2018 Legislative Request

Legislative Request College is requesting an increase of $552,250 in annual funding of an approximate $1.8 million dollar need to achieve operational stability and base-level capacity for strategic partnerships, specialized programming, and scalable innovation. The investment in additional technology and staff will allow to achieve full compliance with all state and federal rules, regulations, and mandates; provide adequate segregation of duties for satisfactory internal control management; and support the automation of data processing and collection for efficiency and improved responsiveness to various federal and state reporting requirements.

College Economic Contributions to the Region Richard Bland College is an economic driver in the Petersburg region. According to a recent study by the Weldon Cooper Center at UVA, College expenditures in FY 2015 had an employment effect of 255 and generated $14 million in state GDP and $1 million in state revenues. These estimates include the direct economic effect of college-related spending as well as the economic indirect and induced effects (i.e., multiplier effects) that result from purchases and payroll turnover when money changes hands in the state economy. Human capital improvements are estimated to contribute a present value of $7 million in GDP and approximately $1 million in state tax revenue. The total economic contribution resulting from RBC operations during FY 2015 was $21 million in GDP and the total state tax.

About Richard Bland College of William & Mary Richard Bland College of William & Mary is ’s only selective, two-year, residential college, providing a university parallel experience at a reasonable cost for first- and second-year students preparing to transfer to highly ranked colleges and universities as juniors. Forty-two percent of RBC’s students are first generation college students. Students rate RBC professors among the best in the region. RBC’s Statesman Scholar program offers up to 80% in financial assistance for high performing students. The College boasts the award-winning Exceptional Student Experience program; intercollegiate athletics; and a small, diverse student population on a picturesque 750+ acre campus.