What Are S-Parameters, Anyway? Scattering Parameters Offer an Alternative to Impedance Parameters for Characterizing High-Frequency Devices
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What are S-parameters, anyway? Scattering parameters offer an alternative to impedance parameters for characterizing high-frequency devices. Rick Nelson, Senior Technical Editor -- Test & Measurement World, 2/1/2001 Elementary circuit theory provides many methods for describing electronic networks. Those methods, however, best describe DC and low-frequency circuits. They fall short when the wavelengths of the signals of interest shrink to become comparable to the physical dimensions of the circuit of interest. To characterize high-frequency circuits, you can employ S-parameters (or scattering parameters) in place of the impedance or admittance parameters that describe low-frequency circuits. To give you a basis for understanding S- parameters, I will first review low-frequency analysis techniques. Most college texts present circuit analysis in terms of equations describing node voltages and loop currents. For a three- terminal circuit, such as the one shown in Figure 1, you can write three simultaneous equations in six Figure 1. You can evaluate three-terminal variables; for the node voltages and current networks like this one by solving three directions shown in Figure 1, these equations simultaneous equations having three suffice: unknowns. i1 + i3 = i2 (1) i1 = (v1 – v3)/R1 (2) i2 = (v3 – v2)/R2 (3) If you specify any three variables, you can calculate the rest. Of course, without having to solve any equations, you recognize that if the current into node 3 of the Figure 1 circuit is zero (i3 = 0), the voltage at node 3 is 80% of the difference between the node 1 and node 2 voltages. A problem But address this question: for v1 – v2 = 10 V (assume that v2 = 0), what voltage at node 3 will sustain a 1-A current into node 3? To get the answer, substitute the specified values into Equations 1 through 3 to obtain Equations 4 through 6: (4) (5) (6) Substituting Equations 5 and 6 into Equation 4 yields (7) If you multiply both sides of Equation 7 by 8 Ω, Equation 7 reduces to 40 V – 4v3 + 8 V = v3, or 5v3 = 48 V, so v3 = 9.6 V. That’s not too tough a calculation, but you probably would need paper and pencil to solve it. Further, the algebra increases dramatically with circuit node count. Although you can use a computer to solve sets of algebraic equations, you might find it difficult to conveniently load your equations into a computer. (The easiest way, in fact, is probably to enter your circuit graphically using a schematic-capture program and then use a simulator such as Spice to develop and solve the equations for you.) But whether you intend to calculate circuit values by hand or with computer assistance, you can simplify the computational and data-management aspects of the problem if you can group your circuit nodes into appropriate pairs, which leads to the concepts of ports and matrix representations of circuit characteristics (see “Matrix math methods”). In fact, you needn’t know anything about internal circuit topology to make use of the port concept. Given a black box, you can make lab measurements that let you develop a simple matrix representation of the internal circuitry. So, what is a port? Figure 2a shows a two-port network. You can treat any circuit as a two-port network if you can select two pairs of nodes (for example, an input pair and an output pair) such that the current into the positive node of a pair equals the current out of the negative node of the same pair—that is, i1 must equal i A and i2 must equal iB in Figure 2a. Figure 2b shows the Figure 1 circuit rearranged to emphasize that it is indeed a two-port network. (See clarification, below) A two-port network can be represented by a 2-by-2 matrix. (An n-port network, having n pairs of nodes, can be represented by an n-by-n matrix). In Figure 2a, the xij terms (where xij represents the value at row i column j) stand in for impedance parameters (Z-parameters), admittance Figure 2. (a) You can completely describe the parameters (Y-parameters), hybrid external functionality of a two-port network by parameters (h-parameters), chain means of a 2x2 matrix. (b) The voltage divider of parameters (A-, B-, C-, and D-parameters), Figure 1 constitutes a two-port network. or S-parameters. I will briefly review Z- parameter representations to illustrate how matrix representations work and how you can derive matrix parameters from laboratory measurements. Then, I will show you how you can apply similar matrix representations to characterize high-frequency circuits using S-parameters. In a Z-parameter representation, the matrix elements take on the values that satisfy this matrix equation: (8) To measure z 11, you leave port 2 open-circuited, apply a test voltage v1 to port 1, and divide that voltage by the resulting current i1 into port 1: z11 = v1/i1 for i2 = 0 (9) Similarly, to measure z22, you leave port 1 open-circuited, apply a test voltage v2 to port 2, and divide that voltage by the resulting current i2 into port 2: z22 = v2/i2 for i1 = 0 (10) Parameters z 11 and z22 are called the open-circuit driving-point impedances (Ref. 1). Visualizing the measurements of the remaining two matrix entries—the open-circuit transfer impedances—with respect to the instrumentation you would use is slightly more difficult. Mathematically, the upper-right matrix parameter is z12 = v1/i2 for i1 = 0 (11) To make the measurement, you can use two voltage sources: use one to apply test voltage v1 to port 1; then monitor current i1 into port 1 and adjust the second voltage source, connected to port 2, until i1 = 0. Then, divide v1 by the resulting current i2 into port 2. Similarly, to measure the lower- left matrix parameter, you apply v2 to port 2, adjust the v1 voltage until i2 goes to zero, and divide v2 by the resulting i1: z21 = v2/i1 for i2 = 0 (12) You can try these out for the circuit values shown in Figure 2b, either on the bench or with some quick calculations. Calculating the z terms on the matrix major diagonal (top left to bottom right) is simple: With i2 = 0, z11 = v1/i1, where i1 = v1/(2 Ω + 8 Ω ). So z11 = 10 V. With i1 = 0, z22 = v2/i2, where i2 = v2/(8 Ω ). So z22 = 8 Ω. Calculating the remaining two terms is a tad more difficult. To determine z12 = v1/i2 for i1 = 0, note that if i1 = 0, then v2 = v1, and i2 = v1/8 Ω, so z12 = 8 Ω. Finally, to determine z21 = v2/i1 for i2 = 0, note that i1 = v1/10 Ω, so z21 = v2/(v1/10 Ω), or (10 Ω) v2/v1. Note also that if i2 = 0, then v2 = 0.8 v1, so z12 = 8 Ω. These calculations yield the following matrix equation: (13) You can test out this representation on the Figure 2 circuit problem that was solved above with three node equations: if v1 = 10 V, what value of v2 will sustain a 1-A current into port 2? With these values, Equation 13 becomes (14) which yields 10 V = (10 V) i1+(8 V)(1 A) = (10 V) i1 + 8 V (15) and v2 = (8 V) i1 + (8 V)(1 A) (16) Therefore, from Equation 15, i1 = (2 V)/10 Ω, or 0.2 A, which, substituted into Equation 16, yields v2 = (8 Ω)(0.2 A) + 8 V = 9.6 V, which is the same result obtained from solving the node equations. Active networks You can apply matrix parameters to active networks as well as to passive ones like the Figure 2 voltage divider. Figure 3 models a transistor amplifier using two resistors and a dependent current source. Using equations 9 and 10, you can determine that z11 = v1/i1 for i2 = 0 is Rb and that z22 = v2/i2 for i1 = Figure 3. Matrix parameters can describe active as well as passive 0 is RL. networks. This amplifier includes a transistor having a beta of 1000 and a 1-MΩ input resistance. To determine z12 = v1/i2 for i1 = 0 (Equation 11), imagine applying a test current (1 A, for instance) to port 2. Then, while holding i1 to zero, measure v1. If i1 = 0, then v1 must equal zero, so z12 = 0/(1 A) = 0. This result helps to illustrate the physical meaning of Z- and other matrix parameters. The subscript ij indicates the effect on port i of a test input applied to port j. The fact that z12 = 0 for the transistor amplifier simply means that nothing you do to the amplifier’s output will change its input. Conversely, parameter z21 does have a nonzero value, meaning that something done to the input will affect the output (as you would expect for an amplifier). To calculate z21 = v2/i1 for i2 = 0 (Equation 12), first note that for i2 = 0, 1000ibRL must equal v2. Therefore, z21 = (1000ibRL)/i1, and since i1 equals ib (representing transistor base current), z21 = 1000RL. This matrix equation therefore represents the transistor amplifier: (17) You can use this equation to calculate the no-load output voltage in response to a 1-V input with the resistance values as shown in Figure 3: (18) Therefore, 1 V = (1 MΩ) i1, so i1 = 1 µA, and v2 = (10 MΩ)(1 µA) = 10 V. Z-parameters for microwaves? The impedance matrix is a general analytical tool applicable in theory to any multiport network. Practically, though, it is difficult to apply to microwave networks.