Lederer Award Recipient: ‘Independence And Integrity’ Mark Tom McCarthy (Page 6) OCTOBER–DECEMBER 2007 Welcome to Singapore! (Page 3) Sharing Experience and Knowledge (Page 4) ISASI 2007 Trumpets Cooperation in ‘Lion City’ (Page 8) ‘Best in Seminar’ (Page 15) International Cooperation and Challenges: Understanding Cross-cultural Issues (Page 16) To Break the Chain Use AQP (Page 22) ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ CONTENTS FEATURES Volume 40, Number 4 Publisher Frank Del Gandio Editorial Advisor Richard B. Stone Special Section: ISASI 2007—Singapore Editor Esperison Martinez Design Editor William A. Ford 3 Welcome to Singapore! Associate Editor Susan Fager By Frank Del Gandio—ISASI president’s opening address to the 303 delegates Annual Report Editor Ron Schleede attending ISASI 2007. ISASI Forum (ISSN 1088-8128) is pub- 4 Sharing Experience and Knowledge lished quarterly by International Society of Air Safety Investigators. Opinions ex- By Mark V. Rosenker—Keynote address to the ISASI 2007 assembly. pressed by authors do not necessarily rep- 6 Lederer Award Recipient: ‘Independence and resent official ISASI position or policy. Editorial Offices: Park Center, 107 East Integrity’ Mark Tom McCarthy Holly Avenue, Suite 11, Sterling, VA 20164- By Esperison Martinez, Editor—ISASI 2007 award recipient has for 54 years 5405. Telephone 703-430-9668. Fax 703-430- ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 4970. E-mail address
[email protected]; for edi- dedicated his talents to the improvement of aviation safety. tor,
[email protected]. Internet website: www.isasi.org. ISASI Forum is not responsible 8 ISASI 2007 Trumpets Cooperation in ‘Lion City’ for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs, or By Esperison Martinez, Editor—The seminar theme “International other materials. Unsolicited materials will be returned only if submitted with a self-ad- Cooperation: From Investigation Site to ICAO” received a thorough airing dressed, stamped envelope.