' GOAD : ' | Scriptures’’ (p, 13): “Love is impar­ . furnace work, including vacuum and no boddie will borry it. I supose tial nnd uniy6?S8l in its adaptation cleaning. All work i guaranteed. they have not hurd about mq. I will Reuben Steinbach, phone 7262. 23tf 1Lj, arid b e sto w a ls\Itis the open foiirit xcept a acashenel lone if they arc so 'which <,rics, ‘Ho. \y e ry one that “Priorities On Parade” lr a keen thataway. . -s. * f thirstelh, comc( ye toN lhc waters,” ’ Busy Road Musicfil Comedy^with Ann Miller, Johnnie Johnston, Jerry BARS ,y. Ak moi*i» flin| ividuals-real------Vehlcles-eounted on th TchodeSr— ,— -— -£/—«————c__------U. S, govt, is to spend about 35 bun­ •ze this spiritnal^fact/ divine Love’s mouth road, London’s , busiest arte­ dled $ $ a secunt drtoring the next mnriipresence ' will be felt and “NEWS CARTOON LrP m rial, In a recent, week included PETE SMITH Over A $1.00 Value fiskel year. All I have tp say is that proved. Nothing can limit the power 366,218 automobiles, 32,219 motor- Unkel Sum must-have a-lotta Janes Of Love_or_shul GUt_itsJ?ontinual- eycles, 30,381-auto-trueks and 7,219 A special tale of over a dollar's worth- ; I: and Elsys to by ice cream foKsamo. manifestation. Magnifying in our Other conveyances. of soap at te» thrift half "ft* valua. own hearts the love of God will '------V* Sunday, Monday, Tuesday ^Jan. 31, Feb. 1-2 •I 1 bar of each of the following: Lifebuoy, m Wcdnesday—Are class was ast by the teeehcr did we blefeve they otto bring fo light a better understnpd- Baby Castile, Coronet Buttermilk, Wrisley j[ ing of I!iiiTraneomcdajr investing in your Couif ■ rloth liolng. menced maWng hjs^ o try s War Bonds with ten percent or 'Cooking school and mere are the ’re­ instrument. His, viplins are said more pf yolir earnings. DOUBLE FEATURE CORDUROY j O i sult of the effort—Miss ’ Elsy Jones to have reached the height of'per­ TIEIOP CAP wen? awurdwl the bfue rlbberi ) st prize fection in tone and form from 1700 on her hotnade sweet, tickles.' to 1715.• His method created a stand­ / Friday—Mu. was to her club . this ard for, later times but the secret: “Little Tokyo, U.S.A.” i PICTURE PLATES 11). iu. or 1 of ''■them and At super she of bis varnish, which shaded,.from Spy Drama with Prestdh, Poster, Brenda Joyce. SOCK SALE ;s(sl thi/y discust Husbends who talk A $1.00 Vatuo red to orange, and was soft in tex- liU S— “ , in th'ivre sleep and what to do about .turc. hns never been discovered. It »M’ 6 9 * An sttracUv* souvo- ■ same!, To cure j t she meant. Pd got nlr plat* picturing, nas been estimated‘that he made Contain 10% historic scene*. hissolf -in bad by Up and saying 1 L116 violins of which ovor 500 are wool. Popular L 10% Inch s)M A Am v»tv*. . remedy is to let them talk while known to exist today. wrap style. As­ awake. Just a little, he sedi brit Wo — ------▼------■ sorted • stsea Slightly Itregutar. WITH A $1.00 PURCHASE got sorla huffy about what he sed Keep Family Well a eneyhow. * The homemaker’»r first ,rVictory | UL. ..-v : ' Saturday-W ell, I dlddont hafta go Job’” is to keep her family well. Mystery with Guy Kibbee and John Archer. ito school this a. m. but t got ho very Good food in variety, well prepared ****»■■■■—I— ; > 7 •grate.:benefit out of it after all. I (not overcooked), vegetables (some Wishful thinking will not help y<*u COM "'Ufrirt had to',go down in the basement and raw) with fruits, milk, butter, eggs, ATTRACTIONS--- “Footliffht Serenade” "You 11 * h.T,. cleen eut the fem ess and shovel some meats and served In an appetizing g A ^a«^w.furnlturewon./But your money whe" saved Were Never Lovelier”; "Who Done I tr ° * Y P’1' HOME OWNED AND OPERATED coal and etc, AH of witch led up/to way will go e long way towArd keep- Join the Payroll r"1 «oi the terlfickist ear and neck warahen £!*?*• WfU- »ood food doS Savings Plan at you!1 office or fac* .it. .it-• ****** difference.------;— ;------■tory. Let a “Top that .Taa Yow War and Stampa At Tfijg Thftrc I *nrh T ever the cheef At. , ’'nfli 0, $. Trttnrf Dtforimtm I’tniH,: /'ll',! | w.rn ■»— ii T mmmmm




. Tor. tnxei Tot. taxes Tot. taxes ... Year* for. im, and Years for Int. and Tot. taxes Tot. tare* ' Tot: taxei Years tor Int. and Year* for ml. and Year, lor nit, ninJ \ i_ ■ Yean- lor int. and -Which digs, due Which chat, due 1 . Which dun, ilu'a ; S' c DpIIncident , fa said Which chut, due Which Ours, due 1 Witten chqt. due a n n u a l t a x Description Delinquent in said ' Delinquent in laid , Definquent m said Delinquent in said x* 0 . Drltnqucnt in uld Fiuijt/ Tu years Deier'lptlon From To years Description From To yean ! Description I * 8 : . From To ■ Or Parcel ..Inoluiiw- dlrs.-eis, dIra. ets, ; Or Parcel V s , year* Descrtstlon Tu . yrai* Dt:*Cnptiui) 5 F coni 'To year* Or Parcel I Inclusive Inclusive Hires et*. ■. Or Paicci (A < tiretnuve'‘ dirt. ds. Or fared ' 5 lncniuvr (Jlt’9. etc. Oi Haitttl liiilusiyr dir*, cu, ANN ARBOR TOWNSHIP ,.,-v. n i> >1 ICllKiAN. ! SS. m u <, ; DEXTER TOWNSHIP ,i >aLIMA TOWNSHIP LYNDQ^ TOWNSHIP MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP •NORTHFIELD TOWNSHIP Toiirii .'No, 2 .South, Rango No. 6 East IfursTV...... ■:, 1 ];i; nglil ohftwnv ■' 1 . ;U2 ’.W - s7.1n .il 1.0 I hr- pl of l,cg. t"t line 2-1" i'l : lo K s|tun '.'.of •Il'Ufl- 1 , ,,,niter of tli" DOUiioii of Ver- r m . / '' I t 0.2H. ' If) 10'J 2 .V, 'rY l:O u 11.10, tin ; Hi N ly : ' ...... Y E A R S * ( 0IT1 lit th*'f Ini 1 rsiH'iSoft of thi’ 2 8 ' ,10“'with ihe l';V linia jif the see, { 2 4 o|»,. 72 . , - - 1 0 III 20.411 im "long «ail! ’lit»»7' lihr i.ot , 111 j }H‘u own. ,Auiliior Conorat of tlio oi'iilpr AH tlmtA I'uri’f nf 'K ftdef id ||"11 } . 1 v i,Mu,in, for amt in behalf u hp-ii ],i..v S -oi tlic . Michigan Ccntnil i . 1 0 20 7 * .7 •' 1 irin- 2 k-;: it lu rTtlll |; IlIIC nr li u :i V' Y«arp of M'i;,, ai"H >Kiitil (Which ■' X frl'.. ol XL 111''; ■ ■ 1.1 ■; .■ ■ # '■ "193 7 \\ < Or Parcel <8 inclusive dir*, cts. , 'S . 17.8,du fl in tho K Iki’i' ul Aiiri Ai- f l ; tli ilcf l!4°. 20’ .1111" lo tlie .left, 10U i 19 . I ,OJ | 1‘"\ i n (is'iionil of the Statu of - it. Ui- llte pf uf heir.'( bill 1A) a li’ i ■is.; 1 ■3.5 l.i 11111r -f»ir. u pi iif:'lieg'' ih S M'(i. ^ • th. X lP.s.V ft. in >(»<■. ' line : ! \ ■ /- - * ' ' -V ■' ANJLAItBOR-TOWNHKIli '...... ______1____ -LU______lUSLN- .1 11 i. Vif inou jos. nf Sl'M, Lo.* H''hoSt‘to ‘ ot* Mictiiifi'n~'OPf\hHit-^ttoU- "itr >.■ ill 51 11" K -1161 .59" ff : Hi 1 (o' IT to said city limits “ 0 " Atlditiou to* Portago Lake Resort f ' '■’ I 'i Ml 1111MI,, ■ s .'tyurt.v. 19 1.8:7!) I.w' -f Ii of m l therein dwienbetl. for tlio ; Town NO, 2 s Rango No. 6 Bast' - N 00 74’ X 5 V' ih■'br. U I ‘ K 2 15 51; 1)1 X l hjj 'ill t.l, (•; I (if .'-siM* iii, ;8 1 k»i deg 1 Cl. in .said city limits’ to pi Of . hi'g, hi' tUnvec.) s' . 1 l!oio. 11 U(tt ^ar i. herein ' specified, claimed to 64 ill ’ w ;• 18 1 73 f t: iii. M nn | >\V fr*tJ.1 ’of m :>, ./ ti *' K ) 32 4', 75) ft" in 1 ive -,! ;,vu li To1 J’ Ln;'. K in ! fnr iuUs. interest and ".harps ite;. up N't, „f sl,0. a ,|7r>,'i.', ft mg •' IJi*i t Of fi\\~‘A Cdiiv, at the NIS cm: uf. see ;• th \V. J12f).R : 1 1 -ft on ’X Jim« - ijfvSe«; tli N l;r 07’’ N | .deg.. M‘ w 18]K.’iil If. in - the ■ K liiie.:, . . . 20 :■ In. 1 In: SK r(ir of W 1JA of NK i.o'K-. J n Nile x ,t,N '4 line; th N 2 !) (It'”- 2 V ,A d4 ,u3 _ " 1 !>4tr | (Hi -'A : 1. I1"' J“e,. ■ sl|0i parcel of land, and that nf w H tj. nf :VW frl ’4 . of kcc ; lli I1 : 2 J o of lilt'll M'S • X £09.(18 ft i ii\ 1 lie 1 8 |ilu-. tu ’ N Lot;.- • K -liiiit. t .s ft in ;i jMiiut . inV (‘iirvnfnti*: 'g. Ill Ku- port, of spr ;• Hi S . 88 deg: 214.07 ft: ,th-xr8<)" :i,v R 217.70 fl. I '‘'V ' ids h<* «'ld ^ jtie iimounta so S- •«"1 d J** : .511 w 3 4* si) fi. 111. S * din.-of III O ,M(J s 1: ■ A ,l.g f . :s;,IS' 100 | l 2.1; »,'.h , i,v i|ni Stair of-.Michigan-. - - - - f . ih X 1° 01' \V :t.44 ft; 1 li 4_0di(l fl od- ■h'!>, ' ■1 K w 1 19 '1.7 U ft hi ‘ life 'pl, ’’ W 2 7.27A of 8 t Jl.\, (,f XU n l ’"J :*>l »14 ur' '*r ’ 'Mi*‘ W £ 1 1);m f t Ml. .\ l.ot: V , , , ordered that sold petition I lira tlio ent in* ■ curve,' said th X On deg 412 J0"-W- 2!J8.70 ft—in n- t ri" “ be ll.'ill" ... P.u rt:h',01■ -w 'fit.1.' ', ~®Tn— 2?”.: 1------~ - Tt, deg ,;14 ' W—3-8i.-i.-g- fi . t ir*'S- tun •J-.rr,- eiti vo li.isint; ;i cenl unale of 20 dog ;|’J’ I101111 ,oi» ;i I'irculur curve: tli Nl\ly fii" •in t!n' arc’ of n. eirctiluP curve ■ to the j. i i hruuehi ‘"I f'>5 hearing and. dm I’iglu 'thru-'ll- (‘I'liit’iil uinile-of i 11° IJ': I i>r X w frl *,i ■ 1 10 • rod , ill -1Ii(*- -IS-sk W U Upc: 20 - 2 7 2 . 1 *,o i \ nf W 5lf w- • t*‘v. : ,--fi ; ill ,s. 1 "0 1" IS in ft-to pl «f-.dH*ir. I'9:1 0' II !1; ’ l*..rk. '■''-' • de­ 11'1’ nf- die Court on that day, th" |d of.iii'g;'insf ii (uirt of Xl'iki ’ dvtf. oh' .in" ‘K. mi id curve' having 1 im. ) • 10:14 in:):,’ / tlivSS Mii.^,7- ' ft’.- in t ho K lille of XW III", 11 ei g h I s Sll hit 11, H Tit all i'l-rsnnn interi'St’ed in *u"U n - I 7" . if)40 '.Mi" d ms of; 1171.11 ft: ill X till deg 41' In' u 'I'’ „f -ah S 111 deg. \v nail. I (I .’ 30.1)3 - W; 18,(1-, f, l ‘):i7 1908 2 Odd o 8 IS ■ ’ _ : 20: 124.0 I al M*'ll o mh'- nuM- tHereof, desiring In­ : Mil X 4s deg 4 F. 71 2.7'i 11.. . * 11 S a-l (leg. IS 128,’7-1 fi’i tie S ’ ‘ 3 1 1 O’,of flloll ies . N'lv'4 -in > 1040 !)••< :is DEXTER TOWNSHIP' M 1:1/ 1. .” ■ ■ 'j'.i'.ia. I ' I ! ■ i'- 11 , .i.,.' '|it.n claimed thereon by. it,-'’ 'll li'« [ill.I (if -('< ; ih \v 11 1 .Ill) It f’,. Ill X 3 d eg (19* K, 1 3 85 < 1: 'i.h, I ’o-deg; U'. Ml8 f I p tli. . S ■ II I deg. K 2 40. .of -moll ids d, fl 78, (|i g MU* Ml /I - - Tark Hoights of Michigan, for. such taxes, ■11 .lln' 1! \ \\ hi line: - til defl jU) dei; lei'l 192.5)11 C : Ki Town No, 1 South Range No. d 15881 ■l.b21- fl. : Hi ' ’.7f| L iJi'gi.A\4'404 ft. ’ ’A |0 .uI„Jli!Ul>e\°- . 1024 doll On. ,|, r- In Pub , -l ■ I o ■: . - ! 10 to ‘ r 1 . and clinriti’s, or any part there.' 59 ft : 1 Ii (1rl! 121 •AbmiI ,1 1 g , in'req in XIS ciirnei' nf Kec. I'o, ti , piii nl ’ .of' eurva liiro y til ' i u' . the 1 10 uf .0111111e> Mi.l1 •'|l,"'tn the left III,1). 10 ft: lli't; ijbll.8 2 I.o 1 s 1 pi; und -I n 7 I SI-1 r» Li shall' a'l'lienr in sunl f onr.t,. and filo I 11,.ti) ft p.irullel to the R & WJ4 liih-: deg 02' :il ' tn nghf f l>; th )M! 2 hciimicd W.,h\’. Ihe 01‘<1 mi •* iI ii'oHlnrII I ll)M oiirvi'I l. I V I Ire II r the I I i. righfI > M '« ' 10410)2:1:72 ' 3ti" to (is •Schwalhe'-s Twin Lakes Subdivision ViI , 1'vk thereof their .objections ■ t!> X to. ft In K lino of sec. to tlie Lnght; 29 l. fl :t ■■■] -s.. 1940 J .20 .: ■thi n ii-centi’itl miglc, nf 18 .dei'; gliJ.Hl"” .\v rot ? of sk fi"1; k , o- ,'t before tlio first day of, |d nf Img..being a pnrlrpf ;'R1,^-of SR4 deg 06' 'lu" In left 124.59 SKH of j8\V p{ t-«r -■ to .1, a 111 ij 11 ;no Ihe S line of see.. Vnill 20 7 3 7 - ; .1 e; 1D deg 31' to .right "8 I .nrm nf tlii< Court above men- \ t 1 -1.12 1'MO 1,7.2 1 1 87 , . .0 :-,'|0 aul’ 1 9 10 11.62 *- I',1 M'e hayng: -ii T.'iilms of. 88.V.08ft ; UR !|krl O Ilf ' moil ies M p:t(V . I...1 2 72. f 1 tu M" lintif of s«*t*: th S. ') ft i;*^ '!lwd. "Hi"' tlmt in /default thereof tlio Th 165/ s to 0 r‘ s‘i;'i \V Idl, 14 It.. 111 ihe .8 lino of si'c, (f 10 of moob'- I M 1 T ' v ' , V l' 'TZ-k^VilCtlTTl ■ 1 .►’* - V 1 I : A'.d Ac of. the :following (lesrrlhedAhct -1L Inc■of .;o pHof Oeg.-imhnt p.irt | ' ,------o— l- deg !17‘ to .the4ri’«htv l, ,'jil ili i! Ill* X ii li)*. Ilf j fj 7 . 1 ighe- tio'2 :-1 *.'1 ft foi* ir. uill h" sold for tho several 22 .,4,0.00’ 1940 4.44 3 - l o of lllflllli's 10:10 -S. •a;. )•'«• I."*- £.7ii" , ' .merest and charges thereon as of ti 'g. lieing pan .of. XK4 ' \ihur; tli S IS’ 20' [S £21,’to f-' 10 S'j of X-\\''4 oe S.\V'i fl. 1)1 X 34 deg. W 4.127 f^.a III: ■ 3 I O I, I up) li j es 19.11 . Itf ill*'X: 1 h ■;s ’> * i •. 1.5’ \v :'.-v! :<•'- !b -I." £'*.’ III *" 4t ermined by sue), decree, on tlio first. ■ ■ ■ 17 ;t.:oi) . .11)40 07.1* ■ enter line of AViistileioiw Avc.;',tli ’S ■ .12 ’20 no 1 940 2.14 'id deg. \V ’4(>4 ft. to 11 fiioitl ■ aif" 3 in nl monies . \ 1 j IS i 4' 4 0 ' w 1 63 ■fl ;, 1 !j S---501 11 .■(I'd :■ I-.-.,: -- £7:3- ,ot 10 (i.ii'den Ilonies I'ureeorded Ruh. i 79, jo. f 1: in a ho IS .line oF.’.Aiin ■Ai'hoi' eui'i'al lire: in llie ui-e (if tv circular' | * ! 11 * *lies: -■1")t- N 11 1" ’ 1: ii Tnclav in May thereafter, beginning of S\V^ 1 10 Ilf sjlUljfil/S 15)34. T; ■ : s * .. in‘,r, link n. 'm. !. po,-! nf. : beg, being 11 pnr.t of S\V la , I,nt: 3 a. ' 1940. ' 2.74 I .uSniv Treasurer. or at such eonven- N2.H) It ; ill N 87 deg 17' W 400-04 being allot pni'i (if AV'1 (If SR1/ lying. ft..' ilia. 11-iJraSlJiV.W 11 lit,® for a i-m „r ■ i-yinoi.ii; ft in. kaw. 4 ! & / ? ■ 24 .os 19 po -a m , ii.i'Tifrc vi >'linII be se.lcc.teil .:by him ft: th X 2 dog 4-7' TtH" K 82.12 fl- to Half Moon Lake Hills Subdivision ■ :S nf llie Unbind line I"";, th X* 27 deg. in' .*n\' s,;| m f| ; III X ’ 2 4 ° I 4 W. 10 l: i. | 1 f o l i a l l li'i 'ilii' o'mniv seat of the County, of rhi* pl o.t hog.. a purl of VV frl1 ■j Co,II. FS.t.i post of 'see ; HTTTAV i w 1 r.oIx 11 Block • ■ • £ 1 I.oi; . Mt‘10-.' . 2.37 !•» th X1 1 i ilcg 4 9’. W ijtinfV‘}:> fv ’tu - -V i iu:i.T - th N 14' W. Uu.XT ' fi.; la l \viJr','irne^jif--UhdiiKtin;.. and that j.if N\V . f 11 i j . ______'___:_ f. in IS A W 4 lino: th d.'f 1* fm d 1'1‘j I,ill Ml to .11 ill el. ]- of IS. 99.28 A of X’W; frl Ail J ’. -mon‘i_ _ ip iiie NA’S'lc I____Jjl N' ’ i If )\u> XV..v: ‘ ■'■5 ' k . fl : lit SJl0 ri* fK "WhP- | tiA ,ile, then jtml Ucero made t will ■ M< . - id -id. m .78 light '1.14 :‘d). ,£l for id'df'hog; ill coio | ,■ " -ID ’ ; 1040 7 49.64 - ' 1'04'n 7.811 1 X A S 1,( -1 j no tii ilii/- X' / 1111] III s*;V‘ 1 ..r «;orf ...fnVjTr Lliki*. Vi •;SKly ’V ioTrji ! ii tinning ')V. 1,39 f 11 in-Mime .'cmirsi'; Hi , | V|. / uni,be sniff, and each parcel de- S pnia, of- l.o| 9d, (iurden Hnmex time- l.oi . In- 10 23. Hid, of \V <>8;30' A of X’tS frl 'A '' ih Ivly in X li no-'nf ■1 ,1 It tii ■■■■XK !• nl'l' -.1id Leini* 11) a jmi.fil ■ \vh ii■ii* .U. X lii'rilied in the decree shall be seimratm de.f|.92 deg 40' fill".- to rriglit lf)f;0.J ■ 1 7 .. Mill.) 1940 . 7 1 8 \ S‘? ly tu 1 )ju >i l^ll-a K 13.5 v .f I--fi■mir-i'lh* 'pl,A ( fr ; eorded Snh. di.'.sc: us follows: Com. ut fl :,Mh defl 8-2 deg 40' 1 o l*ight 131-12 ’ |,ro 91 5()8' \v ): f t: ‘lu ■ [ h Ivrxpnsed for'snlc for the tntnl tfixrs ’ N\V cor of sec: 'ih S I deg 24' HID" 10 lu 20 inch- XW' fV. ’ 1 th s SR (tOi* ■' ' t)| ' S *; '|.I_ -fit li.ikrest end i-Ii antes, .and tlio- snip, shall ft! III defl 1 d^i'g 10' (/) viglil 24.92'i is . 19*10 . '1 949 ''.7.46 iiiu* tu ^ 1 n ■. '■ ill LV lining 1 ■ ]i,J.n . ui .'X vVfrl V1' ' ■ r \V, lino fl in him of sec; 111 S 87 • ..i'vup Ii insiie to the person paying the full fl : ill defl 80. (leg -37( to right 198.70 | [,o|x tain £4 loci, in'XW eor., . ’pl - of 1 Peg : .'■ 011 ” hoi 0v P7Irt Ol . fill*; / . .5 *-’:V dkg. 17' IS 48 aoils for in pl of beg; X hi; s'iiiui lit ^ .cliiirited astninst speh parcel, ft to pl of heg. eve, the FS 30 fi an wrdih i 1 2 , 1940. beg., lit X'da.. XI" f’iT',1 jif-XW frl' mi parT ’ Of -|r'nin. ij'K W > , :| , f'if ; ’ St *r : ■ \ }) ■ Hi S.S7 deg, .77' IS 2d9 fl; 111 S. 1 oleg .. ■ of. I lie .uhove pilr«d li.eiiig purl nf i l.uis -l |'i ■ I s (: Ji s iii' tho -LAV *i .lin e ’ fur jccepl'iiie- • • a •conveynneo of the 2 4 ' ao/: \V 11 fj , Ih x 87 '(leg 17" W In 4 iind mill 13 lo 1 n Tnel. fl •• ill; ■ th •W V -h f X'K U ■Xi:, i, 3 1 - / ■ . L940 8:0] | ” 29 ■ 27 ■ 16, s ,7 ;i,”)il of bi>g: lli X 'ti' -'K 7 . . 101I- I'.mlle^t limlivided fee etmpln,, interest,: 2 :M1 ri: tli X 1 deg 2 l' :io" IS Tel ft to . M)4D Iiherein• nr, if. Am.;person . will pay the' Heg an. XW eor nf SW fiM J nf fsW frHS [ |,n!s 8 9 A 4 7-i^-l V-ijjH’h _ 3 • It) .of- 111 rmLi's■ ; 1929 , tii X" 30V 41’ W'.4 l'M is/imi’i I I'inhs.: .-'ilo-.ol of beg, being a p.i id ■ of .\V frl ly. 4 » f . smc ; :.ii .s 7 :1s -LV’ W 9.40 mills- ro th,' pl ■ « —:OUf,—non ,|.y Vimrons . r-s— .mid take a convey’ , Ill s 646.12 fl i)i IV 1iris of 1 33 -1 ■ ■ " : 194 0 •3 ’ 10 -Vif itlol)l--s *• * . I'lnii.’ • « . . «t. * . n t i M A 4T\ AUAAF — o-f—X-\\—f-i-ILa----:------.----^ ^ ••St1!1' -Mt (feri \Jh - 1(> * inn rbip77-:M;ffFs-»--tT)_H:: mT ■ ■. 3...] 11.. ut ...iiin'n i os.,, ~ ------1921 ut.beg,---berjrg- Icier rf lrji than the entire thereof, .1!)/ ...... ■...... I 9 40 ...... 7.fill- •t 0 leu'ii ilio iitode rutfcel .shall bo offered hi iileft 5) ■ 19- In- left,.148 .of.' f III 1940 1,10 3, tj.)._xii'..iimiiiioi_...... ~ . L!2: * - r,n| •! 0:1 -Cui'drn Homes’ t.'nri’eorded sub. to |'! nf. r nrv;ni ot'(■/•lli .in at■c of Orchard Addition to Portago Lake Resort iicg, ’ ;i i S !-: me of Ln! I: fuel od,! If any parrel of land cannot dose, as follows': Com, nl XW eor e ticitje end . shall, oil the Kite-- IS I ■ 1.1 1 fi for n’ ))! (ii'-lo'g ;■ ill S o" deg 6!V>- Lnt 17 - .'I 949 - .'.iiio: diiV, Jir before the e!o_se of' the ':!).. N'W1\ XH-19 /f'-TT |oirrj~tin* latii .. "2 7 . III, . " 1; ::'£>£ I: : ‘1 li N 3, W, 4-1)7.Un.. fr 1 ' 3 17' IS 292,04 fa; ill S 1 deg 21' 40" r.i,r'\ii in-", _hi -il. .lie. Iv rrofferi'd. find if.' oti fmeli see- ■ s.-'lil I'ur'k i1 Tif a V’( tilt ! ill1 X iiiii*. _I -111 of mol, i.-s I 939 _ . 3 1 o nf niioib's , •)-!i::o ■ . ' tn ' ih*- 1*1’ uf :g .1 "! W 1 . I,n! . AV..W-—(sgvIU-- fI -i'll--IS-luic uf AV fl'l Vj- of- :f ft1'r uf SW/■fri’-/"Tli fturt- tn" 1, M1 o f m 1 ii’i'f - ■...... [Mi it ——rrf—S-H/f-i..— tToo'r.iffor'..’r>r ’.hiring sm-fi sifle, the ’saifie X W lei 14 : I It X 87 di 17' W 292141 3 f I 9 of monies 193 1 | .-oi'iu't■ s

pl nf beg. I11T11 It—lliTTt ruf-.W, ft'l-kr l*(u—.*3 ---- LO&I--T OW-NfrH-IP- 3.2 ■ i-'111! £.07 .49 3 0 " S .111. Ill A of V 79.iii A of NW fi’l’.t . v ! i: r b Ts 1 7 1 ol J..ft On. s:,on. lire ivimo of the State, of X Wfi I 1 ■ 10 Of IIH'rllieS I \roii,i;r'iliir rtioi ' fl'io w W; R:i inotor — ’Chub b^s-Altcratioit-to-tho—ytthtgedyf-— —1 93 I’/ ___TowulN.ft,_4i_f)OiiUi_Raug0 No. 5:.Bast ------——-‘Th —;h;t91- * 19.40------7-«^— -Ss-.: lim 227-1—.f r, .Hii::-.:.'—p;l:i ------i —M)’ — ------1-940----- 2r44- 1— lo Trf .inoii ies S\V !n 7—-S \V-V1—r7rin 1—'S -1r,-g;—rir-/yv-TM7rri ft / „i n dv-ctj’/tti 1 a1!.-, ,j i 1 .liok'o n ml .the sen I of solid Cir- !L: 10 of .111 ■m'i ii s ' 1932 4:92 — r-: OrifT-fus- "Subdivision . ■ , ' 1,0: 1(1-4 1 mnieu ' Homes I’ni deocded sub. Newport ~ • -. '• ■ s w 1, ■■ ■ . In llie 1,-ft ' 90 f;': ih !•: . llo dl ; 1;f■ ( nuct I'f Mil'lltenow. .< 'onnty this 0til *: Block .1 , Lnt 34 '' Lot No. 22 . , Milo ' 1.91 d i sc, us follows: Com.■•’ n l 'XW cov of. 1930 ' ‘ I .'defl • 91 *19"' lo ' 11.1-ti-l’l • 9,0 !'.\1.". Ill ,v ■ 1 ■" .Innunry,' n Min. - see; tli S I deg 24' .«()" AV 139 I'.iiU 1.1,!".' -I. 7. 8/ 9 , .19'/ II. 12,- i;i,’also Mieg. *3 / I 9 nf llinn ins l.ol .N’iv, 3,4 ' ' ■ Mi i.o 1.91 3 I o (O' mpllirs ■ i’9:i 1 .'■• 9 .1 In' of ‘ ill m tl ir*s Pi.'i. I.)!'. to'g-. .lining ;|V. p.i I'l ‘ n.l X K fi'I' <;HO!!!;.K M'. S.VMl’i.H. fircui} Judge in \V ■ Iilie--of see-: 111 S 87 deg 17’ V, .■'.ut XW eiir of Lot .13,. lilk. Mi: th X 1932 1,(0 'NoV'.'iT, 19 10. l.lii- 9 ..30 ■ g 1 p.JO ..'-*0.01, . .3 10 of .mollies ■1932' 4’, 9-2 ; 10 of iiit'iiit;> ,1 I I ■'";l|'V;liglied. . . ■1981 fltfol' ,1 pl n f ’beg: ill S 87 dei;. 11.41 fir tli h'dy 10 a point which r. ' .194O' 44.119’ 1.91- Xn. (i9 •• • - . 1949 1.30 (’oin, il the X K . o:1 nl , V. So n I i.rn.M Aj. SMITH, r.leek. ’ . ; I 17' .K 29,2.83 'll th S ,4 (leg 2.1.! dfi’/ / 3 7,l’o ft X of Ihe XK <"'• of Hot 1_ Park Lawn Boaqh Sub. No. 1 NW V Griffin’s Subdivision No. 1. ■.VWf‘1l.,4 ’ uf_'’SV.<'; -:h. W 41'* rods uml ’ iii I,.'iie’, 1. Soil/, -JI'.iiiy .Clerk, VV 8£.70 fl 111 K line nf W fid'-.- of N )V liik, 11 ; ih W 101 /X’line 0T1'l.o.l t Itik! I’.1 Of l.o- 13 , — "l’futn- Mi l b '>{}■ Ml 40 T'.nur- 'llTvg.— fvl— SAV . m :—of—Ln*—'l ' ' b N —39- ’ l.i,27’ IT'/in fTTc N 77rIt -” >3 S-o” ToV -f-ylj.4 ; Hi X d 7 deg-.172—\\^:.’2i):Lfl4-ft; 4 1* and 1 In- X line of T.tM-H l Hlk. J_0 to l*o I 91 di'g 47' K' 40.11) fl lo SK of Mn.i’ ■ a | > I of hi'g; ill S pul’ll lleK I o ’ iiu~K Ih' X I, (leg 24' 30" K .82.10 71 to. (lie *■ ilu'i.i’i of bog,' being . p.iVt" or. SW fi;l V ' 1 0 . of ill (1 it ies 1P28 ■.ill N , 21 deg l.o' W ■ 17, ft in ’ !: n r of -Hid W.’Sm -\ |,i ;i' p: \v hi STATE OF M ICHIGAN LYNDON 'TOWNSHfP : . • H, sW 1 pl of- lieg.. bei ng ii loir! of W’ -fid1-' n( So,- 7 jnil, eni i i e .l.ol s -1. 7'; 8, 9 j-.! A 1 i )l-■ (if 71'; I14; riiv, o m o n r iTvcriT f o r tiik )l • X W Ti'L' t..■”> ’ ’ , ./ 'll. 12 13 All owned A niT'U pil'd up Tii' of rnnoivt ii)3n Town. No. 1 South Range No, 3-• East r ||I i IT Wlv .line 1 1•ulV. ih • W .:'■ ,1 l-i in rli. AV j - (tic NT V dl' 'WAS'IIT ISX'A W Ml 1949 •' 2.^1 , iinr p-’ireol. 1(1 of jiiniiit1' ' .15)61 lieg ai S':; post of si-V; ih .89 deg is £ 11 f.|‘ ,S'W1> '*fl mu s\\ ■■(i.t S'v . u t„ - ii |.nM.I i« l.o ■ 1 ' ; IN’ niAXCISRY ■ Lot 117 fluvileii. II(fines, [’-Mrccnrdcd Nub, 19 *1949 16:71 ;; 1(1 nf i lit 111 its ■ l',):.£ 1 6.1.1 1 17' W 190.34 ,fi vn 1 n ■line of 71: ih SKIv £0 fi ill Wit llie- -W , 1" nf See;. Ill 71 til 1 lie ’ 1 .’1 .f Iiff" Im-111^ Ilii (lie Matter of the Volition of Vernon Jlisc. n s follows, Ifoni. 01 -XW cur of Barnard Hdghtq ’ Lnt M/S . sel'; tli X 0 deg b7' K l.S3 fl : hue ef In tile NW, 1 925) Mi S s' _ill" ,r.nt 71 1919 1 ,‘b Urowii,' Auditor' floneral_-of tho sMr; tli M 87- 17’ K-19 r’ds in the X I.ntj 11 15)40 24)65 ' ill nf n|uniiT>7' . 'til N 87 flt'g 2!f’ lv 911.00 H;, III •1. I-* .1 1 ' 1; ;ihe itf* s 1940 ,1t62' v...v, • 1 ■ of V: :...... liHtf). ---- ' 14 (1 ejT'39“ W--3 lo.09-ft;;-lh S 12 (leg State ’of " Michigan/: for' aiill ''in' be- liiri'.'df See- |'iir' 0 pl of, liegl 111 S’ 87J I>oi 21 • t * ti f ii»as / . 15)31. half of .raid' Spar, for 'the/ sale of 117' K (19 fl 111 X line of Neewlli S ' 1 ° iJteg at NrW or of I.ot -611 tl, s.. 16 5 ft 11 -•1)2f K 297.20 ft; th S ■ lisd'-g 42' K [gilt ■Xn 1 lo 'l.. M’lO "4' 30" W 40.1 ft ; Ih X .87° 0 71 W 99 111 W lino of I.ot li I W at 'right \ H' i'l' fiionii**'* r 15)32' 7 09 2 Ml,On .fl . tli k 9 ileg 1 1'W 22 l.2o 1 join 'certain hndj (or., taxes ' assessed ISO J.nt Xn. ■' 1 1 1 . ilnuvon. ' '' ( ____:_____ fi ; th V 1° -.I' no" !■: 49-1 fl lo the I>1 Mio/le MM.dt) ft": -Lil­ s! .17 8'1 ft tilling the (I* _J:___—d—------' f 13 111 S ,i- 1 01 ’ ■K ■S3 1’. 30 1: : . 1(1 'ill |n ■ X'ly esleiisKm of.- .11x1 111 tlie+.W line .) ' 1 U of lllnh i*‘s 13)3.5 I-. 16 ' H 51 dt«ir ill' /I 36: . ') 1 ' fl ! S •> 1.34 . ’ > .1 1 11 l ^ |.\ Ur i Iho.('iri'inrCourt for llie County of o1' bog,.- 4u‘ing-=a—■ loii’t o[" M .. fl llg. bl 1 STnf'l ..-...... ------;■ Ml i" 1 ..1 1 ' : Xn. 113 V- linin' |M.’I'Tifi'n.'inv in Cha’iieeryj ■ <-r' ’ I.•:! 92 . ::) fT1 pu en llm I o iihil nt’ -s).1' ■* . ; • deg 26’ W £ 1 <)' 34' f, ITT •Im. S I i'n i* t»!' Nn. ,1 il pl l.3il/ XS “'jH-'T-uf sv .vw fi-pj r £ 1 ir > . > ■ ■ MM 9 1 . I l*‘tf 13 4 Vernon J. Hrown, Auditor Oeneral M) • 1910,' .19,7,8 ,'il ft X of S lnii'Mif Lot 92'; to the,R nt ■ M'I". ill X 51 if t Z > i 'W *> ^ . J t f: in Xn. 1 1.5 s _ , 1.01" 1 .'34 1 Srf. * ] i-i ’■! i .S' 1 ‘J P.‘ Mill) U-'.l1 l.ol d ihe State id Michigan, respectfully I I'liiifmoiioi’iig' at- intevsectiou of R lino i line of Lot .92; th X. 1.4 n 11 .ill 1', -1 i n e nt Hie S -line 'M'I* 1 ll l-l >" .pl , ,f ' hi'g; l.ol Nn. 1 1 6 1PP.) 1 34 ;i pttrlj T . . ,'. X\V S Of l.ol 92 A 91 Hi the' NK roe of l.ui ‘JIT 111.1(1 ■ 1 1 ki'iiig_ ll |ni 1I* uf SW ' r)1•1 ,a»i;*i. I'ni-i 1-30 r J7 t: \ f■ V 1,1 N' I'fows unto tin' ■ Court: ' ' . - . 1. ■' of 2 I' A 1 -1:1111 ■ i' lino of. Hrnad way Si ; | w 1946 ■ i".7r -i.ur Xn. 117 1!M" ill SWIy along said cooler line! 'tlftfi.-i 91; tli 'X’ Wly 101, t.1 ft io t he X'ly liiie *>\ — * 1 * ■ y « i sk fid 5.1 i.n*T 1 1 8 . . 10 1" ' 1 30 V tit * 1.1 ' f .4 he’ is die Auditor flencral o', 2li* * ' 19 41) 1 f,i X,'. lef the state of Miehigan , and. makes 1',. |y |.| III' lieg 3 lllelH-c XWly al _t‘l. , uf Lot’ (i I '.nip! of lieg. die mg enlilc . 1 ' if*:: Jfi-p’i I/O! ,\n. 119' 8* | .M| 11 * 2^1.30 ol £71 ■ ■ ■ .19-49 1..5I ■ ,. In'hI fill's this iirtiiinn under, by virtue upgb's - In Hgimil way. 1-14 H; ht/Viy 111 .'iiiilsjiniM nf Luts , (it) npil 92. X ID'A Ilf s ■'.Li ,f SK a Nn. 124 •1.9.19 ' 1.36 nt "J 7 s .MM" !i .5 1 ' ■1949 |,ll 1 #n? |ef oml-:pursuant' to the provisions 'of’ .—^jTf^Tj-1 pvj—try—ltviwd wnV,: 1 '74--V-l ;--tlit'lie/------'— V ■ " ” ' 11149 a"32.13 id Ini' Nn 1 2 5 .1919 1.3.0 nt ■J S j t ; 19'.|9. 1 51 S|i- lieg Id'i N'o. £06 of the Public Acts of .1893,' 11 >I" 1 ol righl 'angli's 144 fl lo •I'oiltei' Boulevard Heights Deg at NK ’e • Vi 7 I' . above■ mentioned atul contains tho '(”0111. at XK,eor of see; l.h S £■ deg .14 _. ■ —mi 11.1 1 •; . \v 1 72.7 ,:in ’ fi - in- ihe K . lino of'see: Lot I 7 j” 1940 2\ 4 4 Ill N <59 deg t>9' W ■ 31 3.1.0 I 34: ' X’ l,..r !-Xn. '1 32 • ■ 1,94 6 1.30.! —7— ! 0. .1 1, a ■12 1 P'-im. ■ l.'Jii . d- script ion of aif . Jands in , tlio afnrc- FR£Ef)0M TOWNSHIP 13/72. f.l Id’ Ho- X line "VNl ” , i I Vn ■d'l rminiy . upon ■ which taxos'i which til 's r,8 -d(.g US' W ’376-90 f.l: foc^a Lo: 49 ’ '/.sfL__1949 2.44 (i (leg 26' Ln' -Xu.- 133 ■■ ' lMI-HM 1.34 , s M A - *.? v’ '"J'" V r l.nt .PJU I 9 16 - ('ll Of beg; tli S. 118 deg 38’ W I 7 Lot t 39 : 1949 2.44 'Town No^3_So_uth_ Rjinge NOi. 4 East (if sec ;■ 111 X* 89 deg 3_7J_\V__m l -Li if .-Xn 13 1_ k'MO ' 1.3 9 . ■ 1 - ■ 10-19 I'm re assessed for; the ycnrR mentioned line- of SeiL To, Ihe"”N 1-4 ■ |.iisi-.if, -C'’, |l lipiin, have retm'rtned .unpaid.; for more ft i .III X 21 deg 22' W I -1£. ft; "lit N Lot Mil 1 !bl9- 2.44 . Section j.of ■No I i i. V'-iO 1:30 ' Ka s w , 1949 2.4 4 ■ th ;8■ .Jft) fds. ill X' ’&■ SI* line. Hi m’i , 10 1" £9.61 1* 4£8 |(Kan3ono ym..tifi)Jr 1liey, wct.o returned , 9.8 deg .'38.' K, 1 72 71 ft; lb S 21 deg Lot 132 Lot No l'.!li...... 1 94 0 1.8Q_!_ 1—11111 Crest Farms. w SW I :• >v ■ ri 89 (leg 17‘ K 199' ids—TO 'The' I. 1.30 | K NUj er xw-i., 4 29 I'V 'IMinqtienl, the-description of nil lands .22' K 142 ft to pl of ln:g. I,em>g a part Xn 137 ■ . . 1,9 10. jh. | Lot.' 1 1949 9.17 . ' 9 .82.1)8 . line: of sec, th.N 40 nis in ihe 1! M* . - HM9 ■ ■ l.nt . 1 31i Im snul county heretofore bid off In the XK'l i f sW 'i nf NWfid'4 Home Wild Resort ' 1.-1.5.6 . A ..■in XK Lot "l-ll 'm.49 39.91 Lot 32 1 949_ 31.4 6 line of sec. to the pl.» of ■ beg, esc. ; K - .of s]-.': .1; .'Nei-pt Jaiiaif. of-the State .atul thus hold and '----- 7 10 31 I 9 40 2.9 6 i ll w id I ll of. I eH 1 \ - dm, '.A : ' ! i.> X l ot ■ i 4,3 ■upen which taxes .vine)! wete asscRSPd Lot 31 1949 1 8.12 9.00 A said 0.60 A dese.: fis coin, u; AM'-' 20 -ft Curiu-.v. vp1'' i il, Hleg.' in K Hue of W’ j or. X’WJi1 SK'j of sW 4 of SKfi'H NK eor. of See: ill S 123 i: in L * l” 1940 v.flo: t'iuuiiiii:” ‘71 i ' t.l e :< • Se. l.nt 1 ',.1 |»iili5e(|U(Hit to . iljo tax for which' such Hill Tops "A i . which is S u .y ? ,1-’;'/ /, 1940' . ' 2.61 ’ ' 7 1 if I T 1 lino .of See; t•: W 9 l■ for a, |d "i 202 . ’ ’ 1940 (i.Otl | , piM 11; M h 1 |-J' s . y.p -f * s ’ ••f y. • i- ; l.nt 14) turuls were sold, to the. .Slate litivo ro- fenm the XK eiir-of.'^ J.-' Of NM a ; th Lot, 1 |/■! ; 7 ; Emmerl impaiii fnr Yeaf Lo: .31 -21 - to of' monies ■ —-lieg; tli-.\\1, 2£6_fl.; tli S ? ft. ■. . . :..h.. ■ N 2° £2' 30" P. I I.70.70 ft : th .X;,88 “ • ' 3 -.111 f monies ; 1932 point which...1 is1 29 ft X of the S. .lac Lei li 19M) ’ £5 ! u'..JT. 1 fl i:i !,:,V W:*V' '] ■ t,,- l.nt -I4U lS'Hf iiipy were returned as jlclinqhent, ■> 1 3 0 " W 669.9 7 ft- tti ’N line of seo: Orchard -H11U 11.98 .••r 15)40 18,12 1949 Of the X 40 ids. i n will: li- of - lie- Nl! l'.ol HI ..■■ ■ 19 4 9 .1. iV !■: A ■ .Lei -4 p ii the (ioseripiion nf nil land# in 'said ' Hi S 2* 17' .30" W 1417.99 fl:: I .Dl 1 . : (-.4 Wi’l ’ Osago Hill S "I 7.33 a or K ~ 2 ■,33 a ef s;-t'r:i;~a- • [,, 1',;'00(1- fl- tn N l i ' T l i e "'lo'di. are delinquent ‘ for any Nl'jlv to, Hie pl. of. beg'being a part'of M).i>7 A. NK 7 19 10 1.76- . “ :,f w 1 -V- otif S\V, fi'/i ‘ -x | ih,. ph of. hog. befii’g u paid, "of MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP ,/ I ("hillnient 0f tnx<..8 under tlio provisions Lot 7 8 i'7.:i: "IV !2l),nn' : ' 4 9-19 m 3 .27 Uplands ...... " fl'l'4 ' , ’ L SK ®m 2ll’tl lest .above tnentiojipji; ■ ■ 1 946 ' 20 03 • ,1 nf monies 1931 1.3" 19 : " 12 29,73 1040 '[Town No. 4’ South Range No. 3 EftSt '1 /•''tended separntely in said 12 .. / ' ) i 4 1AH N to A of ■ 'vs: Com:', at S'4 1»'si- of see: th ,N 747.48 M l SWVi'sWKi oxe 2U A off S, end mu. at the NK Vor of XWfrl'i run niux 1 X 1 50 of NK fl'l Horseshoe Lake rievclopmont Company’s il'„, 10 ntrnirisi eneh (inscription nf said* Li'tl Ml h: . ,s . <0 XK 'frl Li ih'X9.V-S!4 lot" f<"' 11 ,V'- "f h1'",' 1 n 1 17 21 , "\y SO ; nls, ill S' 40 , nis. Ill i ; A !• ,'"’ri''t' (/mtained nro '(ft) tho 791.92 fi in N & S ‘» line, ih defl 61 t - 124 , . 1940 80.7 8 ! Shady Beach Subdivision 3 I o of inmi ies • 1.9 ill it ■ 1 "."9. vds; th S' 49 rds. t,o pl. of -beg. •PJ P» Ur '' nS I to. ni)ioin,|. ,,f ■ iioiitKiprint taxes nn doss 13' to the 'right 4 in.U .fl/.lj* AUGUSTA TOWNSHIP i,i |.; 1 .8 of SWfv'l of SWfi,l!i: (iM i'p; •Ain K -1 i’i.iM A .o' X 93 ■;1 A o f XW frt‘i. i Toyvu No. 4 .South Range No. 7 East 1 'HU 1M. | m •!.^ Klliytin >ion______fnr-jiio - noti'rmvment rtTWTX'~’2't "• riK -:V—8—hmk-*—1-0—w‘-+*i-l4c ol. w 1 46.01 1940 ‘N 21| : . i.uj. .di'g 1.61 10 Section-® -.4-6..U , iiie same may lawfully bo sold Ihlb ill'lldefl 761 n oogdog -I41 ■ -to the ■right - o”. 2 - 1 . . ■ h (lie Saul Vi 5/8 of . SWfr L',. of sW th • 1- 17:99. A of W 64 IT A o f X 5)4 TT ;■ l.e .K ■ . t 1 I... , 11 ■> n 11:1 1 * 1 fl f- N'_1_A_Uf S 23 A nf thal part of K 89 1 <10 vds. lb S 40 rd 10.?' \ ii *i | 9 f.V 1 .'nrs r'fvt. *tax sain,—fb.)__ln.g ---- fl to the 1-1 of hog being a I’-'" 'D -fcl‘,- * 17.50 1940 I 31 Hi N 40 I'tls. to pl. of beg IS if XW .frL:,..... I'd 1... .. ere: | " A (if S W / lying W Dl' Invyl 8 3 r , 1.0 4 . , ; ' k*4" '■ K Ubfi-A- of-the—W. 1 8.8 A of the X '-.■* A — ----- :—: 8 2,'.24- Lako------...... -5-M+O---*--P-tT'H- eoITceiien fee of four 'per, W K' of SK u ; ’ 1 o of nionies 1931 12 . (lo . ef 'w.ty- ot Lake Shore' and Mich- 1,1 f 4 1 of.XWM if .W i 12 89.90 1940' 8n.11 3" 4 —•_ , I'l-p, ■1,0". ^ til)* $1.(10 for expenses, all In ■' ■ 27 19.69 V/‘ 1 o of monies r. 1932 3/19 ef monies 19;;o j ” mi SuuHient li ail road • WiHT K. line: J'"1 '/J. -1939--, ----L 25 4 . !0-l" 1.6 : ' 'liriCr vtith -tlie...provision#—of tho- :i/!Tnif mmili’s- -— SK ;4 Of SW -,f/j — . —1949 • 3 /to nf'monies-----' ' -103 1 “ *'-r,f - m-c— th 48-- 196 <1 — W*» (|£7- ft; tn^eLot '..'I * *, \ ‘ . ; . tr-Ltsi- M. 1931 ( 12 40,00 1 940 f 4/1 .S6 1 1 " -I" \ "T "63' ,r,< Above mentioned; »■ :j / 10 of nionies . \ of siT r !4 of SWfr ‘i 3/10 xif monies 19'.; 2 ' N r 1 (5 ft lit itlong s liiyi' ■ of righj' 19(9 , 1 33 1....' J" 6* oil..of the/aforesaid fa'xos, In- 1932 N '-t7' A of SW ’i of SW/i and -’8 8 A s i" 19 40 I'M 1 ( \\ a y of I .a ke Shon mid Mielugan 3 / 1() (if. mojLtes k li.oo N ’i of NKV\ of N W 'i 17 ' -' V - 1 P pl J . J ’» ;fi;. V 1.. ."[,!!01'l flDifttes m$L vnlid, delinouent 193 I of X W Vi g>f. MW ‘4 'ri i‘9 1 0 - SoiHlu'ipi lL'iilriotil to piio'e' of HW- 9/10 of monies ■■ r., ______L4_.'.26Joo_ . 1940 ,20.65°6 65 16 ho A’ of SKfr L 12 20 . ”, v If) id 1 0 3 lonPM ! ' r ' And have remained1 delin- 1/10 of ninnies . , i-’ e 'I,V 8 .89.1)9 K1-.' of W of SW'4 ...... 6 ' ,000 , 4949 „ i mu, 1 X 11'A of that jnirt of Slg of SK 'A ly- >\\ L of X K1 ( - lcnJ*unr lin,l,ft‘d fpr syffiolent time/tn C om .V I'ost of see; ib L " 1 h,. 3 M o of mo'n tV.H 1931 • ■12 40 1949 M h 1 ■ V 1949 1.83 l9 sh(nr^ ,1fV1 rcruiire. aB -providcd, by . 1962 ; | It S 5: ...... 114 40 ’ 1919 ' 15 - '15.00 * 1940 24.05 3 - 1 n ’of monies Coin.- at XK eor. 5f So: la | 7 V- 1 '♦ 1 1 » 1 39' 1 . mff’ujic eels, the Rale of thfi. afore- 31 rods in K A- \\ '4 .bno. K • . ' 1940 14' in"4lie’ R liite nf 'Si i ■; tli W 9' w.'i Of SK1’/ ’ 1 i; 2 \ • , ‘ . I'M • ’ l.iVl W nf WHj of NWIt „f SKli 111 so . M‘49 /' n # x # Yos ll''''0 ’ 'rind against which thev chr; th W 31 ’Toilst tl, V 1^'. -bs 9.60 W<., nf X K.14 nf SW a pl. of beg:, tit AV 2 26 f' ' . ] / . ,1'i.H) ’ : • .-l 'f M' ■ i , , 12 *jtK on 1910 ^ 117 ft to a jit. whirli is 29 f: N "/ U"7 ■. ■ Mlii 1 <■)} I (nr tu ,,!l‘ T'f,.xt annual ' tnx solo of HW.'.i of NKKi the S lute o f the. N 40 iiH m «'dii 2n' ;;o ’ ■ 1940 ' 27 10.46-. V , 1 !l 19,1 V. 16 £0.09 • • T9 40 60.02 K '.(• nf VM nf SW'i •dm : t .1910 ' * . •' t JiV, . iptopaymetit thereof, ond thnt 49.00 MM 9 7 -of the NK frlLi : th,,K £/o f; th A. Tliab. part of ■ K 4 11 Com. at Sb, piLt of se. : th K ,r of XW li of SIC]4 , , 12 Sn.K - ■" - 194" 1 .33- lit-.i. A1".-' interest.' colleefinn..fee . I'f SK 5rp------'1 1 7 fr"tl> TtlTr“'pt “Ilf hrg br-H)g ) ...... • -17—-' l,.i. >/• Ityifci .l e/estilitl'i' 11 valid . lien (upon1 ■ ; 1949 1 M Korn, at SK ene of W frl'j ktf NK ft i ' , 22 ■ SO i.37 " ?! ] n,«n f t; th 1 ' . Hog. '47 .rils 4 Lj ft M of NV,- cor,of pKlj > ... 12 1 V.|9 i 1: 1,1 ^nlil several unreels , of lftnd ih N T9 deg r.V W o.vtsi 'h- : :*., of 'NW i li^ . right 658.9/. fl in |mtn» , «n See '10 lit W 150 ft S 50 ft K. 150 fK .Bennlo Brao Country Club' in I 1. |»n,i ln faiil sehednle as therein 1 Vniwe: lh,W ly in an* A»f c.reibi 1940 a, pl. .o.t'. Ju g ; Ih_..N._. 11 oeg. M’1 , . 11MPL 1; Iff ''v,.,h’h. extended In favor X 10 fl to tilnee. of hegluning L'M-JNn; 141 • eh* j "til K0 48 deg 'Mo‘ A\' :'•/■!' rhs; ■ 3 -10 of "inonirN ...... 1 929. | : |. ' t„ left thru central angle oi l ll' 1’ ' " f | ft-. - ,17 ! ' 1940 9.60 LiiL-No. 1 78 1,9.40 •lid of the State, of Michigan, ■ tlrS , 57- deg I'l' K 4 90 ihs.-t.u-1 he' 3 Io of mono s ■ I'iCPl’' ■I'M' n chord distance of 86.45 ft ;H"*i''1")' ’ Deg. 44 .vd'.s 4 fl M of NK eor of SK'/*' Sunrise Bc'nch Subdivision 1.13 mv ""M which Hen tins court of said curve being 2i>to'it the pl. of hog.' Met 11 if n pari ef &\\ frl'i 3 19' of monies ! I ., U>31 ,1 PM See/ Hi lit W 150 ft S 10 fl K 110 ft Lip. No. I 194 0 t(l32 'him im,,!!'01' ,n", 11 Tireferrod or- first to sifiil curve make' n- t*11*' , gi.'iv of NK fflK - ' 3 ■ in of monies ■lme 1:9' Hi N lo ft- to place of oeg led No. “ £ 1940 ,VHt of ill 1)11 l( 15)33 ,;r ul"’n -■"‘t'b Inn Its by the sale there- irngloof 123 deg th oflMl '-It)c)o 13 0.81 . Mitl" 1 'i1’ r ! 111 ,17. V9-10 llOt)' Lht . No 3 1 of X 3 4 ol'.'W'i' of SW 1, ■ /yilv'A ih Tilling snme enrVo thru -a ^ f[ . •Dog. 3-1 tits £L. fi .S of NK Cor of'SK'/, 1,36 SK V4 of SK '* KO «Mil ere .,’s .r e vn», ;■ r.' -. I'viMMMicr (11 inner' pravs: • of 1 deg 59 a chord di?frf’B are'valid anj}/ w' piv't'K Lots 2 l and 1/19 of mouieji 27 19 19 ‘J 'J-*' Lit! 494 •,.V to righl 182.77 I .t'?1,",. oa- «(“’ ■ 16 20.nor : 11)46 40,70 io »n E ’he ’*’n 1,1 „ 'A V1 ' 'b'n upon each 1 tinned rHerd: tb defl } p ' d " - | n4' I,ets 215 ind .64 3 In of moiipis (()£ 9 1 •fit11 1 68 : I.,,: *4" 5 ft 1 ,^,| phrrel,^ of land desejjffird of XW >4 'ft Lots No >8 Ml 49 3/ I Ii of monies 1 <):'.£ 17.1'.’ 1 ^ 9 ,. \,\ Ln: > ! V * to right 692.76 fl ; th defl It' , ; ■ 46.06 ll^lft 39,118 3 .70 ’ s fH ’;. of mw fti’V 1 IS 1,oti No; £9 • 1940 "I'll' x. £0.\ of \X fit'A 0 f ■ tile SW ’.j 1949 . . 3 3 '‘ t rUt ,Vi:i ' 39" u\ right 157.69 ft to pl of h-,.. "<* K bmcif SWM 1.42 1 26 67.65 1 1 I bv nf T/ots 80 and 31 11)49 3/1D of monies ft s •20. V nf :K 39.\ nf X MitlA nf W L"t H I 9 49 .,.%v Ln1 7 ' l 4.0 no MU6 as.on 1 946 1 decree tn '*; 511« pni't "f m ilt 59.93 £3 ■Lois 88 and 3 1 ' 11 -,4 3 1 6/19 of ninnies ,sn A of SW'.i d 1 7-2 1949- r 6 * Lnt T)(i!s 3.5 and 36 1940 1.42 ! * A' WI9 1 .Vu’i Tchignn against rotn. nl SW eor' of see: Ih x BUIDGEWATBP TOV7NSKIR 5/10 of monies 27 ■ 49 UA L.H Lets 87 and 38 1 940 1.42 1 '10 itf 1931 1 940 ' ] ____ lands for, the pav- in W . line of sec fpr . V'1, nf ".u Town No. 4 SoiiUTRaniio No. :1 E.fist 1,21 j- 5/19 of monies monies h r 7 ^ ”'no/8e/erat/n'mnimtT ”Af ' Talterr Lots'39. 46 JH«r’ht .. 15)40 A 'a o of monies I !i:l 6 16.67 1 949 t ,r;:t > > 206,71 fC. th defl Hit deg: * ( 1.21 1 S 47 A of 11U oT XW[4 • _ 1 Lots 42. w / ■hind l i A 19 46 SW'.I 1949. .;63 Lnt ,Mip ■M “(Imnnied Mo,i f,’° n,,,, expenses,- ■ righl 208.71 fi: th ;S 308. d Tl \ . A 47,90 .1049 10.12 1940 1.2L', S frl Mi of mK frT??, . af 1 Lots 4 ii, (Dill 17 '27 fin 1949 f,rv Ln! 510 ■ l|,in parallel tn W line .if**;. " V 30 \ XK SW'4 also Hie K 66 rtts. 1940 , 26 78.50 1 |bin,l'''',u^)n*t..the several parcels of Lots 48: 49, It 11(1 56 ! J / • 6/10 of ninnies 1 U3 I '10 nf monies • Mi29 1949 1; Lnt ■5i-r ' in width NWH-'MWM and 53 .. ' . 1919 1.21 , ■68. I . fJidMurd;' . Tails 51, 5° ■5/10 of t*fn\nies 193 1 8 /1 0 of mollies loan •: iLpL'J s_r._ 19-19 1 :. 1 mhl ■ 5 4 5.00 1046 26,72 .5.5, -1940 1:21- . , T T2 ■fault .3 pf]1' . rtf,eree provide that' in Lots 54, rind 56 ' 5/10 of nionies 1931 :1 ’10 of "m'oiileA w 1061 ----- 81., 9.81 1 O'lO 1 63 ' 'riut 1. 1,1 , 'b0 tmyinrnl so ordered of 66 1.00 ■/ io088 \\; '/j XK frl *4 Imls 57. 58, nttil '59 MHO .1.21 i 3 a o of mnnie.s 1962 A* , T O 46 nn Com. ai SK'ertr"'of Sec'.63: th *jrt» ' 5 74.00 1040 L51.60 • 1.2 : ; 1949 Lot led 1 M l I t ' '■’icttHed ^VT"I" snnvst computed and '1.018-560. .61, and ,62 1949 K frlV4 of NK frl'4 p\c. in Ac ‘t/19 itf monies . 1 lift 3 161.59 15149 ! c ! ft in H tine of see ; lb.defl 91 - X 48' A SK!i also .<*27 V K. XHK - 1949 . 1.21 187, Lets 66, (14 and 65 s. i l -8.' IA.-.S.V/. SW lying 1ft 19 1 . •Mb .'^nlule in said to right1 21.76 ft f«r.-p1 »f "V foy* 5 75.00 104(5.20.07, 1,-21, | NW eor said . 10. At: ..being -49 "’da TJt.M__M of N: A , Lnt 1 a8 Lot Tgtls 6ft. 67. Olid 08 *■ ■■. 1940 K, of highway >. 1940 : Vi'f 517 |!*h‘T,. I,. J.,,'!, 0flid several Parcel* ef tltiliing N'lv TO.OO ft; th on>. .1,21 N ft 8 ntid 40 rods K ft W j Lnt 1 s‘e 1 l',3 lb* tberelp1 as may K V /SW 's Lo! No. 6ft 76-71 11)40 28 29 59 1040 4.56 : L01 199 1946 1 ti Ln! r, 8 •to right 160,65 fi’ . Tigh 06 80,00 1040 ...... 80.04...... 66,6ft 1 rniiei e 7^9 amount'de- to right 40 M )/h de POO. 00 ^ r ig ^ atsp W frl \ i of NK- frH4 Wing Govern* Deg. nl,'“i*~~p6i'm 986 ft M-of WV4 post i'Lot 191 1940 1 u:i Ln1 519 io right"'40 M) Ih ’Com nt NW eor, of Klit NK!4: th R 24 .326 ^ »Md*shall severally -ft to center of highways Ht SV/ly along I,V«A TOWNSHIP tnonl Lot No. 1 cxe. thftt part which if of, s;'c.; • Gi . K 467 ft: th W ' 5! f t ; Lot 19". 1946 ■1 63 i Lot . *'• Ve. WMWMi-..- — - ‘ eU ier of said’highway OflaMM th SWIv Town No. 2 South Runfe Nb', 4-E»st - Inejhtded' In '.'Island U k e Park Mnb- th ■ R l)7-ft ao eenter ■ lino : of bigh-'Ki/tr 193“' "7646- T I.A1 53 1 1ft 10 V.T13 Ln; 322 •nch h.v/V ' .T,>!'r . peiitloner m*v have 60 ".HI A " AH .Awned—Siul iftWftcd-fl.iul., PcKLU-.s..9r —aflfl..<4 -**».,W llne'nf Llu.. Nl^l4, N Reg-In ihe., K line of .-sec flt. ft Pl b'.hjeh ' dlylslttn” , tf rreorded' plaL n-lst; "nxeT way; th,1 J) and Slv, along said CPnterlTml 104 J b»tri'i;™n* trllef ip' ^the is 012(29- ft. N of tlio K Us/ pom of 0.2(1 Ac used Tor scltool-purndses fbllil *TTr" W .n w d r •wv; iir N "re' ponn rir TfTtrr “T ;‘t:n r ' one.rftreeL ^ 4 0 60,65 ■*U’f5frft f’o' Tit: of' beg.' r^'b-rqnit^ ^ 0 fkiMtt may Mem 'just 25,oa, ,'77.-it * 1040 1.05 sec; th -.''fl 612.20 ft to the KM post 0.2ft Ac dese. as com, at .SK eor of of beg, *. I Lot Iftft -1946 .1.S3. Le! 524 1640 1.20 The KV4 A fir that part of the MK'4 SWH of see; th W on tho E W U liiie ' Island Lake.Park SnbVn: fh N 12i\0 23 2fi 11 1040 2,7g Lot' 107 ■t'949 1,S3 1*01 525 11141) 1.20 lying N of htjfh'ivny U. M.. 112 (Pill­ to Hip cent of sec: ■ thLN 104ft,50 ft ■ f«l th X fill dpg 0 2 ' E .706,60 :ft for Running 467 'ft R frotniWM corner to l.ot tfts A 049 1.88 [ h o r 5*26 1040 1.26 I v S & S m’ ^ • Me\ I » P.I of beg; ,th. 8 a deg 6 V K . renter oi/ ltlghwny and 266 ft NKly IfiO, 1 o ii 1,;S8 ! Ln] 527 1040 1,20 ing MtAtlan) lit X ft M54 line: th.SK'ly to tho pl I nf the' ^ Auditor Oenersl ,6ft So40 , 6,20 of hegr being flll thnt part of NK th f X 84 deg 02'. K fi7.60 .ft; Ih along sfrld eenter.line ef hlghvyay beg. Lot 2 0 2 ’ if)40 1,83 ., Ltjf 528 11)40 1.20 J " ■ lo b*iiat/*, » of Mieliigan, for and gf|* .0.0 ’ Ift left fl6 ft! th 'den. -‘ V' ’ TKl i. Tat.-taaw Tat. tax** Tat. faxu i , W ’ £ } » Yrtrt far lnt. and Yaarafpf' lnt. and, \ . Yian for Int. and1 whiah ahaa. dye Delinquent ."TIB WtlJcH cha«. dua ■ wtileh otiaa dua Whlgh ehal. dua I ehai. dua Delinquent in la Oaierlftlan Oawrlatlon s i s s '‘'t".* V 3 Deltnquont in uld Ddftnquant In uld Delinquent In uld i ■ ■' Delinquent In laid From , To yaart ^IncTuilra8 dlra^oi” Or Paraal < Incfujfv# dlri.vVtiI From To yaart Dauriatlon From To yi Inoluilra dlra. eti. Or Paraal From To yaart (Ojiierlptlooleriptiao 1 § From Te yurt From Ta yaarr Daioiiptlon Or Parael InelmUa dlra. iaeluiiva dirt. alt. Parcil^ Jj < inelwilvt dirt. cl*. Ineluflu dir*, cti. i Or Parcai incluilva dirt. eta. YPSILANTI TOWNSHIP • i V: sx«" i i 8YLVAN TOWN8BJP YORK'TOWNSHIP PITTSFIELD TOWtfSHIP | SALEM TOWNSHIP 8010 TOWNSHIP Towb No. * South Babgo No. C Eaat Town No. 9 Soutji Rasgo No. 7 Eaat NORTHfrELD TOWNSHIP PITTSFIELD TOWNSHIP Town No. 2 South Range Nb. 6 Beat Town Noe 2 south Range No. 3 Bast South Rouge No. 0 East Town No. 3 South -Range 0 East Town No. apBouth Range 6 Bast | Town No. 1 South Bange No, 7 Eaat »/ 10_of moniea i960 8 10 Ao of li frl Mi of 8E frltf ' of NK!4 HKt’. 0 All owned & oeenpfdd Horseshoe Lake Sub­ . Darlington No. in N lino of lN. 8. 19 to tho pi of bog. 8/10 of monies 1081 9* 10.00 1940 34.41 11.50...ft for a,place of -beg; -Di N i 5/10 of monies ' 1934 15.08 as one jnii'col. See. 0 Com. at H V4. luntlJif- acci th o* 1 division i Lut 225 ! X. 20A 'of S. 50 A, nl K. 80.35’ A., N.K. 22 24,05 1U40 12.7* 3/10 of moniea ‘..--1039-..:...■• ■■ a . m rH o'iiti" K *00 ft to the N liuo of a/ 10 of monies 1939 0 0,50' 19117 rt39 V frl >A ,17 .20.09 8 52 Ac of KH of S M except tho S 1040 0.00 10*0 155.41 082 ft in tho E line of hoc for a iiiu.,u Lot' 1940 1.26 W ao A of N ti pf S tV M t th S 00' 3/10 of monies 1931 Milan Aores Subdivision ^ of beg; th, B 0 ’ 11' E 410,01 fv in y lo t MO 1910 1.26 oa'50" W 21 f r ill tho K lino of AV 1 5/10 of monies 1934 7,50 4 rod a in Wii^fli 10*0 42.00 OiUtl at HU£ eor of, see «l .,tli. N 359.55 a / to of monies 1032 M 5" *040 42.00 1 e-io*. h|;o ()f () for (l ,)laca Lot, 23 1040 1 .8 3 line of sag; th 8 89“ 04' 60" 'W 139* m Lot M i 1940 1.20 ao A of KVi o | ' K \ ^ i , -th S so* : K'o of W li of ..NKfriJ4 5/10'of monies ■ 1033 Lot 27 ’ 10*0 12,50 ft; th N 3ba.0*'ft; th N 87’ 53' 20" v ■ Lot' 53ii 19*0 1.20 * aa'au" vv *90 ft; tu x oo’omso" .5/10 of monies 103* I , 22 40.43 ^ 1940 20.7* KVi' 14 of SKJ-4INJ4 esc. the 8 4 rode in width | K g;, a,,g 40' K 455.'0j ft: 1.20 K 21 ft to. tho place of hog, luting a 1323.82 ft to ‘ho piuco of bug, !JV1II). Lot 60S 19*0 5/10 of monies 221 38 ,10*0 *2.07 tv --/jj «ieg Oil' W 55*.05 fl i_,t)i d u port of h ft ot.totj'A , , 19*0 1.20 part of E o f N W li Lot 504 Lot 226 ; . 23 00.57 u)*0 -42.10 YPSILANTI TOWNSHIP ------ras- -1^.07- - - - 19*0 "52.1)7 Lot 035 1940 1.20 10 0.20 19*0 8,30 . 3/10 of monies 1,3A ill 8 K cor of S\V/i’lJ4 silid 1.5 A Town No. 3 8outh( R»nje No. 7 Bast SK^4 of EV4 of SWV* Lot 5*1 19*0 1,20 Com. at router of -toe; tit S ' 0“*9.'3Q" .1/10 of monies 19*0 1.20 i ua.l -_.— .... - -heing 20 rds K A W.anjul 12 rils N « 8 Coiu. ut AV'^i pout of boo; th N 8.8’ E 1155 20 20 Lot 5*2 E ,500.30 ft in tho X&SV4 line, for a / 10 of monies 1032 3/10 of monies 1931 Lot 543 19*0 1.20, 23, 1.6g; th 8 0 “ *9'30" K 5/1JI af tnohier 1033 13 A in MW cor of- N’KiVI 14 s’liifl ID a 8/10 of moniea 193a in to Lot 64* 19*0 1.20 ft tu tho N&BV*. Hue; til 8 -15®il ' 403* W 1007 ft for'1 u pl of beg; th. N 38* 5/10 of mqilios being 40 rmls.K & \V mid 52 rils N & S All that, part of the PIiiub Eubdivision Lot 6*0 10*0 1-20 K. 1903.80 ft. to the K line of W Vti 5/10 of monies 1035 69.09 ft; th X 80° fjti' 20" A’ 830 ft I til J*;;671.50 ft; th N 1“ 15' W 283 ft;'til Lot' 5*7 19*0 1.20 23 13.09 10*0 5.07 "•» " 8„'v>S. m m o 0.04 S «8“ W»671»60 ft; th 8 1* 15' E 282 which waa vueated, oxc the W *0 Acres of SUM; th N l* 12' 'W 71.3* ft in Lot 227 , M l ’ 33' *0". N 105'ft to pi of beg, 'thereof Lot 5*8 ‘19*0 1.20 tho K lino of WA/j of SKJ*; tit, N .3/10 of monies 1030 Kla of S|;!)4 of * ■ ; E part of K li SKU' ft to tho'pi of heg-i botng tv part of 19*0 1.20 '2 6 20.00 ’ 19*0 8.03 4,ring o part of Big of NKJ4 , ' .' . ' 37 4.80 ' 10*0 ii 20 : Lot 5*0 4 5 “4 11 W lOQS.aa . ft to tho place ' 3/lt):of monies. 1031 2* 10*0 3.50 : 24 40.00 N\\.ftlA 3 4 10*0 35.49 Lot 650 1940 ■ 1.20 K>/j of K>i yf «W Vi . 3/10 of moilies 1030 AV»4 of NW A 1 ot bug, being ti portof WVi.of SKV4 It/10 of monies 1032 •83- 40.00. ' ■'::il940 211.80 !,ot II On nl eir Monies Suti, Unrecorded Lot 53 i 1040 1,20 2.20 1940 1,45 ■1933 ll/IU of monies 1091 Com. at WJ4 most of *ec; tJi N 88* E 27 80.00 '5/10 ‘>f monies^ N% of W’/A 0/ W'A of N !•: 'A ■ desc. ns follows: Oom.'nt NW cor of Lot 552' 19*0 1.20 5/ 10 of monies 1934 A/l'6riif monies _ 1038 .18.80 .1 7 5 0 .5 0 ft. ilrtho K & WAi. lino; tli Ni? 8/10 of monies 1931-130.43 1.20 The S tt":o( lilt* N 78 ft of . the 20 110.90 .. 10*0 10.00 DVj of KBJ4 Sec:'111 S I s 33' *0" \V Com. «t WJ4 post of sec; th E 1029,74 Lot. 553 , 1940 - 5/10 o f monies 1035 7!|2 ft on 1/8 line; th S 86” 56' 20' Cavanaugh West Shore I ’ 45' W 306 ft for ft pf of beg;, th 1910 1,20 NKVi 09,99 i.Lot in NK eor of NWK sniil lot .being 20 ft in tho E & VV}*'lino for a place of Lot 55* U 1 90 1049 1.25 Lot'228' K 280 ft fur 11 pi of beg; th S 80* |(ot 5 10*9 2.82 . N 88’ 1-1 416.50 ft; th N I* 16' W. Lot 555 1940 1030 ft !•: AW - 11 ud 1 nit. N & S . H. M.- Olaxler’a .Subdivision No. 1 ^ * 110,50 /l; til H 88’ W 115.50 ft; th beg; th dofl, 98“41' to tho right 1940 ' ■ 1 '* 0 I 'E'he S ,)0 ft - of tlie, X S3 . fj nt tlie .’1/10- of monies l .' , : 20 .93 .0 1040 1,51 5(1' 20" t: 839 ft: fh 8. 19 33' 40" Lot 557 3/10 of -'monies . m i n , W 1,05 fl: th'X 86“ 56' 20” W 230 ft; Lot 73 H I* 15' K 115,50 f f tu tho pl Uf bCKo 162.49 ft; th dofl. 88* *1' to tho'Mt 19*0 ~ 1 ' 1;1- l" 1 A<( W'-J ol SU'A K 120 A of XKJ-4 exci 1.1 A -for- seliool 1*2.72 ft; th dofl: 911.19' to the lu( Lot 558 1 ,1 7, ■ ■ ' l l / J 19*0 3/10 of monies ' 1032 V-- it, X r 33' 40" K 105 ft to pi of beg. I lml_74, , 1040 L30 ' luting, u part of NWfrlJ4 Lot 359 1940 1033: . ! iiiirpnses in NH eor sniil .1.4 A hoing .Hewlett’s Pleaaant Vista Oodar Lake 3 .31 19*0 23.99 152.49 ft to, the E & ^VJ4 line; tli AY I The 4 50 ft ofl i he X . 815 ft of the W .5/10 of inonie; j 15roils K A W 11 lid 12 rils X & S -'being'ii inn,I of E Vj of XNJ4 Lot 3tin 1940 5/10 of monies 103* •2* 1040 .1-1.301 Subdivision Copi. ut NW cor of soe; tli S 2’ E 10 rods 142.72 ft in tho B & WV4 lino to tho 1940 .... ’“i; ‘ ..o' K»* of Wt» of XK»» 02 00 'see. 2 0 • ' - Lot 561 6 /1 0 nf monies. 1035 iMiddlit 05 fi of. Imt 17 -Oiirdon Hoiuck Lot 30 4 1940 0.03 in W lino of sou for ft pl of bog; th lditeo of bog,: being a part of KVi of 1940 ‘ -- . . . ' i r ; .0.33 . ' 1919 £ 1 .1 0 - ‘ ' ---20 1 18.09 1940 51.83 ■i ”.i •' The S 55 ft of the N 88 ft of. iKi* WVg ' Eastovor Hills Soli. • Unrecorded. DEiSC 11s follows: Woodland Park Subdivision 8 3 “ K-0*0.60 ft in tlio Av lino of a®e ; 29 0.50 • 1940 1,43 Lot fvo:i 1.940 ’ WVa. of. iSK'/a. - Lnt.. 3 5 ' 1940 . l.OO III dolt. 88° 20'.: to . tlio left 257.56 w VS "pf SW V4, also tho S 2/3 of K m ef -l!l-l*i f *0 T l!i_" '4 of M'lkt.' nJ»o the .4 T.5' (t Lot 1 . . 1049 22.04 ■ 20' - 80.09 . . 1049 311.53 --Citim fit XAV- e w e f -Eti of NEta -Nec; -Lot 5ij* i '.'c, . T’uf tin: -X '88 Tr~ ] Lot 4 1040 9.75 i ot of heg; til S 80“ 30, -20" K 119 ft.i WEBSTER TOWNSHIP ' ” K 7.24 elms; tli N 18.21 elms to the of sec; tli R 1555 ft to tho S|4 pom of Lot' 607 '..■■■ ■19 10 X 2i. A nf W '.* nf N Ii11 N lino of «oc; th AY 15.45 cltna in the see; th N Jn tho N & HJ*. lino lo tho 1940 1,20 : A ilm ,is, Cent. ill w !4 JH,sl .of See; Lot 9 1040 6.72' ...... i .35 ! ...... 20.00 1049 0.12 tli S 1“ 33' 4(1" . W 05 ft ; th X 8(1’ 56 Town No. 1 South Range No. 6 Eaet t i Lot .VOS.* Ui K 'Jllo.OS I: in. ■KfrW 4 line (it Liit 20 - M .auu_-_.3.37_L 80“ \V 119 fi; Hi N 1°,3II' *0" E.t N line of soc; th .8 2* K 10 rods; th NE cor of S 2 /3 of KMi of HWJ4 ; |. Lot 501' 19411 1.20 • Frederick's Addition - ta...tho Village .of X\Y.i4 of JSK'A „ - „ „„ Si’e. fur il \*la* e . uf beg) .111 S 140 l.m - 1946 0.29';' (i;5 ft to "pi jjf heg, being .11. purl of EVi' . | 40 , 1040 0.50 W 16 rods to the pl of bug,, being W 13*6.11 ft to the NW eor of S '>/;) " Lot 5** ■1940- 1 ;20 I 2 k Salem of EMs of 8WJ4 ; th 8 82.50 ft ir. \v 19 10 1.20 lli (■: rio ft; v ill X ’ 140 fl ; ill’ AV Kimberley Hills ' ’ Lot" 27,. - 1940 1-81 ■ of XK ii ' 1 XK .frl 14 3 150.1)8 1040' 56.58 n part of NNVfrm v - Lot 33P____ ■oo |i tu lift' iiluei1---of-beg also exe • iti.jD j 2-H 1040 .11.38 Ileg «t the "cent, of • the. sec., Ill K ill -_*L_a8,a*..__ - . 19*0 68.05 lino-of 8 2/3 of KMj of SW H; Hi 1; ' .Lot 57T~~* : . I U-toj ' 4^27) 1: Lot Ml . *97.05 ft; fh' 8Wly nlong th e ' iiivy 19,10 . ff. ^il A. .said 'o. ’Jl A (Ies* as.; eon; 152 104(1 .5; 53-1 • Lof - 88 (i.inlen HomesSub- Unrocnnled tho :t! «•"' Wtf lino to-thu K'A post Land in N’KfrlH bounded N by Pnekiud Lot 573 1.2(1.1 • Si ■Lot to tiii) pinco of beg. 1940 i ,2 0 I a I MV^ post of -sf See..7 anil AV by Hewitt Koud ’ ------29 85.00 ' '. HUO 110.54 Lot. 575 . 19-10 1.20 • SubiUvisiOtl of Lots- 1 to 73, Ineluslvo * Town No. 4 South Range No. 5 East - in the E lino of see,. 111. N- 86 deg. 1910 UI. *til' s i-ld ft : ili K Oti ft; Di Exwptln'g Lots 34 .and 30 and Lots !■; 2D A w XK!4 Jv .sl7 ft- in see line: th >S 1’ 33' 40" 45’ AV, 1559 ft.. ' til H.8 ,dog. 39' NV- ...7:- ■■ Tlio E 39 Ac of AVfrlV i of «]»„■ Lot 67 (i -I the- W *0 2 / 3 ‘rods in width of Hiu . 19 D 4-2.0 |- N l-Hl ft ; th. \V (Hi It in the plm-e. 109 to 111, Inchislvo' of Oak Park i 1 2 20- 1949 1" 71 W- 990 ft for 11 pi of lug; 111 S 80’ 4U0.85 ft; t.h W'ly 1800.21 ft. to 11 . 5/10 of.nuonica 1933 78.08 Lot 577 5li' DO" K 20(1 ft; til S l ’ ,13’ 40" < Coni, at NJ4 post of sec; th 8 88? 05' ' EfrlVi oL NWfH54 ' ' ’ Lot 578, 1940 J-2 0 ! ■ "f l"'«* ■ • ■ ' .'Block . ’ 1X ,1" 4 -S 50 A K 1 v hK'4 nl. in the X * S'4,lino tli X'ly 089.32 11 ■ 39.1)3, 1 940 45.8.5 W Hi', ft; th N.H6 ‘ 50' 2d" \V 200 f l; J If 990.00 ft in tho N. lino of sou. for u 30 79.67 «. .. 10*6 31,7-1 Lot 579 ' :-M9tn ■ 1,2'0 i Lot 1 . It- 1949 L25i 13 30 1910 ' '8.1* 11.. in dlie' X- A S'U Ii'1*' 10 the pi. of . i'9-i".. 1.20 i Deg. nt'-thi.'M'; Per «f iiog, • 20" N 1008.22 ft in thu N lino of i \ -- \V l'l . L20 , Hi X 52'1 ■ X 1 l 7.2,5 ■ ft -»long the K'l.v.-j L0,*-j|'.j - J01O 18 78., nf N/j iif SKJtf: sniil 1 Ac heing 8 roils .See 21; run th K 31 (1.,8 fl ; S 40*.9o ,|, y 70 ileg. 48' K 475.45 ft I ttl J5 oa 0. 691 io'tho E lino of sue; th Nly Ih N -7 9 ^ * 2 ! 10” K 23.73 ohnih.s .in Lot 584 Jinn of I'aill-.),id- to llic X line of hey; | Lot 58') 4-Uill-l J,or .5 8 ...:L12 X A 'SMind 20 rods l'l A ,\V . ' ■ fl ;\V 213.08 fi ,1 X 166ft to jdiicu. of.*a,lg" ao* -K.- 55.U8 ft; th S 44 deg- 55' 885.87 "ft iii the E : line of sue to the the N lino of French 'Claim 691 to aim I9.-10- 1.20 S i ll K ’ fy on 1 lie Iin7- el 1,1 (hi 3/1U of I if* 1III e s T92.9- — — —rr:j-—.jiixn— r—— 1940 - 28.7-0 h, ginning, 4 1 Cnlilen Homes .Snl, ___\V-15H05 ft; th -4 >1 ,l..r 03' \V 90.37 _ NR eor of see.; -tli N 88“ 05' AY-tjir the XK cor.■ of ...Washtenaw Club Vie w Sii'l). Lot 5 s 7 plnee of-..heg. being' n, I>* 111 yl 'division l.’nri'conled Lot 5<*8 1940 1.20 ! .3,10 pf monies 1030 | K 10 A Xlv1 i XK>3 ft; III S 40 deg. 3ID W 155.08 ft; N lino of see t,o the*1 pl ’ of beg,’ - -(ttvtstou-Sto,, T-fuTii-plneD-oT 1i?g; Dryp ' i'l-l'l 1,20 1 Ilf X-K 11 . . . 3 / I 0 *)l mini ies .1931 ! ' 34 ili ■ 24 .■ 111 S 20 deg 37',ASM 12:53'ft lo tho. W tho N 83 - ft in .width-thereof, "being 75° 12' 10" E 1308.79 ft in ...... s'uiil Claim( Lot 589,- ' . . 12 1.20 .1040 1.25 ] |, l‘);il , ■ j 3 10 nf monies - .. 1931 ;_(I,2-T ■ Lot 500 ' 1941) 1.20 1 • 3/10 pf monies. '19.12 .'l'. 1 0 -of monies Ifrro- {if urc ;; tli -X 652,77. ft in the W » part of NKfri 'A ~ . line; th S 2’ *0' 50" W 41.0ft ft.|„ The S 55i ft- in width of the N 8 8 ., . 1933 1935 85.33 Com. ;it u |>I-T)8 . rods E of XW’ foi; of- LoE 591 19-10. 1.20 I ■ 5 * 111 of monies 1 ..5/10"of monies. '-tin0 n f see, to" tlie |>) of lieg, boing n , ' . 7- 34.05 : the SW . cor of Breukey .Subdivision■ ■ 194 0 . 1.20 ' f; in width el Ihe. AV l- -of XKj-i, , 0 /1 0 nf monies 1934 , W 'i K'.-j MYti K |0'i.a NELi nf -Section; 3*; run'-lh E . ,5/10 of dlimies 103* tli' N 75’ 12' 10" ' E .125.60 ft; - Ih S Lot 592 esc. '0 .12A- .on ihe D end, mihL 0 :12,\ | 1035 3.5.33 • 1 2 10 78 ft; th, S 104 95 ft; W 21.U9 p,"'t of ^ a ,40 Lot 594 •9-10 1.20 I 0;’ 11) of menios- .35 40 .1910 34:72 5/10. of-monies 1935 15’ *4' 20" E 387,40 ft; th.S 75" Hi' 19-10 r.20 i ■ dose, as; lje^.,otthe ,NK. nlr gf sold ,1, ot V0O. 1'940 ‘25.17 I fl; N 165 -ft'- to beg. e\r. 7 ft off (ind4 j. j A 0 l)f j.;^ of g\vj4 '* , . ' .1940 174.13 20" AV : 154.91 ft to thu NW Tor’ ,u'f Lot .395, 55 ft; th- S -55 it in the K iTne -of * 1040 — W 201 I,ol 105 :it«>rur- entm* \u 'Hiilo. ni'jnjc- know)! .«8 ,v ^ j 1 <10' 1 Land'^ini-E Vi o f. K-KAi of See.- 7 unit Orchtird I’ark Addition; tli H Ip ’ it'. Lot 500 ! . t SCIO TOWNSHIP . 1940 1.2 a ; L VV’a u/'XK'U; th M- 134.27 fl; th 5/ Hi of niii!ii*'s 1034 Lol. 11, LLmlen lLunes Snbd. Uurcc. j >sK^ sW U rxc. 4.30 AC in «K corf \yVo M NWVi of Hen'. 8, bounded-N by 20" E 701,4.7 ft; fh 8 68“ 44' AV 10 t'J Lot 597 NK'ly id ii pnint- rtliii-h is '64183 ft 1940 1,29 i 5/1D of mollies 1035 30.09., '-Town No. 2 .South Range No. 5 East Packniai Jtnad. K by City Dinn noil ft; tip 8 15° 44' 20" R ,504,77 ft t,..- dig Lot 508 U' of -the (dace ef heg: ill l’l 04.83 ., i said 4.30 AC desc, as beg.-in thu K A Lot 599 1 n tti I 2II Sprlngwater Subdivision -No 1 f X 30 A nl K On A nf XL'fi l.'i J/I0 of .moiiies , - I M- 'Y'J ( ,SJ4 line litit pi. which is. 571.80 ft N Hro.ikey subdivision, S by: /X -ifin m f etnrter, lino of Congress Hi; (ID swiy '11)40 1(20 ft to' Die. pllie'e "f .beg. -15.06 ! ’ 1 .3-0 ■ - 1910 8:.78.; Lot 11 11nrden HornesSub. L.iireenule, , ((f y{4 ]lostuf SL>(, th sS7 i irt0 ft, t() OPD 12 1.54 1940 1,30 Lot J 1040 F. C. 691 mid AV by Hewilt ltd. • along the. center line nf Congress 8t iii: 1949 1.2(i 1940 10.18 XKfi'!‘i lying K of 'higlnvny / I-. •d ?•» ffollows: ol low s : 'Cum. tom. at N\VX\\ eor of | SJ4 pnsl, th W 658^7.5 ft in >S lino of tho ,8E .iior of AViishlomiw Club View Lot fill l Th,: s -55 ,-ft in width of ihe X • 68 Lot. .3.8, ' 7/8 01 '•• Lot 002 104i> L2 0 1.940 30.75 ' I 6" of , X li!t sit; . th f s ■ 8«’ , 5(,') / a 2U" ...— H.L i tlii |l ' ,1 XKly. I , I > L\eto Ill,) tho}pl of UL-Rrhog. ■ . . 3/.1.0 . of _nionies_ _ 1031 169.80 .Subdivision No. 1; th N 13° 0(D M” 1910 i .20 ■ 1, in ...... wi.nh' of.. Ihe..... L'/j . ., of-.NW’ti . . - i 'm' 43 1932 . 23.02 ] K 1023 ft <01 sue line for a 1)1 of beg;; .. ' w; '13 7,1 ! ••. m io' 0 ,1 - ‘ Lot 000 12 l.ilil , 10*40 1.30 : 1.01 05 1940 12:2.5/) ■ :>/ 10 of That pt of-NKfri 'A K of Hewitt ILL,nnil Wj 1853,'10 ft along -the/E siilo nf sini m .'1940 l.Uii 7.24 ; Tli-ll 11 r 1!'.! 11) 11 of i\" 7". V .of NKfri I in Lot 005 I'll'* S 55 ft 10 . widih ofthe N 88 ft-Let 04' 1040 / V'-. r /n -2'ln •* Ah * ‘S' '^6^ ' ■'*' " -see nt ft pt which U that -part *if NWfrlVi of see. 8 W of 'Subdivision to the* plnoc of ■ hog, lit-i ng ' 1 0411 '1.20 1010 1114 i lying K of liifluvii.v iii' Lot. OOP — hi- width_pf ihe f * 111 * 1 w 11 ut his*-, land; Lot 9'»- V V "I t ! , f D, X Y’1 13' ju '1 1 ft « of w u post of see.; th City line and N:of F. C. 61)1 ■ 0 part of. French Claim 60 L -(0-49----- —»-4**HO—-l-Hl-3— _J -1 :5.5.,i7 .7/8 t'.D Lot .150 7 ■Jteg. at the XK oiir of W 1 it- i>f-SNJ 'A I Lot ro.i 1, “1 1 S to the SW eor of sec; Ih K iit,lhe F.C. Lot-, o I 194" l ! " 1940 12.24 : 3/I 11 1,1 f moil ies 1031 J-; 105 .fl I" pi of heg. Deiiig.n purti'hf- 3/10 of monies 1032 133,10 '. 691 02,40 : ‘ '-1046 ('•*)! ' 111 111- X s0 ’. W 7.5"i-lHiiii-- in Ihe X I.'OI- I "Ii ' ’ fit.OO S lino of see. lo Die SK eor of W-w-'i Lot o il 1940. "I .20 I94M lit: .if-XK^ . ' . ! X in,tho K line or U* That pai l of'AY Vi ’4 buunded N 'in 1.21) 'line, of set11 th h 3° :|ti'I1, li.lili elniitls;' 1,0/ of SW 'frIKS.; - Ih-...... Heg’nt the SW cor of Orchimi - Park Lot 0 I 5 194" 3 / I tl *"'■ inonie) .1031 x' ol) A nf IV.-1: uf Siv'-i - ■2 4 1040 1 1 l:i« frl li of SWfelti to n pt whiehyiti 1’nckard Itoud, K by Ypsilanti City Addition. A ''recorded Plat; 1I1 S ft*’ 'll) 19* 0 1.2 (i l'l S str K 7..'){!, {-Iiiiins ;■ til., X';l.v.r.0.()0 . ; 15".. 19-10' I (I Com. :i! Iv‘4 post , nf Sei':e lli W in J1'. A Lot 017 ..-liini.K . luj^iiffil'e. I.f belt,- ncldV'.Jl :i. Hi of inonie! ' .1032 2828 8 o f the K-& AV’/J line; th Timi'ls and llreakey Sulnl. and S by: 44' W 58.02. ft : th N 15» W 2"” VV 11U 19 l'l, 1.20- 19.40 3 i;;00 (.'oni.7'10.' S\V. eoi'- nf ,‘Xixen > Addition 0 *. W 'i 'lllie 851.41) Jt : 111 19 ilefl. On1 j Lot .til* lm l'l. pf I lie A) ’.-j f X\V ‘ 4 ('-7* NWly to till' pi n f beg. being u pnrt-of ....N- liuo of F.-O: .69 L 504.77 ft; tli N 08° *4' E 58.0'J n, 'HI' Lot, 09 0 I 9-1" .'1.2 fi Sprlngwater . SubdiviKiQj^ No. 2 the \".il Inge .) 1 '1 lellii', n •ei'Oi'iled IililI ; :l’2' in left 010.14 l| for a pi of beg; | Iff 1:21; 12 • (i.liU. l.()4ll M; ill x 68s 2‘;D WfvlArof'HW frl!4 , ' ; . . ■ , 8- '23.23 ' til , S 15°. 44'' 20" E 564.77 fl In in.; Lot. 09 7 ih s ’jj" n l ’ vi i th enniinimig' S . in miiiip i' 0.59.(J-j 18 14.06 1940 ' 4.0(4- '5/10 pf monies 1933' ■lif, ,i .2 6 ■! 1( \ijrri'. ill lie: X W cur See; til K . 1,o f .205. l |il: of liegIli' 'X j AY line of . (n-ehurd Park Additiun . .Loll 0,5 ■' M'.i30 \\ 227.0s -fm 11 : Ui XK'ly defl. 140° . 54' . to left 5/10 of monies • ‘ 1934 tte' —---lAl-PV i .-lMi'1' 2M4 J---JJrl_Llu- X Aec; 111'/;' 3."to of ino.oies ■' ■■ Di X 8li’ 28’lAV f to tlie pljteo of beg, iietiig a pari ,'f ' Lilt IvO'.t ” ' n :i/ 10—f'uioni*^ : ^ —1-9 ni­ _- US'-. •.Mi' W1& 21 fl ll/s -l fi: ih defl -7,i" 06' • lo -luv-jl. 3/10'of monies 1933 IS4.07 21'. M i"' ■ t —Mi . 3.V.- Xi.'-Juj; i\ \M:n i of iieg-; 111 ';K VV defl 8 9 28‘ to WMt "'Loir 04ii —T.-.AI/ .ejiaii'i^ --5V, '3.'.HI "ol monies" 1932 74.7-1 fl: Di'-X 19’ 32'-r; artTo^rr ^ !):rW ft ; til 18. 50 lieg. at NW..eor uf see; tit 8! 1” 4' 20 Tt? ■ 1*140 i ,'Mi J ■ a puint W il\c) i is Die high win A- • mark mi thc-2>rside of of li eg. iLiei tig. a part of t t d m “ : -a ------.Lot tiii 5,' I 0 of monies .193':! > 439 iTSty id 1928 AV 885,87 ft in Hip W line of See; til ■pi. Y 1*140 • i .jii i «r 1 II (A 1V llJiir; nf w ,,f XAVHr: Di. . Hiio; 218.0.V 09 L 0.75 ■' 1040,.; 1.12 Lot 0-12 sell I eh' in ,5.710 of iimnii's 19 3,1. 3.00 1929 X 7Z* 12' K': 1020.28 ft in N line of 'ia .,1 910 1 i :'_*(> 1 • s ft ; (h. mV Co' ;ii |.*iin(..will* ■/high w.iiei* NVV ns« Keg.. “ Flat of Michigan Oity” Lot <«9 (ilhr nf i'b.'g 4o * X 5/10 nf limnies 1035: I'M-y uf ■4 CXC: 0.90 .-'Vc dese. 4 930 F.-O. 001; .ill X 2“ 46' 50" K. 352.95 ft: p) 1940 1 •< } K> •f* s ni ihv 51.1s X 22 “ 07.’ iiin1 is 40.80 •I,ots 50 to 55 Itie. '1040 4 !S5 • Lot Jill .t irn of •6sg. being ;i 1940 in X nf’Vee .lit which.: 3/10 nf monies 1931 tit X 15° 44' 10" \Vr 253.40 tl1; th :‘-t yrto... i >).) •■ft ti, D.----- _12- ol)" ■' -j! 1P J'l' _ l’/^2 ...l.n. 2... 1 I■ , _ ...... 1040. .9.40 -X.W'iv -fr: 1-0 nf •nioiiir.'i . 11)33—,------— .line__af—saw__Lu_Hid pt nf meg: exe. f.Ols 7,8 fo 83—f-OPr------HI,in----- .1—1 V — Lot 0-17 127.-:;. - ft Ol tlie --s--rt-5• fr- W!:'___ Supervisor's Plat Ntuubpr Ope - ' a -Tli- t? — o-lr a.vt.'js fl , (li 193 .r 1-17.53 1010 . L.2 6 ■ T» w ]jrg -.rl-N-VV l-oe nf 'Miclug.tii Villnge’ line nf vei- to a p /III nf'"mollies ■ y* J9 W Vi'■ ofy-LOLi 92, 0:Min,l 100 I.ol. J.14 s I. I i! 11 ■ X 7 s J'L ..jn ).|||D| ill I 1.(0 34 _ f Hbli'J 11.51 "• 1' ; ft 1)1 X •if-wWo-h- Ileg in W .line nf see ill- 5i p[ Wllicll is" Jial't'-iAf—,N Wtri*4 — Top 7"T: -CH'i- 3-4 1 1-— ' 0,'IDi ..Tl luIJu_:i ee'e.n-fled I,]o I r lit 8 tie3 21)' I, , TTMH TITT/T .19 l" 3.-19./ 3 W H ni'.WV'i _ ... . | .511 .hsl.'jii the "X 'line nf' 'Mielilgnn " j 1851.70' ft S nf W'A Dost i)g d*-sl'.,'. land,, u of SW frl 14 »f sec; th S 2228.40 ft ile.fl 11)6" 18' l~riH) left l'-i80.2T ll‘ jara&ka|t=BiUidhdBloit 1 l’l nf 11U1111 w - '■1 9 in (j.-t: •D I; n Die -Ii igli w.i I ee u.iai'k' mi. dir j; ir, a ,- of X 1-. of xI:;i uf n k .'4 in uY n U J11 j r > 1 932 Cum' ;it ■XW ml' nf • mac; ’ til : li ■ r.mi ip hhe K i'uio of W frl'g of. SW frl’A ; im the S' line-of Dm (i'llicago Road-; 111 . Town 3 South Range. 7_ EAst. 111,.' 1,f •*•• foe a.’ 1 ,.i 34 16 ...... 19.‘40 6.44 Lot 7 2!) V.I'I'T" V !:;if n -x HI i lu’> N 1 • ■ Ti.l high ic.iji'r -lif'ark' 1 (>:a ]miiii 1 '.Wjliielrj ih NWIv to thej)l of Ifcg. being'a pint defl 1U(i° 53' to the right ft Heg. in X- line ,of Lot 23 at a jit l ea P.;..u e of i).■.-■ . ,tb* K .11.1 l (4i.-iills.-ill :D;o‘ 2!I III of ' .mm i -193 l Village of. Solo Original Plat ft K -of 'NW cor of 23; th W l.n: 7•' • ' I 9 1" M HI a.')’ • is N 22' il7' -K 1.95 rliiiN I'e,oil Du- pl : - * irf Wfrt It- of SW frl H to the, N liiti* of Michigan Central- Hail- 1,0 111 l i X in;. ,i;- -I-1 ; ili S 2;,50 I Inti II) : lb 9 I" of line" -)‘ 5 Block i f ' 18 '61.80 1040- 1 road; lit SWIy (Dong the X line of rail- 1.0!) ft to XW cor; tli S 55. ft |o SW- Hi.’.7 r ■’ I.f ’lieg :; 111 ; S ,22“ 117' w ••i.y.v'.i'hns t<> ; ■[■: W 82 fi.ilV width of L(tt8',-2 and \V 3. i l .,■ 11,ifl.-v ; Di N .■"2.i)'i ebiiilis l*1 : W 74.88 A of NWfvl >4 rixid, to a point in iho-W .line of see; cor nf Lot '23; III K 10,4 1 ft iii S J, CL Pray’ Whitmore Lake SnbaWlsiou • 39 In 6. t;; file pl* nf beg. I.eillg r pirrt of SWfvl'i j A I'p Abe'.„F. ',-19.40 ft, in. -wiitlfi' of Lots'; 1.,,:. - .... — *-il lie M;i-e '01 a p.,.1'1. ,4 'Die ■ ‘ 2 2,mi,' 7 9 HI 0.1 U ■ 19 74.88 1940 !».»() tli X 21)2.69' ft in the W 1 ini? of see , line -of Lot 23; Hi XW'ly 10 pl. of.' W-' : nf N V,'*’.1. . ' '' - Lot. 5 1 D aiid. 4 . ’ g fti'i Hog in ilm K line yf sec hi :n pl which In the pl of beg., being a par.l of W Vt> 1 -beg, 'being « Lot 20 ■Lo! 5-1 -I1 ■ s ' ’ 9 I II of lllio.He. Mat X Wfrl 't Pi".SA\Trl!> tlie K line .of M ' 1 ' ' 1937 r.eri. Iii / im i■ i si-eIi<>n ,il‘ S line tif ..‘.‘l.'.'..'. .L:Lol.'''.l.8" 19 10 - 3.36 i 'NW!-4 Sec; 11 ; ' it " ■ College Heights Subdivision Number One NW].I sec;"Dr N 70 ileg 45’ W 208 ft ; Dl X' 1.94 0 ■>; 18 i.orn : ' i'"" ; - 16 - ' 19 10 Ml" a. I:; : .si end VV line )>( He I,er St. in ' A iI lege ] j 'jp - 1046 1.59 It 8.32. 1.940 18.54 r Lot’343 ' 1040 2,97 12 ' * 19,1." . , 1 9:- i Wacner-McComb Boulevard Gaidcus iii IVsjer ami niinmig. XW’ly'j al*m;{ j(i" ^ - . I \i‘.\ 4 i . : :: : :2P'T.. I 9 10 “D.cxteLAvenue Hills Country Club ifark Subdivision ],e( I'.'" I 7 '.7 "i'.lie^; )i; tu 1 iiiiP- 8 - ? : i* 1 ’ nti'M-W- "3"n t 8 8 (leg 27'—W 1 Pi),").2.8.____ ||______in -8*—ling lino - S .f,2A-M-l— -l 5"—W- 151, O'.It:'. .1 11 - X 0 ’ I ■ I ' ' /• ' ’ V“' 1 '>"7'? iwi'iM* t m ;.'i:','1 !"it9-1--I.../-21— l/i I"'. TTot 02“ 1940 2.30 1 :bot—H-S—) r— — ...... IIHO: 3.5a Lot. I'.' I ' l;.a: j-j DM". DM i::::i.ihi :(i ; ill N 15'' 41' W 342 fi : The Evergreens' of ■ for a pl of bygl tli .’K 88 , V It’-' SK ' 1 v .Dung ii-nleii line pf'said Lot. 14 1 ' ■ 1040 2,303 3 / I d ftf mini ies 1920' l.n:' III J Washtenaw Hoigbta Subrt. ' ‘li V SI. 30.; fi In point .of beg. : Rosubdivision of Evergreen Little Farms I 1 *1' ’jn” W 1415.98. fj In th.o pl A T ,1" M 'M " .,' . . ; 30 80 1940 45',4S — !'Xf2 rods.' in X & SJ4 line; -tli S -80 5 / 16’ of ninnies I 1933 4 .ii .M l" . 1.2 5 i.|‘ of lieg : lb ili fl 84“ 30- to Dll' riglil- L^ko Wood Subdivision, ’ I ! 17 " ISl-l'i . ' 11' (>i‘ ip..ui;1 9 3 3 ! Beg in (lie -l'l line o f-W 1/ of - SK-Lt ■ at ft rods in tlio N fr SU" line 10 thfCphice of 5/10 of monies ■ '4034 34.10 ' "| -|P , r|.' Trt.i: l-T*■ ...... A-It-H*- _ _2(, rod': t_h 'defl.' 87" 30' to. Die riglil 1. <11/05 into of . i 93'1 Cl:, rods ami 8 Iks .t'lra".'!'!! willldl -:l'S-30- i . - i.y:io 28.70 Id which is 883.90 ft X of SF. cor- of ,licg; being a part of E Va'of, S\VV5 Oumhiings’ ^itbdlvislon " : PITTSFIIVL^ TOWNSHIP I j^Nv a n. of :i -p.i'r.i-1-!’ ef 'I a ml W 1 : Lot. 191 of IIV. f. ».- - M.lo'J rmls and M Ills' S of- NW ciir of Sc*-; * Westovcr Hills", VV 1 -J of SKVi; til S 88:i.*m ft to the '13 1 i . 10*0 '2.61 S 1/3 of Lul.s ■!), .10 and 11 ' TnwiV No. 3 ^opth Raitgc No. 6 East, .1 pf. s . i n 1 •: I-I :M.2;’. ■ 1 hate - ;' ,' ,• l Hi <1,-1 V 82" to Dir • lefl 7.00 rhs iii Slvcor iif WVi pf HK>4: th \V 310 ft; Heg. nf-' K ’A 0 os( of sec; Dp N S 00’ Id'1 fiTIO '.1 aid S . |i.,"' H' t l.n.i .■■lia i n> ■ I p. . ' 1 * I > 1 of llliillir' .Lot 13 , 1940 I'p II. r 5 ,i: W ' 7 : -'',V'i ■of . . x.‘. ,M:!| -| In- -\V . I i ut* of Sec,.; ,li .K 31 rhs: lb N s' 1940 in/S line of sin-; lie X 101*5.00 ft; lli W 1110.36 ft, in tlio K line of sec; X 1/3 of Lots tl, 10 and it • • >. a ^iiAv.i s ' I> 1 N VV .11 , ..liter ol’ )"g )i Lot 14 111 ‘X 75° 31' AV '2050,60' ft to-the X * 'b ‘A 1 I;" S lit!....(>■'.' i" of Ulohi's. ’] <*;4.5 175 d i' lo tin* bank of Ihe Huviin Lot, 17 1040 . SKly to the pl'of beg, being a pnrt cif ■ ' , ' ' 1040 ' T.'M d' ) I,: W I l.v Pi t.h X' 2. 12 ' Ml" 20. all Kivcr:. Di Xly amt Wly along-'tlii; VY M of SK U ' &; ih X 1’ 37' AV 572.1ft. ft »Lilt ,15 •’ ; )940 "lib":) . -l'l- ... I h; ■ I.oi 40 and X 2 It in width of; •nl. iii.- I" l'. c:;.- llnr.m lii-vei- uf a pt, iiv the S line -1940 36 ,7. 1940 7.18 in N fr S!4 line’to center of sec; Di S Dovoiishiro Subdivision . . . . . L I*, v * i Y r H* f; IT ‘1 l ■ Tif l\l k ' i ' . M t ' / a ,i. ! J:' . t*j '*> 1 ■ t. , SAL'S M pf Sic.: wliieli pt is 27 elms E nf XVY Lot 53 . , D )490 Coni at ihe SK *■ in* of AV Vi of SK!4 ( .1li . •87’ 19’ 20" K 25?)8.03. fl in the E fr Lot l ' s , 10.10 17 4 45)--- 1 . . . vv !> W 319 ft in S line of se(-: tl.t N lnl.'i.fin Lot ■ o ’ 'ii,,.-.-.-■■ft----1-' ”—Mn— d. -A*-- -S 1■ lia. t ..u] ...... I--.*- {t'uuli- Town No. 1 Sou. , nr ui Sec; Di W 19.18 elms to tli,e Lot 75 . 1910A AV 'A line to tlie plnee .of heg; being 194(7 1 "4 So, ' !Di .tm: yf* - "■ ! ‘ 7ol r 1 \ t : i - "Alt. ' > i: -1: i <* ■■■/■ Secliun , pl’ Ilf Ileg. 1-xe. 2.9 A which: lies ho- ft for a pl of iieg. th S 1 li 15.60 fl 1 o ft part of SKfrl'i ■ . 3 10.40 , M il ■ !*, \ ■» ' "J. i ■ W O' > Ar'im- '■ . 'A ■ill lm’ "2 it: Di. N i A ” * > f NW Ift’ T tween tlie Huron. Kivcr a ml ..Hie 805 — SHARQN.-TOWNSHIP Die S -Vino pf see; tli -AV in the K line 1.5 50.40 ' - 1040' 121.00 7 , 1940 K7i , i f ' ■; 1,. )■■ J ,, :• I!" nf • w • ; m ■ ■ IT“TP1 '> , n— rn T~ i ;')’.*■ ni1—m ■ ( >1 ’ < * • ; , ■ iTT-piitpa’f, Heifig a TfaTr'11rTYW frI!1 *a7T" s i a ■ “Ti r-'f 1 fe_S",/4-7nprt-,'of-s-ei-:;-1 h—N—< 10; .Coui“ ht~S'Wmnr.' nf'sSer:;—t-IrMI Milr-7 8 .f I. In 12 ' .ft:— 1940 i hi • • . • i •e.|n s' ir**; , sk f>. ■.- - " ■ 1:)■' .W 0 27.52.': (: ■ j r’l IH lim- 1 P J <• 13 34.7 ) 194)1 ■2.0.9 1 Town No. 3 South Range No. 6 East deg 64'. K l55fno'. ft in I We X' & S',* ■ AV .line office: lli X 8 —u»- - -S..-fTin.."u:..... 1-1-T J|4I4t4l_ -Heu-.- at-: WJ4 •'post.'.of - .StTc.-JH.. run- ill_E. Section-' line: 111 H .52 del; 64' K .441.60 fl: lb for ;i tdiico of iicgf'lh N 25’0 ft; tli N 15 1940 ’ 1 37 Mr (1 1 ' li/'.' . .; ..cleii :-.a i h. 'V 52" ■ E ii-, w 1 l o o'7' f: 8 , H< mV li;n|)ii'.'. 1 p:;n • along W line pf-.-said Sec., 19 ch ; Di X do A of :E'Mrof S 80 "A SKlv. to tlie p! of beg. being a pftvt (if ■ ho0 ' i t' 'K i i:ii lx"’fr; Di -S'-oft? 2m' -•1041)------1 .*’ " , ' )-.,t; of 1 >' 1i: ,n <1 n; bri-, It'-ir.v, i ;**i n 'H . ‘ i ■ - h ii . . M I K panDlel- in , K&W/i line , 12 _cli l)> l 30 1040 12. Oil W 'i of SRJ4-; - \V 250 ft; til- s 80’ 44' W 1131.65 Lot 17 , f Y i iJ. Do- , 17 : I‘ - :. M ■<' , l . - ' - .- 1940 i ,iT|. .' f M V'iY' 11 ,>f i<- - : ■■ w. ’ .» 1' ■ ^ ' , < * I* in h 'i 11 v 19.32 {151.52 .■en'ler of Dillon Rond; III K .a2’ n 30 29.50 , 1 ,')4 0 15.82 ft to Die .plnee of lieg living » |inrt nf Lnt. 18 1040 ’ f . j U'A ...... 1 • ;«> .C) . 1 [1 l’l 1. A 3 ' 1. 1: ....I ..!• W 1 \ ,jf X W frl * i il.nig cenlcr line of Di.llpn ltd.. 18 SUPERIOR TOWNSHIP, .' South part ijf W’Vi of SKJ^ , SWfi'lV-i M Devonshire' Subd. No. l r'v "■ ■ Mi ’ii* ^ " * 1;■o 1 or;, | Ardmore Gardens. vs ji'1 - f; i,|... VV A n( 111,: i'l'ic M aa'lpict te I .•Im-*; Hi X 38". K 13 elms. 81'.links; Town No, 2 'South Rango No. 7, East ' 36 2!) ...... ' 18 ■(’,..56 19-16 11.07 lad 161 11940 ■■ ft /1 ii nf ■ monies ’■ .1 *.i:i I *if. f, : -i-iT'-! * mY. *V " vij.', f ; l 'j |D. 51 re i; i;: ri‘.;i:l v j K pa rail cl to l'l and AY/r line to a N 20” A dif WjVii of S\Y!4, esc. 2.80. A WfrlM of NWfrlVr ", I, 402 ■1040 r— :—TT-- (—r.i^hl .HI In 4:90 ' f iKiint 52 cluis 03 links I'D nf W set. 1 3/10 uf monies . I till'd 24.99 . . . It) 81,40. 19 16 34.71 . i\ '> .! • • 1 ^ . dm Ml • • St>r ,-m---rft -f-m m -v •■;*—-W ~7 1 T L'_ _ til N VV''em'. * said 2 ,8!) A. dcse as. -Beg East Park Subdivision n -o •• I.— ' 1 ■1111 * lT -m ...ft,— —lK * s ' iW i"M "f. W Tv of N W" fiil’.i1 ^ lin., of ) aid See: Th X 19 * Inis to 1'. '.at W|4 post of See,; tli H 3.T0.1H) fT. -X-'JOHHMA.'-uf-Wfrl-bV-o'f S-WaTl-’i . ____ -Lot 09 . ------,19 m ,.f-\V J. 1 TfiT- I’cTi: ".\taT.(. '"'-A' si; fi'|,'.'i |''\ 2.8" ,A. i if- sipi arc P183.0li fl ‘til all inm pipe for 'place W 88 0 .0 8 . ft in the X Si- SVi'lino to tlie Lot, 150 ft, ' "IK X no 'ileg 03'. K 389.35 ' f! for, a 5 4o 1941) O'O.lft lu x-tu.4.1 li .t.'U.i: -Sn- A 8 i;.„V Ilia,I Jiary of IicLm Di ciint.inniiig NWly _alnng «-.'•»• 17 il,'■!> 55' K 39 7.1-'. -U-M—of- W 8-VV ‘ i 686 contour on S sidi' of llni'pti;. 3/10 of . iii(inio8 1930 |er liii'e of Nliili-r Rpiid, '207 ft. to ■ aU ...... V Vit' .XKirP.i lying, N of fl : 111 K '2n fj ; tli .V 223,111 fl fit Die , . ,|(| 19 10 42.1)5 ih-NI4ly, Ely, SKly 'iiiiil Ely jilong tlu1 ii/ 10. .Hr'liiffniesT — :—n r r t ~ 13 :i 11 A :...... ".. : T...... r-lTtltrnSjVipi’;.- Dr -Nlvly ilefl.- 90'-' lo- rigbl S situ re o f M a i'ri.y Lake: tli SVYI/' ill on it K 5ii.\ of (•; *v pi SK'.i 1 686 coniiair In n |ioint wliieli is N . 1 M040 ■ gt'jit ft* l:i an iron pi|if-: Di SKly defl- i: f.' *1* . I-I "f 11,01 it'. - - ■ " . . 1902 ''4,.|8' tin' bake Shore to a puin I., a liicli is X- .'6 ' ;,ii Ml" 42.65 2“- 29' 30” VV 978.56 fl from Die id Lm 101 .x.:.. a;.. .. ,.f Si: fit >1 r.M-.'brg 1)1 .H.-Lur. <•' fill’ to riK-h-l 29.7 fl In a)i iron pipe; !l deg I O', AV 3 5 7. fl f r-.'n ' tl-e pl pf'. ii'a o f XL:, _ ___:... ..Ilf; Leg; ih S 2 n- 29' 3o" K 978.5(1 fb 3/10 n l moiiies 11)36 ^i H7i-~tnueTr~rc~-wl ftetr- M-THTf2T)T'tp—ep*ss ftft-eoi tsJv-of— ). ■•.. t----- eh-S-VrV4y-(l:)4'.l-'.iii" in riglil I'lUJ ft in 1 1 in -frl) beg-i-'-TIl ■ S-1 •l-()ug-,l!fl' K'357 .ft-tri. t lull I-----______nf .jqi __: -in in 11 to - the Plnee nf brit : being .liftFt .of N14 3/16 of monies - : 11)31 t: ei •AV .'or'of w.i.j dl SK frl hi ; th N. ' 'v |,'~ -«V ,.bcg. • ______,llL_ pl'a*:*- of In-g; being a pi,rt o'f tlii XVVKi ' go A of WDi of XK/J - 1 1 1^ 22 * .50,(10 ■ HUO 00.60 Lot" 102 T ...... " ■ ei- —t-(1-\C2-Hi_ra)dj.i .lb S .-4-6■■ rolls :.-Ill——...... — . 13 100 a lid" a'-pa.r.l'r-iliT.faAVl! i------* - . ____ pe - "ii . S—9._,'LrJ9i.s_*if-.-l'T—l.s • a *■ r ps.. of N Kfr114 . ____ ...... 1'!);ui K M ro'U to the place ..of' beg. Will of .111*11(1- M f! ■ 2.1,20 ." 3/10 of._ inonie' N !-. ■t . T l " / LM' - 19 I'1 1.68 X 'g . if NVV 11 / ' of Huron Uivftr anil X of highway 3 / hi of monies |T 19!il l ■ . f., -ina T 82.89- 19 1" 40.09 ."./in of nmt,ie of XK-T. CM- 2.3 l’l -A for eerneti IU , ... I It S * I I" of Ill'Pi'ief, 1941) 2*5,39 Pairviow Heights Number Onn ■ i *f , of a jmiiil o j i•>]s VV i.f | 1031 76.06 Caik: I'.r :< ' tact 'hubil;vi,;ir>ii..... ' "77f Wa*. Tl- - .)3.00~ ' 19..UI-, '*17...,. M-iMine' th*l''. I'd c ii tl ■*; -111 S 52 \ .K 1:7— *0 -^ 3/40 of mivnieH''' - ■Lid 2fM» 1910 -. M'-ltJ: 2)71 VlL.thal ...... s.f K’i of NK frl/r winch \ ,)n,s; tl, X ;ji»- K 13.84 rhs-! I Vi K •! "NK * o.r of See.: Hi VV 29 rods -iV N i - . 3 |n ef monies 1030 S 'lD V of. 1'', 518 ft of (hut pt df B 74(33 Lot 342 1IMO line **f Niv.; ili s 20 'ruijsih ly 16.75. Lot 343 lf'e-. Ki} of i'ereMiir'liieH*1 R. .IL lOBh1 , to a ft)t « h'ich i'll) elm. S of K A.Vtj't 3 ‘ Io pf .monies 1931 A Jying X ol Hiver Ud. , 1940 ,'"*l- : ij. X 9 iod.s.. . Ill Iv 3.25 1 ■ inl>; I 3 /ln pf ninnies 1034! 2 2 . ' 2 arooniug’s Little Orchards iii iviy«"iy 4 28.30 , 19 1". 1 ,■ - hue and 52.if:; elm- K),' "lif "Uf:, VV lin'eli,,', ofl N 1 1-..pills to pt III beg, .' M-, L nf SW'/e Sc.-: .tl, X M ,-h.iH'. lb W' 52.63 .el, n M '’ 1 ‘S' |"'T VL)! 5. 10 of mpilibv 11)3 3 5 MO ofibonies ' 1033 - ' Cut -207 1940 ‘ 19 I" •; •'! 1.78 /It ' 5 lo.i'di It* I" l'd. 62 , ,e K K \\ \ liJ M tl,e'phice of beg. | ^ ,, ^ .3.1 n■ pf tuonic.s, 163 ) ■Ait 10 of. mohies 1934 . .■ Orove Park1 Sub'd, .sKfrl'i 5 15 8."" 19 til­ 1 *.32 . N AV ; i of Sm .. saiat. ■ 5/lft pf imiiiieH 103.3 71.02 5/10 of monies ' 1035 101.70 Lm 123 1!) 411 % *‘\ <:r>tjt, 2.7(1 A. (L'sc a.* (>.m. in S lin I" A I.Citig I" rods X .V S and. 'lo | W'l-a (if XK( ift'/J "f sii1-1 i ‘ a pn di I 86.18 . fl I) of lieg at N'4 pps| pf see lli S 18.28 ell Com. at KVi Post iif see; Dl N 2° 29' 30" Huron Dam SubdivlBlon 16 { ft—-'""-'Ift " i'Ujls I, ,V - VV...... s .. .. . ■ t N\V 323.99 f| in Ihe-14 llnji of -see for a t,m 21 •: to io "l.i'i.Oll ‘ I'Mv-T >.■■■ iTfrs ,57 wvA-f^inirrrr ittt i • ia the N A: h V, lifto-llM-W—Llt.Hfl 'fils. XW.’V ")! Xlvl t '■pl of Ih N Is’ K 2196 19 *m 19 10 ro.-jH Ili S 10 ileg VV I,.VO elia io ti fmiiu in plat-e ; ili 'X '2"1 20'"36" AV 350 Trot-27>~~------10 i" 1c ■ ; i' ft; 15 X : j;-, •in S'diile .a' ,t| a pni>it \vl,i. li'is I ft; tli N 81° 00' 46” <\V -301b'.ft; '111 D.u UiiiDou ' *1, l'l.f'0 2" ,\’V ;c-9 7 fi. Hi > M'.'V. Hie \V line nf 14 hi of NWj4"t!rN..15.80 Lot 20 ■"1940 3!ltK fl (i i d- -K of sW [ Mr .IfF.) m pf slv/i J ,S 2’ .‘20’.. 30" K UOli-ft;- tli_K„Ml“..()0’ "8 Id . l *.( M (!.!i:i 3 ■'! IV of tmu.. i'c- , ' Kd)' 1 I •’ 8 .5'2 7 ■ K 297 fl I-.: Dll- I „f l,.-g i lls in said W line of K li (if NAVI/! In Liif.30.'......' 1 if 't ' 1 . , il' K 12 rds nr S~ttmMuf >[.,, tli N' t;|' j 1(i" K 30O.Jt_!i»...pia; (i. of lmg, being u Lm 51 H11" 71.40 X 3,1 A of VV<,'*s of XK.friii .tig a bart of SWfrD-t 7f "piTmT" u IDeit is 5t1 4 chk S of X~Hrnr . 1916 i.:. v." (1.01 19 |M ,)*! . Di Wig., nils, |.f, H II rih In )il nf 10 l*‘ . - 0 ,' A 1.00 ■ ,13 I "9.75 19f Mt ’ 1 .jut...i/uc.- ill... i'l—2s'r.3 e.hs. Ih _N . -3.14 ch.s part of NEfrlVi I.oli-52 ' I 19 M VV I- I ID 40 1 1.08 Com. nl a pl. •!( l i ■>*! - - S '» * ■' !"' I" 2. Icing pal'! ef 14 I.' . of ■HK l.j I tn N Him' of sw Th • rrT7?Jo rTis' \\\ ' 22 , 2,00- 19104: 42,58 f.m 383 I <910 ■pit' lll.'l ' 15.33 ■'/ MV " - r "I 1. 5, ef \K s, li, S,' 33 ' ,83 ' 194 0 ■ 1.28 I Hvg, ni Die Intersect Ion of Die X & S'/j- tail 080 ' 1.94 0 " oil VV- '111** of SeC. ilk;1 Hi '1,1'' i. 9 * li '■ 39' u ,,:.'3', 7" )'■ i., w - 1 ;,f N line of see in ihc-‘4»1#ee of beg. Doing 1910 Me pl.„ c 1940 8."7 j 1Mi.;lks : lli ..i’g. r.ii'i'o ./I i r k , Village of Superior a tin ri of WmT of X VV U line , of see' mid Ihe 686 etiiityiji' tin (hr 1)81 19 in , nf 8|. ■ , ‘v'* V ,)l M 4 fur p! af )ieg: ,l,1i X H.**"’ I'.e-• I' NW cor of Lm '.MM Mi S :19* 06’ l S side of Huron Kivcr, said iiUersre-, 2 2 I j iSK'ly lilt-*" * i"! i, b .|i ■ .5 9 1 ! 1 1.: ,i>i,3,'p f' . ! \ i > n 1 ) ' ,’l 1 17 35.43 ' 104ft • 1 1,32 Lot 811 . I 940 ■'ll 403(1 I C.hle VV 15 e)l . A — «""se V, - '■ f: 7 *>. 111 V, (•> SW eor of I,o( 26; th cftnl. N V linn being 4087.40 ft. N of HH, pnsl; a 10 of nippies ft -Ml s <'V u 11 ■ lli \ 20 Acres of NVVVt of NW'l4 X of Komi l.nt. 88H 4940 W ' N K 11 i 3 10 of mimics 1031 ft' 01". -Iks. _ j * . y I-'. ..r )'.;. f ' ■ ::'*’' v ir. 39'• "9’ AV 75.51, fl ; th S j<)° -ft I * K i 17 26 • :V, t . A Hi S 4087.40 ft, in X fr S'/, line to the Lot 997 ULlO' 1032 f ’ if, ,\V tfl.r ,,f n-: 13 pf 219. W, ft; th X .30" dll’ K 224 ft 1*1 8 Vt im«t; th VV iii S line .of hoc to tins 3 ' I f» pf monies ro,il atni)',,' 5 V I i ,.l , S I'.M lo ei ,. 1,1■ '-f )•' 4. a pari of j 3/111 of monies . iil3.fl Johnson Place , ,.f N T vvv , 5 10 of, HIP))Ies 11)33' i - ’ 13 ■ .5 "" 1. . MM, Nly line' of. 28; 'lli X .'O'1 _51’'\V 3 MO of monies 1931: SW eor of K frl1// o( SW U\'A ; th N Lftfc 3.5 ' 1016 - 5 It) uf HIllittll'M 193 1 I 0 | i,Ii '2 l'l.56 fl ill Xl,v line of Lots 28, 27 mid 3/16 of monies 10112 .. (!ii,08 .3077..7O fl in line VW Hut' nf K, frlV/ Lot 48 - ' « ' 1040 ■ 19 a 5 2 0.6 5 1 s I9f*i i| 32 .*,■ fit of monies 1 , V 8I-: , s, p H, , W 412.44 26 to pi of beg, being Jiart, of SWfrl'A Tliiil- pi,id- iif NVV#' of XW ’/« lying X of HW frl Vi «ml the W line nf K frl'T Lay Darden Subdlvlftion "See, 32 TJS K714 uml entire Luts 26 of NW frl Vi in Die 080 contour; th Kly Lnt 22 1 ' . (1:,. li n ’’ -’Tv v|, fl -. * I "I /' .,.15 ’ In'right d f liigliwny esc, u |mreel nf land tlesc. Lot' 59 - ' 1940 ;j/10 nf'inonie- 1 9;; A 27 ii nil pnrkvnf 28 (All owned as fpllohs;, nl NI4 cor of' AV Vi , 'Dong the 086 contour to tlie plnee 'of fait- 63 J940 3 I ■■■• : th. d"fl .‘to I . tli' an" to right fi neelipied as1 into'eel) H / I 6 of liipni'") . . ’KM .Ml of NVV 'A th W 1()'l ft ; 111 S 2II4 ft beg, oxe 20.11 Ae in Die eor, l.nt '64 10.<6 3/16 *2 f’ 111 K line .if See; tIi H In 191(1 ft.73 said 20,11 Ac Imin; 4.5.6 t'hii 14 A W of .monies 193' I ■' i.a s-3’. |'iV-l| fi it; the pl nf beg, til 14 t. of beginning ntul 44.70 iliMns X A S, be .* ft pftrt Lot 69 ' . HMtV 5/Hl of .monies , - 19"' f - in.:--a. t'i.ii'1 ,,f SK L * SYLVAN "TOWNSHIP ! 17 2 6 ' . 22 5 ■ 1946 10.39 of K frl'fr of .NW frl'/i and a'part n( Lot 70 . HM6 ,5/10 of tno,in'. l'1-'* Town No. 2 .South Rango No. 3 Ea«t | 5/16 (*f tminies Tip 33 l'l frl’/.' of SW- t\V A 72 ' - - 104)1 Darlington Number One 2’ f}‘ Dm S\V rill' of K'A ftf §vvy< : . . t tt33 192,2 f T'.Oft Ac in (lift NVV cor of K It AC at 5 /ld n f monies ,1031 32 90,01 19-16 1 17i. 32 Lot 73 ■1946 n 1 ,52 ruds in jee linn; th X 1200.47 HK'A of SW|4 kuirt 1.611 At! being 8 . S 1"'.|r.'30" Lob 222 ■ : 5/10 of tunnies ,. '■‘‘493,' 15.0!) Co iii, ill K'A post of hce; tit N .2 ° 2 0 ' Lol 71 10*0 3 / 11, li'fov , H* ." fy ib NW Iv it, ii to In the AV line of rods E A AV uml 2° rl, ,, which pt is 1436 fi N «... *.-*"•', - " 2 J.H6 1946 23.ftf) "S 3 cits tli K t ch th 8 iV edis iltjjS- ftft ‘".i..+J..UsA.-. #1 nf beg- tl* H -til tllft AV |i{te of for n . plnee pf beg; th X 2 ’ 29' 30" tail 88 ' T. 11ll." " '*' K 1623 fl -1" . 3 / lb IIif ii.pi.i, - Ucg. In1 AV- line of See.- tit n pliinl- whirl! dug Jv,/i,76 clix to, a fioint. in 14 line Of Ltd. 1 12 .5 ! I 11 0if ni'.'efi ■- -.1 J Ti A ' i.f K'.j of HVV, 1,436 ft to pl of bog, Is 13.21 ft S .of AVJ4 bust nf srei III W ftd ft: Di X 81’ 0 0 ’ 10" W 290 ft; -1046-. ' . W; X re 0,43 ' Ac Iii NW. cor uMttl for N 114,58 fl in W line of seV; 4IV H .77- I3 fl. S ol.-. N>- line nf se'e 1h S la.Md I 'I of men at' '6 itiv-IYt-iV- cv'hniD" ptrritomtr Bftid 6.43 Ae -desc.-n* rtrgr-18'- ttft" :K HtT-AH' f 11" th-H- 2 0 -deg .....40'" K 299. ft to tho pig ee (if hog, being Lot 135 1016 ... "ig a piirl <>f I;'■ 1 a pt in Du- iv Ime-.j.j p,.|f,' in \V line, pf F,Vj nf HW'4 ak ft ells Ilf Ihe K..Klip Ilf VV ‘5...of NVV!4 tb ii part, of NKfri Lot, MOO HIM II ; ' HU" 9.4 4 led 2*2 i . , . 3 VV K 47.0ft fll'lh S 34 deg 8«’ AV 28.26 S' d(‘;f \V 4.72 elm th N 10 deg \V 3 '' I 'I of i ' ’ I 2 A .wlii'-li id is 200.90 I ' -td 1242 ft. N Of fr line h rsee; til X f l :- lit VV'ly. In the pl of beg. liidng ft '■ J 22 0,37 ’ 1040 s 4,12 Lo[. 2^2 1010 , ,,r .ee; Dp .W 1629 ft •fl' s i.| ai 23.10 clis ill X .50-ideg, 14 2,63 cits tb to t o . 1 of kee: t h /s I ’ lft'IHV’ ' : 1 I *.- ij !' i ■ -fl 'of beg; I'li N '200.20 135 ft iti -W line of K'A of SW '* ; Hi part of NVV frl|4 and -ft |mrl of SWAi Coin, ut* NVV ear of 14 fri'A .of NK frl^s i.Ot 244 ■ ■ . . III. L'-ft Due tl, Die IIIof beg, , s 7»* • *»' M137.56 f,; Hi ,S135 ft; N 40 Tlc; W ;(,0M clis 111 S 5d deg W til..... ■ beg ; lb . s :; ■ M - -. ■ Thai tnirt of rear L o t 16 Syl.vflfh f'ls1 of see; tit S' t’ 50' 20" E 1572,82 ft III Leslie Subdivision! ' , ,, fur a In n:g. a' |I "I of Dm VVnl,20 '.\ oil th Wly f37.5f) ft to til of heg A part I,,8ft ehs to Die \V line \«f sec iHt N Lot 1 at II1 1 “46'' vv 5«) ft: lb/^V 6 17.18 ft: ;; i" pt >. i tiit#!8,' wltleh lies in'See. 5 Die VV Mine nf Kfrl Vj nf NK’ frl 'A; ■ ttiio .,, SW fl'I'f . /o f K 'A of 2,75 ebs. In sec ,116c in Die. pbo'e (d Lnt."2 ' III N't* 5" fit Ih K 6-17,7". ti m Die ■ --V 1.M -pf-T:M;:: ' ...... 6...... - / "■ ■... 10 Di' 1,78 lif.'g, llcing a iiiitl of VV/i/of N\V'T-i L'-cN 80* i r 26" VV 47,411 ft; tl, H ■ ■ - vi>‘" ; i la 5.'. . 2 2 , vj.'».7 : nun 'Coin nl K'A Pf,Hi sec (J 111 lftt.66 i*-r Lot 3- |i1jipo I lif'inif. U ,. .lm, .T "i.a ■id). !l!l ,/ , “ 1 1 7 27 ' ■■ - l'l to .16,49 ;>2 ° 21' E 01,55 .fj,; r||, H 1* 5ft' 30',' ■ ■ a l.o of moulds Hl'dft All Dial- narUbf VV 52 Ae of. 14% „f SWW ‘ K *W.H ilnft Ih K, 12 deg. 4 1.’ -30*'. W .. A. IflcholHft Huron River HUH in *1.74 Mill* T Lot 5/10: -Ilf niOlliCH '■ • ’K t VL/ u >:of I ,SI4» » r * H/V [ i i 1 tt 403.1)0 ft fft’r a place of beg; ill s T () nl lin.n ,3's 11)28 which ties S of N ’ly line of'iiwv known ’ 31.04 ft, for fl pl of beg^DTS. 42 deg.) • ii; ho ' Tail I, ■ •.! 040 — -fp-ftf-rJio .Tiuiild- f.L.i.eT; llir. .W - U.' lft I>f, |i|i)pilli» llllU.) . I M,,50 20 K 488,’1 3 ..ftD e X ,87°. 12' 0j> Oft rod' of Ihe v.';. (,f \V ' . 'iif NV, ’-i ; Hi 1 id • ' l ."j-11. ■ ---An-tL. S. .12. list1. 0.52 Ac In 'SW ror " ■tU'thKB.j777[.,,>li‘g 13’,,! — — pipe Lo! 2 - - 1046 i ’ 3 /ln of lhonioH * . Hilt'd 16.68 sold R.53 Ac desr as llgg in the \V liiio —■^.ia .g.-IU U )..J.llft ..Jhft, , VV.Miim.w liiiiLixif—LPbVl fnf,...1 PTiV-i. -Of, of -bo4‘‘i>1' -m o — 1ft 0,38 ■ Mill '.'l.fhiC I*) .-(if ) i i ' m iK- " u ' ^ '• "i .Nt'' l;v ,.t0 " ■?'{ 3/10 nf monies .. 103! , ■ r t.t i .,i :'V. ' ’ ' • ■ B 31 V i'll K 10-25 -V nf W':T„r sKfrlll of K’-e of SW 'V III a )il wliieli | -J 1 ft,." whieb ,s H 77 deg, IM' !10' KM 38//0, ;t/M ,,f m„tl|,.s i v l w l ' ( i11 Nly 550.88 ft h, Lul * 1940 Com. at li,i>' XW cor of K'-j . of NVV{4: ■ lT " 15 '31.00 11)46 ,a7,3i libi'j I «*TJi th*.N i*&Jil 1ST- •b X 88“ir>'20" K 102.TI 0 in the 5 H:l .if ;if,.(ii... . ■ft P of K VV^ 'lineiTfr-X l.v. ft ft. from. Uv* ot of 1ir« l> N ,77 fJo^, • • Lot 2!f. ijO If) f "i • , , N.' 41)4*5 A of AV. 167.40.V tit S' 7ft’ *3', K 156 ft; Ih. S-1 5ft ft jp ' 1010 233.62 !l1 •* 5 0 'Ail)” Wit ,3'*'; iM 0 N liuo «i »od; HJT8 U9»u3'50", W i/IU uf inunies^ iDod. bO,0U ; i 1016, bdug n part - of K f nl % ot Nl> frlM ’ Lot !R 1946 ji Jl V / , 34 4.50 - .1 8 4 0 6.03 Lo t US I960 * W T

THE CHELSEA STANDARD, CHELSEA, MICHIGAN' p a g e t h r e e V»0 A " , . M s ' J . T#t. Uxsi Toh tana* T«t«for lot. and Yiarsfor 1st. and „ „ Tot. taxes Tat. I«e» Tat. texee Whlsh chat, dus , Yean for Int. and Yeari fer Yeirafer Int. end w - Tot. tuee ? , « ’ My & - PriiS,UV* 1 *fl U 'd _ Whloh chfil. due I - Which choi. dun r~ r Which ■ Int. an| WhUlv ehae. Delinquent Oetinwsnt . Inuui Or Pared Or pared From To years- Deiorlptien F/Ctp To ysarp DcMrlptlaa Frem To .. yeere Peecrlptien OOlamicnt CITY or ANN ARBOR Inolualwe dirt. eta. Incluiive ' din, eti. Or Pared Ineluilve dirt. els. Or Parcel Ineliwlve dire. etc. Or Parcel' Frem To yean QITY -OF ANN ABBOB Imlutive dire. etc. ' Original Flat , CITY OF ANN ABBOB . CITY OF ANN ABBOB CITY OP SALINE CITY or YPSILANTI. P^IckoU'ii Huron Biv« HUU Assessor’s Fiat No. 1 of Ferdoa Addition Graiid View . W. H. Morton’s Second Addition CITY OP YPSILANTI id * . T 3 8 , 8IV.. ( £ Town No. 8 South Bangs 7 Bast Breakey Subdivision • 1*4.9 Tlmt 1'iirt or ttw**x *2 ft of thn. « V (Ward 7) )r (Ward 3) l« « r (Ward 7) Bennetts Addition (Ward i) ( - (Ward 2) -1040- -li40-1,4 44 ,L U'JN £ U ot U5fiT, L lyiul{ « 5 i>/ifou st -hmei!|IOI>' 0'vm‘d u"d occupied us. onu oxoopt that purt K of firun’il View I,ut 4!' ,1940 143.'23 I^tsTao and 30 1940 21.87 S 72'30' W 18 rds; th Nly to pt of Lot la 104,0 1,49 _ 1040 68.8 i Lot "9 ‘ ‘ 1049 139.11 1940 10,07 Drive, stiid Drive more fully dencribud W. H. Morton’s Third Addition Lots 50 and 51, 1940 , 10.04 beg, ux.0 N l ’A rde tor street , Lot, 20 < 11)40 HWard 3) T o 1940 200.78 in Liber 299, pugo 574 19-10 72.4t) .. 1 rnm | Lot 14 ■ 1940" 36.19 !' 3/10 of atonies ‘ 1931 1040 1.40 1 of l ^i r i ^(,t 60 u"a 11,0 s 49 ft, Lot 50 1940 I 4.9O , , • (Ward 7) Laud com. at uumt on N line ■ Fredrick "I' 1040 1.40 HllN 113 K 1,IJt -1 1949 150.70 Lot 51 1940 18.40 0 OlfcY OP YPS1LANW ' 3 /1 6 ,of monies 1082 Tho K 5tt ft' of ‘ Lot 1 1010 103.37 Lot- 107 1940 140.13 4 Original Plat *5 St., 170 'ft W of W line Hawkins St.; 5/40, ef monies 1033 1040 1.40 Assessor's Plat No. 3 Lot 58 V 1940 4.70 th X parallel Hawkins St., 182 ft; 1040 1J4N 118 K , . .. (Ward 2) Lot 01 1940 5.81 Oak Crest . , (Ward 2) 6 /1 0 of monies 1034 1.49 1040 83.07 Lots 4 and s ------=— th W uuraUer'T'rodriek St„" 50 ft; 5/10 of monies 1040 1.40 (Ward 2) s 110 ft of \v-vnr-frjof-T7arTt 2 ] 87,67 N-72 k \ A S " " ! K 454 ft 0f Tile N 13.8 ft Of Lot 19 h- (Ward 7) 3/10 uf monies 19,31 1040 1.40 Lot 30 oxcojit: tho S 19 ft. v •?. • ' (Ward 1} beg. (Lot 22 Wordens Harden--; , 8/ l o i of monies 1040 1118 Bow 1940 179,97 * 1040 1.81 3/lt> of inunies 1032 1931 1:40 L ‘“ / 1040 123.71 5/10 of muniea Lot 36 Vi • 3/10 of monies 193'i 3/Tn' uf jfiouieH 1032 ’ 1040 1.40 Assessor’s'Plat Ndl 5 Lof-'llS und the AV 10 ft. of Lot 89 ' 1084 "3/10 of immieK 3/10 of monies 1928 (Ward i) 5/10 of monies 1935 1931 5/10 or. monies' \ 10811, 1040 1.40 T he W 28 ft, of Mlm X 100-ft uf Lot 4 ' • 1940 107:05’ 3/10 o t 111 (mil's 3/10 of monies 1930 5/10 of monies 1040 u.„, (Waia-,> 1910 1940 57.96 1932 1934 1.49 JJ18 Ji5h$ -• 77 78.44 Lot 100 11)40 282.09 L ot 19 . 5/40 of nio'mes 1933 3/10 of jnenles 1932 5/10 of ..monies 1935 ■ 1040 ,'1.40 Tlio S ft- of Lot 1 ■ ■ Iho h 30 ft., of Lot3fl 1040 52.88 . ’ 1940 40.70 Leonhard Gamer’s Addition 3/10 of jjio.'iiuij 1951 5/10 of muiiii-s 1934 1940 84.82 Assessor's Plat No. 0 • '(Ward 3). 3/10. of mmiig.s 1938 5 /]o of mooio.s' 1035 itu'uu Land com. at point on N line Fredrick College Heights Subdivision 1030 The » u f , , mo «t“«. Thit K 50 ft: of tho \V 59 Vj ft. I Of W rtUkj t! of Lot 43 ',St„ 220 ft W line ilawkina St.; Ilf 1031 Lot i J940 1946 35.54 (WVd 3) .of rnui'us 8436 i.ot 14 und .the 12 5Q- ft. of the AV Map of Orntsby and Page's Addlttou 5/10 of monies 1035 ‘ tli X parallel Hawkins St„ 132 ft; fj of tuoilll'f -■ 01.04 Assessors |U t No. 8 ■39Vil ft, Of. tho S -34 ft, of Lot 18. ■ (Ward 3) 1940 ,49.00 -th W '.parallel Fredrick St,, 32 ft; {<01.- 0 ; 1 - ' 1940 2 0 .5.3 1040 1,49 N 91 ft of tho l'U; Of Lot 7 v - . V 1940 02.83 , (Ward 2) , tn S parallel .Hawkins St., 132 Ti; Lot 33 ^ ' v 1040 2.90 Co ■«. 1040 1.40 Thuf.Nl.v'.b.-o! kut lo Lot 105 , . , 104(1 > ’’“"W , U2S JtUB 1040 103\27 Let 0 , ■ 411,1(1 nn . . 'J'lio S 50 ft, of mid' tho S 00 W. 20 ft’ of. • 3rt ft of S. USX'fl- of ■ Hi K along X -line Fr.eilriek St.,, -32 12.91 fj - - - 1040 1.49 ■ ft.* of die U 8 ft, of Lot >10 . ■ > J, 1 . ” Ublu ' Lot al -ft to beg. (Let $2 Werdeus Gardens) I Cross & Baglay> Addition 1.40 /vtowa 3 South Range 6 Bast Assessor’s Plat No. 20, Beplat of a Mart Tim Slyk.. of Lot 26,Tbeiiig '20 fi. bn 4 ' . '■ , ' -' :■ 1040 1940 8.52 -{Im y Iniu mid ,pn • fdi .! IV” I *», 5/10 of mollies v . s i935 246,27 3/10 .of monies 1U23 1 , (Ward 2) p • ‘ • 1040 1.40 (Ward 3) ;. °f LetH lO, 11 and 16, and, aU of t i l l •PU thu W liny Lot 15 . - : 1040 11 l.wo *■ Section ■ from 1 thru D and 10-thru 22 of Stock- Olivia B. Hall Subdivision bf Lot . N 20 ft of M y-5(; ft—of- lert- 80 and-’N ,3/10 of monies 1030 6' .. 1040 1.40 (Ward 7) . 2d ft of W 12 ft of Lot rtl and W 3/10 of monies 1931 ; X ‘/j ui Lot (10 . 11)40 37.00 J). ; ■ ’ ^ ; 1040 1.40 ThK rt«“W n llV;'. ’m :> ft of tin* lug and Maynard Plat 9/10 uf monies L 18* ft of lint \\ >/. of tlio NUW. o( (Ward 3) - Lul 10 exeepl 'the S 60. ft. ■ ' 3/10 of inomes- -• 192!) V - -45 f t , of Lot 83 1040 23.80- 1932 ' • j Cross 4e Shutts Addition O'J .1040 1.49 ' 1940 ■ 510.05 ,N 9p ft .of Lut 101 1040 21 .’281. . (Word 6) , • 1 .: o;t 1040 1.40 M affstrwt. W Al-,Jor|-lyinK W of N . 3/10" of monies , 1930 Assessor's Plat No. 24 B eplat^f part ■Lot 31 ' . . - • ,3 /IS ot monies 3/10 of monies ■ 1031 I'lirger gom’g at a point-, on N lino -of -kot.kot.9 ttnd IQ 4 ' ' / 1941) 34.60 ^ r - . 3 /ld of monies 1931211,04 1931 - Kreilpriek struct 350 fcrt W of W linu 1 '. ’Voimai Heights SubdMsiou :'■ •' ' • 20 v , .. Lot8 28 thru 26, Bl'thruP60, % 8 /1 0 of monies 1932 111.5’3 "8/ 1 0 , of monies 14)32 CntckeoQs Addition ’ .flt)l»t~...:. _ 1040" 3.8 fl 15/10 of monk's - - J0113 — ’ part of Lot 10G, LotB 107 and 108 of Lot 44 ,und‘ the i’Mir of-. Lot 52- . (Ward 4) ,3/ 10 of mo111i s -1933 - of Hawkipa Street th. N-. 132 fuel, W, j (Wftld i t 1 1040 2.2 H - 5/10 of moutvi, 1934 . ' ft 1940 320.10 Lot_9 _ 8 1010 . ;i4.59 5/10 of monies- TO 3-1 48 feel, S 132' foot. B 44 fort tu beg. '.y 60 f. of L ofU and X 30 'ft nf Lot 10 n J. D. Baldwin’s 3rd Addition ^ ‘Bolivia B. Kail’s Second Subdivision knotvn ns L ot-60-\\ oniens City ; , I(r40_ artiry------56 .. 1040 2,SO _ (Ward 7) Th(> 'Ji 16 (l. of tin) :\V 38 ft.- of Lot .4 5/iO of niiiiiius 1033 1479,57 (Ward -7) N 88.25 ft of Lot 101 1940 41 8,,87 Durdens, unruu’d. " Lot- 11, exe'X 19 fte- ' ■-‘/ U,uu N Ob ft oi thu S 1221 ft of till' Tlte h 44.(13 ft of tho \V 132.63 ft ot Lot 48 1949110.73 „ - i 1 , 1910 7,i? 3/10 of monies 1028 [ Orchard Park Addition * 132 ft "Of Hut.WMj ..Of the NE/V of ■ Packard*'Lilwn Addition Luhd com; at ]>t on !K lino of Lot 116.7 3/10 of tnoflles-" 1930 : tho S 182 ft of Lot 20 except (Tie U Kamllton, Bose and Sheehan’s Addition "■■—■rod*—'8-: 11—id in X uf SI-1 cor -.-niid 3/10 TJf tnonU'H 1030 3/10 "Tf monies 1040 1.43 Sort mu 2 o. Ann Arl^gr, -lyitije W ot - it in .U10 N 70 ft 1040 ' 22iHX . ' ’ ‘ (Wa^d 7) 1032 110.88 4.48 1 (Ward 7) Lot 1 Hi; . tli. X jilntig t-i line Luts 110 3/10. of monicK 1020 *0 K,. j - ■ Addition *?;, m - -■ ' 1040 ' , N Mum Strict - . ■ Ajisossor’s Plat No, 29, Boing a Roplw Lot 34 • 1910 33,92 3/10 of-monies 1931 Sol ...... -1940--. 1.42 | i.ot 3. except the S 2 ft ■ ,. t and 115 1)2 ft >9 in; th W 80 ft; 40.8bi . .-(Ward 6) '20 - , 1040 ■ 0,78 b( B 3. and *4 North, Range's 4, 0, Patridgo -Addition , i.iml com. on Ni lino^f Frederick St, L,.,., .00 i.-im- w »,• So* 1940 1.42 ' (Ward 6) , • • 1 1940 99.72 (Wa?d 0 ) til- S 2D f t; . th W—KS-fl-j th H 40 f t ; and 0 Bast, on the Plat, of tho Village T.lm W 40. ft. of Lot 14.-mid tho. AV at) III K 7rt .fi ; Lit S 2 ft . 9 in: K ' «7 350 ft AV of W-JIiiV of Hawkins St, th ; ‘ “ h l "i' S o{ fc0„ DV) . 1040' 1.43 Tito .N-'.ii of the, following (Ipwribml fund: -Of Ann Arbor. -II. ’ V Lots 1 mi 8 . N piiru to Hawkins St, 13.2 ft, th W C ----- 1040 JW4U bio . 1.42 it. of - Clio S 22 ft, of *J.m 13 . f ft.- to beg. being part oH-I/oIk 445 S. Dudley’s Subdivision 1040-.. Beginning on the N Hno- of C’udnr 1 , 1,94(1 94.57 • • ' _ 1910 ■ 01.03 para 'to Frederick 'Ht.: 48 ft; tli S .|fiirnT Ef. 1040 .1,42 St, l .>2 fl. W nf tho s\v corner ef , (Ward 4) . Lots (j k 7 and lid Original I'fat 1040 418.87 (Ward 4) I.nt-i 54 nml 55 ■•A, 1940 47.03 A- strip of laud off tho "S.Aidit of : Lot ■ ■'•■■■-: 1 (Ward .1) ■ to Hawkins St, JU12 ft K along X line f'kot J. 1040- 60.84 Ls'outli 'Devonshire Subdlvislou * 11 1. lVrbwu ;inil Puller Add; thence Lots 18it nml yii ■ ■ ti, xuid strip: being 2.8 ft, wido n t W 1940 ’30,17 of.‘Frederick St, 48 Jti t.o bag., knowu.|-..; NU parallel with~\V lino of B 1 lo 194U -102.04 Lot JO 2 , ‘ t D IO ‘26.68 S 32. ft of Lilt 123 .1940 46.60 Elm Gardens r ■ ■ 10-10 7.60 I,(it 99 “*r 1940 77.71 - eiul -and runmiig to 11 the Tlie ■ Sly -H). ft. S 33 fC“-of‘ X 99 ft of Lot* 123 ’ ■ iis' (K) Wordens’'ns, Uureeri. I ;:(Ward -2) Kellogg St."- nnd fc’Wly ulonK'Sly line Lot H)8 - - of kot is and tho Nly ■■■3/10 of monies ’ 1932 14.37 . k,n. p [(Vs Recreation Park Subdivision 19 P) 61.72 . il oml .of-tliu Ime between ..Lots 6 m id . 54 ft of kut 9 . 1040 11 1 96 1&40 6.70 4040 . 4.0*7 ' ° / ,, H.i llojrtf fit; to llijuluvnrd Drive, Lot 115- * 1940 (i ll, 5 !i 7 2 1940 1.H1 Hun) com at pttin N linu of 'Frederickkut 10 SW Iy along Boulevard Drive,to Cedar Wbi of Lot 132 * - 1940 160.57 1940 6.70: 1040 4,07 I.ot 158 - ...... 1949 122,49.. Tin. S - 2(1.H." ft-. jmd S - ld ft nf- Lot 149 1940 0.70 So : 4.07 pnrt o f .See.tiims-go mill 21, Amt Arbor. of 'Argo Lake Hills' c 3 HkOO -Kt 132 ft; Wpara .with N liuo off - . 1040 - 20/21 ■ ■ 1940 90.49 6/ 11) of immies • 1934 1940' 22S.93 1040 6.70 11 ..... 1040 • 4.07 r (Ward 5) Lot 5 except the S 45 ft. 6 /1 0 of itiuii ic-e-^ 1935: ■ ■ (Ward 2) : > Frederick St 4.** ft; H para to W f K 17 fi of kot 40 and W 24:5 ft uf kot 41 A imri'cl- uf*..lnn.ih .part of Sec, 21. Attn : .',4 83.10 lino .of Hawkins St, 132 ft I 'F, along j 1040 i l l .i f 12. 4040 1.64 Lot 11 ------104U_.-19.5rt 1940 ’ 40.07 S 3/4 of L ot-180 ,.. — 1040 '-84.59 1)1(1 ■ Ailliorr- -bet?inn-tiij{.-'iit— ir -tioint^iu--tiro/ The S 14.55 (t. of L of lO, —;N Tuh!- of-Fw\dowck--St;. 4 8 .'ft tu beg> 1040 si. 64 SHly line t,i Hroni(wuy .177 ft, SIViy Assessor’s Plat No. 32, Being a Part , Rlvcrvlow Acres (Ward 5) . Fellett it Vougbt and 'Holmeai Addition 267-, , .1040 4.07 ! ■■■■■■: . 4 " • ■ ' (Ward 6 ) V Known us .Lot. 66 WordeuR Ourderts (Ward 4) ‘ ... of the- SW line of Cedn-r Lend Drive; of S W S e c tio n 21 T2S' RGB, and u I 3/10. of monies • 1930 S' 14 iTf~ K—-09 4-i of Lilt -199 . (linl 4040 4.07 Rovlat of ‘Traver’s Addition No. 2’ of j ■Lots .0 and 18 . - . 1940 19.63 Ula lif Lot ii(Jt) ' 1940’ 5/JO .of.-'monies ... - . ,iHVi«J .AVls nf Lota 033 and 604 T9,’40 46 21' ■ thence NK P'lrullel to CJedur. Itenil Dr.ive 3/10 of monies ■' 1931 ,... Lots M k l J rind id 5/ 10'of monies 4034 / Gray> Subdivision of L o ts-667 to 678, suitvovant Manor Subdivision 409 ft.; . S\V lmrulli'l to Hroinhvuy Ann Arbor* . | 3/10 of monies 1930 2,11.56 1-040.. 17. Lot.213. except \V 15 ft of X 50 fl. Lot i;> 1 940, 5/10 of monies . . . inclusive of Follett, Vought ic Holmes 1940 13.99 ' 187.71 ft. to Hell lurid,. NW 469 ft, ■ (Ward 0) . - ’I Tho N 20.4 It. of 'l.ot rt mid the . X. S.20 . •« - , ' , 1940 9,8.23 Land • coni • at point- on X -line .1-redriek*, Addition" to ll.roiidway, NK 193.U3 ft.‘ to. be- ■ L"l 15 . ,19-10 22 58-i ‘Lots. 24 nii(1.2 5 1940 13.00 Town No., 3 South, Range 7 East Levant Manor-Subdlvislon.No. 1 13.2 ft. of Lot 9 Tho fi Yg • of d.uts 26 and 2 ' St.’ 30 ft W" of W'Tim? uf Hawkins St. | (Ward 4) .sinning, ^ l.n'.S J 7 .mil 19 1940 28,4,v| ■ 6(1 - 1940104 3 84.98 ' ' (Ward-1 ) ; th X parallel Hawkins ’St. 132 ft” tli . |^ot pj . . - in ,10 2.53 1940 U.-uO 17,85 IMili . 1940 10.33 ‘ V 21 . . \ 194.0.102.(54 Lot -21 except the Wly 51 ft of lliu Sly ie 4V -44 •fir-nf tin- 1v 84 ft.- of Land es'iil at* point on K lipe First Avo, '....iW.-iJuntUcl Fredriifk st. .48 ft >lh -S 1 . ‘HftWkln’H Addition' A_.■ jmrei'l of Innil lying S uf new i>8 l ft, kiits 22 mill 23 cixiept the ■ -i John J. Sauer’s Addition. llGT 11 ami 12 (Ward 2) .292.35. ft S uf -S -line..' -Michigan.; Ave.,' .• pnratlet Hawkins St.. 1.14At tli-.L along I- • (Ward 1) lltUi ’ SlriOM 'riinniiig from Trover St. to Sly 581 , ft, I,nt 24 except tin* J'lly 9:t- 6 _ ’ tli X 38 deg 3n' K(.,li4D ft ill S 165 X Itno Fredrick St. .48. ft tu beg.. (Loti j,ot 4 - 1940 1931 Lot 12 19 ID 54.73! 20.00 11o df iiuuoi,v Pontine St... brgiimtug ..lit Ike intei• ft, nf the slv 381 ft mid the Klv 00 3 / ID of inunies 1032 ll th S es deg 30’.W Hid ft til X 105 66 \Vonions Dardens) 1940 1 4 1-’ , N 3/14 of Lot !) |tO nf mini" ' 1932- Ft_ nf I.ot 25" " — ^ 4040 l.V.M: -Lots 17 ami J rt u.\ccpt, -tlie X 40 ft. 1033' i section ol the N line .ol - Section 2-1 *5/1 (1, of montl.-.s 19 3 3 II In beg. Land com-at point 592. ft \V uf . W line , 3/ 19 of iiippii 1931 [pi. (if mcniii's 1940 67.77 .1934 mid the 4'1'ly line of Pontine St..t- !h kill- I-M'l']') till' M|y 0(1 ft, -also kb! 5/10-. of iminies .1034 3/16. of 'monies li)i,6 ■ Jlimkins Hi. u-mi 254 It X uf X Vine j 3 / I 9.-of monies 1933 , 11 ii of iiiium's- 85 As'i-'siirls J’lnt • No;--33; -dicing* n I ' J 03:")..— Lot .27 * - 1940. SJ,8y Fredrick St, th \Y parallel FroilriekM..! 1935 52.28 S'lv along K/iy line of- Pontine: St. 5 /1 0 of ml)nius J,n*. 3 1 ' . 194(1 128.0,0 3/10 of iiioni.-.- 19 ‘.D ' | 5/19 of nuimi-s Hiss’’- |ln (,f niuiiu's .' 790.73 ft; III K pimilfel' to He'etion Ifoplat nf Kloc-ks -7. 8, 9 inAt 10, Hrowri ' 1.940 438.90 3/111 of .monies 1934 , | HID ft tli S pag-tille.l Hawkins St. 122 ! • 1040 15.4b Lut-32 ..... — - 194,0 40,94 5 M(J uf mollies' 1934 11 fin ■ line to" 14 .Seetiim line; til N hilling . mnl l-'iillej s Adilitnm to: tho - Cily. of ; The N 38.4 ft, of. Lot 13 - "3/ ) t> -.of monies 1932 I ft tli K .parallel' Fredrick Si. 101) ft Th I “),1 D uf niunius . "J 035 Ann Actior 1940 37.ll'o : (j 10 10 73.95 Siplcy's Sub-Dlvislou *’■ X parallel Hawk ins S t.: 122 f l to.,bi-g. I |ioo , 1930 . \i Section Info to N hue of Section (Ward 3) 5 / Tit of monies ,1933'. • ” ' i ----1949 110.78 In of" iiiumii'' Lmt 30 1940 ■ 1,51 i The X. -Id' ft., of Lot 10 . .’ 5/10 nf ntnniis (Luts 122 & 123 Wordons Dnnleiis) ! IfTifi/ife-i i(-' 1931 , 21 ; ■ tin \V in •beginning, inirl n f See'- Lot, 1 I 1940 ' 39.33 1934 • : '! J *(>6 1 I i 1 10.4(1 42/79 ll.j of. niniii,^ lion 21, Ann Arbor—except the fol­ Assossor'a Plat No. 33, Boing a Roplat 1 • o loto 37.40 5/10 of monies •5935. ''j «■ . “ ’ . ’ ..’ , .1940 14.31 : i ti-itl 17.06 f M 111) of, inmiitv'. 1933 of Blocks . 7, . 8, 9 and 10 “ Brown & That pnrt uf km 11- lying__S of A1 17 Lot. 12 1940 30.03 7 (Ward 2) - . | "ii ■ 44 fe 1930 lowing; Com. nl the nioiuimertt tit .the Rai{8om S. Smith's Addition to the City", l'J t'.i 154.60 I W, Hentphill’s Addition || ij of iniuiit's intiT'Cclion of the center line of Poll- .Pullcr’-s. Addition’’ to City o f Atm Arbor j find berng il5 ft N.mul S on" K linu’ I’ui'cel I’om'g- at iiiiiTsei-tion of X' Mno j Lynd 1,11111 ajt sSW-eor -Hamilton ‘St nnd i,- (Ward I) ■' / MO'of mnilies. 1934 • of Ann .Arbor "Wn/hteiiaw- A ve; tlf 5Y along S line Lot 5 1935 62.2rt Jlne Sti-eei. whit t,he eenter ' lino of (Ward 5) ! "mi 140 ft. N and A mi' W line (Ward -6) ■ uf Hurrii't Mreet with" \V line Huron; . T941) .70.98 | In of" minin ' kill:' i-ls niid -iiU 1 (mo 49.3(1 ■■■ 7'- ; - 1910110.Q2. • Washtenaw Ave 4 rods,: t!i_ S parallel , . " •19411 5.85 ! Itnrton Drive, (il.v of" Abin Arbor,'. The X r, | -ft,' „f l.ut ;t i:: ulso the X’ C t Street. Ill X along \V line . JJuron ... Howards Addition - - ! f | | l H1(7 l.ut 12 p ■■■ *—■ l'J.ln 51,10 .Street 139.26 feet. X on'1 AY 01.74 ■\V' hno Hamilton St 6 rds;., th K , rtemt Manor. Subdivision No._ 2 j Cimritv of \\ nslileimw, Stole of Mirlii- William A. Benedicts Plat 'ft.-.of tlie \\ wVb It. and. .8 iltehes of - (Ward i) gnnf I lienee' S 15-rleg 27V3U" \V iiloilg (Ward 7) . km (i Al. lillO •64.2-1 feel, to K line of Wa.slmigton .Street’. parallel S line Washtenaw. Ave 4 rds; i u , ' ■ 1:046 532.8.4 ' 1940,- ■ Hilts Addltton •Hot -32 . ’ ' 1941) . 73.87 tli X along \V dine liiimiltOLi St 6 uls-lu 1. the . center liiio .of Pontine SI. ftli.p 1 Tin- X h ui -kot tr 1940 95 31 Beginning- :»J / . N nf tlu' NK i-orner >S along K line. Washington . Sfecet Hunters Addition -(■Ward-7-)- !_-bet. ini-. 1930 II ; the no i > S 7 .y (leg O V T 30"" M iiliiUg" ------—:------Bowers-Adtiltloir of HiTt 35: th \ 3) it., \\ Ui5 TfT — ! 4-0, .'Mi—teu.t r-.-K - 30t-1-I>—f-*‘e4—to—beg------— \-r------(-Ward -0)-—------' hn. iif mniii.i'' (Ward 4) .... >- 'Tin! 'K 50 fi; nf f.ob il .■midi: the -1-L 56 3/ III nf mollies - 0 -- > 1929 c /10 of inunies ■ .. , 1932 1931 l-lre S line lit Hartim Drive- 1171.73 S 34 ft. J:i 16.5 -ft. lo place -of .be-, \Y (,<; fi of I. 4-1 id's-ut X- llrt’.i ft ho of iiioni1-' feet: ilii-in-e. i-oiitimiing Knxterly along Lot 4 to,to rtf oi ft uf the 8 -1'2 fl. of l.ut 8 3./1D (,f mnnie.s 1930 - ■ d 04D 11 1 ■ '•P". or- Lot 94 L . J04O 38,39 hit nf meni'-' J 930 C' 1 " ..t II...... v tl,.!..,i ...... *7 J . - 2 - -—14)402198,03 igimuhg.. .-'• .10-ljF .-122.46 kanil i-oin-nt point on W line Nonnaf'St. 1933 S line of Ikirtim Drive mi .« 7 -deg The K 33 fl. nf kul- '69, the W 2 -ft. 1 3 / ID 6 f ’monies j ■ 1 193.1’.' Purl . <;l - kol J11-s : laiiff enm, 111 ^tolnt ll.i i.f,'inn'ii..' 3rown & Bach’s Addition to tho Sit■ty 1 The S ’;i-l ft. .lit Lut 17 mid the N' 16 3/1D of monies v, 1032 392.03 ti.njs -2 Iks S. of S line I’efi rl Hi.: 5«ti,5- ft. \\ of X.W enr drove 6 -fAh—eii eve. - In ’ I lie ln-fl—3(b-d 3 fl— F*w- oi AJiu aruor inichlgan ■ of' tin- S '32' ft. uf I.ot 7*4' uiill the. Jo' of funri'n1' 1!I3 5 —-ft-l.TS----: point of-beginning; .thence .6*. I'L, , __ - , ('• of Lut lb Land emu, at point mi K line First Ave., 111 - VV iiarullel S Inn- Pearl. St. 9 id-. 7 J-aetuiy HI-; lh X ,67.93 fl ; III HW (Ward 7 T __■ ■■.... N. 22 fl. nf ('he F, 33 ft. 'ilf fiMelionnl - It ; rh H narnliel AY line Xuiaui) Hi. 5'' /In of imiino'■ Mi.|U 5.83 38’ \V H 7LI78 “ft; th S 77 deg K 1 i-lis’Teil-n'i S line .Mich. 92 67 I’I, III . sv .45.94’ fl ; ~’nr~ri YTTI ff .kot. md th-it part o f . Lot -12 lying 5;.-'k> of mbnii" — 1933 177.40 :—lot-4-rmlh JJlie W 2 fl. of -thu X -22 th K Pi'.iV "ST- TT~r > • . | K 70,8(1 fi; thence S" 0U'w5u<' ft. .of tf::i.‘-fl,iii:|l kut ,5,. IWh. l....Uan- Ave ’ t h ' X ' 2 ’.'"AY fin K . li;j<- First I .ii: hug. , 191" 27 ' . ' -:'y’ .!l7M;i>—ft ; 111- X" -87 ileg 08’ 30" M W i tlie. B,-line nf koix 1 mnl 2 ex'- ' iUnmaji_'s_ Subdivision “AXT-; ■ “(iir f: ■th X 55 1 -j * V" "• S rod'; I .: ]■<}s 7 fl ; !I) -N—along-** W- N(ULfHini. I', lv nf Lnl i H r\r < |il Hi'. II,, - — rtKti- lenilril. exeepl the I'i 89 fTT ■ (Ward 2) " , M>m-.''-.-.’jnti!|f s, .second Addition, owned :>'> fi To beg.. ■ 1910 M . 1fT.i i i ' In ui (io.'Jrt ft ; llienee X d7 deg ItlL :ili"_ |-1 anil oitU pled ;f- nilo luifeel. ti* : 2 V )•:. .66 . I’t n i t . s •Vi \M W | UI M IJl 0 T > r 1 i-L" .' Pi-iir tiiuines— _ 1032 I94U. 143.43 'i'hi* N...30.8 fi., of ' l.oi 9- anil tin; S .s-, ein;Js Vo li Iim- Fit st A-ve:-_aiid jinliit (Ward I) ■ i '* ,.r’t:9, nf I.f rt III - ...... : — 140! 3 207.49 ftl in the T? linn iff-'Hariiiij Tli- s ' , "of hoi mnl Ijie N’ lT ’.j' ti. It) 10 23O.0,!.: N ’/ /TV of ■.e."IVi' V ' 1 >rivi*: ‘ iln-nei’. Westerly oil a, 7 (leg ..8 .2- ft III kill 8 , 1 j" : Ransom S. Smith's Second'• Addition of JiClf. -j I’ni-i-e.L eiimniem-ing al-'X-l. rnl'. i.’i'116« 111ml : Hl nf rno)i)r* .1931 In „f munieVt .■ — _UkU_ uf .km. b lliiS.,,, It'1.11-1. . ------1,'.I41)—60,1)3 ) v i ‘ it f \ (i o.i'T 1,> t|T .’v' 10’ uf 19 1 . 1933 43.87“ ----5T)' "7-Ul‘Ve -tir-TlTr" TTirh| -120-fI. utrnig* .1 'hi of iiioiij- '(war'd G) —2y-"XTee-Si., Ill I’l-tuM-w-X 6 ;-i.uf ■•.e,"ii.ii..... 1931 Hiscock's Addition 3 /ID III" iimii.H’s *> - - 1931, ."lift ft In b'eg. ’ ■ » 1,’ut M3 i S. ■ 1-' ll ■ Nl'■■V / - 'the- S line of- itnrton Drive to the ■ f/lo of monies' 1932. ■ , (Ward 3) f The \v 1151. n. vr tho ;s 47 fl. of ... t VI I ;/ point-.- of -In^'immig, purl' of Seelion I.ot- o ’ .. 3/10 uf' innj.m's I 032“ 3• Id uf tnuiiie- 193' . ■ V’In . 1 iihiim *> ' 1931- f ) I) of hillll U' * . \-l9it 1 5/10 of iiionn-s . 193 1 Tlie K- 40 It:, nr tlie ■ b l ft. of,but 1 5 / ID nf Uimiics. - - ° ,1933 .),, ID 'of- ninnies- “ 1932 tifi *1 :V ; 1U nl IlkMlt l‘ .3 . 1 Mihl, lii.32. • 21, Aim- Arbor ■ ' 5/ 10 of inunies. 193.) ,, d . 11140' _ 17. 10 • 2 1940 110.20 r Id nf imnit’8 ' 2 1 - 1940 58.51 South Park 5/10 of Ilinhiffi 1934 [.and cum al pt in N, InnV ('V)1M» *m■ r711 ! M,.1i of'TiV:*" 1 1 3 lit in |(| nf muni) > BO 3 3 11140 3 10.21 Tint ■ \V 6 einl.s uf Lot 1 . . . 5 / 11> of nmnit'H „ 193 3 Lilt 27 1 S' •»r iI'J's 1 v/- - lmcrtuvrk ^ '.iuiHOti 193 4 (Ward 1) The K 32.78 ft. of the W (>5.-5(i fl. 7 , . . . li)JD 96.«9 ,, •' (Ward 7) ■ Vi'1 l •' -/ 11 , I d of nidim's lig 'ii, at Ihe S line nf .Tefforson Lots .97, ..0s, ||n, S 3.S-- I';, nf [.,<)( 99 (tli f.t ; -1 Ii w ,;«i | m .. (Ward 1) ' UJ t^ »ddd(’A 1933. 43.12 Of kilt 11 _ 1940 93.73 The -W IHeeils u f I he" X. ">9 It., of. l.-if 3 -St. ,5.1)1 ells ;S‘ ef Knee St. tu fl 1 ( ; .th.S 1)6 ft'; 111. K 36 n ID ! l.ut ITi - ■ 1 Dill . Textile "Sn '"St. rt' Tils. K ofv -B lino of 5th. 1,01 v27 exi-i>tH S fl. also exeepl X '• 7. • . 494D 13.79 ami thill pirt nf l,ut 96 X ;n r.n ruck- vi». I’I 40 ft. S parallel to 5th Avc man H iv’d. ■ : . S’ “8t»!4 dfiK W 80*)1.72 •- * . ft". -X 11 l!*’10 "7 ! < i;; «)■ 1940 3.10 , 5 / to of monies- 1 Vi:l5 124.20 * 1940 "'lo.-.l'i I l .and mun ill N\Y., eiir ’Spring, A’ fliid.'-tcr’ ... ».. • v ie ,: v Rcfiurvcy ail'd Plat bf.NAV Part of Jarvis 2.00 (Ward 2) . Jackson Heights Subdivision ' | , Hill) 187.73 89 ft,. \V 1 T9 40 Brown A Fullcra Addition MS, ll, X 3/ It \Y '.ilniig 5Y line (’ll/, |. ^ fl /'( v ' 76 62' ll X 42- fl.. 2 1. Addition ' f i l l . | kanil boumli’it N ami W )iy Sminief rfl .- . (Ward 2) ! Mapof, SwathcFs Addition to the Olty , (Ward 3)...... I ;"',Ie'vi'Tt‘/ 'Ail’il.' I1', by Mtirruy.-s—Ailil,-- ______(Ward 5) . 5 —■ —of—Ann -Arbor ili’tej-. M. ll, a pt .AulDeh IS.12.1 l ehn- | __f: -K .u*.beginning, fl'i oLnnuuev-*.-* 192 8 Lot- 7 J 1040 50.95 "Lut 15 ■ r“ :------19 10 101-n. H of H I ’"’- Uaee St: tii H she, , \ s i " , , 0 ^ 1931 " 1. l til u 17.29 ______1_930 s l.v'W l.ibertv St, pari .of Si'clibli 29 Jewett's Addition to Ami Arbor CHy ■ TWafd - 4) ('l l) 11f iminic.v . C- H.____Cade ’s Subdivlaloii on Sec. _33_ I s_nb: lit 8 ly 10 a ,,l in X line Hpemg ______3 /] <1 „’f . mdni*/ __Hi;______9-5J2i, King"s Addition , . a ‘ t ! ) 1 r t • ’ . 1921 ■ | ...-•-> ■ 29—". ■ ", 7-14*40 -07(44- ■V" ■ . ■—(Wartt” 2)— ------Lot—L6- lj)-10 04.01 (Ward l-).—s—, fill .of Inimies , T2 South R6B ' Tappan Park S'( v.i\irli “tf”—ri) M” from- 1----Land ennt at .-pniiil 7m S . liiii- .Cross1 Si. . *ln nf ino'iiif-s 1932 23.99 i A parrel, of- .land him lull'd W by .Tnhil J.ol.s 22 and 23 and llie’■ X- 2 ft. of Lot 2 .3. pi "of beg: 111 X> 79a M -:-8—Hls^to-bug,- ,J 94D_50,3 4 Kneh's Sniidivisioii'.- X by J’lihii K '■ , (Ward 7) -. HI ID 191.1,2 (Ward 7) •3213.(15’ ’ft AY "ef ’\\" li:ii-~1trver SrvTMh;]" . ’I'- 11 Ml Tho W 33' 1/3*ft of kut 33 , ■ , ■ . 1910 12,39 H. W. Larzclcro's AdyUtiou- 14)23------— \. .. f 1,' lie S -Main ,St, mill, S by S 1 Jttdson’s Bocoud Addltipn The SK 33 fl. ;inil 4 .1 ny1i«- ef kut 15 AV along S lute .t'l’ess*.St-.,' ft y’lh ' y-fi) ef iiiuiiii ------. ------: 1910 (13,68 —uf—kut—46- ■ lull ll'lllll it a |iutin mi WMilie ('llidister airg—54' : tn—infL’. 1 .M).-99—fr; (Ward .1) h|i'((f in.uii,-> : 1930 line' of S«j'. ' 29,except- tin) X lU .ll (Ward V) ml 1 hi-1. NAY 8 *ft. 1 Jtti lu - deflu 91 AV .of V.Vi 28 5 ID of monies 193 3' ■ . -St, 6.0-1 elms S of...... S line Kaei sr.: th ‘(U-flei- 8n deg .>'!»' to left. 65.1-1, ft; 1 ho nf imiliii-*! ■ 193 1 > of'the I'I 120 II. . ' Oollogo Htll 1940 S 'S01-4» \Y 8 i-d-s; S 3 /4 ' . K 4. H> 3/10 of mottle.-* 1936 29 (Ward 6) .5/1(1 of monies 1 {13 I ,th ileflev rttr-dig 31' ti>, lull' 159.‘01 ihi of nnuiiiis ' 19-32 23.1)0 HcightX Addition /1 elm.s ; X 81IJ4 *. tfK 8 ■ 'rrisrrl ; tli X 3 / lo nf , inifnies x 1 to; 1 3-/11) <*f inotiiij-s 192 8 ■' l.ots l, 2, 3, 4, .5, 1(8, 21 mnl 22 (Ward . 2 ) ...... ■ .1935 2 18.82 ft to hug. ,W1940 57.10 ■J-1.0J JI ‘il 1940 4.2D ■W 4.10 clips to beg, ■ ■ 19-tD-.'2D.00 ily- lD 'ot inomes 1952 . / i l l / : 3 / 111 of monies 1930 9 • . - ■ 1940 749.09 K 8 ft.- uf l.ut 2. 1 Titoiny Woods Land com at pi 17 royfs N.,of N lute |VII ,r ■ ' 1940 . 2.0U '1'iiU X 9 rds of the’ following ■ described ■ of Davis St ,V 12 roils K- nf K liiie nf "km 4o hteiiaw Club View Subdivision No. 1 3 /1 0 of ninnies 1931 ]- ■ Eastern Addition . ' •1940 06 11 (Ward 6) " 3/IU of-monies -. 1929 1932 Uil 2 -.'•1940 13.09 land; l.d com ii.i'pl oil S line of K;lro '■ I’rosp'eet st : tit 'X para with K linu 11 Ti, . 3 / 1(1 of monies,. (Ward 4) .... 1940 13.58 SI. 4.25 eh ,K of il li.n'e ■Huron St, Alt 3/llJ of moniei- 103D ■■ 1940 4 89.6:, HMD 8 1.60 VincWood. . of Prospr-. 1 ■(,>}, . 5.20 ciis til K -jmrii 3 / lo . ol mnnius 19 31 5 flu ef Minnie., 193-i 0 t The S' (id ft of the K 44 ft. of Lot 2 S- 8° .WAD i-li; lh X Sir'4" K Jo a- pt with X hue "t -l>n\is St. 3.77 eh.-; (Ward 3) ' H2X 1(1 OIL . * 1940 100.82 1940 6 k 7,l (Ward 6) 3 /1 0 of moni'e - 1.0 32 1 44 9)81 1111 al iniVnie,. .1932 . of See. 29, | 94.11. 166.02 4 -ills \V .(if \Y line A'liuliMiT ..-SI ; til’ tie S p,ten with' K line of Prospect St, f 1U ef, uiiiiiii-,' ■ . 19:13 J. -- licgiii.ning ...... oil Ihe jW, line ... T h e' 'V 33 ft of the K 132- ft of Loi 1010 3547 1-Lot tig ’ , ’ - N .-37-1* Wr •“ 2: e ii nv 1 h—N ' Iy - 1 o si ■ l*tp ...W5--.52.1 L..2 in-ol X '1 of 12 1 ft of 1 .ot 190 ft N ■ of iM intevseel 1011. wilh tin -■, .9] ■ ’ " 5.2(1 "eliv; W'-p-ira n’ith X" line. 0! 104U 35,19 .1" u| iiiiiriu-,- 1934 N line I.f 'Hath- st ; th II parallel 5/ 111 (if...... nioiiii” • 1 t i -• 73.5 e W lD-1- f.l of i.ot.. 12 ami 43 flu uf ■imillle. •Ufa'S’ tlie K t 13 ft .of liol .5 S .riTLtbUjjmmr I.of'Ji 101.0 2 1,20 I K 2.7.5 rhi's from jD of beg; til. S 3/ ID iit! -inonius 1030 with Until St, 92 f|. N pa nil lei. wi.Ml St. H2N It 13K LUITV" 71.39 E. H. Waplcs' First AdiVn: 5 /Id of miniir.-, • 4927 ■1040 30.80 kot 24 . ■■■ 1940 2 1,20 I (Ward 7) s;)l i ’ \Y 2,75 elms to lu g,, eseept 3 /-JO nf' tnoi'.io' 1931 Il'S S e ^ lttie HS‘j ft. W t i The M lid fl. of Lots 7 and 8 Krause’s Addition • pan-'I 511 fl wide, h? anil.W by t) rds 1032 19,-15 3/1 dtof iiHiirm^ 1929 line, S on See, line"-8.tbg ...ft I r.ui tr,* - 1910 -Te-lcio 3/10 . hf' nioir 1 9 3D M'l.'nf mohi.'s 1931 rt’JN H13K 1940 72.16 (Ward 2) in 'lenctlt X A s An North I'.ast a'or im- of • l-’nispi-et fii, .. :3/U) of ntonie's ginning jmrt outlie W I i.ot '112 Hi ll) 193.27 mil eom ■ 'fir. 1! 1 ;i/; of mi-)nies.. 1931 h" uf lilmih-) 1032 The K 50. ft. of lot 2 anil the K 50 fl, Lots is and 19 H)lOt .41 ut -.ilinve iie>enl)ed land. * HMD.. 38,90 (i.7.5 elis H of N line nf' Tiiwuet* St; ..of |lio V '.ill i't..iif Let- 1 nitd thu S -I I WoStwoad Hills , [ ;(/16 of iiioim-' 19 32 ■ 6 2.8 7 rh! ef. miniii-s 1933 ■ Lawi cnco& Maynards Addition ■ (Ward 3) Land Voui aH pnfnt am \Y lino (1 Itidbte.r. tli- K 3 uhs th H I'.'D'allel with. _K'...line flu. ef llkimti’S ll(-g at I'lio in-1 ei:!,ei'l inn: nf . the X Ji1."' ft, of the', K 50 ft nf Lot 5 ..■Si,’ J ii. 1 I cits' S of S' line St. j AY 5 ’s flails ,01 -Lot/ \ 4 3 ' 1934 / (Ward-4)'- . , ^ . 3 3 . nf .Vi'dspcct fit,.’ 6.1'.’ft: t Is W 3 Mrs .th ^ ItilD 12.39 fl" uf.iii 1,11:i-> 1935 ’of \V Huron tSl, - (i o.'.l ;.ilo'. ." 'v '"o • 113’X R13K -■ . ' 1940 96.89 MIMS sitj.i deg W’. 8 rds- tli . S .'3/4. M . L ’J’lio K 1 ft, of Lots .1 at)d 4, ami j 5 Id uf. monies 1033 . N piling *K‘ lip*, Prospe- St. ‘66 it -Path uf Lut 14 and paft' unplni led ------...... 1040 -41.42-t — ttf-—(!)i-h>h> - S t; th -W ).y alu.Ji2—(.u!'. —_ — Edgowood- -Subdivision-^ . .,1,/g-l/—t- tali’ lb -N—fOiAi'-deg " s' edsJjM to—ytgcT-—t>f—!rt-g-i.'IPllige lni«>i :3.. ..<•,.f U'W- hueHuron St. 2211.4i -ft. for • IhJ^V’Tiri 'fk of ItittS t"> uttil 6 ■—j— V 10 of liioiiii’s ------193 1 -----— i-ntn’." at pt nu -W pTi e—Ifurnu St x- 192 * 11)40 4.17 | . (Ward ’2) H IX Mil IK 1940 81.00., 5/ it) of munies 1935 . X’ 37 l . deg AY 4 rds lo Leg. , 3/ltl ilf t]i(Wjbs 1 9.30 int 4.17 t - ,1 place of beginning; th ileflei-mig to 194D 20.53 | 33* -24' ‘K 3-1.55 fl 'from N ■•.Vim) 1941) fail 10 Com.' at the inli’eseelioti of tho K- tine | ■.,■■■■ )0.ID.-131,9 1 3M0 ofanihl|je» 1931 M nil cue A vu ; -t h 1X 2 1’ -K 74.90- ft ; ■125 1040 4.56 i tlie right 9(» deg. ,!’8 . f' i 1'i1. '’'-f ,M '. 1930 I’an-el i-inmueneing 2I'M ft N of NK eor. 3/10 'o.f Mnniii-e 1032 in,* to the left. 90 (leg i-.>, f1 • ,1/10 of monies . I.f • X Ingulfs SI. witde tlie .X line >D ot kolkol- ’3(1’36 . '■-. ID-ID 419)95 III N .55" til' W ton It, Ui N 63 Mi: Watsonia park Subdivision 1031 ’67.07 3',>i-inv.-ll Plan-;, lb '.illy on tlie X Ii...... George P. Whaley's Subdivision of Part I rlali-riek St., alid’ 'First Ave. tit H defloeling to the left 8 ^ deg..K’ 3 /I 1I of monies Ainsworth Park ■ 111 X; Srt" W-.32.52 ft)-111 X’M 40'. 3D’ 2!"i - ' , v.’ , 1940 1.23 i.f , Cuniwi-ir: Placeti ,-tiid.s:iid....1 .. i .1 . VN 1Vi 1 . I of. * » Lots -1 15 » &*. .17 -4 m nnd all*11 -of r YLot „ 4. 16Id 132 fl. X 132 ft, W 132 fl, H 132 • •: Lul . 20 ■, . (Ward 1) K 1)7 ft to] X line .DIM 1J■ If; 44; Tli W '1040 1.23 ft. tir M10 IS )i"u "I /"Vt’" ' ’ J. 3/10 of ;uuiiiis 1930 ■-sti-nib'ik' 3 1-1.82 f1 fot" place of beg;! W. S. Maynard's Second Addition i Ln: .52 .19 1'. :;D"' "r . Ulir"”-. 3 M u of rnm"Ts''s 1030 alung X . line -Lot - 4.4 ■ lti-1.71 ft; "tn 1940 1.23 3/4)1 of tunnies---- .1.9.31.. tjl-- eolil inning along sniik-N- line e v . ; - (\\fard 2) [ Lot D.-s ...... J.04D- S -along W" dun- hit 44 to S line T-,. tic: 104)1 1.14 "02'7:i fk t" I’t of Trgiiimng. - — ■ in nf monies • 1931. ltitd: “l l. - ...... i 9 HU -Ll 3/-111., of tunnies _ 1932 tended 45 fj : III ilefl. SU’ l-d-lD' lo ; l.ut HI ■ ' S— 19 10 I L70 I Lot 71, ' ■ 'Claim 69d;’ tli XK nig S lino l-'e. IP,:; ■■ ...... 1040-— 1tT4- - 1 1 10 --—rsrtirr- ' ID of monies 1932 55.62 ' (Ward 4) 5 / Hi of mollies the left ami running Nly. 204.20 ft ; ! Wtfftc's Addition Lot 80 Claim 600 In a pt whore X'K’ly lute o p L-tls ' * 1040 1.14 5/10 of monies 193 1 Hi i)efl. 7tV'57’2Dw to (he left and-; '■ (Ward 7) ■ lii,-’ 1-1 36 (i ft of the \V 89.1 ft of land 3 ID of,loom ll! e'-tn NW AL'1'" of Lot I Park • Kidge extended •• tn- 1 • 1940 1.14 ! eg. «»iv lb" 'V 5/10 of thonies 1 til! 5 .i/nlining NWly 2D5.2D fl ; th defl._ flDJ j T! SF, 76 fl.-of I ml 4 HMD 06,'9 al- of Kings Addition; 3/1 0 11I mnti; tiv'i-et.' S Inn- Fv. Claim MittO.; th SV.iy K'22 - 1013 1 1.14 NK enrner of I.ot J‘. " of ! 1940 79.71 33' in’ lie’ .-left’ nnd running SW ty j Wilder Addition Hi s | (IS fi TTloiig W hue Kings Ad- 3 .MO of ilionii alg.NK Inn- said Lt’it’l i Park Kidge) 1 ‘i*::; 1 10-10 1.14 eowon laiiul: lb N ’ ; 1 I 3.60. Mil ilefl,, SSHPU’ID” lo'- ihe |". ■ (Ward 2) (tition -, th W’’- ■ pat-allei to fi lino Con-' 54."0 Iv.vj-l * He'jil la.t 9 3 .1! ft: III My pir.t el 0 Lul 2!) ■ 3 ' 111 of IIIoli 139 22 f t In beg. tlw lied uiul -Occupied ■ ■ 1 1,14 lo 3/H> of Atoll ies 1930 I efi iltfil running' Silly. 67.ID ft; i.ot < ’ ' . ’i . . 1 Itlli) 52.13 geos Si 178.2 ft- X 198 ft. to S line VyOt 144' / 1 2.3U1 "llili ' & SI. 02 '/j ft; lb K i-n . a- one pal'iel J • 1049 05.0s ■ 1040 . 1.14- . 3/-do. of llliit’j-ie,;- 193 L ilefl. 2):H32"26” to Ihe lets ’irml run;"t . Wildwood ‘Park Addition (■ engross St; th -K along S lino Con- Lot 152 . N ■ 62 fl of S 1-98 ft nf B Ifi.V ft • ot h,)()i 1040 1.14 1932 II ing. NKIy 122.43 ft ; th defl. U#*’; • (Ward 3) gei'S St 178.2 ft lo hog. ' 1941) 114,96 W i |-1566 W line of Slate St: lb s (>-'-• (*■ •"■8 /1 0 o f ‘mollies 3/10 Ilf TIK'lu' "Lor 65, • 1910 20.00 _ — .-1040- 1 .1 :1. . ' "./ID of. itmttie- 1930 1 I'vt" tu right mill i-nnning Sly 2.2 1.Mb; ti,,.’ K 10 ft. of Lot 15 1940 l.and Cum at .SW cor Adams A Cadnirihe HI ol 111 u: 1. I-, ..66. (l .ut 'X.—t - • — e' i - u (- ■ 1 .* * -—eDi. .»- \ .Vv' pi. nf beg. pail Of See.'VO-A-n.r^dmx m •*". Ttr ft—rrhiyrg—\¥—hare -Adit-nrs—fil­ 19414V 5/10 of monies ( ; T,')—i.lnrc of bog, ItMTig—ThiTr ui - r ^ m m v d tid Park Addltipn NniiibcrTHre'’ 10 ,.,f limn;, s "1931 19.40 38.99 11)4■i rt 5 / 1D uf nninies .1935 ots 5 .-md 6. 115N, K12K,’J j.iivivni-n 1 ■ (Ward 3) till i- ’Tli AV parallel ,S line Catherlticm -7-3—t+)-:*.f uni!.:- - v 1932 -Ki.c;-. ,*7...ft -ef- X f-ti-.ruds nf ft, dT’ \h\i IjIPIS a a ru 1 ...... St. 165 fl th N parallel SV hiie Adunt.s i AV. 66 ft.of. K.1 1941) 10-ID 77.5:i and Mavtiard Add: anil purl of bee !• 19.5 : AascRsor’/s* Plat No. 'S. Lot 66 ”l940 ■ V9-10 '' s ti'ti ft.'iif:,'! puree! nf l.iiul bountb’ii 2 8 . T28 IfilK, owned anil oceupii'd a ;! H n-o’f months ’ . .1932 HI. 66 ft til K. illirttg slin'e ('nth**riln- i ii ad' nf l.ut 66 N by Work 3L prmvby Lot 32 ■ ... Hi. 165 ft to beg.1 MP40 35.22 , (Ward.l) W 5,5 It i■[ X l J ■ 1940 ;;/l(i' of inenies 1 !>:;(> olio pa l'i'i11, ‘ 5: 1 d of monies 1933 1; , v — T9"10 9 5,2"i ------— fWD t3vHD- 1940 Aildiiinn S • by King^ey M. A\ '*■ 1931 .. 5 i n of Mutinies -• J!I3‘1 1,4 ' . mu. at in. oti W uJ‘4-111- pf Huron J 12 1 If -Kt—K—4,v— \ IJMT-TTTVjILtHi:- ....:;j.i<)-of-^mi)ju-e-v_. 1I5N KI2K.5r— ’ g.t-' P, "■ 1 5.5 ft- of. N -UnC. ' LtD_i_ : . .. ■ 1910_ -Wi'96 W 55 fl* i,t K of N 10 rds ui Hll-iO' i 3/1(1 of ninnies ; - 1(132 / 5 ’) i1 of r:io't-'-s ...... -:’103."% 555.11 I vi* | - 66 ...... ------■ fnmi III-’ abme de^eriptmu't trlinso:.(f William 8. "Mirynant1 a - Addition .. Nluiiroi1. Avi-. : th X ’33424 K 7l.0'.i 1 ’MA, • Assessor s Plat bo., 1 1910 5 /ID of tunnies . 1933 (Ward 2) Map of Cc T. Vfllmot'k I Addition to the (Ward 4) ..- . , .3’ VO’ i'f'VfTH^’5’-' r-- - 14030- 1940 pare.el.of bihd in lb<’ S'>’' , " * I 93 t 'CityTtl a •• ofr/10 'iif inunies ...... Ills UIK HMD HIV-: nf -t-TMiSt); SW alung N Vim of :t"r. I N -*»’•*'I’"’ .. -Vi* ef nr/nvre----- _IMU >, f, on the' W '’"'I """! 5/.1D of—tlL!UJie.s_ 19.15 . ! (Ward 6^ - |f _ ■ 1949 14.10 3. In nf mniiiej — ------1—rsT--UrTrtfl-rrrmft- .] i* ID ilTTu") kut—1-7- ivnn—iaw:------Likin—1 v:— lo- a—1*4- Av4*wL .NK,ly.aJtim.t Lj,«..3 7. 1 940 ll pt. tit,l.o ii'9"i 1)1.1 7 O ' -H la w 19 ID ,8 1.24 .Im: 20 a lul I lie" SI v ft. tif ‘t.’M’ 1* Bavld F. Bailcntmcs Si Ricbard »E, f,5 ’ I'D' (if tnnni•; ..... 1940 ’■ 1915 M ID.. , ef l.ei .t of I’ark l(idg<- e’Me'mleii'.NAV ly Morso'S' Allotment of the -Western 5 M ft of. mom I1-* HHO :lt j,- point nit -Ihe 111 n it i i1 1 930 ’i’iSt of William S. Maynard’s .- Lot 26 eXeept ' Ka'tei-ly' 42.2 ft., h inii-tseei.s ,N Irtic of Jj'r. • Chtim 6 8 0 : Cumuium'D’k 18 »:i ■■ .ft / nf the 3 /I d of ' Hccottd Addition . Addition - '. 5 In of tnorni'i HI 40 i-f Division M. 111,011(1' 193 1 , -;;7 'ft.- on AViluiot St. ■ Klv alonir NK lino of Lul 1 of dfark t: 1M4 linn - I"' ^ .3/1D of (Ward 2). ' , , (Ward 5) - . ■ ■ 1 940 'BW corner ,pf Lot i "flion\v 19-32 • • 10 "f monies ■ 1936 Ktdge 130,22 ft ’to beg’. Charles McCormick ’a TI ilbd 1". 3/10 nf’ 3 Jo of monte' 1927 . y Bhvk 1940 fi t'lige’s Add; (hen nf in o*i i'1 ' .1933 ’ Tlie N DO fl of Let 4 - 5 10 of monies 1 I H- I 2) X 10 (l. W 4, 5/10 amts laW -----1—10 o f—motnes— n*-«8 4.---. X It-* III id 8 Ct_ 1940 King-siey Hi. 4 I't’ds. '5/10 Ilf nionii' ■ 1034 Wood k Brooks Subdivision- ■ w "9 6 1J ft of fi M o f^ 1 Ti I'.i'in rods.' H 'do ft- to be«ihni^ - 10 ^ u 1935 3 ' I'l/iiT in* 1 n ies 1931 ■ 10 o'- moino' ■ _ ^ 1920 ot k V5.81 k- 194(1 5 /I .0 of monies 193 ) (Ward 7) 19 40 51 1 ■) 2 Mg ft. of I.ot l, ^tsoiii&.-Pftrk-subdM*tOA"No.r 1 29 -...... 19 to 50.44 5 / In nf Iiioni'-' Th,- N 33 fl. of Lot 27- 3 •• fii of nionii"- • ’*’.. 4 950, ; Li 10 of upinie.. V980 71,55 Allmaud irdahts . ., 5 / III ef nil 1 iib s" 4 03.5 '" 3 'In of mu hi," ’ ...... M 9 3 1' N rrvT-'r’71“/-' eM-W- ■16-1 tr­ " „ 1940 1-14 Lul 58 m m 399.81 3 A 61 of tnonie...... -1-962 ,ut fi ,’•9io w 1 Ii ’ tt ll1’ ,fi'. 2 ..mi L .....W'sU.awii Bubdlvialoik_ 1 93.0V 5 In uf moiiies 193 1 • :i In of itiiin’ii'\ ^ 19..S2 f !’..(• I.'.)! 6 ■ -!'iSHli/i/Mi ,u ( jw x dJ X ^ .,tlV.. sv, ....3 .- l.O-llf .The ,S ’ , of Lo) 9 - / i . 25 bi ft nf W!i of -L0.U1 X ii 0-1 193,1 I.D^Llf JUiltlJl'.'- 3 I D -fjf‘monies . 1P33 . fl nf K I V. mu rtf ------. . . - --3/10 of tlion.ii’s a 1 Ill'S UIK' HMD ' 1-. I', 3 ID of tnonii'v , jH’,35 5 11.22 1!' in 51 18 3,' rPoni"-* AUmcmUuger Iteights Addition 1932 a ' i W M i ... 1040 1.26 ■3 Md of munit's 'H(UUam B. Maynard's Third Addition; . i 3 V'l Of montU' 1.26 . .‘ -'i'll nf -irtonies- i. J933 I'll,- 36 ■ ft. of (ml HMD 8 192 t'o:-:. .a.t a pnitil on I'm W line'nf Huron l.r.i f‘ ...... 1040 (Ward 21 St, :11.55 f'l'X" ,Vf (he X line' n"f Moil- 1 93 1 - .. 5 10 of, mVittii’s V , ’ ., f ' 19-10 1 .2(1 Ttf,* fi 21 fl. of Lot “ F and lb,-- X - Ave.: Ill N 52.(in ;fi ;• ,lh. W 139,2 i '133 5 ’ 1 0 of mot'..''' - / l l i i ; ■" l \ i ., 'i9 iD • ri/.t ,5/ID of mniiies 1 9 3 1 5 ID of tuouie> 1035 525 01 ; ■ 1 1 ti’td 1.26 19 fl of Lot "(I" 1IMD .59.7 2 1 CITY ^SA L IN ft ii In 'lh:- Cliitn lin e ; Dh N 7.5s 0 8 ’ I'Mo 2() .„,(8 ■19,40 6,11(1' Lutlrob ■ ’ 19 11” 91,15 HMD . 55,92 T3S, R5E ■, /S’ 1 Mb fl of Lot 20 ttil’il 117.39- Lot "/. “ 11 along th" i-laim - liny 91 ft: Alt fi Brcskry. Subdivision Martin PUco : . 11 Id 1 26 The Aim A/bor Land Company 8 Lot 65 , , ... IMS 151.25 W Section .'11> of- inuiDes : 1,930 5.*>r •!(" K '73.55. ff to lh- W ' line (Ward'd) . (Ward-5) ,1 ' 1040 , 1. 2(1 Addition 3 5 /I d pf uiolliu' 11)3-1 1 Dig at a |.,i)int ,S cbaiii' X :n.- , s ,. HI 3 2 • . 5/HV of monies 1935 I73.9‘i MY of the Spn't <.f Sec. ml, ill"l ihe W llii- of Huron M., 71.0-1 ft r 19-10 1,26 The. K1 i of 0tmd Ibc »'■ ’a 01 ' ■ 3./1D of monies Tlie X tin ft. of.. Inn tfi .lie" 2 ■' * ■ 3/ 10 of tnonieV • 5 /in of-ihiniies 19 03 eunulttg lit \V 6 i-ltaitt* ; I It .X >38 to 1 he l" nf- beg. - - 1940 1,26 II.5S t!5W 1040 6,1.36 i ll I Ii V tu tho S I i n i *. ( n f tip- L.ike H1' :: '10 *•!' Ill, -n:- - H’-' 3.10 of tuorp-s 5 / ID of monies IlDI-H 5 '10 uf 'monies 1934 73.36 ’ I ,l ,.r am-V,-. , 193: ■ 3,-Mp of innnii'"-’ p, 1040 1,26 ■■ ‘°f iVlVi f U'7K ' * ’ 10-Id' 62.75 t0 3,6 MayW d & Oruner’s .Subdivision tn ami Michigan Son 1 hern liailm.-id i'igi■ Hioithern ’ Kailei'ail t ight 6f wav. 6 18 V50 22 fl. X .’ \ Dtll" W 678,47 ft t*» Pt :-1 i 11 s : j It H 3.71 ebaili'- to tlu S tine Harriet St .-S 72*21’ W alonff 1946 .<1 Ve** bor-VIo^’Bitbdivislpnfjtlimiviniuu u*of T.otilot el*!, 71 l.o!' ^ " . 3/10 ef mi'lli"« 1930 I? 1940 29,86 Plat of Maynard and Morgan's Addition ‘uf begifniiliif' ‘ S ’, line 'Harriet fii.-. 631.79 fl til K ;i t'i i:.";. ■ 1931 ■■ "* 3 /1 0 of mnt-.i" t 1931 . 1040 LH7 I,.Ol 80 6.59. 36 2.7‘D* bin'. K i rs t , S ailing Kl‘ tine of kot, 98 1910 In the City of Ann Arbot AV. I o uf ...... 1932' 3 10 li( 19 32 v a,ld 2oV8!c.tniTP28R6» 0.59 i :t. Iii iif mon fog- 19.ii! ’ 2o .7.6 buff. ■1M’...... 19 111 (Ward 7). First Ave., 63!*.27. fl tn *,,, III Ilf (nu 1933 lPlO-o 20 62 1931 kill l D1 ; ' AsaoaKor’H Flat No. 1 3 / lo’ of IMOliion 1927 . 193,1 " ...... Mill'd l.o I: 102. ’ . * I,el' I lo ;22 Jipd, , • 5 ' l.o • nf ... Lot 3 1 , ' , "J iiimiii-, 3 / 1ft (if mollies . 1930 The K -53 fl. of Lot 3,‘anil' Iho W 16 3/1(1 nf IllOlilrx 192!' 172.32 5, 10' ef luo:,. - , 1935 3/lD of. Ilpiltir-'. , 1929 « 3.71 1033 AssessorVHat No, t of .Fordptt Addition '1991 ft, of Lot1,(0 ""'K' l l '’ jJ-M-epl tlie S 12 fl 7 I d . uf; .mnnit's . : , 1 -1 I ; t 'nu;. .at iiiterseei jun nf S dine of -I1". (', i ■ HMD 102.80 0 DM'iet*-, 19X1 * 1,3/10 nf monie* of ahitvi-L.ilesi-riptibn 7 ’111 of monies • ;' 19 1' Lul 35 i * Ill'lllli s (Ward. 7) . . -i3/IO OfmoK.b’s , 1 932_ 4|tH.) ..:tji_d lin.i'l. o( 1st, A ve.; 1" along ..102D 3.68 1035 ------• It7»s17>S ){«!•:JtrtK : Tf ID of ttlimies I 932 .but 9 ...... :_. .) /J 0 of innl.i'-' .__ ' h f,/ utonii's * 103:1 S Vtiie of h\ C. iiipi. (i30.22 f(: N ;< •'lo *■ f .ui -■ -••• u I9 7fl ‘ “ ■ _ Lot-.' 33, 3 4 X’ 3.5 ' ' 1040 I,III 8. AsM'xHDr’s I’ll" I,,,,! : 5/H) of moiiies ’ . • 103. 9 III Ilf mintjr« H'33 iMlbtn'; W 678,47 41 (o S line of ‘ F.-riions Add. "id ft ,'fs ,. 5 / MV of munlm 1-934 :: to i," in'nei... ■ '1932' 3/1'() of''ppitiii:' 1030 .in — • 19V.(.*|- , • _ ._ Ili-to "43!, lilt 9/10 ut tnonii-y 193 t . ifai-tdet' fit,, <131,79 ft, fi along 1-! line 1 933 1 . 1 tt-n »t t f”s 1033 T Iieg. lit; flic N\V -eOrOTf -nf-l'Ot- d. .-j.. - .1 / ID .of mo'drs III nf mn-i I- >, .. 3/1(1 .of)-mimies- •11)3 L i ' I" Ilf iii'ihti-H 10-1(1 The K ii ft. nf the S j 32 fk of 'kol 0 /"H) ofmonies " 19215 , of Isf Ave., 6.')!),27 fl to begintmip •1934 1032 ,, ■'1034 , ■ C W V l'll.t No, 1 , .Mfi 8, tin- VV. 1:1 ft, of M-,ot 7 and th.1.' 5 "10 ’nf ttl*e- ::;io ofi monies ■■I" Ilf inunies . 1 tlffr 465.2 8 3.1,0 of .monies "4028 n.HLuf !(:■’') ■' ' 1935 10-i6 min:) 1035/ ■10.05 tit S along \\ Foichos Addition to ■ Ann, 4 r^or AY 13 fl, hf l.ut Ii b-xeept the N 9.8 1.11 ■ 93. ,'lltd 96 19 10 -1,01) ; (Ward 3) 3 :1 0 of monies - 1930— •• 194)) 1-17.23 - Moran's Addition \V i" righi (iiikIdh ,1'.uNfl,.';ilp ft. (,V the K 1 ft, Aksoasor's Plat N'o/'4 / ,' a N?i- ''•-oxccid.iho^ .n^ s 3,Mil of monies 1932 207.52 Lot 10 ,, (Ward -1) t„ the \V 11 lie Of, ;■') fl in is— im r - ttHf/-l98.;l 1 j-f.-r**—44P »■ ' 1 .a’iri...v6mtr""TtT ' |luiiM~'A)T7~'Td 11i)1i! * I’ltWt' *lTY0®f.ANN ABBOB 2D ‘ft tn ,1)1 of l"’k. l’’" . ini - 3 10 nf Ii"- "< • r u n -'------“W 4-|-ifs of" N’ii nf )(0tM8 nnd W 4 rd<6 w 0r|«fnal Pl^t '1'llif, N" I- H.hN rtf ■!Jtil ■ 10 I 5 / 10 uf iiioiiie.s ' 1935 9':'.,01 - Ave. at fi Hoe Vr. -Chili111 .4100: lh 3 10 flf Itliouie - . 1932 ■ if Lot 0 HMD 3. art * i h. . (Ward .4) ■ . :10a mill l(M, -I V- ,lH ' "J".,; on. Map of Janlort B. Oott’H Second 56,69 i I,at 33 . * • (h |.fi 2r*."6 1', along fi line IV CMun (.99) 650,2'.! 11133*. " Add!Hun, owiteil ami; ' ’ j;. 4 1 Addltloil Plat, of C. if. -MUlcn'K Pur^haso ,of the ' 5/10 of tin'll,w 1 ,‘uI -25 - .. 101D 111!Ht k Bai'ga 1 1 fi: .111 N . 1 'f 'J0IO 13.65’. lull 15. -*..-. - ItMO I 1.7,1 I, nlonif hue Ian iel 031.79 .5 10 -of lItu"P’A •; - Normal Park Addition ’irit,) fI.’. of th,! itrrpel1 "wf" Und,;,!')'(! Addition to f h ^ E ^ o f Alin Arbor fi; (h~ fi alongy M lino t’irstVAvc.'. OflO.SY -IMO. _8.3.7t; X ’>■; l.itiLi —omtl "Tlliff 1— ■n-trrrhhjr, / ; ' * I{. *,1/ ,1 10-10 t I' -14.81 ' ,hi!nil thoHtO NW cor. 0 O./ "VVir-’tW . (# ? wind.i'J*» View . 1940' 82.15 L'l. eom n(0pt,lP rent line of Harriet 1083 ■ fl- ,1010 148.01 S ttloitg dine of. Lot ■«;' ■v') j ) . ,l( of , 09/181 ivIlilth ad- Ii | J l,Mii, 70.13 ■* - i 1040 23.03 3/10 of mooie' 1040 1 00,37. S -51 ft J W*fd 3) w Drive;- nKo land; . fi(- N 7B* 30’ .4*1 1.S.73 efnc from in- 5/10 df monies 1933 Loi 7 nik'ra »f righi’ angles 26 ^ N I'e y (itinlmr pn Ihe VI? formerly...... hikoobrn Os' , Mlllor'a Addition ■ 1040 34.0‘6 1034 n o Ui ’| •' nf 'ho \v 31, ff. inehcR tho W lltto of- Tool 0. lorwbctlofv': nf "W Hno -Kirnl Avo.- d 5/10 of monies 18.01 Grand View IH-lvc , ,/tfM®-" t f .ad (Wand ?> As»6ssor’a Plat Np. 7 ...... Hiid' fTarrlel fit.; th N 72*30’-H . 5/10 of monii'R 1085 ■ Lot fl Blit IS 30 fl In place' of begii'idu^-v^ .,,5 X,yi ‘4 3 . oxuupl. Uruud View Dtlvo and. Lot 32 13-10 ’ 30*30 Lot ‘ 27 ■; , 10-10' 10.33 1040 100,52 'H* lUJi W40 132.04 yurl' ol Lot 104,-^* Baldwin s d) H rd»; tU S 2*I5‘ L 10,0» cht; th Iff . 1040. o.oa. m- (if-' % ' ' .1 ■ / - THE CTIFI.SRA STAKDARI), ( ilF l «1'A, MIimC.AX f PA OR POUR i i i’i ■ i i. ■ i ■ imit+im ■■«■■■ ...... II ■ '■■■■ . 11 tot. Itltl , ' Tot. laatt! . Ym ii ror jiii, *n i- >fn at. SW •••.ie of llUt. ' 3/H) of: imiim-T ) 7 iv. Cvngtloii! s ;ii-,| A dd i I ion In t !ui j mi lo;i3 3/ I n n( i*i'i \M h'srt.■ nt (.‘III’Im .* Ill S 2 d.-(* E ! V l n nf ■■ i• hii• 1i;0 ."ft l.'b'it t lmi tli N th VJ illx W f i n Iks j K too ft of I- io a‘2 : .Vyn rh.s to ilii> )il of Ijtyf. Hoing a |.iu‘l [ of sK 'i Sim'. i'j To.s leu: ! t .VID of mnim". 'HDD’, ' JD40 SdO.liD '1*0 .Df »iniii«MW N**» . ■ ... .V In Df inoiws - It' t'i. . | K HID ft oTM.ut 3 .. In m : ■ ir. i V.i ll.i so I IDil.l ’ I y> 20 l!i|D 1111 ■ . • iyf in l.ox,r,4 .Normal School- Addition . I'll"/. Ill Jt p! ivllllll i< «.fl 4 ills . E of (W ard :>) • . niul d.Mx i lis ■ i.J. SW cor of, SEfi Lot l'l exe’fia .__aD i-W *i| _hf _ S' r , 13 ; [,__N_2d20 . chu : V 1 t__ '.Ik ft of l.»t 11 1D3D it)\iii 320 in to S . litn* nf i-.liwter, . Wilkinson. A i' ^5 ' ■V of 1.‘ ji) of - h«*tt. ■■ Hi-lns'.fins Lot i n i.-jiiii't if "Si: .' “of aWt* 13 to ;i T2s li.iF, HMD 1,71 .7/10 of moiiios nir, i77.:: Town 2 South Range i E ast '* b i.ot am ' \i V " . . V. . 11/10 of njonU'S 1932 ?»).<>:i,-. Hi■■Klmiinj* -n r S W : conn-r- of Lucy to I.ot 408 » . lEliiO I71.f>.’>'‘- tioti s 2nd■'AiMilvoti...... to lliv VillageVillose of:of Norris &*Cross Addition t iii’lii'a.- A ..l”-oordl‘d |ilm. ill :, S ojl d. E n t.2 1 !is tit S 4 HI rhSo th !4 (W ard 4) S -il'ijr* - i i " W-'Oo.ifii, i lis, th N -.1-1; .and : com- '(if) ft " L \V ol' sEcov-Lo! O? " " fi' O • \(o f l ” :2: ft. to -11 in'iint Id tTfiT l : t h . W -Hi ffft ii!i jtf;. ill ,N ,'liD ft : .. V lio.i of ,s, 1 li . \ .1 ! .4 4 i'll if. .o n j - Tli i: 4H 'ft' e .L Vri : Ilf is aid ,ft III lll'lf ' ‘ , ill III l •.(!..VS ’ S.-'i-.. ktlV.. in .'.III' ■ f. 1.1 ■1"- 01 iH'tillOllll'.'! i'.m nf 1 271 ! i" ■■ V'"'! of SW f'l-ii F'. . 7 I flTL nf Lot :272 " VoiiiV 1 I 7 1 i I I W 11II«1 I.ot 373 th !>' • T3S ;t t !•; ' \i ! 15) Ml N 'll 1 '-I 1 7 f vi ' if Ii si; I'i.o i t-; ill w iin .fi • - i li ln 12.33 1 • . ...E. .Ccngdyii' s ..Addition \ I to In tr- :, . .. , , Block ’ ■'.■-■■■■ ' - - I ■ P.II'I 'of l.lits •373 .1 nil i 1 .1—s-lnml-.. 0010 t (.I :t i-i - 11>id ts 1;f 1 ■> . ’mi E no Hici-'S t. no ft N of N lio-1 CHiiiiler, Wilkinson and Tuttle ..Addition-! ' Cross' St : I li .Si f 1 Aio: Mi ll.'iAf I.iiV 24 ■■ ..- I'.llf) 1:2')! i |i . .'.1 S oil t'l. ' J .11.; Mi V I ' l"’-t .1.1 1 (1 (.if IllOilO' ■: 1 |l-l l ■ ','{/ ID-of 'iiiooi'.' . .. . 1032 loll.Do VIT.LAGE Or DEXTER •T.ot. t’.O-t-; i'M'i'.|it S' 3 1'iilii ■ ..Unlit .. Giisjiniil Tlat 1 M. Norris, B. Pollolt, C.-Josho & E. M. Skimic^. Addition- ... . ■■ (AVard I) y 1 T.ot,' .143-' : • • 1,1 I '<■*'*■ t.ot .1(11 ' ' , , 10 If 33.oil l.ot 10-7 " . -I'10 -1 / V 1 u-'- - /. - f'U •' .1.11 \ [ ’ Orchard Park Addition’ I.ot Vfl S '•;• W '1-1-SiV !S|;|| illlltu-lii ■! S '11 v Hi-.-ii V' ,h I1 J • ■ (Ward 2) :i 1 O K) : ■ <1.3 4 - d. 7 f . • 0 [■: T.ntXl ■ .1 H' >r| if fo? s'.. R, L. Owou Subdivision SiKI v I!l ■ ■ .1010 1 ■ (Ward. 2) . 1 ril'' || 'j of V i.'it-r of l-.ofs l- and 2’' T.ot G : . 1 noiD ' 2:1.2:1. Ml/ 10 n(: m ono3 : ...: ‘ • l -Ixil S ' : 2il i ...... j j..t. .t !l ■ m of.- iinniii'., .l-'.o;3 I Plat Of tln» Addition to the Village of j o./rn of iiionii's I Dexter by the Dexter Estate >■ :• fi ' I 0 of iLlOO'il'S | D III .'M 10 ’• I .o' s fi, D..'7'>(•'•-S' ' , . !-• 31 lin o ■ 1 o .t3 ' Park. RUljco | f.iii; 23 •; :lli •; IP 1(1 lll./io j . !" (Ward 1) ID l'l 4.M' •T.<4. 1-:t . ' 1 <1 |(r ! VILLAGE OP MANCHESTER. • 1,01. 11 3 VlD i" ; f "Town l Sontli Range East l.yl II • . - i t ^ i.ot HI • ' / ■ rj r.f*. Vf Coiii . NAV1 1 i»Tii.t r nf K 1j of NW'I 1.01131 ' ' t\n in t!'Oi " t f k S 3;i I'O: ih-. !■: -7MX.-ft : fur a id, of l.ViF'HID , ' 1 1^1' 2.0 1 ' )n-it: Hi I-: Du fi.; tli s .1'.u fr: Hi'; W 4 « I.o I 21)0 . : Cl 1ill; lli.^.N I.V. l'l. I.i, jil,. rif be'g. !I/H) .nf-'.moi'ins Hi-.') ■ 10 40 2 DO !l/1 if of;. aii"ji i, ;i .T. W. Cowans Second Addition • •• •jt/.u.C'fif ini'ini'S'. • I'l.irj .. id'ki •2 3.'14 All 'I'tl.iek 12 : 10 ID 3. I I L'.o , 0. H>. .V. i;: . T.rif 2 in t D ID ■ l^it '■’21. __.; ■ .' . t ' ■ ID ID- 2 70' 1 1.' ■ ■ 104 O'-.1(1. v> Park. RIiIro (W ard 1) ! I ot' Ta)t 222 104 0 2/i 1 l.iit 2 17 ' . ‘J/U Jj. VILLAGE OF . MILAN T,rt.'s 2 do and 2,ii7 . ID 10 ■ 4 .'l . ' '-Clarke's Addition i i ■ . - . i > 1 • I.HI 2DD I.ot i ■ , ■ ■ . if) H) I U 3 '! n of mpnii.'-i : r.oi I I ■ ...... ' ■ .ID I" ;l.- in of; inoni'1 ■' hi:; 1— 10:0 1 ' Ilolzcrman Addition .j.,' f of mniiii s II i-vS " 'Nit.' ID ' ...... ' V ■ .I.ot -2i>7 • .,v _ ' -muo * "r- in :• f inil'ii.'- ‘‘11)32 •;!—Hn-T'f li::ijn ‘r-* ...... —r 12------e------•— luvi'llttlTF—rilTI lv It-'ln of’ im>iu»'s 1 03 1‘ Ideal Addition .. vf 11/ I'D o f moliii's 1 ■ : :' l 'V.I ,of Mu at:. 'jn, i.V'. r ■ v ' 1 Util' 111 . ; 1 IF < i f Tl lit X i' ^ i -f -V />tr &i V :.:i,cr.'s .Aac#tAi:i 2\\{\ AdditiOU . &*■- l • - (WaTd 1)

j 1 7 ^'1 •■ 1 ■ ’ . Stucks Addition ‘ v ■ -. (Ward 2) N i 'rr ,.f i.. f 'i.i h.m ■ ..-7 Trim & McGregor's Suhdi.yisio:. o.'_ a part. (Lots :>j r>.4, "D. ,n ->tr t o! li V. I .f .i T".' Add. —-----. — l-V,-" t'd • iv . 3 . ' ' ' ' 5 ' i H' r, ' 'fV ■ - A , ' '!. I .' 1'.' C A" ' Voikeuing- -.2 , -M . .V ’■ 'ID 1 •k> ,r>7 i ' .V ' V) • I '.M' i 1 till,* .ID'1.' H'l.iiO 1,H:2 1'1 K ’ c_] t . :' Western Addition ■ (Ward, li) !'ir laif 17. ID lli' VILLAGE OP CHELSEA Original 'Pint, Lots 1 .“> to in fiuin-"''' vd .41 to 4S inciu^ive The K 12,.I fi 1 1 I Standard :r.>..ri .ft of i." ID - it ' ' t "" ToWn 2 South Range :i East' Section , Ilosf. (H Sli *’t5r_0f S'"' ■>.! ’ M , t'l ■ see.' line 2D chsc tli N 1 d' c in t/ti line 10.07 fhs: 'll S; " 'j d E ft.DO rim: th X. 1 'd‘ v vv .7. 13 Mi- : ,11i N 1 Vi d.'K W k.2’> h' th N

■ i d m : 'III S Kf'-ii 'h'V. 1'. -I."", ‘'h r : :h : \ 1 d'eg W 1 .DO ' h'.:' ill s *«' • ileB K 'jl.'i.A.I ft: ilt...s .M di- j ; 1202,on ft I tp K. fine nf M-c. IV,: (h S kO(l,i’)l ft in fee i"1" •'* tdamv "Your pf beg. Also beg,- In E ‘ Irne i|! *"(■ 12 at It -paint 13.UI elm N irnm SE cur, " If See. 12;' 111 N U-M.sfc line' th W ' 7.00 ehs; th -S 42 th-d , lui’ W r,'.00 ehs; th S 04 dug pf 13. IS , Home Town ■j*?. , ■rim to pl of bee. Also ' min. n't S'' 1 . ror of INk. 17 Ooiig'lnim :iniI A-\ dition; th H 2 .dfjf >; '4-11 ,h ^ ! ««'A (leg W GO Iks fur pi ,of bei'; Ui v deg K 12 ft: Ih 8 *S ** '3: fi/10 of monies iu.j.j 1 .t-.p 1 Hob In the Hno ofj flee, at n ,pt. avhieb " 7 ; 13 .01. -ehs N. from SK eor of see: In V (Ii44 ehs in see. line;: th W 7.00 ■ i - A - H v r Z a 1$ T o e Ohs to the pi of be?. .vV f f AT**' he*.;-**- 'N • s , 1 W i n the 1/H AO.0.7 e^R-L %• ' I 1 th diir Fi 5.01 ehs; th N l tie? W ?.4»Ttl.l"^ VS / « W ».2« .»*: , \ i t u n m t . j t f w e - f » r|,,. th » i * dog W .9.00 ch»: tli a 88 ft oeg x.
