Nash Models Low Prices
"TTr" BP 10 THE EVENING WORLD, SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1922. that stands out a'bovo tho clean ap- TRAP ALLEGED BURGLARS, pearance and lines of tho ohassls, It JHE STUTZ ALWAYS 'BIG FIELD FOR A jBUSMESS DOOMS REFINEMENTS FRONTENAC MOTOR Is Its sturdlness. SHOOT ONE IN LEG F Four wheel brakes ao a necessary adjunct to the fleeting speed of the 4 Frontenac motor. Thoy mo new In Anthony llorborat was thot In the leg America, but they have been success- whllo he and Anthony Ilosa, tho police I i BUILT AND SOLO MODERN QUALITY WHEN NEW PRICES THE NEW SERIES EXH BIT ON fully proven a vaiuablo asset In tho allege, were trying to early to- motoring creations of foreign coun- day from Detectives Thomas L'ngland tries and racing has proved that they and Abraham Ackerman. The detec- are necessary for speedy cars. It Is had Interrupted ' evon more Important to stop quickly tives an attempt to CAR ATLOW PRICE AREANNOUNCED CHALMERS GARS AT E than to accelerate quickly. rob the men's furnishing store of R, O FOR PERFORMANCE C0MM0D0R Comfort has been carefully worked Tompkins & Sons, No. HG Itlohmond out, and It rides tho road with un Avenue, Port Iltchinond, S. I. ease that characterized the speeding An attempt had been mads to rob the fleetness of the Frontenac In winning store last Thursday. Thinking the men Louis Chevrolet, of Racing two consecutive International races, F. Klingensmith Says His Entire Country Responded Company Has Produced might como back, tho dotcctlve-- i hid In Comnanv. Has Never Hurried L IVoth tho front and rear springs arc the cellar, llorborat and Rota, it Is Fame, Builds Car With exceptionally long nnd flfcxlble.
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