. . . . Contributors ...... is a PhD student at the , . . . working on a dissertation titled The 1920s Epic Western and Hollywood . . . Historical Cinema. He is author of ‘American history at the Foreign . . . Office: exporting the silent epic Western’, an essay published in Film . . . History that was awarded Best Doctoral Student Article, BAFTSS . . . Awards 2020. He is also the book reviews editor at Frames Cinema . .

. Journal. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/screen/article/61/2/339/5860190 by guest on 23 September 2021 ...... Christian Dymond is a postdoctoral candidate in film studies, focusing . . . on contemporary experimental film in the context of the current . . . ecological crisis. His forthcoming doctoral thesis, A View of Things to . . . Come, considers recent and emergent trends in experimental film . . . practice through the intersecting lenses of process-oriented studies, . . . formal applications, production contexts and dissemination methods...... Georgina Evans is Lecturer in French at St John’s College, University . . . of Cambridge...... Cassandra Guan is a PhD candidate and Presidential Fellow in the . . . Department of Modern Culture and Media at Brown University. Her . . . dissertation, Maladaptive Media: Life and Other Political Emergencies, . . . explores the discursive and technological apparatuses of animation that . . . radically alienate living beings from their biological environments. Her . . . research focuses on interwar Europe (including post-revolutionary . . . Russia) and the People’s Republic of China between 1956 and 1966...... Selmin Kara is Associate Professor of Film and New Media Studies at . . . OCAD University in Toronto. Her primary research interests are digital . . . aesthetics and ecological sensibilities in cinema, as well as the use of . . . sound and new technologies in contemporary documentary...... Jonathan L. Knapp is a PhD candidate in Film and Visual Studies at . . . Harvard University. His current research revolves around media and the . . . environment, and his dissertation examines location scouting and . . . location management practices for feature films, with a focus on the . . . 1940s to the 1980s. He is co-author, with Aaron Kerner, of Extreme . . . Cinema: Affective Strategies in Transnational Media (2016)...... Gertrud Koch is Professor Emerita of Cinema Studies at Freie . . . Universita¨t Berlin, and Visiting Professor at Brown University in the . . . USA. Work translated into English includes Siegfried Kracauer: An . . . Introduction (2020) and Breaking Out, Breaking Bad, Breaking Even . . . (2017). She is on the board of numerous German and international

Screen 61:2 Summer 2020 Á Contributors 339 doi:10.1093/screen/hjaa030 . . . journals, such as October, Constellation, Philosophy & Social Criticism . . . and Cinema&Cie. She is preparing a book on techno-aesthetics and . . . animation...... Hanna Kubicka has an MSt in Film Aesthetics from the University of . . . Oxford and is currently a PhD candidate in Film and Television at . . . University. Her work has been published in journals such as . . . Projections, Film-Philosophy and the Journal of Popular Film and . . . Television. Her research interests include emotional engagement and . . . identification with fictional characters, cognitive psychology and

. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/screen/article/61/2/339/5860190 by guest on 23 September 2021 . . audience research...... Jie Li is John L. Loeb Associate Professor of the Humanities at Harvard . . . University. She is author of Shanghai Homes: Palimpsests of Private Life . . . (2014) and Utopian Ruins: A Memorial Museum of the Mao Era . . . (forthcoming). Her new book projects are on film exhibition and . . . reception, and radios and loudspeakers in socialist China...... Gabrielle McNally is Assistant Professor of Digital Cinema in the . . . School of Art and Design at Northern Michigan University. As a . . . practising artist she works in experimental autobiographical and . . . essayistic nonfiction. Her videos have been screened internationally in . . . film festivals and galleries. Her scholarly work currently explores the . . . notions of voice, improvisation, memory, performance, autobiography . . . and gender as they relate to nonfiction...... Geoffrey Maguire is Lecturer in Spanish at Murray Edwards College, . . . . He specializes in contemporary Latin . . . American culture, with particular interest in queer representation, cultural . . . memory and cinematic embodiment. His publications include The . . . Politics of Postmemory: Violence and Victimhood in Contemporary . . . Argentine Culture (2017) and New Visions of Adolescence in . . . Contemporary Latin American Cinema (2018)...... Daniel Morgan is Associate Professor of Cinema and Media Studies at . . . the University of Chicago. He is author of Late Godard and the . . . Possibilities of Cinema (2013) and The Lure of the Image: Epistemic . . . Fantasies of the Moving Camera (2021), as well as numerous articles on . . . film theory, film aesthetics, nonfiction film, animation and a variety of . . . other topics...... Adam O’Brien is Lecturer in Film at the University Reading. He is . . . author of a number of articles about film form and the material . . . environment, most recently in the Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, and . . . has written two books of ecocritical film study: Transactions with the . . . World (2016) and Film and the Natural Environment (2018).

340 Screen 61:2 Summer 2020 Á Contributors . . . Eleni Palis is Assistant Professor of English and Cinema Studies at the . . . University of Tennessee. She earned her PhD at the University of . . . Pennsylvania in English, concentrating on Cinema and Media Studies. . . Her work has appeared in Cinema Journal, [in]Transition: Journal of . . . Videographic Film and Moving Image Studies and Oxford . . . Bibliographies Online...... Jordan Schonig is Visiting Assistant Professor of Film Studies in the . . . Department of English at Michigan State University. He is interested in . . . the intersections between philosophical aesthetics, phenomenology and .

. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/screen/article/61/2/339/5860190 by guest on 23 September 2021 . film studies, and has been published in Synoptique, Discourse, New . . . Review of Film and Television Studies and New Media & Society. He is . . . currently working on a book manuscript on the aesthetics of cinematic . . . motion...... Antonio Somaini is Professor in Film, Media and Visual Culture Theory . . . at the Universite´ Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3. He is author of, among . . . others, Cultura visuale (with Andrea Pinotti, 2016) and Ejzenstejn . . . (2011). He is editor of English, French and Italian editions of writings by . . . Benjamin, Eisenstein, Moholy-Nagy and Vertov, and curator of an . . exhibition entitled Time Machine: Cinematic Temporalities (2020)...... Stefanie Van de Peer is Lecturer in Film and Media at Queen Margaret . . . University in . She specializes in the history of documentary . . . and animation, specifically women’s world cinema. Her most recent . . . books are Animation in the Middle East (2017), Negotiating Dissidence: . . . The Pioneering Women of Arab Documentary (2017) and Women in . . . African Cinema (2019)......

341 Screen 61:2 Summer 2020 Á Contributors