ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY A TIME-MOTION, TECHNICAL AND TACTICAL ANALYSIS OF LIGHTWEIGHT WOMEN’S JUDO DARREN G CHALLIS A thesis in pArtiAl fulfilment of the requirements of AngliA Ruskin University for the degree of PhD in Science Submitted: September 2017 i Acknowledgements Firstly, to my supervisory teAm of Professor Mike Cole, Dr Mike CAllAn And AdriAn Scruton, your guidAnce And pAtience throughout hAs been so vitAl to my development As A reseArcher And As A person. You hAve not only been fAntAstic Academic supervisors but hAve been friends throughout. Secondly, thAnk you of course to my PhD sponsors, AngliA Ruskin University (ARU). ARU is the only university thAt gAve me A chAnce All those yeArs Ago As A budding undergrAduate. Of course, this Also includes All the members of the newly formed DepArtment of Sport And Exercise Science who mAke working life unconventionAl And effervescent. My fAmily hAve AlwAys been there for me, my mother hAs AlwAys tAught me thAt hArd work will prevail, she hAs been An inspirAtion And A rock throughout my life, I hAve never met A more tenAcious person. My sister, EmmA, hAs AlwAys provided me with the competition I hAve needed in life to excel And hAs given me the greAtest niece And nephew Anyone could hope for. I love you All. I would like to thAnk the members of Comberton Judo Club who hAve supported me throughout this process with proof reAding, dAtA collection And A lot of pAtience. I would pArticulArly like to mention TArA Fitzjohn for her AssistAnce in coding And NAtAshA Collins who hAs been A true friend for mAny yeArs And counsellor for life.
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