The Dutch Schools of New, Netherland
UNITED STATES BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN,1912, NO. 12 - - - WHOLE NUMBER 483 THE DUTCHSCHOOLS OF NEW, NETHERLAND AND COLONIAL NEW YORK I By WILLIAM HEARD KILPATRICK ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF THE HIS1ORY OF EDUCATION TEACHERS COLLEGE. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY NEW YOI-UK a S 0.0 S I 4 , ligASHINGTOrr"1". ti GOVERNMENT PRINTING OfTICE 1912 I v. Is"v A _ 174004 MAY 12 1913 ?age. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 7 PREFACE 9 CHAPTER I.--GENERAL INTRODUCTION 11 The West India Company, 11; the patnions, 12; Flow groN411 of New Neill- / erland, 13; the government of Ncw Netherland and of New A instiTilain, k3; the Reformed Dutch Church, 15; currency of New Netherland, 16; the first English occupation, 16; the duke's laws, 17; the second English occupation, 17; attitude of the English authorities toward schools, 1S. CHAPTER ILTHE SCHOOLS OF THE NETHERLANDs IN THE RYVENTEENTII CENTURY 19 Interest of the church synods in schools, 19; secular interest in education, 20; the relation of church and state in the control of schools, 21;I ho parochial school of the Netherlands, the teacher, his certification, 25; Monsterkdarts,26; appointmentofteaclwrs,26; remuneration,26; auxiliary occupations of teachers, 27; subu'dinate teachent, 28;the 'school calendar, 28; schoolhouses and furniture, 29; scli.)oling of girls, 30; school hours, 31; school prayers, 31; rules of conduct, 111; the cur- riculum and textbooks, 32; religious inst ructiofi, 34; Lativhiils, 35; number of schools, 37; public character of schools, 38. CHAPTER 111.- -THE DATE. OF THE FIRST SCHOOL. IN NEWNETHERLAND 39 The year 1633 heretofore accepted, 39; new data, 39; certification of Adam.
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