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Free Your Imagination HAVANA FREE YOUR IMAGINATION ITALIAN TILE COLLECTIONS Design, style and quality tiles since 1967 ® Cuba Libre Mix 10x20 . 4"x8" ® 3 5 Sestino Mojito 6x27 . 2" /8 x10" /8 HAVANAGRES FINE PORCELLANATO SMALTATO CIR GLAZED FINE PORCELAIN STONEWARE CIR GRÈS CÉRAME FIN ÉMAILLÉ CIR GLASIERTES FEINSTEINZEUG CIR ГЛАЗУРОВАННЫЙ КЕРАМОГРАНИТ CIR 01 COHIBA 02 HAVANA SKY 03 MALECON 04 MOJITO 05 SUGAR CANE 06 TROPICANA 4 Mojito 20x40 . 8"x16" 5 3 5 Cohiba Sestino 6x27 . 2" /8 x10" /8 Sugar Cane 40x40 . 16"x16" - Pilar Blu 20x20 . 8"x8" 6 Malecon 20x20 . 8"x8" - Floridita Verde 20x20 . 8"x8" Finca Vigia Mix 20x20 . 8"x8" - Tropicana 20x20 . 8"x8" 7 Sugar Cane 20x40 . 8"x16" 8 Havana Sky 10x20 . 4"x8" - Mosaico Spacco Havana Sky 30x40 . 12"x16" 9 Havana Sky 20x20 . 8"x8" 10 mm V4 R10 HAVANA “7/16 COHIBA 40x40 - 16”x16” 10x20 - 4”x8” 20x40 - 8”x16” 20x20 - 8”x8” 3 5 Sestino 6x27 - 2" /8 x10" /8 Mosaico Spacco Havana Mosaico Havana 30x40 - 12”x16” 30x30 - 12”x12” 10 (7,5x7,5 - 3”x3”) HAVANA SKY 10x20 - 4”x8” 20x40 - 8”x16” 20x20 - 8”x8” 3 5 Sestino 6x27 - 2" /8 x10" /8 Mosaico Spacco Havana 30x40 - 12”x16” (7,5x7,5 - 3”x3”) MALECON 40x40 - 16”x16” 10x20 - 4”x8” 20x40 - 8”x16” 20x20 - 8”x8” 3 5 Sestino 6x27 - 2" /8 x10" /8 Mosaico Spacco Havana Mosaico Havana 30x40 - 12”x16” 30x30 - 12”x12” (7,5x7,5 - 3”x3”) 11 MOJITO 10x20 - 4”x8” 20x40 - 8”x16” 20x20 - 8”x8” 3 5 Sestino 6x27 - 2" /8 x10" /8 Mosaico Spacco Havana 30x40 - 12”x16” (7,5x7,5 - 3”x3”) 10 mm V4 R10 HAVANA “7/16 SUGAR CANE 40x40 - 16”x16” 10x20 - 4”x8” 20x40 - 8”x16” 20x20 - 8”x8” 3 5 Sestino 6x27 - 2" /8 x10" /8 Mosaico Spacco Havana Mosaico Havana 30x40 - 12”x16” 30x30 - 12”x12” 12 (7,5x7,5 - 3”x3”) TROPICANA 10x20 - 4”x8” 20x40 - 8”x16” 20x20 - 8”x8” 3 5 Sestino 6x27 - 2" /8 x10" /8 Mosaico Spacco Havana 30x40 - 12”x16” (7,5x7,5 - 3”x3”) OLD HAVANA MIX 10x20 - 4”x8” 3 5 Sestino 6x27 - 2" /8 x10" /8 13 CUBA LIBRE MIX* 10x20 - 4”x8” * 12 SOGGETTI MISCELATI CASUALMENTE NELLE SCATOLE. 12 designs available with each box containing a random mix. 12 motifs mélangés au hasard dans les boîtes. Die 12 Muster in den Schachteln werden nach den Zufallsprinzip gemischt. 12 вариантов, в коробке упакована произвольная смесь из них. 10 mm V4 R10 HAVANA “7/16 DECORI DECORS | DÉCORS | DEKORE | ДЕКОРЫ FINCA VIGIA MIX Finca Vigia Mix 20x20 - 8”x8” (12 soggetti mix) * * 12 SOGGETTI MISCELATI CASUALMENTE NELLE SCATOLE. 12 designs available with each box containing a random mix. 12 motifs mélangés au hasard dans les boîtes. Die 12 Muster in den Schachteln werden nach den Zufallsprinzip gemischt. 12 вариантов, в коробке упакована произвольная смесь из них. PILAR FLORIDITA 14 Pilar Blu Pilar Verde Floridita Blu Floridita Verde 20x20 - 8”x8” 20x20 - 8”x8” 20x20 - 8”x8” 20x20 - 8”x8” PEZZI SPECIALI TRIMS | PIÈCES SPÉCIALES | FORMSTÜCKE | СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫЕ ИЗДЕЛИЯ SERIE COMPLETA Complete range Série complete Battiscopa Elemento ad “L” Elemento ad “L” Elemento “L” monolitico Ganze Serie 9 3 9 1 9 5 6,5x40 - 2” /16 x16” 6x9x18 - 2” /8 x3” /16 x7” /6 10x6,5x13,5 - 4”x2” /16x5” /16 10x40x5 - 4”x16”x2” Полная серия (Cohiba, Malecon, Sugar Cane) IMBALLI PACKING | EMBALLAGE | VERPACKUNG | УПAKOBKA SIZES BOX PALLET PZ MQ KG BOX MQ KG 10x20 - 4”x8” 36 0,72 14,40 72 51,84 1.053 20x20 - 8”x8” 26 1,04 20,80 54 56,16 1.140 20x40 - 8”x16” 13 1,04 20,80 54 56,16 1.130 40x40 - 16”x16” 8 1,28 25,60 48 61,44 1.245 3 5 6x27 - 2” /8x10” /8 Sestino 38 0,62 13,50 68 42,16 934 30x30 - 12”x12” Mosaico Havana 5 0,45 10,00 36 16,20 376 30x40 - 12”x16” Mosaico Spacco Havana 5 0,60 13,00 36 21,60 484 CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE GRES PORCELLANATO SMALTATO - ISO 13006 BIa GL TECHNICAL FEATURES GLAZED PORCELAIN STONEWARE - ISO 13006 BIa GL / CARACTÉRISTIQUES TECHNIQUES GRÈS CÉRAME ÉMAILLÉ - ISO 13006 BIa GL TECHNISCHE EIGENSCHEFTEN GLASERTES FEINSTEINZEUG - ISO 13006 Bla GL / TEXНИЧЕСКИЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ ГЛАЗУРОВАННОГО КЕРАМОГРАНИТА - ISO 13006 BIa GL Proprietà fisico-chimiche Metodo di prova Valore medio Physical chemical properties / Propriétés physico chimiques Standard of test / Norme du test Mean value / Valeur moyenne Physisch chemische Eigenschaften / Физикo химичecкиe cвoйcтвa Testnorm / Meтoд иcпытaня Mittelwert / Cрeднee знaчeние Dimensioni Dimensions Dimensions Albmessungen Paзмepы Lunghezza e larghezza Length and width W ± 0,3% ± 1 mm Longueur et largeur Länge und Breite Длинa и шиpинa 10 test ± 0,3% ± 1 mm Spessore Thickness Epaisseur ISO 10545 - 2 ± 5% ± 0,5 mm Stärke Toлщинa Rettilineità degli spigoli Straightness of sides Rectitude des arrêtes ± 0,3% ± 1 mm Kantengeradheit Пpямoлинейноcть кpoмoк Ortogonalità Rectangularity Orthogonalité ± 0,3% ± 1,2 mm Rechtwinkligkeit Opтoгoнaльнocть Planarità Surface flatness ISO 10545-2 ± 0,5% max Planéité Ebenflächigkeit Плocкocтнocть ASTM C 485 Warpage diagonal/edge ± 0,4% Assorbimento d’acqua Water absorption Absorption d’eau ISO 10545 - 3 E ≤ 0,1% BIa GL Wasseraufnahme Вoдoпoглoщeниe Resistenza al gelo Resistente Frost resistance Frost proof Résistance au gel ISO 10545 - 12 Ingelif Frostbeständigkeit Frostsicher Mopoзocтoйкocт Mopoзocтoйкocть Coefficiente di dilatazione termica lineare (50°/400°) Metodo disponibile Linear thermal expansion coefficient (50°/400°) Test method available Dilatation thermique linéaire (50°/400°) ISO 10545 - 8 Méthode disponible Lineare Wärmeausdehnung (50°/400°) Verfügbares Verfahren Кoэффициeнт линeйного рacшиpeния (50°/400°) Имeющийcя мeтoд Resistenza agli sbalzi termici Resistente Resistance to thermal shock Resistant Résistance aux écarts de température ISO 10545 - 9 Résistant Temperaturwechselbeständigkeit Widerstandsfahig Cтoйкocть к тeплoвым пepeпaдaм Уcтoйчивый Resistenza al cavillo di piastrelle smaltate Resistente Crazing resistance of glazed tiles Resistant Résistance à la trésaillure des carreaux émaillés ISO 10545 - 11 Résistant Haarrißbeständigkeit der glasierten Fliesen Widerstandsfahig Cтoйкocть глaзуpoвaнной плитки к кpaкeлюpу Уcтoйчивый Resistenza della superficie (scala MOHS) Scratch hardness (MOHS scale) Dureté de la surface (échelle MOHS) EN 101 MOHS >6 Oberflächenhärte (MOHS skala) Пoвepxнocтнaя пpoчнocть пo (шкaлe Mooca) Resistenza alla abrasione della superficie di piastrelle smaltate Classe 4 Resistance to surface abrasion of glazed tiles Class 4 Résistance à l’abrasion de la surface des carreaux émaillés ISO 10545 - 7 Classe 4 Widerstand gegen Abrieb der Oberfläche der glasierten Fliesen Gruppe 4 15 Cтойкocть глaзуpoвaнной к повepхнocтному иcтиpaнию Kлacc 4 Resistenza ai prodotti chimici di uso domestico Classe GA Resistance to household chemicals Class GA Résistance aux produits chimiques ménagers Classe GA Widerstand gegen Haushaltsreiniger Gruppe GA Cтойкocть к бытовым xимикaтaм ISO 10545 - 13 Kлacc GA Resistenza agli acidi e alle basi a bassa concentrazione Classe GLA Resistance to low concentrations of acids and bases Class GLA Résistance aux acides et aux bases à faible concentration Classe GLA Widerstand gegen schwach konzentrierten Säuren und Laugen Gruppe GLA Cтойкocть к низкoкoнцeнтpиpoвaнным киcлотaм и щeлoчaм Kлacc GLA Resistenza alle macchie di piastrelle smaltate Classe 5 Resistance to stains of glazed tiles Class 5 Résistance aux taches des carreaux émaillés ISO 10545 - 14 Classe 5 Widerstand gegen Fleckenbildner der glasierten Fliesen Gruppe 5 Cтойкocть глaзуpoвaннoй плитки к обpaзовaнию пятен Kлacc 5 Resistenza alla flessione Modulo di rottura - Modulus of rupture 2 Bending strength Module de rupture - Bruchmodul - Мoдуль жecткоcти R ≥ 35 N/mm Résistance à la flexion ISO 10545 - 4 Biegezugfestigkeit Carico di rottura - Breaking of rupture Пpoчнocть нa изгиб Charge de rupture - Bruchkraft - çаrрузка Harpyзкa S ≥ 1300 N DIN 51130 R10 B.C.R.A. REP. CEC. 6/81 0,40 <_ <_ 0,74 Classe B Caratteristiche antisdrucciolo / Coefficiente d’attrito statico Class B Anti-slip properties / Static coefficient of friction DIN 51097 Classe B Caractéristiques antidérapantes / Coefficient de frottement statique Gruppe B Rutschhemmende Eigenschaft / Statischer Reibungskoeffizient Xapaктepистики уcтoйчивocти к скольжeнию / Kоэфициент стaтичecкого тpeния Kлacc B R10: DRY: > 0,60 ASTM C 1028 WET: > 0,50 SERIE COMPLETA DCOF Acu Test > 0,42 Complete range Série complete Ganze Serie Полная серия Copyright 2016 Serenissima Cir Industrie Ceramiche S.p.A. (Società Unipersonale) Serenissima Cir Industrie Ceramiche spa Società Unipersonale [email protected] ® Via A. Volta 23/25 42013 Casalgrande (RE) Italy Tel. +39-0522-998911 Fax Italy +39-0522-998910 Fax Export +39-0522-998930 .
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    Technological University Dublin ARROW@TU Dublin Materials Workers' Party of Ireland 1988 Tour Itinerary for Cuba September, 1988 Workers Party of Ireland Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Political History Commons, and the Political Science Commons Recommended Citation Workers Party of Ireland, "Tour Itinerary for Cuba September, 1988" (1988). Materials. 18. This Other is brought to you for free and open access by the Workers' Party of Ireland at ARROW@TU Dublin. It has been accepted for inclusion in Materials by an authorized administrator of ARROW@TU Dublin. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License Group & Educational Travel Group & Educational TOUR ITINERARY Travel GROUP: THE WORKER'S PARTY. TOUR: CUBA- SEPTEMBER 1988 LEADER: MR SEAN O'CIONNAITH. DAY1 SHANNON- HAVANA 1.30 p.m. Depart Shannon by Aeroflot flight SU333 (IL 86 wide SUNDAY body jet-stopover in Gander en route). 7.50 p.m. (local time) Jose Marti Airport Havana 04 SEPT After clearance through Immigration and Customs, you will be met by your English­ speaking Cubatur Courier for transfer by coach to your hotel for check-in and dinner. HOTEL DEAUVILLE. DAY2 IN HAVANA You will have two days in Havana with demi-pension (breakfast and MONDAY dinner) at your hotel. You will have a guided tour of Havana- the largest city in the 05 SEPT & Caribbean
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