
Honeywell Provides A Better 3-D View for U.S. Military Helicopters 2016 - 02 - 18 - www.honeywellnow.com

Honeywell has been awarded a contract Honeywell’s technology provides pilots from the Defense Advanced Research with the most accurate “out-the-window,” Projects Agency (DARPA) to continue 3-D view on their primary flight displays, improving three-dimensional visibility and which is critical in low-visibility safety for U.S. military helicopter pilots environments that mask hidden dangers experiencing inclement weather and such as treacherous terrain, other aircraft harsh environments. or utility wires.

Among the visual challenges faced by “Our service men and women are called pilots are issues with rain, snow, dust, upon to serve wherever the need arises, fog and other elements that reduce the and our goal is to provide them with the ability to fly and land. As part of DARPA’s best technology to ensure their missions Multifunction Radio Frequency effort, are as safe as possible in any Honeywell will program, update and environment,” said Bob Witwer, vice integrate the company’s Synthetic Vision president of Advanced Technology at Backbone (SVAB) solution on Honeywell Aerospace. “Degraded visual U.S. military test helicopters such as the environments have... UH-60 Black Hawk. Lire la suite


Blade, Rotary Rudder for Helicopter Model UH-1H 2016 - 02 - 23 - eportal.nspa.nato.int

Référence : ARO160168V Organisme : LA - Aviation Support Date limite : 21 Mar 2016 Contact : [email protected]... Lire la suite

Prestation de maintenance des moyens de conditionnement de systèmes pyrotechniques de DGA EM site Gironde à Saint Médard en Jalles 2016 - 02 - 23 - www.boamp.fr

Avis No:16-20349 Organisme: MINDEF/DGA Date limite: 17/03/2016 à 16h00 Localisation: DGA EM Site Gironde 33166 Saint Médard en Jalles Contact: Ministère de la Défense - Direction Générale de l’armement- Direction technique - Service centralisé des achats techniques MINDEF/DGA/DT/SCAT - Biscarrosse - Avenue de la Plage 40115 Biscarrosse air Courriel:[email protected]... Lire la suite

Spanish EF-18 multifonctional displays obsolescence retrofit 2016 - 02 - 19 - eportal.nspa.nato.int

Référence : JLA16A003 Organisme : NATO LA - Aviation Support Date limite : 21 Mar 2016 Contact : [email protected]... Lire la suite


Spares for MI 17 helicopters. 2016 - 02 - 19 - eprocure.gov.in

Reference: AHQ/DPROC/R1226515/PUR Agency: Deadline: 25-Feb-2016 Location: New Delhi Contact: GROUP CAPTAIN ANIL JOSHI DTE OF PROCUREMENT,AHQ(VB) RAFI MARG, NEW DELHI... Lire la suite

Spares for MIG-27 Aircrafts 2016 - 02 - 18 - eprocure.gov.in

Reference: AHQ/DPROC/R1625504/PUR Agency: Indian Air Force Deadline: 05-May-2016 Location: New Delhi Contact: GROUP CAPTAIN ANIL JOSHI DTE OF PROCUREMENT AIRHQ(VB),RAFI MARG, NEW DELHI-06... Lire la suite

Spares for REI System for the Maintenance of C-130 Aircraft 2016 - 02 - 18 - philgeps.gov.ph

Solicitation Number: PB-PAFBAC-067-16 Procuring Entity: PHILIPPINE AIR FORCE Deadline: 09-Mar-2016 9:00 AM Budget for the Contract: PHP 17,624,818.00 Contact: Richard Domingo Cuchapin NCOIC [email protected] Lire la suite

Echange standard ou réparation d’équipements aéronautiques avioniques installés sur les hélicoptères Fennec as555 de l’Etat français à Paris 2016 - 02 - 17 - www.boamp.fr

Avis No 16-21305 Organisme : MINDEF/SIMMAD Date limite:24/03/2016 à 16h30 Localisation : Paris Contact: [email protected] Téléphone: (+33) 5-33-05-38-25 Télécopieur: (+33) 5-33-05-38-27 Lire la suite


Evaluation technique sur la modification d’un Airbus A319-115 en configuration MEDEVAC 2016 - 02 - 17 - http://ted.europa.eu/

Référence : 2016 / S 033-053539 Organisme: Ministère de la Défense Date limite: 5.4.2016 - 9:30 Localisation : Prague Contact: SVA MO, nám. Svobody 471/4, 160 01 Praha 6 K rukám: Bc. Petra Nováčková 160 01 Praha ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA Tel: +420 973215424 E-mail: [email protected]... Lire la suite

Spares for APG System for the Maintenance of C-130 Aircraft 2016 - 02 - 17 - philgeps.gov.ph

Solicitation Number:PB-PAFBAC-064-16 Procuring Entity: PHILIPPINE AIR FORCE Deadline: 09-Mar-2016 9:00 AM Budget for the Contract: PHP 23,147,087.00 Contact: Richard Domingo Cuchapin NCOIC [email protected] Lire la suite

Spares for REI System for the Maintenance of F-27 Aircraft 2016 - 02 - 17 - philgeps.gov.ph

Solicitation Number:PB-PAFBAC-060-16 Procuring Entity: PHILIPPINE AIR FORCE Deadline: 09-Mar-2016 9:00 AM Budget for the Contract: PHP 25,665,390.00 Contact Person:Richard Domingo Cuchapin NCOIC [email protected] Lire la suite


MCO des Falcon F200 Gardian et Alouette III de la Marine Nationale et des CASA Cn235 de l’armée de l’air française en service dans le Pacifique et autres prestations associées 2016 - 02 - 16 - http://ted.europa.eu

Avis n° 2016/S 032-052193 Organisme: Mindef/Simmad Date limite: 15.3.2016 - 16:30 Localisation : Paris Contact: [email protected] Téléphone: +33 533053825 Lire la suite

Rénovation en usine d’ensembles motoréducteurs pour abris avion bétonnés en service dans l’armée de l’air 2016 - 02 - 16 - www.boamp.fr

Avis n°12-105907 Organisme: MINDEF/Armée de l’Air/SIMMAD Date limite: 4 mai 2016 - 11:00 Localisation: Base aérienne 106 avenue de l’argonne CS 70037 Contact: Bureau marchés, Directeur de la Ssam/Ecia, F-33693 Mérignac Cedex. E-mail : [email protected] Tél. (+33) 5 33 05 32 28. Fax (+33) 5 33 05 32 18 Lire la suite

Formations dans les domaines de la navigabilité des aéronefs, du contrôle aérien et de la sécurité de la navigation aérienne au profit des personnels du MINDEF à Paris 2016 - 02 - 15 - www.boamp.fr

Avis n°16-22183 Organisme: MINDEF/SGA/SPAC Date limite:10 mars 2016 - 11:00 Localisation: Paris Contact: S-Direction des achats, 60 boulevard du général Valin CS 21633 -PC 2 Fax (+33) 9 88 67 87 19.... Lire la suite


Procurement of forward fairing assembly for aircraft F-16C 2016 - 02 - 15 - eportal.nspa.nato.int

Référence : HGR160009 Organisme : LA - Aviation Support Date limite : 01 Mar 2016 Contact : [email protected]... Lire la suite

Spares for IL-76 2016 - 02 - 15 - eprocure.gov.in

Reference : AIRHQ/CPF 400,407,408,413 (AHQ)/IL- 76/R1625502/PUR Agency: Indian Air Force Deadline: 05-May-2016 Location: New Delhi Contact: GROUP CAPTAIN ANIL JOSHI DTE OF PROCUREMENT AIR HQ, VB , RAFI MARG Lire la suite

Modernisation d’hélicoptères Mi-17 2016 - 02 - 13 - http://ted.europa.eu

Référence : 2016/S 031-050774 Organisme : Ministry of Defense Procurement Office Date limite : 11.03.2016 - 10:00 Localisation : Budapest, Hungary Contact : Dr. Tomka Barnabas, the Director-General [email protected] Telephone: +36 18828594 Fax: +36 14338007 Lire la suite

Accord cadre pour le développement des activités de support de tous les aéronefs de la Marine 2016 - 02 - 12 - boe.es

Référence : BOE-B-2016-5361 Organisme : Jefatura del Apoyo Logístico Date limite : 04-04-2016 Localisation : Madrid 28036 Contact : [email protected] Tel : 91 379 54 48 Fax : 91 379 54 49 1... Lire la suite


Prestations de vérification et/ou d’étalonnage et de maintenance corrective d’instruments de mesure, de contrôle et d’essai pour le Détachement Air 204 à Mérignac 2016 - 02 - 12 - www.boamp.fr

Avis n°16-21820 Organisme: MINDEF/Armée de l’Air/SAGF/SSAM 33 504 Date limite:25 mars 2016 - 15:00 Localisation: MINDEF/Armée de l’Air/SAGF/SSAM 33 504, Détachement Air 204 rue de Beauséjour, Mérignac Contact: Mme Siméoni Myriam Tél. (+33) 5 57 53 64 87 Fax (+33) 5 57 53 66 27... Lire la suite

Spares for CF18 Aircraft 2016 - 02 - 11 - buyandsell.gc.ca

Solicitation: W8485-163591/A Organisation : Department of National Defence Deadline: 29.02.2016 Location: Contact: Jodoin, Gisele Telephone: (819) 956-0195 Fax: (819) 997-0437 Lire la suite

Swashplate, Controllable for Helicopter Model AS-532 2016 - 02 - 09 - https://eportal.nspa.nato.int

Collective Number ARO160124 RFP Purchasing Organisation: LA - Aviation Support RFP Closing Date: 07 Mar 2016 Email Address: [email protected] Lire la suite



L’Alat crée une brigade Le général Roos, d’aérocombat nouveau directeur de la 2016 - 02 - 15 - SIMMAD www.aerobuzz.fr 2016 - 02 - 18 - www.air- cosmos.com

Les plus anciens se souviennent Le général de corps aérien Philippe qu’en 1985, l’Alat s’était organisée Roos a été nommé directeur de la autour d’une division aéromobile, la SIMMAD (structure intégrée de 4ème DAM. Une unité puissante et maintien en condition opérationnelle hautement mobile, capable de bondir des matériels aéronautiques du en une poignée d’heures de plusieurs ministère de la défense). Cette centaines de kilomètres pour venir structure était orpheline suite au briser net une offensive blindée départ soudain de son directeur, le soviétique. On ne le savait pas général Guy Girier. encore, mais à l’époque les choses étaient d’une simplicité biblique… Très apprécié de ses équipes et particulièrement investit dans la Depuis, la flotte de l’Alat a fondu délicate mission de la réorganisation comme neige au soleil, passant de du MCO (Maintien en condition 650 hélicoptères à un peu moins de opérationnel) aéronautique, ce dernier 300. L’aéromobilité a fait place à avait remis sa démission le 18 janvier, l’aérocombat et les Gazelle et autres à l’issu d’un comité interministériel Tigre sont allés faire le coup de feu en d’investissement (CMI) houleux sur Afghanistan, en Libye et au Mali. Le l’avenir de la base aérienne de monde change et l’Alat s’adapte et Châteaudun. C’est donc dans un redécouvre les vertus de la contexte très tendu que le général de concentration des moyens… La 4ème corps aérien Philippe Roos prends ses BAC sera officiellement créée le 1er nouvelles fonctions. juillet prochain. Elle regroupera sous un même commandement les 1er, Il aura la lourde tâche de remobiliser 3ème et 5ème régiments un personnel marqué par le départ de d’hélicoptères de combat. Un peu son directeur et de mener à bien la moins... réforme de la SIMMAD... Lire la suite

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USAF receives first refurbished outer wing sets for the MC-130H aircraft 2016 - 02 - 23 - www.airforce-technology.com

The US Air Force’s (USAF) 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG) has delivered the first of seven refurbished outer wing sets for the MC-130H Combat Talon II aircraft operated by Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC). The delivery follows the successful completion of all the phases of the programme, from inspection to fuel line plumbing, non-destruction inspection... Lire la suite

USMC selects Aero Dynamix’s MFD-640 display for its KC-130T aircraft fleet 2016 - 02 - 19 - www.airrecognition.com

The United States Marine Corps (USMC) Reserve has selected Universal Avionics MFD-640 Multi-Function Display for their fleet of KC-130T aircraft. The contract for 32 displays was awarded to Aero Dynamix Inc. by the Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland. Aero Dynamix will modify the displays for Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) compatibility and deliver… Lire la suite

Boeing B-52H gets new radar under $500M modernisation plan 2016 - 02 - 18 - www.flightglobal.com

The US Air Force wants to spend more than $500 million replacing the outdated AN/APQ-166 mechanically scanned array radar on its 53-year-old Boeing B-52H fleet. The old battlewagon, which ceased production in 1962, will not retire anytime soon, but needs a replacement radar… Lire la suite

Russia unveils new Su-30SME fighter aircraft export variant 2016 - 02 - 17 - www.airrecognition.com

Russia has unveiled the export version of the Sukhoi Su-30SM (NATO reporting name: Flanker-C) multipurpose fighter jet at the Singapore Airshow 2016, a source in the defense and industrial sector said on Wednesday. “The Su-30SME aircraft [the export version of the Su-30SM fighter jet]… Lire la suite


Northrop Grumman offers C-130 center wing box restoration 2016 - 02 - 17 - www.ainonline.com

Northrop Grumman (NG, Chalet CD01) Technology Services is offering legacy C-130 Hercules operators a center wing box (CWB) restoration solution. The offer derives from a refurbishment program on five C-130H airlifters that Australia gifted to the . The Australian aircraft were overhauled before delivery by NG’s Integrated Defence Services facility… Lire la suite

New self-protection suite ordered for Indonesian Hawk 2016 - 02 - 17 - www.flightglobal.com

Indonesia’s 24-strong fleet of BAE Systems Hawk are to receive a self-protection system upgrade from Finmeccanica. Performed by Singaporean prime Aptronics, Finmeccanica’s Seer will be installed on an initial batch of aircraft for current operations, with an option to provide further systems in future… Lire la suite

Esterline CMC readies Malaysian C-130 upgrade 2016 - 02 - 17 - www.janes.com

Esterline CMC Electronics is awaiting the go-ahead from the Malaysian government to begin the joint upgrade with ’s Airod of the Royal Malaysian Air Force’s (RMAF’s) C-130 fleet, according to a company official. Alan Vlemmiks, business development executive Asia Pacific at Esterline CMC… Lire la suite

Lockheed Martin to modernize Greek P-3B aircraft 2016 - 02 - 12 - www.upi.com

The U.S. Navy has given Lockheed Martin a $141.9 million contract to support Greece’s P-3B modernization program. Under the contract, Lockheed Martin will reactivate one P-3B aircraft and supply hardware kits for upgrades and modernization of four additional P-3B aircraft. The contract also includes phased depot maintenance, updated avionics systems, additional hardware and a Greece indigenous mission integration and management... Lire la suite


Cascade completes first Block 7.0 upgrade on Canada’s CC-130J Hercules 2016 - 02 - 10 - www.airforce-technology.com

Canada-based Cascade Aerospace has completed the first Block 7.0 upgrade installation on a C-130J Super Hercules operated by the (RCAF). The company claims that this is the first C-130J Block 7.0 upgrade to be installed outside of an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or government facility... Lire la suite

ManTech-Jadwalean Team to Support ’s F-15 Fleet Under $175M Contract

2016 - 02 - 22 - www.govconwire.com

A team comprising ManTech International (Nasdaq: MANT) and Jadwalean International Operations & Management Co. has been awarded a potential five-year, $175 million contract to provide F-15 fleet advisory and technical support services to Saudi Arabia. The companies will deploy personnel in Saudi Arabia to support the country’s F-15 systems and equipment, maintenance planning... Lire la suite

AAMSI cleared to support P-3 aircraft 2016 - 02 - 19 - www.shephardmedia.com

Associated Aircraft Manufacturing and Sales (AAMSI) has been

approved to provide manufacturing and avionics repair for multiple components of the Lockheed Martin P-3 Orion aircraft, the company announced on 17 February. AAMSI will work with the Lockheed Martin team and authorised distributors to directly support users of the P-3 aircraft, including the US Navy and international operators... Lire la suite

USAF Temporarily Transitions to Contract Maintenance for Some Active-Duty Units 2016 - 02 - 12 - www.asdnews.com

The Air Force will temporarily transition some legacy active-duty maintenance units to contract maintenance beginning in fiscal year 2017 and continuing through fiscal year 2020. The move to contract maintenance for some legacy non-deployable flying units and back shop maintenance will allow the Air Force to cross train approximately 1,100 experienced maintainers from legacy aircraft... Lire la suite


StandardAero Wins Contract to Support U.S. Army Special Forces C-27J Spartan Aircraft Engine MRO Services 2016 - 02 - 11 - www.defense-aerospace.com

StandardAero was recently awarded a new contract to provide support for the U.S. Army Special Forces Aviation Group’s engine maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services for its fleet of eight C-27J aircraft. The contract will be administered by Lockheed Martin, who holds the overarching responsibility.... Lire la suite


Rockwell Collins delivers weather radar to KAI for Korean Utility Helicopter 2016 - 02 - 16 - www.intelligent-aerospace.com

Rockwell Collins has delivered its first RTA-4100 MultiScan Weather Radar with enhanced surface search modes to Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) in Sacheon, South Korea, for the medevac variant of the Korean Utility Helicopter (KUH)… Lire la suite

Discussions under way on Rooivalk attack helicopter upgrade 2016 - 02 - 12 - www.engineeringnews.co.za

South Africa’s State-owned defence industrial group, Denel, is in advanced discussions with the Department of Defence and the (SAAF) for upgrading the latter’s Denel Aviation Rooivalk attack helicopters. The upgrade will increase the operational effectiveness of the machine. The group is also confident that the upgrade will, in turn, lead to the development of a Mark (Mk) 2 version of the Rooivalk, which would also be available for export... Lire la suite Reiser ships NH90 maintenance training rig 2016 - 02 - 22 - helihub.com

A full-featured and highly realistic NH90 maintenance training rig (MTR) left Reiser Simulation and Training’s Berg headquarters today, destined for the Internationales Hubschrauberausbildungszentrum VI in Fassberg, a key educational facility for training aircraft technical personnel of the Germany Army Aviation Corps. It is the third such rig delivered... Lire la suite


Russian Helicopters plans first repairs of military helicopters in Vietnam 2016 - 02 - 16 - www.russianhelicopters.aero

Russian Helicopters, part of State Corporation Rostec, continues to develop cooperation with Vietnam in the field of helicopter maintenance and repairs. The company is reviewing options to conduct the Mi-8/17 military helicopters repairs at the joint Russo- Vietnamese venture HELITECHO… Lire la suite

Rosoboronexport ready to supply Peru with a mobile service center for maintaining Mi- 8/17 series helicopters 2016 - 02 - 09 - http://www.ruaviation.com

Rosoboronexport, part of the Rostec State Corporation, is ready to supply Peru with a mobile service center to provide high-quality and timely maintenance of Mi-8/17 series helicopters, including the Mi-171SHs whose delivery was completed in December 2015… Lire la suite


Bell Helicopter, BAE Systems position AH- 1Z for potential Tiger replacement? 2016 - 02 - 17 - australianaviation.com.au

Bell Helicopter and BAE Systems Australia have signed a teaming agreement that positions them to offer the AH-1Z Viper as a potential early replacement for the Army’s Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter (ARH). Signed at the Singapore Airshow on Tuesday, the agreement would see BAE Systems Australia provide maintenance and support services for the AH- 1Z… Lire la suite

P&W Applies ‘Big Data’ to Predict Engine Maintenance Frequency and Planing 2016 - 02 - 16 - www.asdnews.com

Pratt & Whitney, a division of United Technologies Corp. has developed a new modeling and predictive tool to enhance its maintenance service offerings and increase customer value. Expanding its data analytics capabilities, Pratt & Whitney’s Big Data project leverages its deep engine design understanding with broad operational, maintenance and environmental data, such as... Lire la suite


Recevoir la synthèse de veille MCO & Retrofit Aéronefs Militaires du GIFAS Pour recevoir régulièrement la synthèse de veille du Gifas, veuillez remplir le formulaire d'inscription à l'adresse : http://www.gifas.pro/fr/formulaire/

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