!I. 19t3 =====- larner Ration Calendar TIRE INSPEctiON C book holders mu I be complwted by No .... 30; MEA. T brown stamps G. H. !~_~ expire Partly Cloudy ~hrist 0«. 4. ltamp L l'ICI'1l'es Jan. I; PROCEtIDAU FOOD green ltamp. A, B. c:: expire Dee. 20; Jl'U'!L OIL per, I coupons expire Jan, 4; SUGAR stamp 29 (book 4) IOWA: ParUy Cloub. WanMr expire Jan, 15; SHOU ItamP 18 (book II, airplane TH·E DA.ILY IowAN stemp I (book 31 vaUci Inde!lnJlely; OASOUNE coupon 9 In A ~It expire Jan, 21, Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ., JlrvECENTS THE A BOCIAUD PUIIII IOWA CITY. IOWA THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 25.1943 VOLUME XLIV NUMBER S3 TODA V'S THE DA V. AND NOW'S THE TIME! Last Gabert Isla·nd Taken; Two· Jap···Des·froyers Sunk Fifth Yessel 'Kili 4,000 JapanesefFOrfresses Hit mer Irlp. atIer -­me at 2%$ Damaged Near As ..Betia · Surrenders Toulon, french ville. late Of the the Uai. Rabaul Base A!= ~!~nR, ~:~(~~__ :rh!:!a~::~~:.ces to defend its Naval Base arner lI'. pleted the conquest oC the mid- A l1eet spokesman iaid the rant biat1 Pacific GUbert islands Tuesday Japanese counterattack rea II y ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, Al­ 1 lnatltute SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AL- with the capture of Betio island speeded the seizure of Betio. It ~ oines. At LIED HEADQUARTERS. Thur· and ,ts stratellc airfield alt:!r enable the "devil dogs" to con- glen (AP)-Large formations of : the Ne" ' day (AP)-AmeriCiln light naval kUling mo t of the 4,000 defender~. centrale their fire on masses of Flying Fortresses a t t a c ked the Nazi-controlled French naval base I forces sank four Japanese de- Conquest of thls key island In Nippone e lnstead of hunting stroyer3 and damaged a ritth dur- the Tarawa atoll came as otht>r them out one by one or in amllll of Toulon yesterday and Liberators raided Sofia, it was allDOUllC:Cd ing the first hOUI'S oC Thank,giv- United States g r 0 u n d lon.:es groups. Cite' In, day In a naval acUon Cought hunted down lhe remnants of The Nlmltll communique also last niaht. (Toulon. tbe MedUerraaeaa Lor 0 did_ the first time in waters Japanese on MakIn and Abemama disclosed that heavY Liberator bue wbere IDOIIt ., Ute I'reDeb cJOIiC to the enemy's naval and aIr atolls, already firmly In Amerl~an bombers of the 7th army aIr force navy wu lCuUled a ,ear a,o, fortrcbs of RabouJ. hallds. The Gilberts provIde a continued to pound the Marshall L be C\In. bad neyer been bombed before A 5ixth de troyer alone cliCaped PD ,enlial lilwlngboord for, ,new Islands to tlte north In divenion­ :andlda. by aJlled planes. r the Iowa the torpedoes and "un~ of the amphiblolill or aerial attacks on ary attacks. Tltese raids started (Sotia was heavily attacked by ,y at 1;311 Amedcans which emerged un- Jilpan' outer Island defenses. a w k before the InvBslon of the American bombers 1n daylight last scathed Irom lhe sc<:ond naval A des~rate enemy counter- GUb rts and have been sustained Nov. 14. The Bul,arlan capital had battle to be lought in he north- attock before noon Tuesday failed almost daily. The bombers, from ~eheld In air alarms as early as AOlUst and ern SolomolB. to . shake the marines' grip on bases In the ElUce islands, SOI,lUl In September allied planes dropped , ~incel, Intercepting the enemy unit! of( I:etio. The leathernecks of the of the Gilberts, have been a Isted 'l\Ilslde it leaflets to warn the city that raids the northwc t coa~t of invaded second dIvision broke it up. Then by torpedo and dIve-bombers tram would come,) Bougalnvillc shortly after mid- they forged on to take control of carriers. A &'TOUp of Fl1ln, Fort..-. night, the American ships-prob- the island beCore nlghtrall. Admiral Nimitz aid It was 100 branched off from the mala for­ lary ably destroyers-vIrtually annlhl- This fierce aclion, which placed early to estimate casualties for matiOll wblch ,traclt; al ToaJon oC meet'.this lated the hpanese aeler a thrJJ1ing the last the three invasIon eithj!r side aceurlltely, but the to bomb ..'~ln the coutal rail battle which end d with the two points In the Gl1berts In American JElpanese losses '')lllye been y at Hotel THE PICK OF TilE CROP for nny Thanks"lvln" lable Is thLs 30- , Cltians ger".. traditional cranber ,QUCIl and tllJ"key Il~d ee lebrate viaduct 01 Antheor near Cannee, Eval)1l .\. surviving enemy desi.royers lice- pos sslOn, came on the fourth heavy." Mopping up 'loW is pro­ about 80 mUea u.st 01 Toulon, pound /rubb ler being helel by Pat Tressel, A4 of Burlln"ton. as Bob a holiday with all th trlmmln,ll's, military men ,t.aUontd on the low!!. Ing w the nurth. duy of th central PaciIlc oUen- e edlng on an three of the In- Uw · Uni· Gustafson. M2 of Co unelJ Bluffs, snaps hel' pillture. While Iowa campus will continu Ulcir rerular Tlro«ram, , The targets ot Toulon and Sofia t 1>n ,"The The aclion was most daring for sive, the first America. camp 11111 vaded atolls, ,"-'--- are more thon 1,000 miles apart. ving.)' --- the Americans, pursuing I he In that area. J I was announced Capture of Betio within a hun­ The FlyJn, Fori.resses were es­ ,I. • enemy to withlll eu y rang of yesterday by Admiral ,Chesler W. dred hours-It was lnvaded last ., corted by Llahtnlngs while the Jtlp< ne~e Hi!' cover. Nimitz. Salurdlly-set a record for the in- LIberators made their flight over Half.MUe long:' Walls ·.. of J Fire British ~th Takes Reds Crack lt was even morc deci~ivc than The cnpture of Makin was an- vestment of any "toll or islond the. BaJkBns and back without the fil'bt engagement In thut sec- nounced yesterday ilnd the sitUII- in the Pacific wh re th defenders e cort. '1 (or Nov. 1-2 In which rive of 12 . tinn on Abemllma was said at the had been strongly entrenc\led. In At Toulon the large fOI'maUon I enemy lthipS ,,,,ere sunk and lour time be, such as to assure their death stand the .Japanese 14.-\ : '.. k' . ''-8 II Afl '2'd R' Id Two italian Towns to of Fly!n, Fortresses of the Fif­ IIt :,1 ' ~r In ~r , n al San Angelo, Alfedena Nazi Drive ' othel'~ damaged. IsPlledy conq\t t. ' had the advantage ot artillery teenth aIr force bombed submarine - '. During thai clash a erulser lind Few prisoners were bein. and mortar ~1t1ons, mBchinegun p~ns . docks and repair iacillties. four enemy des(royers were sunk taken, Admiral Nimitz Id. Some nests, pill boxes and concentrated STOOKHOLM (AP)-Walls olt Tuesday night with a load oC de· Clear Approaches Liberator. from the I18me alt while atempting to si.rtke ai the 4,000 Japllnese were believed fire P9wer. The Island Is con­ foree . truck araln at railroad name mor~ than a hal[ mile long strucllon J'ivnHing the 2,300 long To Enemy Line In Kiev Area American BougnlnvlLie b Ilchhead IsLain on Botio alone. There th slderably less than two mUes and yards In ofl..... ~ were . repol'tcd licking at Berlin tons tossed Monday, un eye-wit­ on Empress Augu.ta bay. enemy had concentrated the Qulk long and a thousand yw:ds wide. ..~Iy evacuated of Ita olvll buildings after thc second massive ness account described Berlin us ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, AI­ popuIa&lon after tbe '81' raid. air attack in two nighlA;, bul "still one big fire," giel'S CAP) - StabblllK fOL wal'd Africa Bat d Pica".. (A B9tlln r Ie> bf984eas~ re- trllv,el SIlid lust n~ht th t ';lin "Fire~ . till w~'e burning 1ier I lmo:nn- YANKS COMPLETE CONQUEST OF Gtl-8ERT 'Dle AlIIOClat ress in was helping Nmd Jircmen to keep at noon 'l'uesday and the heat wa· Intervening towns ;,nd villugel!, Also AHClck Sofia, Lon on sal afire Qberators Ilt­ them from spreading, ~o terrible it was almost impos- tacked in waves over Sofia and 'bl I lk d . EighUl anny truo". have scj~ed Bulgarian Capital Broken, water mains, howcver, Sl e 0 wa 01' nvc on some '" some were shot. down. The· text . - 1111 halldicapped flrcfighiinl;' si.reet.:;," one refugee said. "1 saw the two Sangro river towns of LONDON. Thursday (AP)- of the bl'oadcast: ("On Nov, 2f enemy planes !lew e(ArO~1I; illl ~hc PharaIY'tcl.{l capital, fr:O~I~h~oil~~~~~e ~~ea~~;'~:r~e~:~! Salt Angelo and AIC('dcnit ncar tht' Ru~sia's Ukrainion army rallied Lo I OIl)1U S III t e Bel' In zoo e '- center of the Italian line, 'VII'. , . , .' • ,. • In waves over the territory or caped during Monday night's rec- awful scenes everywhere," tually clearing the appruaches to Clack th~ IUtJous. G Imun counl r-I BulJ!arla, Anti-aircraft defense Mf ord a tack, a tl'avcle]" reported. The newspaper Artontidningen the Germans' mllin d fellse ~yslem altllc){ in lhc KIev ~ector on the I went Into octiQn,in tim lind suc­ and gU8J'ds <1I'Ined with macliine- reported new fires set Tuesday along a 45-mlle stl'etch to the I11th day yesterday. klUlni 1,500 cessful all' combals took place. guns hunted and shot elephants night soon merged with old con- Adriatic sea. Nazis and blasting 32 enemy lanks ("At some point.
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