Is America Being Set up for an Arab Spring?
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Summer 2016 The Social Contract Is America Being Set Up For an Arab Spring? BY WILLIAM J. FEDERER n 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood was founded and In 622 AD, he fled 210 miles north to Medina, a began to infiltrate Middle East countries. In 2010, city controlled by three Jewish tribes. Ithey helped coordinate Muslim fundamentalist They let Mohammed in as a Muslim immigrant. groups to stage protests, riots, and uprisings in countries Mohammed lived in Medina’s minority pagan such as: Bahrain, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Morocco, neighborhood and began to organize the community, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Mauritania. particularly among those who had grievances with the They participated in overthrowing Tunisia’s Jewish-controlled government. President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali; Egypt’s President He then pressured the Jews to accommodate him Hosni Mubarak; Libya’s leader Muammar Gaddafi; and and his followers politically. Yemen’s President Ali Abdullah Saleh, as well as waged The Jews made a treaty with Mohammed, recog- civil war against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. nizing him as a political leader in addition to being a The Muslim Brotherhood strategy was twofold: religious leader. first infiltrate the host country; second organize and Back in Mecca, Mohammed’s followers became overthrow its government. They modeled this after the confrontational and were chased out for disturbing the two cities Mohammed lived in: Mecca and Medina. peace. In Mecca, Mohammed was a religious leader; in They were Muslim refugees. The Jews in Medina Medina, he transitioned into a political and military let them in as Muslim immigrants. leader. Mohammed allowed his followers to rob trade car- As Mohammed’s life is called the sunna, or exam- avans headed to Mecca in retaliation for the Meccans ple, it is necessary to examine his transformation to fully driving them out. understand those following him. This was in contrast to the example of Jesus, who Mohammed was a religious leader in 610 AD in taught: love your enemies; bless them that curse you; do the pagan city of Mecca and only made 70 converts in good to those hate you; and if they take your coat, give 12 years. When he became confrontational, the Meccans them your shirt. drove him out for disturbing the peace. He attempted to Mohammed taught, in essence, that if they take go to the city of al-Taif, but they pelted him with rocks your house, you retaliate and take their caravan. and chased him away. Mohammed had 300 warriors and they robbed car- With nowhere to go, Mohammed was a Muslim avans. refugee. He received a whole chapter of the Qur’an, Sura 8, on how to distribute booty from robbing caravans. His portion was a fifth of the booty. In 624 AD, the pagans of Mecca sent a thousand soldiers to escort and protect their caravans. Moham- med, with only 300 warriors, defeated them at the Battle William J. Federer is the author of 20 books, includ- of Badr. ing George Washington Carver — His Life and Faith This amazing victory, having been outnumbered 3 in His Own Words, America’s God and Country: En- to 1, convinced Mohammed to be a military leader. cyclopedia of Quotations, The Faith of FDR, The Ten He fought in 66 battles and raids in the next eight Commandments and Their Influence on American Law, years before he died, killing an estimated 3,000. and What Every American Needs to Know About the He even used the catapult when attacking the city Quran: A History of Islam and the United States. of al-Taif. 9 Summer 2016 The Social Contract When he was told the catapult was hurling stones itary system of Communism; we love Chinese but we that were killing innocent women and children, Moham- have to stand against Mao Zedong’s Collectivism; we med’s response was “they are among them.” In other love Cambodians, but we have to stand against Pol Pot’s words, they got to be killed too. killing fields. Today’s suicide bombers, ISIS fighters, and Mus- Today, the understanding is, we love Arabs, Turks, lim Brotherhood members are striving to follow Moham- Egyptians, Indonesians, Pakistanis, Somalis, and others, med’s example: religiously, politically, and militarily. but we have to stand against the political-military sys- The recent effort to split the religious side of Islam tem of fundamental Islam. away from the political-military side is, in a sense, an Why? effort to split Mohammed. First, Islam has a goal of global conquest; and sec- In America, there is freedom for all religions, but is ond, wherever Islam conquers, non-Muslims are not Islam just a religion? treated with equality. Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in Democracy in What happened to the three tolerant Jewish tribes America, 1840: who let Mohammed into Medina? “Mohammed ... put into the Koran not religious The first Jewish tribe, Banu Qurayza, did some- doctrines only, but political maxims, criminal and civil thing that offended Mohammed. He stirred his follow- laws.” ers to suddenly break out into violence. They attacked For example: the Banu Qurayza tribe, confiscated their property, and • The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution drove them out. guarantees the government will not “prohibit the free Then the second Jewish tribe, Banu Nadir, did exercise” of religion, yet Islamic Law imposes the death something that offended Mohammed. He again stirred penalty for those who leave Islam, as Mohammed said his followers into an outbreak of violence, attacked that “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him.” (Had- tribe, confiscated their property, and drove them out. ith Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, Book 84, No. 57). This set a precedent in Islam called “hudna,” which • The Eighth Amendment states there shall be means, when you are weak make treaties until you are no “cruel and unusual punishments inflicted,” yet the strong enough to disregard them. Qur’an states: “Cut off the hands of thieves” (Sura 5:38) Mohammed bottled Medina’s third Jewish tribe, and a woman who has been raped is also punished “with Banu Qurayza, in their neighborhood for 25 days. When a hundred stripes.” (Sura 24:2) they surrendered, Mohammed took them into the mar- • The Thirteenth Amendment states there shall be ket, had some 700 men beheaded, and sold the women no “slavery or involuntary servitude,” yet the Qur’an and children into slavery. He did keep one of the Jewish accommodates slavery as Mohammed owned slaves. wives for himself, Rayhana. • The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees citizens Within five years of Mohammed immigrating into “equal protection of the laws,” yet the Qur’an does not the Jewish city of Medina, there was not a Jew left in the consider non-Muslims equal to Muslims. city. They were driven out, killed, or enslaved. Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson wrote in the Within five years of Mohammed’s death, every foreword of the book Law in the Middle East (1955): pre-existing culture in Arabia was driven out. “Islamic law...of the Middle East is the antithesis of It was a three-step process: Like Caesar’s three Western law.” steps: veni, vidi, vici (“I came, I saw, I conquered”), If one sets aside the religious aspect of Islam and Mohammed’s three steps were immigrate, increase, just compares it politically and militarily with other sys- eliminate: tems, one will see similarities. Immigrate as a religious refugee into the host-vic- In the last 70 years, what political-military systems tim country by taking advantage of their tolerance, mul- had: ticulturalism, diversity, and freedom of religion. First, a goal of global conquest; and second in Then increase followers among disadvantaged areas they conquered, non-adherents were not treated minorities harboring grievances against the government with equality? and demand political accommodation. During World War II, the attitude was, we love Ger- Then finally eliminate the previous civilization mans but we have to stand against the political-military with sudden outbreaks of militant violence. system of Nazism; we love Italians but we have to stand A behavioral tactic utilized in this process is called against Mussolini’s Fascism; we love Japanese but we “psychological projection,” where the attacker blames have to stand against Emperor Hirohito’s Imperialism. the victim. During the Cold War, the attitude was, we love Though large numbers of Muslim immigrants sim- Russians but we have to stand against the political-mil- ply want to live their lives under the laws of the country 10 Summer 2016 The Social Contract they have moved into, fundamentalist Muslim Brother- the Qur’an teaches: hood types take advantage of the tolerance of host com- “Allah loveth not those who reject Faith.” Sura munities to move in and then accuse their hosts of being 3:32 intolerant, thus justifying their violent retaliation and “Be ruthless to the infidels.” Sura 48:29 intolerance against them. “Make war on the infidels.” Sura 9:123; 66:9 This political tactic of “blaming your opponent for “Fight those who believe not in Allah.” Sura 9:29 what you are guilty of” was alluded to by David Axelord, “Kill the disbelievers wherever we find them.” the President’s political adviser, in an NPR interview, Sura 2:191 April 19, 2010: When they say it is wrong to kill the innocent, it is “In Chicago politics, we have a tradition where code for, it is wrong to kill faithful Muslims. you throw a brick through your own campaign office To be fair, fundamental Muslims view non-violent window, then call a press conference to accuse your moderate Muslims as having backslidden from the way opponent.” of Allah, and they are just as motivated to kill them as Psychological projection is used by bullies on they are to kill infidels.