Transition Report Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment & Tourism
November 23, 2020 Transition Report Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment & Tourism Republic of Palau Executive Summary The Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment & Tourism congratulates President- elect, Surangel Whipps, Jr. and the incoming administration. The ministry is further pleased to submit its report to the transition committee and hopes it provides the information needed for the appropriate transfer of work. This report is not a performance evaluation of the work being done by the respective bureaus, programs and projects. Rather, it is focused on ongoing programs and services, status of projects and, in general, the strategic direction of the ministry. Equally important is the listing of personnel, particularly those who are non- permanent employees, on contract or political appointees whose roles and responsibilities are specialized and/or specific to project outputs. A key strategic approach to project development is aligning as much as possible to the respective bureau and program mandates and complementing their efforts. One such example that can be seen at the ministry is the integration of project-based personnel within the bureaus and programs and, in some instances, project-based employees functioning as separate units at the ministry level to enhance coordination. The directors, managers, national focal points and members of commissions, boards, conventions and committees are listed throughout the report and can be contacted for more information. We look forward to working with the transition committee as needed and the incoming administration so that it is in the best position to lead the important work and provide the essential services that are being done in the ministry.
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