Rainbow Jul 1992

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Rainbow Jul 1992 coco THE COLOR COMPUTER MONTHLY MAGAZINE July 1992 Vol. XI No. 12 Canada $4.95 U.S. $3.95 Feature Program Feature Program Coco 3 Directory A root reason for using·computers is to make the tasks we must perform much Upon receiving this command line, OS-9 easier co accomplish, and this assistance executes rep, which links to the 1 dent Assistance occurs on many levels. For instance. most command if it's present in memory. (If users of the OS-9 operating system know 1dent is not in memory, the system loads it ave you ever found yourself wading The Directory Master directory listing about the special repeat "key.'· CTRL-A. from the execution directory.) rep then through a tack of full (of course) is split into four columns. At the top of the You can type a command line, and if you waits for you to type a filename and press Hdisks looking for a specific file? (More screen you ' IL see the current name for the pressCTRL-Aright ENTER. When you than once?) It' s kind of like trying to find disk. the currentl y selected drive. the total after pressing EN­ do this, rep executes the proverbial needle, isn't it? Directory number of files on the disk, and the number TER. you can recall i dent, replacing the Master is a CoCo 3 program designed to of free granules remaining. At the bottom it ad infinilum. This S with the filename help you out of such haystacks with a mini­ of the screen are the J 0 command options is great for correct­ you entered. After mum of effon. Directory Master, which available to you whi le running the program. ing typing errors and 1dent displays the requires a monochrome or RGB monitor, To invoke an option, simply press the single makes entering re­ module's data, rep displays up to 68 filenames (the per-disk letter associated with it. petitive commands waits for another en­ max.imum supponed by Disk BASIC) on­ Before J describe these options, let me ea,ier. Still, it can try. Simply continue screen at one time. And it does a lot more. explain how to select files. Wht:n yuu choose be quite cumber­ entering filenarnes To get Directory Master running on an option that requires you to select a file , some for many com­ until you have all the your CoCo 3, enter both listings presented the program highlights the first filename in puter chores. This is information you here and save them to disk. The program the directory listing. Use the space bar to why I wro te Rep. need. When you are finished, press ENTER shown in Listing I is the main program. move this highlight bar down d1e listing and Rep perrnits repeated execution of OS-9 -rep unlinks i dent and terminates. Before you run it, however, you must run press ENTER to select the highlighted file. commands, taking the commands' parame­ Rep's operation with an OS-9 command the program shown in Listing 2 to create the When the bar reaches the end of the listing, ters from the standard input path (via the can be made more automatic by passing screen font Directory Master uses for the it reappears at the top. Directory Master's keyboard). a pipeline or redirection from a parameters for the command from a pipe­ Hi-Res screen. When you run the program opcions are as follows: text file. To use Rep, simply type rep fol­ line or by redirection from a text f'Lle. For in Listing 2, the new screen font is auco­ lowed by the 11an1e of the command you example, T use a directory utility called d matically saved to the disk in Drive U - R (Execute) - loads from disk and want repeated. In place of the parameter for that lists the files in a directory one filename make sure you have at least one free grnnule executes the selected BASIC or machine­ the command, substitute a dbUar sign ($). per line rather than spreading them across on the disk. The font is saved with the name la~guage program. Let's look at an example. the screen. If I want to copy all the files in STRDMOD3 . BIN . L (Load) - loads the selected BASIC Suppose you want the header informa­ the current data directory to my ARCHIVE To start Directory Master, simply enter program from disk without running it. tion for a number of binary files that are directory, I use Rep as follows: RUN '' DMASTER' ' . After the program has N (Filename) - renames the selected located in your execution directory. You loaded, it loads STRDMOD3 . BIN from the file. The new filename and extension are could enter 1dent -x filename to get the d ! rep copy S /dl/archive/$ disk in Ori ve 0, then displays the directory handled separately - enter up to eight information about the first file. (- x is OS- for that disk. characters for the filename, 9's built-in option for specifying the cur­ d supplies rep with all the filenames in the See Directory oft Page 20 rent execution directory.) Then you might directory, one at a time. rep executes copy use CTRL-A, backspace over the first file­ foreachfilename,replacingeach S with the name, type the second one, and press filename, and copying all the files to the ENTER. Do this for a dozen files and it gets / DI/ARCHIVE directory. rep automatically a little old. Rep allows you to enter terminates after the last file in the directory. The earliest version of Rep, which ap­ rep ident -x S See Repeals ori Page 12 • Number Cruncher by Joseph Pendell 24 In this issue: • One-Drive Backup for 128K by Joel M. Hegberg ___ 10 Back Issue Information 18 OS-9 Hotline 17 • Base Conversions 4> OS-9 Repeats Itself by George Quellhorst 4 Stephen Go/dberR 1 CoCo Consultations Print#-2 by Marty Goodman 18 by Lonnie Falk 2 Corrections 9 Received and Certified 24 Delphi Bureau 4> Skip a Line With BA~ fry t.'ddie Kuns 8 by John Musumeci 22 • Directory Assistance • what's ln Disk File by Dwight Stegall 1 by Geoff Friesen 4 • Electronic Inventory hy Daniel Doner· 14 • Find the Intersection Product Reviews: by Joseph Pe11dell 6 4-D Checkers Index to the Plll!t Year from N* Johnson Software 7 by Julie Hutchinson 25 WarMQnger Letters to Rainbow 2 from Sundog Systems 10 2 July 1992 THE RAINBOW wrote in the May issue. J'll try to explain it nity, l musr admit that the idea has some better this time. merit. And lam asking for some input [rom I am not advocating that anyone with a all of you. Of course, when important things THE RAINBOW CoCo "change" to an MS-DOS system. I happen, you will find me here in this space. continue to use and appreciare all the many, Bur otherwise, we could devote it to CoCo many things our CoCos can do. Neither am news and infonnation. Editor and Publisher I advocating MS-DOS as a substitute in any What do you think? Drop me a line and · Lawrence C. Falk way for OS-9 as it is implemented on our let me know. l will appreciate your input Manqlng Editor Cray Augsbu rg Color Computers. (and my feelings won't be hurt if you agree Associate EdltDr Sue Fomby What I am saying, however, is that I do with this idea). Submlaionll/R1views Editor Tony Olive Happy Birthday, not see the new "CoCos" as a viable I used to publish a list of people who I lechnlcll EilHor Greg Law al ternative if you want more power and believed helped the CoCo Community the Tecllnlcal ARilllnl1 Ed Ellers, RAINBOW! more software options than are now avail­ most during the past year, but as the list got Gregory Shultz able with your Color Computer. We have longer and longer, I dropped it for fear of Edilorlal Aisilblnt Julie Hutchinson Well. we've come a long way together, researched these machines, tested them leaving people out. I am not going to revive Contrlllutln1 Editors Tony DIStefano, my friends. This issue of THE RAINBOW extensively and looked carefully at the the practice this time - primarily because Martin Goodman, M.D., Eddie Kuns marks the beginning of our twelfth year of software market. We do not see them as a the list would be thousands of names long Art Director Heidi Nelson service to the CoCo Community. And, we viable option for your Color Computer. and would include all of you. Designers Sharon Adams. Teri Kays, expect to be around for quite a bit longer. I do not see these 68xxx-based machines Yes, what has made the Color Computer Cansultlng Editors· Judi Hutchinson, As I told you in this space recently. we surpassing your Color Computer in useful­ this past year bas been each of you. Your Laurie D. Falk have - overall - received an extremely ness for the simple reason that I don 't be­ loyalty to the CoCo Community, to our TYllesetter Debbee Diamond positive reaction lo our new format. Yes, lieve there will ever be as great a software advertisers, to THE RAINBOW and, most of we have had some rnmplaints from a base for li1em as there is now for the CoCo. all, to each other. number of readers, and even a few letters Long live CoCo! <j cancelling subscriptions. But the over­ h 4 '**' @i whelming reaction from advertisers and ***** readers has been very positive.
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