Crime Cover FINAL NEW 23/2/04 2:38 pm Page 1 communities, social exclusion and crime The Smith Institute The Smith Institute is an independent think tank that has been set up to look at issues which flow from the changing relationship between social values and economic imperatives. If you would like to know more about the Smith Institute please write to: communities, socialexclusionandcrime communities, Edited by John Grieve CBE QPM The Director The Smith Institute and Roger Howard 3rd Floor 52 Grosvenor Gardens London SW1W 0AW Telephone +44 (0)20 7823 4240 Fax +44 (0)20 7823 4823 Email
[email protected] Website Designed and produced by Owen & Owen 2004 THE SMITH INSTITUTE THE SMITH INSTITUTE communities, social exclusion and crime Edited by John Grieve CBE QPM and Roger Howard Published by the Smith Institute ISBN 1 902488 67 9 © The Smith Institute 2004 THE SMITH INSTITUTE Contents Preface 3 By Wilf Stevenson, director, Smith Institute Foreword 4 By Rt Hon David Blunkett MP, home secretary Introduction 6 By John Grieve CBE QPM and Roger Howard Chapter 1: How businesses and communities can break the 11 cycle of crime and decline By Barbara Roche MP Chapter 2: Hope, not fear, is the key 23 By Professor Roger Graef Chapter 3: Getting to grips with antisocial behaviour 35 By Professor Mike Hough and Dr Jessica Jacobson Chapter 4: The role of community policing in civil renewal 43 By Matthew Baggott QPM Chapter 5: Exercising rights as the way to social inclusion 55 By Alison Hannah Chapter 6: Improving