Congressional Record—House H5196
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H5196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2012 with our farm policy, our military pol- I think it is important for us to re- ues, some of which I have just men- icy, tax reform, health care. I would spect what we’ve got, think about the tioned, and others we have not ex- hope that in Congress we can return to alternatives, and have a discussion plored. the days where we actually had regular where the interests—whether they are And last but not least, before we order and we discussed things like this direct mail, they are marketing, they make changes, I think we ought to be in committee, that every bill wasn’t a are online shopping, they are people in sure that we know that they are going partisan vehicle, and when there was terms of the pharmaceutical industry, to get what is advertised because, de- give and take and challenging one an- senior citizens, rural and small town spite all of the rhetoric, we have the other in terms of ways it could be done America—let’s get in and talk about lowest cost, most efficient postal serv- better, and listening to a wide variety this, find out not by declaring war ice in the world, moving 40 percent of of opinions. And I say by all means against postal employees, but working the traffic, doing it very cost effec- allow a wide variety of opinions to with them in a cooperative fashion to tively, despite the fact that Congress, come forward to talk about the future find out suggestions that they have in in its wisdom, has tied the hands of the of the postal service. I think that’s terms of moving forward, and looking postal service, dictated rates, told healthy. I welcome it. I’ve spent a lot at what this tremendous resource that them what they could close or not of time talking to people on the Postal we have, what the value is. close, and changes course repeatedly. Rate Commission. I’ve talked to lead- I’m in the State of Oregon, where b 2120 ership in the management of the postal now all of our ballots are done by di- I would hope we could do a better job service, postal employees, people who rect mail. It is a way to improve effi- working with our partners there and are customers, and competitors of the ciency and lower cost for local govern- the people who depend on it to make postal service. I want to explore these ments. Broader application of mail-in this part of an area where we figure out issues. ballots would improve the security, the how to do business differently, because I’m absolutely convinced that the in- efficiency, and cost savings. We have I think there are opportunities not terests that are involved with the post- barely scratched the surface of that. al service, broadly defined, including There have been deep concerns, and I only to save money but to take advan- its unions and employees, understand note that we had a somber observance tage of this resource. I think it ought to be done thoughtfully, I think it that there is going to be more change today about the death of a couple of ought to be done soon, and I appreciate taking place in the future. That there our employees, guards who were the opportunity to discuss it here this are some adjustments where there is gunned down on this day in 1998. We’ve evening. probably more capacity than we need, lived through eras where there were I yield back the balance of my time. there will be changes going forward. concerns about anthrax, about oppor- We want to be careful and selective tunities that some may be involved f about what we do. But I go back to my with bioterrorism. And there have been THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD point about the impact it will have on scares about pandemics. Well, it may INQUIRY rural and small town America. I want well be in our future that there would The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under to be sure that the changes that we un- be great value to having a network the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- dertake don’t make great difficulty for that reaches 150 million addresses six uary 5, 2011, the Chair recognizes the people who don’t have the access that times a week with a skilled workforce gentleman from Texas (Mr. GOHMERT) some of us who live in metropolitan that can turn that around in a matter for 30 minutes. areas have, people who are connected of hours. Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, there’s to the Internet and people who have You don’t have to stretch your been a great deal of wailing and gnash- ready access to other resources. imagination very far to think of acts of ing of teeth, it seems lately, in re- I think it is important that when disease or terror where that network sponse to a letter that five of us signed people are talking about reducing the may well make a difference. We’re find- to five different inspectors general, five sixth day of service, that they think ing oftentimes in communities that it’s different departments of the U.S. Gov- about the implications for individuals the postal worker who is alert to prob- ernment. Despite the effort to distract, who depend on that. For many people lems within a family or somebody that despite the wild accusations that have who work and get packages that are is missing and not showing up. They come about five separate letters that important to them, being able to have are eyes and ears that do not just vol- were quite factual, set out things that them delivered on Saturday is impor- unteer projects but connect people. were footnoted, documented as true, we tant, and particularly when you look Let’s think about the value of that net- were simply asking inspectors general at holidays that go over weekends, the work before we start to unravel it. of the different departments if they difficulty of delivery of things like Mr. Speaker, I will conclude where I would investigate about potential Mus- medicine is not a trivial question. And began. I think everybody whose is priv- lim Brotherhood effects within those the fact that the postal service is in a ileged to serve in this Chamber needs departments. sense a partner with some of its private to think about how we do business dif- I have been amazed. Out of five let- sector competitors, cutting back on ferently. I think we need to be open to ters to five different departments, each that service, what it does with those arguments, questions, evidence, to be one of them different, each one of them competitor-partners and what it does able to squeeze more value out of the dealing with facts that were in each with people who are marketing public dollar, to use the resources to particular department, we have been through the Internet, through the protect the vitality and livability of met with this frenzy from some quar- mail, this needs careful consideration. our communities, and to build partner- ters, including some of the mainstream It is interesting as people dive into ships and relationships. And I welcome media, to demonize people that are just the numbers behind the elimination of the discussion that we’re having with simply asking questions. Actually, we Saturday service. You’re eliminating 17 the postal service in the media and used to have a mainstream media that percent of the postal capacity and it here in Congress. But I would hope, Mr. would ask questions. would only save 2, maybe 3 percent, Speaker, we could do it in a way that Also, when you look at the fact that and there would be costs associated is thoughtful and broad-based. I would in 1995, the defendants charged with in- with that. It is kind of interesting. I hope that we would be able to look at volvement in the 1993 first World Trade would like us to think about what it what the postal service has provided Center bombing were tried, and as the does to the business model, if you’re for 236 years. I would hope that we prosecutor, the Federal prosecutor in going to eliminate 17 percent of the would think about the value of the that case, a brilliant guy named An- service and you save a couple percent workforce. It’s not just over a half-mil- drew McCarthy has set out in one of in operation; particularly, as I men- lion family wage jobs that makes a big his articles, we proved, we introduced tioned, that we constrain what they difference, particularly in small town evidence and proved beyond a reason- charge and we have an artificial finan- and rural America, but these are people able doubt that the intention of these cial barrier with the 75-year pre-fund- who have a skill set and a distribution people, these radical Islamist groups, ing of health care. across the country which has other val- was to bring down this country. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:26 Jul 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.130 H24JYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5197 As Andy has properly asked, since we his speech. I don’t know if it’s still up.