May 28, 1968


To- Mr. H. Westcott Cunningham


I am enclosing a copy of that part of the agenda for the annual meet­ ing of the Board of Visitors which concerns the branch colleges. As you know, this part of the agenda will be under discussion on Satur­ day morning, June 1, beginning at 9:00 a.m. in Room 11 C 11 of the Wil­ liamsburg Conference Center.

There is one Resolution from this section of the agend~ which con­ cerns the establishment of a posi­ tion of liaison officer for the branch colleges,which is not in this part of the agenda. It will be distributed to the members of the Board on Saturday morning.

"'.'M s£.vul ~ jtU( ~ w. Melville Jones Board of Visitors AGENDA

June 1, 1968 Page 8



Resolution RB-CN-1 Enclosure 57 Increase in the Salaries of the Directors of Christopher Newport College and College



Resolution RB-1 Enclosure 58 Approving Resignation of Faculty Member

Resolution RB-2 Enclosure 59 Regarding Faculty Leave of P.bsence

Resolution RB-3 Enclosure 60 .Approving .Appointments of Replacement to Faculty

Resolution RB-4 Enclosure 61 Approving Increases in Salary for Faculty Above the One-step Merit Increase


Enclosure 62 Governor's Authorization to Transfer Funds

Enclosure 63 Deficit Authorization -



Resolution CN-1 Enclosure 64 Approval of Promotions for Faculty Members

Resolution CN-2 Enclosure 65 Approval of Resignations and Leave of Absence

Resolution CN-3 .€nclosure 66 Approval of Replacements and Appoint­ ments because of Increasing Enrollment Board of Visitors AGENL.A

June 1, 1968 Page 9

/ Resolution CN-4 Enclosure 67 Escalation of Christopher Newport College to Four-year, Undergraduate Degree­ Granting Status


Enclosure 68 Governor's Authorization for Transfer of Funds Board of Visitors Resolution RB-CN-1

June 1, 1968 Enclosure__ ~5~7 _____


WHEREAS, The salaries of the Directors of Christopher Newport College and Richard Bland College have not been increased since January 1, 1967, and WHEREAS, The Directors of the branch colleges have served their colleges and the College of ~\filliam and Mary for nearly eight years efficiently and well, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Visitors approves the increase in the annual salaries of H. Westcott Cun­ ningham and James r-1. Carson from the present salary of $14,500 to $15,300, effective July 1, 1968. Board of Visitors Resolution ~ June 1, 1968 Enclosure ~


WHEREAS, Title 23, Chapter 610, Article 49-1 (a) of the Acts of the Assembly of 1962 states: "The College of William and Mary in , in Williamsburg, the Richard Bland College, in Petersburg and the Christopher Newport College, in Newport Nel~s shall be subject to the ssupervision, man­ agement and control of the Board of Visitors of The College of William and Mary in Virginia", and

WF~REAS, Mr. Charles A. Thompson, Instructor in History and Government has submitted his resignation to pursue a doctoral program at Duke University where he has been accepted,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEn, That the Board of Visitors approve this resignation. Board of Visitors Resolution f June 1, 1968 Enclosure :tJ



. ) WHEREAS, The following faculty member has requested a leave of absence without pay for the period indicated:

JOHN J. ALE~NNSE, Assistant Professor of English. September 1,1968 through June 30, 1969.

Mr. Alewynse has been accepted into the University of North Carolina to oomplete his doctorate. This will greatly enhance the worth of Mr. Alewynse to the College as well as being a professional and personal benefit to him. Mr. Alewynse has been a valued member of the Faculty here since September, 1967.

1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary hereby approves this leave of absence for the period indicated. Board of Visitors Resolution =;<8 -~ June 1, 1968 Enclosure



k~1EREAS, Title 23, Chapter 610, Article 49-1 (a) of the Acts of the Assembly of 1962 states: "The Col+ege of William and Mary in Virginia, in Williams­ burg, the Richard Bland College, in Petersburg and the Christopher Newport College, in Newport News shall be subject to the supervision, management and control of the Board of Visitors of The College of William and Mary in Virginia", and \

WRBRBAS, Vacancies will exist in the following faculty positions,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Visitors of The College of William and Mary approves the appointment of the following individuals in the faculty ranks indicated, at the salary and effective dates shown:

Department Salary Step Effective Date

Sidney R. Davis Assistant Sociology $8900 6 9/1/68 to 6/30/69 Professor

Mr. Sidney R. Davis. Born New York City. 8/29/19 B.S. University of Maryland; M.A. University of Maryland

Mr. Davis replaces Mr. Pratt who has resigned to attend graduate school in Texas.

Step 6 requested as it is impossible to obtain a person of Mr. Davis' quali­ fications for less.

Betsy J. Bublitz Instructor Fine Arts $6800 2 9/1/68 to 6/30/6c

Mrs. Betsy J. Bublitz. Born Milwaukee, Hisconsin 1/15/33. B.S. l-lisconsin State College; lf.F.A. Candidate

Mrs. Bublitz replaces Mr. Lawless who resigned to accept another position. Step 2 requested as it is impossible to obtain a person of her qualifications for less. Board of Visitors Resolution------June 1, 1968 Enclosure----- Page 2 - Resolution approving appointments to faculty

Susan F. Griswold Assistant Fine Arts $6200 3 9/1/68-6/30/69 Instructor Miss Susan F. Griswold. Born Petersburg, Virginia 12/31/43 B.A. Richmond Professional Institute; M.F.A. Candidate

Miss Griswold replaces Mr. Barker who resigned to ac~ept another position. Step 3 requested as it is impossible to obtain a person of her qualifications for less.

~ ~ -- - - ~ - - - - ~ ------William J. Spaniol Instructor Uodem $7700 5 9/1/68-6/30/69 Languages Mr. William Jcseph Spaniol. Born Charleston, Hest Virginia 8/12/42 B.S. West Virginia State College; M.A. West Virginia University

Mr. Spaniol replaces Miss Weston who is leaving to attend graduate school at University of North Carolina. Step 5 requested as it is impossible to obtain a person with his qualifications for less.

George D. Haieh Associate English $10,000 9/1/68-6/30/69 Professor Mr. George D. Haich. Born Evanston, Illinois 2/28/28 A.B. University of Rochester; M.A. University of Nebraska; A.B.D. expecting Ph.D. 1/1/69

Mr. Haich replaces Mr. Frangiadakis who is returning to Greece. Salary requested as it is impossible to obtain a person of his qualifications for less.

John J. Jackson, Jr. Assistant English $8900 6 9/1/68-6/30/69 Professor Mr. John J. Jackson. Born Great Falls, S.C. 8/22/24. A.B. University North Carolina; M.A. University of Nevada. Mr. Jackson replaces Mrs. Hundtofte who is leaving because of her husbans's transfer. Step 6 requested as it is impossible to obtain a person of his qualifications for less. Board of Visitors Resolution RB-r'f June 1, 1968 Enclosure Cal



WHEREAS, Title 23, Chapter 610, Article 49-1 (a) of the Acts of the Assembly of 1962 states: "The College of William and Mary in Virginia, in Williamsburg, t~e Richard Bland College, in Petersburg and the Christopher Newport College, in Newport News shall be subject to the supervision, manage­ ment and control of the Board of Visitors of The College of William and Mary in Virginia", and

WHEREAS, Miss Leora Hayes, Instructor in Biology, through her profes­ sional qualifications and teaching abilities has rendered outstanding service to the College, and

WHEREAS. Mrs. Andrea Rose Torrence, Instructor in Business Education, through her professional qualifications and teaching abilities has rendered outstanding service to the College, and

WHEREAS, Mr. Gabriel A. Torack, Assistant Professor in Physics and Math­ ematics, through his professional qualifications and teaching abilities has rendered outstanding service to the College,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Visitors approve the salary listed by each name, which represents a two-step increase over their salaries for the 1967-68 session. Miss Leora Hayes, Instructor in Biology, $7700 Mrs. Andrea R. Torrence, Instructor in Business Education, $7400 Mr. Gabriel A. Torack, Assistant Professor of Physics, $8600

NOW, THEREFORE,· BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Visitors approve the change in rank of the following individual as his professional qualifica­ tions so merit,

Mr. John T. Thios, Instructor in Psychology, to Assistant Professor in Psychology. Board of Visitors Enclosure__ _..;_62__ _

June 1, 1968



January 10, 1968


Authorization is hereby granted for the transfer o£ $47,574 from Item 680 of the 1966 Appropriation Act, Supplementing capital outlay appropriations, to Item 902, Library, administration and student center b~ilding and equip~ ment, Richard Bland College.

It is understood that the transfer is necessary in order to award a contract for the construction of the above-mentioned builliing.

Is/ Carter 0. Lowance Commissioner of Admini Governor

L. r·1. Kuhn Director of the Budget cc: Dr. Davis Y. Paschall, President College of William and i'1ary

Colonel James H. Carson, Director Richard Bland College

Honorable Sidney C. Day, Jr. State Comptroller

Honorable H. Douglas Hamner, Jr., Director Division of Engineering and Buildings ..~ .



The Honorable L. M. Kuhn, Dir~ctor Division of the Budget P. 0. Box 1422 ttichDond, Vi rg t.nh 23211

Dear Hr. i.uhn:

W• are ~nelo~ing G. 0. Form Budget 8- Quarterly AllotMent E~timat~~. for tbe quarter ending June 30, 1968. The amount wh1c r. w~ art> requesting at this ti111e 16 $79,350.00, vhich is .mr 2urrent eliltirr.ate for funds requir•d for matntt>nance and operAtion o f Ri chard T: land College jor the r~aindcr of the f !Real ycnr 196 7-tJR

Aa previously reportP.d to you in person, the cC~ll,.gt! rr.u8t unavo1da~ly operate at a deficit during the final months of thi~> fJ!'.cal veur. Tbi.a circumstance 1s dictated by the h•po"81bll1.ty of rl l'vt'loplng the .pedal fund" r~venuea vhi <"h vere proj~ctcd for t ht! 196 7-68 y«.>ar, and appropriated for that year by th~ Gt-neral A.sst•mbly of 1%6. Special funds revenue is below projection~ becau~e ~nroll~e~t ts below projections. Enrollment prnjectlonH f<'r l967-6S , made in the 8UIIIIer of 1965, ~nvisloned approXiiDBlely 900 n ·E "tude ~ lT:S, de•.•E.'loping $347 ,90S 1n special funds rewnuto; this 1s th~e amoun t w:11 ~h wat> appro- .. _prtated for thla yeer. Actual enr-Gllment will ar.~o u :-~t t o apprnxlmately

)':k ,' '· .,'~~51) F1E students during the- year, develvping $21f, 72 1 1.n ,_·J ,ll funds ~ ... 41. \ ' I • " • ·. · · " ~ - revenue. j ~ . ~ . ·. . .&xpeodituus c.luring 1967-bR RimplJ r.oulc1 not h~ udu(ed in prnp ~·r1'1on .,:. .... · · : ; · ';~ ~o the r--edutt>d ~pe~.lal. fonda tt>veuue. Coot ractur11l ·~· JtiDl~nts for ..,; · ':"·~ ~ j,. · ~dlUonal c~ploy~~r., pJ;1mar1ly f~t" · Jl'ty, had t'll l•e. Dpro­ pr1at1ona, our ~xpenditures through February 29, 1968, our projected total exp~~ditur•a through June 30, 1968. and our projected total .. Enclosure----- ' · •· . ~~m.ANDrol.iJ!GB' · Page 2 of 9

. '- o'l'l:oD 'a

rcYenuo 1 lncludiog both apecial and general funds, through June 30, 1968. We a~e confident that you ~111 underetand that th~•• project1ooa eould vary to an unknown deg~ee: (1) expenditures. aa the result of the operation of an additionAl.building during the final quarter. can­ cot yet bo eatimated exactly; and (2) certain ~evenue, dealins vith epp11cation fees from utudants to be admitted in the fall of 1968 and Voe.ational R.ebcb111tat1on reimburaeaentu • vi U continue to be depoai ted through Juno.

It Dbould be pointed out, too. tbat total revenue projections include aD ~ount of $8.387 from the gene~al fund to cover the ccRts of salary nsraclioaa. lf thia cmount h reduced. tbe a:nount r~uirrd frca a doficit allotment would have to bo increased by the amount of the rCduction.

lb req~t • 1.n accordance with the analysis on tho attached sheet • a4 cuthori&ation for a defid t of $69,423, with the assurance that any edjuotcent therefr~ vill be reported to your office on a continuing beau. If you have further questions concerning our request, we will ~ lutppy to bear frca. you and ceot with you at yout' con\"8nience.

Vtt:h beat peraonal viDhea, I a.

H ~ · " Sincerely youu, ). · Ja11ea H. Canon , D1 rec.tor .. /-

J:te:bb Enclosure__ ~ ~-1------­ Page 3 of 9 SPECIAL P'UNQS ll!VENUE ESTIMATES 1967-()8

Actual, through 2/29/68 •• $212,446 Eatt.ated. 3/1/68 6/30/68 4,274

. .' Total $216,720 . •'


·Appropriated Exl'ended 1 Estimated Expenditures ' 1967-68 ' to 2/29/68 Fissal Year 1967-68 Ga. AbjtdatratiOft, Student · 1!!1.!1$9 gel General !xps!\fe $ 84.049 § 63,654 _$ 95,027 Jm!tpc:Uon - laauur Setaioa 282,740 142,091 233.624

• l!1U!SC101 - SU!!p!t klt&29 16.350 ,,958 5,958 .1: ...... y f1; • •. l:lf!RtkJ 40.165 33,310 49.454

,· ftmlW Plat 54,4)0 24,413 40,281 total - 14ue. and General $477,125 269,426 $424,350 ' Special runcla· 347,905 212,446 216,720 129,820 56,980 129,820

or Salary Jlearadina 8,387 ~ ' tift R en Deftett 69.4Zl

. ti .

t •..

. . ..

. •·' I


'· ..

f. ., ·,· '•I :. I ' • :- ' , .)

;- Resolution ~

~tp,ttat l2, 1967 Enclosure $iS ?d Page 4 of 9


tm!nEAS, Title 23, Chapter 610, Article 49-1 (n) of t~e Acts of the Assembly of 1962 states: "The College of Hilliarn and l-fary in Virginia, in { ~111amsburg, the Richard Bland Colle~, in Petersbur~ and the Christopher Rewport College, in Newport News shall be subject to the supervision, man­ agement and control of the Board of Visitors of The Collep,e of Pilliam and ·Mary in Virginia", and ·

~REAS, The summer session of 1967 with an enrollment of one hundred sixty-two students represented a decrease of 35~ of the enrollment in the summer session of 1966, and

WHEREAS, This decrease can be attributed to n numher of factors. the · moat important appears to be the John Tyler Cor.nwnity College located ldth- 1n fifteen miles of Richard Bland which to1ill open this fall, and

tmEREAS, fqrty of seventy-five students of marp,inal ac~demic qualifi­ cations who were directed to come to summer school to take remedial work that would qualify them for freshman ~tatus, did not attend, and WHEREAS, Inquiry revealed that the majority of these marginal stud­ ents plan on attending John Tyler College, and

~REAS, F~rther inquiry reveals a decli~e of 20% in fresh~~n appli­ c tiona for the '1967-63 session over the number received this time last year for the 1966-67 session, and

WREREAS, If this tren~ in ap~licattons continues the college has no choice except to project an enrollment for th~ year 1967-68 of approxi­ mately 20-25% below the enrollment for 1966-61, and

WHEREAS, This trend toto~ard decreased enrollment t.,as not discernible until mid-June of 1967, and ' ·~ .

~REAS, By the time this trend was discernible faculty appointments and contracts, up~raded to approach more closely the authorized average faculty salary, had been made and siRQed, and, ) WHEREAS, Decreased enrollment projections necessarily mean decreased Special Funds ~~enuea, expendable for. operating expense~ and,

~mEREAS, Actual enrollment canno~ be determine~ until after registra- tion the first week in September, 1967 1 1:. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That if the projected decrease in en­ ! f rollment oecu's for 1967-68, the nann of The Colle~e of T~illtam and Mory Gild tho Dtroctor of Richnrd 1\lund Col hRe htt nuthorhcd to takt.'l auch lU~tion a ts de•Md neceeaary to obtain fro"' the Conlftlonweulth of Virpin1M funde to offset euch deficit, or authority to operate at a deticit.

I I ! I ! f I I I· ! ,...... ~····-- Board of Visitors Enclosure 63

June 1, 1968 Page 5 of 9



Governor's Office Richmond March 28, 1968


Pursuant to letter under date of March 15, 1968, from Colonel James M. Carson, Director, Richard Bland College of the College of William and Mary, Richard Bland College is hereby authorized to borrow a sum not to exceed $69,423 from the State Treasury, on such terms and conditions as may be approved by the State Treasurer, to provide funds in Code 241-01 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968. It is understood that funds will be provided in the 1970-72 Budget for repayment of the loan, which is necessary due to a decrease in special revenue as a result of en­ rollment below projections.

Authorization is further granted for the transfer of $8,387 from Item 653 of the 1966 Appropriation Act, to Code 241-01, to cover the cost of salary adjustments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968.

/s/ Mills E. Godwin, Jr. Governor

/s/ L. M. Kuhn Director of the Budget

Copy: Honorable Lewis H. Vaden (2) State Treasurer

Honorable Sidney c. Day, Jr. State Comptroller

Dr. Davis Y. Paschall, President College of William and Mary

Colonel James M. Carson Board of Visitors Enclosure 63

June 1, 1968 Page 6 of 9


Department of the Treasury P. 0. Box 6-H Richmond 23215 April 2, 1968

Dr. Davis Y. Paschall, President College of William and Mary Williamsburg, Virginia

Dear Dr. Paschall:

Under date of March 28, 1968, the Rector and Visitors, College of William and Mary, were authorized by the Governor to borrow, from the State Treasury, on such terms and conditions as may be approved by the State Treasurer, a sum not to exceed $69,423, for Richard Bland College.

It is understood the loan is to provide funds in Code 241-01 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968. It is further understood that funds will be provided in the 1970-72 Budget for repa}inent of the loan, which is necessary due to a de­ crease in special revenue as a result of enrollment below projections.

In order that we may carry out provisions of this authorization, we enclose herewith note in the amount of $69,423, dated April 4, 1968, without interest. Please sign the note and return it to us so we may advise the Comptroller and Budget Officer that these funds are available for your use.

Sincerely yours,

/s/ Lewis H. Vaden

Enclosure Board of Visitors Enclosure 63 __.;;;.~--- June 1, 1968 Page 7 of 9

April 5, 1968

Honorable Lewis H. Vaden Treasurer of Virginia P. 0. Box 6-H Richmond, Virginia 23215

Dear Mr. Vaden:

In reply to your letter of April 2, 1968, I enclose herewith the signed note in the amount of $69,423 for Richard Bland College.

In executing this note on behalf of the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary, the same having been authorized by the Governor under date of March 28, 1968, it is understood that the loan is to provide funds in Code 241-01 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968, and that funds will be provided in the 1970-72 Budget for repayment of the loan, which loan is neces~ary because of a decrease in special revenue as a result of enrollment below projections at Richard Bland College.

I will report all correspondence, together with a copy of the note, in the agenda for the next meeting of the Board of Visitors in order that the same may be made a part of the permanent minutes, and by copy of this letter, I am transmitting a copy of your letter of April 2, and a copy of the note, to those indicated in the distri­ bution list below.

On behalf of the Board of Visitors I wish to express appreciation for this assist­ ance which means so very much to Richard Bland College at this time.

With ·very best wishes, I am

Sincerely yours,

/ s/ Davis Y. Paschall Pr~sident

Enclosure cc Dean W. Melville Jones Liaison Officer for Branch Colleges Colonel James M. Carson, Director Richard Bland College .J

Board of Visitors Enclosure 63

June 1, 1968 Page 8 of 9

COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA Department of the Treasury P. 0. Box 6-H Richmond 23215

$69,423 April 4, 1968

The Rector and Visitors, College of William and Mary, promise to repay into

the State Treasury the sum of $69,423, without interest, which has been borrowed

from current funds in the State Treasury under authority granted by the Governor

on March 28, 1968.

It is understood the loan ~s to provide funds in Code 241-01 for the fiscal

year ending June 30, 1968. It is further understood that funds will be provided

in the 1970-72 Budget for repayment of the loan, which is necessary due to a

decrease in special revenue as a result of enrollment below projections.

(Richard Bland College)

This loan is made pursuant to the provisions of Section 21, Chapter 719 of the ACTS o£ 1966 and the source approved by the Attorney General in a letter to the Governor

dated April 27, 1944.


By /s/ Davis Y. Paschall ·\.,__.- Board of Visitors Enclosure------63 June 1, 1968 Page 9 of 9


Department of the Treasury

P. 0. Box 6-H Richmond 23215 April 8, 1968

Honorable Sidney c. Day, Jr., Comptroller Department of Accounts Finance Building Richmond, Virginia

Dear Mr. Day:

We are in receipt of properly executed note in the amount of $69,423, dated April 4, 1968, from the Rector and Visitors, College of William and Mary, for Richard Bland College.

It is understood the loan is to provide funds in Code 241-01 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968. It is further understood that funds will be provided in the 1970-72 Budget for repayment of the loan, which is necessary due to a decrease in special revenue as a result of enrollment below projections at Richard Bland.

The loan is without interest and covers loan authorization by the Governor dated March 28, 1968.

Sincerely yours,

/s/ Lewis H. Vad en cc: Honorable L. M. Kuhn

Dr. Davis Y. Paschall Board of Visitors Resolution CN -1

June 1, 1968 Enclosure b tf:



Christopher Newport College

WHEREAS, Title 23, Chapter 610, Article 49. 1. (a) of the Acts of the Assembly of 1962 states: "The College of William and Mary in Virginia, in Williams­ burg, the Richard Bland College, in Petersburg and the Christopher Newport College, in Newport News shall be subject to the supervision, management and control of the board of visitors of the College of William and Mary in Virginia,'' and

WHEREAS, Dr. Jean Elizabeth Pugh, Associate Professor of Biology; Mr. Joseph Richard Ambrose, Instructor in Government; iVIr. Richard Epes McMurran, Instructor in History; Mr. Albert Edward Millar, Jr., Instructor in English; Mrs. Ruth 0. Simmons, Instructor in Biology; Mr. R. Beverley Vaughan, Jr., Acting Instructor in Physical Education for Men; and Mr. Barron Floyd Tabor, Lecturer in Graphic Arts have through their professional qualifications and teaching abilities rendered outstanding services to the College in their present rank and have in every way fulfilled normal requirements for promotion,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Visitors approves the following promotions in the rank listed by each name and at the salary listed for the session 1968-69.

Dr. Jean Elizabeth Pugh, Professor of Biology and Chairman of the Department of Biology, $10,200.

Mr. Joseph Richard Ambrose, Assistant Professor of Government, $7,700.

Mr. Richard Epes McMurran, Assistant Professor of History, $7,800. This salary includes a $400 stipend for his duties as Placement Officer.

Mr. Albert Edward Millar, Jr. , Assistant Professor of English, $8, 000.

Mrs. Ruth 0. Simmons, Assistant Professor of Biology, $8, 000.

Mr. R. Beverley Vaughan, Jr. , Instructor of Physical Education for Men, $8, 000. This salary includes $900 from the College's local funds to be paid for coaching two sports.

Mr. Barron Floyd Tabor, Instructor in Mathematics, $7, 100. Board of Visitors Resolution------CN-2 June 1, 1968 Enclosure_ __.0""-..,5c__ __



Christopher Newport College

WHEREAS, Title 23, Chapter 610, Article 49. 1. (a) of the Acts of the Assembly of 1962 states: "The College of William and Mary in Virginia, in Williams­ burg, the Richard Bland College, in Petersburg and the Christopher Newport College, in Newport News shall be subject to the supervision, management and control of the board of visitors of the College of William and Mary in Virginia," and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Georgia Morris Hunter, Assistant Professor of Biology, has asked the College to accept her resignation, and Miss Martha Kerlin, Instructor in English, has asked the College to accept her resignation, and Mr. Raoul Weinstein, Instructor in Mathematics, who has been on leave of absence for the session 1967-68, has asked the College to accept his resignation, and

WHEREAS, Mr. William Kirk Neal, II, Instructor in Chemistry, who has been on leave of absence for the session 1967-68, requires additional time to complete his Ph. D. at Rutgers,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Visitors accept the resignations of Mrs. Hunter, Miss Kerlin and Mr. Weinstein, and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Visitors grant Mr. Neal a continued leave of absence for the session 1968-69. Board of Visitors Resolution CN- 3

June 1, 1968 Enclosure_-lE~"'"'G""-----




Christopher Newport College

WHEREAS, Title 23, Chapter 610, Article 49. 1. (a) of the Acts of the Assembly of 1962 states: "The College of William and Mary in Virginia, in Williamsburg, the Richard Bland College, in Petersburg and the Christopher Newport College, in Newport News shall be subject to the supervision, management and control of the Board of Visitors of The College of William and Mary in Virginia," and

WHEREAS, A replacement is required in the department of Sociology, and

WHEREAS, Increasing enrollment in the departments of Sociology and Psychology require the appointment of additional faculty members,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That as a replacement in Sociology and because of increasing enrollment, the Board of Visitors appoint Mrs. Ruth Lynch Kernodle, Assistant Professor of Sociology at a salary of $7,700 for the session 1968-69, this representing the second step of the faculty salary plan of compensation for assistant professors; and that the Board of Visitors indicate that it was necessary to appoint Mrs. Kernodle at a step above the opening step because it was impossible to secure someone with her previous experience and academic qualification at a lower salary, and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That because of increasing enrollment, the Board of Visitors appoint Mrs. JoEllen K. Sutton, Instructor in Psychology at a salary of $6,500 for the session 1968-69, this representing the opening step of the faculty salary plan of compensation for instructors.

Mrs. Ruth Lynch Kernodle - Born July 30, 1922, Washington, D. C.; B. A. Madison College; M.A. University of North Carolina; married.

Mrs. JoEllen K. Sutton- Born June 30, 1943, Lebanon, Pennsylvania; A. B. and M.A. College of William and Mary; married. Board of Visitors Resolution CN -4 Enclosure 67 June 1, 1968 Page 1 of S pages ESCALATION OF CHRISTOPHER NEWPORT COLLEGE TO FOUR-YEAR, UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE-GRANTING STATUS WHEREAS, The resolution adopted by the joint committee• of the Board of Visitors ~xecutive , Education, Buildings and Grounds) on March 23 (see attached resolution) setting forth a definite policy for the escalation of Christopher Newport College , was submitted by Mr. Ralph James, President Paschall, and Dean Jones to the State Council of Higher Education for its consideration and advice, and WHEREAS, The State Council in a communication by its Director dated April 24, 1968 , indicated that the date for the beginning of third-year-level work at Christopher Newport College is a matter for determination by the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary (see Dr. Prince Woodard's letter attached) , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That Christopher Newport College be escalated to a third-year-level offering for the academic session, 1969-70, and to the fourth-year-level offering for the academic ses­ sion, 1970-71 , whereby undergraduate degrees , A.B. and B.S. , can be conferred at the close of the academic session , 1970-71 , and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That ca~eful consideration be given by the President and Dean of the College to the number and type of con­ centration programs which will be offered at Christopher Newport Col­ lege, in order that only those concentration areas should be approved in which Christopher Newport has qualified faculty , adequate library holdings and justifiable registration, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That when the preparation of the academic concentration programs has been completed , such programs will be sub­ mitted to the State Council of Higher Education for consideration and approval.

March 23 , 1968 Joint Meeting of Executive, Education , and Buildings and Grounds Committees of the Board of Visitors ESCALATION OF CHRISTOPHER NEWPORT COLLEGE TO FOUR-YEAR, UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE-GRANTING STATUS WHEREAS, The Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary Board of Visitors Resolution CN -4 Enclosure 67 June 1, 1968 Page 2 of 5 pages has , during the past eighteen months, given extensive consideration to the matter of escalating Christopher Newport College to a four-year, undergraduate degree-granting institution, and WHEREAS, The steps taken in this matter were detailed in the Reso­ lution adopted by the Board of Visitors at its regular meeting on January 6 , 1968, and WHEREAS ) Further consideration has been accorded this matter sub­ sequent to the January 6 meeting of the Board, and further action taken by Resolution at a special meeting of the Board on February 9, 1968, and WHEREAS, All of these actions have been summarized as a part of the Agenda for the joint meeting of the Executive , Education, and Buildings and Grounds Committees of the Board of Visitors , March 23 , 1968--all of which lead to the conclusion that a firm announcement by the Board of Visitors at its meeting on June 1, 1968 , would be beneficial to the interest of the College of William and Mary as well as to the future of Christopher Newport College, and WHEREAS, The aforementioned Committees of the Board have jointly reviewed and assessed the matter , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That Christopher Newport College be escalated to a third-year level offering for the academic session, 1969-70, and to the fourth-year level offering for the academic ses­ sion , 1970-71, whereby undergraduate degrees , A.B. and B.S., can be conferred at the close of the academic session, 1970-71, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the· aforementioned recommended escalation involving degree conferral be presented by the President of the College, the Dean of the College , and Honorable E. Ralph James, member of the Board of Visitors, to the State Council of Higher Educa­ tion with a view to the advice of that agency being sought preliminary to final action being taken by the Board of Visitors at its next regular meeting on June 1, 1968 ? thereby avoiding what might otherwise become an action of the Board that would unfortunately incur subsequent dis­ approval by the State Council of Higher Education, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the event of informal concurrence by the Council in this proposed escalation involving degree conferral, it is directed that the President of the College, the Dean of the Col­ lege , and Honorable E. Ralph James, member of the Board of Visitors, confer with the Governor and obtain his informal reaction preliminary to the meeting of the Board of Visitors at its next regular meeting on June 1, 1968, this being professionally desirable and potentially help­ ful to such final action as the Board of Visitors may be disposed to Board of Visitors Resolution CN -4 Enclosure 67 June 1, 1968 Page 3 Of 5 pages

take in the matter on June 1 ,1968 ,* and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED~ That it is understood that if the infOJ:'mal concurrence of the State Council of Higher Education is accorded the proposed escalation involving degree conferral, and the Governor's in­ formal reaction is favorable to the same , and the Board of Visitors takes final action accordingly on June 1, 1968, and that such action would then be subject to formal approval by the State Council of Higher Education.**

~ 1, w *In a conference between Mr. Carter 0. Lowance, Commissioner of AJr'l ~ Ed:uo&'t-i-en, President Paschall, and Dean Jones , Mr. Lowance indicated that Governor Godwin was apprised of the consideration being given to the escalation of Christopher Newport College , and Mr. Lowance indicated that whatever action the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary decided regarding the date for the beginning of the escalation of Christopher Newport College would be satisfactory with the Governor.

** In view of Dr. Prince B. Woodard's letter of April 2~ , 1968, there will be no reason to report again to the State Council the action of the Board of Visitors concerning the escalation of Christopher New­ port College. The programs approved for concentration leading to the bachelor's degree at Christopher Newport College , however~ must be approved by the State Council of Higher Education.

STATE COUNCIL OF HIGtffiR EDUCATION FOR VIRGINIA Richmond, Virginia April 24-, 1968 Dr. Davis Y. Paschall , President The College of William and Mary Williamsburg, Virginia 23185 Dear Dr.Paschall: As requested in your letter of April 1, 1968, the State Council has reviewed the Resolution of March 23 regarding Christopher Newport College which the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary has under consideration. The Council is pleased to present to the Board its posi­ tion on the matter. The State Council of Higher Education is on record as supporting 4 Board of Visitors Resolution ---r6...,,--CN - Enclosure June 1, 1968 Page 4 of -:::-----5 pages

the recommendation of the Higher Education Study Commission that Christopher Newport College develop into a degree-granting institution. This is the only state-controlled two-year branch college for which such a change is favored by the State Council. In its Virginia Plan for Higher Education , the Council recommended that all other branch colleges of the senior institutions he incorporated into the state system of com­ prehensive community colleges. The Virginia Plan for Higher Education does not designate the date on which an upper-level program should begin at Christopher Newport Col­ lege, and the State Council does not believe it would be appropriate for it to specify an exact date. The State Council believes the dates for implementing third and fourth year level work at Christopher Newport Col­ lege is a matter for determination by the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary • The Council does, however, invite the Boards atten­ tion to the following considerations: 1. The opening of the Thomas Nelson Commtmity College in Hampton in the Fall of 1968 may influence lower division enrollments at Christopher Newport. In a similar manner, Thomas Nelson Community College can he ex­ pected to provide a number of transferees to junior level status in the years ahead. While it is difficult to predict the precise nature of these developments, the Board of Visitors of the ' College of William and Mary, as more evidence becomes available,may wish to exercise leadership in seriously considering the feasibility of establishing Christopher Newport College as Virginia's first two-year, upper-level senior institution. 2. 'tl.lhen Christopher Newport offers an upper-level program, adequate provision should be made for accepting transfer students from community colleges in accordance with the articulation guidelines established by the Council with the concurrence of its advisory committees. 3. Upper-level programs at Christopher Newport should he designed to fit the unique needs of its immediate community. A primary emphasis in the planning of programs for Christopher Newport should he the pro­ vision of appropriate opportunities for part-time study in evening and Saturday classes. 4. Reasonable assurance of accreditation as a degree-granting in­ stitution by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools should be a condition for the establishment of Christopher Newport College as a senior institution. 5. It should he recognized that each proposed new degree program must he approved by the State Council of Higher Education prior to its implementation. The Council and its staff welcome the opportunity to work with institutions from the earliest stages of their academic program planning. Board of Visitors Resolution CN-4 Enclosure 67 June 1, 1968 Page 5 of 5 pages

The Council hopes these observations will be of assistance to the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary as it charts the future course of Christopher Newport College. Sincerely, Is/ Prince B. Woodard Director Board of Visitors Enclosure

June 1, 1968 Page 1 of 1


Governor's Office


May 1, 1968


In accordance with the Division of the Budget correspondence during the period April 4 - April 24, 1968 with Christopher Newport College, authorization is hereby granted for the transfer of $244. 00 of the $7,701. 00 transferred to Code 242-51, Additional Equipment, on Governor's authorization dated August 8, 1966, back to Code 242-01

It is understood that the $244. 00 represents the unexpended balance of the grant which the National Institutes of Health has requested be returned.

/s/ Carter 0. Lowance (Governor) Commissioner of Administration

/s/ L. M. Kuhn Director of the Budget cc: Dr. Davis Y. Paschall, President College of William and Mary

Mr. H. Westcott Cu.nningham, Director Christopher Newport College

Honorable Sidney C. Day, Jr. State Comptroller