International Neuroscience Journal. 2015 March; 1(1):e871. DOI: Published online 2015 March 28. Editorial History of Neurosciences and Neurosurgery in Spain Miguel Angel Arraez Sanchez 1,* 1Department of Neurosurgery, Carlos Haya University Hospital, Malaga, Spain : Miguel Angel Arraez Sanchez, Department of Neurosurgery, Carlos Haya University Hospital, Malaga, Spain. Tel/Fax: +34-951290000, *Corresponding author E-mail:
[email protected] Received: March 2, 2015; Accepted: March 16, 2015 Neurosurgery in Spain; Neurosciences in Spain Keywords: The medical sciences related to the Nervous System of the current developments and knowledge about Ner- have impressively evolved over the last decades. The vous System diseases. great advantage of the traditional clinical neurosciences The Spanish Neuro-community is very proud to contrib- (Neurology, Neurosurgery) and also the progressive in- ute to this wonderful project. As a matter of fact, if a good teraction with other disciplines that very much have con- look is taken into the past history, Spain has made some tributed to this fascinating development is obvious. This great contributions to set down some keystones in Neu- interaction with the clinical Neurology and Neurosur- rosciences. Not without merit Santiago Ramon y Cajal gery has led to the creation of new subspecialties (Neuro- has been considered by many “the father of Neuroscienc- radiology, Neuro-oncology, etc.) that have become new es”. After years of meticulous refinement of the silver ni- real disciplines with their own body of knowledge. Basic trate staining (developed by Golgi in 1873), Ramon y Cajal sciences (Biochemistry, Immunology, Histology, Molecu- was first to identify the base of the modern neuroscience: lar Biology, Pathology, Genetics, Anatomy) have changed the so-called neuron doctrine.