T^T '"fl llRRuaaX) LLtafary Feat HnvGjv Oono

Pago Eight THE BRANFOED REVIEW, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1839 jurisdictional disputes," said Mr. i Hour Division said that should this $20,000,000 Coyne,^tafl^dlng with the Mayor ai rr.te be approved by the Adminis­ the latter afinounced the plan. THE HOME NEAVSPAPEtt IS A THE HOME TOWN PAPER THE MOVIE GUYED Calendar Of Events trator after a pubic hearing in — •! — Housing To Start He explained that the trade un­ which Interested parties may appear VITAL FOKCE IN EVEKI TOAVN ion claiming Jurisdiction would re­ In support of or opposition to the BRANFORD — NORTH BRANFORD HOLLYWOOD GOSSIP! where In the picture, although nine 2nd and 4lh Tuesday night, Nasliawcna Council, Degree o£ Po­ tain' that jurisdiction until he made PORTIIAYING AS IT DOES STONY CREEK — PINE ORCHARD tenths of the dialogue concerns cahontas in Red Men's Hull. proposal. It would Increose the • Ann Sotlicrn having her car par­ In New York his decision. Alfred Rhelnsteln, hourly wage rates of approximately LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK ked while she worked at the studio, men. ]flt nnd 3rd Fridays—Vasa Star Lodge, Nn. 150, Svca Hall, GRANNtS CORNER — MORRIS chairman of the 60,000 workers In the periods of av­ FAMILIAR LANGUAGE The 2nd big feature on this mar­ First Monday—Indian Neck Fire Co., Social Meeting. COVE — EAST HAVEN : IB and lorgclllng to find out which New York. N. Y.—Following the Housing Authority; Edward P. Mc- erage production, Zf^t Pranforti Eebtein velous hold over program Is "They Second Monday—Indian Neck Fire Co., Business Meeting adoption ot a formula by the Build Orady, former Assistant Secretary station took It Mclvyn Douglass All Come 0\it" with Rita Johnson AND EAST HAVEN NEWS *3| Third and Fourth Mondays—Indian Neck Fire Co., Drills Ing and Construction Trades De­ of Labor, and Thomas A. Murray, of£ on ft trip to Sftcramento to at­ and Tom Neal In the starring roles partment of the American Federa president of the Building and Con­ FOR LOCAL NEWS tend to orriclal business as slate re­ VOL. XII—NO. 23 Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, September 14, 1039 EVERY WEEK Hon of Labor, representing the build struction Trades Council also were Price Five Cents lief commissioner Qrota Garbo WATCH FOR COMING HITS: Ing trades unions, and the Assocla present for the announcement. HEAD THE visiting the Mctro-Goldwyn-Mayer Thursdays; ]2 !l5, East Haven Rotary Club. ted General Contractors of Amerl Artie Shaw In "Dancing Co-Ed" BRANFORD REVIEW portrait gallery and posing for a with Lana Turner Wallace Bee­ Mondays—Branford Kolary, ]2;15, Congrcgationul Church ca, representing the building Indus­ Mr. McGrady said the new plan sitting ot "NInotchka" portraits.... ry, Chester Morris In "Tliunder Fridays—fawson Tribe, 1. 0. R. M. at 8 P. M. in Redmen'a Hall. try, designed to eliminate work sus­ was "the greatest step forward In Direct Relief P. T. A. Chairmen Large Gathering .Wllllnm' Powell entertaining his Afloat" "Another Thin Man" I'Vidays—Bingo—at the Tryst 8:00. pension because ol jurisdictional the building Industry In a gener­ East Haven Democrats Parties Launch Drives son, Bill Powell, Jr., on the set of with William Powell and Myrna Loy disputes among the building trades ation." Given 28 Cases Are Announced Sees Richardson "Another Thin Man.".i Nelson .."Babes In Arms" with Mickey SEPTEMBER 8th unions, Mayor La Guardla an­ "I think It Is a real progressive Business Directory Eddy loarjlng all of the Intricacies Rooney and Judy Garland nounced at the World's Fair City step," said Mr. Murray. "I am quite East Haven Assembly, Order ot Rainbow, 8 o'clock. sure that It will be a great help to Place Abel Jacocks Miss Miriam G. May, chairman of In Major Campaigns of the Vlilfrniosae waltz for scenes In "Cosat Guard" with Randolph Scott. Hall that $20,000,000 of new housing WANTED: Keprcscntatlvc to look In East Haven Go Into Office the building Industry in this local­ "Balalaika";;. /Maureen O'Sulll- See you In the Movies SEPTEMBER 9th projects would go forward under the aflcr our magazine subscription the program committee for the East terms ot the formula. ity." InlcTcsU in Branford and vicinity. van oft for England to appear as Your Movie Guyed Fond iSiile, on the green, Woman's Missionary Society. The welfare department, report Haven high school Parent-Teacher Oorcoran-Sundquist Post Holds nobort Montgomery's leading lady. Our plan enables you to seciue a For First Selectman 'for August, was caring for 67 cases Association, announces many fea­ The Mayor said that lor several Annual Installntion of ORIocrs For Town Elections good part ol the hundreds of representing 275 persons at the end ...Greer Garson fencing In the SEPTEMBER 11th weeks the projects had been held tures for the meetings of the organ­ Neighboring Posts Attend patio at her home as a play yard for Cniicus, Republican and Dcmncratic, Town Ball. dollars spent in this vicinity each of the month. With 01 cases rep­ ization, the-first Thursday ot each Drive-ln Theatre up pending an agreement between 35 Cent Hourly fall and winter for magazines. her Siamese kittens,.. Whyte School of Dancing opens in Bast Haven. the various construction trades un­ Republicans Would Have James J. Sullivan Head Ticket resenting 275 persons at the begln- month in the high school audito­ Bruoo entertaining her school tea^ Oldest agency in U. S. Guaran­ ing of August, 7 cases representing Corcornn-Sundqutst Post 83, Am­ Democratic And Republican Caucus Monday Accepted Sliort Hoaeli Sunshiners, 2:00 in Fireliouse. ions that they would not stop work Shoe Industry teed lowest rates on all pcriodi-, rium. At the next meeting, October Cher from North Dakota...... Fran^ Autolat-thealregoers from all With Harold 0. Hall Favored For Second Selectman- 43 persons were dropped, 4 new erican Legion, held its annual In­ Nominations Without Discussion — Will Be Voted. parts pt Connecticut have been high Fall Meeting HIIHI Unven Father's Club. because ot Inter-unlon disputes. cals, domestic and forcien. In­ 5, there will be a muslcale under the stallation ot officers Tuesday eve­ chot Tone headed back "for New Under the new arrangement no ces­ cases representing 16 people were In extolling praise for the line pro­ Qood Fellowship Dramatic Oluh at home of Mr. and Mrs. Irving structions and equipment tree. Elections Will Take Place October 2nd. direction ot Mrs. Frederick Marr, an ning at 8:30. John Peegal ot Morl- On Monday, October 2nd. York after completing his role In sation ot work win occur In a Juris- Wage Urged admitted and 0 old cases represent­ gram arranged lor the Mllford Charlotte. Slart a growing and permanent informal reception to the high den,. Senior VIce-Commandcr ot "Past And Furious." Robert dlctlonal controversy. Instead, the ing 27 people were reopened. The two major parties launched Drive-In Theatre, Post Road and business in whole or spare thne. Both East Haven parties met school faculty, and an address oi. the Department of Connecticut Taylor preparing to leave on a Eu­ SEPTEMBER 12th matter will be adjusted by John P. Washington, D. C—Industry Com­ Monday to chose a slate ot town of­ Full support was given by direct their campaigns Monday leading Cherry Street, Mllford. The man­ Especially adaptable lor Shut- Would Increase Historical Connecticut" by Robert conducted the installation and ini­ ropean vacation Rosalind Rus­ Instnlhitinn, Corcornn-Sund(|Hist Post No. 83 in Community Coyne, newly elected president of mittee No. 6, under the Pair Labor ficers to be voted on October 2nd. relief alone to 28 cases of 74 peo­ Hold Open House up to the town election on October :•} agement has aimed to please with Standards Act, voted unanimously ins. Address MOORE-COTTRELL, tiation ot new members. Neighbor sell sending gag postcards from the A F of L Building and Con­ The democratic ticket nominated ple; by direct relief and work tolfi Demlng. 2nd. well-balanced shows. In seeing and House. to recommend a minimum wage ot Inc., Naples Road, North Cohoc- Ing legion posts and fraternar or­ New York to her many friends In struction Trades Department. Is headed by Abel Jacocks, who al­ Club Membership The finance elialrman, Mrs. D. J. Each caucus, hold in the town hearing the movies out-of-doors In 35 cents an hour for shoe manulac- ton, N. Y. cases representing 92 persons; and ganizations ot Branford sent repre­ In Legion Rooms Hollywood, SEPTEMBER 14th so headed the ticket two years ago, O'Ncll, announces a card party In hall was brief with the recommen­ patrons automobiles, autolst-theat- Mayor LaGuardla said the new turing and allied Industries to Ad­ by work alone to 3 cases of 9 people. sentatives to the meeting. All vet­ and his running mate lor second At the meeting ot the East Ha­ October, a beneUt movie in mid- dation accepted without discussion. regoers can relax to their heart's Public Installation, Harry R. Bartlett Post, E. H, Town Hall. agreement would be applied Imme­ ministrator Elmer F. Andrews of FOR SALE—9 piece Maple Dininc Of those given partial support to erans of the town were Invited to The llnrry R. Bartlett Post, Amer­ Wliat Is conceded to be the stran­ selectman is Dr. Charles A. Dona- ven Fathers' Club on Monday eve­ Winter and a silver tea and social In Republicans mooting at 8 o'clock content, talking, smoking and diately to five public housing pro­ the Wage and Hour Division, U. S. room set. Call at 112 Montowese supplement their income, 0 cases attend. ican Legion, win hold a formal In­ gest piece ot casting In the history SEPTEMBER 15th dlo. Chauneey T.- Warner, lormer ning, the following slate ot officers February. Ray fe. Glfford Is presi­ chose- Clarence I. Bradley as chair­ jects In this city, Involving a total Department of Labor. Street, Branford. representing 34 persons were given The following wore Inducted In­ stallation of officers In the East of motion pictures look place when laughing without any disturbance town clerk, is named tor the post of was presented by the nominating dent of the high school PTA this man nnd accepted the rccommen> rnslnllation Dinner, auxiliary of Ainerlcan Legion, East Hiivcn cost ot $20,000,000. The units will private employment 10 cases to office: commander, Robert Rioh- Haven Town Hall this evening nl an actor was selected to pose for a to neighboring moviegoers. There Spokesmen for the Wage and assessor, and Richard Brache and committee to be voted upon at the year, and among the committee datlons offered by John B. Bralnerd at CoBoy Corner Pantry, 0:30. house 4,000 families, or about 15,000 of 58 people were given federal ardson; first vice-commander, Low- 8:30 o'clock. The public Is Invited shadow In tho fllmlzatlon ot Clare Is no extra charge for the automo­ Frank Winske are the candidates regular meeting ot the club on Oc chairmen are .Mrs. John Pagano, Republican town chairman. Walter persons. Three ot the fle are known 42 Inch sink and tub comljlnatlons employment, and 4 cases represent­ Is Jackson, second vice-commander, and It Is expected that representa­ Booth's Broadway hit, "The Wo- biles. • : I SEPTEMBER 16th for the Board of Tax Review. John tober 9; president, George E. Eden membership; Mrs. Maurice Sara- H. Palmor was clerk. as Vladeck Houses Vladeck City ing 8 people were given old age as­ Stephen BomboUskl; adjutant, Ray­ tives of all civic organizations In nion" now showing tor, a 2nd big $29.95 complete. Toilet outfits J. O'Brien, Is named lor town clerk, or L. R. Brown; vice-president, sohn, hospitality; Mrs. Hans J. Han­ The entertaining program play­ Fail', Poxon Grange nnd Community Center. Houses and South Jamlca Houses in mond Bnllou; financial of fleer, Wil­ the town will be present. The In­ Those nominated wore: assessor, week at the Locw Poll'College Thea complete $12.9S. Bath tubs $11.50. while for tax collector the nominee George E. Eden or L. R. Bowman; sistance. sen, social; and Joseph F. Adams, ing from Wednesday night to this County Fair—Children's Center, 11 a. in. Queens. The two Vladeck develop­ liam Kremser; chaplain, Ernest Al- stallation will be conducted by Ar­ Charles Reynolds; Board ot Tax Re­ tre, with an all star feminine cast BRANFORD Is T. Frank Reynolds, who held that recording secretai-y. Dr. Prank H. safety. ~'_ Saturday evening has Ginger ments, named after the late B. Wall Basins $5.45. Conn. Plumbing Four persons received medical bertliie; historian, John Ahem; aqr- thur Daly of West Haven, second view, Mortimer D. Stanley; soloot- headed by Norma Shearer, Joan SEPTEMBER 18th post under the last Democratic re^ Igo; corresponding secretary, Carl mcn, Gurdon Bradley and John S. Rogers and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Charney Vladeck, will be built In care In the home and two cases re­ vlce otficor, Frank Reynolds; sor- district commander. Following In­ Crawford and Rosalind Russell. ln"Havlng Wonderful Time." This Women's Republican Club meets with Mrs. Cooke. and Heating Materials Co., 1730 gime. H. Gurvin; treasurer, William E Rogers, town clerk, Wlnfield R. Corlears Hook, on the lower East LAUNDRY Lynch. Members of the-'executive ceived hospitalization. Of the 275 gant-ttt-arms, John Drota; Sons of stallation ceremonies, the post will The cast comprises 35 principals picture has nil the ecstasy of youth State St., New IlaTen, Cann^ Morgan; town treasurorj Milton J, SEPTEMBER 23rd Side of Manhattan. The Mayor said John V. Slmonl Is named for au committee are: four year group, persons cared for HI were chargea­ the Legion chairman, George Han­ hold open house nt Its club rooms and a total ot \35 speaking roles In and has plenty ot laughs. Also on FLAT WORK dltor and John J. Carter Is renom Susan A. Hov/d son ; athletic officer, Harry Bra- In Thompson AVonuo. Warner; agent town deposit fund, Hurricane dance, sponsored by Bradford Manor Fire Dept. the two additional developments Phone G-0028. Peter O. Weber, Robert, C. Wilson, ble to the town; 112 persons were Milton J. Warner; auditor, R. nil. Not a single man appears any- this show are the specially selected would be announced shortly and inated for registrar ot voters. For Carl Diekman, Alfred Lowenthal, ezau. Americanization officer, John Officers to bo installed are; Com­ .short subjects: cartoon, "Little Blue WET WASH constables Joseph Holt, Frank Som chargeable to other towns, and 52 Is Buried In Coolac; property officer, Carl Bloom mander, William P. Geenty; senior George Hansen; grand jurors. Prank -,"*^-r!»t™^,- t»:^Vw^- would be built without delay. and Harris Anstey; three year group G. Page, Daniel Brandrlff, Charles Blackbird", "Side Show Fakir", TYPEWRITERS — ALL MAKES ers, Joseph Tansey and Harold Bur to the state. These applications for qulst. vice-commander, Leslie B. Red- "All parties hope that this form­ J. Malone, Harry Tomllnson, Wil­ O. Soaslrand; collector of . taxes, "Stranger Than Fiction", Lowell SOFT DRY New, Rebuilts, Rentals, Portables, rltt are named, and the nominees old age assistance have been sub­ field; -junior vioe-commander, Peter ula will make possible the elimin­ liam E. Fagerstrom, Ferd F. Wolfe, Stony Creek Daniel P. Daly; constables, arc: Thomas In "Going Places" and the Supplies . for grand jurors are Arthur T. Con­ Roger C. Brown; two year group, mitted to the state. There are now Weber, Jr.; adjutant, Linus Swan- latest News. ation ot stoppages, of work due to nor, Bertram Well and James Zitb. Convenient Terms Joseph J. Krlcek, Ernest L. Pem- 95 active awards with 7 cases pend­ The funeral of Susan Juliana An­ ton, finance officer, Joseph Adams; Loon W Barker, Nunzlanto Bclarot- Stony Creek PTA to, Wilbur Burne, Edward W, Walk­ On Sunday night and continuous, •For the Board of Education the berton, William E. Glllls, John Mas- ing. drews, widow of Edward H. Howd, sergennt-at-arms, Elmer Spronger; panylng Improvements In other candidates tor the term beginning cola, Bertram Well, one year group, historian, Herbert Thurston; per­ er; registrar ot voters, Waiter H. r;.IMctn Jimtt. Hrs. I a; lA i,' rnln or shine, nightly, thru Tues­ RELIANCE TYPEWRITER CO. of Stony Creek, was, held tuesday qualities such as elongation. This ad FINISHED WORK C. B. GUY, Mgr. next month are John Tldgwell and John E. Enwrlght, Dominic Mellllo, Plans Program sonnel officer. Dr. 0, Tyler Hol- Palmor; Board of Education, Mil- GINGER ROGERG (' day—Victor McLaglen In "Ex- afternoon, with servfces in her late |ton P. Bradley and Flora K. Ciold- DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS. JIl. l Champ". Tom Brown, Nan Grey, vancement has lead to the accept­ Telephone 7-2738 Mrs. Rita Blondi, and for the term R. W. Bruce, William J. Carr, F. V. residence. Rev. Kenneth Brookes, brook; chaplain. Rev. J. J. Broder- 'Having Wonderful Time'r BACHELOR SERVICE Hurricane Dance smith William Frawley and an all-star ance of the metal lor such uses as 109 Crown Street, New Haven beginning in October, 1940, Thomas Klein. pastor of the Church of Christ, The Stony Creek PTA held the Ick; executive board member, Ned ' 'SIDE SHOW FAKin- CARTOON ' Geelan and Thomas Hayes. Robert L. Rosenthal presented • "GOINU HUACliB'- WITH f. cast are In the film. Short subjects automobile parts and other new Stony creek, conducted the service. first meeting of the school year Angelo; trustees, John Cooke, chair LOWULU THOMAS h Republicans A membership drive Js being car­ Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. The man, Bernard Splelholtz, Roy Hot­ the slate for the Democratic party. •-' "STRANQER THAN FICTION" V Include the musical comedy, "Swing pieces ol machlney, most of which ried on under the chairmanship of Recalls Tragedy The bearers were William Laoey and i NEWS i'. are manufactured In the middle The Republican ticket is practi­ business meeting was devoted to chkiss. The following officers were \ COMINO SUN.-"EX.CHAMP" '7 Sanltai-tim", "Sport Reel' and the Mr. Stoneham's friends In the tcnslle strength ol 45,000 pounds Prank Bunnell of 8 Prospect Place, Charles HenryHowd of East Haven, West, and the survey shows this by cally the same as that elected two organization work, making plans for nominated for annual town elec­ latest News. Steel Foundry were sorry to hear of per square Inch while today It Is EEEE Commemorating the hurricane of Richard Nichols Howd of Stony tracing the losses In tonnage suf­ Tel. 572-2 — 572-3 Roll levtlopiil and 8 Eloisy dicklce years ago and is headed by First the coming year, and hearing the tion: selectmen, Frank R, Williams, his serious sickness and his confine­ piints mwliil in altridiie Docliel il! 1938 the Bradford Manor Fire Co. Creek, Kenneth Jackson Howd of Arthur Webb, assessor, Paul Bnr- nothing unusual for it to demons­ fered by the Eastern Foundries to Selectman^James .^., SuUlvan and reports,'o£,theu.offloors and.stand-! ment to the Baker Memorial Hos­ enlaritmint impogs flii. til In lif. Pillnpt WlllLElv.eC,,a,„hurrlcan9-dance Satutr Iqel. R. Kelsey nottj •Board-'of-Tax-. RtyiiyfyrMatla • trate a tensile strength ol 55,000 the gains made by the Western B. W, Nelson, Prop. iieinijhl senice. Qiilil)! £uarinletil or moniii itlunded isbtnmir^inimtiHaa'"ns»Brd-crTrati: Q uti ng^uwday* day evenlng.j September 23 In the pital In Boston. oi Branford and Nornian'Smalley of Napoleon; tax collootor, Danlel't'. 1940 Pontiac pounds per square inch with aocom- Foundries. fHOTO-EL[CTRO.LAB.BOi861 BRIDGEPORT, CONN. others named for reelection are: llrehouse. • Following the business jneeting George M. Chldsey, Board of Ass­ Stony Creek. ' i - -"J social was held. Miss Julia AblondHl Named President Daly; Board of Education, Arthlir Pequot Theatre For Democrats Otto Bath Is general chairman The burial' was In Stony Creek PaulAmbrost of the Steel De­ essors; Myron C. Qrover and Alvln and Ronald Magee being vocal sol­ P. Merrill, Edward B. Lonorgan; Introduced and will be assisted by the follow­ cemetery with George Chapter Hollywood Vanity Ware partment suffered an Injury to a L. Thompson, Board of Relief; Mar­ oists. Rev. Kenneth Brooks addres­ The annual meeting of the Kel­ registrar ot voters, . Terrance J. East Haven democratic nominees ing, compiittce: Mr. and Mrs. Alvln O.E.S., In charge of the committal Brannlgan; agent, deposit fund. Mil FREE TO THE LADIES finger when his wheelbarrow tipped garet J. Tucker, town clerk; Henry sed the meeting, taking as his sub­ sey Kindred was held Saturday af­ The annual convention ot Pontiac for town office In the election Octo Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Friend service. There were many beauti­ ternoon. There were 42 members ton J. Warner; town treasurer, Mil­ Fri., Sill.—Sept. 8-0 over on last Thursday. Paul will W. Antz, town treasurer; James C. Weller, Mr. and Mrs. George Har­ ject the theme, "Aims and Purposes Motor's sales organization will take ber 2, will be presented to the pu ful floral tributes. Delegations at­ present. The following officers were ton J. Warner; auditor, Mnrjorle P. have to be out lor some tl|ne. • Ogllvle, tax collector; Roy C. Bur- bile at the pre-election outing un­ ding, Mr. and Mi-s. James Maupas, of the Parent Teacher Association." 'The SUN NEVER SETS' place at the General Motors Proving well, auditor; and Alvln P. Sanford, tended from Mason Rogers corps The program committee consist elected: president. Judge E. Kel­ McCarthy; town clerk, Wlnfield R. Ground Thursday, and In Detroit, der the auspices of the Town Com­ Mrs. Otto Bath, Mi-s. Madolyn Blx- Morgan; constables, William J. Mc- •with Basil Rathbono and $20 to $30 registrar of voters. Two of the con­ and Robekah Lodge. Ing of Mrs. Kenneth Brookes, Mrs. sey of Short Bench; vice-president. Friday, Sept. 7 and 8. Meetings will This Is old news, but horse racing mittee and Democratic club at Al­ by, Mr. Thomas Hayes, Mr. William Kee, Louis DeAngells, Louis Rlohl- Douglas Fairbanks, Jr, Prices From stables, John H. Norwood and Cle­ She was 70 years of age. She was, Howard Kelsey and Mrs. Frank Miss Gertrude Kel.sey of Bristol, 1-! ALSO :.i bo In charge ot D.U. Bathrlck, gen­ always olters some zest to our ex­ exander's Grove, Silver Sands, Sun­ Klskalt, Rudolph Schmidt, Jr., Am- telU, Mlchasl J. ZvonkoVlo; grand ment Catalano are renominated born In Branford, a daughter ofiQouid ^as made up the program secretary, Harold Kelsey of New eral sales Manager. Three hundred day afternoon. Attorney Bertram asa Doolittle, and Harry Thomas Jurors, Carl W. Anderson, Thomas "WOLF CALL" istence: Two boys from Dept. 12 while Ralph Streeto and John Ho­ George Andrew and Lydla Bassett, I JQ,. i,,e entire year'and a number of Haven; treasurer, Chester Kelsey of district, Zone and regional mana­ took a trip to Rockingham Park and Weil is in charge of publicity for Publicity Chairman, Mrs. Madolyn K. Gardner, Prank P. Butler. ward are new names to the town the affair. Blxby, will be assisted by Mrs. Otto and had lived all her life In this o^ QJ lovn speakers as wen as Watertown; chaplain. Rev. David vritli Movitn and John Carroll gers and members ot the central Jound themselves "playing the ticket. Stone Kelsey of Middlelown and Judge Cornelius T. Driscoll was Per Month Invitations have been sent to Bath, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brache, town. She was a member of Trinity I ^usloai- and otlier entertainment otflec staff win be present. ponies" In view of buying a couple $4200 Haddam; president emeritus, Jo­ chairman and Edward B. Lorier- Sun,, Mon., Tucs,, Sojit. 1,0-1.1-12 Of the three grand Jurors Herman United States Senator Francis T. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brache, Mr. Church, and a charter member of features. This committee will report ot winners to carry their silks. seph J. Kelsey of Clinton. gan, clerk. "This will be the most Important Hackbarth, Frank Trytko and Fred Maloney, ex-Mayor David E. Fitz­ and Mrs. Gene Plondella; floor com­ Georgia Chapter, O.E.S., of Mason at the October meeting moro defln- "ANDY HARDY GETS sales coiiventlon of the year," said Results I A sure bet can only lead to Hackbarth Is named for the first mittee: chairman, Thomas Hayes, Rogers Corps, and of Rebekah Dinner was served by the mem­ one of the following circumstances: gerald, Congressman James A Continued on pane two SPRING FEVER" Bathrlck, "as It marks the first Pays time, Joseph F. Adams and Mrs. Shanley and other Democratic not­ assisted by William Klskalt, Ru­ Lodge. bers of Bethlehem chapter, O.E. with Mickey Eoonoy, Lewis opportunity the Held organization 1-The horse breaks a leg to Jane Thompson of Momauguln, are ables. As usual the feature of the dolph Schmidt, Jr., Amasa Doolittle Mrs. Howd Is survived by two S. Music was furnished by Merrill Time To Inspect Stone and Cecilia Parker will have to see the 1040 cars. A 2-A photo finish for last place. new nominees to the Board of Edu outing will be the introduction of and Harry Thomas; refreshment sons, Edward of Bristol, and Charles Appoints Nominating K. Piatt, Walter E. Hull and Gould 1-! ALSO :•: great deal of the success ol our new 3-Tho right horse falls to under­ cation while Hugh Cox and William committee: chairman, Mrs. Alvln of Stony Creek; eight grandchil­ Conamittee For Club Chalker during the dinner. The "HELL'S KITCHEN" car announcement throughout the stand why the others are In such a Jaspers are both renominated to the local candidates. These, named dren and nine great grandchildren. Kindred attended the service at Dahlia Blooms with Margaret Lindsay, Ronald country depends upon how well the hurry, ' $4750 places on that board. at a caucus Monday night, are head- Thompson assisted by Mr. and Mrs. the Congregational church Sunday For It Friend Weller, Mr. and Mrs. George Mrs. n. Earle Beers, president of Reagan and Dead End Kids field mon carry the story ol the now ed by Abel A. Jacocks for first sel morning. Ellas Kelsey of Mllford, a September Is the time to Inspect Herdling, Mrs. James Maupas, and the Branford Garden club, has ap Wed., Tliurs.—Sept. i;i-l',t cars to the dealers before public an^ ectman, and Dr. Charles P. Donadlo FUNERAL SERVICES son of Rev. David Stone Kelsey, the 200 varieties of dahlias at the Ernest Craig, Plant Engineer Is for second selectman and all of the Mrs. Alvln Thompson.—Rudolph pointed the following nominating Ladies don't miss the flrat piece nouncement date." reported to be sprucing up lor the HELD FOR P. FUNK sang a solo. Tho clambake sched­ University ot Connecticut. These Sponsor s Fair nominees are expected to be pre­ Schmidt's orchestra will play. committee to report at the annual dahlias are sent here from all aee- starting today, of the Now dedication ceremonies ot the new uled Sunday afternoon was post­ Thur.sday's program will Include a sent. meeting October 0 In the First Con tlons of tho country and abroad. Dinnerwaro and Sorvloo welcome by H. J, Kllngler, general shower locker room in the Steel De­ gregatlonal Church parlors: Mrs. poned for a week because ot the On Saturday Funeral services were held yes­ rain They represent the advanced styles "Magnificent Fraud" manager of pontiac, a detailed ex­ partment. The llnlshlng touches to GOP WOMEN PLAN terday for Peter Punk, 54, of 22 H. E. H. Cox, chairman, Mrs. W. E In dahlias as each grower strives to with Aldm Tamiroff, Lloyd No­ planation ot the hew cars, and the equipment are now being done, AUXILIARY HOLDS Burr Street, East Haven, died of a Mumford, Mrs. Frederick Catlln. The annual Foxon Fair will be obtain a certificate of merit. The lan and Patricia Morison a talking motion picture dramatiz­ and the rooms will lack nothing In ANNUAL PICNIC heart attack in the New Haven Mrs. C. A. Nott and Mrs. Mortimer Be Your Own Landlord! held Saturday afternoon and eve­ DINNER TOMORROW GOP SHEEP BAKE garden la open for Inspection at all :-! ALSO :-: ing the salient engineering features, modern appointments except per­ Hospital Sunday. A resident of D. Stanley. A meeting of this com­ times. to be followed by demonstration haps a manicure department. Jean ning on the Foxon Community The auxiliary of the American The Branford Women's Republl mittee was held this afternoon in TICKETS ON SALE "CHASING DANGER" East Haven for the past 15 years, Two Interesting dahlia tests are rides on the various roads of the Morrison has already been appoin­ grounds, the fair being under the Legion, East Haven, will hold its can Club will hold its annual pic the home of Mrs. C. A. Nott in In­ with Preston Poster, Lynn Boi-i Mr. Funk operated the East Haven The Young Republican Clube will In progress. One shows time ot plan Proving Ground. ted to the charge of the new wash A small down payment and the remainder joint sponsorship of the Foxon Installation dinner tomorrow eve­ nic luncheon Monday September dian Neck. Slaughter House on Burr Street. hold a sheep bake Sunday at Up­ ting In relation to bloom and the room and was seen in Bradley'S Grange and Foxon Community Cen­ ning at 6:30 o'clock in the Cosey 18 at 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Next year's advertising program, Besides his wife, Mrs. Mary Funk, son's Grove. Clam chowder will be other fertilizers in relation to bloom store being measured up for his ter. A committee has been at work Corner Pantry, South End Road. Harry Cooke. which Is said to be the largest In like rent makes this come true he leaves three sons, Nicolas ot New "TO BE MADE" served at noon and the bake will Ing. These trials also are for the white uniform; on preparations and many features Reservations must be made with Members are asked to bring an many years, will bo outlined by F. A. Haven, Louis and Peter Jr. of East Selectmen will be In session Sat­ take place during the afternoon. A benefit of people In Connecticut and are promised. In the afternoon there Mrs. Marian Dooley, phone 4-1946. article of food, cup and table sll 1 Capitol Theatre iBerend , advertising manager. Sales Haven, and two grandchildren.. urday In the town hall at 9 o'clock program of sports has been ar­ always open tor Inspection. Willie one of the huge hydraulic will be a parade led by the North Installation, ceremonies will follow ver. Those wishing transportation 281 Main St., Eelst Hav«n' promotion and other subjects will Requiem high mass was celebrated for the purpose ot admitting as ranged. Tickets may bo secured from presses to bo used for ChUllngworth The home illustrated above is one of many designed by us Branford Drum Corps. the dinner at the Legion rooms. may call Mrs. Grace Hunter. Electors all those who appear on be dlcussed Thursday. at St. Vincent dePaul's Church at any member" ot the following com­ gear cases were being unloaded, There will also be a variety ot Officers to be installed are: Pres­ Mrs. Prances Roth of New Haven 9 a. m. Interment was In East Lawn,the list to be made and who shall SUMMERFOLK GO NOTICE Discussion will bo continued In mittee: Rudolph Johnson, chair­ Henry Zu-Wallack approached games and other entertainment ident, Mrs. Marian H. Dooley; vice- win be speaker. Cemetery. 'be found qualified. Starting Sat, Eve., Sopt, 16 Detroit Friday during which busin­ to give you all the comforts and onvenience of a modern home man; John Whitcomb, John Don- BACK TO TOWN Lorenz LIndberg to Inquire as to Its and the displays of home made ar­ president, Mrs. Lena McComb; sec­ and Every Sat. Eve. ess management, parts and access­ ofrlo, William Adams, Murray Up­ use. Henry still Is puzzled. One of ticles and farm and garden pro­ retary, Mrs. Mae Slattery; treasur­ PLAY HONEY ories, used cards and service will be son, Dominic Bontatlbus, Samuel It's everyone out at the shores. the answers he received was that duce. The 4-H clubs are also ar­ er, Mrs. Beula.h Hotchkiss; excutlve Indian Delivers Mail To Reservation Utilities companies report that at this theatre under the aua covered. V, h. Murray, assistant ranging special exhibits Including a Beach. piocB of the Knights of Pythias general sales manager, will analyze It was an orange squeezer to be used - FEATURES - committee, Mrs. Jule Caruso, Mrs. the general exodus this tall Is ear­ on Monday mornings. flower show. Margaret Thomas, Mrs. Beatrice Frederick E. Howe, Rural Oarrier No. 81 ^ the Job ot the district manager as • Space For One or More Booms As the first guests arrived a let­ Delivers Copy Of Deed of 1743 Frank Giordano Marries lier than for many years. It applies to next year's business • steam Heat Webb. Delivers Regular Mail Dressed ter carrier appeared at the door, To Bride At Pawson Park Rain and cold previous to the Sun., Mon., Tucs., 8opt. Il)-U-1'2! The convention will conclude with The Steel Foundry was the scene on the Second Floor SULLIVAN TALKS In Costume Of Native Redman dressed in brilliant feathers and New Haven Girl holiday caused many to close ear­ • Oak Floors wearing a complete Indian outfit. Signed By Pawson Indian And lier than usual. Remembering last ; "ANDY HARDY GETS : a banquet. ol unusual activity Monday morn­ ANNUAL CLAMBAKE —Shorefolk Enjoy Unusual Ser­ ing when Mario Napoleon and John • Fully Landscaped TO EOTAEY CLUB Heap big postman presented the Hannah Squaa With Their Miss Jane Coppola, daughter pt season's hurricane boats are com­ SPRING FEVER" • Attached Garage vice. ;• with Mickey Roonoy, Lewis Mrs. Earl Berger of Stony Creek Carlson exhibited a 500 pound tuna The first annual clambake of El­ bride with a copy of the original Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Coppola ot ing Into dock earlier than usual and Vincent J. Sullivan, state admin­ deed of the property where the \ Stone and CooiUa Parker palyed the nuptial music Saturday which they caught on Sunday oil • Standard Fixtures • Modern Electrical Fixtures dorado Council 10, Knights ot Col­ New Haven, and Prank Giordano, more than customary precautions i istrator of the W.P.A., was the :•: ALSO !-: Block Island. umbus, win be held Sunday Sept. 17 Reminiscent ot the days when wedding ceremony was to take know ye that we Pawson Indian son ot Mr. and Mrs. Generoso Gi­ are being taken to safeguard piers afternoon at the wedding ot Miss speaker at the weekly luncheon of • Fire Place • Septic Tank at Camp Morton. The afternoon- will redmen and their squaws roamed place, as a memento from her land and Hannah squaa, widow, his sis­ ordano of Montowese Street, Bran-, and outbuildings against the recur­ "Magnificent Fraud" Catherine Louise Tyrell to Mi-. Sher the Branford Rotary club Monday with Akim Tamirolf The quesUon Is often asked It the be devoted to athletlj; ^events. In­ the shores of Indian Neck, drying I lord, G. A. R. Hamre While having ter both of Branford In the County ford, were united In marriage in rence ot the storm. wood W. Berger In East River. noon In the parlors of First Con use ot malleable iron castings is • Tile Bath • Copper Flashing cluding a Softball garte* hof'se'shoe clams for winter use, hunting and no monetary value the couple list of New Haven and Colony of Con St. Anthony's Church, New Haven. Other owners and tenants are Wed., 'riiurs.--Sci)t.. 13-14' ' gregatlonal church. He gave a very declining on account of the Intro­ • Built-in Kitchen Cabinets • Brass Piping pitching etc. Tlckets'may be ob­ fishing, the Branford, Post Office the gift as one of their most pre­ nectlcut in New England, For the The bride was attended by her sis­ keeping their cottages open to en­ 'On BORROWED TIME'; duction ot steel stampings and lor- interesting summary of the W-P.A. tained from any member of tije:fol Office delivered mall not long ago cious pocesslons. Consideration of the full Sum of ter. Miss Mary Coppola, as maid ot joy the best month of the year. with Lionel Barrymore QM^^tfo^(Wi'^eHck glngs. The answer Is contained In a organization and what It accom­ lowing committee: Patrick H. Dunn, with Frederick E. Howe dressed In Miss Maynard had previously Thirty tour pounds, Ten shilling honor, and Anthony Giordano was :•; ALSO :-: old Tenor, bills in hand paid by Betty Grablo, John Hartley in recent survey made by the Malle WRITE OR PHONE plishes. There were 44 at the meet­ chairman; John F. Zvonkovlc, Jo­ the native costume. shown interest in the history of the his brother's best man. The brides­ IN HOSl'ITAL TO VISIT able Castings Industry, which shows ing and the visiting Rotarlans were seph A. Donadlo, Edward B. Lon- Gus Hamre originated the Idea spot and Mr. Hamre and Postmas­ John Russell, Isaac Harrison and maids were the Misses : Henrietta V/IUlam Van Wle who was to leave "Million Dollar Legs" clearly that the reverse Is true. The Leeds Miller of Hillside, N.J., D. H. ergan, John M. .McDermott, Fred­ when he learried that his summer ter Joseph Driscoll decided to carry Noah Rogers all of Branford afore Fresno and Rose Giordano. today for the University of Syra­ total yearly tonnage of malleable Havens of Atlanta, Ga., Rev. W.H. erick R. Houde, James C. Walsh, tenant at Pawson Park was to be­ out the plan. said, being agents or a Com'tce ap Following the ceremony a dinner cuse was taken to the New Havon Ladies Gift Nights pointed and empowered by the first p!«!|ECXIC«T Iron produced has grown since the Nicolas pt East Hayen, R.F. Bailey, Thomas E. Matthews ind. RoUIn come a bride. And so-on August 26 1939 the and reception were held at the Hospital last night where he under­ Fri.,! Sal.—Sept. 15-16 Harlaco Construction Co., Inc. or South Society Inc, Branford to advent ot stampings and lorglngs G. Kinney. i , Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Maynard residents of the reservation receiv­ Tingle Tangle Club at Morris Cove. went an appendectomy. George Raft, Olaire Trevor in: •:•• ,IM%\- •••• W'< i M.P. Bradley and Charles P. Coch­ receive a Deed ot Land at Indian because ol new uses found lor it, ran, all of the New Haven club. had announced the coming mar­ ed their mall from the hands of a "I STOLE A MILLION' . Telephone New Haven 8-2201 or Branford 246 riage of their,daughter, Alice Mar­ redskin—and liked It. Neck from! us. In their Name and to 4-II CLUB MEETS RETURNS TODAY I COOD ROADS and the great Improvements made At a meeting held Monday the their use. Have Given, granted, !-l ALSO :-• ion to Mr. Harold L. Lemleln and A copy, In part, ot the deed tol- The Branford 4-H Flower and Mrs. Joseph M. Zatfino and baby • SAFE BEACHES In quality and physical character NEW HAVEN, CONN. RESURFACING ROADS Branford Barbers . decided to hold bargained, sold and confirmed and • PEACEFUL LAKES the bride was all aflutter arranging,lows; Vegetable club will meet tomorrow son, Joseph Michael, Jr. will return "CHASING DANGER" Istlcs. for Instance, good malleable Town roads In the eastern sec an outing on Tuesday September by these presents, Do give, grant with Proston Toater, Lynn Bari: •MJWa MOHC OOUAfU TO CONJJtCTtCUI- 19. On that day aU barber shops in and' rtarranging Important details To all people to Whom these pre­ night at 7 o'clock in the home of today from Grace Hopsltal to their I Uon In the old days used to have a tlon ot town are being tarred and Continued on pane four if ' '•"•*''••••••• Ill sanded. town will be closed. fer a perfect day, 'sents shall come Come Greeting, Mr. and Mrs, Rudolph Kneuer. homo on 9 Montowese Street, mM:. «4*»«»*:t«'»**''**' t,:v< v^'Virwif Si'vW V t, vt'V»""*- ••

THE BRANFORD REVIEW, TIIURSDAV, SEPTEMBER 14,. 1030 ' yttg^Throo x'aifGTwo THE BBANPOBD REVIEW, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1030 VRsa Star Lodge No. 150 will meet finding suitable places for child tomorrow night at 8:15 in Svea koll rcA to play. Stony, Greek PTA SHORT BEAGH for the 'electlbli of officers. it Is very evident that thire Is to Coll^iB Notes Cbniljitie'd jfrom page one All In The bo a consldoiTiblo anlount of to' Vif(6d laiid albhg.lhe WW Eik Ha ijNibt* cilAtlEL New riaveh will i-eii\aiii In the West "Temple Bells" is the topic of the News Of Genetal Interest To Women IteiV as to spfeafecrs and any;other mce'llrig toniorrow aftbiiioon at Day's Work veVi BoiilivaW. Ih'dccci', one 'of the Rai^mond payi ir. of Stony Cjrc'ek. SniliJoy, sblltember 17 ll a, m. Twin cbttage ifo'r Seiilembcr. eridliBes thdl will liave to made. State Siigh\yhy bffjcliis WW. Jne fcturrii to the iJfliVerslty of Milni> Scrmbh h'y tile Piiitoh ReV. E.,,'c. 2:30 of the Baptist Women's Mis­ "The rtienbcrjhiii committee, Mrs. sionary, ^Society. By E C. and N. H. CAIirENTKR thiit In sortie place* Iht state for his sbbiionibt'c year. Carpenter; 'topic What About the Mr. and Mrs. RIchdVd Shattuck Martih Northam, chairman; Mrs. Miss Viola ilarrlsbri Is leader a'tid no(v owned strips of land two hun­ Future? Antheili by tlvc.choir. Leland Mallous and Mrs. Fred Slid soils, Jonathan and Shaun of Mrs. Arthur Hollman will be hos­ Fruit Breads For Coffee Has Many Gibson Girl dred feet wide. It Is quite possible Helen Shoemaker, liivorSlde, East b:'45 Bunciay School, Gcotgb George, will conduct an active cam­ Now You Can Sew With Iron! Bay WindoAV Briglilcns a Kitchen PI.AYOKOUNDS jaffrey, N. H. arc visiting Mr. and tess. that pernilsslon could be gotten Haven entered the Junior class at Brown, Superintendent. Promotion paign for hew members beginning It Roes without saying that chll- Mrs. shattuck's parents, Mr. and from the State to utilize some of the Now Haven State Teachers' Col­ Day. Every pupil should be present the week of Oct. 1 and continue Sunday Dinner Uses In Autumn Hair Do Back dion need suitable places for play, Mrs. John K. Murphy of Klllam's this for playground and park pur­ lege, this week. ib tt's lb learn Whether lie is to have throughout the week. The hos­ A program of miscellaneous mu­ and have a right to the same. For­ Point. poses. It Is worth considering. the same teacher, or another. A new pitality committee Is headed by Mrs. sic will be given September 20 at Quick frull breads made on Sat­ Now that mass merchandising Shades of the Gibson Olrl, the tunately East Haven has a Inrgb E. C. C. William Cowles, Tyler Street grading system will go Into effect John E. Brainerd. It was agreed to 7:30 at a meeting of the Junior Mu­ urday are a delicious acoompanl- has put good coffee v'lthin reach upholstered pompadour Is back number of open places where they Mrs. Delaney, season's, guest A East Haven, loft.Sijlurday to ent'ei October Is't. AlSo a new serleS bf have i-efreshiiients at each meeting sical Art Society. The meeting will meht for tlie Sunday nlglit supper. of even the most niodest of house­ again I ' might do this. I bOUcvfe we have In the B'rbwn cbttigo will returil to the Unlverilt]^ of Alkbartia, Tusoii- lesson helps. Be bh ' hand feundiy during the year. 'Cotfec arid sand­ be held in the .acadeiiiy on the Slice tlicse lottt breads sjbinewhat keeping budgets, coffee recipes are Having given up the battle of the the town a R6'crcall(Jn Commisslbrt, New Haven In a few days. loosa,'Alabama. and find out what It Is all about. wiches were served. green. thinner than ordinary bread and excellent for use on fall hienus. piled high locks, hiilr stylists are thought that may not be the cor­ spi-ead with butter just before ser- rrldAy, keiit. 15, '>:45 Chblr Re­ The officers who conducted the Actually, It was not so,many years proving that they had a few other rect name. I sljggcst that the com- ;ing time. Tile cH'bwlncss and flttv- Harry Cox enters slauntpn Mill- hearsal. Mrs. T. C. Bracken is entertain­ first 'meetinp are as follows: Pres­ Fellowship cliib Win hold its out­ ago that coffee was a iuxiiry Item tricks up their sleeves to bring back mlssloil inik'e ft auHey .6! lilaces SOCIETY ing the Parrot Club this afternoon. tr of these bread's add Interest ind tat-y Xcadphiy, StniiVitoni Virginia, ident, P. G. Wallmo; vice-president. ing Sunday at Camp Morton. and the housekeeper wiio operated that "look of yosteryenrt". that are suitable foi' children tb '.est to almost any tavorUd Sundoy lie Is the son of tvir. and MrS, H. E, F.-inilly Galhcrinfi Miss Cecelia FltzGerald; secretary, on a small budget cither used cheap r^ow It Is to be the pompadour, play m, and publish a list of them, H Cox, of Pine Orchard 'l'«>chty six rblatlve.s ihet Silnday Mr. and Mrs. David Roganspn, and supper menu braiids or substitutes. witli little girl hair bows for every- •ttiorc ftfe bwtalnly HjinJ' places Mrs. Clarence Williams; treasurer, Itc'cfciilly fbr ih all day pVciilc at thi? home of s'biVs, Hafbid • dnd psca'r left thlis Mrs. ; Raymond Barnes; executive Tdday, however, mas* distribution dho who can possibly got by Willi \\.hcve chlldteil oduld i>)ay without Alirlnot Ili'cad Mr. aiid Kfrs. RolJert W. ISmlth of noljbrt Clark fenters Mlchlgari Mr, find Mrs. Al-tliut Peterson of rnornlAg for a lioliddy In Bliigham- committee, the officers and chair­ LL IIUY of coffee has reached such a stage them. objeetlon, and such places should tbh. New York. BInghamton, New York, were recent State College. Munson, Mass. men of thestanding committees Automobiles for Junk 2V!i Clips flour ot perfection that Brooklyn, N.Y., Is Taii'ght by their cxpcrlehco oit last be found and marked, and someone guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Page .'Those attending from here were; with Mrs Thomas Mellon represent­ ANY CONDITION 2',4 teaspoons baking powder the world's pre-eminent coffee re­ year tliat the American tcmmo hns should bo delcgatcil to visit them of Johnson's Point. H teaspoon salt Carl,Swonson.of, Pardee, Place, 'i'heodorc. Peterson, Mr. and. Mrs. i\ir. arid Mrs. .Fred ilpganson ana ing the Schbol. HIGHEST PEio:iSs t>Aib ceiving, roasting and distributing tt mind of hei' own and will not be now aild thbii to M it lhk Bi-ackp')!,. d^ughtpf of OS well as being a cool drink. ed at the nap of tho neck. and It Is Impossible for cvbii carbr Mrs. W. L. Cooke enters McKebwri's .• Woriian's ..Missionary, ;Socle,ty diet, that we can hardly Imagine Sliced oranges Vi teaspoon salt lohed, In shoes dcoompanlod |jy pa- Mr. and Mrs. Alton Grlswokl and East Haven orrlved In Kansos Stiitb IVIr, and jvjrs. i;, g. Br'fpkon. Short j.ten't leather bags, belts and glove- ful drlvprf) tb, rightly buoss what Secretary Schbol, Now Haven this meets tpriibrroW wltlj Mtss Susie B. that life 'could go on In the absence Mix cornstarch and .sugar, add to 14 cup sugar Fill very tall glasses about one family, 4ll Elm Slrfc'iSt hhVe,i''offirned College; ^eacli enters Albbi'tus Magnus Col- ''top trinimlngs. ' • soma child will suddenly, do. It Is so morith. 'Cobke. be'vb'tXpris will be 'ivi clia'rge of a supply In fresh or canned form. hot milk and stir until llilck and 2 eggs separated third full of whipped cream. Add at ri'om a trip to MassaolnisettS. iegb. Now tiaveh. 'bt Mrs. J'ohh W. Nich'bl's, La'k'e 'liaijn- There are, of course, sections of the pour gradually on the egg yolks least three cubes of ice. iPoiii- in the Heels And toes dnngerou.s that it shpulcT be rightly Visits Coast.,..,,., , ''Gream In Every Drop'' 1 cup orange Juice supproasecl, It Is not, fair to the Harry Thompson, son of Mr. and lltbn, Fid, iarid th'e leader will 'be count'ry where It Is little used, but slightly beaten. Return to double sugar, if you wont tb make this ex­ Among the vacationers to return Mrs. Norman V, Lamb, Montbwose , Miss, .Qortriide Lticksb, pf Stony }A cup milk teams and infos, (or ^ which tlie Mrs. hobert P. Thohitisbn left Tues-, Mrs. B. Kenrioth Anthony. It Is still strange to me to visit a boiler and cook three minutes, 1 tablespoon melted butter tra special add two or three tea FEENOH HATS MADE to East I-lavcn are Mrs. Milton ,An- Street |B visiting relatives In Cal­ Crceit Road has enrpiled. at New Ha­ Are der.lon hnd 'fnAiI|y ot Tiitlle p'lficc slrecls are nialn'talnbd, to hiivb to ddy for his sophomore year In FOR PEOMPT DELIVERY 7-^1171 coiihtry where children after wean­ stirring constantly. Cool and flavor Soft flour, measure; sift, three spoons of brandy to the cream be­ m am OF WOOLEN YaHN ifornia. ven State Teacher's' cbllege. feensselaer College, Troy N, Y. ing live almost entirely without with vanilla. Pour over sliced or- fore whipping. who staVcd at Holderiiesij, li. li. be .constantly on the wfttbh for A week end guest of Mrs. War­ After 6 P. M. Call 7-2617 times with baking powder, salt and ill Paris Tiles' Arc Being Siiui Up pjijylng cjilldren. They have a right; mlllc In their diet. anges In pudding dish. Cover with Lug^r. Beat egg yolks until lemon Wttffles For Ocssort Rudpljjh Bishop, son of Mr, and ren Mumford,' Rogers Street was For i'lic I'all And to the unhindered \)se of the streets. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ivorson, of Granville Hawes of Munson, Mass. 197 Clinthnm Street Now Hnveiri This Is the case In Mexico. The a riierlngue made of the egg whites colored add orange Juice and milk Tho ways ot wool o|i'd womon with Waffles are grand for dessert Mirs. b'eorgpBlshpp, of Stony Creelt beaten with one-half cup powdered >Vi|ilcr nioiillis NO MNGtEE 'OF SllEAD kaylng In the stVeelsls a nelgli- when topped vvlth cream pfioese calcium tor which we value milk so beating constantly. Add flour and Many Varieties hats are demonstrated In sevovdl *Jlli enter the uiilverslty of 'Con­ ft highly is supplied to Its natives ac- sugar. Brown in rnoderate oven 325 bovhood nuisance, it 'cannot he done mixed with cherry or blueberrj' .;,^ melted butter. Beat egg whites un­ Shoes aro building up agaln-ta- winter models Aghos rtakes. POr necticut this month. eldentfilly, rather than by Intent. degrees P., for about 10 minutes. suBSTiTiitEs m tr. s. i]U|o'tly, It ^iiiVeans , running over Jam. Bo generous, with both the til stiff and fold into the batter; it Of,iibd l^lums klni a fashion cure-as frail forrts "rio, fine knitting woolen Vnrn la jjiwns and Inlb shrub6'ory,.4rid sijm? The corn, which furnishes the bread desired, add 'A to V4 teaspoon gra­ cheese and Jam. No need for \>»t- Miss Mary Fitzgerald will enter times the breaking of windows. And of life, is soaked In lime water In ted orange rind. Turn into a but­ tei' as the cheese is rich enough. St. Prdn'clS Hoshltal Nurses' Train­ |t often menns slamming iJalls order that the hull may be removed tered loaf pan (8x4x3 Inches). Wild Puriile ^Cl'iid, Found oh Bcaoiics tact thtit wheat wUl, a? usual, l^elp ing School In Octobei-. She Is the Grladioliis Now Bloom In Rgalpst the ilnlsh pi automobiles. an?i the kernel pounded or ground Spread with a mixture made as fol Good For .Tellies alid Jams— win It, there will be no niicossity for SPICY daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fralik Besides, It Is lawless. If parents wliih so, that It may be used to make the Winter Because Of Gas lows: cream 1 tablespoon butter and Kcolpc Weni Vienna bread substitutes in this cii'unt'r'y- Spiced beet slices or pickled Car­ Fitzgerald. their ohlUlrph to ^'rbw up to be tortillas which are baked on grld- stir in 'A cup sugar, a dash of cin the American Institute rots make piquant garnishes fof cjles. Some calcium remains with good citizens this Is piio way tb teach Blooming gladiolus may brighten nahion and Vi teaspoon grated or­ AU Uie. eolbftiW the spectrum are I S« j^td'-tS^ ^s^,^ varwl^dn.. WP"' well In its place. U Baking at Kpekelpller ppnter]„ the cold meat platter. A few of each lyiiss Alice Belanlc will begin a the corn and. is no doubt utilized. sen.ll6ped top is another variation New Yo.r.k decJoi-ij .that, wlipot "^lib- them to bo law-abiding. your wlpdpw bq?^es..^hlS,wlnter Jie- ange rlnd..,Iiali;e ttt,325 degree i>\, 45 to •beJ(oi|iV*yyi9!i'i "'•'•'»'•^'''t.-'?"" will do, ftlorig with ti few sprigs of course of study this inonth at the - • Wff^kre-Indeed fortunate that a Cldsed-tTp pumps'have'gon'e'sliriplo, piles in 't'l)oUnit'cd'states', qi'ei.amplo ^1 ca'use of the discovery of an'Inex­ lio 60 rntnutes. ieties'.of :pl'umtf Which we find in -.-jl y^?M PlrS'l^^.W .well as-tiib.Rcr parsley. Junior CoUoge ot conimierc'e. New supply: of, safe milk Is available with just a modest touch of trim­ arid 'that Alhbrleah bakers will cbh- crMtloi; Commission would aid In pensive method of using ethylene market durlng^.the season. Apparent Haven. throughout most of our country. ming—a leather frill or bow placed, tlnuo to produce tho typos of bread chlorhydrln vapors to speed,bulb Prune Bread iy some sort of plum is native to Personals .•VVlth the quart a day, which Is cus- almost every country, side-front or center. thnt everyone wants. Without tho germination, according to the Amer 1 cup sugar doing Vi'p are 'riew styles high on Miss Marlon Louise Freeman of tornary to give children, we are as­ Our own American plums are gen­ addition of corn, pototo^s, pr tho ",1 lean Peirpleum Institute at HockC' 2 tablespoons melted butter the instejj and laded at tho side, 88 Harbor Street returtis ttt Whoat- sured ,of ^ a goodly supply of miner­ erally of oy ellowlsh red color, al- Edwprd Tniriulovich, of Lincoln other substitutes required during feller Center, New York. ,1 egg, well beaten with a ribbon lacing ending In n ^ 1 on College as an upperclassman. als, "protein, fat, sugar and valua­ thbugh the tlnV wild beach plum Is Avenue, left Tuesday for Washing­ the last World "War. Fall-harvested bulbs may now be 1 cup cooked prunes, cut In pieces small bow. These are oxfords with ble arnpunt's of some of the vlta- often a dedp puMe when ripe. Like ton, D. C. where he has secured em Induced to omit tlieir usual rest per­ Vi cup prune Juice the modern, touch. Some, fancy ox­ mins.,Altliough milk Is not a perfect other wild tpnU^t seems especially ploymcnt. MEADOW GRILL! iod and bloom in winter, by plac­ 1 oup sour ml|k fords for fall lace up In front with Mr. arid Mrs. ICdward S. Deovey food. It is the best single food pro­ designed td'ho^iijiitt Into Jellies and ing them In preserve Jars with a 1 tea.ipoon soda a half-Inch ''ribbon" of self-leather left Sunday for Houston, Toxas vided by nature. jams. Although'^tbis small fruit has Mlss Shirley Munson, of Hem it Meadow Street — Branford piece of cloth, moistened with va­ 1 cup line entire wheat flour arid have more of the "ribbon" laced whore Mr, Doevoy will be Instruo- GAD-A-BOUTS pors, and allowing them to stay 2 cups flour never been cuitlvated some of the ingway Avenue, East , "aven was'io7m the''R7eT'liistitutc" •* Potato Soup In and put of the top edge, four days. Four dozen bulbs may be Vt teaspoon baking powder larger red pluifi's, which are good hostess Tuesday evening to the Past I , SmedjumrSlzed potatoes both for 'eatlriirf:'and for cooking, Moccasin styles are breathing Worthy Advisors Club of the East treated tor a penny. '/z teaspoon salt F. Vincent ZuWallIck Is building have been growrtj from other types jrpwns' Mrs. Karl Klesel ot North Gull- 1 quart milk Mix sugar, butter, egg, prunes, a house In Brushy Plain. ford has resumed her duties at the 2 slices onion of native trees.'!';y raspberry reds and luggage tans. and prune Juice. Stir soda into sour Tlie 6pen-top nfioccosln of the sum-' Ml.ss Melissa .iones has resumed Troup Junior High School. 3 tablespoons butter milk and add. Mix and sift other in- From both Biirppe and Asia, how Miss Eleanor Johnson has. re­ I'A teaspoon salt NEW WAY OF mer gives way to thoroughly siiut tcachliig In, the North Giillford grldents and add. Beat thoroughly. ever, have. come*.frult trees which types that lace up much in the ox-1 School turned lo her home In Indian Neck IK DINNERS & LUNCHEONS Mr. and. Mrs. Lnndon Hunt of Y^ teaspoon celery salt bear fruit of mohy colors and have KEEPING HAT ON Bake CO,to 70 minutes In moderate ford manner. These always have following a visit with her sister In East Hartford have been visiting Pepper oven (350 degrees P). a diversity Voffjayor, Every type of New Jersey. friends at Stony Creek. Pew grains cayenne trult whloh,,hears-the title plum has medium high walking heels, while Mr. 'and Mrs, Thoinas Hoyt Wll- At Moderate Prices 1 teaspoon chopped parsley SchlaparelU shows a high toque a different flaivor frorri another. the newest pumps have the tallest, biir arid family hove returried to .with a toreliead strap, bouiid below skinniest heels extant. Falrtle'ld for the winter after paii- jAiss Sftlrloy Archlbdld ot North ,,Cook potatoes In boiling water; You probably have your own fav­ WHEN IN NEED OF Guilford Is In Worcester, Mass. when soft, rub through strainer. the hairline on the forehead. DIANA GOES orite among the sweet ones, which Sturdy wlng-tlp styles are num­ slng the summer at Stony Creek. • Open From 9 to 1 A. M. Where she enters Becker College. Scald milk withonlon, remove, on- ' The snood hat, done by Suzy, has you eat ripe and'tow. Those with a erous. These riiay be piiriips pr ox­ WALLPAPER .Ipn, and add milk slowly to pota­ been imported by.everybody, and tang are' best for cooking and for fords with the tip and trimmings in Elmer 'Worth has rented a house or PAINT Mr, and Mrs. Aiithohy J.,ifkovIc toes, stirring constantly. Melt half you can already get copies at you'r TO TOWN marmalades. contrasting leather, brown colt to at Indian Neck. tip and trim brown suede, or navy I VISIT have, returned fro'n a w'ed'diiig 'trip tl)e biit'ter, add dry Ingredients, and j pfrlce. One'of the most amusltig Is If you plan to serve the Whole calf for white suedo while the'sea- yif, and IVIr.s. Ma'tthew Haglund UNITED WALL PAPER to WashlnBton, p. C. "JUST TURN T.HE FAUCET FOR ALL stir Into, hot soup. Boll one minute,!in navy felt, with a little red tas- It's A Godsend fruit In stewed form, use just enough son Is young. . have returned.from ft trip to Olou- RHEINGOLD BEER THE HOT WATER YOU NEED"— add renja'ining butter and sprinkle • sels hanging down the felt snood at Here is something for which all of water to cover the fruit and do not CO. The leathers liked tho mo^t for, cester, Mass. Mr. and .Mrs. W'^'^™ Arnold of Soys Reddy Kiiowotl. with parsley. |back. us have prayed at one time or an­ add the sugi^r until the fruit is ten­ n.'i Crown fit,, New lluvon Elm\yood, Haij'tfo'rd were guests Sun­ der. This method will help preserve sports and morning are baby and Ah Alitomattc Electric Water other—a lipstick remover that reol- velvet calfs, for afternoon antelope "We Save You Money" On Draught day of Mrs. John Seabbrg ot Bran- ly does the trick. If you smear lip­ the shape. The pulp of either very Mrs, John Oliver, of Bradley Ave. Heater installed In your home and suede. Kid Is used for formal ford Point, PRACTICAL HEALTH HINTS stick on your best frock or blouse, sweet fresh plums or those which Qjcli'res you of O'T! oliundont have been cooked make good sauces DukB Lacko ahd Frank Skolonis, iproprietors don't despair :Just dash over to for lee cream or cottage pudding. Robert J. Plumb, Jr. lias returned supply bf 'steaming fiot water, your druggist and ask for a bottle win be ready for rolling. Roll thin from two month's stay at Camp al^^oy's ready at tlie turn of a Ulcers of Ihe Stomach And you may like to try a baked enough to fit 9 Inch, oven-propf of this new fluid which is guaran­ plum tart, the recipe for which came Since 1897 Klove, Nobleboro, Me. faucet to take care of your teed to remove the smear if you dish. Cover with plum mixture and from Vienna. decorate with 'strips of the remain­ every need. And now the cost Is -By Dr. James A. Tobey- follow directions. Koland Bodycoat has returned to Plum Tart ing pastry. Bake In a hot 6vcn,'460 lower th6n cv'erl HE modern way ot life seems to I generally begVi with orange juice, ENDURINa THE TEST OF TIME Fort WortH, Tpjtas after visiting promote stomach ulcers in some soft cooked eggs, milk or butter- Fir A Bride iffl cups flour degrees p,, about fifteen minutes, i sovpral weeks with, his parents iiir. TJ'" -. ._,,.._,.. f„,t „ mlllc, and toast or stale white bread Serve In dish In which tfirt was Your inast'er pluinb'cr, elGctrJcol persons. Those who live loo fast a Tt you are looklrig for an unusual '/a teaspoon salt und Mrs. George H. Bodycoat of pace, who eat and drink too heart­ without crusts, but plentifully cov­ '/i! cup sugar cooked, with plain or whipped Hopson Avenue. ^e'alcr or our reprs'ientativ« will ered with butter or i;rf am cheese. gift for a bride, what about a new cream. ily, who worry electric bisciilt baker all done up '/a cup butter be (lad to give you further jMk'^^iTTj^^, • Between meals, usually at Inter­ 2 egg yolks plum Jam VISIT THE ^df^! and work under In chromium to make It as decora­ Miss Lucllen B. Baiier, Wlilard, details. ; high tension, vals ot an hour, a glass or half a 2 cups stoned, cooked and sweet­ 3 pounds plums glass ot pasteurized or certifled tive as it Is practical. Such a gift Ohio has. been Bussing a week with j and who smoke ened plums. 114 to 2 pounds sugar % 1 milk is given, togethjr with a suit­ would fit into all sorts of occasions Mrs. Frederick W, Bdlieh 20 Kiyrtle too much, are Wo.'sh plums and remove seeds. able alkaline powder or other sub­ and the bride who receives it Is sure Mix dry Ingrledlents, rub In but­ Avenue, East Haven. w^.^m especially prone ter, stir In egg yolks. If pastry Is too Add sugar and cook until mixture to this condi­ stance that helps to reduce stom­ to bless the giver. Stop at bur sfTowrodm or go to your electricoi dealer an'd tion. ach acidity. dry add a few drops of water at a Is thick and clear. Pack Immediately HAVE SET A HKJHER , iurs, Lp'ulse McNdmard hsis re­ Such persons As the diet progresses, cooked time, until it will hold together arid Into hot glass Jars and seal Plymouth Furniture Shops i-Kt^mt ^ iH&>' cereals, mashed potato with butter Fine Feathers STANDARD OF QUALITY turned from a .vacation and Is see the liew electric ranges now on display. See lioW \a%ily . may sutler fre­ hbmi In Indl'AiV Neck. '\. '!^ffi quently from or cream, boiled rice, and'strairied Wee clusters ot bright hued os­ burning pains vegetable soups are added. Whole trich tips, cacades of eoque and Oil The Mnlford Tiariipike dilFferent they are from the electric ranges of a few years mUBgM'irn^H ^^ ' in the stomach, wheat bread is allowed, but no small gaily colored birds are being Dr. J. A. Tobey which come bran or rough cereals.. used to liven up dark felts for early Between New liaveh aiid Milford bock. Ask about the special low rotes for electric cookingj on from half an hour to two hours Foods absolutely pfohlbited in fall wear. Even classic types of felt Complete after eating. They have heartburn, cases of ulcer patients are most Granite Bay meats and gravies, sugar and are frequently adorned with a curl THE WORLD'S GOOD NEW^S and electric water h'eating and how these low rates re Jvce with gas and belching. They sel­ of contrasting eoque, for It is to By Oharjirtle Yi)unj dom lose weight, and often can be sweets, coffee and tea, nuts and will come to your home every day throufeh fh'e cost of all fhi eliffficlty you use for every otfier piirpesi relieved by drinking milk or tak- seedy vegetables, unripe fruits and be a dressy season. Home Furnishers Ingaiightsandwich. fruit skins, all spices and highly THE CHRISTIAN SCIENiCE MONlTOR Symptoms such as these should seasoned foods, and all heavy or An IniernatUmnl DiiUy NiiWMiitper An Exclusive Display . Mr., olid Mrs. Roland Bftu'er, of. loot Hoy/ is the time to soy "good-bye" to pld-fashioiie'd rough foods. Plaids For College Furniture Draperies It records for you tlie world's dean, constructive dolnsti. Tlia Miitiltor Burr Strb^t have closed llVeir lib'ihe always ba studied by the family doCK not fxplolt crltiii or temBtlan; n«IU)er dotK it ilttmtt-, lh«iM» Many physicians recommend six Plaids are all set for a gay win­ but dvuln corrGctlvcly Willi ihfia. l^cbturei fttr buiy nicu Bad •11 tlit an^ have 'returned to 'their hb'\ise physician for ulcers of the stomach Bedding Rugs mm: methods and modernize your kitchen foj: greater cortifort^ and intestines. When promptly di­ light meals a day for these sutler- ter at college. Several of the shops ftitnlly, liiclUflJnK tJie Wrtv6re In ,_ Sjjrlngfleld 'on Tuesaay ' -.?cTO?C;W.f>-^ J

L %-A->.1KV»'*I* .-i^-vV,"^' >'^»'i,»^>i-S*.*^f^*t*-«J\»\>\>'*VV*V<.»-4'^V-»-Ov10 •*•>•»'»

THE BEANFOED REVIEW, THUEBDAY, SEPTEMBEE 14, 1939 'Page Four THE BRAKrcnD KEVIEW, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1039 Page rivt receive n strong ((1»)l in the arm SUCH TAKING WAYS Child Syphilis Revere, Mass. two days loter. Stony Creek announce the birth ot sergoant-at-arms, Mrs. Charles ®l]i» iBi'anfnrb Slfftiitui Hiiicc America's defense program THE CONSUMER SPEAKS NORTH BRANFORD a daughter, Donna Mae, In the Hos­ Jones. Miss Rhoda Leshlne was a spec­ Marcel Buttle, ot Bradley Avenue, Just Arrived pital of St. Raphael on August 25. Established lOZI is cerlain lo he greally intensified, By HOWARD PATE Cut In Half By Services in the local churches on All funds raised in this way are tator at the national tennis mat­ Short Beach observed his birthday Published Every Thiirsdar At whieli would mean big govcrinent a real need among our employes, Ml', and Mrs. Stewart Mlllspaifgh, Sunday will be— used for local relief and the drive ches at Forest Hills on Friday. on Tuesday of this week. . Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Davidson ot BUYS IIOUSi: Branrord, Conn, f)rders for industry. Excassive Its facilities have been rather ex­ Blood Test Law (Lillian Olson) of Essex, announce EMPLOYES OF M I F Mass at 9:15 o'clock at St. Augus- should have the support of all by tensively used considering the size North Guntord announce the birth the birth of a son, Thomas George a. A. R. Hamre has purchased buying of foodstuffs occurred lar­ NEED CREDIT UNION tine's R. C. Church, Rev. William Maxlne Roganson, Short Beach THE BRANFOKD REVIEW, INC. of our organization. We know It has towns people. Miss Thehna Anderson ot Tyler of a son, James Arnold In the New September 4 In Grace Hopsital. the Merritt Monroe house, on Har-^ gely because of recollections of A Mr. G. because that Is not his During the first three years that Brewer, pastor, Mrs. Edward Doly, will enjoy birthday celebrations on 37 Rose Street helped many Individuals In time ot Street was hostess Tuesday evening Haven Hospital, bor Street, and is repairing and re­ .scarcities and high prices that de­ initial, has had tough going of late. the Connecticut marriage license organist and choir director. Saturday. He has a good job with the Mall­ need, and we have no doubt that law has been In operation cases ot Mrs. Paul R. Hawkins ot Notch to the Chi Theta Rho Sorority. ATJXILIARY SOCIAt, conditioning It. veloped between J314 and 31)18 Hill Road entertained the members MEYER LESHINE Publisher eable Iron Fittings Company of it has kept many of them out ot congenital sphllls under one year Joan Hallden, daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Gennaro DeLucla, Auxiliary ot Corcoran-Sundqulst This is the most ready explanation ZIon Episcopal Church, Rev. „{ ti,g pafis^ Guild at her home on Branford and receives good wages. the hands of the loan sharks. This, ot age have decreased more than and Mrs. Arthur Hallden will hove Foxon Road, East Haven, onnounco Post win meet September 10 in the Shorthand, Typewriting, Book­ ALICE T. PETERSON Editor 3ut some unforsecn emergency Francis J. Smith, Rector, Mrs. Paul Tuesday. A luncheon was followed as there is no actual Rbortagc in perhaps has been Its greatest ser­ fifty per cent, It was revealed by a decorated coke on the 23rd. the birth ot a daughter, Raftaelo armory for a meeting, social, cards, keeping, Accounting, Buslneaa arose In his family life that called vice." R. Hawkins, organist and choir dl- ^y a business session any of these necessities of life at Henry P. Talbot, M.D., Director, Mario, In Grace Hospital, Sept. 1. and entertainment. Refreshments Administration, Dictaphone, Telephone Dranford 400 for an unexpected outlay of money. rector, Holy Eucharist will be cele­ will be served. present. The late Edward A. Filene, one, Bureau of Venereal Diseases, In the brated at 10 o'clock. Happy Birthday Born September 16, Herbert Dra­ Comptometer, Day and Evening Subscription Rate: After exhausting friends and the 'Voters will be made during the This year's officers are; Presi­ of our great American citizens, was weekly broadcast ot the State De­ per Gallaudet ot Pine Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Slsson ot Sessions. Co-educatlonol, Enter $2.00 a Year, Payable In Advance banks, Mr. Q., like many other un­ the father of the credit union move partment of Health. coming weeks in both the first and 21 Ivor Avenue, East Haven an­ dent, Mrs. Robert Rlcliardson; sec­ fortunate poor devils, fell Into the North Branford Congregational second districts. The Boord tor the at any time. AdvcrtLilng Rates. On Application ment in this country. Through his Greetings to little Miss Polly A party was given last Wednes­ nounce the birth of a son, Charles retary, Mrs, Howard Hills; treasur­ ENLISTINO OOD clutches of a loan shark. Nineteen states have now taken Church, Rev. G. Dillard Lessley,' A(j,nission of Electors will be In ses- efforts the first credit union law was a a concerted step to eradicate con­ Plumb on the 22nd of this month. day evening in observation of the Edwin. er, Mrs. William Hlnohey; first STOKE COLLEGE enacted In Massachusetts In 1900. pastor, Mrs. Douglas B. Holablrd, sjo,, j,, the Community House In vice-president, Mrs. William Krom- Member Of In addition he Is paying a high genital syphilis by the passage of And likewise to her mother, Mrs. birthday of Mis. John Chadeayne, 120 Temple St., Now Haren The head of the Qerman unny rate of Interest on some equipment Similar laws were enacted In 40 organist and choir director. Miss t^e Second Society on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Cole of ser; historian. Miss Elizabeth Daly. New England Press Assoolatlun laws making the blood test a pre­ Ethel Mayhard, assistant. I September 10 from 9 until 0 o'clock Robert Plumb whose birthday falls Uemlngway Avenue, East Haven. ended hia orders nt the beginning he bought some time ago on the In­ other states and In 1934 the feder­ requisite for marriage. Connecticut al government approved the Feder­ 'standard Time, and In the North Entered as sifcond class matter, ot hostiliticH with these words stalment plan. He Is In arrears In was the first state to enact such al Credit Union Act making it pos­ The choir of the Congregational Branford Town Hall in the First October 18, 1028, at the Post Office "Forward with Qod for Cicr- his payments to the loan shark and legislation and avalllable statistics sible to organize and operate credit Church Is sponsoring a public food society on Saturday, September 23 at Branford, Conn., under Act of suffers additional penalties. Mr. O. indicate that this procedure Is a niany," repealing the phrase used unions anywhere In the United sale on Saturday afternoon from during the same hours for the pur-, March 3, 1807, Is now paying almost a sixth ot his real weapon of prevention, accord­ by the Kaiser nt Iho start oC the wages tor Interest alone to satisfy States and Its possessions. three until five In the chapel it 1 pose of examining the qualifications ing to Dr. Talbot. In 1930, 38 cases stormy, but If weather permits the and admitting to the elector's oath World War. the greed ot the loan shark and A credit union Is a non-profit ot congenital syphilis under one liliiKiimfIONAL STORES sale win be held on the church those who shall bo found qualified Thursday, Boptombor 21, 103Q the high Interest Installment seller. savings and loan organization In year ot age were reported In Con­ The head of the Polish State, in lawn. A variety ot home prepared ^J* ' ^- -- W ^. Needless to say ho Is worried to which its members may save as well necticut. During the second year of foods will be on sale and also a The Board of Finance held a pub­ a similar manifesto, urged bis the extent that he is unable to give as borrow. Membership Is limited to the premarital blood test law, 1937, collection of household commod­ lic meeting on Wednesday night in people to light with nssurahce, his undivided attention to his Job. a specific group of people who have a reduction of 14 cases took place ities. the town hall to hear all requests te^..^; '>l^^;../'S/^V.^O TURKEY TWICE thinking ot the "rightness of the Not only Is Mr. G. the loser but the a common bond ot Interest such as and a f uther decrease occurred dur­ for appropriations tor funds for the HEWS rfm- HIDDEN LEVIES MAKE UP <>^X°'' ALLfAjtes MIF also stands to lose account of employes ot a business, church cause" and "coufldont in the ,ius- ing 1938. For the first six months The Altar Society ot the St. Au­ coming year. Requests favorably The controversy is on. the reduced amount of work that groups, teachers, members of fra­ tice of Qod." ot 1930 only seven cases were recor­ gustine's Church was entertained voted upon will be recommended by Mr. G. performs. ternal organizations, members of Do wo or do wo not celebriitu ded. This date he said, indicates a on Tuesday afternoon in the home the Board at the annual town meet­ The story is told of Ahrnhani cooperatives, etc. ThnHksBivini; OH ndvoeatod liy Mr. W., also because that Is not correlation between the blood test of Mrs. Edward Daly ot Branford ing. I? Ijiiicoln that a friend once asked INDUSTEYVILLE, U. S. A. his Initial, Is another employe of After being elected to membership iiNi'TBumii President Uoosevell, on November law In Connecticut and the reduc- Road. A report of the recent mid­ this same plant who Is caught In the him; "Do you think God is on our You can lock all over the biggest map ot the United Slates in ex­ and paying an entrance fee ot 25 tion In congenital syphilis, summer supper was the main mat­ At the cauces held on Monday k 23 or do ^vo roiniiin New EnKlimd- vlce-Uke Jaws ot a loan shark He, side?" Ho replied, "I'm much istence Avitliout finding Industryville. I'^or it is I he average nniniifnc- cents and making a small deposit ,J,^^^ reduction has been brought ter of business. Mrs. James Walsh night In the North Brontord Town ers mi'd liavo our turltey with too. Is distracted because he sees no more concerned to he on God's the member Is eligible to apply forlj^^QUt because the general public presided at the business session. Hall the following nominations were Gov. Buymond E. Ilaldwin on No- turiiig connnunily, typical of the thousands of similar towns located way to clear his debt. He has more a loan. The loan must be ap-proved .^^ ^^g„ better informed as to the favorably acted upon. The Republi­ side." all oyer the broad face of this country of oiirs. No other nation in the than repaid the principal In Inter­ vcmbqrSO! bythecredltcommitteeof thecred-!,^ t^„j,g „j ^ ^1„3 ^3 ^ ,,,1^ Walter Chldsey, president of the can Party nominated as Assessor, Is there not hero a key toworlr d has so many Industryvilles. Maybe that's why no other nation est charges and stll owes more than And it so why 1 it union, credit unions are limited ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^„^ because the North Branford Civic Association Prank Snow; Board of Tax Review, every individual who today has as high a standard ot living as wo have. he has borrowed. to the low Interest rate of 1 per, j^^, ^lood test which is re- Some aulliorities claim Monday has called the first fall meeting for George Gedney; Selectman, Doug­ RIB ROAST seeks n right course amid war's A Mr. M. Is a third employe who Tuesday evening, September 21. The las B. Holablrd; "Town Clerk, Town .is tlio day, nnywiiy, and not Ot course anyone actually working in a plant or factory can see TZJr °H ""P"'",]'^': quired of every couple has been a Is paying through the nose to a ^"/';!!'„°f,"l"'= ""^^i^J^LP™!^'!?^ I fundamental aid in the diagnosis of meeeing will convene at eight Treasurer,, Agent ot Town Deposit confusions! When God's support that manufacturing enterprise has a lot to do with the ^xell-hcing o^gra''spm7loan'comUnrtharpreys and productive purposes such as Tliursday iit all. syphilis. Subsequent treatment o'clock and all members are urged Rund, R. Earle Beers; Grand Jur- HEAVY CORN-FED is claimed for eonfiicting human the individual community. It it were't tor employment tind regularlof, ti,^ temporary financial embar- paying doctors bills, taxes, purchase Out in Dnvonport, Town, the iwhen Indicated thus protects the to be present. Mr. Chldsey also ur­ rors, Walter Chldsey and Burton S. STEER BEEF aims, a clear and cerlain sense of of household equipment for cash' to payrolls, there woiild he very little jirospcrity anywhere. The grocery rassment of Its victims. These men child from being born with this dis­ ges representatives from other so­ Colter. Collector ot Taxes, Charles .29' residents are'planning to observe save carrying charges and any oth­ not to enlist Deity, but first to store down the street, the drugstore on the corner, would not be there and others, too, because of their ease. The protection given to the cieties In town to be present as R. Leonard; Constables, Charles R. the holiday as proijoscd by the financial worries are costing the er legitimate purpose for which right will uphold him who soek.i, if the buying power that inakes them possible were lacking. family and future generation by the plans tor a public party in honor ot Leonard and G. Leslie Fowler; Reg­ prcMidcnt and also tiic uustonuii'y company dollars and cents in re ready cash is necessary. the championship fite and drum know and do Uis will, His eternal Recently this dependence was worked from a factual point of view. blood test law is now recogonlzed by istrars of 'Voters, Ruth M. Foote; 2 1b date to bo prpcluimed by Clov. duced amount of work. It is well Condensed to a simple statement corps will be discussed. This Is a Library Director, Francis J. Smith; CRYSTALSNE pl«j purposes are not turned aside by The study was made by building up a theoretical cnmnuinity around a'known that any worker who has a the citizens of the state. Dr. Talbot George A, Wilson. —The savings of credit union mem­ said, as this Is exemplified by the' very fitting Idea and It Is hoped Board of Finance, George Gedney; mortal designs. Unohanging Love factory,employing 150 men, using the proportions, that exist in the load of financial troubles on his bers are used to meet the credit fact that the marriage rate is now that a large number of enthusiastic Fire Commissioner, Charles Fair. 6' BONELESS OVEN Not a bad idea, provided we're is not involved in hateful conflict. mind is not In a position to devote United Slates as a whole, but reducing them to scale. needs of borrowing members. Inter­ normal. friends of the boys and their spon­ or POT ROAST invited out both days. his full energies to any task. CHUCK ROAST His ohildron can enlist His help est Is paid on savings out ot the In­ sors win be on hand with Ideas. Here is what ludustryville-a town with a tactorjf employing 150 The means of detecting and cur-' fi' The Democratic party nominated FLOUa Gov. Ilurold E. Stasscn in Minn- only to achieve His purposes, Workers who have fallen Into the terest collected from borrower. Ov­ Selectman, Charles Fair; Grand WHITE SPRAY men—means in Icrma of better oomnuinity living: clutches of the loan sharks are not er 7,000 credit unions are serving Ing syphlllls are available but It Is u.sota says he docs not believe only as they express His nature. estimated that approximately sixty The North Branford Relief Com­ Juror, Clarence Fair; Collector ot The factory itself has an investment in the plant and equipment the only ones who pay. Employers more than 2,000,000 members in Taxes, Julia C. Fowler; Constables, thousand babies are born each year mittee have planned tor their an­ '' oommeruial eonsidcralions'' In whatever human course they providing the basis for .iohs ot $97(5,000. The annual factory payroll jot these workers unknowingly sub America today. The safety record Paul DeCunto. and John Wall; Reg­ In this country with congenital nual drive for funds to carry on the JELL or i should aftcutr t% traditional ob- lake that must be their first con­ runs to .$180,000, providing direct support for OOO people. The entire I f','",^'=''?_P'^" the activities of the has been remarkable. Out ot $70,- local work. This drive will com­ istrar ot 'Voters, Edward Wall; I high-rate personal finance com syphilis. While prospects of wiping aorvanoe. j cern.—Chvistinn Science Monitor. working population of the communlity is G50 people. There are 33 000,000 made in small loans to work- mence on Friday ot this week and ^ Board of Finance, Daniel Doody; PUDDING panics when they take no interest ingmen by.unions operating under out this disease completely are en­ FANCY l>- i! Neither do we. But we do pause win continue until September 30.-Fire Commissioners, Edward Wall 3 10' lb retail stores. There nre 320 automobiles and tliei service to go with couraging. Dr. Talbot declared that In the pay envelope once it Is In federal charters, less than four-hun TENDELAMR LIGHT MEATB LEGS iq wojidor just hqw many of us, »»v» v»' T » s ,1 »'•' J'vri them. 393 homes in the fiomuiunity are occupied. There's;a schoolhouse their workers hands. dreths of one per cent were charged complete eradication will require liaving loft our lower ifrudo ]iis- with 22 ro'oinS"OpiibrfuTTiHcfi''cast'lil"TKatts;r.\^ilis^^ •'MByno^Btretcli-.of tho-Imagination off- OS bad loans. ^Loans- are mado time and _mpre ,.effort. It will also FINAST slze2!i^"3rC depend upon" the' proper prenatal Sliced or Halves cans jg^lf torios behind uaj recall tlie rea- WASHINGTON ional men. $53,000 annually is paid out to the railronds in one form or does this mean that e'inployei:s to ordinary members that would should pry Into the private finan care of every expectant mother. He -^im sou for all the feasting and re- another. 'I'he town uses farm products from.G,G09 acres. There's a total making a banker's hair curl. Twelve 2 SNAPSHOTS clal affairs ot their workers. Butcredi t unions In New Haven have emphasized that syphilis can be and LAMB FORES joioing on Turke,y Day. valuation of IM'O and a halt million dollars. Eola'il sale."! reach over half this should be recognized that em loaned near a halfmllllon dollars occaslonlly Is contracted following size 2>s^ JTC . Thu average oitiaen looks npon By JAMES PRESTON a million dollars. And throughout Industryville, in the course ot a ployes who are on their financial marriage. To offset this possibility On September 19, the first fall cently elected the following officers; RECHMOND without a single penny lost. Sliced or Halves cans j£^^ GENUINE 1939 SPRING •>i I rill I'I 'iifiiriiiH ii- "•-^••riifig' * ' *••*••*> of congenital syphilis still further meeting of the Ever Ready Group president, Arthur Ferralolo; vice- it as just another holiday but they normal year, the almost unbelievable sum of seven million dollars'i'^^',,*"'^'"'^ .^^t"'" '° -""^.'^y^y "• These are a few ot the easily verl-- 2 BONED AND ROLLED small sum each week makb better all maternity hospitals licensed In IF DESIRED soy up in Plymouth, Mass., Ply­ worth of check and cash payments is completed. '.,,,,!'.,' fled facts that employes of the M I of the Old Stone Church will be president, John Mascola; secretary, The stunning sense ot disbelief employes—and citizens. One ot the Connecticut are required to make mouth and ThanltKgiving are al­ F might take into consideration It held in the parish house. Donato Panico. and treasurer, Dom that Invaded the mind of the av­ There, in brief, is Tnduatryville, U.S.A. it's not^usCa factory all best ways to achieve this desirable routine blood tests on all expectant size 1 ^ C C their fellow employes like Mr. G.. Inic Santatlco. The next meeting of most synoiinnions and incrubants erage American when the headlines by itaolt, surrounded by a lown which merely happens to be there by condition Is through a cooperative mothers. Mr. W. and Mr. M. are to get out ot Gerrlsh School PTA meets this cans ^^^0 or no merchanta there is no rea- screamed WAR was probably. In savings and loan association known the club will be held in the West accident. The town and the factory depend on each other, and this one debt and be forever tree ot the loan evening In the school at 8 o'clock. 3 son for changing it. the long run, the best possible re­ as a credit union. End tire house September'21, and SMOKED small example is repeated and multiplied the country over till, in the sharks. Not only these men, who All Interested are Invited to attend. action. The European "war of ner­ Thousands of corporations, great sum total, wo have America—the greatest industriul nation in the must remain anonymous tor obvi­ Sept. 18 and 19 the organization TIMBERLAKE ,,„, ^H-y< ves" had been going on for so long and small, have recognized the val­ Indian Delivers WHOLE OR EITHER END ous reasons, but every employe can Officers of the Branford Assem­ will hold a benefit show in the Cap that many people In this country world, the country with the liigost standard of living and the best and ue of credit unions In promoting once and for all be freed of the bly win exemplify the Initiatory Itol Theatre. ONE PRICE LICENSE TO LIVE were beginning to conclude that It happiest oonnnunitios yet conceived by man. thrift and as a method of keeping necessity to turn to the high rate Continued from page one degrees tomorrow night at the Or­ was going to be perpetual. Then, the common working man out of personal finance companies which der ot Rainbow. Mr. and Mi-s. Paul Edward Brlg- There may come a day when a when the shocking blowoff finally the claws of the loan sharks. To bargain and confirm unto them the Jump on a man ' when he Is down Ila will live In Waldo Street. VERMONT 12 oz housewife will be reepiircd lo lake came , all Americans, found them­ that aim they have encouraged the said John Russell, Isaac Harrison and bleed the lastd rop out ot him. Proper authorities will be In ses- btl selves suddenly faced with the pain A PICTURE OF PEOGEESS organization ot credit unions among and Noah Rogers agents, as afore­ out a $25 license for mending her 'slon In the town hall Saturday at Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stankwltz MAID FRANKFURTS tul necessity of adjusting them­ their employes to help them help said and the rest of the Inhabitants \7 husband's sbclca or spend 30 days The nuniner in which a great American industry can advance in 0 o'clock for the purpose of exam­ announce the engagement ot their selves to d whole new world of themselves. of the said Society and their heirs in jail. 'J,, . spite of hard times and bestow added benefits on air was grapliienlly and Successors forever a Certain ining those whose names appear on daughter, Frances, to Mr Stanley SKINLESS values. And, from the point of view E. W. Kempton, director of indus­ State Health Dept the list to be made and admitting ' A lioenso, is required tor soo f the welfare ot the United States, indicated recently in the iiicture ot the automobile industry presented Parcel ot Land at a Place Called In­ BalbrowskI, son ot Mrs. Klmlnski of CEREAL O pkgs 00^ FRESHLY MADE trial relations, American Steel and to the Electors-Oath those qualified. Foxon. many things these days every which ought to be the first consld by, the head of one of the larger companies. Wire Company, says In commenting Has Dual Interest dian Neck ; WHITHITEE SPRAY Jgm. Jim M •'23' eratlon of all real Americans, It Is a on the credit unions operated by To Have and Hold to the rest house needs must install llling The report showed that, in the course of the decade of depression Supt. of Schools William E. GUlIs Foxon Community Center re­ good Idea to suspend Judgements employes of his company, "There Is of the Inhabitants of said Society onbinelR. wo have just passed tlu'ough, the average net manufacturer's profit reports a total enrollment of 1,455 sumes weekly old fashioned and and decisions till a vciy careful and no doubt that our credit union ren­ At Country Fairs and their successors, heirs and as­ 21b ^Qc FISH SPECIALS pupils in the elementary schools modern dances this evening in the FINAST The Iale,st"i9 Iho "roll your very general Inventory is taken for ouch passenger ear has been gradually reduced to a point where it ders a reals ervlce. Men have been signs forever and to their own pro­ which re-opened this week, distri­ Foxon Community House. Bud LARGE HALIBUT or ,^^,^ ,, ^Qr own" license. Observers and the general public | is considerably less than one-third of the pre-depression average rescued from burdensome debts, and Beside Its active Interest In seeing per use and behoof, and also we buted as follows: Tuttle, 304; Union Smith ot East River wlir again be 2 are agreed on one thing, at least; If that fair grounds are in sanitary the said Pawson Indian and Han­ According to Tax. Comnussioner profit. At the same time, hourly wage scales were rising—in the case some of them from loan sharks. I 254; Gerrlsh 229; Laurel 98. High­ SWORDFISH A ^ V we have the well-being of the Am­ condition for handling large crowds nah Squaa Do .'. the prompter. Henry F. Long ot Massnchuselts of the comjiany nuiking the present report, from 70 to 98.5 cents; and look upon these associations with land, 200; Foxon, 73; Momauguln, erican system , at heart, we ought that are expected at agricultural real enthusiasm." Charles Marsh, In witness whereof we have here 156; high school annex 141. This MACKERELor •>'" nnyone who'iises a nnichiuc for to "make haste slowly" In deciding real wages had increased materially, resulting in ability on the partot fairs, the State Department of Arthur T. Connor and family STATLER FRESH LB office-personnel director, the Tlm- Set our hands and Seals, this 6th number represents a decrease of 43 nmking his-bwn cigarettes is re­ viheie we stand and what problems tlio average worker's family to buy more of the necessities and com­ Health tent to certain ot these fairs, Day of December in the 17th year have moved from 40 Sanford Street 3 foils 20 6c ken-Detrolt Axle Company, remarks, from last year's total enrollment. HADDOCK quired to take out a $25 license. we are going to face In the course forts of life.meanwhile, of course, no observer should leave out of nc as announced In Its weekly bulletin to 587 Thompson Avenue.- "•The management thinks highly ot ot his Majtles reign. Anno; Dom. Six hundred and fourteen are en­ of the next year or so. today. It sees In this an opportunity To evade pnymcnl of the state's count the fact that the customer receives today a far more ettieient, the credit union movement and has 1743. rolled at the high school, an In­ As tar as the European war Is of directly presenting health prob­ The Board of Education has Is- Fre^ili E^^riiiis and Ve$|ci:aliles now two-oents-a-paok lax many a tar better looking, and a tnv safer car than he could get in 1929, and assisted In every way possible to Signed Sealed & DD In presence crease ot 29 over last year's enroll­ concerned, no one but a crystal ga­ lems to family groups In the rural used an Invitation to the Board of STATLER Bniokors lutve taken to rolling ho gets it for one-third less nionev. make It a success." ot Jonathan Battler, Joiith Russel, ment. Finance and the Board of Select­ zer would try to hazard any pre­ . , , . • 1 In New Haven, Mr. F. L. Newton, areas. 3'°" 25' Pawson Indian (his mark); Han­ their own again. dictions at the present moment. men to accompany them on a tour And these tacts about one great American industry constitute, as secretary ot the G. & O. Manufac It Is conscious also of the impor nah Squaa, her mark). The Italian-American club re- of Inspection of the schools on POTATOES Even giving away a homc-nnule The free press ot this country and tlie New York Times well oonnnents, "a shining example of what is taring Company ot that city, said, tant sanitary problems involved in September 17. cigarette constitutes an oftensc its broadcasting facilities, one of "We think the credit union Is a very fairs and It places In the hands of size 2 O'C* done under the American way ot free enterprise." ,' other phases of health. OccasIonaUy R.S.P. Commissioner Ijong says. the finest examples of the benefits desirable Institution and has served local health officers responsibility weight gives a very good Indication Western Auto The first tall meeting ot the Un- 2 SWEET 10 '^^ 17c arising from the system ot private for a safe water supply tor drinking lie has no .way of preventing oin School Parent Teacher Asso­ enterprise, can naturally be de­ without much doubt, are those ad- want another war are hard-headed. or washing dishes, disposal systems, of lack of or insufficient food of the In this country, said; Associate Stor^ ciation will be held tonight at 8 the sale ot cignrettc-rolling ma­ pended upon to give us the most vanced by Industry. Businessmen whether flytlght privies or water right kind. A nutrition exhibit has large realistic ones. The most convlcing "The National Association ot Man Home Owned by In Union School. Miss Caroline Sper lib 4 oz chines hut intends lo see the cig­ truthful possible account of the who, hove seen the atmosphere gra­ flush toilets, kept In clean condition been prepared to show what foods FINAST reason they are opposed to It lies In utaoturers Is unalterably opposed to STANLEY C. TOLMAN ry, acting county club agent In loaf ORANGESIS2 - 39c i arette tax la\v complied with. news, as tar as the truth can be and adequate for large numbers should be used dally In order to dually clearing towards a point the simple fact that this country, war. promote growth and maintain FISHING EfJUIPMENT home economics, wHl speak on the 8 sifted from the wqlter ot distortion and also acceptable methods for Perhaps soiilo budget juggling "This Is the position of the manu­ GARDEN TOOLS topic "'What the 4-H Offers," A dis­ and"doTnrighVlylnrthatTs''usri'>''°'^P'"^ '°'" '"''"^trtal expan- and manufacturing with It, Is still protecting foodstuffs and beverages health and how such a plan can be genius will devise a tax, flue or facturers, both large and small, as cussion win follow on the advisabil­ GRAPES S 3 ^^ 19c ly characteristic of foreign govern-P'°" ""* 'he large-scale produc- paying tor the I'alst war. We are from files, dust and careless handl­ adapted to a low Income. AUTO SUPPLIES EVANGELINE tall represented by this Association. In ity ot organizing 4-H clubs in Un­ term of imprisonment for the pik­ ment-contrblled sources of "Infor^tlon ot new Jobs and more payrolls paying for It in heavler'taxes and In ing A dental hyglenlst will be present BICYCLES, RADIOS UNSWEETENED cans the words of George Washington, ion School. EVAP. MILK matlon." 4 25c er who "bums" his smokes. ton be projected, don't want to see a higher degree of regulation, we they are opposed to any 'entang­ Fairs at Greenfield Hill, Bethle­ at each of the fairs to discuss with PAINT, Etc. Beyond that, the best advise for.thfVten nnf.lnr,*nation'sc ,\lnr,planos fnifor. an nn.-.n4.»..construAe ... -. .... parents the need for proper dental 270 Main St. Branford BANANAS%5 25c paid tor It In the economic dlsloca ling alliances.' hem, Ellington and Durham have Visiting Mrs. Edward Simons ot BORDEN'S or Americans at the present Juncture tlvo future go uo In smoke and care. Quite often the child's teeth Tel. 733 cans tlon that followed the Armistice, "The devastation of modern war been scheduled.' 381 Main Street Is her sister from EVAP. MILK CARNATION 20c BUSINESS Is not to believe too much, not to flame. As a result, Industry will be the effects of which are still being]is all-embracing. It takes a wither- In Its khaki topped tent flying the and very often the adult's teeth are 3 emotionalize too much, and not to found in the forefront of the bat- felt today. Industry found that ing toll of human and economic state flags, will be housed a health good examples of neglect and this tall LETTUCESL2-17C lose sight of domestic problems In tie to tend to our domestic knitting presents an opportunity to em­ VAN CAMP'S First American reaction lo the whatever profits seemed to accrue forces. No sensible person believes exhibit of Interest to each member cans m the excitement of what Is happen- and keep foreign wars toielgn. from the last wor were almost en­ that profit can come out of the ot the family. A special feature ot phasize the need ot dally brushing ANAR ANDERSON 2 13c Hpropeau war was a concerted Ing abroad. of the teeth ond the Importance of tirely fictitious'in character, and | w'reckage ot human lives and econ the health exhibit will be the show­ OPTICIAN—Successor to Gillette PRUNES '"' 3 '^ 15c rush to spend money. Orders from - i Of course wars or even rumors of that all that really happened to thisjomic dislocations, ing of health films of Interest' to foods rich in minerols and vitamins, nil over the country poured into That this last suggestion will set,wars ore cues for those who react country was the piling up of an Im- "American Industry wants peace both parents and children. This pic­ and frequent ond regular inspection 220 Main St. Branford Telephone 937 2 fM 17c Before Packing Away Your Summer Clothes — Beware of Wall Street pushing stock prices the tempo of our national thinking I automatically to shout that busi­ mense deficit In terms of wasted j This purpose has been frequently ture method of presenting health by the dentist at all oges. Soop Moths! Use .for a long time to com Is a hope­ models showing the fast develop­ WE CARRY A way up. Housewives besieged food nessmen would be glad to hove a lives and lost materials. With that and forcefully declared In the pre- has proven effective In reaching VIENNA BREAD Teto' 'o" 8c K ful sign seen by observers here In war and a wartime "prosperity" In mind, this Is a good time to put'vlous platforms adopted by the Con ment as a result of neglect will be COMPLETE ' Need New Glasses? stores lugging borne large quniiti' such groups at fairs. UNEEDA BISCUITS "B.<: 2 PM 9C FRANKFURT ROLLS 'i'i«9c EXPELLO JR. 23c the event that sane counsels pre­ that Is supposed to accompany the Into print again the words of the gress of American Indiistry. Amerl- Weighing of children is minor Im on display. LINE OF Then let Branford's Leading Optician tie? ot staplcgV Wheat, corn, option vail, ^nd one does not have to appearance of ,Mars on the scene. Board of Directors of the National can manufiicturers pledge every ef- portance, perhaps, as an indication The usual health leaflets will be Greeting Cards attend lo your '\vants. All our lenses are and other u'grieultural commodi search ifar to find'reasons why the This reaction, though, now draws, a Assoclatlon of ' Manufacturers, to'''' to maintain peace, of health, but it Is one of many fac­ ready tor distribution so that people Camera Needs ground right on our own premises ... ~y.'s%'^tx-^'-, which only la.st April voiced Indus-' "Happy homes and ' steady jobs, ties joined in'^ the frantic upswing. the United States slioUld give very|hearty horselaugh I'rom those who tors that point to the health condi­ may read at leisure authentic facts Wrist Watches following faithfuUy each detailed re­ . . ,-., , , '.close attention at'uils time to do-lhave tliought matters through to try's attitude tovyards war. This the Ideol of every American ( can be m tion of the child. Welglilng of chll about disease control and health Fountain Pens quest of your Physician's prescription. body, which repreSints the largest achieved only ' thruogh the pur- ' Buying pf atoeks was based on a mestlo matters. their, logical conclusion, dren gives an opportunity of reach promotion of vital Interest to every belief that Amerioau industry Willi The most convincing reasons. The reasons businessmen don't organization ot industrial leaders suits of peace." Pocket Watches ExaminationB Only By Appointment I PiRSl NATTOiilAt STO RE S ing the parents and discussing family. FV3 4-«^^-W*~4.it W « * iT'i'X-^'4~^-»'«'«•'«'!« 'ti« t'4i-t-4-*v*^««>a-i .••*^.^Vfcr-t-« o.«^.f. >«,«*««'



star bout. Williams and Sal boxed and Old Lyme. Chester must win the box. That homer gave me a lot been siimmeririff at 51i6r| Beach Baseball Wrestling Saybrook Tops twice last sibHng, with boHi Beclslons two out of these three to tie Moo­ tit confidence and convinced me iefurhed to her home in New Ha­ goin'g to Williams, llowevfer, after dus and victories in all tliYee will that I could hit the best of thciu. ven, tantlhttcii fnSm SpoHs Page four furious rounds In each bout, give Chester the pennant in tho "Don't get Viie wrong though i i'm Football LATEST SPORT NEWS Basketball the fans booed the verdicts. The Shore Line League, riot cocky Just conlldent. Harold McNamara,.al the Lyn- base 6A biil^ off Me. collnl 1, Boh- Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Rcsnlck Polnthnsbeen entertaining Mr. and least Sal was entitled to in thb first pire, Aguzzl; time of game 2hrs 15 wobd cottage, .Short Boachu plans nlvere 2, Borkowskl 1: struck out by "Ne.xt year is going to be my of Stony creeit will be KiiitinB tho Mrs. i'eter UiirrcU of Dnrlen. Joseph M. Zaffino Sports Editor contest was a draw, while he was to remain for another two weeks. Boxing Hockey Marcollnt 4; Bonnlvere 8. hits off year," he said. Jumping to his icel numcirous vacalldners io return tq "robbed" In the second battle. Bonnlvere in 7 Innings 12; off Bor- with boyish enthusiasm and assum their liomcs about the 15th. Mr. lind Mrs. G. F.Clark aritl"5oh : 'Tiie'htJV,..A.%i,4pncs,lip's,return­ kWikl In i InWiig 8; wild pitches, Horse Players ing a balling stance as he swung of Sprlngfiold, Mass., passiid ihc hn Imaginary bat against an Invis­ ed,to his, ,iiome' hero following a BdhnlVerfe; pAssed bills, Nesto; urn- Mrs. R. F, 'croiiice.itmlfitmliy ol past Week with Mrs. Flora'abld-- ible pitcher. "It look mo a month month's vacallon' at Cape Cod. Moodus Beats C6iitiiuicf1 from Sporis rage Merlden 'expect to close 'llit-ir cot-; smith, Stony'Crctik. All Middlesex Games Rained Out But Saybrook-Essex track actually loses iiipney to the i\nd n half to gel loosened »p Inge at Haycock Point this week. bettors. This occurs when an c.\"- tills year, but I'll be loose from the „^rs. EmJl ftmlthfleld, of Wllford Guilford Fm , ,Mlss ,Alma Ellsworth, at'liV^l.iin Al'felia. Opens trcmely short-priced favorite wins Start next year.l" Road, has rptiiirned from a trip to Most states demand that the trock Mr. arid Mrs. Raymond Wllllalns, Neck entertalnetl .this week. Miss Rlohmoiid, Virginia. New Englanders Play Under Major League Lights In Last Game pay a minimum of $2.20 on winning of Lanphler's Cove returned this Luclle Esposlto of New Haven, Branford Laurels Start Middletown Giants And Ihdbdr Season week to their home In West HaVen. 52 bets. Should the winner be bet Normdn Esboi-n, following a va­ Now ftatcs Secoiui, Awaiting Tlirce so to the exclusion 6t other horsps ,, Mr, aiid ,]virs. ,Biirtoh Pl(;rion, A!)'d daiigiilbr, Beverly of .'dlb^on, jjqw cation In Long Island has rclurned Tomorrow Night Cheit'cr hamcs Yet To he that his price Is less Iha'n 1 to 10, Over the week end Mi', and Mrs. to his home herb. Practice Sessions; To Have Higganum Club Meet In Pia.Vcd lii S^iorc Lcagiio the track mnlies up life 'diffcrenco. Riverside News R. A. tloyle ot Lanphler's Cove re­ York ,were ,week, end ,guests pf Mr. By Helen Shoemaker turned to Iheir homo In New York and Mrs. Howard Itelsey of Stbiiy Tjie 1939-40 Indoor boxing season The public makes the 'prices at a ATTENTION IIAWKSI City,. Creek, &l,^lnc New Hdv'bh Arena opens lo- Moodus (Spcclall.— Moodus had mutuel track arid the 'piibllo bets '*a

I (jjjjjjjjjjjjj.^^ V^».'..W'k*..i.! I^tt*'^*!^.. «. •,!«.«««, W-V* blX* *»-«• *

ilai^uDuu i,.i.brary


(5) Brisk, stimulating weather JAubcry Smith and MolvlUo Cooper Exterior Paint which fefidbles the painter to do his are In supporting roles of the star- THE nOJIE TOWN PAPER THE MOVIE GUYED work without fear ot sunstroke or studded cast. Short subjects and the THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A «l Calendar Of Events _ of — Job Best Done numbing of his hands. latest News complete this bill. VITAL FORCE IN EVERY TOWN BRANFORD — NORTH RRANFORD IIOI.LYWOOH (JOSSU". to another woman with whom ho 2nd and 4lh Tuesday liiRht, Nasliawcna Council, Degree of I'o- Add these reasons all together,, PORTRAYING AS IT DOES STONY CKEKK — PINE ORCHARD S" and I think you will agree that Dcdk'rtlecl to adding glamour to has fallen In love Although the cnliontns in Red Men's Hall. In Spring-Fall GRAND MASTER'S DAY SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK their logic Indicates that fall Is apt LOCAL HAPPENINOS IN screen personalities, Columbia's wife openly admits that she does 1st nnJ 3rd Fridays—Vasa Stiir Ijodge, No. 150, Svca Hall. GRANMS CORNER — MORRIS not love her husband, she wants to First Jlonday—Indian Neck Fire Co., Social Meeting. to be the Ideal season for outside Grand Masters' Day will be obser­ FASnLIAR LANGUAGE Sfje COVE — EAST HAVEN nrnkc-up department was compell­ People often ask, "What Is the painting. anforD B^bteUi ed to work In reverse during the keep him only for the luxuries an" Second Monday—Indian Neck Fire Co., BuHiucss Mooting best time of year for exterior paint­ ved Saturday, September 23 hi the lllmlng of "Five Little Peppers And social position ho gives her. Tlilrd and Fourth Mondays—Indian Neck Firo Co., Drills ing?" The answer Is that It is ,sat- Masonic Home In WalUngford. Eas­ AND EAST HAVEN NEWS How Tlicy arow," Which features The cast also Includes Charles Isfactory to paint outside at any tern Star members and their Edith Fellows. This plcturlzatlon of Coburn, Helen Vinson, Katherlne EVERY WEEK season as long as the surface to be Drive-ln Theatre friends are Invited. Lunch will be VOL. XII—NO. 24 Braitford, Connecticut, Thursday, September 21, 1939 Price Five Oenta Alexander, Johanthan Hale, and served on the grounds by Mlzpah Margaret Sidney Ldthrop's Juvenile TliurHdnys: 12 ;].'>, East Haven Kolary Club. painted Is dry and the temperature classic requires four of the little Maurice Moscovltch. Fall ot the year Is one ot the Chapter. Exercises begin at 1:15 p. Mondays—lirunford Kolary, 12:15, Coiigrogalionul Church above the freezing point. But If you Ijoppers to 3\iccumb to a selge of Sidney Toler developed an Ingen examine this statement, you wlll| nicest times to go tor a drive and m. Fridays—Pawson Tribe, I. 0. II. M, at 8 P, M, in Kcdmen's Hall, measles. Blolohcd .countenances lous method of learning his lines agree that tho fall months—partlc- ] then on the way home stop In and Firemen Honor Annual Luncheon E. T. Buckingham wore the make-up department's during tho fllmlnE of "Charlie Chan Fridiiys—Bingo—at the Tryst 8:00, ularly September and October—are see a movls. all you need do Is to Unforgetable Hurricane Arriving On Aquitania contribution to realistic perform­ In Treasure Island" which Is the drive your automobile Into the MU- u SEPTEMBER 15th most likely to provide Ideal paint­ Business Directory Mr. A. McKernan Given For G.O.P.'s Speaks On Sport ances. 2nd feature on tho hold over pro ing weather. tord Drlve-In Theatre, Post Road gram at Loow Poll College. Wmnun'N Mi.ssionnr.y Boclely. Road and Cherry Street, MUtord Mala, the Eskimo, who made his Brnnl'ord 'l-H Klower and Vegetal)le Club, 7 :0() will) Mr. and Mrs. The dry atmosphere and heat of WANTED; Rcprcscnlalivc to look Struck Year Ago Today Of North Branford The first fall meeting of the At E. H. Rotary Mrs. John Gillis Tells debut on the screen In "Eskimo," The peculiar twist which the fa and see and hear a well-balanced inous Oriental sleuth gives to the Kudolpli Kneuer. summer are apt to have drawn all after our magazine subscription Branford Women's Republican Club was perfectly at home tor the first movie show, without getting out of interests in Ilranford and vicinity. simplest I EnglLsh made the Chan fnslallation Dinner, auxiliary ot American Legion, East Haven the water out of wood pores and your car. Mr. Alexander McKernan who has took place Monday following a cov­ Edward T. Buckingham, compen­ time since working In that picture at Cosey Corner Pantry, 0:30. stucco siding. In the case of frame Our plan enables you to secure a ered dish luncheon at tho homo of roles difficult tp learn until Toler Causing Great Loses done so much for the Nortli Bran­ sation committeeman from Fairfield Of Trip Across Ocean when he played one. of the featured Koxon Fair at Foxon Community House. houses, the wood pores are .open There Is no extra charge tor this good part of the hundreds of Mrs. Harry Cooke. jiarts In Columbia's "Coast Guard". hit tho Idea of reading his part on­ convenience. Shows are continuous dollars spent in this vicinity cacli ford Fife and Drum Corps has al­ and former mayor of Bridgeport to a phonograph record, then play and thirsty tor paint. The same The resignation ot Vlcc-Prosldent He Is seen In the Alaskan scenes SEPTEMBER 16th nightly, rain or shine and children fall and winter for magazines. so been vitally Interested In the for was the speaker at this noon's meet­ Ing back and repeating tho lines applies to shingles, exposed mill- Mrs. James Wulpl was accepted due which provide a thrilling climax to "Til Be Made" ailinittcd lis electors, Town Hall. under 10 are admitted without Oldest agency In U. S. Guaran­ Witnessed Methodical Evacuation Of Children And In­ along with It. He got them quickly work and stucco. This paint can AYear Ago This Afternoon An Enormous Tidal Wave matlon and equlplng ot the North to her removal to Kansas City. ing of tho East Haven Rotary club the romantic drama Of the United Fond Sale, North Branford Congrctjationat Church Choir. charge. teed lowest rates on all periodi­ and accurately from the momen' form a bettor bond to this dry sur­ Ripped Into The Shores Causing Destruction And Branford Volunteer Fire Dcpart- Mrs. Norman Bowhe was voted In­ held In the auditormm ot tho St. valids From Danger Zones To Safety Zones—JEngland Stales Coast Guard, Randolph Scott County Fair—Children's Center, 11 a. m. face. There Is less danger, too, ot The program scheduled from this cals, domestic and foreign. In­ to membership. . ho begun using this method. structions and'r equipment free. ••ncnt ahd on Thursday evening of Vincent DePaul Church. Frances Dee, Ralph Bellamy and moisture behind the paint film be­ past Wednesday thru this Saturday Loss Of Life. Mi's. M. D. Stanley announced for Calm But Very Determined, Ml Start a growing and permanent last week he was made an honor­ He used for his topic, "Tho Place Walter Connolly.are featured. SEPTEMBER 17th ing scald up and causing "blisters" night Leslie Howard and Bette the program committee that the WATCH FOR CORHNG HITS business in whole or spare time. That Sports Occupy in the Com­ Mrs. John Glllls, Beckett Avenue, Did you Know that Kdward a Postponed meeting, Ijithuiiirmii Ijudics' Kocicly or "Peeling" at a later date. Davis In "Of Human Bondage". A year ago this morning we ary member of the organization. next meeting would be held at the Robinson, the screen's greatest "Winter Carnival" with Ann Sher Slieei) Bake—Young Kopuhlicaii Club at UpscMi's drove. Especially adaptable for Shut- munity." AH exterior paints need to be an­ Specially selected short subjects awoke, it any ol us slept, after a Crowd Attends Rev. G. DlUard Lesslcy, a member home ot Mrs Goldsmith with firs. Group Organizes Short Beach, arrived on the Aqul- lawbreaker, has been In only one Idan and Richard Carlson Kcllowsliip Club OutiiiK, Camp Morton. ins. Address IMOORE-COTTRELL, Last week Mayor Murphy of Now I?*' chored to the surface. A moist, and the latest News complete the night of anxiety and concern. of the department presented Mr. Arnold Peterson, leader. In Novem­ tanin Saturday from England. Sho real Jail In his life?. That was In Dancing Co-Ed" with Artie Shaw Clam Balte—K. of C, at Camp Morton, Inc., Naples Road, North Cohoc- Haven gave enlightening Informa­ greasy or slippery surlace doesn't program. It was gloriously sunny following McKernan with a gold badge In be­ ber Secretary of State, Sara Craw- Sing Sing, where he once appeared and His Band, Ann Rutherford ( ton, N. Y. Foxon Affair tion regarding public expenditures. Athletic Club had gone to England with the In­ give paint a chance to anchor Itself. On Sunday night and continuous the wildest day Connecticut has ford has accepted an Invitation to on a Christmas Eve program. Richard Carlson "The Mon They SEPTEMBER 18th half of the lire department mem­ The attendance committee for tention ot remaining until Novem­ But a slight roughened surlace through Tuesday night, "The Sun ever experienced. speak to tho group and In Decem­ .-l Roger Pryor returns to the screen Could Not Hang" with Boris Kar^ Women's Iteiiublican Club meets with Mrs, Cooke, FOR SALE—9 piece Maple Dining The annual Foxon Fair was well bers. todays meeting was; Dr. Robert M. A meeting was held on Thursday ber but when war broke out sho which has been washed clean-by Never Sets" with Douglas Fair­ Branford was a mess. The hurri­ ber Mrs, S, E. Smith will open her after a long absence In the new loof, Roger Pryor :.. room set. Call at'112 Montowcsc attended Saturday afternoon under In the absence of Captain Paul Taylor, Frank Clauncy, John Mur­ evening at the home of D, W, SEPTEMBER 19th spring rains and dried thoroughly banks, Jr, and Basil Rathbone In cane with its high sea had rav home tor the annual meeting and Immediately tried to book return new Knrloff thriller "The Man They See You In The Movies, Street, Branford, the direction of Chairman George Boyce, Lieutenant Michael Amatru- phy and Frank Sullivan. They act Owens for tho purpose ot organi­ Your Movie Guyed Outing—Brnnford Barbers. by the summer sun, does provled the leading roles. Virginia Field, vaged the shores causing inestima' Christmas party. as a booster committee to promote passage. Could Not Hang". Pryor Is'tho hus Lionel Atwlll, Barbara O'Nell, C. ble losses in lives and property. Doebrlck and ,the following commit­ do presided at the business session. zing an Athletic Association to in­ Social—Auxiliary of Coreoran-SuiidquiHt Post. this safe anchorage. tee: Harold Hall, Charles Gordon, It was voted to give a sum of tho attendance at meetings. clude members from Short Beach, Each English home, she says. Is band of Ann Sothorn and son of the Ever Wcady Group, I'arish House. Shut off from the rest ot the The oath of regular membership money to the Republican Town late Arthur Pryor, famous band The film forming oils and long 42 Inch sink and tub combinatIon.