Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-04-27
MIATS. FATR. r.' 11 ... ,_. TI Ih ....b za ••• At Ih,n,h pt no... ,ood. rROCE88ED rOOD8. III •• t ".P'. C= Ih •• I,b X3 valid. SUO"R, Ito... ,• ., """P " vall' I., live p.QO'". 8HOES....... Ib,... fair "'.... " 1. ! .d S , ••• 1••• 11.11.1,. OA80LOIE, III-A eo"po •• rood 'or four .... on•••• 8 ...! B-1. 0.8 ... IOWA: Generally fair IIoIUl C-7 valid 10' IIvt I.U,.o, FUEL OIL, .,.,... • •• 'broa," ,,\'. eOD '.D' 10 .... al.o 'a.' ,ta,', perJ • . THE DAILY IOWAN warmer. 'our and Ih. ,.od. Martin, Iowa City'. Morning New.pap., roc~. gual'd, It May FIVE CENTS TID AUOCIAftD ..... IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, APRIL 27. 1945 VOLUMEm NUMBER 182 ld slu. ies tor STETTINIUS WELCOMES SECURITY CONFERENCE DELEGATES len for GUal'l! ,1. COU~ ~elle in Of the Russians Hold Two-Thirds ~alilie4 lOll {Or Caast at the r Yeilrl ve B.s. ~d are of Berlin, Capture Stettin in the en ob.. e~rs as Scope of Red-Allied Meeting Changes- e beu.. iervi\:!. Third 8 Miles Near Second ---IS beeo From Austria General Merging Impending Allied Juncture By KJrke L SlmPIOD and is within sight of turning the major Danube tributary, the lnn, Associated Preu War Analyst last northern water barrier guard flows into the greater river from British Seize Bremen; ing the Nazi Alpine redoubt. the southwest of Pasaau. A Dan Czech Armament The long awaited junction of al ube crossing east 01 Passau would Patton Crosses Danube lied-Russian forces in Germany is The unknown factor In the south expose Salzburg and Berchtesga Center of Bruenn fast chaniing its potential scope was the distance Russian columns, den to immediate blitzkrieg attack.
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