!I. 19t3 =====- larner Ration Calendar TIRE INSPEctiON C book holders mu I be complwted by No .... 30; MEA. T brown stamps G. H. !~_~ expire Partly Cloudy ~hrist 0«. 4. ltamp L l'ICI'1l'es Jan. I; PROCEtIDAU FOOD green ltamp. A, B. c:: expire Dee. 20; Jl'U'!L OIL per, I coupons expire Jan, 4; SUGAR stamp 29 (book 4) IOWA: ParUy Cloub. WanMr expire Jan, 15; SHOU ItamP 18 (book II, airplane TH·E DA.ILY IowAN stemp I (book 31 vaUci Inde!lnJlely; OASOUNE coupon 9 In A ~It expire Jan, 21, Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ., JlrvECENTS THE A BOCIAUD PUIIII IOWA CITY. IOWA THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 25.1943 VOLUME XLIV NUMBER S3

TODA V'S THE DA V. AND NOW'S THE TIME! Last Gabert Isla·nd Taken; Two· Jap···Des·froyers Sunk Fifth Yessel 'Kili 4,000 JapanesefFOrfresses Hit mer

Irlp. atIer -­me at 2%$ Damaged Near As ..Betia · Surrenders Toulon, french ville. late Of the the Uai. Rabaul Base A!= ~!~nR, ~:~(~~__ :rh!:!a~::~~:.ces to defend its Naval Base arner lI'. pleted the conquest oC the mid- A l1eet spokesman iaid the rant biat1 Pacific GUbert islands Tuesday Japanese counterattack rea II y ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, Al­ 1 lnatltute SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AL- with the capture of Betio island speeded the seizure of Betio. It ~ oines. At LIED HEADQUARTERS. Thur· and ,ts stratellc airfield alt:!r enable the "devil dogs" to con- glen (AP)-Large formations of : the Ne" ' day (AP)-AmeriCiln light naval kUling mo t of the 4,000 defender~. centrale their fire on masses of Flying Fortresses a t t a c ked the Nazi-controlled French naval base I forces sank four Japanese de- Conquest of thls key island In Nippone e lnstead of hunting stroyer3 and damaged a ritth dur- the Tarawa atoll came as otht>r them out one by one or in amllll of Toulon yesterday and Liberators raided Sofia, it was allDOUllC:Cd ing the first hOUI'S oC Thank,giv- United States g r 0 u n d lon.:es groups. Cite' In, day In a naval acUon Cought hunted down lhe remnants of The Nlmltll communique also last niaht. (Toulon. tbe MedUerraaeaa Lor 0 did_ the first time in waters Japanese on MakIn and Abemama disclosed that heavY Liberator bue wbere IDOIIt ., Ute I'reDeb cJOIiC to the enemy's naval and aIr atolls, already firmly In Amerl~an bombers of the 7th army aIr force navy wu lCuUled a ,ear a,o, fortrcbs of RabouJ. hallds. The Gilberts provIde a continued to pound the Marshall L be C\In. bad neyer been bombed before A 5ixth de troyer alone cliCaped PD ,enlial lilwlngboord for, ,new Islands to tlte north In divenion­ :andlda. by aJlled planes. r the Iowa the torpedoes and "un~ of the amphiblolill or aerial attacks on ary attacks. Tltese raids started (Sotia was heavily attacked by ,y at 1;311 Amedcans which emerged un- Jilpan' outer Island defenses. a w k before the InvBslon of the American bombers 1n daylight last scathed Irom lhe sc<:ond naval A des~rate enemy counter- GUb rts and have been sustained Nov. 14. The Bul,arlan capital had battle to be lought in he north- attock before noon Tuesday failed almost daily. The bombers, from ~eheld In air alarms as early as AOlUst and ern SolomolB. to . shake the marines' grip on bases In the ElUce islands, SOI,lUl In September allied planes dropped , ~incel, Intercepting the enemy unit! of( I:etio. The leathernecks of the of the Gilberts, have been a Isted 'l\Ilslde it leaflets to warn the city that raids the northwc t coa~t of invaded second dIvision broke it up. Then by torpedo and dIve-bombers tram would come,) Bougalnvillc shortly after mid- they forged on to take control of carriers. A &'TOUp of Fl1ln, Fort..-. night, the American ships-prob- the island beCore nlghtrall. Admiral Nimitz aid It was 100 branched off from the mala for­ lary ably destroyers-vIrtually annlhl- This fierce aclion, which placed early to estimate casualties for matiOll wblch ,traclt; al ToaJon oC meet'.this lated the hpanese aeler a thrJJ1ing the last the three invasIon eithj!r side aceurlltely, but the to bomb ..'~ln the coutal rail battle which end d with the two points In the Gl1berts In American JElpanese losses '')lllye been y at Hotel THE PICK OF TilE CROP for nny Thanks"lvln" lable Is thLs 30- , Cltians ger".. traditional cranber ,QUCIl and tllJ"key Il~d ee lebrate viaduct 01 Antheor near Cannee, Eval)1l .\. surviving enemy desi.royers lice- pos sslOn, came on the fourth heavy." Mopping up 'loW is pro­ about 80 mUea u.st 01 Toulon, pound /rubb ler being helel by Pat Tressel, A4 of Burlln"ton. as Bob a holiday with all th trlmmln,ll's, military men ,t.aUontd on the low!!. Ing w the nurth. duy of th central PaciIlc oUen- e edlng on an three of the In- Uw · Uni· Gustafson. M2 of Co unelJ Bluffs, snaps hel' pillture. While Iowa campus will continu Ulcir rerular Tlro«ram, , The targets ot Toulon and Sofia t 1>n ,"The The aclion was most daring for sive, the first America. camp 11111 vaded atolls, ,"-'--- are more thon 1,000 miles apart. ving.)' --- the Americans, pursuing I he In that area. J I was announced Capture of Betio within a hun­ The FlyJn, Fori.resses were es­ ,I. • enemy to withlll eu y rang of yesterday by Admiral ,Chesler W. dred hours-It was lnvaded last ., corted by Llahtnlngs while the Jtlp< ne~e Hi!' cover. Nimitz. Salurdlly-set a record for the in- LIberators made their flight over Half.MUe long:' Walls ·.. of J Fire British ~th Takes Reds Crack lt was even morc deci~ivc than The cnpture of Makin was an- vestment of any "toll or islond the. BaJkBns and back without the fil'bt engagement In thut sec- nounced yesterday ilnd the sitUII- in the Pacific wh re th defenders e cort. '1 (or Nov. 1-2 In which rive of 12 . tinn on Abemllma was said at the had been strongly entrenc\led. In At Toulon the large fOI'maUon I enemy lthipS ,,,,ere sunk and lour time be, such as to assure their death stand the .Japanese 14.-\ : '.. k' . ''-8 II Afl '2'd R' Id Two italian Towns to of Fly!n, Fortresses of the Fif­ IIt :,1 ' ~r In ~r , n al San Angelo, Alfedena Nazi Drive ' othel'~ damaged. IsPlledy conq\t t. ' had the advantage ot artillery teenth aIr force bombed submarine - '. During thai clash a erulser lind Few prisoners were bein. and mortar ~1t1ons, mBchinegun p~ns . docks and repair iacillties. four enemy des(royers were sunk taken, Admiral Nimitz Id. Some nests, pill boxes and concentrated STOOKHOLM (AP)-Walls olt Tuesday night with a load oC de· Clear Approaches Liberator. from the I18me alt while atempting to si.rtke ai the 4,000 Japllnese were believed fire P9wer. The Island Is con­ foree . truck araln at railroad name mor~ than a hal[ mile long strucllon J'ivnHing the 2,300 long To Enemy Line In Kiev Area American BougnlnvlLie b Ilchhead IsLain on Botio alone. There th slderably less than two mUes and yards In ofl..... ~ were . repol'tcd licking at Berlin tons tossed Monday, un eye-wit­ on Empress Augu.ta bay. enemy had concentrated the Qulk long and a thousand yw:ds wide. ..~Iy evacuated of Ita olvll buildings after thc second massive ness account described Berlin us ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, AI­ popuIa&lon after tbe '81' raid. air attack in two nighlA;, bul "still one big fire," giel'S CAP) - StabblllK fOL wal'd Africa Bat d Pica".. (A B9tlln r Ie> bf984eas~ re- trllv,el SIlid lust n~ht th t ';lin "Fire~ . till w~'e burning 1ier I lmo:nn- YANKS COMPLETE CONQUEST OF Gtl-8ERT 'Dle AlIIOClat ress in was helping Nmd Jircmen to keep at noon 'l'uesday and the heat wa· Intervening towns ;,nd villugel!, Also AHClck Sofia, Lon on sal afire Qberators Ilt­ them from spreading, ~o terrible it was almost impos- tacked in waves over Sofia and 'bl I lk d . EighUl anny truo". have scj~ed Bulgarian Capital Broken, water mains, howcver, Sl e 0 wa 01' nvc on some '" some were shot. down. The· text . - 1111 halldicapped flrcfighiinl;' si.reet.:;," one refugee said. "1 saw the two Sangro river towns of LONDON. Thursday (AP)- of the bl'oadcast: ("On Nov, 2f enemy planes !lew e(ArO~1I; illl ~hc PharaIY'tcl.{l capital, fr:O~I~h~oil~~~~~e ~~ea~~;'~:r~e~:~! Salt Angelo and AIC('dcnit ncar tht' Ru~sia's Ukrainion army rallied Lo I OIl)1U S III t e Bel' In zoo e '- center of the Italian line, 'VII'. , . , .' • ,. • In waves over the territory or caped during Monday night's rec- awful scenes everywhere," tually clearing the appruaches to Clack th~ IUtJous. G Imun counl r-I BulJ!arla, Anti-aircraft defense Mf ord a tack, a tl'avcle]" reported. The newspaper Artontidningen the Germans' mllin d fellse ~yslem altllc){ in lhc KIev ~ector on the I went Into octiQn,in tim lind suc­ and gU8J'ds <1I'Ined with macliine- reported new fires set Tuesday along a 45-mlle stl'etch to the I11th day yesterday. klUlni 1,500 cessful all' combals took place. guns hunted and shot elephants night soon merged with old con- Adriatic sea. Nazis and blasting 32 enemy lanks ("At some point. bombs were and beal' ' T'e garte Irk llagrations burnlng since Monday, G S' B d L M dropped. 80me private baJldlu,s s III I r, n P, ' en. ,I~' elna[' , ont~om- in billel' delensive nllhUng which were de troyed, There were An eyeWitness of the I'aids Mon- * * * ery's Brllish and Canadi,lIl flght- Improved Soviet posltlons in tbe ome vlctlJns amonr the clylltan day night and Tuesday night wh() ers plunged 10 miles due west Chernyakhov and Brusilov sect01'6. popwat!on. ome planes were arrived here by plane said lhe L d from t?ell' lust 1'1'POI·ted pOSition "All attempts of the Cermans shot down, first attack was much worse than . on oners at Calitlgltonc tu capture San An- to penetl'ate our defenses met with ("Profe sor Ph ilov - D o.i dan Tuesday night's, but thut the sec- gelo on thc e".tern bank of the {llilures," the Russians announced PhUov, Bulgarian prime minlst r ond I'pid caused more confusion, Rather Sorry For Sangl'o aeter roullng the enemy t duy in their first communique to -visited the ruided city lmmedi­ The all' ministry building, pel'- Berliners from the mountlllJl lowns of ~ap: suggest that til Cerman onslaught ately aftel' the air raid IlOd In­ IOnal1y designed by Adolf Hiliel', IracoHII, ~?slcl .Del ~iudiC~, Clanm bad reach d its hlghwutel' murk. Quired at thC! spat about. damaie was reported burned and )lot ,I . , and Ml1I «lno. <\ h .Idqu(ll tel'S an- Meunwhlle the German-insplred , done and measures laken.") house left stunding "long Ihe , LONDO~ (AP)-:-Thre IS a fcel- nouncem('nt "!lId y!.'st<'rrlay. Vichy rudio. in the lirst mention Friedrichstl;! se. IIlg of g1'1m satisfaction today I , In II flJlul 11V(!~mtie advlLnce of Leningrad fur many wceks, said , l'be U, S. embassy on th' among ,L0ndonel's, who took the I mto the bUl'I1lng, und gut.t<;d town Rus~ia'5 second city had been Meteorology Cadets r~rlser 1J1"t~ at Brandenburger thundenng bombardmellt the Nuzls of AHe~eno , which W~~ fired by Ibombarded by Cerman heavy ar- .....1''' -18 "in rulns." the IIcwspapcl' gl on II n gl,y died: Iver "thT oug h th e th.e NilaZls . wo C tI~s. prenou' Iy, the tillery, perhaps indicating the Ger- I\Jlthanda said , quoting a Scan- black wlntel . an~ SPI mg of .194~- Eighth blasted Its w:J~ through mans might move in this long quiet To Graduate Saturday dlnavian telegraph bureau dls- 41, that Berlin [s now geltmg It the stoutly-defended ~llIllies or Iarc;a. Germans were last reported l'teh. The embassy was a cas- back many-fold. Montenel'o Val Cocrmal'a tlnd CIOhO to the city on the west and The 51 cadets of the army air ~lIy of the RAF's ret1Jrn per. But althougb hah'cd runs deep Bocca. Alfedena, some 45 miles south. ' corps pre-me~eorology school who fWmallce Tuesday nigllt. {or t/1e Germans who blasted. from the eqstern end of the battle Since Field Marshal GeD Fritz were to leave Iowa City tomorrow Reports to lhe Swedish press burncd a.nd broke businesses, line. is on the very backbone or von MUJlDstein began the' most night lor Seymour Johnson field, said parts of Berlin wcre "<:in in- homes, bodies and lives of hun- Italy, neUI' the ~oun;es both or important Nazi counter-attack In Qoldsboro, N. C., will be able 10 lerno of IJumes," ~hile other 8ec- dreds of thousands of British peo-I' the Sangro and Volturno rivers fOUl' months In the Ukralne, the attend the pre-meteorology con­ tlon~ were pulveTll:ed by block- pie, lhere is no morbid exultation which flow in oppo:;ite directions Russians have admItted the loss vocation exercises held for their busting bombs, Telephone and over the turn of tables. to the sea, of Zhitomir, an important rail class Saturday morning. CertIfi­ 1elegraph communications and cates indicating that they have tr.ansport in and with Berlin were 'I junction 8 miles west of Kiev. They paralyzed. • also h(lve conceded the lOllS 01 completed their work here will be presented to 197 C4IIdets at the ex­ The capital Wies than tIll' on R (,1l1"l'("ntlv :IVllil. GENERAL NOTICES By Jim Zabel able at tlle tlleatrl' jll. I orr thl' ('anlpns... " IOWA UNION letln board outside room 301, Thnl. is om thing ] hnv(> 11 t h ('11 able to MUSIC ROOM SCHEDtJLE tlnd , tand my. If, .. , illl so mallY Iitel'arr Schaeffer hall. No appli~a!ioas and stage cLassics Ilvailuble ('ontemporary Sundny- ll to 6 and 7 to 9. will be accepted after Dec. ll. . n. JoHings- Monday- ll to 2 and 3 to 9. next examination Will pe i1ven at Ilud oth l'wi e) , why do ltollyw'oocl pl'oduc rs I TjJ.esgay-ll to 2 ond 4:16 to 9. lhe end of thlt .1it'Cqnd ICme.w. It wn both inter. ting and fright ning to waste tim(' and tlllent. with tl'll. hy, oYel'don(" ROMANCE LANGUAGD and inval'iably drab propaganda themes ..• WednesdaY-ll to 6. watch the gl'adual ul'cline of audil'nce en· DEPARDIENT They've f'un the cYrl of emolional wat' • 'l'hur$daY~ll to 2 and 4:15 to !) , t1m.ia m in Hllmbro's tnlk 1he othf,lr night FrJday....-ll to 2 and 3 to 9. NOTICE TO DEGREE CANDI· films, " ?lOW why dUIl/t they give II.~ Salurday- 11 to 3. • . • Ihis as partly bl'Cllll, c he spoke too .~01/le 1)1fn (,lIict'lail1l1l ,1/ fo1' a r /lallgc? L--.-- . DA'fE8 .---= • UNIVERRrfY CONVOCATION All IItudellt9 who expect tQ N· long, but I think it WI1.8 mol' la.rgely becau ~ • • • ceive 1\ degree or certificate at llie American" ar b oming bored by gl'nerlllized A few Rhod but CXPl'l'" ·iye ulOvi(' and play A univeI'llity Convocation will 2, 5, 10 Years Ago- be held in Macbride auditprlum /It D~. 22 ConvocatIon should \liMe post-wIIr -planning . • . 1" vi ws .. , tJrmal appli('ation a' once at ~ Fare ]t't'" 1101. 11 a. m. Satlll'day, Nov. 27, to Hllmbro threw no bombshcllR, and Ill,' WII. "Let's IT "-011, award cerlilicates lo the army 'lir GUice or the registrar, room I, convincing tlnd sincere in what he hlld to "Ris I1n 1 ,'hinp"-We rOil('. The I:tLLel' corps pre-meteorology B stUdent:! University hall, say about om' chances .1'01" a Rucce. ~lll peace ill optional. JlAJtRY G. BARNIS From The who fire cornpletlni work at the Re,lstrar and how we shoull ~o nbotlt ]'('ali:IJing thi. "One ITorribl(" Nigh I" 0])(")1('<1 la ~1 v· Unlversity of Iowa, President Vir­ goaL .. the ironbll' is t hat mo. t of 11 110VO nin~. 1t was. gil M, Hancher will deUver the PH.D. GE~MAN READING TIST Ileard or retlc1 the ~ me thing u mpi(' n time • • • Convocation address. The public The Ph.D. reading test in Gfr­ b fore in -Recreation Roundlable 8-Major Bowes hurry about their jobs, their s\!cre- was Prance. His job was t9 prot«! 3:45-ExclIl'sion in Science atrategy behind this concentrated upon, consideration in Hollywood right Santa Claus pat'ade around the 8;30-Dlnah Shore tlll'Y kept hers!!\( hidden (or 4ays, F~ench interests as he s~w ~hell\, air blow is that Washington and In the last couple o[ years, Levy now," Levy says. "It bas 1,Ibout as downtown streets. 4-University Women Unite nobOdy paid any attention to them, "Like most laWyers," Aay~ Mr. 4:15 Camera N\!ws 9-The First Line London al'e not counting upon bas turned out two Damon Run- much.value as a cigaret. You can't . Nov. 25, 1933 .. , 9:30-Melodles by Maureen ancl for that mattcr, nobopy told Brllt\n, "he had to fillbt tile dis· 4:S0- Tea Time Me1odie~ bombing Germany out ot the war. I yon comedies, "Tight Shoes" and get talent simply by offering more 'beflnlte assurnnce that Iowa's 9:45-Confldentially 1"ours them where or how lo draw their trust, impulsiveness, i/lTlo~ In the broad victory pattern 01 at- "Butoh Minda the Baby," a well money than the next fellow." quota under lhe civil works tpro- 5-Children's Houl' pay. Emily found hcrseH 100minl: vindictiveness and li{roed 0' Ills 5:30-Musicol Moods 10-News tacit mapped out by the allies, as Olsen and Johnson's "HeUi!a- • • • ~ram would bc increased, probably 10: 15-Fullon Lewis Jr. over the mOllntllins of Batpan, by Client ;IS firml)' os he JpuJh11bt this swelling aerial barrage is wrlt- poppin'," "The Boys i'rom 8yra- Next, Levy goes into the open to the extent. of 220,000 men , was 5:~5-Ncws, The Dally Iowan mischllnce and a wamlln in a &kirt cllnnil')g and coerciQn oe opPll4iP& 6 Dinner HOUI' Music 10:30-Hel'e's to Romance ten down as a softening-up opera- cusc" and "Pardon My Sarong." market :for his writers, director announced by Governot· HelTing. It-News made of mink wns seen on the counsel, Al1c\ li\te most Ijlw)'", ~ lion like the field ortillery that Not artistic triumphs, necessa~ily, and tecbnical staff. There's a ter- Expansion 01 the program would 7-IIeadline News sl{cet. COl'l"\elia c\ 2vcloped all odd found nis client 4!W8ter~ tal! 7: l5-Russia in the War 1l:15-lowa Pre-Flight Band opens the way for ground troops. but they made money ilnd that's rific shortage of techJlical belp, mean jobs {Ot· 52,250 men formerly 1l:3~Boyd ~aeburn's Bond habit of laking ollt ner chewing dissatisfied wIth tile in.d~\IIte 7 :ilO-Sportsti IllC ShOUld it crack German net'ves, one of Hollywood's main consid- but Levy knows practically every- on counly relief rolls instead of 12-Fress News gum and thl'owinj( it ;loway wb~n settlement which he obtalnOCl; 8IJI preclpilate revolt against Nazi I erations. body in the business as a result of the 33,307 fh'st planned. spe had apythina i!1lPQtUlpt to that, tQO, he had antlc41Btei," masters, it would be a wind-tall ' • • • 30 years' contact ranging from Arrangements for a mammoth Thurmond, confeS!>ed kid n a p- l\JlIS c()ntdbutll, and lhe ~c~ipt went TypicllU;V, franoe pQSSflt "'" that allied commanders do not ex- Now he'. ready to bl'ing to tbe tilm sal lTIan to form~r executive banquet honoring the members o( slayers of Brooke Hunt, beloved WC)N ('730) forward, usually, by 1I0ini back-. Clemcnocilu after the WQr~t pect now or soOn. screell. for the flrst lime Eugene vice-president of RKO. Ule 1933 Hawkeye teams were San Jo e youth. ward. There were ~otne Incr~cUble electil'li( Paul De$¢hjplot ' • t German home-front mora.le could O'Neill's "Th41 Hairy Ape," the For the ac~U81 shooting of the underway as 10 cal merchants S'even hundred pert;ons- were 7:So.The Hurqan Aq\lenture mlxups, and y.et someho.w the itl lin insutin, l(e8t\lff~ not endure defeat or the prospect. stil&e II~ thllt made the late picturtf he \lscs th~ faciltties of planned to give the boys a treat e:,perator on the S. S. Maraposa, morrow at the Hohenschuh mortu­ Maxine Bowman, Louise Laura GLadys Norris, 523 E. Burlln,ton also of Cedar Rapids, and Vir- of Cora]vlUe, and Mrs. Rebal'! lnd Corp. Theodore Helm, radio Boyer. Margaret Bllrdick, Gwenn Benefit Dance Recital al'y at 10:30 a. m. (or Mrs. EUa­ Medics to Announce treet will be the ThanksgIving ginia Schreckengost ot Iowa City, mother. Mrs. Julia Morrison 0 )perator in the Intelligence Air ouise Aliee O'Brien, 50. who died Busler, Mildred Cords, E i lee n I To Be Given Sunday guests of Mrs. Opal Kern of Riv­ • • • West Liberty, are spending till :::orps division of Pinedale. Calif., in Cedar Rapids Wednesday aCter J)Oerres, Shil'les Elaine Ewing, erside. Mrs. F. T. Sponar and daugll- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ernes ll'e spending Thanksglvlni with a three-weeks' lIIness. G8yle Fisher, J a c k I e Fromm, Queen, 4Attendants Harriet Walsh Dance Revue • • • ter, Mrs. James A. Jones, 1510 Dunker in Cedar Rapids. helr parents, Mr. and Mrs. She is surviVed by her husband, Twyla Gettert, Margaret L. Green. will present a dance recital Sun- Dr. anel Mrs. John Randall and MuscaUne avenue, will entertaIn - • • Charles Helm, route 3. George O'Brien, of Cedar Rapids; Pearl Griepenburg, Mar gar e t day at 3 p. m. in the auditorium son, 235 Lell=ing\on avenue, will Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sherlock Spending the day In Cedar Rap two son , Dr. George K. O'Brien, Louise Hae;semeyer, Patricia R. At-Aesculapian Frolic be guests at a family dinner and family ot OlCford today. Ids vislUna thel.r parenta, Mr. an' - of S1. Mary's school. The rcvue of Dayton, Ohio, and John J . Hardingel·. Thanksgiving day In the home of • • • • Mrs. E. L. McConkle, nre Mr. and O'Bl'ien, who is wltll the airtoree Catherine Hanneier, S hi 1'1 e y The annual Aesculapian Frollc. is for the benefit of the Iowa ClIy Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Coffin. Mr. and Mrs. John Livingstone. Mrs. T. M. Rehder and family, 10WI City Clubs In Australia; and one daughler-in­ llartz, Maureen Harter, Roberta a semi-formal dance 8iven by the recreation center. Marie Burger 1019 Rider street. Mrs. Lorna Mathes and son. 1181 Hotz street. law, Mrs. John J . O'Brien, of Cedar Henderson, Emma Lou Heston, college of medicine. wllJ be held will be tile pianist for the event. • 0 • Lowell. 109 S. Johnson street, Mr. • • • CARNATION REBEIlAH Rapids. Her mother-In-law, Mrs. Ro.semary HOWe, Rhea H yin k, tc.morrow night in the main loungc Taking part In the program will Mrs. Clarn Rarick, 1126 Sheri­ and Mrs. Lloyd Moal$ and son, Visltini their parents, Mr. and LODGE NO. S16 Barb

Daily Iowan Want Ads CHIC YOlrnG ,.. * * * FOR SALE CLASSIFIED LUnl~ for sale, cut to order. 1 ADVERTISING jnch and 2 inch lumber in sUck / now. Gaddis Lumber Co., Amnnn, RATE CARD Io_wa. , , CASH RATE I,QST AND FOUND 1ar2 days- LO$T-Gold mesh evening bag lOe per line per day oontaining compoct, lipstick, and I co!IIeCutive da:r- 7c per Une per day Currier key. Reward. Shirley Rich. • conaecutive dayS- X667 . • 8e per Une per da,. L 0 $ T - Rose-gold watch wiU, IlIIOIlth- line leather Ii r.a p. Make-Central. tc per per day Locket' room, Field House. Reward -Filure I) worda to 110 ...... MInimum Ad-2 linet Bob Geiger. X350., , WAtmD CLASSIFIED DISPLA't " ROOM AND BOABD 6OccoL inch W ANTED-Launch'y shirts 9c. Flnt flnl~h 5c pound. D i 0) 3762. Or $5.00 per month GIJ'I" ' Long~treth. you A~E WING-t>lto/G!· AD Want Ads Cash in Advance WANTED-Plumbing and heaLing. MOANING ( Payable at Daily Iowan Busi,­ Larew Co. Dial 9681. 0V'E1t •... RC~IE:. · leU office daily uutil 5 p.m. .. ·WIN HE'S JNSTl\UCTlON ONI..Y ... -TuRK£'f/ OIDceUationa must be called in before 5 p.rn. DANCE ins~ructlon - tup, bnll- Belponsible tor one incorrect I'oom\ ancl ballet. H9I'rLct Walsh. \nsertion only. Dial 5126. DAN C I N G lessons - Ballroom, ballet, tap. Dial 3542. Mimi DIAL 4191 Youde W~riu . Brown's Commerce College Iowu City's AccredIted * * * Busin~s School WANTED EMPLOYMENT Established 1921 Day School Niaht School SElWICES AVAILABLE - Will "Open the Year 'Round" stay with children daytime or Dial 4682 evening. Dial 5482. FURNITURE MOVING ------HELP WANTED------Men wanted to cut cord wood lind logs and to work at sawmill. MAHER BROS. TRANSFER We pay $4 pel' cord for cutting For Etficlent Furnfture Movtol rordwood; $6 peL' thousal1d fpr Ask About Our lumber Jogs. 65c per hour and up WARDROBE SERVICE al mill. Gaddis Lumber Company, DIAL - 9696 - DIAL -:;"y. l'ODNER, MY l"Al-,11I£ NUl 'lOU f.ulU! Amana, Iowa. CHIEF, IS so OLP HE ~ ....SOUT 1'41:; AGC ? WH ..., DATE HIS 91R.'TH!:I'\'( r",u.$ oNrrn 106 CNlPL.t:.S ON, 50 WELL.. SET NE'J(T M9~I""","'" OI-~ 'THE CAICI!, AS HI5 BIRTHDAy ""HE!'! rtE'L1.. l'L_~ HI'N 10..,.":> BE 106 YEAli!501-0!· "1W'..£ .... FIRE ­ HIM... F",NCY c,.,t<:E ()(TlNGUI5HER. WITH 106 CtNOLES O<'1lIE ON'T. 51P" I Don't Cry, Misler- OH'.

We know Ws mighty hClrd these days to find

a house to live in, a new employee, or even a

good place to eat, but why not try Dai ly Iowan

Classified Ad s? We get results!


WEU. THAT'S 1HE END OF 'THE GAME'.!' IrS A l1e " I~" 1 3 PAGE SIX • THE DAllY IOWAN. IOWA CITY. IOWA THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 25. 1943 • TARGETS FOR THE FUTURE "Altendance sl\oU;d be requil·ed. "No. If a student can do sa~. ,Igloo Defrost.r OPA Lifts Ceiling A student get,s 4Jlor. Qui of his tqry work without going to cllaaes SUI Students Opinion course if he c~". With the he . shouldn't be comPelled to • s peeded~up p~~ s tu den t s ~d. Possibly treshmeri shoUld .; On Anthracite Coal required to go to class~ but can't a[ford to W\$S maJIY Cla~5 sophomores and uPpercl~ On and Off Campus because they miss so much work." Plan to·Attend WASHINGTON (AP) - The should be old enough to jUd" I Howard 8aJ;D , £3 01 PiUs­ oflice of price administration last which COUl'ses class atiendallCt ~ QUESTION: DO YOU T H INK bur(b. Pa.: "l\ltendaJ;lce should be vital to their work." night boosted pl·lee ceilings on an­ THAT C LAS S ATTENDANCE required in this t;!.ay and age. Ci­ tlll·acile an average of 62 cents a Marllyn Lewis, A% of 81. ~ Tournament SHOULD BE REQ U IRED IF· vilian life should be as compulsory Mo.: "In the l lrst place, I dOllb ton to compensate for wage in­ STUDENTS T A K E EXAMINA­ as army llCe in wartime. Most of that the faculty would conSider ~ I creases granted to the hard coal TIONS? the boys here ilrc deferred ~o they In the second place, It WOuld IIOt miners. Women who will make the trip Phyllis napp, C3 of Oblcaro: should get th~ ,most out of their be advisable because so mall)' ata. to Northwestern university Dec. 2 The price increases, approved "I think it should. Studcnts are ~l ork.'1 dents would fail by not attendiDc AI by Stabilization Director Fred M . Dorrance S .. · WhjJe, associate and 3 as representatives the lax now about going to cia 'es in courses." or IVin son, arc effective immediately those whel'e attendance isn't taken. proleliSor of C;lali/llcal lIlIlCUIlI'eS: University of lowu in the west­ Donald Murray. A% ., ]t(", for approximately six months, It would be even worse if no at­ "Yes, I do. Knowlel;lge cannot be ~ampton: "Attendance shOUld be ern conference women'!; djl;eus­ the OPA announced. tendance we I'e required. Students encompassed by stu.dents under required. You get more out ~ W sion tow'nament, a confel'enee While the revisions were based learn mOl·e if they attend every their own direction. Tiley're not classes than you do from tests." . composed only oC Big Ten schools, on prices at the mines, the agency class." mature enougl1:' Examinations arc were announced yesterday by said the increase can be passed Ann Rowe, A2 of Ottumwa: important to g1ve.sLudents a bird's­ B Pro!. A. Craig Baird of thc speech on to consumers at once. The "T,here are so many students who eye view or the :;ubjecl matter but Is ~ues Wedding Permit department as follows: increases I'ange !l·om 35 cents to wouldn't go, there would be a not to call studel'1ts to strict ae.­ Two couples were granted llIar. It Ruth Reininga, A4 of River Fol'­ 70 cen ts a ton, depending on the pronounced decrease in scholal'­ countability a9 if thf,liY are a pUn- l'ia~e ~cel?ses yesterday by I\. C est, IU. ; Louise Hilfman, A2 of Bel­ size 01 the coal. ship." ishment." . • Neilson , Miller, clerk of district tendorf; Sally Birdsall, Al oI Wa­ A. Cral,. Baird, professor of l\farjorl~ Stout. AZ of Casper. court. . They al'e Chcstcr S. BOlek, Al terloo; Eleanore Keagy, A4 of Ot­ The U . S. army spends more speech: "It depends upon the sub­ Wyo.: "It depend§ on the subject. n, ot Iowa City and Dorothy tuma, and Velma Marlin. A2 of than $1,000,000 a month fO!· rec­ ject. There are many laboratory Tests fOI· some subjects are given Reilly, 20, of Mayw9Od, Ill ., al1(\ giel'S Laurens. reational equipment, with baseball :subjects which cannol be done on lectures. In classes using a text Leo Emil Kohout, 35, and Lola long During the tournament there will and football equipment heading unless the students al·e present." book it' up to the teacher." Marion Schwerin, 20, both or iSh I Anne Ayers. A3 of Iowa City: Traey MorrlaoB,.J'l of Waterloo: Ccdar Rapids. be four rounds of discussion on the purchases. have the question, "To What Extent I ~ e"er) Should Economic Controls Be Im­ posed on Goods and Services in ~~~~~~~~ .!1~~~~ .... "~~. ... "~ .... "~!1 .. .. "~~~~~~!1 .... "~~!h~ .... ~ .... "~ .... "~~~~~!1~~"') Berni Postwar United States?" 'r ~ arlllY The purpose of this confel'ence mile· is an attempt to provide experi­ ng l ence in using the ~ki11s, knowledge THE INTlR·ALLIED HIGH COMMAND bas Issued a blunt warning to the and attitudes necessary for con­ CO.'lSt people of France-stay away from industrial areas! Within a short time, 11 sideration of the problems con­ giant bombers will select as their tar,ets for mass aerial attacks fourteen cerning postwar American econ­ specified districts turning out tanks, guns, autos, planes. and other war .. ~k omy. goods for the Nazis. A British broadcast, warning Frenchmen 10 "im­ 'II Ch~i~I;:s~:~:er BREMERS took One of Iowa's representatives mediately take all necessary precautions," listed these areas: Paris. ,nsl ' will be chosen to participate in Toulouse, MeauJte, lAMans, Lille, Clermont-Ferrand, Albert, Met.z, l't ~11 the after-dinner speaking contest Nantes. Limoges. Strasbourg, Lyon, Bourges, and Denain. Bomb bursts If Dec. 2 on the topic, "American on the above map hIghlight the future targets. (lnteTnational) )I">t, Sense of Humor." It III or Professor Baird and Gordon If an II Hostettler, jnstructor of speech, It 110111 will also make the trip to North­ Former Students- Gw western. If and I~ Sh[ It IhE' c Famed Concert Artist Serving the Nation Ii Ihe II nnS ~ -Former Iowa Citians It rnl.'lTi . To Give Song Recital ... Ii relnf( . lOVELY Marguerite Chapman holds If Ilil ps . after • It's no secre* *t that * Iowa bl·eedst With ASTP in Arkansas • a scroll awarded to her she had .:nem Here Next Wednesday "supermen," as is shown in the I beel\ chosen "Miss Breathless" by u It north rrroup of stage and screen person­ following stOl'y received from the to ~ hl Alexander Kipnis, R u s s ia n alities. From where we stand, the .UfIPI, si nger who will be heard here Dec. Midland army ail' field at Midland, committee of judg'4 wins our vote heavy in 'IIt 1 in a song recital, has been pro- Tex.: I for their excellent taste feminine UQne claimed by critic:; all over the On a recent two mile cross­ pulchritude. (lnternntiollall It SatUl" world for his concert and opera country run, a big West Texas Ii AI engagements. jackrabbit III out in front of a 1 fronl Perhapll the greutest expressions group of cadets. One cadet set oft It line of acclaim ror hi s fine singing in hot pursuit, and by the time Ii 18 · ... have come fl'om American critics, his buddies had caught up with Art. Head Il rain through his concert tours and en- him, he had caught up with the ., ill Ie gagements with the Chicago Civic rabbit. " Ihl Opera company and the Metropoli- T.he cadet, true to' Iowa form, I To Lecture ' It -SKI SWEATERS AR.ROW SHiRTS can 4! tan opera. was David W. Fisher, son of Mr. " of tI'l SpeAking of the Russian Singer, and Mrs. ~as. E. Fisher, 1102 N. If his gilt is a ski sweater, it's sure to please him. If you're in · doubt as what to get )Jim Arrow's the homa an. A[;n ~rbor ncwspapc~ critic I Dodge street, letterman in Ioot­ ProI. L . L. Longman, head ot 'IIi. answer! You can be sure that he can always tainin. said, He rWed the hall With mu- ball at Iowa City hIgh school. the art department wiII give an See the many" patterns in the new winter shades. use another Arrow. west It with I sIc, uniting sound and sense. .. Incidentally, the cadets at Mid­ jnformal lecture on contemporary undeniable sincerity and proCound land army air field are now dis­ Ii (orces muslcol integrity. The whole re- cussing the merHs of jackrabbit Iinternational water colors, now on ~tl lertlo. cital was a compact unit wlth stew. display in the art gallery and III" The never a let-down . . . in a space uuditorium, Sunday "fternoon at It 1II00t ot tYlo hours he asserted his in­ Pfc. Harold G. Kron, son of PVT. ROBERT F. Renfro, formel' 4:i5 in the main gallery of the It Anted !llienable right to be placed in the M.rs. Emily Kron, 1128 Rochester unlvel'slty stude lIt, I with tbe A. art bullding. 11., Lieut. rank and file of the fOI·ernost. It avenue, has been confined in the S, T. P. ~tar unit at Arkansas The exhibition, II selection of ton JI' takes real solid musical conscious­ hospitul at the Lincoln, Ncb .. State eollegc, Jonesboro, Ark. lie 126 pictu~es from t~e a.nnual show vaslon ness to perform a cycle of 16 songs 'I army air base for six weeks be­ had Ilr evlouK!y been stationed with , of the Chl~agO Art mslltute, .sh?wS I has n: and yet never to allow your audi­ cause of a back alIment. tI die I t I I b t evcry varletY oC modern pomtmg. ,. both 11 ence a lapse of A moment's concen­ CIC m: : I raT" ng ureau 1\ Some arc by al'tists exiled [rom I palgn. tration. May we ask that Mr. Kip­ Harold F. Roberts was recently a.mp er e ey, ex. Europe, whose influence is being ',,1 Whl n is be returned a ~ soon as pos­ promoted to the grade of corporul, increasingly f e I t in American ; weathl Sibl\." according to word received by his painting. #! ers 01: Called "One of the most majestic mother, Mrs. Alice Roberts, 1211 Most of the paintings are by Ii from I of living singers" by the Chicago Keokuk street. He is stationed Turkey I Americans and lire ordinarily 1'0- I air co Tribune, Kipnis was also highly with a fighter bomber squadl'on I I mantic or realistic, but the exhibit #t Ihree 1 praised by the Columbus, Ohio, ut Woycross, Gu. For Mi itary Men includes a number of surrealist II Cerma Dispatch. "As a recitalist he stands On Campus and abstwct pamtings of provooa- ~l their s among the very Jew l'eally great Stationed in an ofIicer's calldi- tive nature as well. I~.' fronl I singers of songs now before the date school in England, Staff War subject matlin' is shown J Militllry men stationcd on the .. I l·ttl It I 1ft rO!' ov public. Mr. Kipni brought mu­ Sel·gt. Martin O'Connor has com- IHU'Pl'lS1I1g y I e, a lOUg lone 0 til bombi! sicianship or impeccable quality, pletcd three months oC his four Iowa cumpus will obscrve the the picturcs by Wllliam Gropper #' Enf Pl'Ofound undel'stonding of texts, months officer training cow·se. Thank6g ivillg holiday today with dcpicts Nazi looting art tl'ellsure f a volce o[ expressive beauty and I ,Ital SergI. O'Connol' l'eceived his B.S, extra-sized meals, including tUlkey from conquered countries, and .. by fo a technique of tile highcst order." degree in commerce in May of for most of the men. many of the paintings are reflec- ,t, In addition to being one of the menl 1942. President of Beta Tl1eta Pi Members of the R. O. T. C. will lions oC the cultural and social 4' have foremost operatic stars of this social fraternity, he was also a observe the .s llm~ holidllY from chaos of model'll limes. ",-, generation, Kipnis is also one of t.nlall member of the union board and classes as UlliversIty students, as The exhibition will be on view I! lIo\or Ihe leading recording nrti:sts of the A. F. I. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. wil~ army ca?ets in the army spe- unlil Dec. 5. Most oC the pictures FLANNEL ROBES world. Next to John McCormack, It WOOL TIES of am. Edward L. O'Connor, live at 525 1 clailzed tl'a~llIl}g program. m~y be purchased at reasonable It he has made more records than they I Oakland avenue. In addition to freedom flom Ipnces. It lilt." any other international concert classcs, the A. S. T. P. cadets will For his "at bome" pleasu~e be Sure he Ilas one GIlY hapd woven ties that are certain to Hnd his artist. Six former university students be granted an extra 15 minutes Citin Tickets for the concert will be IF of these smart wool flannel robes. Navy, maroo.l, style preference and favorite color. We've a granS Africa were comissioned second Heuten- , in which to .eat th.eir Thanksgiving DI·scarded Cloth,"ng It norther aval!!lble Monday at the in[orma­ ants in the army ail' corps last dinner, which WIll be served. !It I brown. ~e Je c lion . and 111 tion desk of Iowa Union. Students week when Texas air corps train- noon ..Att endance at thc everung may receive tickets upon presenta­ M B Tk N #{ !'aid tl1 ing school held graduation cere- meal 15 not compulsory, and the ay e a en ow It tion of their identification cards, regulations regarding study hour ' #. Liberal and townspeople may purchase re­ monies at Randolph fie1d, Tex. r 00 Doall!!: G d t d f L bb k II Id will not be enrorced tunight. The T Md p. t St I served seats. I'a ua e I·om u Oc e cadets wJll be free until taps, 0 0 ern aln ore _,, $10. , . ready were Thomas R. Westrope of Har- a&ai nst lao, a student from 1940 to 1942. which will be blown at 10:30. enemy Civil Service Exams d All V S tt f J ff Students in the army air corps . . 'II a n en. u on 0 e ' erson, pre-meteorology school and the . Discarded clo~LOg Cor the na- In g. For Salvage Positions 1935-1937. Iowa Navy Pre-Flight school will ilonal salvage dl'lv. e may be taken , _ enemy Roberl A. Simmons, 1938- 1942, to tl M d P t t C 1 can"" on their regulal' progl'am of le . 0 ern am sore. 011 0 - \bQ gr( With Local W. P. B. and Lawrence R. Casey, 1938- JIg t t t d t e k th I • 1939, both of Marengo, were com- classes. Thanksgivillg dinner will e e s lee wo ays ~ex we, e Ir thl! sk be served to the pre-meteorOlogy exact dates or ~h l ch have not , Portres' Competi tive examinutions are mjl;sioned from Foster field. students tbis evening instead oC b £ e~ set, accol'dlng to Jack c. If IfO. being given by the United States Earl W. Hultgren of Ida Grove. at noon. Whltc, cbaJrman o[ the Johnson '1 civil sel'vice commission to [iU the student in 1939, was trained at ______county salvage committee. .... - position of salvage reprcsentative Brooks field, and A,lan L . Beal'ds- Four Local Persons All items of wldercJothing as "'1 with the war pl'oducUon board in lee of Chicago, 1941-1942, was weU as ou.terwear are requested _t this region. graduated Irom Pampa field. To Attend Conference for men, women, girls, boys and It For this I)o::;i tion, which pays infants in foreign countries. Hats, It $3,809 a year for a 48-hour week, Mrs. Elizabeth Dickens' two I Four Iowa CHians will attend caps, shoes, overshOE:! and similar t' applicants must have had at least sons are both in service. Richard, the first Iowa aviation conference items are not wanted in the col- I four years or full-lime paid, re­ a private in an army specialized tomorrow at Des Moines. The con­ leeHon. 1I0wevcl· Clothing with It sponsible experience involving training unit. Is recelvrng engin- ferE nce called by Gov. B. B. Hick­ worn edges, open scams, or small _t public contracts, particUlarly In­ eering training at Carlton college enlooper, will be conccl'l1ed with moth holes or burns will be ac- i dustriul. This experience must have in Northfield, Minn. post-wor aviation. cepteed. No mending is required _, required t.he applicant. to explain The othel' son, Austin C., is an The men attending from Iowa on the garments donated. si an al 01' in terpret regulations, proce­ aviation cadet with tile ail' corps City are Mayor Wilber J. Teters, Al'Ucles donated will be freight- 'II strongh, dUres, program policies or operat­ at Wofford colle&e, Spartenbur&, Kenneth M. Dunlop, city solidtor; edlo New York where they will stormed ing practices to interested individ­ S, C. Both are graduates of St. Prof. Fl'ancis M. Dawson of the be baled and shipped to allied oc- I city in uals OJ' groups, and to have demon­ Patrick's high school and Richard college of enginecring, and Paul cupied countries desperately in I' Utousan strated an ability to meet and deal attended the university. B. Shaw of the municipal airport. need of clothing. , throUgh satisfactorily with the J1Ublic. Clothing which has not already I ~ard Applications may be obtained Sergt. Melvin Vevera has been sity student, having attended from been cleaned will be taken to the "Larg from the local civil service secre­ with the army ail' corps mechanics 1938 to 1941. cleaners after it is collected at the , r led" tary at the postolfice and should In Africa since thc first of August, community depot. The Naticnal t of I Ian: be mailed to the civ il service com­ according to a letter to his par­ Among the five highest schol­ Defense Supplies corporation will' _ be r!!sponsible for payment of all . lIIi\n del mission, New Postoffice building, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vevera, astically to graduate Irom the wlih a " Chicago 7, IlJ. Applications will be 703 Kimball avenue. Before leav­ midshipmen's s c h 0 0 1 of the dry cleaning costs for the cloth in,. GIFT PAJAMAS CHRISTMAS SOCKS About ten percent of the cloth- 'I ~," 1\01 accepted until the needs of the ing the states, Sergeant Vevera re­ WAVES at Northampton, Mass., is I service have been met. ceived mechanics training at Stu­ Ens. Frances Senska, former uni­ ing collected will be held in this I For his sleeping comfort pajamas thal are tailored Don't d.i~ppoint him by forgetting to include Soctu et"titil community [01' 1000al relief situa- to perfectIon to give him maxim\.lm sleeping com­ when you shop this· year. Holeproof and West­ beh. Pel'Sons engaged in war work art Technical school in New York. versity student of Brandon. SWeep tions. , fort. "Slims" for the man over 6 ft. taU. minster, regular or short lengths. are not desired unless the position Prior to service in the WAVES, ~ched Ilpplied for calls for the use of Aviation Cadet Nyle N. Janca Ensign Senska was an al't instr uc­ , higher skiUs than the worker is ~tYUk Jr., son of Mrs. Virginia H. Jones, tor at Grinnell college, Grinnell. c 3 pro for $1.25 now using in his present employ­ 30 S. Governor street. has Te- She received hel' B.A . degree Library Closed ~~e: ment. ported to the Coffeyville, Kan., from the university in 1935 and The city library, which has bllen 4S Whl army air field lor his basic IDght her M.A. degree in 1939 and is closed all week while repairs are lL. C 1 Mecca has a permanent popula­ tralniIll. Ia member of Phi Beta Kappa being made, will not open until - It tion of 80.000 , Cadet Jones is a formet univer- honorary scholastic fraternity. Monday. klDed lr