The new line of platform for high-power satellites © Astrium Contents p. 4 p. 6

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Information pack ALPHABUS 2 In brief A look back on… Half a century of space telecommunications What is a platform?

1. Increasing the capacity of communications satellites Serving the needs of operators and their customers What is a transponder?

2. Alphabus capabilities The product of a perfect blend of heritage and innovation Among the main innovations Alphabus: key figures Alphabus: key dates

3. A fruitful cooperation Between ESA and CNES Between manufacturers Between the public sector and the private sector

4. Alphasat: the first user of the Alphabus platform Alphasat, a high-power Alphasat: Key figures

5. Alphabus… and then? Alphabus extension NEOSAT The issues of electric propulsion

CNES, the French space agency


Information pack ALPHABUS 3 Smartphones, Internet and television: as we broadcast increasing amounts of high definition images and information, satellites must boost their capacity to transmit them. Alphabus is the European response to growing market demand. © Astrium

IN BRIEF © Photononstop

elevised broadcasts, loads which are heavier, more Internet access, digital powerful and more cumbersome. radio or high definition It targets services such as direct TV broadcasting, a new to home television broadcasting, generation of mobile digital audio broadcasting, mobile Tand broadband services - com- services and broadband access. munications satellites today pro- vide many services which require The Alphabus platform addresses a constant increase in capacity. the top end of the market, and is For this reason, their payloads are a complex and innovative pro- becoming more and more complex duct managed jointly by As- and heavy, consuming and dissi- trium and pating power. in a novel industrial arrange- ment, allowing them to build Alphabus is Europe’s response to this unique platform series for the growing market demand for the high-end market. Alpha- large telecommunications pay- bus has therefore fully benefited

Information pack ALPHABUS 4 Telstar, the first communications satellite, 1962. What is a platform?

A satellite is made up of two parts: A look back on… - Its payload, which directly carries out the targeted mission; - Its bus, or platform, which actually carries the payload

Half a century of © Alcatel Lucent and supplies the power, dissipates its heat and maintains space telecommunications the satellite’s orbital position. The platform is almost identical for every satellite, 10 July 1962. Telstar, the first communications satellite, was and comprises: sent into orbit. It was monitored by two ground stations, one in • a structure (the equivalent of the chassis and bodywork of a car); Pleumeur-Bodou in Brittany, and the other in the United States. • electrical power supply; And on 23 July, John F. Kennedy had his first speech broadcast • one or more means of propulsion; live on both sides of the Atlantic. The satellite had just demons- • a thermal control system: the payloads consume trated that the technology was available for this type of service. and dissipate more and more power, which must be disposed of in space; Since then, several waves of innovation have renewed the tele- • an attitude control system: the satellite must communications market, which has continued to grow over the be steered and pointed with extreme accuracy. last 50 years, meeting increasingly sophisticated needs. For economy of scale, a Most of the main families of applications that we know today platform model is developed emerged in the 1970s: telephony, television broadcasting, tele- which will be used for dozens of different satellites. phone communication in ships, etc. Today, Internet access is A platform takes ten years to to poised to replace telephony, hundreds of television channels develop, whereas a satellite have been developed, and listening to sailors’ voices out in the only takes three years to middle of the ocean is no longer good enough: we can now see produce, on average. them with high-quality images. This standardisation in production reduces At the same time, new countries have emerged and demand on manufacturing times the telecommunications market is constantly growing. However, and makes savings the more we wish to broadcast higher definition images and infor- on the equipment.

mation, the more satellites must increase their capacity to trans- Astrium Dominique Marques © EADS mit them. The European Alphabus platform has been designed to meet that demand. from the experience of the two Alphabus platform, should be industrial partners Thales Alenia launched during summer 2013 Space and Astrium with their res- by ECA from the Euro- pective platform families: Spa- pean Spaceport in Kourou, French cebus and Eurostar. Alphabus Guiana. This first launch will pro- enables the European industry to vide an opportunity to test and widen its range of communica- validate the performance of the tions satellites far beyond the Alphabus platform. current platform capabilities. Alphabus Extension, currently This new generation platform is under development, will bring available on the commercial mar- this power up to 22 kW and the ket to cover missions with pay- maximum launch mass to 8.8 t, load power in the range of 12 and to meet the requirements of com- 18 kW and a launch mass within 6 munications satellites for higher to 8 tonnes. mass and power. Alphasat, the first to use the

Information pack ALPHABUS 5 1

Alphabus serves the needs of operators and their customers, which require very high payload capacity (mass and power), in particular because placing higher capacity payloads into orbit with a given launcher can reduce costs for the transponder in orbit: developing this platform therefore makes economic sense. The market in question is estimated to be one order for one satellite per year. The platform will enter into direct competition with Boeing and Loral, leaders in this segment up until now.

Information pack ALPHABUS 6 Alphabus : Increasing the capacity of communications satellites © ESA/Jacku HUART

Alphabus offers an increased payload throw weight compared to and Eurostar, in terms of mass (up to 2 tonnes), power (14 to 22 kW), and number and size of antennas. What is a transponder? It is therefore a complementary platform for the Spacebus and Eurostar ˝core range˝ sec- tors. Furthermore, the increased throw weight A communications satellite receives data streams it provides means more complex payloads can from Earth and broadcasts them to their users. be considered, such as the flexible telecommu- The satellite components performing this function of receiving nications payloads which can be adapted to and transmitting data are the transponders. changes in requirement and traffic throughout The number of transponders will largely dictate how much the satellite’s life (15 years or more), in order to power a satellite consumes, as this equipment uses up a lot respond to the constantly changing worldwide of electricity. A satellite’s communication power is ultimately market in space telecommunications. measured by the number of channels; a channel represents Furthermore, a technical synergy has been the frequency band handled by a transponder. created between Alphabus, Eurostar and Spa- cebus, so that they can enrich one another with their innovative functions. Every satellite has a frequency range allocated to it by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) which it The market in extra-large telecommunications can use without risk of interference with its neighbours. missions is relatively small, but boosts the entire range. When the most innovative tech- The wider the range, the greater the amount of information nology is developed and validated, it does not the satellite is able to broadcast. take long to migrate in turn to the core range. That is why the avionics designed by Thales Alenia Space for Alphabus are already used on the Spacebus platform. And the electric power supply equipment, developed by Astrium for Alphabus, is already used on Eurostar today.

Information pack ALPHABUS 7 2 The Alphabus service module.

Helium and xenon tanks

Central tube housing the two propellant tanks

Lithium-ion batteries

Plasma thrusters

Avionics bay

Liquid propellant apogee motor

Telemetry and telecommand antennas © CNES/Pierre Jalby

The Alphabus service module houses the platform equipment. It is designed around a central tube, an internal deck and structural load-bearing walls. The central tube contains the two large propellant tanks which supply the apogee motor. It supports the helium tanks and the xenon tanks of the plasma propulsion system.

Information pack ALPHABUS 8 Alphabus capabilities

The platform can carry a payload of up to 2,000 kg, the total mass of the satellite at launch Alphabus: key figures can therefore range from 6 to 8.8 tonnes. Satellite mass (Alphabus platform It can accommodate up to 12 antennas with + payload + propellant rigid reflectors of up to 3.5 metres in diameter Up to 8.8 t (with chemical propulsion for orbit raising) or deployable reflectors 15 metres in diameter. Payload mass While allowing these high performance levels, Up to 1.5 t (2 t in extended version) it is still compatible with a dual Ariane launch Payload power or a Proton launcher. Up to 18 kW (22 kW in extended version) Its capacity ranges from 230 (TWTA) to 250 Lifespan (SSPA) power amplifiers depending on the 15 years technology used.

The product of a perfect blend of heritage Alphabus: key dates and innovation The design of Alphabus greatly benefited 2001: feasibility studies from the experience accumulated by Thales 2002: ESA-CNES cooperation agreement Alenia Space and Astrium on the Spacebus 2007: contract signed with for the Alphasat satellite 4000 and Eurostar E3000 platforms. This 2010: Qualification of the Alphabus programme natural relation has today generated a return 25 July 2013: Alphasat launch legacy, since the technology developed for the top of the range enriches these two core range sectors. © EADS Astrium Dominique Marques

Among the main innovations: • Alphabus uses electric propulsion to opti- mise the satellite mass in favour of the pay- load, by reducing the chemical propellant mass on board. • A concept of a modular payload, inclu- ding an antenna module, allows easy adapta- tion to missions and efficient integration and testing, whilst guaranteeing highly accurate antenna pointing. © CNES/Pierre Jalby • The platform is equipped with a highly accurate attitude and orbit control sys- tem (AOCS) thanks to star trackers. • Alphabus is equipped with high-performance solar cells and fifth generation lithium-ion cell batteries. • With its ˝Extension˝ version, Alphabus will offer enhanced heat rejection capability, thanks to the deployable radiators. © CNES/Pierre Jalby Alphasat integration. The platform design has greatly benefited from the experience of Thales Alenia Space and Astrium on the telecommunications platforms.

Information pack ALPHABUS 9 3

Part of the Alphasat project team (from l. to r.): David Schwaller (ESA), Romain Peyrou-Lauga (ESA), Paul Masters (Inmarsat), Valérie Frard (CNES) and Philippe Sivac (ESA). © Astrium

It is the first time that institutions (CNES and ESA) and manufacturers (Astrium and Thales Alenia Space) have all cooperated on the same pro- ject through a unique contract. CNES and the on the one hand, and Astrium and Thales Alenia Space on the other, crea- ted two integrated project teams, representing respectively the customer ˝Agencies˝ and the two project managers. The four entities made a big effort to coordinate their standards reference systems.

Information pack ALPHABUS 10 A fruitful cooperation

Between ESA and CNES Between the public sector and the private sector Each partner had a well-defined role with com- plementary areas of responsibility. CNES was The signing in 2007 of the Alphasat partner- therefore in charge of defining the product line ship contract between Inmarsat and ESA was and participation in developing certain equip- a major step, recognizing this large programme ment in French industry. The European Space carried out in the framework of a public-private Agency was to take charge of equipment deve- partnership. It was in each of the players’ inte- lopment as well as the development and qua- rests, Inmarsat benefiting from a brand new lification of the PFM platform (Proto-Flight platform for operational use as part of a com- Model). mercial programme, and ESA for the in-flight qualification of the Alphabus platform. It is worth mentioning that the ESA/CNES Inmarsat signed an industrial contract with team is truly integrated, without duplication, Astrium to make the satellite. with tasks distributed between ESA or CNES architects, making the best use of the skills available in both agencies. The success of this operating method throughout the Alphabus programme has led ESA, quite naturally, to CNES brought the Alphabus project all its expertise continue to use CNES expertise to follow the in putting together a variety of partnerships between development of the first satellite to use the agencies and with the industry; and its experience in Alphabus platform: Alphasat. steering the development of complex and innovative systems: Between manufacturers • Competence in telecommunications platform systems Considering the unique nature of the high- • Mechanical and thermal engineering capacity satellite market and the amount of • Avionic architecture investment necessary for the development • Attitude and orbit control system (AOCS) of a large platform, the two European project • Assembly, integration and tests (AIT) managers Astrium Satellites and Thales Alenia Space joined forces, under the aegis of CNES and the European Space Agency, to develop the Alphabus platform, equally sharing the effort and risk and working as an integrated team. An equal partnership for marketing the new platform was set up. Astrium / Dominique Marques © EADS

Information pack ALPHABUS 11 Preparation of the Alphasat satellite for thermal-vacuum 4 tests at Intespace, Toulouse. © EADS Astrium Dominique Marques © EADS

Alphasat will be the first geostationary communications satellite to use the new Alphabus platform. After its ground qualification, the placing in orbit will provide an opportunity to carry out several in-flight validations as regards: - avionics behaviour, - platform performance, - operations.

Information pack ALPHABUS 12 Alphasat: the first user of the Alphabus platform

© Northrop Grumman Astro Aerospace 2011 This first flight is also the opportunity for Alphabus to prove to potential commercial operators that the platform is perfectly adapted to missions requiring a payload of 18 kW and over. By carrying four techno- logy demonstration payloads (TDP) deve- loped in the framework of the ESA ARTES telecommunication programme or supplied by the German Space Agency, the DLR, Alphasat also enables the very latest space technology to be tested.

Alphasat is a high-power communications satellite intended for extending the existing worldwide network of Inmarsat mobile te- lecommunications. It was built by Astrium through a public-private partnership (PPP) between ESA and Inmarsat.

The Alphasat geomobile communications The L-Band reflector deployed. The «telecom giant» Alphasat will provide a wide range payload aims to increase BGAN* capacity of high-speed services. in the broader spectrum in L band. It will provide a wide range of high-speed data services for aeronautical, terrestrial and Alphasat key figures maritime users across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Launcher: Ariane 5 ECA, dual launch Launch site: Guiana Space Centre (GSC), Kourou, French Guiana The advanced integrated processor, one of the most complex in the space sector to Mass at launch: 6,650 kg (full tanks), 3,480 kg (dry mass) date, is a key element in Inmarsat’s com- Platform: Alphabus mercial payload. It was developed by As- trium in the United Kingdom, and Orbital position: Geostationary 25˚ East also in , which is responsible for de- Lifespan: 15 years (nominal value) signing the software, nearly 200 core pro- cessors (ASICs), and high efficiency power Payload: Inmarsat L Band payload 4 ESA technology demonstration converters. This processor will enable co- payloads (TDP) for a 140 kg mass and 600 W power. verage reconfiguration according to users’ Electrical power: needs. Alphasat should handle over 750 Solar panels, two wings with 4 panels, end-of-life power of 12 kW mobile communication channels in this Dimensions: Main body: 7.1 m tall, 2.5 x 2.8 m cross-section band, improving in particular the signal Total breadth with panels deployed: 40m quality for satellite mobile telephone users. Reflector opening in L Band: 11 m

* Broadband Global Aerea Network Control Centre: Inmarsat, London

Information pack ALPHABUS 13 5 © CNES/Emmanuel Grimault

Signing the Alphabus extension contract on 1st April 2011 at the Toulouse Space Centre. From l. to r. Arnaud de Rosnay (Astrium), Magali Vaissiere (ESA), Marc Pircher (CNES) and Daniel Kleim (Thales Alenia Space).

An extension of the Alphabus contract was signed in 2011, with the intention of making the new European platform even more powerful and enabling it to reach the top of the range in the communications satellites market.

Alphabus extension • number of repeaters increased to 230, The Alphabus platform, which completed its compared to the current 190, qualification at the end of 2010, is today avai- • improvement of on-board electronics to lable on the commercial market for missions switch to a “n+1˝ generation. requiring a payload power of up to 18 kW. The • a version partly using electric propulsion to new extension programme developments take perform satellite orbit acquisition is being this capacity up to 22 kW. investigated. If decided, this function would be available for forthcoming platforms. The platform also benefits from the following improvements: • thermal rejection capacity raised from 11.5 kW The Alphabus Extension programme is also to 19 kW, a unique opportunity for the European com- • payload mass raised from 1,250 kg to 2,000 kg munications satellite industry to make further (for a payload power of 18 kW), progress with many key technologies.

Information pack ALPHABUS 14 Alphabus… and then?

NEOSAT competitiveness will also come from the shor- The NEOSAT initiative should represent, ter development time for the satellites. between now and 2018, the European res- From the standpoint of establishing partner- ponse to the demand for new generation plat- ships, Alphabus is a forerunner of NEOSAT. forms for satellites between 3 to 6 tonnes, i.e. In fact, armed with the experience acquired on 80 % of the communications satellite market. the Alphabus programme for which the two The aim of this programme, supported by manufacturers and the two agencies embarked CNES as part of the Investment for the future on a fruitful collaboration, a new arrangement programme, is to obtain a 30 % increase in has been kept. It is based on the experience competitiveness, for the entire satellite. A very of the previous arrangement. However, with ambitious but necessary objective if European NEOSAT, only the development aspects will be manufacturers want to remain at the level of the subject of a partnership. American competition. After that, each manufacturer will remain As well as the technological innovations and in charge of supplying and marketing the increased competitiveness of the equipment satellites based on its new line of platform and the sub-systems, part of the enhanced product.

Artist’s impression of the future NEOSAT platform. © ESA/Pierre CARRIL

Information pack ALPHABUS 15 The issues of electric propulsion

The recent change in the market raises questions However, the main disadvantage of all-electric is about the emergence of all-electric propulsion in the a longer period for reaching the orbital location. satellite domain. During 2012, Boeing sold four models Several months are in fact necessary for transferring of one of its ˝all electric˝ platforms to customers in these satellites to their permanent orbit, as opposed Asia and Mexico. These are small satellites (weighing to a few days using chemical propulsion. about 2 tonnes), equipped with the same payload throw weight as a 3 to 4 tonne satellite using chemical So far, European operators have found that the propulsion. technical risks and the shortfall - during the months without income - have been too significant compared Electric propulsion is not new, since it is already to the benefit gained in terms of reducing launch costs commonly used to maintain the satellite in its position or extra payload capacity. But a number of them have in geostationary orbit, or to correct drifts out said they are ready today to take the risk. of the orbital position. However, up until now, chemical propellant has remained the nominal solution The Alphabus teams have therefore studied for reaching orbital location following launch. the integration of partial electric propulsion into Resorting to electric propulsion for transferring the Alphabus Extension programme, attempting satellites to their final orbit, means saving on to limit the orbital positioning time to 3 months. propellant mass and the associated structures. One of the major issues at stake for the future This propulsion method means that either lighter NEOSAT platform, in terms of technological progress satellites with equal payload capacity can be launched, and increased competitiveness, will be mastering saving on launch costs, or even more powerful the all- electric, on the other hand. satellites can be launched. © Snecma/Eric Forterre

PPS®1350-G engine developed by Snecma. Alphasat is equipped with thrusters of this type.

Information pack ALPHABUS 16 The Alphasat satellite after tests in an anechoic chamber at Intespace on 15 March 2013.

Suivi d’indicateurs du littoral sur le pourtour du bassin d’Arcachon, effectué à partir d’images du satellite GeoEye. Traitements CNES © ESA/Stéphane Corvaja, 2013

Information pack ALPHABUS 17 CNES, the French space agency

Since its inception in 1961, CNES is the public organisation responsible for elaborating and directing France’s space policy within Europe.

It designs satellites and puts them into orbit, inventing the space systems of tomorrow; it promotes new emerging services, useful in everyday life.

CNES is the source of great space projects, launchers and satellites, which it commissions the industry to manufacture. It also surrounds itself with scientific partners and is engaged in many international cooperative projects.

CNES is involved in 5 domains, which mobilise 2,400 people:

Launchers Europe can reach space independently with the Ariane 5, Soyuz and Vega launchers. Earth observation Satellites collect continual global measurements of the Earth system. Universe sciences From the solar system to distant stars, probes and telescopes decipher the Universe that surrounds us. Space applications Space technology is useful to us on a daily basis for locating or communicating. Security and defence Space is a tool of sovereignty essential for anticipating, conducting operations and maintaining peace.

Information pack ALPHABUS 18 Discover and share CNES’ universe: • on the social networks: • on iPhone, key word ˝CNES˝ or by scanning the following code:

Information pack ALPHABUS 19 June 2013 C ontacts [email protected] Press information:, Contact heading Information for thegeneral public Guiana BP 726–97387 Kourou Cedex Guiana Space Centre France 31401 Toulouse Cedex 9 18 avenue Edouard Belin Toulouse Space Centre France 75612 Paris Cedex 52 rueJacques Hillairet Launcher Directorate France 750369 Cedex 01 2 place Maurice Quentin Head Office CNES

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