Extensions of Remarks E1785 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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September 18, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1785 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 1996 NATIONAL PRAYER nation in prayer and in fellowship. And on course General Shalikashvili and other BREAKFAST every base, on every post and on every ship, members of the Joint Chiefs and the military we are joined as well by our men and women command. We have prime ministers and in uniform who have answered our nation's heads of state, leaders of giant corporations HON. BILL BARRETT call to serve. and organizations from all over the world OF NEBRASKA Just across the Potomac on Ft. Myer, and we welcome all of you. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES across the Pacific at Misawa Air Base, Allow me to quickly introduce to you the aboard the USS America, in Haiti and Ku- people who are sitting at the head table, Wednesday, September 17, 1997 wait, in South Korea and Bosnia, in all of most of whom will participate and, there- Mr. BARRETT of Nebraska. Mr. Speaker, these places and hundreds more, America's fore, will be introduced in their own right. earlier this year the transcript of the 1997 Na- sons and daughters are taking to their knees But for those who do not participate, so that tional Prayer Breakfast, held here in Washing- and solemnly asking God for strength. you know who is here, I will start with my They are rededicating themselves to free- colleague, Senator Akaka from Hawaii. Next ton, DC, was printed in the CONGRESSIONAL dom, to the freedom that can be found in a to him, Ariel Bybee, who will sing to us RECORD. It has come to my attention that the nation loosed from the chains of oppression. later. General Shalikashvili, whom you've transcript of the previous year's National Pray- They are rededicating themselves to peace, heard from in the opening prayer, and his er Breakfast was inadvertently not submitted the peace that can now be heard in the silent wife, Joan. in the RECORD. The Challenging and moving hills of a nation that for years knew only Senator Simpson, who will represent the message brought to us that morning by our war and destruction. And they are rededicat- Senate prayer group, and his wife Ann. Sen- former Senate colleague, Sam Nunn, should ing themselves to the love of God that you ator Carol Moseley-Braun, and I'll tell you why she's here at the appropriate time. be available for everyone. Therefore, I request see in the eyes of a cold and frightened child, held in the reassuring arm of an American Becky Geren, the wife of Congressman Pete that a copy of the program and of the tran- soldier in a faraway place called Tuzla. Geren, who heads the House prayer group. Of script of the 1996 proceeding be printed in the And so I ask you now to join them and to course you know the Vice President and his CONGRESSIONAL RECORD at this time. bow your heads in prayer. wife. You know this fellow with a full head Almighty God, our Creator and Sustainer, NATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFAST of hair next to me and his wife. we do affirm here and now how wonderful it My wife, Joyce, next to Mrs. Clinton. Sen- CHAIRMAN: THE HONORABLE BOB BENNETT is to join together today in Your name, for ator Nunn and his wife, Colleen, and we of Pre-Breakfast Prayer: The Honorable DAN- today we bow in prayer as those who, as indi- course will hear from him. Dr. Dorothy IEL AKAKA, U.S. Senator, Hawaii. viduals and as a nation, have been magnifi- Height, we will hear from her. Van Cliburn, Opening Song: Pine Valley Choir. cently and prodigiously blessed. We are who will provide music. Annette Lantos and Opening Prayer: General John M. thankful for the opportunity we have been Congressman Tom Lantos from California, Shalikashvili, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of given to act as Your servants, and as serv- and then Sonny Montgomery from Mis- Staff. ants of the people. sissippi. So, those are the folks who are here BREAKFAST We are also grateful for this opportunity to before you. [Applause.] Welcome: The Honorable BOB BENNETT, pray as a nation for our sons and daughters In the New Testament it records an occa- U.S. Senator, Utah. in the United States Armed Forces here and sion where a lawyer came before Jesus in an RemarksÐU.S. House of Representatives: around the world who represent our heritage attempt to tempt Him and trap Him in His The Honorable PETE GEREN, U.S. House of and continued resolve to ever uphold what is words. As I read that, I realize that the be- Representatives, Texas. right and to ever oppose what is wrong and havior of lawyers maybe hasn't changed too Old Testament Reading: The Honorable would threaten liberty and justice, and of a much in the centuries from then until now, TOM LANTOS, U.S. House of Representatives, certainty to do Your will. but just some lawyers, I assure you. California. Our Father, we join in prayer breakfasts In an attempt to trip Him up, the lawyer RemarksÐU.S. Senate: The Honorable AL throughout the world and we ask Your bless- asked Jesus a question that he was fairly SIMPSON, U.S. Senator, Wyoming. ing upon all who have united in a spirit of sure Jesus would have trouble with because Solo: Mr. Van Cliburn. genuine fellowship and kinship. We are it was the question that has been widely de- grateful for all Your blessings and for our bated, and certainly had been widely debated THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES liberty, and we ask that You strengthen our in that time: what is the greatest command- New Testament Reading: The Honorable hearts and give us a continued resolve to ment in the law, and perhaps with a bit of SONNY MONTGOMERY, U.S. House of Rep- work together in the cause of freedom and derision in his voice, he prefaced the ques- resentatives, Mississippi. peace throughout the globe. And in a world tion by saying, ``Master, what is the greatest Prayer for National and International threatened by discord and fear, we ask that commandment?'' Leaders: Dr. Billy Graham. You watch over our President and all of our Jesus was more than prepared and He Message: The Honorable SAM NUNN, U.S. nation's leaders, that You continue to help quoted from Deuteronomy, ``Thou shalt love Senator, Georgia. them cope with the crucial problems of our the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with Introduction of the President: The Honor- time. all thy soul and with all thy might'' And able BOB BENNETT. Father, we ask now that You bless our na- then went further, quoting from Leviticus, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES tion, our nation's leader and all leaders here said to the lawyer, ``and to the second is like Closing Song: Ms. Ariel Bybee. today. We ask that You bless this breakfast unto it.'' Quoting from the 19th chapter of Closing Prayer: Dr. Dorothy Height, Na- gathering of fellowship, and we ask that You Leviticus, he said, ``Thou shalt love thy tional Council of Negro Women. bless this food for Your honor and for Your neighbor as thyself.'' And then He gave the glory. lawyer this magnificent summary. He said, In Your name we pray, Amen. ``On these two hang all the law and the NATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFAST, FEBRUARY 1, Senator BENNETT. Thank you, General prophets.'' 1996 Shalikashvili. We'll now enjoy the breakfast I can think of nothing better than that Senator BENNETT. Good morning. My name and pick up the program when presumably summary as the theme of the prayer break- is Bob Bennett. I am the leader of the Senate you're through eating. Thank you. fast. All of us have our own interpretation of Prayer Breakfast, and in the tradition of the [Breakfast.] who is the Lord our God. All of us strive to National Prayer Breakfast, this is the year Senator BENNETT. In the Senate prayer do the best we can to understand who that is of the Senate to conduct this activity so group we always bang the glass at the stroke and to love Him with all our hearts, souls that it becomes my happy lot to greet you of 8:30 and get started, whether you're fin- and minds. But all of us, regardless of our re- here on behalf of both the Senate and the ished eating or not, so we will follow that ligious tradition, can recognize the impor- House to this special occasion. tradition here today. tance of learning to love our neighbor as our- General John Shalikashvili, Chairman of We welcome you all here today and you selves, and it is in that spirit that we gather the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will offer the open- should be aware of the fact that in addition here this morning and in countless groups ing prayer. to the President and his wife and the Vice around the world. General SHALIKASHVILI. Today as we gather President and his wife, there are in attend- We gather that way in the Senate of the here in Washington, we are joined by count- ance members of the Senate and the House, United States every week. We also do that in less and countless Americans all across our members of the President's Cabinet. Of the House every week and it is my privilege · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.