Helen of Troy

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Helen of Troy T H E P O E T I C A L WO R K S A N D R E W L A N G I V OL . V TH E P O E T I CAL Wo rm s * W L A 3 ! d i b N E ted y M rs. L A G I N F 0UR VOLUM ES . VOL V . I With Port r ai n m (J r ee o L o g a l s n 63 L . P a te rn oste r R ow n E C . 39 , Lo don , . 4, N ew Y o rk Tor n to , o Bo m ba Ca c u t ta a nd M a a s y , l , d r $3“ k; on( 9 e! TH E PO ET I C AL WO R K S dited N G E by M r s . LA I N F OUR V OLUM ES V O L . I V 8 Ll O 3 \V ith P or tr a i ’ a tc rn ost r R w do n e o Lo n E C . , , . N ew Y r k T r n t o , o o o B m ba C a c u a a n d M a a s o y , l t t , d r fi %L eff M a d e i n! G r ea t TA BLE OF CON TE N TS V OLUM E I V XV H EL EN OF TR OY D edic a t io n : To a ll Old F ri e nd s The Com i ng ofP a ris Th e S p e ll ofAp h rodite Th e F light ofH e l e n Th e D e a th ofCo ry t h u s Th e \V a r Th e S a c k o fT ro T h e R u n o fH n y . et r ele XV I TH E WORL D ’ S D E SI RE SONG S FR OM , A N D CL E OP A TRA ' ’ T/ze I l or /d f D ef/ r e I nvit a t io n Th e S on g oft h e Bo w Th o u gh t h e ligh t o ft h e su n be hidd e n Th e Lo rd ou r G od H e d orh S ign a n d w o n de r C O N E N T S A la m p for ou r fe et Lost Love E n du r e m y hea r t ’ 0 Joy ofL ov e s r e n ewing Will y e bri ng fl a m e P a li nod e La m e n t for O siris Th e Awa king ofOsi ris N igh t o n t h e S ea ’ Th e P o et s Apology H E LE N OF T R OY Le j oy eu lx te m ps Pa sse sou loit estre o cc a si o n qu e ie fa iso ie de pl a is a n ts h a n n n e es e t a a a e fa 7. e t a c a (1 1 gr cieuses go t b ll des . M is j m e suis m is ire ' ’ cette t r a it t i e d a lfl ic t io n co n tre m a dr o ite n a ture et suis co n te n t de ’ ’ ’ ’ l a v o ir r in se a r sem blem en a lle e es —Le c o . p , m es d uleurs m e estre g de Ti oi zu Rom a nr / . O a ll old friends ; to all w h o dwell \V h e re Avon d hu and Avon gel D own to the deep Loch Aline How Through valley s dear from long ago ; ’ T o a ll w ho hear the w h ispe r d spell Of Ken ; and Tweed l ike music swell H ard by t he La nd Debatable , ’ D r a to n s o O r y Yarty seaward g , To all Old friends ! To a ll tha t yet remember w ell \V h a t lsi s to secrets had tell , ’ H o w lazy Cherwell lo ite r d slo w ’ Sweet aisles ofblossom d may below W ’ ’ e ! hate er befall , whate er bet l , To d /l old friends . H E LEN O E T R OY B O O K I Of o n o f a t t o o o fM n a K n ofLa c ed a ' m o n the c m i g P r s the h use e el us , i g , a nd o fthe t a le P a ris t old con cer n i n g his p a st li fe . 8 H E L E N O F T R O Y e Th n cried he to his serving men , and all ’ Obey d him , an d their l abour did not spare , set o u t A n d women tables through the hall , ’ olish d . L ight p tables , with the l inen fair d d A n d water from the well i others bear , A n d the good house - wife busily brought forth Meats from her store , and stinted not the rare \Vine from I sm a r i a n vineyards ofthe north . The men d rave up a heifer from the field ’ fi sh e a th d h er For sacri ce , an d horns with A nd strong Boeth Ou s the axe did wiel d ’ on r oll d A n d smote her , the fruitful earth she , A nd they her l imbs divided , fol d on fol d i They l aid t he fat , and cast upon the f re The barl ey grain . Such rites were wrought of old ’ When all was o r de r d as the gods desire . H E L E N O F T R O Y And n ow the chariots came beneath the trees o H ard by the palace p rtals , in the shade , A nd Menel aus knew Ki ng D iocles ae of Of Pher , sprung an unhappy maid ’ Whom t he great El ian river god bet r a y d i w In the st ll atches of a summer n ight , ’ When by his deep green w ater - course she st r a y d ’ - A nd I ea n d to pluck his water l ilies white . B eside King Diocles t here sat a man —Ofall men mortal sure the fairest far ’ For o e r his purple robe Sidonian H is yellow hair shone brighter than the star Of the long golden locks that bo deth war , H is face was l ike t he sunshine , and his bl ue Gl ad eyes n o sorrow had the spell to mar \ ’ Vere clear as skies the storm hath th u n de r d through . ' t o H E L E N O F T R O Y ’ The stranger - prince w a s follo w d by a band a ll of Of men , clad l ike rovers the sea , ’ A n d brown d were they as is the desert sand ; Loud in their mirth , and of their bearing free ; i A nd g fts t hey bore , from the deep treasury An d o -oft f rests of some far eastern lord , V z ases of gol d , and bron e , and ivory , - That might the Pythian fane have over stored . Then Menel aus spake unto his folk , d m An d eager at his wor they ran a ain , A nd loosed the sweating horses from t he yoke , A nd cast before them spelt , an d barley grain . ’ ’ th e oli sh d W A n d leau d p car , ith gol den rein , Agai n st t he shining spaces of the wall , ’ An d call ed the sea - rovers w h o follow d fain ’ - a . W ithi n the. pilla r d fo re co u rts o fthe h ll H E L E N O F T R O Y l l N ow w hen the k ing had greeted Diocles ’ see m d A nd him that his guest , the twain were ’ TO olish d the dim p baths , where , for their ease , ’ Cool water o er their l ustrous l imbs w a s shed , With o il anointed was each goodly head By A ste ris an d Phylo fai r of face , i t w o fo r Next , l ke gods lovel iness , they sped - TO Menelaus in the ba n quet pl ace . ’ w r There e e they seated at the k ing s right hand , A n d maidens bare them bread , and meat , and wine , Within that fair hall ofthe A rgive land Whose doors and roof with gol d and silver shine - A s doth the dwell in g place ofZeus divine . An d Helen came from forth her fragrant bower o f The fairest l ady immortal l ine , L o n n w n o a w n o o w .
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