Extensions of Remarks E1785 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
September 18, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1785 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 1996 NATIONAL PRAYER nation in prayer and in fellowship. And on course General Shalikashvili and other BREAKFAST every base, on every post and on every ship, members of the Joint Chiefs and the military we are joined as well by our men and women command. We have prime ministers and in uniform who have answered our nation's heads of state, leaders of giant corporations HON. BILL BARRETT call to serve. and organizations from all over the world OF NEBRASKA Just across the Potomac on Ft. Myer, and we welcome all of you. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES across the Pacific at Misawa Air Base, Allow me to quickly introduce to you the aboard the USS America, in Haiti and Ku- people who are sitting at the head table, Wednesday, September 17, 1997 wait, in South Korea and Bosnia, in all of most of whom will participate and, there- Mr. BARRETT of Nebraska. Mr. Speaker, these places and hundreds more, America's fore, will be introduced in their own right. earlier this year the transcript of the 1997 Na- sons and daughters are taking to their knees But for those who do not participate, so that tional Prayer Breakfast, held here in Washing- and solemnly asking God for strength. you know who is here, I will start with my They are rededicating themselves to free- colleague, Senator Akaka from Hawaii. Next ton, DC, was printed in the CONGRESSIONAL dom, to the freedom that can be found in a to him, Ariel Bybee, who will sing to us RECORD.
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