NE Vascular Plants - SAS Groups - March 2009

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NE Vascular Plants - SAS Groups - March 2009 NE Vascular Plants - SAS Groups - March 2009 Goal 14 Goal 24 Goal 34 SAS Scientific Name1 Common Name COSEWIC2 CDC3 Habitat6 Note BEC7 Forest District(s)8 Priority Priority Priority group5 most medows BWBSmw; Alopecurus alpinus Alpine Meadow-foxtail R 6 6 2 2(RD) DPC subalpine SWBmk mesic to dry rocky Androsace Sweet-flower Fairy- slopes and BAFA; ESSFdk; chamaejasme ssp. B 6 6 3 6 DCO; DFN; DRM candelabra meadows IMA lehmanniana subalpine to alpine moist meadows, BWBSmw; DCO; DHW; DKL; thickets, forest ICHdw; ICHmc; Anemone canadensis Canada Anemone B 6 6 3 2(RD) DPC; DRM; openings in IDFdm; MSdk; DSS_B montane zone SBSdh moist to mesic Anemone virginiana gravel bars, BWBSmw; DCK, DPC, DPG, Riverbank Anemone R 5 6 2 6 var. cylindroidea streambanks and SBSmh DQU forests BGxh; BGxw; BWBSdk; dry to mesic ESSFmw; DCH; DCK; DKA; Woody-branched gravely slopes; doubt its in Arabis lignifera B 6 6 3 2(RD) ESSFxcp; ICHmk; DMH; DOS; DPC; Rockcress montane and Peace IDFdk; IDFdw; DSS_C steppe IDFxh; SBSdw; SBSun; SBSwk mesic to dry grasslands, record is gravelly river BGxh; BGxw; from DCC; DCS; DKA; Arabis sparsiflora Sickle-pod Rockcress R 6 6 2 2(RD) banks; disturbed BWBSmw; IDFxh; Princeton DOS; DPC areas in steppe MSxk area and montane areas wet to mesic meadows and BWBSmw; ICHvk; DCC; DCH; DNC; Arnica chamissonis Meadow Arnica B 4 6 3 2(RD) forest openings in IDFdm; IDFxm; DNI; DPC; DPG; ssp. incana montane and SBPSxc; SBSmc DRM subalpine zones dry, shrubland, Artemisia cana 6 6 2 6 steppe mesic known streambanks and Artemisia longifolia Long-leaved Mugwort R 6 6 3 3(r) only from BWBSmw DPC terraces in Peace montane zone moist Aster puniceus var. Purple-stemmed Aster B 6 6 3 3(r) streambanks BWBSmw DFN; DPC puniceus montane moist to mesic BAFA; BWBSdk; meadow tundra DFN; DMK; Astragalus umbellatus Tundra Milk-vetch B 5 6 2 6 BWBSmw; CMA; aubalpine to DSS_C SWBdk; SWBmk alpine mesic to dry scree slopes, gravelly Astragalus vexilliflexus banks, scree mostly se Bent-flower Milk-vetch B 5 6 3 6 ;l'l DAB; DPC; DRM var. vexilliflexus slopes in bc subalpine and alpine zones Atriplex nuttallii Nuttall's orache R 6 6 2 6 dry, open BWBSmw DPC BAFA; CMA; DCH; DOS; DPC; CWHxm; ESSFdk; Botrychium ascendens upswept Moonwort R 1 6 3 2(RD) open meadow DQU; DRM; DSC; ESSFmm; IDFdk; DSS_B IMA marshy meadows BWBSmw; DCO; DFN; DHW; Botrychium crenulatum Dainty Moonwort B 3 6 3 3(r) and springs ESSFdk; ICHwk DND; DPC; DRM montane BWBSmw; DAB; DCH; DCR; moist to wet pools CDFmm; CWHds; DMK; DOS; DPC; Botrychium simplex Least Moonwort B 6 6 3 3(r) seepages CWHxm; ICHmw; DRM; DSC; DSI; montane IDFxh; MSdk; DSQ SBPSxc Botrychium Spoon-shaped open, forest, R 4 6 2 2(RD) MSdk DCO; DPC; DRM spathulatum Moonwort disturbed, 3(r) BWBSmw; Calamagrostis dry grassland Plains Reedgrass R 6 4 4 2(RD) ICHdw; IDFdm; DKL; DPC; DRM montanensis montane to alpine IDFun Small-flower Bitter- Cardamine parviflora 5 6 2 6 dry meadow cress BAFA; BWBSdk; BWBSmw; wet gravelly sites, DFN; DPC; Carex bicolor Two-colour Sedge B 6 6 3 3(r) BWBSvk; CMA; fens, seepage DSS_C; DVA ESSFmv; ESSFwv; SWBvk BWBSdk; bog and fen, ESSFwk; ICHdw; DCC; DCH; DFN; Carex heleonastes Hudson Bay Sedge B 5 6 3 3(r) montane ICHmw; IDFdk; DHW; DKA; DKL SBPSxc Carex incurviformis mesic to dry DCO; DCS; DFN; Curved-spiked Sedge B 4 6 3 6 BAFA; CMA; IMA var. incurviformis meadow alpine DRM; DSS_C peat bog and bog Carex lapponica Lapland Sedge B 5 6 3 3(r) BWBSmw DFN forest montane ESSFmc; wet meadow, ESSFmk; DCO; DNI; DPC; Carex lenticularis var. Enander's Sedge B 3 6 3 3(r) lakeshore, ESSFvc; ESSFwk; DQC; DQU; DRM; dolia snowbeds ESSFwv; ICHwc; DSQ; DSS_C MHmm; SBSmc BAFA; BWBSmw; bog, fen, meadow, BWBSvk; CMA; Carex membranacea Fragile Sedge B 6 6 3 3(r) shoreline montane DFN; DSS_C ESSFwv; SBSun; to alpine SWBdk; SWBmk wet meadow to DFN; DPC; Carex misandra Short-leaved Sedge B 6 6 3 1 BAFA;CMA dry alpine DSS_C Carex petricosa Rock-dwelling Sedge B 5 6 3 6 gravel,rock, alpine BAFA; IMA DCO; DFN Carex rupestris ssp. dry rocky scree DFN; DMH; Curly Sedge B 6 6 3 6 BAFA; CMA; IMA rupestris alpine DPC; DSS_C BWBSmw; moist to wet CDFmm; DAB; DCK; DKL; ditches, CWHdm; CWHvh; Carex scoparia Pointed broom Sedge B 6 6 3 3(r) DPC; DPG; DRM; lakeshore, CWHxm; ICHdw; DSC; DSI meadows ICHwk; ICHxw; SBSvk dry meadow, ESSFmv; DCC; DCO; DFN; Carex tenera Tender Sedge B 6 6 3 3(r) shoreline, open ESSFwm; ICHmk; DKL; DPC; DPG; forest ICHwk; SBSmh DSS_C moist meadow Carex torreyi Torrey's Sedge B 5 6 3 2(RD) shrubland in BWBSmw DPC montane areas BGxh; BWBSmw; ICHwk; IDFdm; dry slopes open DKA; DMH; DOS; Carex xerantica Dry-land Sedge R 6 6 3 2(RD) IDFxh; IDFxm; forest DPC; DRM IDFxw; MSxk; MSxv; SBPSxc Castilleja fulva Boreal Paintbrush 2 6 2 6 assume meadows DMK, DPC open DCO, DFN, DOS, Castilleja gracillima Slender Paintbrush B 3 6 2 6/3(r) meadow/streamba DRM, DSS nks BGxh; BWBSdk; Chamaerhodos erecta American open sandy DCC; DFN; DKA; B 5 6 3 6 IDFdk; IDFxm; ssp. nuttallii Chamaerhodos gravelly hillsides DMH; DSS_C SWBun open and Chenopodium hians Hian's Goosefoot R 5 6 3 1 BWBSmw DPC woodland Chrysosplenium north-facing talus, Iowa Golden-saxifrage B 4 6 3 6 BWBSmw DPC iowense seeps European Water- wet streambanks, BWBSdk; DFN; DPC; Cicuta virosa B 5 6 3 3(r) hemlock lakes, ponds BWBSmw DSS_C mesic to dry Cirsium drummondii Drummond's Thistle R 6 6 2 6 roadsides, BWBSmw DPC openings BAFA; CMA; DCH; DFN; DHW; Draba alpina Alpine Draba B 5 6 3 6 alpine, scree ESSFmv; IMA; DPC; DSS_B SWBmk mesic to dry BAFA; BWBSdk; DFN; DHW; DKM; Draba cinerea Gray-leaved Draba B 6 6 3 2(RD) meadows and CMA; IMA; DMK; DPC; cliffs in alpine SBSdh; SWBun DSS_C talus, cliffs BAFA; CMA; IMA; DFN; DPG; Draba fladnizensis Austrian Draba B 5 6 3 6 subalpine to alpine SBSmk; SWBun DSS_C mesic to dry Draba glabella var. BAFA; CMA; IMA; DCH; DCS; DFN; Smooth Draba B 5 6 3 2(RD) meadows and glabella SWBun DPC; DSS_C cliffs in alpine mesic to dry BAFA; CMA; DCO; DFN; DMH; meadows and Draba lactea Milky Draba B 5 6 3 2(RD) ESSFwm; IMA; DPC; DQU; cliffs in alpine and SWBmk; SWBun DSS_C subalpine mesic to dry talus, scree and cliffs in BAFA; CMA; IMA; DCO; DFN; DPC; Draba porsildii Porsild's Draba B 4 6 3 6 alpine and SWBmk DRM; DSS_C subalpine sandy, gravelly river terraces Elymus calderi Calder's Wildrye B 4 6 3 6/3(r) BWBSdk DFN floodplains slopes, montane Northern Swamp Epilobium davuricum R 6 6 2 6/3(r) wet meadow/bog DFN, DSS_C Willowherb CWHwh; ICHmm; Epilobium hornemannii Hornemann's moist, or disturbed DHW; DKM; DPC; B 5 6 3 2(RD) ICHvc; SWBmk; ssp. behringianum Willowherb area DQC; DSS_C SWBun BAFA; CMA; CWHdm; CWHds; CWHvm; CWHwh; CWHxm; DAB; DCC; DCK; moist meadows ESSFmw; DCO; DFN; DHW; Small-fruited and streambanks, Epilobium leptocarpum B 5 6 3 3(r) ESSFwc; DKM; DMK; DPC; Willowherb montane to ESSFwk; ESSFxv; DQC; DRM; DSI; subalpine ICHmc; ICHmw; DSS_B; DSS_C ICHwk; IMA; MSdk; SBSwk; SWBmk Erigeron trifidus Three-lobed Daisy R 1 6 3 6 alpine scree BAFA; IMA DHW, DPC, DRM lowlands and pond margins, southern bc probably Eupatorium 5 6 2 3(r) introduced (but maculatum location up near golden, not likely NE) talus subalpine to BAFA; CMA; DFN; DKM; Eutrema edwardsii Edwards Wallflower B 5 6 3 6 alpine SWBmk; SWBun DSS_C BWBSmw; open bog, fen, DFN; DHW; DMK; Galium labradoricum Northern Bog Bedstraw B 6 6 3 3(r) BWBSwk; ICHwk; swamp DOS; DPC; DPG SBSmk; SBSwk seepage,moist Gentianella tenella 5 6 2 3(r) alpine NE BC moist open Geum rossii Ross' Avens 6 6 2 6 alipine, calcareous BGxh; BWBSmw; DCC; DFN; DHW; wet meadow, Glyceria pulchella Slender Mannagrass B 6 6 3 3(r) IDFdk; IDFun; DKA; DPC; DRM; marshes, muskeg SBSdk; SWBun DSS_C; DVA moist shale BWBSdk; Gymnocarpium limestone BWBSmw; DAB; DCO; DFN; jessoense ssp. Nahanni Oak Fern B 5 4 4 6 montane to BWBSwk; DPC; DSS_C parvulum subalpine ESSFvc; SWBun Haplodontium T (Nov crevices wet rocks SWBmk; Porsild's Bryum R 1 6 2 6 DFN macrocarpum 2003) and cliffs SWBmks BWBSmw; moist to wet fields Helianthus nuttallii var. CWHxm; IDFdm; Nuttall's Sunflower R 6 6 2 2(RD) and meadows; in nuttallii IDFun; PPdh; NE BC SBSwk meadows, grassy BWBSdk; DPC; DQC; Helictotrichon hookeri Spike-oat B 6 6 3 2(RD) slopes montane to BWBSmw DSS_C subalpine BWBSmw; moist meadow DFN; DKL; DOS; Impatiens aurella Orange Touch-me-not B 3 6 3 3(r) ICHdw; ICHmc; streambank DSS_B ICHmw; IDFxh probably 3(r)? Isoetes truncata Truncated Quillwort 2 6 2 3(r) ?distribution BAFA; BWBSdk; CMA; ESSFdk; DCH; DCO; DCS; Juncus albescens Whitish Rush B 6 6 3 3(r) calcareous fen IMA; MSdc; DFN; DSS_C SBPSxc; SWBdk; SWBmk BWBSdk; BWBSmw; DFN; DNC; DPC; Juncus arcticus ssp. wetlands, wet ESSFdk; Arctic Rush B 5 6 3 3(r) DPG; DRM; alaskanus meadows ESSFwk; SBSun; DSS_C SWBdk; SWBmk; SWBun CWHvh; CWHvm; CWHws; ICHmw; DHW; DKM; DMK; bog, marsh, sedge Juncus stygius Bog Rush B 6 6 3 3(r) SBSdw; SBSmh; DNC; DNI; DPC; dominated SBSmk; SBSvk; DPG SBSwk bogs, wet to dry Kobresia sibirica Siberian Kobresia B 6 6 3 3(r) meadows, BAFA DFN shrubby slopes BAFA; CMA; IMA; DPC; DQU; Koenigia islandica Iceland Koenigia B 5 6 3 6 alpine SBPSmc; SWBdk; DSS_C SWBun BAFA; BWBSdk; Lesquerella arctica gravel bar, scree, BWBSmw; Arctic Bladderpod B 5 6 3 6 DFN; DSS_C var.
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