fo r v ic to r y FOR VICTORY b u y BONDS ... BUY BUY^BONDS. .. BUY STAMPS STAMPS VOLUME LXXII—N0.27 CHELSBA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1913 SUBSCRIPTION fl.50 PER YEAR HomeNursing Classes “Fight Infantile Gov. Stassen To Speafc Remember Fenn’s Rexall Drijg Store To Start Next Thursday Paralysis” Drive At Farmers’ Program For Best Values Always! 4 , The class In ‘‘Home Nursing” of­ Underway Here World-wide news and views from tp fered by the Chelsea Red Cross will nationally knowii speakers will1"'be Coal! Coal! m _ VALENTINE GIFTS be held from 7 to 9 o'clock every matched with useful production infor­ Cara Nome Combination Gift S e ts................... $1.65 to $5.00 Thursday evening, beginning Feb­ Our Nation'is at war to keep our mation vital to, Michigan’s rural war­ 'ill Lentheric Oombmation G ift Sets______ _____$3.25 to $4.50 ruary 4, and* will be conducted in the country freeh a nd also a war is on, time-effort in-ihe 28th annual Farm­ ALL KINDS AND SIZES OF Coty Combination G iftSets — ......................... $2.50 to $5.00 agriculture room at the high school. against Infantile Paralysis—that is ers'. Week program at-Michigan Stflto Coty Perfum e..............................................$2,25-$10.00-S12.50 The entire course calls for 40 hours very important to our free nation. College February 2, 3, 4. ir i of instruction and does not need to be Wo must not forget our crippled chil­ ''Departments in the agricultural, i i Evening in Paris Perfume __.__.„...__._i__$3.25-$5,25 dren and the great professors who are Rescreened Clean Coal Rosemary Cologne '.............................................................. $1.25 preceded hy any. other courses of in­ home economics and related divisions struction. ' The course abna at ex­ working diligently in our great labor­ have packed their programs to enable Apple Blossom Cologne................. __________ _,„69c to 98c plaining how: to do the rigfy,thing in atories to blight out the terrible di­ f^m ers to reach the miracle goals in Wrisley Superbe Bath Soap, 4 large cakes for .............$1.00 the home in' cases of sudden emer­ sease that at one time was thought l(w*of producing more with less help ■v. Valentines, Patriotic Booklets ............................-lc to 25c gency or prolonged illness. It takes incurable. ■■■; ana little new equipment. ROOT SALT Gales Valentine Candy, Heart Shape Packages, in especial account problems arising We are going toneed these children As Stimulation’to this effort there Popular P rices....................... j _______ _____35c to $3.75 in the care of babies, small children to help build up our manpower and will be such, speakers . as Governor For Your Softener at $1,00 Per Cwt 75c Vick's Vapo Rub ......................................................._„_59c and aged persons. wpmanpower in the., coming years. So Harold E. Stassen of Minnesota* His 50c Minit-Rub ........................................... _........................-_43c No one can continue to depend in­ .let's all g i^ a little,, anil if each and youthful oratory will lend praise to Delivered Rexall Comp. Cherry Bark Cough Syrup / _ ..-w25c-50c definitely upon obtaining nursing care every one helps to ;^)ontiibute some­ the hundreds of topnotch farmers to during the war emergency and there­ thing for this great cause it will be .be honored Thursday afternoon, Feb. McKesson’s Baby Cough Syrup............. ..............................25c fore it is wise to increase the knowl­ greatly appreciated and used for a 1.20 Sal H epatica................... — .........1 ................... 97c 4, in the college auditorium. Stas- edge of nursing care within the home wonderful cause. sen’s address will be "The Farmer and Stag Hair Dressing _79c itself in case it is ever needed there This year we have left envelopes at the War Effort’’ . Michigan’s Gover­ 100 Bayer Aspirin Tablets .59c or in the community. -each home for the purpose of special nor Harry F. Kelly will introduce Chelsea Lumber, Grain Those persons who have registered gifts. You may either put a stamp Governor. Stassen. 50c Mead’s Pablum ^_„\._u_-_39c for*.this course will please report, at on these envelopes and seal and send 11 the place and time designated above. to the address on envelope or you First of ' the auditorium programs & Coal Company The class will be instructed by Miss may leave at Burg's Drug Store as .is scheduled Tuesday afternoon a t 3 Charlene Brand, R. N., a graduate of you did last year. o’clock; _ Under the chairmanship of HENRY H. FENN E .I* —A«thony,-d©an-of—agriculture, DIAL 6911 DIAL 2-1611 the Nursing^ School of Grace“HospitaI7 “ Also-, we have several coirrboxes in Detroit : ■ * all business places for the change you two men who know some of the an­ Mrs. D. LV Rogers, as chairman of might have left.from your purchases. swers to the rural labor problem will the group, anticipates 100 per cent at-, Don’t pass the coin boxes up. It’s too speak. One is Dorr Stack, director of tendance at the' first meeting in order important and sacred a cause to ig­ school hoard counseling for the State that her records may be complete. nore. Department of Education. His talk V- __We will also use the March of comprises' "Youth Mobilization and THIS WEEK’S SPEC Dimes board m=ftelief».-. ±He is to be fol- THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS! il Men Leavelfar here for the first time last year, and lowed by E. D, Longnecker, occupa­ Induction Into Service on which everyone, - so generously tional advisor to the Michigan State 1-14 oz. bottle Monarch C atsup.......... 17c placed their dimes. It will be in the Selective Service. Longnecker’s talk 1 lb. Chocolate StripedM^rshmaUow same location as? last year-—in front will be based on selective service and Included in the list of selective of the Chelsea State Blink. The hours its relation to farm labor.. Cookies, lb. .... 29c 500 Count Cleansing Tissue, pkg. .. 23c sei-vice men who reported at Ann Ar­ will be Friday* January 29, from 12 Wednesday, Feb. 3, rural visitors I lS lI bor on Tuesday morning and were noon to 6 p, m., and on Saturday, i2 will hear some of the answers to 2 cans Pard Dog Food . ... , 23c 1 pkg. Oven-Fluff Cake Flour ... .19c sent to Camp Grant,. 111. were the fol­ .1 noon io lO p. m.—Let’s everyone-makc "What About Germany?” Louis P. 5-lb. bag Yellow Corn Meal ....: ...... ,20c m 2 pkgs. Kraft Dinner . ... .I9c lowing irom Chelsea and vicinity: it a point to walk past this board and Lochner, for 14 years head of the Ber Lewis E. Noll, who has been a resi­ place ,a dime on the space that is lin bureau of the Associated ' Press, dent of the village for 20 years and 2 lbs. Fancy California Lima Beans <. .. 25c marked off for the March of Dimes. will relate some of the information he iter 1 lb. Shedd’s Tasty Oleomargarine . 19c has been employed at the Federal They soon make dollars., ' obtained frpm contacts with Hitler, 4 rolls Fort Howard Toilet Tissue ..... .25c Screw Works. - The son of Mrs. Lil­ .Let it not be said that Chelsea could Goebbels, Goering, Hess, Himmler and s « :' 1-12 oz. can P rem ....... .. .. ............. 39c lian ■ Noll of Chelsea, he .was. born not hold the record we maBe last year, other German leaders. 2 lge. baxes-Quick Armw-Soap Flakes.; 45c May 15, 1907 in- W ebster. township as we were far ahead of all other For the short course banquet of and is affiliated with Olive Lodge F. 2 lbs. med. size Bulk Prunes ..... _ir\. ,29c towns much larger than Chelsea.. Wednesday; evening, prnst Winkler, and A. M. and the I. O. O. F-.. -He was Help us hold that record and give Who escaped frpmfa"Nazi cohcentra- Get a can of Peanut Butter - - it is a good food married to Leora Cfrove of Chelsea Jan. 31st last day for No. 10 Sugrir Stamp. yhat we can. For any other infor- titin camp, will speak oh ’’InBide Ger- on Nov. 2ft, 1941. and makes your butter go farther. mation-or-onvelope«,-call 5373 and we many; We have Pure Buckwheat, 5 and~10HHfc~bagsr Robert R. Dorar, son o f Mr. and will be glad to help you. Another highlight of the special Mrs. August Dorer, was born Oct. l f Committee. Take home a package e-Pop Popcorn 1923^ graduating from Chelsea high talent will be thje appearunce of Aloha Uak^er7^nllednhc=^vorld,trmost--trav- school"in 1940." He.has since been, -“It Pops”! ^hI i i i i .- employed at the Kroger Grocery; St. Paul’s Sewing Unit eled wahmn. She will sneak on “Aus^ Donald E. Parsons, an employe at trajia/Nqw”, as movies taken by her,- the bomber plant, Willow Run, is the Has Enviable Record ,husband are shown in the auditorium .. w son of Mr. and Mrs, Dan Parsons, Thursday evening, Schneider QUALITY' GROCERIES AND" MiSATS and was bom in Chelsea on April 1, The members of th4.Red Gross Sew­ u _ ■, ,, V- — ------ s ■ 1923. ing Unit of St. Paul’s church review Driver’s License Tests BUY WAR BONDS'AND STAMPS! , Glenwood Novess, the sop, of Mrs. with pride their accomplishments of Elsie Novess, was bqm 26 years ago the past year. The following article? Held February 4 and is a graduate of Chelsea, high of sewing have been completed: school. For three years he has been 10 children’s dresses. In keeping wjth the previously nn- ■employed as plumber —lO^childrenVflannel-bed^jackets., nounced policy of holdihg drivers’ li­ A FAMILY POLICY by Floyd Rowe., 12 soldier's kit bags.
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