Genec Profile Test Results

Horse: ByeMe Champagne Owner: Wendall, Jane and Owner Informaon

Horse ByeMe Champagne DOB 6/1/2007 Breed Paint Age 7 Color Classic Champagne Sex S Discipline Western Height 14.2 Registry APHA Reg. Number 12345 Sire Bye Bye Baby Dam Super Champagne Sire Reg. 9058-234 Dam Reg. 4314-334 Comments: Excellent Temperament

Owner Wendall, Jane Address Tinseltown Phone 555-1212 City Hollywood, CA E-mail [email protected] Zip Code 91604 Genec Profile Test Results

Horse: ByeMe Champagne Owner: Wendall, Jane Results Summary

Coat Color : ByeMe Champagne has one Black and one Red allele making the base coat appear Black. Also detected were single Champagne and Cream ; likely resulng in a rare Champagne Cream color. One copy of the Frame allele is also detected, indicang underlying white patches (hidden by CH). As a result of single gene copies in each of the following, he has a 50% chance of passing Black or Red, Cream and/or Champagne, Agou and/or Frame Overo alleles to his offspring. Allele Summary: Aa, Ee, Ch, Cr, LWO/n

Traits: ByeMe Champagne is a not a carrier of any known recessive disease genes. Cauon is recommended however, as any mare bred to him should be Frame Overo negave as to avoid a 25% chance of foal death (+/+ LWO results in a lethal condion at birth). He may also throw Gaited foals when bred to Gaited (+) mares. Notes: Please note that your analysis is ongoing and may include some regions marked with an asterisk denong the following:

* Discovery – This gene detecon is in the early stages of discovery and will have varying reliability results ** Inconclusive – Not a bad omen! Simply put, the gene of interest did not reveal itself (neither a posive nor a negave = no result, unknown) Genec Profile Test Results

Horse: ByeMe Champagne Owner: Wendall, Jane Coat Color/Paerns Results

Agou +/- MC1R Aa – One dominant Agou allele detected More about Agou

Black/Red +/- MC1R E/e One Black and one Red allele detected More about Black/Red

Brindle (IP) -/- IKBKG No IP alleles detected More about Brindle

Champagne +/- SLC36 Ch/ch – One Champagne allele detected More about Champagne

Cream +/- SLC36 Cr/cr – One Cream allele detected More about Cream

Dominant White -/- KITL No alleles detected (DW 1-20) More about D. White

Frame Overo +/- EDNRB LWO/- - One Frame Overo allele detected More about Overo

Grey -/- STX17A No Grey alleles detected More about Grey Pearl Inconclusive (Couture panel only) More about CS Pearl

Sabino -/- KITL No Sabino alleles detected More about Sabino

Silver -/- PMEL17 No Silver alleles detected More about Silver -/- MITF No Splashed White alleles detected (SW 1-4) More about S White -/- E2 No Tobiano alleles detected More about Tobiano

White Spong -/- PAX3 No White Spong alleles detected More about Spong Genec Profile Test Results

Horse: ByeMe Champagne Owner: Wendall, Jane Health Genecs AIS -/- AR No androgen insensivity detected More about AIS

Cereb. Abiotrophy -/- MUTYH No Cerebellar Abiotrophy genes detected More about CA

EAV Suscepbility* 12/16 ECA11 Unknown Equine Arteritus Viral suscepbility More about EAV No Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome genes FIS -/- SLC5A3 More about FIS detected No Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency alleles GBED -/- GBED1 More about GBED detected No Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia HERDA -/- PPIB More about HERDA alleles detected

HYPP -/- SCN4A No Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis alleles detected More about HYPP

IAR - Subferlity -/+; -/- FKBP6 One subferlity allele detected, likely no effect More about IAR

JEB1 -/- LAMC2 No Junconal Epidermolysa Bullosis detected More about JEB1

Lavender Foal Synd. -/- MYO5A No Lavender Foal alleles detected More about LFS

MH -/- RYR1 No Malignant Hyperthermia alleles detected More about MH

Myotonia -/- CLCN4 No Myotonia alleles detected More about Myotonia

PSSM -/- GYS1 No Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy detected More about PSSM

SCID -/- DNAPK No SCID alleles detected More about SCID

West Nile* -/- WNVR Normal suscepbility to West Nile Virus More about WNVR Genec Profile Test Results

Horse: ByeMe Champagne Owner: Wendall, Jane Trait Genecs

Lordosis* 0/8 ECA20 No lordosis risk alleles present More about Lordosis

Curiosity/ Two Curiously alleles detected. Likely more +/+ DRD4 More about C/V Vigilance* curious

Myostan/Speed +/+ MSTN C/C - Likely sprint, faster, short distances More about Myostan

Gait +/- DMRT3 Likely carrier of gaited allele (Loss of Canter) More about Gait Genec Profile Test Results

Horse: ByeMe Champagne Owner: Wendall, Jane Coat Color Inheritance Probabilies

2 Alleles

1 Allele

0 Alleles

Bay/Agouti Black Brindle Champagne Cream Dom. White Frame Sabino Splashed White White Base Overo White Markings Spots Coat Color Inheritance Probabilies: The bar graph above depicts the number of alleles for specific coat color based upon ByeMe Champagne’s genec tesng results. Filled in red represents the probability that offspring of ByeMe Champagne will have that coat . Genec Profile Test Results

Horse: ByeMe Champagne Owner: Wendall, Jane Health Genecs


Proportion Non−Risk Alleles Medium Proportion Risk Alleles

Low EAV IAS Lordosis

Mul-allele Risk Graph: The proporon of risk alleles carried by ByeMe Champagne for each of these health traits is graphed above. More red indicates ByeMe Champagne carries more risk alleles. Note that for most of these traits, risk is only present if the horse is a carrier of all of the risk alleles. Genec Profile Test Results

Horse: ByeMe Champagne Owner: Wendall, Jane Health Genecs

EAV (12/16)

Lordosis (0/8)

IAR (1/4)

Mul-allele Risk Graph: Each bar indicates a trait and each box indicates a disnct risk site that act in combinaon towards the trait. A red box indicates the horse carriers 2 risk alleles at the site, an orange box indicates 1 risk allele, and a grey box indicates 0 risk alleles. An all red bar indicates that the horse carries two risk alleles at each risk site and is likely affected. A bar filled completely with orange and red indicates the horse may be a carrier. Otherwise, the horse is not a likely a carrier of the risk allele. Genec Profile Test Results

Horse: ByeMe Champagne Owner: Wendall, Jane Defining Genecs & More Info

Allele - One of two or more alternave forms of a gene that arise by mutaon and are found at the same place on a chromosome. Gene - A unit of heredity that is transferred from a parent to offspring and is thought to determine some characterisc of the offspring Genotype - The genec constuon or make up of an individual organism Heterozygous - A pair of genes which are different (not the same). One is typically dominant and one recessive Homozygous - A pair of genes that are idencal (of one type) Phenotype - The observable or visible characteriscs of an individual resulng from their genotype or the interacon of their various genes and environment.

The results depicted in this report do not constute veterinary or medical advice. Any medical or veterinary advice should be sought from your veterinarian regarding these results or any health issues or quesons you may have about your animal. Breed, sex, gene interacon, unknown genes and individual variances may impact the results/ phenotypes/behaviors in any animal in unknown and unpredictable ways. Please be advised that your animals’ health is important to us and you should feel free to contact us should you have any further quesons or feedback on our diagnosc plaorm, results reporng or general quesons. We value your input & thank you!