1906 BNJ 3 35.Pdf
INDEX. A. Account, the shilling a money of, prior to the reign of Henry VII., 304. A, characteristics of the letter, on the Acsian = "to ask" in early MS., 87. Ohsnaforda pennies, 72-74. Adalhard, abbot of Corbie, 89. ,, the unbarred variety of the letter, Advocates, Faculty of, and the Jacobite 72 et seq. Medal, 247. „ varieties of the letter, 72-74. yE, the ligatured letter on the Ohsna- Abbreviations on Roman coins, sugges- forda coins, 74, 75. tions for the interpretation of certain, /Elfred, forgery of Oxford type of, 28 r. 3r> 32- ,, halfpenny of Oxford type of, 281. Aberdeen, find of billon pieces of Francis ^Enobarbus pays his soldiers with leather and Mary near, 330, 406, money, 313. 407. ^Eschines and the use of leather money, ,, find of coins temp. Alex- 312. ander III., Robert Bruce ^Ethelred I., coins of, 66. and John Baliol at, 333, 407. ,, find of coins of, in the ,, find of coins temp., Edward I., Thames, at Waterloo II. and III. at, 332 et seq., Bridge, 385. 406, 407. „ II., coins of, 120, 122, 123, ,, find of foreign sterlings at, 124, 125, 126, 128, 134, T35> x36> r37, 138, 140, 333. 334- 141, 142, 145, 146, 147.. ,, find of lions or hardheads 148, 149, 150, 151, i:,3, temp. Mary and Francis in, !54, 156. 15 7> 159, 161, 330, 406, 407. 162, 163, 388. „ find, painting of the bronze ,, ,, helmet on the coins of, pot containing the, 403. 297. „ finds of coins temp. Edward I. „ ,, penny of, the earliest coin and Alexander III.
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