Board Meeting Minutes and Report Extracts
A MEETING OF THE SOUTH HOLLAND INTERNAL DRAINAGE BOARD WAS HELD IN THE BOARD ROOM, MARSH REEVES, FOXES LOWE ROAD, HOLBEACH, LINCOLNSHIRE ON TUESDAY, 5 NOVEMBER 2019 AT 10:30 AM. Elected Members Appointed Members * S Bartlett South Holland D C C Dring * A Beal * N J Grundy * F Biggadike * A G Hay * P Coupland * S A R Markillie P Redgate * J Perowne * G Rudkin * I Stancer * M Seymour S R Taylor * Mrs E Sneath R C Thompson J Tyrrell * D R Worth * D Wilkinson Vacancy South Holland D C/ Boston B C * A Casson * Present (71%) Mr D R Worth in the Chair In attendance: Mr P J Camamile (Chief Executive), Mr K L J Vines (Catchment Engineer/Health and Safety Officer), Miss S Jeffrey (Finance & Rating Manager), Mrs C Cocks (Minutes) ID South Holland IDB, Minute Action 74/19 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 74/19/01 Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Messrs C Dring, P Redgate, S R Taylor, R C Thompson and J Tyrrell. 75/19 INTRODUCTIONS AND WELCOME 75/19/01 The Chairman welcomed Mr G Rudkin to his first Board meeting and welcomed back Mr D Wilkinson. Both members had been appointed by South Holland District Council. 75/19/02 Miss Cathryn Brady, Sustainable Development Manager, was welcomed to her first Board meeting. Miss Brady had replaced Mr G 1 ID South Holland IDB, Minute Action Brown, Flood and Water Manager who had recently left the WMA Group and was now working for the National Trust. 76/19 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 76/19/01 Mr S A R Markillie declared an interest in agenda item 20 (2) of the Consortium Matters Schedule of Paid Accounts in respect of a payment made to his business with regard to his duties as WMA Chairman.
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