664 14. S-Parameters b1 S11 S12 a1 S11 S12 14 = ,S= (scattering matrix) (14.1.3) b2 S21 S22 a2 S21 S22 S-Parameters The matrix elements S11,S12,S21,S22 are referred to as the scattering parameters or the S-parameters. The parameters S11, S22 have the meaning of reflection coefficients, and S21, S12, the meaning of transmission coefficients. The many properties and uses of the S-parameters in applications are discussed in [1135–1174]. One particularly nice overview is the HP application note AN-95-1 by Anderson [1150] and is available on the web [1847]. We have already seen several examples of transfer, impedance, and scattering ma- trices. Eq. (11.7.6) or (11.7.7) is an example of a transfer matrix and (11.8.1) is the corresponding impedance matrix. The transfer and scattering matrices of multilayer structures, Eqs. (6.6.23) and (6.6.37), are more complicated examples. 14.1 Scattering Parameters The traveling wave variables a1,b1 at port 1 and a2,b2 at port 2 are defined in terms of V1,I1 and V2,I2 and a real-valued positive reference impedance Z0 as follows: Linear two-port (and multi-port) networks are characterized by a number of equivalent + − circuit parameters, such as their transfer matrix, impedance matrix, admittance matrix, V1 Z0I1 V2 Z0I2 a1 = a2 = and scattering matrix. Fig. 14.1.1 shows a typical two-port network. 2 Z0 2 Z0 (traveling waves) (14.1.4) − + V1 Z0I1 V2 Z0I2 b1 = b2 = 2 Z0 2 Z0 The definitions at port 2 appear different from those at port 1, but they are really the same if expressed in terms of the incoming current −I2: − + − V2 Z0I2 V2 Z0( I2) a2 = = Fig.
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