


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Acquire Sarjaana Pendidikan Degree in English Education Program of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo

Yuliyah Prasastri 102120106




God never change people’s fate, only if they change themselves

(QS. Ar Ra’d:11)

Don’t be sad , Remember to Allah always

(Dr. ‘Aidh al Qarni)

Always love your mother because you will never get another

(The Researcher)




This thesis is dedicated to:

1. My beloved mother, Mrs Paikem. Your love and sacrifice means everything

to me. I love you so much.

2. My beloved parents, Mr. Kasimun andMrs. Kasimun who always give

support, prayer, and care. Thanks for your endless love and patience.

3. My beloved brother, Arif Budi Prasetyo. Your support makes it a lot easier.

4. My aunt, Paini who always give me endless prayer. Thank you so much.

5. All of English lecturers in English Department of Muhammadiyah University

of Purworejo. Thank you so much for your knowledge, dedication and

motivation during I studied at English Department.

6. My best friends. Thanks for giving me support and help. Thanks for still

being there.




Title ...... i

Approval Sheet ...... ii

Ratification Sheet ...... iii

Statement ...... iv

Acknowledgement ...... v

Motto ...... vii

Dedication ...... viii

Table of Contents ...... ix

Abstract ...... xv


A. Background of the Study ...... 1

B. Reason for Choosing the Topic ...... 3

C. Limitation of the Study ...... 3

D. Statement of the Problem ...... 4

E. Objective of the Study...... 4

F. Significance of the Study ...... 4

G. Organization of the Writing ...... 5


A. Previous Study ...... 7

B. Song ...... 8

C. Figurative Language ...... 9



D. Kind of Figurative Language ...... 17

1. Paradox ...... 11

2. Overstatement (Hyperbole) ...... 11

3. Understatement ...... 12

4. Irony ...... 12

5. Metaphor ...... 13

6. Metonymy ...... 14

7. Personifiction ...... 14

E. Personification ...... 15

F. Biography ...... 15


A. Research Design ...... 17

B. Object of the Research ...... 18

C. Data and Data Source ...... 19

D. Unit of Analysis ...... 19

E. Procedures of Collecting Data ...... 19

F. Procedures of Data Analysis ...... 20


A. Research Finding ...... 22

1. Personification Words Found on the Song Lyrics of Taylor Swift

...... 22

B. Discussion ...... 26

x vi

1. The Analysis of Personification of Words Found on The Song Lyrics of

Taylor Swift Albums ...... 26

a. T/ A/ 15 ...... 26

b. T/ B/ 13 ...... 27

c. F/ A/ 6 ...... 27

d. F/ B/ 21 ...... 28

e. S/ A/ 39 ...... 28

f. S/ B/ 4 ...... 29

g. S/ B/ 7 ...... 30

h. S/ B/ 8 ...... 30

i. S/ B/ 18 ...... 31

j. S/ C/ 21 ...... 31

k. S/ D/ 26 ...... 32

l. S/ E/ 12 ...... 32

m. S/ E/ 38 ...... 33

n. S/ E/ 57 ...... 33

o. R/ A/ 33 ...... 34

p. R/ B/ 24 ...... 35

q. R/ C/ 4 ...... 35

r. R/ D/ 11 ...... 36

s. R/ D/ 17 ...... 36

2. The Meaning of Personification Words Found on the Song Lyrics of

Taylor Swift Albums ...... 37

xi vii

3. The Application of the Research Finding ...... 43


A. Conclusion ...... 51

B. Suggestion ...... 52






Prasastri, Yuliyah. 2014. An Analysis of Personification Words Found in the Song Lyrics of Taylor Swift Albums and Its Application in English Language Teaching. Teacher Training and Educational Sciences Faculty. Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. Consultant Ismawati Ike N., S.S., M. Hum,Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

The study is aimed to find personification words, to analyze the meaning of personification of words, and to explain the application of personification words found in the song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums. The result of the research is expected to enrich English vocabulary in English Language Teaching.

The research is conducted by using descriptive qualitative and by taking song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums as subject of the research. The data was collected by reading the song lyrics, trying to comprehend the content of every single song lyric, detecting the song lyrics that includes personification words, and identifying and coding the personification words discovered in the song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums. This thesis also uses printed material, such as books and dictionaries to support the analysis to collect data and information that are relevant to the topic of discussion. The data that are collected from internet is also considered to complete or to compare with the other data, so that the analysis will be more accurate. It is used to analyze all materials that have close relation to the discussion of the thesis.

The result of the research shows some points, as follows: In finding nineteen personification words in the song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums, finding the meaning of personification words found on the song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums. Personification words that discovered on the song lyrics of Taylor Swift have different meaning. Personification words discovered on the song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums discuss about unhappiness, pain, upset, situation, motion, give up, mind, and disfavour. Analyzing personification words found on the song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums can be applied in listening of teaching to XII grade of Senior High School.

Keywords: English Language Teaching, Taylor Swift albums, Song Lyrics Personification Words



The researcher divides this chapter into background of the study, reasons for choosing the topic, limitation of the study, statement of the problem, significance of the study and organization of the writing.

A. Background of the Study

Language is a necessity of social life. They can socialize or communicate

with others with language to gain connections between them and to show their

message, feeling, minds on objects in life.

In a communication, not only using literal language some text is conveyed

obviously but also using figurative language is conveyed flatly. Literal language

show to terms that are not stray from the true sense. Figurative language show to

terms that change or over their common sense. It is the structure of terms that

cannot be assumed verbatim.

Language can be more catchy by using figurative language because it has

goal to equalize anything with other so as to establish the obvious idea. Figurative

language has lots of design: irony, paradox, hyperbole, allegory, metaphor,

metonymy, and personification.The next is the sample of figurative language:The

flowers danced in the weeds. The sample is put in figurative language because it

includes a human nature, that is provided to a defunct thing, the flowers.

Society employ many media to express or deliver their language in the aim

of delivering all of their thinking. That is employing humanities or literature.

1 2

Some society assume that humanities is only an enjoyment. This thinking is not totally correct because humanities or literarature can provide society of learning, for sample about language, civilization and faith.

“literature means representative of intellect, which is progressive, government is representative of order, which is stationary.” (Buckle, 2013: 7)

On the contrary, when we talk about song, society will find handily extracted in. Song can handly withdraw the hearer because its not only has terms but also has rhyme and descant. Yet, to know the sense of the song, we have to comprehend the sense of its lyrics. But, simply like rhymes, not all the lyrics are handy to comprehend, particularly if the lyrics include lots of figurative language.

But, figurative language can be a little bit mysterious. The writer have their own figurative language, which are distinct from others. That’s why, somewhile it is difficult to analyse figurative language absolutely same with the writer would like to deliver.

The capability to aware figurative language is necessary for the audience.

It is also necessary for them to conceive the sense of figurative language to understand the song lyrics. They might not conceive what the vocalist is absolutely vocalize when they have trouble in perform. These two elements, identifying and comprehending the figurative language are necessary when they would like to absolutelly understand the sense where figurative language stares.

Song lyrics can empower the music existence. Song lyrics are created in stanza and commonly have a nice nouse and verse. According to the explanning, song lyrics are appropiately belong to literature, because they are like poetry lyrics relatively. It is one of rhymes that are not only recited but also escorted by


instrument of musical. Song lyrics can discover the feeling of sense, since they are

belong to short poems.We will discover the sense of song lyrics by figurative


From the researcher’s analysis, the lyrics of Taylor Swift’s songs contain

personification words. The creater use personification words to make lyrics seems

attractive. Furthermore, they use personification will make the lover enjoy the

music itself.

B. Reasons for Choosing the Topic

Inthelyrics of song, we can discover figurative language. However, not

whole of lyrics are easy to conceived, particularly if the lyrics have many

figurative language which is not easy to discovered.

According to the words above, the researcher interested to learn the

figurative language. The researcher learn one of figurative language, in this

analysis is personification words. Furthermore, from this analysis, we can expand

our skillsuch as vocabulary and the research is expected to enrich English

vocabulary in English Language Teaching.

C. Limitation of the Study

It is out of question for the researcher to overcome the whole of cases

because this analysis has a broad scope. That’s why, the cases that researcher

would like to divide in this analysis are:

1. The object of the analysis are lyrics of song on the Taylor Swift albums.

2. The analysis focuses on the use of personification words found in the song

lyrics of Taylor Swift albums.


3. The researcher applies descriptive analysis to analyze the use of personification

words found in the song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums.

D. Statement of the Problem

There are problem that the researcher will discuss in this analysis. They


1. What are personification words found in the song lyrics of Taylor Swift


2. What are the meaning of personification words found in the song lyrics of

Taylor Swift albums?

3. How to apply personification words found in the song lyrics of Taylor Swift

albums in English Language Teaching?

E. The Objective of the Study

There are the objective of the study that the researcher will analyze. They


1. To find personification words found on the song lyrics of Taylor Swiftalbums.

2. To find the meaning of personification words found in the song lyrics of

Taylor Swiftalbums.

3. To apply personification words found in the song lyrics of Taylor Swift

albums in English Language Teaching.

F. Significance of the Study

This analysis is hoped to extend some usefulness to the readers,

particularly music devotee who curious to conceiving the song lyrics, and other


researchers who want to use this analysis as bibliographical for the more research

on figurative language.

G. Organization of the Writting

In order to extend obvious description about the analysis to the readers,

this analysis extend a systematic organization such as:


This chapter consists of background of the study, reasons for choosing the

topic, limitation of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study and

organization of the writing.


In this chapter the researcher talks about previous study, song, figurative

language, kinds of figurative language, personification and biography.


In this chapter, the researcher provides the method dividedinto four parts.

They are research design, object of research, data and data source, unit of analysis,

procedures of collecting data, and procedures of data analysis.


This chapter consists of the data analysis, discussion, which provide

personification words and its sense found on the lyrics of song Taylor Swift

albums and the application of the research in English Language Teaching.



This chapter is the end part of this analysis that closing some conclusion and suggestion.




The researcher presents this chapter into previous study, song, figurative language, kinds offigurative language, personification and biography.

A. Previous Study

Here, the researcher reviews 2 previous studies which are related to this

study as follows:

The first is An Analysis of Figurative Language on the Cold Play’s Song

in Album “X & Y”by Arif Fatoni, year 2008, from Jember University. The

problem of this study deals with the Coldplay’s song from the album X&Y and their

beautiful lyrics that also contain for message are interesting to be analyzed. From

those explanations above they are two points of problems to be discussed in this

thesis; they are the understanding of Coldplay’s songs through an analysis of

figurative language and the types of figurative language in Coldplay’s songs in album

x & y. This thesis uses library research to collect data and information that are

relevant to the topic of discussion. The data are taken from printed material, such

as books to support the analysis.

The second is Personification of a Cat Robot Design for Early Treatment

of Children with Developmental Disorders by Keum Hi Mun, from Semyung

University. She concludesthat personification is applied not only a field of robot

products, but also several field of video, animation, etc. The main purpose of it is

that man accepts the object as more friendly, and its character is more easily



transferred through movement, sound, etc. Personification is one conception of

Synectics. Direct Analogy, Personal Analogy, Symbolic Analogy, Fantasy

Analogy, etc., are examples of synectics. Synectics, developed by W. Gorden, is a

method to searching new one by combining things, which appear to have no

connection with each other. But personification could be found as a technique in

our classical literature, so its origin appears not new.

From the preview studies above, the researcher discovered the similarity

and differences between them. The similarityofthe researcher’s analysis

amongthe first and preview study, An Analysis of Figurative Language on the

Cold Play’s Song in Album “X & Y”, we analyze the use of figurative language in

the song lyrics. On the contrary, the differences among us that the researcher

analyzes in the Taylor Swift’s albums, and in the first preview study in the Cold

Play’s Song in Album “X & Y”. Then, the similarity of the researcher’s study

with the second preview study, we study the use of personification. Then, the

differences are, Keum Hi Mun, from SemyungUniversitystudy about

personification of a cat robot design for early treatment of children with

developmental disorders. And the researcher’s analysis study aboutpersonification

words found in the song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums in English Language


B. Song

Everybody likes song. Song is played nearly in our days who didn’t

recognized have gotten a piece for us. Song is a way to show our senses.


Song is a composition for voice or voices, performed by singing or

alongside musical instruments. The words of songs are typically of a poetic,

rhyming nature, although they may be religious verses or free prose (http:


Song are specifically for a solo singer, though there may also be duet, trio, or

more voices or it is called Choir.Songs can be widely divided into many different

forms, depending on the criteria used. One division is between “art songs”, “popular

music songs”, and folk songs”.(http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/song)

Song consist of three types: Art Songs, Folk Songs, and Popular Songs.

Art songs are songs created for perfomance, or for the aims of a European upper

class, commonly wih piano offbeat, eventhough they can also have another kinds

of offbeat such as an orchestra or string quartet, and are always notated.

Commonly they have an identified composer(s) and require sound training for

acceptable exhibition. The lyrics are often written by a lyricist and the music

partly by an author.(http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/song)

From the definitions above, the researcher deduce that song is way to

show our senses and thinkings, and it has the parts (melody, harmony, rhythm)

including musical offbeat as espousing parts.

C. Figurative Language

Language is used on figurative and literal form in communication. Words

used by literal language which mean precisely what the word say, basic meaning.

When literal language is used by somebody, he or she is unpretentiously saying

the real as they are. On the contrary, an imagination uses figurative language to


create words. When somebody states that he or she can eat a hundred meats in one

minute, he or she does not mean that he or she in real can eat it, but he is starving.

A figurative language is as an explicature that involves treating one or more

words as if they had meanings different from their literal ones (Griffiths, 2006:

81). The reason why a particular figurative language is chosen as better than other

interpretation is somehow deviant (untrue, too obvious, or empty of content, for

instance) or additionally the context may be one that favours figurative usage.

Figurative laguage is language that can not be taken literally or should not

be taken literally only (Perrine, 1992: 61). Broadly defined, a figurative language

is any way of saying something other than the ordinary way, and some rhetoricans

have classified as many as 250 separate figures. But, for purposes, a figurative

language is more narrowly definable as way of saying one thing and meaning

another, and need to be concerned with no more than a dozen.

From the explanation above the researcher deduce that figurative language

is the use of language that convey and create peculiar thing to say and produce a

greater influence for the readers.

D. Kinds of Figurative Language

Figurative Languagecan be categorized in many types (Perrine, 1992:

100). Some example of areparadox, hyperbole (overstatement), understatement,

irony, metaphor, metonymy, and personification.

1. Paradox

Paradox is a clear contradiction that is nevertheless somehow true

(Perrine, 1992: 100). It may be either a situation or a statement. In a paradox


statement the contradiction typically stems from one of the words being used

figuratively or in more than one definition.

My life closed twice before its close;

It yet remains to see

If immortality unveil

A third event to me,

So huge, so hopeless to conceive,

As these that twice befell.

Parting is all we know of heaven,

And all we need of hell.

The value from above is shock moral. Its seeming impossibility startles the

reader into attention and by the fact on its clear absurdity, emphasize the truth

of what is being said.

2. Overstatement (hyperbole)

Overstatement or hyperbole is simply elaboration, but elaboration in the

service of truth (Perrine, 1992: 101). It is not the same as a fish story. Like all

figures of speech, overstatement may be used with a variety of effects. It may

be humorous or grave, fanciful or restraained, convincing or unconvincing.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence,

I scarcely aware of the overstatement above, so quietly is the assertion

made. Unskillfully used, but, overstatement may seem strained and absurd


3. Understatement

Understatetment is saying less than one means, may exist in what one says

or merely in how one says it (Perrine, 1992: 102). Understatement is the

opposite of overtatemnt. If, for illustration, upon sitting down to a loaded

dinner plate, you say, “This looks like a nice snack”. He or she actually stating

less than the truth.

4. Irony

According to Perrine (1992: 378) irony is a situation or a use of language,

involving some kind of incongruity or discrepancy.Irony is saying the opposite

of what one means, is often confused with sarcasm and with satire, and for that

reason it may be well to look at meanings of all three terms. Verbal irony runs

the danger of being misunderstood. With irony the risks are perhaps greater

than with other figures.

No matter how broad or clear the irony, there will always be in any large

audience, number who will misunderstand. Irony is most delightful and most

effective when it is subtlest. If irony is too obvious, it sometimes seems merely

crude. But if it effectivelly used, is capable of adding extra dimensions to


My mistress eyes are nothing like the sun;

Coral is far more red than her lips’ rd.

If snow be white, why then he breasts are dun;


and yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare


as any she belied with false compare.

Example from above shows both the echoing and the dissociation that are

the key components in Wilson and Sperber’s definition of irony. We could pay

poets to compose sonnets of extravagant praise for a lover: eyes like the sun,

coral lips, snow-white décolletage, perfume for breathe and so on.

5. Metaphor

According to Nolan (2009: 70) Metaphor is figure of speech in which a

word of phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of

another to suggest a likeness between them. For example:

a. The whole world is a stage

This senteence intimates that one thing, the whole world, had some of the

attribute of another thing, a stage.

b. Her home is jail

This sentence intimates that one thing, Her home, had some of the attribute

of another thing, a jail.

c. He has a heart of pebble

This sentence intimates that one thing, He, had some of the attribute of

another thing, pebble.

Some peoplee feel hard to distinguish simile and metaphor. The foremost

difference between metaphor and simile is that the differentiation in simile is

always indirect. Actuality, we need to employ words such as, as, like, and than.

On the contrary, it would be intimating that something is something else.


6. Metonymy

According to Nolan (2009: 72) Metonymics use of the name of one thing

for that of another of which it is an attribute or with which it is associated,

Metonymy define it in terms of a person or object being referred to using as the

vehicle a word whose literal deno- tation is somehow pertinently related.for


a. lands of the crown

This sentence shows that crown is used to stand in for royal lands.

b. When you’re working with bling-blings, you’ve must wear bling- blings.

This sentence shows that bling-blings is used to stand in for a vehicle of


7. Personification

Personification involves in giving the attributes of a human being to an

animal, an object, or a concept(Perrine, 1992: 64). For example:

a. The cat smiled to me at the train

This sentence behaves a cat like human who is able to smile to another


b. The dwellings seem asleep

This sentence behaves dwellings like human who is able to seem asleep.

c. The heavenly body sway playfully in the moon sky

This sentence behaves heavenly body like human who is able to sway

playfully in moon sky.


E. Personification

In this analysis the researcher aims on the personification words. The

researcher decides on one type of figure of speech above because that type is often

applied in the song lyrics of Taylor Swiftalbums. Personification involves in

giving the attributes of a human being to a beast, an object, or a concept. It means

that all objects carry out something like human being.

Personification isthe attribution of human traits to an inanimate object,

abstract idea or impersonal being which is used with action verbs most commonly

employed to describe the action of a person. It can be given a voice and be casual,

general or representative (Dodson, 2008: 40).

From the denotation above, it can be deduced thaat personification words

is a figurative language that gives the human characteristic (values, senses,

behaviour or traits) to an inanimate or abstract thing.

F. Biography

Taylor Alison Swift was born on December 13, 1989, is an American

singer and .Raised in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, Swift moved to

Nashville, Tennessee at 14 to pursue a career in country music. She signed with

the independent label Big Machine Records and became the youngest songwriter

ever hired by the Sony/ATV Music publishing house. The release of Swift first

album in 2006, Taylor Swift,established her as a country music star. She has 11

singles, consist ofTim McGraw, Picture To Burn, Teardrops on My Guitar, A

Place In This World, Cold As You, The Outside, Tied Together With A Smile , Stay

Beautiful, Should've Said No, Mary's Song (Oh My MyMy), Our Song.The single


Our Songmade her the youngest person to single-handedly write and perform a number one song on the Hot Country Songs chart.

Swift's second album, Fearless, was released in 2008. In this album consist of 8 singles, they are: Love Story, White Horse, Change, You're Not

Sorry, You Belong with Me, Fifteen, Fearless, and Breathe.Fearless became the best-selling album of 2009 in the US. The album won four Grammy Awards, with

Swift becoming the youngest ever Album of the Year winner. And Swift's third album, 2010's Speak Now, consist ofMine, Sparks Fly, Back to December, Dear

John, Mean, The Story of Us, Never Grow Up, Enchanted, Better than Revenge,

Innocent, Speak Now, Haunted, Last Kiss, and Long Live. The single Mean, won two Grammy Awards. Additionally Taylor released fourth the studio album,

Red, was released 2012. There are 16 singles consist of We Are Never Ever

Getting Back Together, Begin Again, Red, I Knew You Were Trouble, State of

Grace, Holy Ground, Stay StayStay, 22, Treacherous, All Too Well, I Almost Do,

The Last Time, Sad Beautiful Tragic, The Lucky One, Everything Has Changed, andStarlight. The singles We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together and I Knew

You Were Troublewere worldwide hits.

Swift is known for narrative songs about her personal experiences. In addition to her as a philanthropist, Swift supports arts education, children's literacy, natural disaster relief, LGBT anti-discrimination efforts, and charities for sick children.




Research method is required to help the researcher to obtain the result of the analysis. Research method handles with the proceses the analysis were managed which is actually obliging the resercher in clearing up the difficulty. As well as, the important topic being worked will be transparent and uncomplicated to comprehend if a ssufficient method were used.

In this chapter, the researcher will describe the method that the researcher applies in this study. There were: research design, object of research, data and data source, unit of analysis, and procedures of collecting data analysis.

A. Research Design

In this part, the researcher would like to describe about the research kind

that he applies. As specified by Sugiyono (2010: 21-22), there are two kinds of

research, there are qualitative and quantitative research.

1. Qualitative Research

As quoted by Sugiyono (2010: 21-22), Bogdan and Biklen revealed that

characteristic of qualitative research such as:

a. Qualitative research has the natural setting the direct source of data and

researcher is the key istrument.

b. Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected is in the form of

words or pictures rather than number.

c. Qualitative research are concerned with process rather than simply with

outcomes or products.



d. Qualitative research tend to analyze their data inductively.

e. Meaning is of essential to the qualitative approach.

2. Quantitative Research

As quoted by Sugiyono (2010: 22), Erickson states the characteristics of

quantitative research are such as:

a. Intensive, long term participation is field setting.

b. Careful recording of what happens and interview note by collecting other

kinds of documentary evidence.

c. Analytic reflection on the documentary records obtained in the field.

d. Reporting the result by means of detailed description, direct quotes from

interview, and interpretative commentary.

Derive from the clarification above, this research is descriptive

qualitative. The researcher applies descriptive qualitative type to run the study

because the researcher purposes to explain the sense of every single

personification words found on the song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums.

B. Object of Research

Object of research here implies the object which researcher undertakes to

question. This is a qualitative research then, it is dissimilar from quantitative one.

Qualitative research does not apply population because it begins from a precise

case in precise community situation and the conclusion of data analysis will not

be publicied to population but will be conveyed to other sites in the identical

community as the discerned case (Sugiyono, 2010: 19-20). The object of this

research is the song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums.


C. Data and Data Source

Data is certainty or truth, mainly when questioned and applied to

discover objects or to reach conclusion. Data is very main to discover and answer

the difficulty in the research. Data is required by researcher because the data is

solution required in research. In this research, the researcher cites the data from

song lyrics on the Taylor Swift albums.

D. Unit of Analysis

This research studies the meaning of the sentences that are included in the

personification words found in the song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums.

E. Procedures of Collecting Data

As specified by Arikunto (2010: 274), one of technique in collecting data

is using documentation technique. Documentation technique is technique that

discovers the data about objects such as, report, records, transcript, book, daily

paper, tabloid, etc. In this analysis, the researcher applies transcript of the song

lyrics of Taylor Swift albums.

There are two kinds of the data source in this analysis. They are primary

source and secondary sourc. (Sugiyono, 2010: 308)

1. Primary Source

Primary souce is source from which the foremost data of the examining

were cited. They are cited from the objects of the analysis that are song lyrics

on the Taylor Swift albums.


2. Secondary Source

Secondary source is source from which the recommending data were

cited. It contains biography of the Taylor Swift. Those data were cited from

books and websites.

In obtaining the data, the researcher cites various ways are as follows:

1. Reading the song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums continually.

2. Trying to comprehend the content of every single song lyric.

3. Detecting the song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums that includes

personification words

4. Identifying and coding the personification words discovered on the song

lyrics of Taylor Swift albums.

T : Taylor Swift

F : Fearless

S : Speak Now

R : Red

A-E : The number of song titles

1-50 : The number of line on the song lyrics

5. Collecting all song lyrics that involves personification words.

F. Procedures of Data Analysis

Sugiyono (2010: 335) explains that data analysis is disapproving to the

qualitative research method. It contains a step of thoughtful. It deal with the

structured study of something to decide its part, the correlation among parts, and

the relation to every part. Study is a look for examples.


In the wake of researcher carried out accumulating the data, he studied the supplied data. According to Sugiyono (2010: 337), Miles and Huberman asserted that the stages in studying qualitative data are data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification.

1. Data Reduction

In this stage, the researcher is choosing the song lyrics from Taylor Swift

albums that are including personification words.

2. Data Display

In this stage, the researcher is studying the data to discover the sense of

every single personification words on the song lyrics.

3. Conclusion Drawing

In this stage, the researcher deduces resolution derive from the studied

data to finalize this analysis.




As revealed in the previous chapter, the researcher takes desciptive

research method in gaining and studying the data. The researcher acquired the

data from Taylor Swift albums: Taylor Swift, Fearless, Speak Now, Red. The

researcher exclusively studies lyrics that contain personification words.

This chapter classified into four parts. The first is personification words

found on the song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums. The second part is the studies

of personification words found on the song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums. The

third is the meaning of personification words found on the song lyrics of

Taylor Swift albums. The finale one is an applicationofpersonification words

found on the song lyrics of Taylor Swiftalbums in English Language Teaching.

In studying the meaning of personification words, the researcher takes New

Oxford American Dictionary By Angus Stevenson and Christine A Lindberg

(2010) as reference.

A. Research Finding

1. Personification Words Found in the Song Lyrics of Taylor Swift


In this stage, the researcher is choosing the song lyrics from Taylor

Swift albums that are involving personification words.

The researcher has discovered entire nineteen lyrics that involve

personification words on the Taylor Swift albums. The researcher

discovered two personification words on the Taylor Swift album, two



personification words on theFearless album, ten personification words on

the Speak Now album and five personification words on the Red album.

It is displayed in the table 1.

Table 1

Personification Words Found in the Song Lyrics of Taylor Swift Albums

Lyrics that

contain No Albums Titles Code personification


1 Taylor Swift Stay I hope your T/ A/ 15

Beautiful love will lead

you back to my


2 Our Song Our song is the T/ B/ 13

way you laugh

3 Fearless White Horse Holding on the F/ A/ 6

days drag on

4 Change In your eyes F/ B/ 21

says we can

beat this

5 Speak Now Dear John But I took your S/ A/ 39

matches before

fire catch me


6 Enchanted Walls of S/ B/ 4


shifting eyes

and vacancy

7 Your eyes S/ B/ 7


“Have we


8 Across the S/ B/ 8

room, your

silhouette starts

to make its way

to me

9 The lingering S/ B/ 18

question kept

me up

10 Innocent Before the S/ C/ 21

monster caught

up to you?

11 Haunted Something S/ D/ 26

keeps me

holding on to



12 Long Live Long live the S/ E/ 12

walls we



13 Hold on to S/ E/ 38



14 Singing long S/ E/ 57

live all the

mountain we


15 Red Red Cause love was R/ A/ 33

like driving a

new Maserati

down a dead

end street

16 Stay staystay All those times R/ B/ 24

that you did not

leave its been

occurring to me

17 The last time All roads, they R/ C/ 4

lead me here


18 Everything And your eyes R/ D/ 11

has changed look like

coming home

19 And all my R/ D/ 17

walls stood

painted blue

B. Discussion

1. The Analysis of Personification Words Found in The Song Lyrics of

Taylor Swift Albums

a. T/ A/ 15

The first personification word is found on the Taylor Swift album

entitled Stay Beautiful on the line 15, as revealed;

And when you find everything you looked for

I hope your love will lead you back to my door

The word lead meansto go with someone by holding them by

the hand while moving forward. It is a human being characteristic

because human can lead someone. In actual fact, love can not lead

anything. Later, it is a personification word because lead is human

characteristic that is conveyed to an abstract thing, love. This song

lyrics expresses the creator wish someone come back because

someonehas disappeared.


b. T/ B/ 13

The second personification word is found on the Taylor Swift

album entitled Our Song on the line 13, as revealed;

Our song is the way you laugh

The word laugh means to make the spontaneous sounds and

movements of the face and body that are the instinctive expressions of

lively amusement and sometimes also of contempt or derision. It is a

human characteristic because human can laugh. In actual fact, song can

not laugh. Later, it is a personification word because laugh is human

characteristic that is conveyed to an abstract thing, song. This song

lyrics expresses the creator feels glad because of a thing, which as if

laugh of someone, song.

c. F/ A/ 6

The third personification word is discovered on the Fearless

album entitled White Horseon the line 6, as revealed;

As I paced back and forth all this time

Cause I honestly believed in you

Holding on the days drag on

Stupid girl, I should've known

The word holding on means to wait/ stop/ endure or keep going in

difficult condition. It is a human characteristic because human can

hold on with someone. In the actual fact, human can not be hold on by

the days. Later, it is a personification word because holding on is


human characteristic that is conveyed to an abstract thing, the days

drag on. This song lyric expresses that the creator express a strong

desire or hope wait for something.

d. F/ B/ 21

The fourth personification word is discovered on

theFearlessalbum entitled Change on the line 21, as revealed;

We've got the ways

That we can beat this

There's something

In your eyes says we can beat this

The wordsays means to utter words so as to convey information,

an opinion, a feeling or intention, or an instruction. It is a human

characteristic because human can say a word, information, an opinion,

a feeling or intention, or an instruction. In the actual fact, human can

not be said by eyes. Later, it is a personification word because says is

human characteristic that is conveyed to an inanimate thing, eyes. This

song lyrics expresses that the creator has no doubt that the possibility

of something is right.

e. S/ A/ 39

The fifth personification word is discovered on the Speak Now

album entitled Dear John on the line 39, as revealed;

But I took your matches before fire catch me So don't look now I'm shining like fireworks over your sad empty town


The word catch means to intercept and hold something that has

been thrown, propelled, or dropped. It is a human characteristic

because human can catch something. In the actual fact, human can

not be caught by fire. Later, it is a personification word because catch

is a human characteristic that is conveyed to an inanimate thing,

fire.This song lyric expresses that the creator bring a response

expressing a feeling anger.

f. S/ B/ 4

The sixth personification word is discovered on the Speak

Now album entitled Enchanted on the line4, as revealed;

Walls of insincerity

Shifting eyes and vacancy

Vanished when I saw your face

All I can say is

It was enchanting to meet you

The word shiftingmeans to change the position of one's body,

because one is nervous or uncomfortable. It is a human

characteristic because human can shifting a position of one’s body.

In the actual fact, walls of insincerity can not shifting. Later, it is

personification word because shifting is a human characteristic that

is conveyed to an inanimate thing, walls of insincerity. This song

lyric expresses that the creator does not want to express genuine


feelings but wants to deliver that walls of insincerity change in

moving eyes and vacancy.

g. S/ B/ 7

The seventh personification word is discovered on the

Speak Now album entitled Enchanted on the line 9, as revealed;

Your eyes whispered, “Have we met”?

The word whispered means to speak very softly using one's

breath without one's vocal cords, for example for the sake of

privacy. It is a human characteristic because human can whisper

words to someone. In the actual fact, eyes can not whisper words.

Later, it is a personification word because whisper is a human

characteristic that is conveyed to an inanimate thing, eyes. This

song lyric expresses that the creator perceive in someone’s eyes as

though saying something.

h. S/ B/ 8

The eighth personification word is found on the Speak Now

album entitled Enchanted on the line 10, as revealed;

Across the room, your silhouette starts to make its way to me

The word starts to make its way means to go in a specified

direction or manner; change position. It is a human characteristic

because human can starts to make a way position. In the actual fact,

silhouette can not start to make a position. Later, it is a

personification word because start to make a way is a human


characteristic that is conveyed to an inanimate thing, silhouette.

This song lyric expresses that the creator feels the silhouette walk

to him/her through the room.

i. S/ B/ 18

The ninth personification word is found on the Speak Now

album entitled Enchanted on the line 22, as revealed;

The lingering question kept me up

2 am, who do you love?

The word kept up(past and past participle of keep)means

toprevent someone from going to bed or to sleep. It is a human

characteristic because human can kept up someone. In the actual

fact, the lingering question can not keep up someone. Later, it is a

personification word because keep up is a human characteristic that

is conveyed to an inanimate thing, the lingering question. This

song lyric expresses that the creator feelsworry because a question

about love appear suddenly when he/she take a nap in a night.

j. S/ C/ 21

The tenthpersonification word is discovered on the Speak

Now album entitled Innocent on the line 21, as revealed;

Wasn't it beautiful runnin' wild 'til you fell asleep?

Before the monster caught up to you?

The word caught up means to success in reaching a person

who is ahead of one. It is a human characteristic because human can


caught up somebody else. In the actual fact, monster can not catch up

somebody else. Later, it is personification word because caught up is

a human characteristic that is conveyed to an inanimate thing,

monster. This song lyric expresses that the creator suppose someone

that is typically large, ugly, and frightening grab her/his beloved

whichcome before her/him.

k. S/ D/ 26

The eleventh personification word is discovered on the Speak

Now album entitled Haunted on the line 26, as revealed;

Oh, holding my breath

Won't see you again

Something keeps me holding on to nothing

The word keeps holding on means to continue or cause to

continue in a specified condition and endure or keep going in difficult

condition.It is a human characteristic because human can keeps hold

on something. In the actual fact, something can not keeps going on

something. Later, it is a personification word because keeps holding

on is a human characteristic that is conveyed to an inanimate thing,

something. This song lyric expresses that the creator feels depend on a

thing that containing nothing andunspecified.

l. S/ E/ 12

The twelvepersonification word is discovered on the Speak

Now album entitled Long Live on the line 12, as revealed;


Long live the walls we crashed through

How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you

The word long live means to express loyalty or support for a

specified person. It is a human characteristic human can long live

because of something. In the actual fact, walls can not long live

because of something. Later, it is a personification word because long

live is a human characteristic that is conveyed to an inanimate thing,

walls. This song lyric express that the creator feels of desire for the

walls reach loyalty which have been stricken.

m. S/ E/ 38

The thirteenthpersonification word is discovered on the Speak

Now album entitled Long Live on the line 38, as revealed;

Hold on to spinning around

The word hold on tomeans to keep/ hang on to something. It

is human a characteristic because human can be hold on to

something. Later, it is a personification word because hold on to is a

human characteristic that is conveyed to an inanimate thing, spinning

around.This song lyric expresses that the creator wants to keep

something in aturnwhicharound quickly.

n. S/ E/ 57

The fourteenthpersonification word is discovered on the

Speak Now album entitled Long Live on the line 57, as revealed;

Singing long live all the mountain we moved


Confetti falls to the ground

May these memories break our fall

The word long live means to express loyalty or support for a

specified person. It is a human characteristic human can long live

because of something. In the actual fact, the mountainscan not long

live because of something. Later, it is a personification word because

long live is a human characteristic that is conveyed to an inanimate

thing, the mountains. This song lyric express that the creator feels of

desire for the mountains reach faithfulness which have been changed


o. R/ A/ 33

The fifteenthpersonification word is discovered on the Red

album entitled Red on the line 33, as revealed;

Cause love was like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street

The word driving means to operate and control the direction

and speed of a vehicle by a driver. It is a human characteristic

because human can drive a vehicle. In the actual fact, love can not

drive anything. Later, it is a personification word because drive is a

human characteristic that is conveyed to an inanimate thing,

love.This song lyric expresses that the creator assume that love is the

case on the reasoning of probability her/his displeasure but without



p. R/ B/ 24

The sixteenthpersonification is discovered on the Red album

entitled Stay StayStay on the line 24, as revealed;

All those times that you did not leave its been occurring to me

I just like hanging out with you all the time

All those times that you didn't leave it's been occuring to me

I'd like to hang out with you for my whole life

The word occurring to means a thought or idea that come

into the mind of someone. It is a human characteristic because human

can occur to someone else. In the actual fact, time can not occur to

someone. Later, it is a personification word because occuris a human

characteristic that is conveyed to n inanimate thing, all those times.

This song lyric expresses that the creator feels regret or

disappointment over something that has happened or been done.

q. R/ C/ 4

The seventeenthpersonification word is discovered on the Red

album entitled The Last Time on the line 4, as revealed;

But I'm not sure how I got there

All roads, they lead me here

The word lead means to show someone the way to a

destination by going in front of or beside them. It is a human

characteristic because human can lead someone. In the actual fact,

roads can not lead. Later, it is a personification word because lead is


a human characteristic that is conveyed to an inanimate thing, roads.

This song lyric expresses that the creator feels has a power of sense

to move in this place which is shown by the way of life.

r. R/ D/ 11

The eighteenthpersonification word is discovered on the Red

album entitled Everything Has Changed on the line 11, as revealed;

Cause all I know is we said hello

And your eyes look like coming home

All I know is a simple name

Everything has changed

The word coming homemeansthe seriousness of someone that

become fully realized by someone. It is a human characteristic

because human can come home. In the actual fact, eyes can not come

home. Later, it is a personification word because come home is a

human characteristic that is conveyed to an inanimate thing,

eyes.This song lyric expresses that the creator make one think about

someone who wants to back because feels something like awkward/


s. R/ D/ 17

The nineteenthpersonification word is discovered on the Red

album entitled Everything Has Changed on the line 21, as revealed;

And all my walls stood painted blue And I'll take them down, take them down and Open up the door for you


The word stood (past and past participle of stand)means to

have or maintain an upright position, supported by someone's feet. It

is a human characteristic because human can stand. In the actual fact,

walls can not stand. Later, it is a personification word because stand

is a human characteristic that is conveyed to an inanimate thing,

walls. This song lyric expresses that the creator he or she wants to

open his or her heart to be loved by his or her beloved.

2. The Meaning of Personification Words Found in the Song Lyrics

of Taylor Swift Albums

Personification words that found on the song lyrics of

Taylor Swift albums have different meaning. It can be seen on the

table 2.

Table 2.

The Meaning of Personification Words Found in the Song Lyrics of

Taylor Swift Albums

Lyrics that

contain No Titles Code Meanings personification


1 Stay I hope your T/ A/ 15 This song lyrics

Beautiful love will lead expresses the creator

you back to my wish someone come

door back because someone


has disappeared.

2 Our Song Our song is the T/ B/ 13 This song lyrics

way you laugh expresses the creator

feels glad because of

a thing, which as if

laugh of someone,


3 White Holding on the F/ A/ 6 This song lyric

Horse days drag on expresses that the

creator express a

strong desire or hope

wait for something.

4 Change In your eyes F/ B/ 21 This song lyrics

says we can expresses that the

beat this creator has no doubt

that the possibility of

something is right.

5 Dear John But I took your S/ A/ 39 This song lyric

matches before expresses that the

fire catch me creator bring a


response expressing a

feeling anger.

6 Enchanted Walls of S/ B/ 4 This song lyric

insincerity expresses that the

shifting eyes creator does not want

and vacancy to express genuine

feelings but wants to

deliver that walls of

insincerity change in

moving eyes and


7 Your eyes S/ B/ 7 This song lyric

whispered, expresses that the

“Have we creator perceive in

met”? someone’s eyes as

though saying


8 Across the S/ B/ 8 This song lyric

room, your expresses that the

silhouette starts creator feels the


to make its way silhouette walk to

to me him/her through the


9 The lingering S/ B/ 18 This song lyric

question kept expresses that the

me up creator feels worry

because a question

about love appear

suddenly when he/she

take a nap in a night.

10 Innocent Before the S/ C/ 21 This song lyric

monster caught expresses that the

up to you? creator suppose

someone that is

typically large, ugly,

and frightening grab

her/his beloved

whichcome before


11 Haunted Something S/ D/ 26 This song lyric

keeps me expresses that the


holding on to creator feels depend

nothing on a thing that

containing nothing


12 Long Live Long live the S/ E/ 12 This song lyric

walls we express that the

crashed creator feels of desire

through for the walls reach

loyalty which have

been stricken.

13 Hold on to S/ E/ 38 This song lyric

spinning expresses that the

around creator wants to keep

something in a turn

which around quickly.

14 Singing long S/ E/ 57 This song lyric

live all the express that the

mountain we creator feels of

moved desire for the

mountains reach


which have been

changed position.


15 Red Cause love was R/ A/ 33 This song lyric

like driving a expresses that the

new Maserati creator assume that

down a dead love is the case on the

end street reasoning of

probability her/his

displeasure but

without proof.

16 Stay All those times R/ B/ 24 This song lyric

staystay that you did not expresses that the

leave its been creator feels regret or

occurring to me disappointment over

something that has

happened or been


17 The last All roads, they R/ C/ 4 This song lyric

time lead me here expresses that the

creator feels has a

power of sense to

move in this place

which is shown by the


way of life.

18 Everything And your eyes R/ D/ 11 This song lyric

has look like expresses that the

changed coming home creator make one

think about someone

who wants to back

because feels

something like

awkward/ difficult.

19 And all my R/ D/ 17 This song lyric

walls stood expresses that the

painted blue creator he or she

wants to open his or

her heart to be loved

by his or her beloved.

3. The Application of the Research Finding in English Language


This research can be applied in the twelve grade of Senior High

School. It is found inthe twelve grade of Senior High School Syllabus,


especially for Language Programme of Student. Thereisone of the

learning material which deliver about figurative language in a song. The

researcher believes that using a song, it can amuse and entertain. It can

change the atmosphere in a classroom or prepare students for a new

activity. It can also make a satisfactory connection between the world of

leisure and the world of learning. Here is the example of the lesson plan

about Personification In a Song Lyric.


School : SMA N 1 Petanahan

Lesson : English

Class : XII/1

Subject : Personification In the Song Lyric

Time : 90 minutes

1. Competence Standard

Mention the figurative language in the song lyric

2. Basic Competence

To response the personification word in the song lyric

3. Indicator

• To translate the whole of song lyric into indonesian

• To identify the personification word of the lyric in the song

• To make an example of personification word


4. Learning Objectives

• The students can identify the meaning of lyric in the song

• The students can identify the personification word of the lyrics in

the song

• The students can make an example of personification word

5. Learning Material

Enchanted from Taylor Swift

There I was again tonight

Forcing laughter, faking smiles

Same old tired, lonely place

Walls of insincerity

Shifting eyes and vacancy

Vanished when I saw your face

All I can say is

It was enchanting to meet you

Your eyes whispered "Have we met?"

Across the room, your silhouette

Starts to make its way to me

The playful conversation starts

Counter all your quick remarks

Like passing notes in secrecy

And it was enchanting to meet you

All I can say is


I was enchanted to meet you


This night is sparkling, don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

I was enchanted to meet you

The lingering question kept me up

2 am, who do you love?

I wonder 'til I'm wide awake

Now I'm pacing back and forth

Wishing you were at my door

I'd open up and you would say

It was enchanting to meet you

All I know is

I was enchanted to meet you


This is me praying that

This was the very first page

Not where the story line ends

My thoughts will echo your name

Until I see you again

These are the words I held back

As I was leaving too soon


I was enchanted to meet you

Please don't be in love with someone else

Please don't have somebody waiting on you

6. Method

Listening (and mixed) techniques

7. Learning Activity

Learning Activity Time

¾ Pre-Teaching

• Greeting the students

• Praying 15’

• Introduction

• Stating the material

¾ While Teaching

a. Exploration

• Teacher plays the whole of “Enganged from

Taylor Swift” song

• The teacher asks the student about what they 60’

have heard

b. Elaboration

• Teacher plays the “Enganged from Taylor

Swift” song lyric by lyric

• The teacher asks student to repeat every


single lyric

• The teacher asks student to find the

personification words

c. Confirmation

• Teacher gives opportunity to the student to

ask about the material

• Teacher disscuss the correct answer with


• Teacher command the student to make 10

sentences using personification word

• Teacher and student correct answer with


¾ Post Teaching

• Teacher deduces the material

• Teacher motivate the students 15’ • Teacher ends the lesson

• Praying

8.Media and Sources

• Media : White Board, Spidol, Speaker, eraser, Netbook, Enchanted

from Taylor Swift song.


• Sources : An Analysis of Personification Words Found in the Song

Lyrics of Taylor Swift Albums and Its Application in

English Language Teaching.

9. Assesment

• Assessment Techniques :Individual

• Assesmentform : Written

• Assessment type : Subjective

10. Cognitive Scoring

Task No Indicator Test Task Example Key Answer Type

1. Making 10 Written We have been Example:

sentences using discussed about a. The moon sits in

personification personification in the sky

word song, now please b. I feel the light

make 10 betray me

sentences using c. The memory will

personification escape me

word! d. The clouds

looking me so


e. The questions

kill me

f. The sun


climbeinto the


g. The wild grass



h. Watch the time

go right out


i. The rain laughing

in my sadness

j. The time will

opens up to

bring you back


12. Scoring System




SCOR = Right Answer X 100 = MARK Total Score




This chapter show conclusion and suggestion managing with the data

analysis. For the suggestion, it is employed for achieving the discussion of

this chapter.

A. Conclusion

After studying the song lyrics of Tayor Swift albums, the

researcher deduces that there are nineteen personification words that

can be discovered and studied from the song lyrics of Taylor Swift


Personification words that discovered on the song lyrics of Taylor

Swift album have different meaning. Personification words discovered

on the song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums disccuss about:

a. Unhappiness, on the song lyrics: Dear John, Innocent

b. Pain, on the song lyrics: Enchanted, Everything Has Changed

c. Upset, on the song lyric:Enchanted

e. Situation, on the song lyric:Enchanted, The Last Time, Everything

Has Changed

g. Motion, on the song lyric:Enchanted

h. Give up, on the song lyric:White Horse, Haunted

i. Mind, on the song lyric: Stay Beautiful, Our Song, Change, Long Live

j. Disfavor, on the song lyric:Stay Stay Stay



Studying personification words that found in the song lyrics of

Tayor Swift albums, It can also be applied in the twelve grade of Senior

High School. It is found in the twelve grade of Senior High School

Syllabus, especially for Language Programme of Student.

B. Suggestions

In this part, the researcher wants to show some suggestion which

are given to the readers, mainly song and music lovers, who want to

employ this analysis as a reference to understand the unseen meaning

behind the song lyrics, and other researcher who want to employ this

analysis as reference for the more research on figurative language,

among others:

1. It s very necessary as the first way to aware correctly what the

meaning of the song lyric, so music lovers can analyis about

figurative language.

2. Music lovers should comprehend the unseen meaning of the song

lyric, mainly when it involves figurative language, so they can

understand the meaning exactly.

3. In addition, the researcher recommend that the following researchers

will carry out similar study in the other song lyrics of their fondness

musicians. To get fullness in the research, the following researchers

can use other thesis of figurative language or mix it with other thesis.


4. The researcher must be watchful in analysis about figurative

language because some figurative language have inappreciable

dissimilarity among others.

5. It is preferable to take pleasure the song/ literary work we’d like to

bring about research, in order to get a preferable result in carrying

literary on the song lyrics.


Song Lyrics of Linkin Park Albums that Contains Personification Words

(T) Album: Taylor Swift

A. Stay Beautiful

1. Cory's eyes are like a jungle

2. He smiles, it's like the radio

3. He whispers songs into my window

4. In words that nobody knows

5. These pretty girls on every corner

6. They watch him as he's walking home

7. Saying, "Does he know?"

8. Will you ever know?

9. You're beautiful

10. Every little piece love

11.And don't you know

12. You're really gonna be someone

13. Ask anyone

14. And when you find everything you looked for

15. I hope your love will lead you back to my door

16. Oh, but if it don't

17. Stay Beautiful

18. Cory finds another way to be

19. The highlight of my day

20.I'm taking pictures in my mind

21. So I can save them for a rainy day

22. It's hard to make a conversation

23. When he's taking my breath away

24. I should say, hey, by the way...

25. If you and I are a story

26.That never gets told

27. If what you are is a daydream

28. I'll never get to hold

29. At least you'll know...

30. You're beautiful

31. Every little piece love

32.And don't you know

33. You're really gonna be someone

34. Ask anyone

35. And when you find everything you looked for

36. I hope your love will lead you back to my door

37. Oh, but if it don't

38. Will you stay

39.Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

B. Our Song

1. I was riding shotgun

2. With my hair undone

3. In the front seat of his car

4. He's got a one-hand feel

5. On the steering wheel

6. The other on my heart

7. I look around, turn the radio down

8. He says, "Baby is something wrong?"

9. I say, "Nothing,

10. I was just thinking

11. How we don't have a song"

12. And he says...

13. Our song is the way you laugh

14. Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window

15. When we're on the phone and you talk real slow

16. 'cause it's late and your mama don't know

17. The first date: "Man, I didn't kiss her, when I should have"

18. And when I got home ... 'fore I said amen

19. Asking God if he could play it again

20. I was walking up

21. The front porch steps

22. After everything that day

23. Had gone all wrong

24. And been trampled on

25. And lost and thrown away

26. Got to the hallway,

27. Well on my way

28. To my lovin' bed

29. I almost didn't notice

30. All the roses

(F) Album: Fearless

A. White Horse

1. Say you're sorry

2. That face of an angel

3. Comes out just when you need it to

4. As I paced back and forth all this time

5. Cause I honestly believed in you

6. Holding on The days drag on

7. Stupid girl,

8. I should have known, I should have known

9. That I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale,

10. I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet,

11. Lead her up the stairwell

12. This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town,

13. I was a dreamer before you went and let me down,

14. Now it's too late for you and your white horse to come around

15. Maybe I was naïve,

16. Got lost in your eyes

17. And never really had a chance

18. My mistake, I didn't know to be in love

19. You had to fight to have the upper hand

20. I had so many dreams

21. About you and me

22. Happy endings

23. Now I know

24. That I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale,

25. I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet,

26. Lead her up the stairwell

27. This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town,

28. I was a dreamer before you went and let me down,

29. Now it's too late for you and your white horse to come around

30. And there you are on your knees,

31. Begging for forgiveness, begging for me

32. Just like I always wanted but I'm so sorry

33. Cause I'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytale,

34. I'm gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well

35. This is a big world, that was a small town

36. There in my rear view mirror disappearing now

37. And it's too late for you and your white horse

38. Now it's too late for you and your white horse to catch me now

39. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa

40. Try and catch me now

41. Oh, it's too late

42. To catch me now

B. Change

1. And it’s a sad picture, the final blow hits you

2. Somebody else gets what you wanted again and

3. You know it’s all the same, another time and place

4. Repeating history and you’re getting sick of it

5. But I believe in whatever you do

6. And I’ll do anything to see it through

7. Because these things will change

8. Can you feel it now?

9. These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down

10. This revolution, the time will come

11. For us to finally win

12. And we’ll sing hallelujah, we’ll sing hallelujah

13. So we’ve been outnumbered

14. Raided and now cornered

15. It’s hard to fight when the fight ain’t fair

16. We’re getting stronger now

17. Find things they never found

18. They might be bigger

19. But we’re faster and never scared

20. You can walk away, say we don’t need this

21. But there’s something in your eyes says we can beat this

22. Because these things will change

23. Can you feel it now?

24. These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down

25. This revolution, the time will come

26. For us to finally win

27. And we’ll sing hallelujah, well sing hallelujah

28. Tonight we stand, get off our knees

29. Fight for what we’ve worked for all these years

30. And the battle was long, it’s the fight of our lives

31. But we’ll stand up champions tonight

32. It was the night things changed

33. Can you see it now?

34. These walls that they put up to hold us back fell down

35. It’s a revolution, throw your hands up

36. Cause we never gave in

37. And we sang hallelujah, we sang hallelujah

(S) Album: Speak Now

A. Dear John

1. Long were the nights when

2. My days once revolved around you

3. Counting my footsteps

4. Praying the floor won’t fall through, again

5. And my mother accused me of losing my mind

6. But I swore I was fine

7. You paint me a blue sky

8. And go back and turn it to rain

9. And I lived in your chess game

10. But you changed the rules everyday

11. Wonderin’ which version of you I might get on the phone, tonight

12. Well I stopped pickin’ up and this song is to let you know why

13. Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone.

14. Don't you think I was too young

15. To be messed with?

16. The girl in the dress

17. Cried the whole way home, I should've known.

18. Well maybe it’s me

19. And my blind optimism to blame

20. Or maybe it’s you and your sick need

21. To give love then take it away

22. And you'll add my name to your long list of traitors who don't understand

23. And I'll look back in regret how I ignored when they said,

24. "Run as fast as you can."

25. Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone.

26. Don't you think I was too young

27. To be messed with?

28. The girl in the dress

29. Cried the whole way home

30. Dear John, I see it all now it was wrong

31. Don’t you think nineteen’s too young

32. To be played by your dark, twisted games?

33. When I loved you so, I should've known.

34. You are an expert at "Sorry"

35. And keeping lines blurry

36. Never impressed by me acing your tests

37. All the girls that you've run dry have tired lifeless eyes

38. Cause you've burned them out

39. But I took your matches before fire could catch me

40. So don’t look now

41. I’m shining like fireworks

42. Over your sad empty town

43. Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone.

44. Don't you think I was too young

45. To be messed with?

46. The girl in the dress

47. Cried the whole way home

48. I see it all now that you're gone

49. Don't you think I was too young

50. To be messed with?

51. The girl in the dress

52. Wrote you a song, you should’ve known.

53. You should’ve known

54. Don’t you think I was too young?

55. You should’ve known.

B. Enchanted

1. There I was again tonight

2. Forcing laughter, faking smiles

3. Same old tired lonely place

4. Walls of insincerity shifting eyes and vacancy

5. Vanished when I saw your face

6. All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you

7. Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?"

8. Across the room your silhouetteStarts to make its way to me

9. The playful conversation starts

10. Counter all your quick remarks

11. Like passing notes in secrecy

12. And it was enchanting to meet you

13. All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you

14. This night is sparkling, don't you let it go

15. I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

16. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

17. I was enchanted to meet you

18. The lingering question kept me up

19. 2 AM, who do you love?

20. I wonder 'til I'm wide awake

21. And now I'm pacing back and forth

22. Wishing you were at my door

23. I'd open up and you would say, "Hey,

24. It was enchanting to meet you,

25. All I know is I was enchanted to meet you."

26. This night is sparkling, don't you let it go

27. I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

28. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

29. This night is flawless, don't you let it go

30. I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone

31. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

32. I was enchanted to meet you

33. This is me praying that

34. This was the very first page

35. Not where the story line ends

36. My thoughts will echo your name

37. Until I see you again

38. These are the words I held back

39. As I was leaving too soon

40. I was enchanted to meet you

41. Please don't be in love with someone else

42. Please don't have somebody waiting on you

43. Please don't be in love with someone else

44. Please don't have somebody waiting on you

45. This night is sparkling, don't you let it go

46. I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

47. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

48. This night is flawless, don't you let it go

49. I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone

50. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

51. I was enchanted to meet you

52. Please don't be in love with someone else

53. Please don't have somebody waiting on you

C. Innocent

1. I guess you really did it this time

2. Left yourself in your warpath

3. Lost your balance on a tightrope

4. Lost your mind tryin' to get it back

5. Wasn't it easier in your lunchbox days?

6. Always a bigger bed to crawl into

7. Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything?

8. And everybody believed in you?

9. It's all right, just wait and see

10. Your string of lights is still bright to me

11. Oh, who you are is not where you've been

12. You're still an innocent

13. You're still an innocent

14. Did some things you can't speak of

15. But tonight you'll live it all again

16. You wouldn't be shattered on the floor now

17. If only you had seen what you know now then

18. Wasn't it easier in your firefly-catchin' days?

19. And everything out of reach, someone bigger brought down to you

20. Wasn't it beautiful runnin' wild 'til you fell asleep?

21. Before the monsters caught up to you?

22. It's okay, life is a tough crowd

23. and still growin' up now

24. Who you are is not what you did

25. You're still an innocent

26. Time turns flames to embers

27. You'll have new Septembers

28. Every one of us has messed up too

29. Lives change like a weather

30. I hope you remember

31. Today is never too late to

32. Be brand new

33. Lost your balance on a tightrope

34. It's never too late to get it back

D. Haunted

1. You and I walk a fragile line

2. I have known it all this time

3. but I never thought I'd live to see it break

4. It's getting dark and it's all too quiet

5. And I can't trust anything now

6. And it's coming over you like it's all a big mistake

7. Oh, I'm holding my breath

8. Won't lose you again

9. something's made your eyes go cold

10. Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

11. I thought I had you figured out

12. Something's gone terribly wrong

13. You're all I wanted

14. Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

15. I thought I had you figured out

16. Can't breathe whenever you're gone

17. Can't turn back now, I'm haunted

18. Stood there and watched you walk away

19. From everything we had

20. But I still mean every word I said to you

21. He would try to take away my pain

22. And he just might make me smile

23. But the whole time I'm wishing he was you instead

24. Oh, I'm holding my breath

25. Won't see you again

26. somethingkeeps me holding on to nothing

27. Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

28. I thought I had you figured out

29. You're all I wanted

30. Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

31. I thought I had you figured out

32. Can't breathe whenever you're gone

33. Can't turn back now, I'm haunted

34. I know, I know, I just know

35. You're not gone. You can't be gone. No.

36. Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

37. I thought I had you figured out

38. Something's gone terribly wrong

39. Won't finish what you started

40. Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

41. I thought I had you figured out

42. Can't breathe whenever you're gone

43. Can't go back, I'm haunted

44. You and I walk a fragile line

45. I have known it all this time

46. Never ever thought I'd see it break.

47. Never thought I'd see it

E. Long Live

1. I said remember this moment in the back of my mind

2. The time we stood with our shaking hands

3. The crowds in stands went wild

4. We were the Kings and the Queens

5. And they read off our names

6. The night you danced like you knew our lives

7. Would never be the same

8. You held your head like a hero

9. On a history book page

10. It was the end of a decade

11. But the start of an age

12. Long live the walls we crashed through

13. How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you

14. I was screaming long live all the magic we made

15. And bring on all the pretenders

16. One day, we will be remembered

17. I said remember this feeling

18. I pass the pictures around

19. Of all the years that we stood there

20. On the side-lines wishing for right now

21. We are the Kings and the Queens

22. You traded your baseball cap for a crown

23. When they gave us our trophies

24. And we held them up for our town

25. And the cynics were outraged

26. Screaming, "This is absurd!"

27. Cause for a moment a band of thieves

28. In ripped up jeans got to rule the world

29. Long live the walls we crashed through

30. How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you

31. I was screaming long live all the magic we made

32. And bring on all the pretenders

33. I'm not afraid

34. Long live all the mountains we moved

35. I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you

36. I was screaming long live that look on your face

37. And bring on all the pretenders

38. One day, we will be remembered Hold on to spinning around

39. Confetti falls to the ground

40. May these memories break our fall

41. Will you take a moment, promise me this

42. That you'll stand by me forever

43. But if God forbid fate should step in

44. And force us into a goodbye

45. If you have children some day

46. When they point to the pictures

47. Please tell them my name

48. Tell them how the crowds went wild

49. Tell them how I hope they shine

50. Long live the walls we crashed through

51. I had the time of my life, with you

52. Long, long live the walls we crashed through

53. How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you

54. And I was screaming long live all the magic we made

55. And bring on all the pretenders

56. I'm not afraid

57. Singing, long live all the mountains we moved

58. I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you

59. And long, long live the look on your face

60. And bring on all the pretenders

61. One day, we will be remembered

( R ) Album: Red

A. Red

1. Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street

2. Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly

3. Loving him is like trying to change your mind once you're already flying through

the free fall

4. Like the colors in autumn, so bright just before they lose it all

5. Losing him was blue like I'd never known

6. Missing him was dark grey all alone

7. Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met

8. But loving him was red

9. Loving him was red

10. Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of


11. Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song

12. Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing there's no

right answer

13. Regretting him was like wishing you never found out that love could be that


14. Losing him was blue like I'd never known

15. Missing him was dark grey all alone

16. Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met

17. But loving him was red

18. Burning red

19. Remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes

20. Tell myself it's time now, gotta let go

21. But moving on from him is impossible

22. When I still see it all in my head

23. In burning red

24. Burning, it was red

25. Oh, losing him was blue like I'd never know

26. Missing him was dark grey all alone

27. Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met

28. 'Cause loving him was red

29. Yeah, yeah, red

30. We're burning red

31. And that's why he's spinnin' 'round in my head

32. Comes back to me, burning red

33. Cause love was like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street

B. Stay StayStay

1. I'm pretty sure we almost broke up last night.

2. I threw my phone across the room at you.

3. I was expecting some dramatic turn-away,

4. But you stayed.

5. This morning I said we should talk about it.

6. 'Cause I read you should never leave a fight unresolved.

7. That's when you came in wearing a football helmet and said "okay, let's talk."

8. And I said,

9. Stay, stay, stay.

10. I've been lovin' you for quite some time, time, time.

11. You think that it's funny when I'm mad, mad, mad.

12. But I think that it's best if we both stay.

13. Before you, I'd only dated self-indulgent takers,

14. Who took all of their problems out on me.

15. But you carry my groceries, and now I'm always laughin'.

16. And I love you because you have given me no choice but to:

17. Stay, stay, stay.

18. I've been lovin' you for quite some time, time, time.

19. You think that it's funny when I'm mad, mad, mad.

20. But I think that it's best if we both stay, stay, stay, stay.

21. You took the time to memorize me:

22. My fears, my hopes, and dreams.

23. I just like hangin' out with you, all the time.

24. All those times that you didn't leave; It's been occurring to me

25. I'd like to hang out with you, for my whole life.

26. And I'll be loving you for quite some time.

27. No one else is going to love me, when I get mad, mad, mad.

28. So I think that it's best if we both stay, stay, stay, stay, stay, stay.

29. Stay, stay, stay.

30. I've been lovin' you for quite some time, time, time.

31. You think that it's funny when I'm mad, mad, mad.

32. But I think that it's best if we both stay, stay, stay, stay, stay, stay.

33. Stay, stay, stay.

34. I've been lovin' you for quite some time, time, time.

35. You think that it's funny when I'm mad, mad, mad.

36. But I think that it's best if we both stay.

C. The Last Time

1. I find myself at your door,

2. Just like all those times before,

3. I'm not sure how I got there,

4. All roads—they lead me here.

5. I imagine you are home,

6. In your room, all alone,

7. And you open your eyes into mine,

8. And everything feels better,

9. and right before your eyes,

10. I'm breaking, no past

11. No reasons why,

12. Just you and me.

13. This is the last time I'm asking you this,

14. Put my name at the top of your list,

15. This is the last time I'm asking you why,

16. You break my heart in the blink of an eye, eye, eye.

17. You find yourself at my door,

18. Just like all those times before,

19. You wear your best apology,

20. But I was there to watch you leave

21. And all the times I let you in,

22. Just for you to go again,

23. Disappear when you come back,

24. Everything is better.

25. and right before your eyes,

26. I'm aching, no past

27. Nowhere to hide,

28. Just you and me...

29. This is the last time I'm asking you this,

30. Put my name at the top of your list,

31. This is the last time I'm asking you why,

32. You break my heart in the blink of an eye, eye, eye

33. This is the last time you tell me I've got it wrong,

34. This is the last time I say it's been you all along,

35. This is the last time I let you in my door,

36. This is the last time, I won't hurt you anymore.

37. This is the last time I'm asking you this,

38. Put my name at the top of your list,

39. This is the last time I'm asking you why,

40. You break my heart in the blink of an eye.

41. This is the last time I'm asking you,

42. Last time I'm asking you,

43. Last time I'm asking you this...

D. "Everything Has Changed"

1. All I knew this morning when I woke

2. Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before.

3. And all I've seen since eighteen hours ago

4. Is green eyes and freckles and your smile

5. In the back of my mind making me feel like

6. I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now

7. I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now

8. I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now

9. I just wanna know you, know you, know you

10. 'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello."

11. And your eyes look like coming home

12. All I know is a simple name

13. Everything has changed

14. All I know is you held the door

15. You'll be mine and I'll be yours

16. All I know since yesterday is everything has changed

17. And all my walls stood tall painted blue

18. And I'll take them down, take them down and open up the door for you

19. And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies

20. The beautiful kind, making up for lost time,

21. Taking flight, making me feel right

22. Taking flight, making me feel right like

23. I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now

24. I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now

25. I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now

26. I just wanna know you, know you, know you

27. 'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello."

28. And your eyes look like coming home

29. All I know is a simplenam

30. Everything has changed

31. All I know is you held the door

32. And you'll be mine and I'll be yours

33. All I know since yesterday is everything has changed

34. Come back and tell me why

35. I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time, oh, oh, oh.

36. And meet me there tonight

37. And let me know that it's not all in my mind.

38. I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now

39. I just wanna know you, know you, know you

40. All I know is we said, "Hello."

41. And your eyes look like coming home

42. All I know is a simple name

43. Everything has changed

44. All I know is you held the door

45. You'll be mine and I'll be yours

46. All I know since yesterday is everything has changed

47. All I know is we said, "Hello."

48. So dust off your highest hopes

49. All I know is pouring rain and everything has changed

50. All I know is a new found grace

51. All my days I'll know your face

52. All I know since yesterday is everything has changed