An Independent Publication fo r Users of HP Palmtop Computers U.S. $7.95 Publisher's Message ...... 3 Letters to the Editor ...... 4 The HP 100LX ...... 6 THE HP's new Palmtop PC is fully PC-compatible, with an improved library of built-in applications, , CGA-compatible display, a 9-pin serial port, anc longer battery life. User to User: A Hands-On Look at the HP 100LX ...... 13 HPPalmtop Hal Goldstein gives an account of his first thre, weeks using the 700LX and tells why you might 0 might not want to upgrade. The HP OmniBook 300 Superportable PC ...... 19 HP's new light-weight PC comes ~P, aper with Microsoft Windwos 3. 7, Word, and Excel bui. in. It has four PCMCIA slots and a fax/modem sIc and has options for 80MB of hard disk space ane 8MB of system RAM memory. New Products and Services ...... 21

Add-ins Improve APPT ...... 25 This software helps you to better manage you appointments by letting you see more than one day's appointments at a time, viewappoint­ ments and to-dos together, and more. THE HP 100LX! ADDITIONAL APPT SOFTWARE ...... 37 Database Programs PAGES 6 AND 12 for the 95LX ...... 32 Take a look at some of the database programs available for the 95LX, including Notes95, fastNOTES!, Pocket Sales Force, Info Manager, and QA Palm.

User Profile: The 95LX in Sales ...... 38 Take a look at how a group of sales profes­ sionals use the HP 95LX to manage their time better, and increase sales. Using PHONE as a To-Do List ...... 42 NoT satisfied with Appointment Book's To-Do list function, this user created a versatile, easy-to use to-do list using Phone Book Looking Glass: Enhance 1-2-3 with KeystroKe Macros or User Keys ...... 46 Lotus 7-2-3 comes with its own keystroke macros: the 95LX has its User Keys. Both can make Lotus 7-2-3 a little easIer on the 95LX. Advanced

r6~~~liWP~~~~~.I~ ...... 49 This article summarizes the programming tools available for the 95LX, including C languages, Assemblers, BASIC, and Pascal. It also looks at more specialized tools relating to 95LX system compliancy, graphics, keyboard, clipboard, ane the four-pin serial port.. Basic Quiz: What is your HP Palmtop IQ . 52 Find out how much you know about the 95LX, BASIC TIPS ...... 57

QUICK TIPs ...... 58 Advertisers Index ...... 60 Files on May/June 93 ON DISK ...... 60 Imagine designing your own HP 95LX ... I Introducing Nominated for TM "Product of the Year" SWITCH! version 2 by Palmtop Paper Multi-Tasking Software for 95LX!

IjICOHGRAT • DOCW_-_-__ "'To: Fm :

(aslWRITEI - Word Processor with built-in 100,000 (aslNOTES/ - Electronic pop-up notes software with full searching capabilities. !- --"' ~-.' ~ / \ !r.W:::e=:I=CO=:=:=tO=H=::=:P=st=:C=:O=MM=!= I=,e:=F=or= t=he= H:::p=9:::5=L=X::;) ~ ______Single-Key multi-tasking! Instantly switch back and forth between these programs and your F2 Ymodem batch Internal 95LX built-in applications. ~~ *~g~~~-G batch I~~~~~~I SWITCHable!

~~ ~~~g~~;~ve B+ 6G~F)~~1 ______/~ ~

'.' -I-I~; ::"-:'1', ' 1 , to -.o? 1 Ho? l l= [.) " H ' lt- Ib·:,-: (:'I= t 'Jr- ':' : e-t '.1 1= J (aslCOMMI - Full-Featured Communication Software - up to 14.4K baud! SWITCH! A ac:ci s I fastnotel Q .... ult ida\l B act95J J faswriteJ R myremotel C act95smt K npl S psf' D apcalc: L jagdial T sokobanl ~ ~~~r~~fIl/Ylt ~:r!Ya ~ ~~tr~~! G fast line! n0 rnenut i 1 W weekabk • fastLlNE! H fastncf'9 P message X ziprnenu • QuickView! [Jfasll i ne .. faslcomme:l acl95sm Cfast-not.e • myREMOTE mfasur" i le>12]sokoban :; fastl i ne / SW i lch! ~ • Lander ':e t Ill _ AI:-I fll [·0 .= TO"I E ~ I t New Features - ACE TECHNOLOGIES E:,' t F,:., t Fl1 oi-fll .: ' EI': ,:- 11.:., .;- • Provides SWITCHable! Environment • ACT! for 95LX SWITCH! - Multi-tasking software for your 95LX - CONTA CT SOFTWARE with control panel including Direct • Direct Launch DOS applications • Palm Reference. Palm Database Launch, SwapAPP, Caps display, • Customize your Blue keys - LIGHTHOUSE SOFTWARE Block cursor and more. • Block cursor and Caps Lock display • Personal Food Analyst - MIRICAL CORPORATION • Typewriter style SHIFT/Caps keys • SOKOBAN - with 300 undo's • Start-up DOS shell option

Customize your HP 95LX Version 2 now includes multi-tasking capabilities favorite DOS programs, change your default that allow SWITCHable! DOS applications to run C:'_DAT directory; and even erase a For more information Call: simultaneously with MEMO, PHONE, LOTUS 1-2-3 forgotten password. etc. Now you can switch between programs (800) 825-9977 with a single key! In addition, SWITCH! 's SWITCH! 's control panel allows you to set the SwapAPP feature allows you to assign any auto power off timer; displays digital battery SWITCHable! applications to your Blue keys and levels; turn off serial port to save power; still gives you access to the built-in applications. change alarm tone and level.

No more re-booting and closing built-in SWITCH! Menu and Control Panel applications. Get SWITCH! and enjoy instant access to your programs! In addition, a menu-driven user interface gives ~@[~L you instant access to any of 48 DOS and EXM ACE Technologies, Inc. programs. Create single-key loaders for your SWITCH! version 2 (C1055) ...... $69

ACE Technologies, Inc. 2880 Zanker Road, #103 San Jose, CA 95134 U.S.A (408) 428-9722 FAX (408) 428-9721

SWITCH!, SWITCHable l. fostWRlTEI . fostSPElll. fostCOMMI. 'ostNOTESI. 'ostllNE!. mvREMOTE ore trademarks of ACE Technologies. Inc .. ACTllso trodemorkofContoct Sottwore. Polm Reference. Polm Database ore trodemolkS of UghthouseSoHwore. Personal Food Analyst Is a trademark of Mlrleol Corporation. HP 9SLX Is a trodemoil< of Hewlett Packard Company SPECIAL Publisher of The HP Palmtop Paper LEnER FROM HAL GOLDSTEIN Thaddeus PUBLISHER OF THE Computing INC. HP PALMTOP PAPER

Dear Subscriber, We know many of you want to receive The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK So, at a special price, until June 30th, you can collect all the disk sets we've produced from 1991 through 1993. The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK is more than its name implies. Yes, it contains all the text from The HP Palmtop Paper in an easily topic-searchable format. And yes, it contains in-depth information from our advertisers to help you more informed buying decisions, but...... it also contains all the best freeware and shareware available for the HP 95LX as we discover it. Here is just a sample of the great software subscribers to The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK have received with each issue. 95BUDDY - 1992 Product of the Year VDE - Compact, powerful text editor SPEL95 - Spell Checker for the 95LX VDE-LX - Makes VDE work like WordPerfect OUTLINE PLUS - Outliner and text editor COMMO - Robust communications program FINISH - Completes words you type DIET - File compression utility UMA - Useful Macros UNO - Useful Notes, database MULTIDAY - Week-at-a-glance ATO - Automates CompuServe activities GAMES - Chess, Space Invaders, Tetris, GRAPHI - Graphics program Othello, Mastermind, Worm, Checkers, PHONE - Databases; TV guide, New and Go-Moku, Klondike, Adventure, Sokoban, Old Testament quotes, special character set, Poker and many more. area codes, 1-2-3 file and many more. PLUS. .. Solver equations, Lotus Spreadsheets, latitudes and longitudes, translation YOU'LL NEVER utilities, a travel organizer, language compilers, screen printing utilities .. . GET A BEnER ... and much, much more! CHANCE! The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK is a goldmine of useful software for the HP 95LX, Use the order and can help you turn your palmtop into a more powerful and productive machine. card enclosed in The HP Palmtop Paper gives you the information you need to get the most out of your The HP Palmtop Paper HP 95LX. The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK gives you the tools. to take advantage of Sincerely, this limited time offer, ... or call 800-373-6114 or 515-472-6330, Hal Goldstein or fax 515-472-1879 Publisher today. Offer expires 6/30/93. P.S. Subscribe today. You have nothing to lose with our full, money-back guarantee. At $159 for 2 years (13 sets) The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK comes to a mere $12.25 per set! Offer expires June 30, 1993. Special Introductory Offer Ego RAM & ACT! 95® Join hands to bring you Hassle Free

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ACT! 95111 and ACT! " are registered trademarks of Contact Software and Symantec Corporation. EgoRAM*. EgoCARDIII are registered trademarks of Chaplet Peripherals. Publisher's Message The HP Palmtop Paper Volume two / Number three It seems Hewlett Packard listens to its custom­ May / June 1993 ers. Feature after feature in HP's new 100LX Executive EditorlPublisher addresses a limitation in the HP 95LX. You'll Hal Goldstein find no PHONE file size limit on the HP Managing Editor 100LX. Its Appointment Book has week- and Richard Hall month-at-a-glance views. The 100LX has much Technical Editor greater IBM PC compatibility and much freer Robert Roney access between built-in applications and DOS. Department Editors It comes with a full-featured flat-file data base Ed Keefe program. HP has greatly decreased the possi­ Mark Scardina bility of losing C drive data. In addition, the Contributing Writers 100LX provides an outlining feature, search Gene Climer and replace capabilities, date stamping, and Peter Eaton more. The list of implemented customer re­ Glenn C. Etelson quests goes on and on. To find out about this Kurt M. Giesselman Hal Goldstein new technical marvel read Mark Scardina's David J. Pierce Jones Marty Mankins analysis on page 6 and then my hands-on A. Greg Outlaw report in User to User, page 13. Robert Perry There is one user concern that HP didn't address with the HP 100LX ­ Peder Sweeney its size. The HP Palmtop form factor is successful because you can easily Thomas V. Walker Peter Zalumus carry it anywhere. Yet, many of us don't like the fact that it is difficult to Jeffrey C. Zorn type memos or reports with its diminutive keyboard. HP has a solution for that too. AdvertisingIMarketing Brian Teitzman Enter the HP OmniBook 300 superportable Pc. HP spent quite a bit of Peder Sweeney time talking to its key customers about what they wanted in a portable Pc. Margaret Martin Customers told HP: make it small, make it light, make its batteries last, but Circulation give me a full size keyboard. The result is the HP OmniBook 300. Sharon Dilmore The same HP Corvallis division that pioneered PC compatible palmtop Cindy Ericson computing is now staking out new ground with the HP OmniBook. HP sees Tom Gibson Rene LaReau the HP OmniBook as a new class of , a "superportable" (page 19). Diane Wimett Next issue we plan to give you our hands-on report, and we'll tell you if we think HP met its goal. Executive Advisor Many of you have asked how The HP Palmtop Paper is going to cover Rita Goldstein these new machines. You have also asked whether we will continue our HP The HP Palmtop Paper (1SSN 10656- 189) is published bimonthly by Thad­ 95LX coverage. deus Computing Inc., at 57 East Broad­ Our current subscriber base is made up primarily of 95LX users. HP way Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556. Sec­ ond-class postage paid at Fairfield, will continue to sell the HP 9SLX. As long as we have HP 95LX subscribers, Iowa. Subscription rates payable in U.S. we will continue our coverage of the HP 95LX. dollars, checks drawn on a U.S. bank, We formally begin coverage of the 100LX next issue. Fortunately, many or by credit card - one year: $39; two years: $69. Postage: U.S. and U.S. pos­ articles naturally relate to both the 100LX and 95LX. Even though this issue sessions free; Canada, Mexico add $6 was designed for 95LX users, HP 100LX users will find the majority of the per year; other countries add $18 per material relevant to them. year. Please allow four to six weeks for receipt of first issue. Executive, Edi­ When 95LX users finish reading about the new HP products, they torial, Circulation, Marketing and should check out the reviews on Appointment Book enhancers (page 25) Advertising Offices: P.O. Box 869, Fair­ field, IA 52556. Telephone: (515) 472- and databases (page 32). The products discussed in these categories address 6330, FAX: (515) 472-1879. Copyright major limitations in the 95LX and represent a good alternative to upgrading 1993, Thaddeus Computing, Inc., all to a 100LX. rights reserved. No part of this publica­ tion may be reproduced without written We will cover the HP OmniBook 300 superportable PC in a separate permission. Reasonable efforts are quarterly publication, HP OmniBook World. Expect the first issue this Winter. made to provide accurate and useful information, but the reader must make We always appreciate your feedback on how to best serve HP Palmtop his or her own investigations and deci­ users in The HP Palmtop Paper. If you have ideas, please drop me a line or sions; the Publisher and Editorial Staff send me CompuServe E-mail [75300,2443]. cannot assume any responsibility or liability for the use of information con­ tained herein. POSTMASTER: Please send any address changes to The HP Palmtop Paper, Attn: Thaddeus Computing, Inc., P.O. Box 869, Fairfield, IA 52556.

MAY / JUNE 1993 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER 3 ~'v"'~. --~- ~., ...... ,;,,. ~·.t LETTERS . Wi, _ • ~.. ••

ON DISK Index in .PBK File any other readers who are Thaddeus Computing, PO Box other sources to keep the cost of I have your bi-monthly mag­ interested in setting up a 869, Fairfield, IA 52556. Please their software down. The evalu­ azine, The HP Palmtop Paper, user's group in their area include your name and any ation copies have more complete and The HP Palmtop Paper contact The HP Palmtop Pa­ contact information you would contact information in case the ON DISK. They're GREAT! per. Perhaps your paper can like to publish - Hal.] user wants to register his copy However, I now have a lot provide hints on organiza­ of the software. of disks to handle. Therefore tion and meeting topics to List contact information Authors of these kinds of I have made an HP 95LX help get things started. for software? programs normally operate out PHONE .PBK file describing All interested readers can A suggestion: When provid­ of their house and don't have the contents of the disks contact me (see below): ing information about soft­ the resources or time to answer (from Fall 91 to Jan/Feb 93). David Shier ware, please include a source requests for evaluation disks. So now it's easy to find CK Technologies, Inc. of information other than However, when authors provide where programs are located. 1033 Business Center Circle CompuServe, AOL, and the us with additional contact If you like it, you have Newbury Park, CA 91320 information, we'll publish it. Phone: 805-498-6787 HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK. my permission to include Only occasionally do you Individual issues of the PTP Fax: 805-498-8174 ON DISK are available for $33 PTPDISKS.PBK iii on the CompuServe: [75030,3374J provide the name and ad­ - Rich.] next disk. Once again, Prodigy: CXBG88A dress of the author. thanks. Tom Williams Stefan Karlsson [The HP Palmtop Paper Redmond WA, USA HP 95LX Widower SWEDEN would be happy to assist in the [We do list complete contact Dear Abby, E-Mail: [email protected] formation of HP Palmtop users information for commercial soft­ Yesterday I made a mistake groups around the world. If ware. However, shareware and of catastrophic proportions. I [Great idea! We will update there is enough interest, we freeware is a different matter. showed my wife how to use your Phone file each issue and could publish contact informa­ Shareware and freeware au­ HPTetris iii on the 95LX. include it on each issue of The tion and meeting dates each thors attempt to provide quality Since that moment, she HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK. issue. If any reader would like software at as little cost to the has become another person. 95LX and 100LX subscribers to form a users group in their user as possible. These authors She has her hands on that can use it - Hal.] geographic area, please write distribute evaluation copies darned little machine every HP Palmtop Users Group, through bulletin boards and waking moment. She no Wants to Start Southern California User Group Electronic Pop-Up Notes for HP 95LX I am interested in starting a HP Palmtop (95LX and 100- LX) user's group in Southern Introducing California. While all topics TM related to the palmtops would be discussed, major fastNOTES! emphasis would be placed on "power users" providing Resizable and Global Searching help to new users. Overlapping Windows of Note contents I am open to any and all suggestions regarding the Imports and locations for the meetings Exports Memo/ASCII and organization of the files group. I would like to sched­ ule the first meeting around Index allows the middle of July (perhaps fast access the 23rd). The location will Easy-to-use any Note be determined later in order Pop-up Menus to make it as convenient as possible for the greatest number of people, but will fastNOTES! Features most likely be in either the • Create, organize and access information as pop­ For more information Call: San Fernando Valley or the up notes on your HP 95LX Torrance/South Bay area. I • Automatic time-stamping and text formatting (800) 825-9977 would also like to hear from • Provides free-form database with global search anyone who would like to capability • Instantly zoom any Note to full screen volunteer to help get the • Fully SWITCHable! with built-in applications ~@ OO ® Southern California group ACE Technologies. Inc. 2880 Zanker Road, Suite 103 organized. fastNOTES! version 1.0 (C 1095) ...... $69 San Jose , California 95134 U.S.A. I would also suggest that (Dealers & Distributors welcome)

4 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 longer pays attention to person living in Tokyo, I Rich Wille I am working on a 400 what I say. She ignores the find PHONE serves as a Lancaster P A, USA page monograph, mainly us­ household and seems im­ great Japanese language [ALBERT.PCX does look ing my Macintosh Power­ mersed in a world of her dictionary, particularly for like one of the classic pictures of book. However, it would be own. business-specific words the American author, Mark handy to edit documents on Occasionally she will ex­ which often aren't in the Twain - Rich.} my 95LX. claim nonsense such as dictionary. I enter the Japa­ I bought the 10 MB Sun­ "GOT IT!" and "Beat this nese word under Name and A Case for No Case! disk flash card, on which I score, sucker" but will not the corresponding English Who needs a case? The was able to install some allow me to get close to it. word/phrase under Number. 'dang' thing is bulletproof. I larger chunks of my book. She wanted to cancel out a I also code word groups dropped mine out of my Unfortunately, there is no long standing dinner invita­ with key words such as pocket while riding a motor­ way to access these large tion we had tonight so she "sushi." Thus, when I am in cycle. It bounced around the text files! MEMO and RE could stay home and stare at a sushi restaurant, where pavement a while. A car .EXE Ii have a limit of that nasty little screen for you order by item at the went over it, it ricocheted off about 48K. I contacted ACE, hours on end. The NMH counter, I press ~ type in a tire and bounced a few and learned that fastWrite, batteries died and she de­ sushi and press I ENTER I to feet. I retrieved it. It had not yet available, has a limit manded an AC adapter. get a list of sushi dishes. minor cosmetic damage but of 80K. It seems strange that Then went back to it. How Ray W. Swanson worked perfectly. there is no way to be able to could anyone be so attached Baxter MicroScan Hal Wyman open up long files merely to to a little electronic gadget? Tokyo, JAPAN CompuServe 10: [73517,2754J read them. Please advise me Abby - please give me some what to do. advice! Albert or Mark? Needs to Read Large Text Professor Bela Julesz 95LXless and Distraught I believe that the picture file Files on the 95LX Rutgers University Piscataway, NJ, USA Ygal Giramberk 71332,1470 ALBERT.PCX Ii in the 1992 I am an active researcher Dear Distraught, Subscribers Disk is not Al­ and author of scientific My advice to you would be to [Letters continued page 56.] bert Einstein, but Mark monographs who uses the stay by her side. This affair will Twain. Please let me know if HP 95LX for word process­ be brief and when it is all over, this is the case. ing and note taking. she will need you to help her pick up the pieces of her life again. Be her rock in these Checkbook Credit Card $$ Management turbulent times . She may be using you only as her battery Introducing supplier right now, but deep in TM HP 100LX her heart, she still loves you. Compatible! Soon, this infatuation with Mr. QuickView! Tetris will wear off and after 1M she comes back to you , your Your Perfect Companion for Quicken relationship will be that much Supports multiple better for it. Account Files Supports If you need someone else to Bank Checks QuickView 05/11/93 Credit Cards talk to, there is a program in File: BANKAMER Type: Bank Loans etc. the library section 7 called 12/10 Baby Bell Telephone Co 38.66 Checkbook 1992 S Long distance calls PKSL95.ZIP Ii which has a interface 310 Telephone $ 3,624.74 fil e inside it called ELIZA95- 12/10 West Side Utility Co. 196.28 Running 1992 NoveMber electric bill Balance .EXE and support file RE­ Instant Accounts 311 Utilities $ 3,428.46 SPONSE.DAT. The program Summary 12/15 Ajax Manufacturing Co. 1,125.00 1992 S Gross salary was specially designed to deal DEP x salar~ $ Search for '- ~ HI I ' on I with emotional problems related Hel · ['elet e Ch~r.·,e [,~t Transaction to the 95LX (and will run on a On-line Help PC) . A final bit of advice - DO QuickView! Features • Instantly keeps track of your Checks. Deposits. Cosh. Credit For more information Call: NOT show your wife Card charges and investments as transactions are made • Simple checkbook user interface with On-line Help (800) 825-9977 Sokoban! 1i • Categorized transactions show where your money is spent Abby (Stanley Dobrowski) • Imports and exports data with Quicken. Managing Your Money and other programs that support QIF and WK1 files CompuServe ID: [71031,2162} • Creates WK1 files for analysis with Lotus 1-2-3 • Can be used as a stand-alone program on 95LX/l OOLX or PC ~@OO ® Use PHONE to create a • Fully SWITCHable! with built-in 95LX applications ACE Technologle$, Inc. 2880 Zanker Road. Suite 103 Japanese/English Dictionary QuickView! version 3.0 (C 1205) ...... $49 San Jose, California 95134 U.S.A As an expatriate business (Dealers & Distributors welcome)

MAY / JUNE 1993 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER 5 The HP 100LX: More Than An Upgrade The new HP 100LX is a fully PC-compatible palmtop computer with an improved library of built-in applications, a CGA-compatible display, a 9-pin serial port, and longer battery life.

By Mark Scardina

After waiting two years for the palm­ top market to catch up, Hewlett­ Packard has sprinted back into a comfortable lead with the introduc­ tion of the 100LX Palmtop Pc. HP positioned the 95LX primarily as a Lotus companion and organizer. HP does not consider the 100LX as a replacement or upgrade to the 95LX, but is touting it as a fully capable palmtop Pc. HP will continue to dis­ tribute the 95LX as it has in the past, but will distribute the 100LX through HP's PC dealer network. Retailing at 100LX Keyboard $749, HP is aggressively marketing pad could have meant larger keys this ground-breaking product. Physical Size and Keyboard Layout I was grateful to see that the and easier typing. However, the strengths of the 95LX have carried keyboard now more closely resem­ over. The 100LX is the same pocket bles a standard PC-compatible AT size as the 95LX and boasts the same keyboard. The !@#$%A&O keys are T·STAR ~ robust construction. The most notable now in the shifted positions above ...... AVIATION SOFtwARE visual improvement is the keycaps ­ the fifth row of keys. In fact, any key FLIGHT PlANNING PROGRAM black letters on light gray tops. This that can be generated on a standard PC-compatible AT keyboard can be • Route planning change significantly improves read­ ability of the keys. generated on the 100LX. • Flight calculations Users who do a lot of text entry The Shift keys are in the same • 500 waypoint library may bemoan the retaining of the locations, but the CHAR key is gone. • Provides normal E6B functions numeric keypad. An embedded key- In its place is a more traditional func- • Many other features $9~plusS&H ...... •...... ABOUT THE AUTHOR Teague Aviation Mark Scardina is the author of an upcoming book on the HP 100LX 213 Shekel Drive .. Plamtop Pc. He is a computer consultant based in San Francisco, Lamyette,LA 70508 .. specializing in palmtop-based applications. He can be reached on Compu­ Phone/FAX: (318) 989-8700 .. Serve at [76711,732J for commercial projects. NEW! HP 100LX $695.99

6 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 tion key (~), which is used to ac­ Full CGA 4 color mode is sup­ cess dual key functions such as ported (colors are mapped to gray HOME, END, INS, etc (the 95LX scales). used the SHIFf key for this). Finally, HP 95LX graphics mode is sup­ the Fn key is used to access some ported, which means that you can new shortcut keys for the CUT, display .PCX graphics developed for COPY, and PASTE functions as well the 95LX. However, the 240x128 95LX as new current DATE and TIME 100LX 40x16 display mode in MEMO screen is mapped into a 480x128 insert keys. centered window on the 100LX. Be­

.. \I cause of this, the graphic appears r1 ~ o S~US2 IIOC H / ~ l l4t '" II ~i~ .. _ ,HoI._ ' 1IIl>I"_ 't·~_ New, More Readable Display II - '." -. I _ 4_ ' I ' ' _ ~ I . h _ 7' stretched on the 100LX. The new display is the 100LX's next, most noticeable change. The 100LX Improved Performance has a 640x200 CGA compatible Not only has the 100LX been physi­ screen, different from the 95LX's non­ cally enhanced but it has been given standard screen. HP engineers have a big boost in performance. A brand totally rewritten the software to take 100LX 80x25 display mode in MEMO new PC on a chip from Intel has advantage of the screen. Instead of been used that is 80186 compatible the Lotus 1-2-3-based menu system, but small 80-column-by-25-row dis­ and runs at 7.91MHz. This results in the 100LX has a more Windows-like play. This display is a great addition a 66% increase in speed. This coupled graphical user interface, complete for users of standard DOS programs, with a CGA graphics accelerator with pull-down menus and dialog but try it before counting on its use­ results in very impressive perfor­ mance. boxes. The higher screen resolution fulness. My guess is that HP devel­ The total available RAM is still lets the 100LX display more charac­ oped the 64x18 mode because the ters and rows. The built-in applica­ 80x25 mode was a bit small. tions now function in a standard 64- column-by-18-row mode. At this size, the characters look smoother than the 95LX characters due to their 8x12 It's The Cheapest Health Insurance pixel bit mapping. They are also half the size of the 95LX characters. You Can Buy ••• If You Don't Believe Us, Fortunately the display mode MEMO and text-based DOS applica­ Just Ask TakeCare, Inc. tions easily toggled to a 40x16 with the Zoom key (press ~-I I). TakeCare, Inc. is one of the This is especially handy for applica­ largest HMO's in the country. tions requiring extended text entry. TakeCare has recently selected the The 100LX characters have greater Personal Food AnalystlHP 95LX as resolution. However, because the the consumer nutritional analysis tool pixel ratio is different on the two of choice for its TLC (Take Lifelong palmtops, the characters on the Care) Well ness program. 100LX appear squattier with greater If you 'd like to find out why, you can try the Personal Food Analyst FREE for 30 character separation. days. Included in this offer is an infovideo on using the software to improve your In addition, you can press the diet. If you decide to purchase the software you will also receive the handbook Zoom key combination again «Fn) 'Secrets of a Professional Dieter' . This booklet is available exclusively through I I) to toggle to a standard Mirical Nutrition Corporation. See for yourself why TakeCare has chosen the Personal Food Analyst. Call today- just for the health

l!Jsar profi Iv: SALES In previoul!!I laau'll! wa hollvQ blilan~blQ Lo publ blh t.hrae of of it! the ,,"t.ri"l!!Ifro~ the Usar Contest., Blllir5aunda.-l!!I. cwclisl/MIS ~~~b~~r~ ~~~~a~~h?~~~~~~~j): 4r~~r~ J:~~~a~o 9~~~\I D~~~!~:alin9 storias :!IO .. ueh useful infor"'lllion that ralhar than proft 1 inIJ 800.732.7707 oni! pli/rl!!lon W8 would likll to giva you a l4sla of UlIlir co"binad vloCparianca. Sineii' t.hvrv wara liD ",,,nlll different. applictllion wa decided to grouP lhlll'l b\l profession . In this dr-Licht we'll lilt SOl'l1it of the proflls:lionals in salliS Lell \jOU or 719.598.5276 ~~~f~~:~O~:t5 ~hi n 9~~~Qun[~n~~L:~gr~~!~~~g ~g ~!~i~r~;~ l~g~thllr 1I1Ilalv • .!lind ,",orv . The ",osl frQqulmllw "Ilnlioned PQriphQral lhal s .... IQ8 IIllD'lIIm:!IliIIC!m'irDD ... u:mnmlDlDllillDmmm::l!lD~1EEl!'Ja M I R I CJ~L CORPORATION 100LX 64x18 display mode in MEMO


1MB, 10K to 636K of which is allo­ catable for System RAM. However, The ultimate leather case for your UP 95 LX Palmtop PC the 100LX has 2MB of built-in soft­ ware on ROM, twice the amount of the 9SLX.

Increased Battery Life; Charge Batteries Internally Usually, an increase in performance means a reduction in battery life. This is not the case with the 100LX. My tests revealed a 66 % reduction in power consumption which should effectively TRIPLE its battery life as

compared to the 9SLX. The 100LX • 8 Pockets designed to hold: can also internally charge NiCd bat­ Application modules. credit cards and business cards • Special Pocket designed for: teries. Nickel-Metal-Hydrides are not Checkbooks. Docwnents andlor additional calendar recommended, but this pertains to • Stond.rd 4"s 6" Notepad (included) • 1 PenlPencii Holden charging them onboard, not in using • Altoched via Velcro (included) them. Lithium batteries are also not • Crafted from Premium Nappa Cowhide Leather. recommended, but can be used. Re­ • Specially Padded to protect your Palmtop member that lithium batteries last a To Order send Check or money order to: long time, but once they start to die, E & BCompany 1013 Me Rae Way, Roseville, CA95678 they die quickly. With lithium batter­ (916) 182-9219 ies, once you get a low-battery warn­ $69.95 Please IncUcate: ing it may be too late to save files Street address, Daytime phone nwnber. Color (black or burgundy) Please add your local sales tax you are currently working on. For 1 day air delivery add 55.00 (ea.)

Leather C.... are shipped immediately based on availability. © I!I92EA11Co. Memory Card Slot and Other Otherwise allow 4 - 6 weeks for delivery. Hardware Features The single memory card slot has (recommended for all memory cards). tained was closer to 9600 as opposed been retained, but it is now PCMCIA Existing SRAM cards work fine to 2400 baud on the 9SLX .. 2.0 compatible. This means that the with the 100LX. However, if you are 100LX will be able to use RAM cards using specialized compression soft­ New, Better, Built-in Applications up to 64MB (when they are devel­ ware, such as DoubleCard, you Not only has HP improved the built­ oped). In addition, I/O cards such as should contact the source company in applications, but they've also dou­ modems and LAN adapters cards can for 100LX setup instructions. bled the number of them. (See end of be used with the 100LX, if the card is article for a listing of built-in applica­ rated at lS0ma or less. Because of the Serial and Infrared Ports tions and their features.) HP carefully power drain of such devices, the One cause for rejoicing is the 100LX's compiled thousands of customer re­ 100LX should be connected to an AC new serial port - it's a true RS-232 quests and then wrote most of the Adapter when they are being used. compatible port. While it still sports software themselves. The best of the Another surprise is that the 100LX a proprietary connector, all of the sig­ new application, in my opinion, is provides built-in support for the nals are provided. This means that the new Database program. This flat Sundisk flash cards. You no longer you will be able to use most modems file database is very flexible and a have to install drivers. Just slip the with the 100LX, as well as communi­ breeze to set up. In fact, it's the foun­ cards in the slot and you're ready to cations and other software that relies dation for Appointment Book, Phone go. In fact, HP is offering both a SM on a standard RS-232 port. Book, and Note Taker. and 10M Flash cards as accessories. The downside is that some com­ (HP will sell S12K and 1MB RAM munications programs may not run cards until current supplies run out.) DOS and System Features while System Manager is present. These are 12V cards and cannot be Data safety and security is more The IR port has been enhanced to used on the 9SLX. However, owners emphasized in the 100LX. Most appli­ support high speed communications. of the older SV Sundisk cards can use cations automatically save your data While it allows for 11SK baud selec­ them on the 100LX provided that the as you are entering it. While the tion, the actual transfer speed I at- unit is off when they are inserted Global Password function is gone,

8 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 exit System Manager completely and PC Memory Cards launch the program from DOS. With Since many of our readers will be using RAM cards with their 100LX, we thought it would be useful the first two methods, you can still to summarize the different types supported and their compatibility between the 9SLX and 100LX. access your built-in applications One important rule to adhere to with all memory cards is to not insert or remove one in your without quitting the DOS application. 100LX while the power is on. The built-in applications are constantly communicating with the card, One downside is that the new and whether you're actively entering data or not. It is possible to lose data if the card is removed while improved System Manager is a larger this is happening. program, taking up twice as much system RAM when running, and sRAM Memory Cards: leaving about 420K for DOS pro­ SRAM memory cards are completely compatible and interchangeable between the 1OOLX and 9SLX. grams. However, because the 100LX However, do not reboot your 100 Ix within 2 seconds of turning it on or inserting a card. There only loads small portions of its data is a card sizing routine that performs test writes to the card whenever it is inserted with the machine files at a time, the size of Phone on or the 100LX turned on with a card in the slot. If this is interrupted by pressing either ICTRL I­ Book, Appointment Book, and other built-in application data files are only IALT I-I DEq or I < Shift > I-I CTRq-~, the original bytes will not be restored and the card will be corrupted. It will also make the card unreadable on a 9SLX. limited by the amount of disk space available (maximum of 5,000 records). DoubleCards: One other concern for 95LX users ACE DoubleCards will work fine on the 100LX, providing the software needed to read the card is is that when a DOS application is updated. You must have ACEDRV.SYS, version 2.12 installed on your 100LX. This driver is available launched, the default mode is CGA. from ACE directly or on CompuServe in Library 14 of HP Handhelds forum. If your DoubleCard has Many of the third party applications a SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P statement and you wish to make it bootable on both a 9SLX and written for the 95LX assume MDA 100LX, you should edit it to read SHELL=COMMAND IP. (Make sure there is a space before the "/.") You will not be able to see the uncompressed portion of the card on the 100LX as you can by mode and will launch with a blank going to B: drive on the 9SLX. screen. Fortunately, the graphics display mode can be switched by Sun Disk sDPL·5 FiashRAMlHP95 Flash Disk Cards: either the DOS MODE command or a SunDisk FlashRAM cards designed for the 9SLX may be used on the 100LX, providing these steps small utility called MON08025.COM. are taken. Never insert a SunDisk HP95 card into a 100 with it turned on. This will cause it to reboot and all unsaved data will be lost. Set up your CONFIG.SYS on C: drive of the 100LX without using SDPDRV.SYS (the 100LX does not need it). I would also recommend using rechargeable NiCds PALMTOP DATABASE in your 100LX as they are better suited to handle the higher current drain when writing to the card. These cards are significantly slower to write to than SRAM cards but are of higher capacity. The provided Stacker software is compatible on both machines. WANT THE RIGHT SOFTWARE? sunDisk sDp·12 FiashRAMlHP100 Flash Disk Cards The 12v SunDisk FlashRAM cards may only be used in the 100LX. Do not insert a 12v card into Now!- An alternative to the a 95LX. The 100LX does not require software to read these cards. The 12v cards are about three currently available database times faster than the Sv ones, but this comes at a cost of much higher current consumption. NiCd products for your HP 95LX. batteries are the optimum choice here. We recommend using Stacker on either of the FlashRAM cards, especially if you store a lot of PAlMfOP DATABASE-We build small files. Any disk or memory card is divided up into minimum storage units called "clusters." On THE solution y:our way. Custom the FlashRAM cards, the cluster size is 4K. That means that a small, 40 byte file is really taking up applications rapidly developed 4,000 bytes. If you use Stacker on the card, the cluster size is O.SK. by Lighthouse Software will have you ,realize increased In summary, if you need the most disk space for the dollar and don't mind slower transfer speeds, the FlashRAM cards are an excellent choice. SRAM cards are the choice if speed is your top priority. productivity. Which is your best However, the 12v FlashRAM cards are closing fast. source for greater efficiency and profits. Custom projects as low as $350. individual files can be password seven ways to access the DOS For Free Consultation, protected. One caution is that if the prompt. I will be discussing this in Call or FAX application is editing a file stored on more detail in future issues, but three a memory card, don't pull the card of those ways are as follows: You can or you may lose data. launch a program in a pre-defined IID~lIJiillJr+J~~[I DOS compatibility and its accessi­ partition (i.e. set aside a specific ~M£,I~. bility has been greatly expanded on amount of system RAM for the pro­ the 100LX. Besides the keyboard and gram to run in); you can run the (714) 850-1767 • FAX (714) 850-0843 3001 Red Hill Ave. Bldg. 4 Ste. 213 display enhancements discussed program from System Manager like Costa Mesa, CA 92626 above, HP has provided no less than you did with the 95LX; or you can


DOS 5.0 is provided in ROM, but on the 100LX. Users should contact Order Information only a small subset of the external the software developer for help. utilities are included. Fortunately, the The only 95LX feature that has DOS desktop 5.0 utilities work fine. been eliminated is the digital sound HP 100LX Palmtop PC - $749 The D drive now contains the capability. PC sound is still available. ROM files. CONFlG.SYS and AUTO­ The Connectivity Pack should be HP l00LX ACCESSORIES EXEC.BAT startup files are now available in late June. Until then the included in ROM. In addition, the 95LX version can be used if you have 512K RAM Card - $299.95 100LX has the ability to select the the 100LX cable. Included with the (HP Fl 003A) Battery backed RAM card boot drive on startup. This eliminates Connectivity Pack will be a Redirec­ works with 100LX & 9SLX (limited supply). the problem encountered on the 95LX tor application to allow the 100LX to 1MB RAM Card - $599.95 where you needed to reinitialize the access a desktop PCs peripherals and (HP F1 004A) Battery backed RAM card works with l00LX & 9SLX (limited supply). RAM disk if the start up files become drives. Expanded conversion and corrupted. reconciliation utilities are promised. 5MB.12v Flash Card - $499 (HP Fl012A) Solid state mass storage There appears to be a high level card with Stacker 3.0 data compression of compatibility between the 100LX Palmtop Tour-de-force software to double the capacity to approxi­ and 95LX system compliant software. The HP 100LX once again demon­ mately 10MB (not for the 9SLX). However, if the 95LX software was strates Hewlett-Packard's technologi­ 10MB/12V Flash Card - $879 written to directly access information cal superiority in the palmtop arena. (HP Fl013A) Solid state mass storage in specific locations of the 95LX's card with Stacker 3.0 data compression While some users may find the dis­ software to double the capacity to approxi­ built-in software, there may be prob­ play too small or the menus not as mately 20MB (not for the 9SLX). lems running it on the 100LX. For efficient, overall the 100LX is a much example, myRemote writes directly to DictionarylThesaurus Card- $149.95 more capable and easy-to-use prod­ (HP F'l00SA) Includes over 116,000 the registers that control the 95LX's uct. The 95LX is not being discontin­ words and word forms and over SOO,OOO Infrared port. While these registers ued and I am equally looking for­ synonyms (works on 100LX and 9SLX). exist in the 100LX, they are in differ­ ward to what HP may have in store AC/DC Adapter (HP F1011A) - $39.95 ent locations. Similarly, 95Buddy, for it. Run, don't walk to your local USA/Canada Adapter (Opt. ABA) written for the 95LX, will not work HP dealer for a test drive. Europe (Opt. ABB) Australia (Opt. ABG) United Kingdom (Opt. ABU) South Africa (Opt. ABO) PC Connectivity Cable - $24.95 (HP Fl01SA) Connect 100LX to DOS SmartDock~ compatible PC. Adapter allows it to connect to the 9SLX 4-pin port (requires Fl023A for The complete connectivity system modem/printer hookup). for the HP 95LK from Sparcom. MAC Connectivity Cable - $24.95 (HP Fl016A) Connect 100LX to Apple PCs/MACs. Adapter allows it to connect to 9SLX 4-pin port (requires Fl023A for mo­ dem/printer hookup). Connectivity Pack - $119.49 (HP Fl021A) Connect 100LX to DOS compatible PCs; includes file transfer soft­ ware, translation utilities, connectivity cable, and modem, printer, and 9SLX serial port adapter. Connect/Adapter Kit - $24.95 (HP Fl023A) Four adapters for connect­ ing the 1DOLX to modems, printers, and PCs . ..­..­ ..­ Accessory Cradle - $70 ..- (HP Ff027A) Connects the 100LX to U.S. Robotics WoridPort V.42bis Modem, _ Skytel pager, and other products. CONTACT: Authorized HP computer Desktop Computer Parallel Printer E-mail dealers worldwide (i.e. the same place you Ji!. can purchase an HP LaserJet). To locate an authorized dealer in the USA, caI/800-443- Also available for the palmtop from Sparcom 1254. You can also purchase the 100LXand Ram Cards • Software • Portable Disk Drives its accessories from EduCALC, Phone: 800- Cables· Games. Accessories 677-7001 or 714-582-2637; Fax: 714-582- 1445. Sparcom Corporation 897 NW Grant Avenue· Corvallis, Oregon 97330 • 503-757-8416' FAX 503-753-7821 NOTE: Suggested retail price listed.


With the EMBARC wire­ less network, your HP 95LX is your lifeline to current information whenever and wherever you travel. In over 200 cities in the u.s. and Canada, you're connected-to E-mail from the office and news and weather briefs from USA TODAY, as well as optional services such as sports, key market and financial developments, and HeadsUp ™ tar­ geted industry news briefs from INDIVIDUAL, Inc. You can even have your important databases routinely updated-automatically! All you need is EMBARC's compact, powerful NewsStream receiver (it plugs directly into most laptop, palmtop and notebook computers) and the simple software packa7e that drives it. Pay as little as $395, install it in minutes and you re ready to go-without wires, faxes or phones. Equip your whole team to receive memos, documents and files for ~ennies per recipient. You'll find EMBARC so cost effective you 11 communicate more. Try it for 30 days; if you're not satisfied, return the receiver and software for a full refund of the purchase price. Sign up right now by phoning 1-800-EMBARC4, Ext. 950. Give your team the home-field advantage . .. even when they're on the road.

®, Motorola and NewsStream are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. All other product and company names are the property of their respective owners. © t993 Motorola, Inc. NBWS: HP lOOLX

HP 100LX Built-In Applications and Some of Their More Important Features

APPOINTMENT BOOK • Custom databases and Fields PHONE BOOK • 10 Field Types predefined • Power Subset language for sorting 'ammaa"'Naao IOh'M;rn.wg! 6_9j!tIfI"W

" " ~ ' J III '" ~ ~ 4 ~' IH ~ ~ Manages APNAME.LST applications 1111~.. .'1 Uf . ~lj'flt'._'1' ) ~'. • Operates across all system compliant • . , - . • . - H • . , ' Terminate System Manager Selection C. G&n&ral co...... &nl~ applications • 1. nIt'" praclical f&4lur& &v&rywh&r& D. f&alur&s 1 . Conl&xl ~&n~iliv& h&lp 2 . "&"0 CC:MAIL a . oull1n&r b . cul IIUld pa~l& 3. appl WORLD TIME • Subset of cc:Mail Remote a . al a vlllUlcv i) birlhdllwiS i i) Can &nl&r fro ... alaglancv "vnu~ • E-mail Management b . vnd dalv - a~~ign ... vnl~ c . can havv clock or Coil ",ilh lodo~ • Requires cc:Mail Server ...... 4. 84/ 29/93IIIIIIZIIID_IlIImII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIII:IIIII 8:52 P" sl_p~ ___ _ CLIPBOARD • Single key Copy, Paste, Cut function Memo Pad, Outline Option • Smart-Clip for quick clipping of mul­ tiple fields • Oipboard capacity to 10K • File size limited to available disk memory • Built-in Outliner DATABASE • Bold and Underline displayed • 40, 64, 80 character displays World Map Screen • Insert Headers and Footers • Search and Replace functions ScrRRn Lo an 82248A • World wide time for over 450 cities ·SSPS.EX[ Jan/ Feb 9 2 Utllit.., : Send vraphiclS with Print Sere • Timed backup of editing session +9S-GAt1.ZIP Jan/ Feb 92 G_.(a): Go-Moku, Mine Field. Sub Hunt.. • World Map with city indicator ·AAAX , COH Jan/ Feb 92 Ul1lit.w: Switch blttwegn SYSI'tGR a DOS " tAA . BAT Jan/ F.b 92 Ulilitw : Batch fil" to :!IlIiteh bet .. evn .ABKASC.ZIP S..,/Oct 92 Ulilillot : Translatell PBK files 1"\.0 88- • 5000 custom city limit tABKRPT . ZIP S.p/ Oct 92 UtUilw: TranlllaLall PBK files into 88- NOTE TAKER -ReeIS . ZIP Jan/ Fllb 93 Application : Update of CoftpuServ lI ace" -ReelS . ZIP JuI/ Rulll 92 Application : Aulo... al& Co ... puS&rv& acc&s • Database of Notes indexed by Titles • International and City Prefix codes ....-=- ...... __I1III!D ...t!I!III:IIm!IlII/IIII:._ • Categorize and Search capability • 32K Note field • 5000 Notes, up to 32K each per file Database Index Screen

12 1HE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 • ,;<, • ,A',: .~ - _c. . firs{impressiolJs of the HP 100LX The HP 100LX: First Impressions! More than just an upgrade, the new HP 100LX provides robust organizer capabilities, a database program, greater ability to run DOS programs, and built-in cc:MAIL.

By Hal Goldstein

I visited the HP Palmtop division in Translating HP 95LX files me to supply a new name for the Corvallis, Oregon shortly before the The first thing I did was move my key translated 95LX file and I gave it the HP 100LX was introduced. Tim Wil­ PHONE, APPT, 1-2-3, and MEMO name APPT.ADB. I received a "file liams, the R&D lab manager for HP files over to the 100LX. I did this by creation error" message because that Palmtops, was most enthusiastic about copying HP 95LX files onto a 1 Meg name was already in use. HP's new palmtop. According to Tim: RAM card. I then inserted the RAM I gave the file a different name "The HP 100LX is truly a second gen­ card into my 100LX and copied those (APT.ADB) and the translation eration product". files to my HP 100LX C: \ _DAT subdi­ worked perfectly. I immediately tried After using the 100LX extensively rectory using FILER. Alternatively, I the Week-at-a-glance and Month-at-a­ for the past three weeks, I agree. The could have transferred files using my glance features of the 100LX Phone 100LX has opened up a whole new IR port or by transferring files to a PC Book and viewed all my appointments world of possibilities for palmtop and then back to the 100LX. (The HP instantaneously. users. There are so many features 100LX Connectivity Pack probably packed into this unit, I can only give won't be available until mid-summer. you a flavor of the HP 100LX. However, you can purchase the 100LX connectivity cable (HP F1015A, $24.95) Where the HP 95LX Wins that plugs into the 100LX 9-pin serial Before launching into my rave review port. You can transfer files using the about this new product, I'll give you a 95LX Connectivity pack software or couple of reasons to stay with the by using your favorite communica­ 95LX. First of all, the 95LX is zippier. I tions or PC-to-PC transfer program.) Monthly View of Appointment Book can do an Only ~ search in the 95LX The HP 100LX reads 95LX MEMO PHONE application on HP contacts or .TXT and 1-2-3 .WK1 files with no Print to Parallel Printers people with a 415 area code and in­ problem. (The 100LX default MEMO from the HP95LX stantly have a list displayed. Doing extension name is .DOC rather than Par'alink 3 is for those times you need to the same thing on the HP 100LX takes .TXT. The default easily can be print to a parallel printer from the HP95LX. Just connect one end of the Paralink 3 more keystrokes and might take 10 or changed back to TXT if you wish). adapter to your printer's 36-pin female more seconds to produce the same parallel port, and the other to the 95LX via the serial cable from the Connectivity Pack. results. (However, if you intend to do TRANSLATING APPT FILES Paralink 3 is banery powered and works the same search more than once, you I had a minor problem moving my with most parallel printers. It's light, small, can set up the 100LX to do it more 95LX APPT file to the 100LX. You see, and easy to cany. quickly.) Another plus for the 95LX is the 100LX translates the HP 95LX Paralink 3 retails for $80.00 (or equivalent of £49.95) that it's easier to read in poorer light­ PHONE and APPT files from the 95LX ing situations. format to the 100LX format. Once the To Order: Having mentioned these points,I'll translation is done, you can open the Call: 011-44-438-815444 Fax: 011-44-438-815222 now try to give you a flavor of the file from the 100LX. When I first en­ (AmEX, VISA, MasterCard accepted.) 100LX by describing how I've used it tered the 100LX APPT application, a these past few weeks. As you'll see, file called APPT.ADB was opened. I WIDgET.. SOFTWARE for me there's no turning back - I'm a then issued the command to translate 121 London Road, Knebworth, confirmed HP 100LX user. my 95LX APPT file. The 100LX asked Herts SG3 6EX United Kingdom

MAY / JUNE 1993 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER 13 NEWS: lOOLX First Impressions

I use ** to denote birthdays. As you sort this list by any field. For example, can see from the above, I was able to if Company is one of the fields in my see the May birthdays immediately. list, I could sort by Company. Learn HP 95LX tips, techniques, and You can enter new appointments from I reconfigured the 100LX default short-cuts in I-day hands-on seminars the week or month screen by placing Phone List to display the Name, Busi·· the cursor at the right date and time ness (phone), Home (phone), and Fax Classes now including the HP lOOLX fields (displayed in next graphic). and pressing IENTER I. CIC has trainers nationwide and has trained the employees of AT&T, Alex Brown, US General TRANSLATING PHONE FILES Services Administration, NASA, and even '!teUnJl3 IIIII_yYM" Hewlett-Packard Company on the HP 95LX. Airport. shared r SBB 227 8182 . Next it was time to translate data from • Alaska. TlI'I 513 458 9544 513 458 5848 513 758 3399 .Allucander, David 514 984 0196 )( 1 514 655 eOBl 514 258 4567 PHONE - my most used 95LX appli­ .Anc:horaVJI Hate, 0 Or&Qon "] recently took the above mentioned .Anderaon . Rick S8J 336 9745 583 JS6 0514 5_JI Archvr . Ri chard 213 758 5568 15_8 213 788 2692 cation. The translation went smoothly, BROC HURE AUST. 80 583 758 2888 class and it was excellent... l would Cdkinson. Fred 502 271 6904 502 291 6163 C"dar COl'l])uler · 319 393 7362 f" but I noticed that my PHONE file .Cedar Wuod lodge 583 822 3351 recommend this course to anyone... " grew from 30K to 55K. (Fortunately, ....~ ... IDImII ...... IIlIIICIm.mD_ Arthur Nields, CBS, San Jose, CA there no longer is a 64K PHONE or MEMO file limit on the lOOLX). Open­ Phone BOQk List view HP 95LX Seminars: (9am - 5pm) ing a PHONE entry gave me a hint as $295 Plan for Individuals: (couples $285 each) One other powerful feature of PHONE lui 13 - Los Angeles, CA Aug 3 - San Francisco, CA to why the file grew (see page 12 for lullS - Chicago, IL Aug 10- Tampa, FL is the ability to easily print your Phone PHONE entry view). lui 20 - Boston, MA Aug 17 - Dallas, TX Book to a file or printer in a format of lui 22 - Philadelphia, PA Aug 24- Seattle, WA As you can see, PHONE provides your choosing. For example, you can lui 27 - New York, NY Aug 31- Washington, DC a number of new fields to better cap­ use the new "Smart Clip" feature to Call us if you have at least : ture your contact information. (You print address labels. 3 people at $295 each, can modify the default PHONE fields 2 people at $395 each, or by reading the PHONE file into the l-on-l training for $349 in: Data Base application and modifying The Data Base Program DC, NY, LA, or San Francisco its structure. For example, you could A secret of much of the 100LX's pow­ HPS950 Plan for Groups: (5 - 10 persons) transform the 100LX Name field into er, flexibility, and relative ease-of-use Ex: $100 + $300 + $950 = $1350 / group ofl0 Hotel + Plane+ Fee only $ 135 / student two fields: First Name and Last Name.) is Data Base, a program that underlies I discovered one problem translat­ many of the applications. In fact Phone ing the 95LX Phone Book file to the Book, World Time, and Notes are all ••• .••• ·. ~9mpM~~r!~~~t~f~9rsgpmR!p~ f ·)7()Zf.'-Z9HJ44,4 .••• 8()()+4~7+S()4Q .·.· •.. • 100LX format. The 95LX Phone Book variations of Data Base. Making opti­ only has three fields; Name:, Num­ mal use of the Data Base application ber:, and Address:. The translation will be a topic of many future articles A quick way to enter the current date program copies the 95LX Name: field in The HP Palmtop Paper. in the date field is to press ~ I] to the 100LX Name field, and the The two Phone Book screens above (keypad comma). I can sort the List Number: field to the J!usiness field. give you an example of what you can view above by the Due date field, However, the 100LX translation pro­ do with Data Base. Below is an exam­ Employee or PROJECT field. I can gram does not know how you have ple of a database that lists the files on choose whatever fields I wish for list listed information in the 95LX Ad­ The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK. view. dress field, so it doesn't know which lOOLX filed to copy it to. It copies all """"'a'2,," "2" &**'.'+'*1 MEMO 92 A,SI. ti I information in the Address: field to ~~~}:'t!'!1!P/ OC t. Memo now has more formatting capa­ the Notes field. bility (margins, headers, footers, tabs, It is up to you to manually move underline and bold). You can now the data from the Notes field to the find and replace as well as search. appropriate fields in your lOOLX data What I like most about the new Memo base, or to create macros to do this. is its simple yet quite useful outline Hopefully, by the next issue some Custom Database, individual record view feature. To start an outline in a Memo clever programmer will come up with document, press ~ to "Promote" an a less time-consuming solution. outline point (from I. to A. to 1., etc.) and ~ to "Demote" a point. Below is OIlH,QIi;IMllllwm'.pg'Mi • m...... ".um +9SBUDDY, ZIP Jul/Aug 92 Utili ty: fi)( ..~ probl .... s ••dds usof'ul f' More about HP 100LX Phone +9SBUDDY,ZIP Noy/D.. c 92 Utility: N.. w Yoraion, fiX03 problo"s, an example of an outline with a Ro­ +9SIRP.ZIP Jan/Fob 92 Utility: Print Scroon to an HP B2248A PHONE lets me display any data field +95PS.EXE J.n/Fob 92 Utility: Sond graphics with Print Scro man numeral format. You can also +9S - GAM.ZIP J.n/Fob 92 G_o(~): Go - Moku, Mino Fiold, Sub Hunt , +AAAX.COM J.n/Fob 92 Utility: Switch botwocm SYSHGR /I DOS • in its "Phone Book List" view (called .AA . BAT Jan/Fob 92 Utility: Batch filo to switch botwoon select a decimal outline format. . ABKASC,ZIP Sap/Oct 92 Ut.ility: Tranalatos PBK f'11 03 into 88- +ABKRPT.ZIP Sop/Oct 92 Ut.ility: Tran~latos PBK f'1103 into B8- the "Index" view on the 95LX). It also +ACCIS.ZIP Jan/Fob 93 Applic::.tion: lJpd.tG of' Co"puSGrvG .cco The applications normally display . ACCIS.ZIP Jul/Aug 92 Applic::.tton: Auto... tG Co"puSGrvG .cc.. a lets me select how much of each field EIIm...... ~amitII... on a 64x18 screen. The font is smaller I war..t to display, and in what position than the 95LX font, but very readable. You can use the "Zoom" feature in I want to display it. Furthermore, I can Custom Database, List view

14 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY I JUNE 1993 separate lists. The sum of each list is

M H, • (JO H f ~ [II" ~ Il11) 1 ~ c" ,.. automatically displayed. You can also 1111' . . ,J , Iii- ~1 1 "' l _·' I _l • NoteTaker • \ • " • H • ' . , • / C. General co.... ents 1. new practical f'etlture everywhere view the following statistical opera­ D. f'eatures Another favorite of mine is Note­ 1. Conte)(t senoitiye help 2 . .. _0 a. outliner tions on each list: mean value, stan­ Taker. NoteTaker is a simple but pow­ b. cut and paste 3 . appt a. at a glance dard deviation, minimum, maximum, erful use of the built-in Data Base Ulb~~h:~~:r f'rOl'l ataglance ..enua b. end date - iIIIaailJfU'enta c. can haye clock or cal with todos median, weighted mean, and group application. NoteTaker has only three 4. 84/ 28/93 8: 52 P" at_pa standard deviation. In addition, the fields; Title, Category and Notes. I I ------I 100LX will curve fit (linear, log, expo­ Whenever I have an idea for The HP Outline in Memo nential, or power) the two columns of Palmtop Paper, I put it in NoteTaker. If data on an graph with X and Y axes. I come across a quotation that I like, I Memo; in the NOTES field of APPT, For example, you can plug in two col­ put it in NoteTaker. Similarly, I have PHONE, or DATA BASE; and in DOS umns of data and select Linear. The notes for books I want to read, invest­ text-based applications. Press ~ 100LX will tell you how close the data ment ideas, and travel tips. Whenever I < Spacebar > I and the Zoom feature is to a straight line (correlation coeffi­ toggles you between a 40x16, 64x18 I come across something that I want to cient). You can then plug in other X and an 80x25 display. Here are exam­ remember, I jot it down in NoteTaker. ples of the same outline screen from values to find other Ys based on the Memo using the different 80x25 and linear model. +80IlS 9/3 doctor. 9/ 5 week 40x16 sizes. +Buy Book Shelf' dbumtsio 38 wide 71 tall oak kally' a - .FF Printing Fairf'ield printing n Ed'a _aiat."t .Haa1th Diet Hinta low sugar low f'at Hi"'" ruf'f .Ha.lth Fi)( lIIara Debro)( - drops Rubblllr aar ou • Inyast.. ant Annuitias Variable annuitw Putn_ (H .~ni: tONI Roy Brez Colora of' packaging - ..t ba M, HI> " If~' , ~ I i U ," H .ptp:tip alt:o ..enu )I.IIIW starta ..ImU scrlllilln (acCIIIPt in 1111... .'I .lft· ~II~;_·'_I. ' 1 • • • H • ' . , • .ptp;tip Contaat )I.ews /* - t On and diff'lIIrent f'W'lctio .Quote Tributlll to Edward Go Dayid Hawthorna Whillra Edwa +Thaddillua...... -....----_ Part ti..... anara Anna JuUa .... J • ."nina _- D.bbie " 1 ~ 1 l j ] ~a.-_.a1.UIIIID"'-~. ____ NoteTaker Screen I I i 1 1 List Stat Curve Fit graph NoteTaker's Category field (also 80x25 Display of Outline

M, H r " f! [ H " ".. • \~ H 1I11~,. " u,. ~I) __ ;_"'I_I. .\ . . , . ' .. The Executive Leather Case & Organizer for your HP lOOLX or your HP 95LX

40x16 Display of Outline The cut and paste features are useful in MEMO, and extend across all the built-in applications. To mark a sec­ tion of text hold down I I and move the ArrowKeys. Once the text you want copied or cut is highlighted, hold down ~ and press 0 (keypad period) to Cut or ~ S to copy the marked text. Then move the cursor to another spot in MEMO or any other built-in application and press ~ II) (keypad plus) to paste. The TimeBoss Executive Leather case combines an executive organizer with an attractive, protective top-grain leather case for your Palmtop HP IOOLX or a HP 95LX. You can work with your Palmtop in the case or easily take it out. HP Calc·and 1-2-3 It comes complete with note pad, pockets for credit cards, pocket for a In future issues, Ed Keefe and others RAM/software card, pocket for paper money, a pressure-sensitive mechanical will discuss the newer versions of HP pencil and a monthly/yearly calendar that you can change with your check­ Phone: 608-757-0673 book. The popular DayRunner and DayTimer organizers fit as well. Calc and Lotus 1-2-3 v. 2.4. My favor­ Power has never been so exclusive and portable. ite addition to HP Calc is its expanded Distributor and retailer List function now called List Stat. List inquiries welcome. Connection Point, Inc'!TimeBoss Stat now offers two columns for two

MAY / JUNE 1993 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER 15 NEWS: lOOLX First Impressions found in Phone Book and Data Base) makes it easy to organize these notes. I assign one or more categories to FOR HP 95LX every note. In the examples above I have the following NoteTaker catego­ ries: Palmtop Paper, quotes, books, investment, and travel. I can easily list only those notes that deal with books, the Palmtop Paper, etc. Once you enter a category, the HP IOOLX remembers it. The next time I enter a note on a book I'm interested in, I press I I a couple of times to get to the Category field and press I < DownArrow > I and a menu of categories pops down. I type the first letter of the category or cursor down to my choice 512KB $115 1.0MB $180 and press IENTERI. The category name is entered in the field. 2.0MB $340

i IIIdm_ " ",. III W* 'Mp:! I ill", !print phon ... . appt ! Call1g:ory ;plp;t. p

~Il :!I"'5rl clip and wen.! can print lablll:!. pho 1 .~~::::Ui5 I :fJ.glds "ny way YOU wish. 1°1,-"",-" _ _ ---" NEW MEDIA CORPORATION Irvine, California U.S.A Made in U.S.A (714) 453-01 00 FAX (714) 453-0114

NoteTaket Screen with Category Menu 1 · 800· CARDS 4 U Stopwatch and World Time These two applications were part of "ma''''' i1ij1,I!!!! "-.iHiAiO EMN'-'."'·" the ability to delete previously defined APPT on the HP 95LX. They are now Loc.s1 City us. 11:09 _ I macros on the fly. For instance, if I try separate IOOLX applications. My fa­ All Ciths

Abadlln Iran 8:39 PI'I to assign a macro to 1!3]-~ and it vorite new Stopwatch features are the Abidjan Ivarw Ca"'~l . R. of 4 :B9 PI'I Abu Dha bi UnilQd Arab E"'iralQ~ 8:B9 PI'I AC/lPulco fig,cica IB : B9

16 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY I JUNE 1993 DOS application and be able to switch DOS or system compliant programs less memory is left over to hotkey back and forth between any of the by pressing [!J (More) and typing a back to PHONE, 1-2-3 or any of the built-in applications such as PHONE, letter standing for the application. built-in applications. 1-2-3, or APPT as long as too much Customizing Application Manager The good news is that there is a memory is not being consumed. to launch your favorite programs is feature not documented in the manual If you are serious about running quite simple: it just involves filling out that gets around this limitation. More DOS applications, you will probably a few boxes. You can preconfigure will be explained in future issues. In a need more disk space -- hence a mem­ any DOS program (with EXE, COM, nutshell, the trick is simply to tell ory card. I use my HP 9SLX SunDisk S or BAT extension) or any system com­ application manager how much of Meg Flash ROM card in the 100LX. pliant program (EXM extension). For DOS memory is needed to run the Thankfully, the HP system software example, I have my favorite OOS application by typing a vertical bar now recognizes the SunDisk card outline program, GrandView, config­ followed by the number of K bytes (which HP and ACE will market un­ ured in such a way, that all I have to required by the application. der their own labels). That means you do is press [!J and the [!J and Grand­ So, for example, when I configured can use a SunDisk card on the 100LX View starts. Similarly, one can assign Application Manager to run Grand­ without installing a special software a hot key automatically to a system View, for the path, I gave it: driver as you do on the 9SLX. compliant program (say CHESS from a:\gv\gv.exeI218. That means even Two of the DOS programs I've run the Sparcom Games disk). No more though in Setup I configured DOS to are Traveling Software's LapLink III messing around with the undocu­ 384K, whenever I run GrandView and Banner Blue's Movie Guide. As mented APNAME.LST file. only 218K is consumed. reviewed last issue, LapLink III can be The bad news is that in Set Up you compressed down to around SOK. The have to predefine how much space Communications nice thing about this well-known PC­ you allow for DOS. That means in I have not yet had a chance to try to-PC file transfer program is that it theory no matter how much memory cc:MAIL or the COMM program. can copy itself from the 100LX onto a your DOS application requires, the However, future articles will provide PC (terminate applications first). This predefined amount gets allocated. The users experiences and tips in using means that wherever you are, all you larger the predefined DOS space, the these programs. need is a 100LX and 100LX serial cable to transfer files back and forth be­ tween a Pc. The new 9-pin HP 100LX serial port also helps speed up file transfers quite significantly. InlelliLink® I have also tested ZIP.COM's ZIP­ DUP program (from the Mar/Apr 92 "lte ••fe •• ige.f li.1e On Disk) and it too can copy itself • Transfersffranslates important data between your HP 95LX and desktop PC from the 100LX onto a Pc. • Reconciles data, notifying you when conflicts are found As discussed in the Jan/Feb, 1993, • Controls what data is transferred, how it's formatted and where it's transferred having a Palmtop Movie Guide is a • Keeps your HP 95LX and PC data in synch! great way for selecting a movie at the video store. The full DOS screen and a IntelllLlnk lor Windows $99.95 SUPPORTED SOFTWARE: IntelllLlnlrJXlT (HP Connectivity Pack Add·ln) $69.95 Lotus Organizer Lotus 1·2-3 S or 10 megabyte flash card makes the IntelllLlnk/WPO $99.95 software more practical to use on the PackRat Excel 100LX than on the 9SLX. Many practi­ Commence dBASE "IntelliLink is a major step forward in the effort Current Paradox cal and fun DOS programs that fit well to make your palmtop and desktop machines a Sidekick 2.0 ACT! for Windows in the 100LX environment will be smoothly functioning team." AmiPro Calendar Creator chronicled in future The HP Palmtop PC MaMe, Word for Windows Plus Paper issues. Apri128, 1992 WordPerfect for WordPerfect Windows Office "IntelliLink removes the user from the complexities of accurately translating data AD products Osted are trademarks or trade Application Manager names of their respective entities. Mark Scardina has promised to write between file formats." The HP Palmtop Piloel. a future article on the Application MarchiApril1992 To order or for more info contact: Manager and its many undocumented "IntelliLink's 'smart' information transfer is one IntelliLink Corp. features. Those of you who tried Ed of the key pieces for successful mobile 98 Spit Brook Rd., Suite 12 Keefe's Menu95 from last year's Sub­ computing. " Nashua, NH 03062 scriber Disk or who use Mark Scar­ Andrew Seybold, Industry Expert, dina's Switch from ACE technologies February, 1993 Tel: (603) 888-0666 have a flavor of Application Manager. Fax: (603) 888-9817 Application Manager lets you launch

MAY / JUNE 1993 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER 17 NEWS: lOOLX First Impressions

What to do with your old HP 95LX Easy PrInting HP looked into the possibility of providing a 95LX-to-1 OOlX upgrade. However, it proved economically unfeasible since the 95LX and the 1OOlX are made up of different parts - the 100LX is a completely 'rolll new machine. If you purchase a 100LX, what do you do with your 95lX? Here are some options: Your Palnllopl Sell your 95LX Locally The GA935 Printer converter Put an add in a paper or sell it to a friend. This solution may require the most time, but it will probably lets you print directly from be your best financial option. your HP 95LX/I00LX on vir­ Put a "For Sale" notice on an electronic bulletin board tually any parallel printer. It Most private and commercial electronic bulletin boards allow you to put up for sale notices. uses the standard HP cable. Unfortunately, you may meet with a lot of competition depending on where you advertise. The Printer Converter is bat­ Sell your 95LX to a dealer in used equipment This approach minimizes time and hassle. However, it also minimizes what you will receive for your tery powered and totally HP 95lX since the dealer must make the venture profitable for himself (street prices for a brand new portable. 512K 95lX may be less than $400.) Remember, the used equipment dealer must pay his marketing and operations expense so don't be shocked by what he offers you. Currently, I am aware of four Completely automated, with such avenues. auto on!off, fIXed baud rate • Classic Computers is a company formed by former employees of mine. It deals in used HP PC at 9600, and supported by equipment (HP Portables, HP150's, and now HP Palmtops). Classic Computers phone number Xon Xoff protocol. is 515-472-0383. They are open 10 to 4 CST, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. • SupplyLine, the UK distributer of The HP Palmtop Paper, has set up a system to trade in your For a limited time, only $8P HP 95lX. For more information, contact: David Snellard, SupplyLine, Unit A, 75 South Western Mention this ad and get free Road, Twickenham, TW11LG, UNITED KINGDOM; Phone: +44-81-744-0022; Fax: +44-81-744- * 0045; CompuServe: [100064, 1525]. shipping & handling in the U.S. • The Boston Computer Exchange purchases and resells used computer equipment. For more information, call: 800-262-6399 or 617-542-4414; Fax: 617-542-8849. • Thaddeus Computing (that's us) can always use extra palmtops for various projects including GREENWICH possible resale. Please don't call. If you want to mail in your Palmtop equipment and manuals IlTllllflllIIA to us, here is what we will pay for equipment in good working order and good shape: Tel: (704) 376-1021 512 95LX (with manuals) $100; - 1MB 95LX (with manuals) - $120; HP Connectivity Pack with Fax: (704) 335-8707 cable and manual - $20; 95lX Serial Cable - $10; Misc (RAM cards, software and other items), Toll Free: 1-800-476-4070 we'll look things over, but we won't be able to offer much, if anything. Send equipment to: HP 95LX Used Equipment, Thaddeus Computing, 57 E. Broadway, Fairfield, IA 52556, USA. Include a note mentioning this offer with your phone and fax number. You will receive reimbursement within three weeks after we receive the equipment. (You can request credit for chasing it. If possible, test it in differ­ renewals to The HP Palmtop Paper, or credit towards The HP Palmtop Paper on disk if you prefer). ent lighting conditions. Give your 95LX to a friend, family member, or colleague On the other hand if you would What a great present to pass along. (If you really want to give them a good start, order them a set like more robust organizer capabili­ of back issues to The HP Palmtop Paper.) ties, a data base program, greater Donate your 95LX to charity capability to run DOS programs, or Check with your accountant to see how much you can deduct as a charitable contribution. cc:MAIL then run to your nearest HP Universities make natural recipients. If you like the idea but don't want to spend the time finding a dealer checkbook in hand. recipient, here are two suggestions: I asked Tim Williams, the HP lab • Send it to the Cristina foundation - The National Cristina Foundation is a not-for-profit manager, how many of the new ma­ organization that shares computer and high tech applications to help people in need lead productive lives. For more information contact: NCF, 42 Hillcrest Drive, Pelham Manor, Ny 10803, chine's features came from user feed­ USA; Phone: 800-274-7846 or 914-738-7494. back (The HP Palmtop Paper, Compu­ • Send it to us marked "HP 95LX Donation" - we'll see that the equipment is donated to our Serve, letters, internal users, 95- local university, Maharishi Intemational University. (MIU specializes in research in conscious­ Buddy). Tim estimated between 50- ness). We will make sure that MIU sends you a receipt which you can use for your taxes. Send 67%. equipment to: HP 95LX Donation, Thaddeus Computing, 57 E. Broadway, Fairfield, IA 52556, It shows! USA.

Context Sensitive Help Conclusion Order Information The HP 100LX context sensitive help If the 95LX built-in applications and See the Order Information feature is much more useful and ex­ add-on products are sufficient for box on page 10 for prices tensive than the 95LX help function. your needs, there is no need to pur­ and part numbers for the HP With this help feature always avail­ chase a 100LX. Also, if you have eye 100lX and its accessories. able, you will only need the 100LX problems, you should see the screen manual for occasional reference. and the 100LX font size before pur-

18 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 HP announces the OmniBook 300 Superportable PC: We'll Support it With a New Newsletter!

HP's light-weight sub-notebook PC comes with Microsoft Windows 3.1,

Word and Excel built in. It has four PCMCIA The HP OmniBook 300 slots and a fax/modem slot and has options for 80MB of hard disk space and 8MB of system RAM memory.

By Robert Roney

It looks like Hewlett Packard has double the capacity of either drive to done it again. On the heels of its May 80MB and 20MB respectively. HP OmniBook World 5 introduction of the HP 100LX Palm­ The OmniBook uses a recharge­ Thaddeus Computing Inc. is proud to announ­ top PC, HP unveiled the big brother able nickel-metal-hydride battery ce a new quarterly publication dedicated to to the LX series - The HP OmniBook pack or four AA batteries. One supporting users of the HP OmniBook 300. 300 Superportable PC. On June 7 at the charge or one set of batteries will last Like The HP Palmtop Paper, HP OmniBook Spectrum Gallery, in San Francisco, up to five hours in the hard disk sys­ World will bring together under one cover all Lew Platt, the CEO of Hewlett-Pack­ tem and nine hours in the flash disk the essential information on how to get the ard and his special guest Bill Gates, system. The battery pack quick­ most out of the OmniBook. Issues will include the CEO of Microsoft Corporation, charges in about an hour and a half. the following sections: News, Reviews, How­ The built-in power management fea­ to-Use, Getting Started, Quick Tips, and User held a news conference announcing Profiles. "a major advance in portable personal ture preserves power and prevents We'll give special attention to maximizing computing". What they described draining the batteries. the usefulness of the HP OmniBook 300 ver­ was a Windows-based "superport­ The OmniBook provides some sions of Windows 3.1, MS Excel, and MS able" PC computer that can fit easily interesting possibilities for future Word for Windows and Utilities. into any briefcase without displacing expansion. Not only does it have all We will also cover the latest develop­ other items (16.3 x 28.2 x 3.6 cm or of its system software on a removable ments for the OmniBook in PCMCIA cards, E­ 6.4 x 11.1 x 1.4 in) and it's light (1.4 ROM card, it comes with a memory Mail, CompuServe, and Connectivity. kg or 3.0 lbs). expansion slot, a fax/modem slot, When you subscribe to the HP OmniBo­ and four PCMCIA card slots. One of ok World you will also receive two special re­ We'll give you our hands-on im­ ports The Best Tips and Tricks for the HP pressions of HP's newest arrival in the PCMCIA card slots is used for OmniBook, a treasure trove of short-cuts and the next issue, based on a thorough the system software. The hard disk time savers, and PC Card Review, a refer­ test drive. version of the OmniBook uses two ence guide to help you sort through the multi­ slots for the hard drive, leaving one tude of PCMCIA cards available. The Hardware free for additional cards. The 10MB Also, with your subscription, you'll receive Superportability does not compro­ Flash card version uses one card slot, the HP OmniBook PowerDisk, a selection of the best freeware and shareware applications, mise its performance. The OmniBook leaving two slots free. The OmniBook comes with 2MB's utilities and games specially for the OmniBook comes with a full-sized keyboard, 300. The subscription, $39 for 1 year or $69 pop-up mouse and an imbedded of RAM and the memory expansion for 2 years, starts Winter 1993. (Canada! numeric keypad. It operates like any slot will take an optional 6MB RAM Mexico add $3 to 1-year and $6 to 2-year Windows 3.1 desktop system. board. The optional Fax/modem card subscriptions. Other non-US orders add $12 to There are two versions of the provides complete send/receive capa­ 1-year and $24 to 2-year subscriptions.) OmniBook: One with a 40MB hard bilities and fits inconspicuously into drive (HP F1032A, retail: $1,950) and the Fax/modem slot. When HP pro­ To order, contact: another with a 10MB flash card (HP vides developers with additional Thaddeus Computing Inc., P.O.Box 869, Fair­ F1031A, retail: $2,370). Microsoft's information, many expansion prod­ field, IA 52556, USA; or Phone: 800-373-6114, DoubleSpace disk compression soft­ ucts could be developed. outside the U.S. phone: 515-472-6330; Fax ware is included and can effectively 515-472-1879.

MAY / JUNE 1993 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER 19 NEWS: OmniBook Superportable PC

The Software HP OmniBook 300 Technical Specifications Microsoft Windows 3.1, MS-DOS 5.0, Hardware Expendability MS Word for Windows, MS Excel, a - Add mass storage or communications capabili­ Phone Book, an Appointment Book Size closed ties using PCMCIA, Type II, Version 2.0 card 16.3 x 28.2 x 3.6 cm slots and other utilities are included in the (6.4 x 11.1 x 1.4 in) Two slots available with the 10MB flash disk more than 10MB System ROM card. version Weight One slot available with the 40MB hard disk Like the 95LX and 100LX, the Omni­ - 1.31 kg (2.688 Ibl with flash disk version - Book has an instant-on feature. The - 1.36 kg (2.998 Ib with hard disk off button powers the computer Built-in Software in ROM Traveling weight down, it does not exit the applica­ (includes ada~ller and power cable): Microsoft Word for Windows Ver. 2.0 - 1.70 kg 3.75 Ibl with flash disk Toolbar provides 22 common commands at the tions. When you turn the OmniBook - 1. 74 kg 3.84 Ib with hard disk top of the screen back on, all the applications are ex­ Processor Drag and Drop for moving text actly as you left them. Also, you can 386 SXLV CPU Table button on Toolbar allows insertion of tables start applications and switch between Display Envelope button on Toolbar allows easy cre­ them by touching one of the fast­ - 640 x 480 dot VGA ation of envelopes 9-inch diagonal LCD Print Merge Helper to create personalized form access key combinations (press ~ 16 shades of gray letter and then through These Find File feature to help locate and preview 1!!1 1!2!1). Power files before opening them fast-access keys are re-assignable, so 4.8 volts DC rechargeable battery pack with Houghton-Mifflin spell checker and database you can set up your own applications nickel-metal-hydride cells Text converters: text only, text only with line Battery pack recharges in less that 1.5 hours breaks, DOS test, DOS text with line breaks, or update the built-in software to using AC adapter RTF, Microsoft Windows Write, WordPerfect new versions. Low battery warning when approximately 2 5.1/5.0, Excel Worksheet minutes of operation remain Graphic filters: Microsoft Windows Metafile, The OmniBook 300 comes with a Battery life - up to 5 hours with hard disk, 9 PCX, TIFF, DrawPerfect serial cable and LapLink Remote hours with flash disk Word-specific fonts, Dialog box font Access software built in. This makes AC adapter - 100 to 240 volts AC (50 to 60 MS Word components not in HP OmniBook: Hz) input, 12 volts DC output Microsoft Draw, Graph, Equation Editor, Word­ it easy to transfer files to and from Backup power option - battery pack can be re­ Art, some proofing toofs, text converters, your desktop computer. LapLink placed by four 1.5 volt lithium AA batteries; or graphics filters, Word-specific fonts, add ins, for the flash disk OmniBook only, four 1.5 volt WordPerfect Help, some templates, tutorial, Remote allows the OmniBook to alkaline AA batteries README files and examples. directly read a desktop PC's drives Operating Requirements Microsoft Excel Ver. 4.0 and can redirect printer output from - Operating temp. : 0°_40 ° C (32°- 104° F) Spreadsheet, graphics, database functions; Autofill; your OmniBook to a printer connect­ Storage temp. with data retention: 0° - 55° C Autoselect; Autosum; Best-fit column width; Cus­ (32° - 131 ° F) tomizable Toolbar; Drag and Drop; Most recently ed to your Pc. LapLink can connect Operating and storage humidity: 90% relative used files recall; Shortcut (pop-up) menus; View manager; Scenario manager; Auditing tools; Data with your PC through either the humidity at 40° C (104° F) maximum consolidation; Database support; Goal seek; On-line built-in serial or parallel ports. The Available versions of mass storage help; Auto Save add-in. OmniBook also comes with an infra­ - 40MB hard disk (approximately 80MB with file -Microsoft Excel components not in HP OmniBook: compression software) Some add-in components and compatibility fea­ red port and can transfer files be­ 10MB flash disk (approximately 20MB with file tures, macro development tools, product support tween another OmniBook, HP 100LX, compression software) services tools, tutorial, README files, and exam­ ples HP 95LX, or one of HI" s new Vect­ System RAM ras, which feature an IR port. All this - 2MB expandable to a total of 8MB with op­ MS·DOS Version 5.0 tional RAM expansion card Batch files; Device drivers; Format flash disks and makes backing up and file transfers RAM cards with FORMAT command. easier. If the built-in software doesn't Input/Output - MS-DOS components not in HP OmniBook: MS­ - 9-pin, 115K baud, RS-232 port (with hardware DOS Shell, Editor, and QBasic, tutorials, README suit your needs, you can use LapLink handshaking) files, and some MS-DOS 5.0 external commands Remote to install any compatible 25-pin paranel port and device drivers Windows or DOS applications. 9-ptn-to-9-pin serial cable included Microsoft WindOWS Ver. 3.1 115K baud, bi-directional infrared port Set password protect against unauthorized use; Communications port for optional fax/modem Change configurations; Change desktop options; card Who is the OmniBook for? Install printers; Setup fonts; Program Manager; File The OmniBook 300 is for the on-the­ Keyboard and mouse Manager; Control Panel; Notepad; Clock. - 85 keys - Microsoft Windows components not in HP Omni­ go professional who needs mobility, Touch-typeable keyboard, industry-standard Book: 386 enhanced mode support, and some Window's applications, and a useable full-sized key spacing applications, fonts, and drivers Embedded numeric keypad LapLink Remote Access (TM) touch-type keyboard. Although the 9 fFrll keys - File transfer capabilities OmniBook is too large to fit in your BUilr-in pop-up mouse - Connect to desktop PC and see drives locally coat pocket, it would fit easily into a briefcase or medium-sized purse. The OmniBook provides much of Prices: OmniBook and Accessories the convenience and efficiency that has made the LX systems so useful. OmniBook 300 with 10MB Flash ROM card (Fl031A) ...... $2370 OmniBook 300 with 40MB hard drive (F-l032A) ...... $1950 You may find that you have two Fax/Modem Communications Package (Fl040A) ...... $379 HP's; an LX in your pocket and an 2MB RAM Expansion Module (Fl041A) ...... $175 Omnibook in your briefcase. 40M~W:daJ~v~~~l ~roXlSi~~ . ~~~~/~~ . ~iI! ~e . r~:~aS~~ . /~~e~)...... $499 10MB Flash ROM card (Fi013A) ...... $879 5MB Flash ROM card (Pl012A) ...... $499


New Products Designed to Work with the HP 95LX In the first nine issues we listed over 325 hardware and software products, and other 95LX-related services already available from third-party manufacturers and develop­ ers. We will continue to list 95LX hardware, software, books, videos, training, and services as we discover them. Vendors of 95LX-related products should send us information. (NOTE: Prices listed are suggested retail. Sometimes you will be able to get a better price from a third-party vendor or discount catalog source.) Starting next issue we will also list 100LX software and peripherals as they become available.

By Richard Hall and Hal Goldstein Hardware signed for office executives to-parallel converter on the and frequent flyers. [ Connectivity I other. The converter draws [See Advertising, page 8.} its power from the parallel port you are connecting to, Availability ...... Now Serial-to-Parallel Cases I not the 95LX. Pricing ...... $69.95 Converter Cable [See Advertising, page 54.} Leather Case and CONTACT: E & B Company, 1013 This cable allows you to con­ McRae Way, Roseville, CA 95678, nect the 95LX up to a parallel Availability ...... Now Organizer USA ; Phone: 916-782-9219. Leather cases for the 95LX / printer. It has a 4-pin serial Pricing ...... $125 lOOLX combine features de- plug on one end and a serial- CONTACT: Imaging Supplies Express,

PPI#30101 PPI#30102

Fits li'ke A Glove. or Black (PPI#30202), features padded sides, secure inner Palmtree Products Presents pockets, a pen holder, and an Carrying Cases for the adjustable velcro closure to HP 95LX and HP 100LX. lock everything into place. Also fit PSION SERIES 3, They fit like a glove because they're CASIO BOSS 8300, 9300 designed perfectly. For ease of portability. and 9600 models, and For durability. For protection and good SHARP WIZARD 5000, looks. Each case has space for IC cards, 6000 and 7000 series business cards, accessories and receipts, checkbook ... and still fits into pocket NOW SHIPPING! or purse. 1 mb and 2mb sram cards for the HP 95LX The Black Custom Carrying Cases are available in Nylon (PPI#301 01), Leather (PPI#301 05) and Foam-Lined I PAlMTREI Naugahyde (PPI#301 02), PRODUCTS. INC. which also features a belt Call or FAX for immediate delivery. loop. The Deluxe Series, avail­ able in Burgundy (PPI#30201 PAlMTREE PRODUCTS, 145 WASHINGTON STREET , NORWEll, MA Ol061 (617) 871-7050 FAX (617) 871-6018


3892 Del Amo Blvd., Unit 705, Torran­ but in the palm of your hand. given starting lat/long, com­ ce, CA 90503, USA ; Phone: 800-462- Software pass direction, and number of Availability ...... Now 4309 or 310-370-6882; Fax: 310-370- miles traveled; 3265. Medium ...... Floppy disk (Specify size) • Gives distance in miles if [ Connectivity I two different locations are Runs under SysMgr ...... Yes HP Parallel Port Min file size (uncompressed) . .. 38K known. Self-contained, bi-directional Print to an HP RAM occupied when running . .. 25K • Gives Long or Line of serial-to-parallel converter. Infrared Printer Pricing ...... $25 Position for sun, moon, or Doesn't need a power supply Just uploaded to CompuServe (plus $5 shipping/handling) any planet or star at the time or batteries because it gets all is a freeware utility written CONTACT: Lagniappe Micro Technol­ the body is observed by a its power from printer sig­ by Dave Marsh for printing ogy, Inc., P.o. Box 82034, Batton sextant; includes Mercury. nals. text files to the HP Redeye Rouge, LA 70884-2034, USA; Phone: • Clock in Palmtop can be infrared printer (82240A or 504-292-2292. used to time and record sex­ Availability ...... Now 82240B). The utility, IRPRT tant sights. Medium Serial-to-Parallel Converter .COM ii, may be used to • New and unique. Gets Pricing ...... $79.95 Long or L.O.P. from sunrise print any kind of output you [ Health Related I CONTACT: The BSE Company, 2114 / set. Not sextant needed. N. 4th Street, Flagstaff, AZ 86004, wish. If you use a program that inserts control codes into Food • All input and output data USA; Phone: 602-527-8843; Fax: 602- is saved in a file, which can the text, these will be sent to Features a database of over 527-1540. be viewed or printed at a the printer along with the 1,500 foods with the ability to later time. text, allowing you to print add, edit, or delete food • Gives exact direction of graphics, change tab and items. Program designed to [ Card Drives I north star so a telescope can margin settings, and other aid in the tracking of various be aligned to true north; printer functions. vitamins, cholesterol, calories NAV9S is designed ex­ Card Pro Universal and other dietary concerns. Availability ...... Now pressly for the HP 9SLX, but External Card Drive Also included in this package Runs under SysMgr ...... Yes works on any PC-compatible Connects to your desktop or is a food calculator for sum­ Pricing ...... Freeware computer. laptop PC and provides the CONTACT: Library 7 of the Compu­ ming up various dietary in­ ability to read and write (as takes for meals. Requires Serve HP HAND forum. Also available Availability ...... Now appropriate) to all types of around 30K for programs on the May/Jun 93 The HP Palmtop Medium ...... Floppy disk PCMCIA-compatible memory Paper ON DISK. plus space for database. Runs under SysMgr ...... No and 1/ 0 cards. Availability ...... Now Pricing ...... $99 Additional models will be (Plus shipping and handling: $3.00 available in the second quar­ Medium ...... Floppy disk I Entertainment Runs under SysMgr ...... No US, $5.00 outside US.) ter of 1993. I Min file size (uncompressed) . . 30K+ CONTACT: Louis Valier, 2969 Kalak­ Availability ...... Now Match Up (Plus database size) aua Ave., #505, Honolulu, HI 96815, USA; Phone 808-924-7155. Pricing ...... $450 Poses revealing questions on Pricing ...... $50 CONTACT: DATA 10, 10525 Willows opinions, attitudes, values (plus $5 S/H, $10 S/H overseas) CONTACT: Snappy Software, P.o. Road N.E. , P.o. Box 97046, Red­ and feelings about Politics, T-Star Box 731, Lexington KY, 40586, USA. mond, WA 98073-9746, USA; Phone: Romance, and Spiritual Be­ Aviation-related Lotus add-in 800-332-8246; Fax: 206-869-7423. liefs. "Like having dating-ser­ designed for the 9SLX and vice software on your 9SLX." 100LX. Provides pilot with Includes a challenging takeoff l Navigation 'I information needed for flight [ Memory Cards I on the Prisoners' Dilemma - ---_ .... planning and in-flight calcu­ Game. NAV95 lations. Program includes a EgoRAM SRAM Cards This software turns the 9SLX multi-leg planning chart; fuel Availability ...... Now PCMCIA 2.0 cards with long into a navigational aid for and useful load requirements Medium . . ... Floppy or ROM card battery life and a five-year sailors, pilots, and astrono­ for each selected flight leg; Runs under SysMgr ...... No waypoint library capable of warranty and battery replace­ Pricing mers. Features include the ment guarantee. following: storing 500 waypoints; capa­ Floppy disk ...... $59.95 bility of generating geograph­ ROM Card ...... $89.95 • Determines rising, meridi­ Availability ...... Now an, and setting times for sun, ical coordinates from any Pricing CONTACT: EduCALC, 27953 Cabot moon, and other heavenly known location; specific 1MB Card ...... $219 Road, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677, weight and longitudinal bal­ USA; Phone: 800-677-7001 or 714- bodies for a given lat/ long; 2MB Card ...... $329 ance limitations for selected 582-2637; Fax: 714-582-1445. • Gives altitudes and azi­ CONTACT: Chaplet Peripherals, 252 aircraft; calculator section North Wolfe Road, Sunnyvale CA , muths for all planets, moon and stars at any given hour; which provides normal E6B 94086, USA; Phone: 800-308-3388 or Sketchlt functions plus winds aloft, • Tells which 408-732-7950; Fax: 408-732-6050; This 95LX-specific game se­ wind chill factor, basic CompuServe 10: [76004,3660). lects words to be sketched, body / constellation is highest in the sky; weight and balance, and con­ maintains score and keeps version calculations. time. Similar to PictionaryTM, • Determines new lat/long if


T-Star is menu driven terns for the analysis of (plus $5 SIH, 2-day air) thor: Paul Kramer, One Linden Place, with a filer section to reduce trends in stocks, futures and CONTACT: Jim Michael, P.o. Box Woodland, CA 95695, USA (Compu­ pilot workload both on and options prices as well. as for 941124, Atlanta, GA 30341, USA; Co­ Serve 10: 72276, 3602); NO PHONE off the ground. Additional other neural network applica­ mpuServe 10: [70304 ,3567J NO AVAILABLE! For orders direct from aircraft center of gravity tions. PHONE AVAILABLE. author, add $5 ($8 for overseas ad­ envelopes are available at NN95 uses a hotkey inter­ dresses) shipping and handling. Spe­ extra cost. face and all text is displayed cify 5.25" or 3.5" DOS formatted disks [See Advertising. page 6.] in the 40x16 window of the [.__ U_ti _lit_ie_s_ ....1 (sorry, Apple Macintosh format is not Availability ...... Now 95LX. NN95 requires less available). Medium ...... 3.5" Floppy Disk than 80K of storage space on ABKTool, Version 2.0 Runs under SysMgr ...... Yes your C drive. Installation of Alarm ABKTool (ABKTL.EXE ii) is (Lotus add-in) help files is optional. NN95 Package contains an analog a stand-alone viewer and edi­ Min file size (uncompressed) ... 68K also requires some small data clock, a digital clock, a count­ Pricing ...... $100 tor of .ABK files created by files the size of which depend down timer and an alarm CONTACT: Teague Aviation, 213 the 95LX APPT program. on your application. clock. When the clock is uti­ Shekel Drive, Lafayette, LA 70508, (Fore more information, see The package also comes lized, the 95LX sleep mode is USA; Phone & Fax: 318-989-8700. page 25, this issue.) with NNET, a desktop PC deactivated, making the 95LX version. Availability ...... Now an ideal travel alarm clock. Medium ...... Shareware [ Programming I Technical support for this Availability ...... Now Runs under SysMgr ...... Yes program is provided free of Medium ...... Floppy disk Min file size (uncompressed) . 58.5K A Neural Network Shell charge for 90 days via the Runs under SysMgr ...... No RAM occupied when running . -130K CompuServe address below. Min file size (uncompressed) ... 25K for the HP 95LX Pricing ...... $30 Pricing ...... $10 NN95 is a three layer back­ Availability ...... Now CONTACT: Available on PTP ON (plus $5 SIH, $10 SIH overseas) propagation neural network Medium ...... Floppy Disk DISK or from library 7 of the HP - shell that can be used for the Runs under SysMgr ...... No CONTACT: Snappy Software, P.o. HAND forum on CompuServe. Box 731, Lexington KY, 40586, USA. development of trading sys- Pricing ...... $49 Also available directly from au-


Stay one call ahead of your competitors with EMBARC (Electronic Mail Broadcast To A Roaming Computer), an advanced messaging service from Motorola. Computer users on most public and private e-mail systems can send spreadsheets, database updates and other important information to computers in the field at a fraction of the cost of a long distance telephone call. Messages and files are transmitted in native mode to a hub, where they are translated and passed off seamlessly to EMBARC. Your message is sent over radio waves to a small receiver that attaches easily to the HP 95LX using a snap-in cradle. Sales reps and management receive last minute updates; service personnel can be dispatched to job sites immediately. And you're one call ahead of the competition.

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Publications viewed in the article ules, accelerated "Transferring Files Between ARM schedules, and Services the 95LX and a PC or MAC," and biweekly mort­ GRAPHICS page 12-19 of the Marl Apr gage schedules. EduCALC NewsLiNE 1993 issue. The comparison The compare loans IN BASIC? EduCALC, a discount catalog chart listed JI.EXM, the main module now places reseller of the 95LX and program file, as occupying three loan options SS95.Lffi is the only graphics library lOOLX related products, has 115K of disk space. It actually side-by-side on the with sound support designed for BASIC started a news line that you takes up 11.5K. IntelliLink same display and programmers that allows you to: can call for information on prices were also incorrect. the same is true of • draw lines, boxes & fills the latest 95/100LX-related IntelliLinkl XL T retails for Fixed vs. ARM. • print text in graphics mode products. You need a touch­ $69.95 and IntelliLink for LoanST AR now • set and reset individual pixels at tone phone to navigate the Windows for $99.95. We prequalifies buyers assembly speed. system. The phone number in apologize for the mistake. three ways. It pre- SS95.LlB the U.S. is 714-582-3976. For more information, see Ad, qualifies maximum $50.00 + $5.00 S&H page 26 or CONTACT: Intel/iLink, Inc. , allowable loan 98 Spit Brook Road, Suite 12, Nashua, Mobile amount when sale Snappy Software NH 03062, USA; Phone: 603-888- Computing Forum price is not known. 0666; Fax: 603-888-9817. P.O. Bo" 731 Three-day conference sched­ When the price is LeJCington, KV 40586 uled for June 21-23, 1993 at known it computes 606-269-0496 the Fairmont Hotel, in Dallas New Release of ACT! required income TX, USA. The conference is for Windows 1.1 and maximum designed to provide attend­ Links to 95LX allowable debt and ratio ees with hands-on demon­ Min file size (uncompressed) . 17.5K This newest release of ACT! computation. The program strations of the technology RAM occupied when running ... 22K for Windows corrects a prob­ available to implement and now will print to the HP Pricing lem with earlier versions and support corporate-wide mo­ infrared printer. Version 2.0 ...... $79 allows ACT for the 95LX us­ bile computing applications. Japanese version ...... $79 Attendees will receive an ers to transfer ACT files back Availability ...... Now Upgrade previous versions . $29 HP 100LX to use during the and forth between the Win­ Medium ...... Floppy disk CONTACT: Genus Software Corp. , forum and will actively par­ dows version. Other new fea­ Runs under SysMgr ...... No 1625 Richards Street, Salt Lake City, ticipate in live, real-time tures in this version include Pricing, new ...... $295 Utah 84115, USA; Phone: 801-487- wireless network demonstra­ greatly improved speed, Upgrade ...... $40 6220. tions with the ability to com­ point-and-shoot data import­ CONTACT: Pocket Computer Sys­ municate via RadioMail with ing, links with WinFax PRO tems, 505 SE 15th Street, Gresham, all in attendance. faxing software, and quick OR 97080, USA; Phone: 503-665- The event is sponsored by dialing for common phone 6990. Dataquest Inc. in conjunction numbers. Shareware Mentioned with leading mobile comput­ Availability ...... Now Mileage Log Upgrade; in Third Party Products ing vendors, including Hew­ Medium ...... Floppy Disk Japanese Version lett-Packard, Ericsson GE, Windows version, Not for the 95LX RAM MobileData, and PC Also Available On the HP Palmtop Paper Pricing ...... $395 This database program tracks Computing Magazine. CONTACT: Contact Software Interna­ ON DISK car mileage, remembers pre­ tional, 1840 Hutton Drive, #200, Car­ Availability ... . . June 21-23, 1993 vious routes and keeps a run­ Conference fee ...... $1,396 rollton, TX 75006, USA; Phone: 800- 'CIS "SHR ABKTool - MlJ 93 ning total of mileage and ex­ ($1,195 if registered before May 31) 365-0606 or 214-919-9500; Fax: 214- 'CIS IRPRT.COM - MlJ 93 CONTACT: Dataquest Inc., Phone: 919-9750. penses. New version lets you 800-457-8233 or 805-298-3261; Fax: UK CONTACT: Phone: +44 (0) track up to ten expenses (ho­ 'CIS - Also available in the HP Handhelds forum of CompuServe. 415-968-2201. 753830727; Fax: +44 (0) 753833317. tels, meals, etc.) Expense ac­ GERMAN CONTACT: Phone: +49 count names are now user­ "SHR - SHAREWARE is software distributed free of charge for evalua­ (0) 89/2 31 138-0; Fax: +49 (0) 89/2 definable. A Japanese version tion purposes only. If you decide to Upgrades, 31138-11. is also available which use it, you must pay the author the prompts for kilometers rather shareware fee. This includes any shareware found on The HP Palm­ Updates, and LoanST AR 4.0 than miles and uses the yen top Paper ON DISK or Gompu­ Corrections Upgrade Adds currency symbol in displays Serve. Features and reports. AOL - Many of these files may be [See Advertising, page 32.} found on American Online in the Correction on The newest version of Loan­ Palmtop Library (keyword Palmtop). IntelliLink Reference STAR has four ways to amor­ Availability ...... Now IntelliLink for Windows and tize loans: Regular schedules, Medium ...... Floppy Disk IntelliLinkl XL T were re- accelerated fixed rate sched- Runs under SysMgr ...... Yes

24 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 Add Assets to Appointment Book Better manage your appointment schedule with software that lets you see APPT more than one day's appointments at a time, vIew appointments/to-dos together, and more!

By Bob Perry

The HP 95LX sets new stan­ APPT is one of the more widely ABKTuDl ~:, d~l'"~Z . _bk 2:36 ,1M dards for ease of use and used 95LX applications. How much - "r""t:! A.,.· b" 1 ~'!::lI::I HtJU~ • 'big"":. 980.a cilll l1 ... rk"!'-m' . seamless integration. you like it depends largely on how 11~R~ r.~11 rR 1 APPT ~rttr.l~ "'RAp ...r.r.t. w"" R t r.h~rtl However, several of the built-in ap­ you organize your day. For some, 1 up!IIrOldr. f'~ .... Llnr~Pr.rf'r.r."'_fi. 7.7 2 CU~~GM~r t~l ~uru~~ w~th p~ APPT fits the bill. For others, it needs 2 work an D~ttin~ ~rtle1~s plications do benefit from enhance­ Z _no~es on Fr~~J. ins~_11.~la 2 not.e~ on ~t.acker :::1, EI ment software that is currently avail­ a little improvement. 2 zon Many former users of pocket day­ l.l I lL V<;\ J.. l' j I roly 1 "_'='" L ~","" t:o" able. This article reviews five of the rl. ~l ' l 'l="l -,' Lu r lr'cJ LtJ V", ... ", more popular add-ins to the Appoint­ planners, are accustomed to the ment Book function. week-at-a-glance format. Four of the programs reviewed attempted to ABKTool display screen provide a graphical view of the week or month and the ability to review ABKTool is a feature-rich replace­ UTIL Forth V2,4 more than one day's appointments at ment for the built-in Appointment 95LX Programmer's Toolkit a time Clacking in APPT). In addition, Book application. It displays a daily view of appointments and To-do's in Harness the power of your 95LX with some improve the display of notes, UTIL - a System Manager compliant and to-do lists. a single list, or a lO-day view list of version of the Forth language. Even appointments only, with the current you "non-programmers" can use the ABKTool ii day at the top. sample programs for games, graphics· Perhaps the most complete of all ABKTool allows the insertion, and utilities. programs reviewed, this is the editing, deletion and cloning of ap­ • Create System Manager loaders for only program that can complete­ pointments, to-dos, and notes. It also your favorite DOS programs ly replace APPT. ABKTool can lets you check-off to-dos as you com­ • Create System Manager compliant be started with a hotkey. It pro­ plete them. Basic text editing features applications vides you with a daily view and are provided within the program, • Access the built-in graphics func­ a lO-day calendar view of your including cut, copy, and paste. In tions of your 95LX appointments. Finally, it lets you addition, you can press I!!l to access • Includes: Forth compiler, decom~ insert and edit appointments a pop-up help function in case you piler, 8086 assembler, disassembler, get stuck (optional 21K file). User's Guide, source code examples without going back to APPT. Here's what users say about U'I1L: If you're looking for a APPT The other APPT add-ins reviewed "Excellent product" • "Fine program" replacement check this out. (WEEKABK, MULTIDAY, and ZApp) "Worth it for the examples alone" "Great software package! Thanks" "The 95LX loader is a real bonus" ABOUT THE AUTHOR U1IL's price is just $70 ($80 outside USA and Canada) - VISA or Mastercard accepted. Bob is currently the Director of Management Information Systems for To order your ropy, call or fax today. Telematics International, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA. Telematics is an Essex Marketing Services international supplier of Wide Area Networking hardware, software and E III S 272 Old Farms Road support services. Bob has been a 95LX user for a year and a half. For those Simsbury, CT 06070 who wish to contact him, his CompuServe ID is [71431,2703]. Phone: (203)651-8284· Fax: (203) 651-7926

MAY / JUNE 1993 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER 25 REVIEWS: APPT Add·Ins allow viewing the Appointment Book .ABK file. However, you must go into APPT to make changes to that file. ABKTool displays and edits the .ABK file. You don't have to use APPT with ABKTool. ABKTool has a full suite of conve­ nience functions missing from APPT, including a very flexible date entry feature. The user can key in a date in MM/DDNY format or in MM/DD format (year implied). You can even key in MO for Monday, TU for Tuesday, for the next occurrence of that day. In addition, you can key in Y for Yester­ day, TM for Tomorrow, or the specific number of days from the current date (i.e. ++10 for ten days in the future, --21 for twenty-one days previous). This really helps when someone says, EC·95 ENVIRONMENTAL CASE for the HP95LX "Let's get together in 12 days for a • Rugged aluminum case with high-gloss finish follow-up meeting." • Waterproofs and shock mounts the HP95LX for hostile environments • Built-in rechargeable power supply • Options include handstrap, carrying case, auxiliary battery, and high-capacity Gi ct:.o d.t:. ..,,? -

leQl' Ii d. - ...... be saved and re-used so that fre­ it up again, you go back to where ABKTool's pop-up calendar quently used searches can be pre­ you were. ABKTool also provides the user stored and executed with just a cou­ You cannot cut and paste between with a pop-up calendar that shows ple of keystrokes. You can pre-store ABKTool and other system-compliant the current month (or any past or up to 20 of these search phrases. programs. However, version 2.1 al­ future month as well). Position the ABKTool requires more disk lows Appointment Book alarms to cursor on the date in the calendar, hit space and more RAM than any of the ring while ABKTool is in control. IENTERI and ABKTool takes you to the other packages reviewed here. It SInce ABKTool uses the same daily listing for that date. This is a must be executed from the DOS .ABK file as the APPT application, big help when you want to go to the prompt or run as a TSR. (A "Termi­ it's best to keep APPT closed when second Tuesday in November to see nate and Stay Resident" program working in ABKTool. If you have what you're doing, but don't remem­ runs in the background while other both applications open at the same programs are running). If it is exe­ time, each accessing the same .ABK ber what that date is. You can also cuted as a TSR, ABKTool can be file, changes you make in one will use the Calendar pop up to find and assigned a hotkey using a program not appear in the other. insert a date in an appointment, note called a "Loader" (included in the If you keep several applications or to-do item. package). It can be called up on top open at the same time, or are limited ABKTool includes an Only func­ of all the built-in applications (in­ on the amount of RAM memory tion that lets you search for only cluding 1-2-3). available, you might have difficulties those appointments with a key word In the current version (2.1), you with ABKTool. One point to ABK­ or phrase in them and display them do have to quit APKTool before you Tool's favor is that it can be run on (i.e. all appointments with the word go to a built-in application or other you desktop system, insuring cross­ "Goldstein" in them). This function .EXM program. However, because platform compatibility. even allows for sophisticated "and", ABKTool is a TSR, it remains loaded Program author Paul Kramer "or" and "not" searches of the ap­ in System RAM memory even after seems to have thought of just about pointment file. Search parameters can quitting the program. When you call everything with ABKTool. If you

26 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 have the memory available, ABKTool M..... ll1D«..., 05 .... Z5/93 3 : 16 I~" significantly improves upon APPT. IirtXb:lA l~·l·.b;HI!:1)?, AUliUS1." 1=:i. 1~~".:I Multi • Macro Fr 38 91aa~nln~8S~ Hgt Cl~3S 10: ~n~ Ftn::lonr.1J'I: I:l~F::.1I': - q:1,i~ 17.; ::lAp Tnur.~t_,..r.n+. g .... "up - lu~~h Manager Multiday Ii .=-; ::IAp.PCn .... put_r..... l .."1oh - +.lIt_", .... tng a:ea~ ka.... 3t~ ~la~~ ~i iiIViili'iRl)1'l'iii[li·.ii'~liii~'1 nUGUST~ 1993 :iiit:ilU\iN mili d ji This daily or weekly list-style ~_ 4_ ~ : Ja.DW~d_ "~eLlng viewer has excellent find capa­ Break through the 10 "User­ bilities including a Free-Time Defined-Key" barrier. finder to locate open spots of a Manage up to 200 User-Defined specific duration in your sched­ Keys (System Macros). Multiday continuously scrolling display ule. Multiday also lets you view past and future to-do lists. You The user can also select a weekly Run anyone macro must access APPT to insert or (two-column) view as well. In the immediately. edit appointments. Week view, the user is presented While not quite as feature with two columns listing the days of Create, delete, and swap rich as ABKTool, Multiday is the week, the time, and a brief 16 Macro Files fully system compliant, using character appointment description. about 70-80K of System RAM. Move, copy, and delete Individual Macros Mull iDeA..., 65 ... Z5 ...... 9:;3 3 : 28 ._ ... Multiday 3.01 provides a continu­ UHHb:t.;lSTb:N~D! ~UL~ ~b, 1~~~ ~h ".:10 --'r"-~-Z-"i~- - - ... -~-tl-£:-4-b­ ously scrolling view of the Appoint­ ~b 98#P fA ~~ H rxwm ment file. This view indicates where Written by Ed Keefe, Contributing ia?? }I 1 ~I: ;c ~=l:R No Editor, The HP Palmtop Paper 9a In~=~t Mat Cl~~~ notes are attached to appointments ~aa Fin3ncc Cla~~ - and permits viewing those notes by !1a120 '<*._"~QAi'lOll:,*"", . ,,.. !!IIiJ& ml"*8l.~n .VC:lOt.Me"t ;~i= !)=... &Jed~ t1eet:ins $25.00, includes S&H placing the cursor on that line and check or money order pressing~. Editing is accomplished international orders add $10 by pressing !!!I, which takes the user into the edit function of APPT. Multiday weekly display The FastAid Co. 314 S.W. logan Fast HP 95LX Outliner and Text Processor Ankeny. IA 50021

Introducing The current date flashes to help keep TM SWlrCHab/e! the viewer oriented. Pressing !!!I or fastLINE! ~ in this view takes you to the y , same date in the previous or next Supports up to 8MBytes Auto Time and month respectively. Pressing ~ per Outline Date Stamping always takes the user back to the current date. One very useful feature allows * NOTES Context Up to 32K per + IDEAS : New Diet Plan 12-26-92 17:07 Sensitive Help you to find a time slot for an ap­ entry * New Cookie Recipe * Secret Ingredients pointment of a specific length. Press • Patent Application + TO DO I MENU I Free and enter the duration of * Articles Imports ASCII : Focus on the Fa~ily/Parentin9 the appointment in minutes (i.e. 100 : Christianity Today/Missions file for : ShoE'P i ng Li st for 100 minutes anytime during the + MEDICAL NOTES/MEMOS Text Retrieval * Osteochondrosis 01-11-93 08:01 day, 90,p for 1 hour and 30 minutes applications : Pre~ature Osteoarthritis UYdrocort!:on: SW~Kts anytime during the afternoon). Multi­ 00=' ~Editn~!!!!!~G. __ day then searches forward from the current date and displays the first fastLlNE! Features • Supports up to 8MB Outlines and can be used for For more information Call: date and time with the requested Text Retrieval with global searching amount of time available. (The num­ • Auto date and time stamping for PIM functions (800) 825-9977 ber of days to be searched and the • Built-in File Manager with extended filenames • Exports in Legal and Roman outline structures times of the day to be searched are • Requires less than 200KB of RAM and is fully configurable options.) Press I ENTER I to SWITCHable! with built-in applications A@OO ® go to that day and press I ENTER I again ACE Technologies, Inc. 2880 Zanker Road. Suite 103 to actually key in the appointment. fastllNE! version 1.0 (C 1105) ...... $89 San Jose. California 95134 U.S.A Multiday then automatically transfers (Dealers & Distributors welcome)

MAY / JUNE 1993 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER 27 REVIEWS: APPT Add-Ins you to the built-in APPT application and leaves you positioned on the day _ . ,;7~t~ in question, ready to insert your ~ .~ ,~;4~!.. t{ appointment. In fact, whenever you have the cursor placed on an appointment in MultiDay, you can press IAPPTI and immediately go to that appointment in APPT for rapid review and editing of your schedule. Multiday's "Only" feature lets you select a specific subset of your ap­ pointments. For example, you can do an Only search on staff if you want to see appointments relating to "Staff Meetings." As mentioned, Multiday lets you view APPT's to-do list. You can do this in two ways. List future to-do's with their priorities and start dates by pressing IMENU I ToDo. List all to­ The desktop ThinCardDRIVPM transfers data effortlessly dos that have already been checked between Palmptops and MS-DOS® or MS-Windows® PCs. Plugs right into the printer port. Pass-thru feature retains printer off by pressing IMENU I, selecting #ToOo I operation. Model TMD-500 reads and writes SRAM cards, and pressing IENTER I. View to-do's for .-" i TMD-550 SRAM & FLASH cards. Fully PCMCIA/JEIDA the current day by pressing 1!21 to . .;. -' compatible, with the industry's broadest range of card access APPT and pressing ~ to ~>/supplier and platforn; support. It's quick and easy. Isn't it time display the to-do's you put one on your expense report? Call (716) 889-4204 for further information. !fh;a~a~~k~\~; is a trademark OEM/Dealer inquiries welcome . .f.U.l.UI'1::!' TuDo'" ~ fJ4'ZZ/!9::! 3: 3Et I~" 1fI, ' ~ SLd.,-l .ilk'''' ·l"%,%1-p¥;,e:~'.'tit**!tJ."tJS , 4"'7.~"'9~ pt.p9-q:t.t P"" " ...... " . d4..-::I0 1 ...... 7..=t"9::1 pt.p9-Clt.t p:::. nr.1J t . 1 ps:; "'''.=tA 1 "' ... .'~A".9::1 pt.pA-l r. ... t.r.-r,::;. words "Goldstein, ", "Urgent," and "Ar­ blocked off in the hour segment or 1 5 "' 12/9~ tC5~ 1 #3 ~"'23/9~ t~r ticle. " segments that it occupies. ~ 4"'Z~"'~~ ~oum $t.te t.~ 3.04 should be available by the time you read this article. There is no upgrade _M"_.,._._,,,.'M 5ft BI".UinLnlll:"nl Buuk 04"'ZZ/~3 3 = 31 I'" charge for registered Multiday users - ..,~G' . .. bk U4.... ~4~.,4 .... 1.,.... ~::t ~ .... ~" 1"1 Editor.] Multiday viewing future to-dos

Multiday can be configured to handle WEEKABK Ii small or larger .ABK files, and pro­ This program provides a h r.1 ~ L t '-' 1 1 1 ' I'#'=" l vides the user with numerous other concise graphical display of f10elp P ","<- J~" l v lJ ~... U t='..:h. configuration options. For instance, appointments one week at a time you can make Multiday "Buddy and a seamless entry into APPT WEEKABK Screen Display aware" (so it takes advantage of 95- to insert and edit appointments. Buddy's features), you can set the For those who want a small As the cursor is moved down the number of days to load from the program (14K of system RAM) column for a specific day, the Ap­ appointment book file, and you can and don't need sophisticated pointment subject and actual start specify the European date format search features of Multiday. and end times are displayed at the (DD/MM/ YEAR). I reviewed Multi­ bottom of the screen. Arrows at the day v. 3.0l. This System-Manager compliant top of the screen indicate whether [As the article is being edited, C.E. program displays the week graphi­ there are appointments in the day Steuart Dewar announced that v. 3.04 is cally across the screen with the days that are earlier or later than the hours in beta testing. This latest version lets of the week across the top in col­ currently being displayed. One can you specify up to three separate search umns and the times of the day in one scroll through the weeks by using the arguments. For example, you could hour increments down the left side. right and left arrow keys. You can display appointments containing the Each appointment in the day is also press I!!I (WEEK) and enter a

28 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY I JUNE 1993 number 1-52 to go to a specific week that you want it displayed in the vious or next month with the left and in the year. pending list. When you place the right arrow keys. Each days entries You can also easily insert appoint­ cursor on a day 14 days before or are separated by a heavy bar making ments. With the cursor positioned on after the yearly appointment and it easy to view the different days' any date, press I!!J and you go to press I!!I (PEND), the appointment commitments. You can view HP's built-in APPT application, daily will show up. For birthdays you can appointments only by pressing IMENU I view, positioned on that date. Press add the birth year and the program Todo-suppress. I!!I (INSERT) to insert an appoint­ will calculate the age and display it ment for that date. in the pending list. .!.'3'93 A, •.r·i 1 0 ...... 22/33 3: 33 I"" ~------'4~ WEEKABK does not have an ap­ 'Iv. b 8!t:H:I , "'=!lt:"lilig ... i Lh H""l S : HUI call Mark pointment editor, but links to APPT 11 : sa call re: APPT art1cla ZApp Iii 1~ : AA MARt u~ R~~ha~d Ur. 7 R;~A.Ur.~ . Mr.r.ttnS for daily views and for inserting or This easy to use appointment 10; editing appointments. When you are book viewer lists multiple days' 16 Tu ZB ~C:~~ t~ach cl.$s done editing, simply press ICTRLi­ ~~ Z1 9:~B.Ued. "ee~in5 appointments together with To­ Th Z2 1 ro~ WDrdre r Cec~~. Z IAPPTI again to return to WEEKABK. 1 .. l,a~ - ,ac ' uf. uull~r1l.· cl04"1"1 Do's. It also provides a quick 1 I'l.,a~ - ".r·ut · . CIlr'l ir.;l d4 .... 19 Any changes you made will be dis­ way to view notes. 1 ,.l.J.~ - bLil'::S uul! l ilt:!' tl4 .... ;.::1 played. For those who want a simple, WEEKABK lets you notify your­ system-compliant appointment Zapp display screen self of pending yearly appointments. viewing program using only In the Scroll-mode pressing IENTER I You enter a yearly appointment in about 5K of system RAM. with the cursor positioned on an the APPT as you normally would, appointment or a to-do will display except that you put a • (heart) at the ZApp is a small, fully system compli­ the details, start time and end time, beginning of the appointment text ant add-in that provides a graphical, along with the contents of any at­ (press IALTI-3). Then you have to use scrollable list of your appointments tached note. Pressing IESq takes you MEMO to modify WEEKABK.ENV and to-dos with an indicator for back to your previous view. and select the number of days prior attached notes. It displays a month at You cannot change the contents of to and after the appointment date a time and you can move to the pre- your Appointment Book file from


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MAY / JUNE 1993 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER 29 REVIEWS: APPT Add·Ins within ZApp. You must toggle to the built-in APPT to make changes. Classic Lunar Lander Game ZApp is the smallest of the appli­ cations here, requiring only about 5K. Real time Engine Status Synchronized Horizontal Velocity BONUS Features ~ SWITCHablel X 0el: +13.1313 OK Screen: 4 y vel: -13.44 Score: 0 • Over 40 levels of play 95Buddy Iii Fuel: .1::] Ships: "" • SWITCHable! ~ Not strictly an APPT utility, • Score 2000 pts and receive a 95Buddy significantly improves 10% discount Coupon on ANY the performance ofAppointment ACE products!! Book and integrates well with MULTIDAYand WEEKABK. To Order: (800) 825-9977 95Buddy's contributions include: / Super Interactive GraphICS Moving Landing Pad • Lets user select Daily, Calendar, (Thrust and Sound) Lander (G2001) ..... $19 ACE Technologies, Inc. or Todo list view to come up when starting APPT. • A GOTO timer to limit the to-dos along with search and find amount of time spent on any Find capabilities. Week-at-a-Glance has a HHH (F7) command. Prevents long unique graphic display of a weeks APPT (PHONE, FILER) searches. appointments and adds a yearly Shareware/F reeware • Auto-updating of .ABK file prior pending list. Mentioned in This Article to entering WEEKABK. Keeps ZApp is an easy to learn and use On the HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK files in sync. APPT file viewer. It shows a month's 'CIS "SHR ABKTool - May/Jun 93 • Automatically positions cursor on worth of combined appointments, to­ APPTBOOK.lIP - May/Jun 93 first appointment of the day, not dos and notes. 95Buddy adds fea­ 'CIS "SHR Multiday 3.01 - May/Jun 93 first hour of the day. tures to APPT and enhances the inte­ 'CIS "SHR WEEKABK - Nov/Dec 92 'CIS "SHR lapp - May/Jun 93 gration of both MULTIDAY and 'CIS "SHR 95Buddy - Nov/Dec 92 Summary WEEKABK with APPT. Since all are 'CIS - Also available in the HP Handhelds forum of The degree to which anyone of these Shareware feel free to try them. But CompuServe. programs is a good fit for you will remember that if you find them use­ "SHR - SHAREWARE is software distributed free depend on your specific needs. ABK­ ful and decide to keep them on your of charge for evaluation purposes only. If you decide to use it, you must pay the author the shareware fee. Tool improves on APPT by adding system, you'll need to register the This goes for any shareware found on The HP many features and can augment or copies. Palmtop Paper ON DISK or CompuServe. replace APPT. Multiday with its list The registration fees are listed in AOL - many of these files may be found on American style display gives you a number of Shareware/Freeware box. Online in the Palmtop Ubrary (keyword Palmtop). different views of appointments and

Software Contact Information Disk Space SYSMGR Current File System Source Share- CIS User ID: (no help file) Compliant? Version type RAM ware fee Required

ABKTool Paul Kramer 36.4K No, DOS or 2.1 EXE -130K PTPON $30.00 [72276,3602] TSR can be DISK, "loaded" with CIS a hotkey WeekAbk Ehood Baratz 14.6K Yes 3.7.6 EXM -14K PTPON One Hewlett Packard DISK, Postcard 11 Hashlosha Sl. CIS from Tel-Aviv 67060 Israel Your Town MultiDay C.E. Steuart Dewar 34.6K Yes 3.01 EXM -70-80K PTPON $25.00 11622 W 87th St, Burr Ridge, IL DISK, 60521, USA. CIS: [71165,1115] CIS lapp l-Syst c/o 5.5K Yes 2.03 EXM - 5K PTPON $10.00 Santa Monica Software DISK, 28818 Selfridge Drive CIS Malibu, CA 90265, USA 95Buddy Jeffrey Mattox, 19.8K Yes (device 2.3 .EXE 15.7K PTPON $40 P.O. Box 45282, Madison, WI driver) DISK, 53744, USA. CIS: [71044,2356] CIS

30 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 Other Shareware/Freeware Programs for Appointment Book

We have also discovered these Appointment Book enhancing products. Unless otherwise indicated, they can be found on the May /June 93 issue of The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK (in APPTBOOK.ZIP Iii) or in Lib. 7 of CompuServe's HP HAND forum.

Calendar Reporting jor religions; zodiac merge utility that pointment Book-to­ list as well as ap­ the Windows Cal­ Program using days and more. lets you combine Mac file translation pointments and endar. .ASK file Includes system two .ABK or .PBK utilities. phone records and CALRP.EXE utilities for battery files. It also comes • COMMERCIAL, see supports 24 hour Translate Bytes: 77,851 life, file protection, with a translate page 61 this issue. clock format. .ASKI.PSK files CALRPT Ver and more. utility that you (See page 46 of the to ASCII 2.51 produces for­ convert Appoint­ Print .ASK report Translate .ASK to THOR.ZIP matted calendar Sep/ Oct 92 issue men t Book or with start/end times for more on Calen­ Sun Open Windows Bytes: 26,299 reports to Screen, Phone Book files to ABKRPT.zIP Calendar Manager Contains Printer, File from dar Supplement.) the formats of Lo­ Bytes: 33,200 • COMMERCIAL: ASP. SUNCAL.95 THORABK.EXE, .ABK files convert­ tus Metro, Borland Prints 80 col­ Bytes: 3,329 which converts ed to SideKick Plus P.D Box 81270. Pitts· burgh, PA 15217, USA; Sidekick, Central umn reports from Program to .ABK files to ASCII format using the Phone: 412·422·4134; Point PC Tools .ABK file with transfer .ABK files files and 95XLA T Utility Fax: 412·422-4135. Desktop, or Con­ s tarting / ending CAPP). Features in­ to Calendar Manag­ THORPBK.EXE, ventional Data For­ times and Notes er format for Sun which converts clude: Notes; Re­ Change APPT alarm mat. data. Program runs minders; Searching; MYBEEP.ZIP workstations, and .PBK files to ASCII • COMMERCIAL: HP on PC; written in compatibles. Re­ and back. Look Ahead, Task Bytes: 3,279 Dealers or EduCALC, Quick. Notes, Many Op­ quires Open Win­ • CIS, ON DISK (MIA 93 Lets you replace 27953 Cabot Road, in FREY JAZIP) tions. the standard APPT Laguna Niguel, CA 92677, dows version 3, alarm sound with a USA; Phone: 800-677- Produce Daily and SunOS 4.1.1 sound of your 7001 or 714-582-2637; /Weekly/Monthly (Solaris 1,0) or Translate .ASK files Calendar Fax: 714·582-1445. Supplement for choice, as many reports using 95LX higher. (This is to comma delimited notes as you want. .ASK file NOT a Sun Micro­ ASCII the HP 95LX 95LX AppOintment CALTR.EXE systems product... ABKASC.ZIP Utility that pro­ Sook File Format vides a simple-to­ File Repair Service Bytes: 79,931 use at your own Bytes: 32,624 FORMAT.ABK use menu interface This service re­ CALTRV Ver risk.) Single-step conver­ for selecting, re­ quires that you Bytes: 12,176(Lib: 8) 1.05 produces for­ sion of .ABK files moving, and merg­ send in your 95LX 95LX APPT file matted Daily , Translate Windows into comma delim­ format. ing Phone Book to recover corrupt­ Weekly, Month~ly Calendar to .ASK ited records suit­ and Appointment ed Appointment calendar reports to able for database Book or Pho n e format applications. The Book entries. IntelliLinkIXL T; Screen, Printer, and CALABK.ZIP Book files notes section is This supple­ IntelliLink for File from .ABK files Bytes: 9,720 • COMMERCIAL: File parsed into 80 char­ ment to Appt's Windows converted to Side­ This program calendar lists holi­ Recovery Services, 665 acter fields. Cus­ NE Conifer Blvd., Corval· IntelliLink/ XL T Kick Plus format will convert Win­ days and important lis, OR 97330, USA ; adds additional using the 95XLA T tomer and Job-type dates worldwide; dows Calendar Phone: 503·757-0044. .ABK translation Utility CAPP), Fea­ (.CAL) files to fields are support­ lunar, solar, and ed for database support to the 95- tures include: .ABK format. Pro­ time zone days; applications, HP Connectivity LX's Connectivity Notes; NEW: Print visions are includ­ national holidays Pack Pack. IntelliLink for Next Day, Week, for over ] 50 coun­ ed for specifying This PC file Windows is a file Month, end times and tries; religious transfer program transfer program holidays for 6 ma- alarm lead times in comes with a that provides the Translate .ASK to/ translation utilities from Text File ofIntelliLink/XLT . ABKCVT,ZIP APPLICATION • COMMERCIAL: Intelli­ Bytes: 16,768 POWERUSER Link, 98 Spit Brook Rd, ABKCVT con­ BUILDER #12, Nashua, NH 03062, HP 95LX Monthly Video USA; Phone: 603·888· verts .ABK files FOR TIlE HP 95LX 0666; Fax: 603·888-9817, to/from tab-delim­ Each issue is packed with over 5 hours ited text format for Mac Hypercard easy mass editing of valuable tips and information for With QAPaim you can create beginning and advanced users covering: custom data collection and stack prints calen­ and use with other dar from .ASK file appointment/ cal­ • Filer viewing applications for your MACABK.SIT endar programs • Comm Bytes: 35,516 such as Calendar • Appt • Phone palmtop on your PC without Creator Plus v, 5,0. Upgraded • Memo • HpCa1c programming. Uses an easy Hypercard 2.X screen painting approach. Stack which reads Translate .ASK to c• Setup • DOS .ABK file and cre­ Organizer format Plus practical applications and 3rd Transfers data to dBase and ates a monthly cal­ 9520RG.ZIP party products. Lotus 123 formats. Demo avail- endar. Bytes: 14,075 ...... Call to get your free 1 hour able. Converts .ABK MacLink Plus: and .PBK files to an t!.~~~ ~~~.?.{~~.'!!.~!.~~.~.ff.~~!...... Connectivity Pack ASCII format that ...... QA SYS1EMS, INC. is suitable for direct NEW VISIONS 220 East 42nd Street with Phone Sook Translation import into Lotus 4000 S. Redwood Rd., Bldg F #2051 New York, N.Y. 10017 Macintosh-to- Organizer for Win­ Saltlake City, UT 84123 1800945-1717/212599-1717 95LX connectivity dows. This release (80l) 977-8774 6:30am - 3:00pm MST Fax 212-599-2614 package with Ap- converts the Todo

MAY / JUNE 1993 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER 31 • - • ~.' • ~ ". ' j' .... ~) .;.- • -p,.. REVIEW: " " .- ;- ,', ',_.. ' Database Prograf11~ as PIMs' ~ Database Programs for the HP 95LX PHONE is a remarkably robust database program. However, there are a number of other more sophisticated database programs available. Take a look at Notes95, fastNOTESf, Pocket Sales Force, Info Manager, and QA Palm.

{In this article Marty looks at The HP Palmtop Paper we've seen the but you can do searches on key database programs for use as Personal remarkable flexibility of the PHONE words and create subsets of the notes Information Managers. However, these application. It has been used as a relating to a specific topic. It's main databases can be used generically to phone call tracker, a "cut-and-paste" goal is to make taking notes easy - handle many types of information for database, medical information library, Notes95 accomplishes that goal! business, medicine, scientific research, and much, much more. (Page 42 of If your needs are not demanding, engineering, education and many other this issue shows how a subscriber Notes95 could be used for the to-do professions - Editor.] uses PHONE as a to-do list.) PHONE and daily notes functions of a basic is indeed a simple but flexible data­ PIM. Each entry could serve as a By Marty Mankins base program that can be used cre­ note, appointment, or to-do item. atively to handle many PIM func­ Notes95 has a command menu The main reason I purchased the tions. But it is not the only database similar to the 95LX's built-in applica­ 95LX was so that I could have a program available for the 95LX. tions. You can access the program's Personal Information Manager (PIM) This article will look at four data­ commands by pressing I MENU I, high­ with me at all times. I want to have base programs and one "screen gen­ lighting the command and pressing access to phone numbers, notes, erator" for the 95LX. I'll briefly de­ (ENt!Rl. Or press IMENUI and the first schedules and to-do lists wherever I scribe how each works and it's main letter of the command. For example, am. I was also tired of having Post-its features. I'll also look at how easy it to find a note with a word or phrase stuck all over the place, occasionally is to get up and running on each in it, press I MENU I Find. To sort the falling behind desks and getting lost. product, and who should use the notes in your file by the date they The 95LX's built-in APPT, product. I'll also discuss how each were entered, press IMENUI Date. You PHONE, and MEMO were a god­ can be used as a PIM. So let's see can also assign an Urgent status to send. But I always thought it would how to get organized! notes and then display all your be nice to have just one program "urgents" by pressing I MENU I Urgent. handle all of this. In past issues of Notes95 iii If all you need is a quick and easy way to organize the odd notes and other information you note. " 10'lZ'9Z A note can be v.r~ short. MILEAGE LOG jot down during the day, check 10'12,92 Vou can add co""ents to note ~ 16:83 notes can contain Release 2.0 ~1~o5t an~ kind of this program out. Not system in£or"ation. Anything ~hat you ne. to se.rch~ .ddress~ Track your car mileage and 10 expenses compliant. personal intor"ation phone nUMbers~etc. And you can se~ (parking, meals, lodging, etc. to $9.9 mill.) alarMS In notes. m That"s for reimbursement or your tax return, uhatthls SYMbOl Is. This program lets you take down and phone nu"bers~etc. 2nd you can se~ alarM • System-Manager compliant - allows task switching to HP and other app's quickly organize notes, important • Remembers 100 prior routes to save ideas, to-do lists, etc. The notes are you time and keystrokes sorted by the date they were entered, Notes95 displaying notes • User-definable expense categories, mileage rate, and input prompts • Shows running total of miles, mileage expense, and other expenses ABOUT THE AUTHOR • Automatic creation of new data file at beginning of each year • Prints prior or current mileage & ex- Marty is the publisher of Take It With You, The Newsletter pense report to formatted text file • Small, efficient, fast, hot keys, friendly for Palmtop Computing. He is also a Sysop for both the Aportfolio and Palmtop forums on CompuServe. He can be $79 including s&H. Check or money order (foreign + $7.50). Upgrade $29. reached at [75300,1770] or at Perfection Applied, 454 West Genus Software CorpOration 1010 North, Orem, UT 94057. 1625 Richards Street Salt Lake City, UT 84115

32 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 Unfortunately, once you have Notes are numbered as they are cre­ limited PIM. You could keep impor­ jused Find or Urgent to select a sub­ ated. Each time you make a new tant information with you in note set of the notes, there is no list com­ note, the number increments by one. form. You could keep to-do lists mand to display all the notes again. You can add a description to each associated with a specific topic, im­ The only way I discovered to show note that briefly describes what the portant information (like car repairs, all notes is to put a common word in note is about (press 1!:1 in Edit monthly goals, daily expenses meet­ each note and then do a find for that mode). For example, you could enter ing notes, etc.). word. "TODOl" for your first priority to­ Individual appointments could be The main file (NOTE95.ZIP Ii), dos, or you could enter "Miller" for placed in note form, but I think they has six files archived in it. Only notes relating to a client named Mill­ would get lost in the rest of the NOTES95.EXE (non-system compliant er. notes. It may be possible to keep must be run from DOS) is re­ FastNOTES! can import and ex­ separate data files, one for notes and quired to run the program and create port text files, allowing you to con­ one for appointments, and switch ·new data files. NOTES95.ACC has solidate multiple files into one place. back and forth between them. some sample notes in it and might I imported all of my MEMO text files FastNOTES! uses either single .,help you get used to using the pro­ into one fastNOTES! data file (one character or function-key commands. cgram. note for each MEMO file) and put For example, press New or 1!:1 to To install the program, copy the the MEMO filename in the descrip­ create a new note. You can also press NOTES95.EXE file to your 95LX. It's tion field. It's very useful to have my I MENU I to access a command menu. recommended that you create a sepa­ MEMO notes consolidated. When I You can also bring up the help menu rate directory to put this file in, as all can't remember which specific note by pressing ~. This gives you a data files will be stored in the same I'm looking for, I can search for notes complete list of the functions you place as the program file. To run the based on a word or phrase in the have available. It takes a little time to program, press [ALER I, highlight note. I can also sort this file by pres­ learn the commands, but once you've NOTES95.EXE and press I!!J. If you sing ~ to list the notes and 0 to got them down, fastNOTES! is pretty loaded NOTES95.ACC in the same order them. easy to use. directory, it will automatically load FastNOTES! could function as a I reviewed a pre-release version of into Notes95 when you start. fastNOTES! Control your TV VCR Stereo with the 95LX Freeform database that lets you create, organize, and edit Introducing notes, and display them on the TM screen as overlapping windows. FastNOTES can be used with myREMOTE version 2.0 SWITCH! 2.0 to pop-up over the built-in applications or User programmable Multiple files for run from DOS. Macro commands different remotes Up to 100 \ \ FastNOTES! is a full-featured note commands my REMOTE v2.0 \ TV.IR taking program, storing information "'- ~~dMQ"flALfoom~Hials Off in screen "windows." These windows ~ ~~! Channel Down @ALT-C CD I~P Volume Up @RLT-S STEREO (an be moved around the screen, set DN Volume Down @ALT-W Wake u~ 6am = Recall @RLT-P KQED-PBS up to overlap, and increased or de­ * Quick View @ALT-O This old hou Universal - Mute Sound @RLT-2 llpm News ~::reased in size (you can expand a / Sleep Timer @RLT-S Set Clock 'Train" mode hote to take up the whole screen). SingleKey /" + On/ Off @ALT-D Daylight sav V access to your ~se RRROW keys to select item. . ~ Remote's ENTER>Send E>dit D>elete I>nsert T>rain

hlnk o£ ~~ s t"OTES! a s bclns _ blank functions p.d ... nt to ~nllk e p.pB~ no~es~ CastHOTESt op ~she can be r esized . 1£ ~ou have n p not a lr e ad~ done s o. press L Scroll Lock aSain and tr~ New Features! For more information Call: c re.lzlng this note ~lth the • Now you can control your 95LX with IR remotes - l ~ CTRL a rrou k e ~5. 1 ;CRL> no~ and prac tice "Du i ng th i s great for presentations, demos and fun. (800) 825-9977 ~t ~otc around with the arrou kcy~. . • SWITCHable! with built-in applications "r'W;T'fll"" L" • New improved algorithms supports more remotes ~ l tH: ~ ~lhl:l t krmF~ l nHmFl: l m:HlHmRHIH~ I UHlR :~ m~H~ R: ~HHHI:H: 1 tut.. orl .. l . uno Line!' 1 Col 1 • Allows time delayed operations with built-in macro commands. A@~ ® ACE Technologies, Inc. fastNOTES screen 2880 Zanker Road, Suite 103 myREMOTE versi on 2.0 (C1065) ...... $39 San Jose, California 95134 U.S.A. (Dealers & Distributors welcome)

MAY / JUNE 1993 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER 33 REVIEWS: Database Programs fastNOTES! and did not get a chance PSF's opening screen lists a menu of Pocket Sales Force (PSF) starts out to test the automatic installation seven functions: Action Today! lets you with a big plus - it is System-Manag­ features of the program. All of the cue up a list of contacts which are er compliant. PSF.EXM (the main program files should go in the same due action today; Find company records program file) is transferred over by directory. I created A:\FASTNOTE lets you search by any field in the an installation program. It took me and manually copied the program database for a contact; Input new sales about five minutes to install the pro­ files there. There are two FastNOTES! leads lets you add records; Process gram and then another 20 seconds to configuration utilities that I was able new sales leads finds and displays start SWITCH! 2.0 from ACE Tech­ to use and test. FASTCFG.EXE lets contacts that have not been assigned nologies, and assign the program to you change what a note looks like a date for next action; Setup lets you I!E!H!PPTj. (If you don't have when it's on the top of the pile, in create a new database, configure the SWITCH!, check the PSF user manual the background, or being edited. You program, and change the names of for APNAME.LST installation in­ can also use it to change the default the user-defined fields in the data­ structions. More information on us­ size of new notes and allow backup base; Export to 1-2-3 puts the database ing the APNAME.LST file can be files to be created. FNOTECFG.EXE into a Lotus format so that it can be found on page 9 of the Mar / A pr lets you specify the default directory imported into 1-2-3. 1992 issue.) and the size of the memory block for The 32-page user's manual was the program. The main program file, helpful, but hard to understand at FASTNOTE.EXE, is pretty small He... Record [8881] times. I ended up just going into the <1> Co~p.n~ MaMe: Xerex Corp. Address: 1S4~ Suit.e ZB3 (54K). The program is SWITCHable, <3> St.... eet..: Eas t. Pato"ac Blvd program and entering data. <'4> To ... ": 1Ja s hingt.on~ DC which means that it runs from DOS <5> Count!:': USA There were some small quirks <6> P05t.code: 81.478 <7> Telephone: 215 2 Sa 5479 or it will act like a system-compliant <8> Cont.act.: Joe Jac obs on that I ran into. One problem was <9> Pos ition: UP "arket.iing program if it is used with SWITCH! <0> H~Mt Action: Call saving a new entry. The documenta­ 2.0, also available from ACE Technol­ ESq No )( t Pt.··. R p p. , •• L S I ... I .. • • Q U it tion says that you need to press I ogies. U .. d .... t ... ~) iL" .... l1 ~ ,l L: t1L'J'!ll..' .t::: d l l to save a record. I had to press I ESq FastNOTES! also comes with two or three times before a record FASTNREN.EXE, a utility to renum­ Pocket Sales Force data screen was confirmed as being saved. Also, ber your notes. This is useful if you've deleted some entries in be­ tween old and new notes. Fast­ FOR THE HP 95LX NOTES! specially formats its notes and stores them in a file with a .UNO extension. FastNOTES! comes with PBK2UNO.EXE, a small 10K utility that converts a Phone Book file into the fastNOTES! format. It's great for bringing your phone book entries into fastNOTES! FastNOTES! is a more 95LX com­ patible version of UNO ii, discussed on page 10 of the July / August 1992 iss\.j.e. Pocket Sales Force INCORPORATED PSF is a system-compliant contact manager built around a user-definable database that lets you save names, phone numbers and notes or other information. PSF reminds you ofpeople to call or places to Lifetime Warranty • Same Day Shipping be, but there is no way to set an appointment for a specific time. VISA/Mastercard accepted [fyou need a database ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• already customized for contact 1801 E. Edinger Suite 255 • Santa Ana, CA 92705 management, check out PSF first. (See page 8 of the May/ (714) 558-1120 • FAX: (714) 542-8615 June 92 issue for more on PSF.)

34 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 I was confused when the record I automatically keeps track of the last entered did not automatically appear 50 entries you have created or modi­ Custom Palmtop Databases in the Action Today list. I figured out fied. You can quickly display the If canned packages don't suit your needs, that you had to go to the Process New Headline of each of these entries in a Lighthouse Software offers a service to quickly Sales Leads option and assign an list, for quick review and selection. create custom database applications using a proprietary database program specially de­ Action date to the record before it You can also search on key words signed for the palmtop platform. would appear in Action Today. placed in the Information field. The custom database has relational Other than those small problems, INFO Manager could be used as capabilities; allows for various data types; PSF is a great program. If you are an effective to-do list. The date due provides calculated, generated, and look up and person responsible could be kept fields; is SWITCHable; exports data to Lotus handling a lot of information on your or other applications; utilizes 95LX power contacts and need something more in the Author/Date field; a brief management; and runs on 95LX and PCs. feature laden, you also might take a description of the item in the Head­ Lighthouse can provide a well tested and look at ACT! by Contact Software line field; and more complete infor­ completely documented custom database mation, in the Information field. The application in less than a month. (see page 5, May /Jun 92 issue). [For more information on Lighthouse see pick list gives you a quick look at the display ad, page 9 this issue.] INFO Manager last 50 to-dos. You can do a more Combines a simple, free-form specific search on the person respon­ approach to storing information sible, dates due, and key words. with powerful search features. Particularly useful for people who need to store different types Finally, Database With Difference! of data (freeform text, contact a a information, numerical data) in one database.

A first glance, INFO Manager ap­ pears to be a simple, three-field data­ base like the 95LX's built-in Phone Book. Instead of Name, Number and Address, each INFO Manager entry stores its data in Author/Date, Headline, and Information fields.

Inf'o-H.-nager .... gS (Dei"ault] EDITOR L2 C9 I Pck 1 .... 1

·I'!'loWiiln=~ s "ForMs" a lla,", f'l e ld t.ypes such as text. nUMcric. date. tiMe. and ye ..... no. Calculations can be linked .eros "ForMs" to creste business appllctlons. T ,,10)( P )"', C. I .1" s. o. I, s; •• ,. . • , l, H.,. , . I J ~l.-'" H,· ..... ll P .._kl , ~t

Main INFO Manager Screen Info-Manager, the free-form database is also available for your desktop PC The Author /Date field contains infor­ A Free-form Database allowing System manager compliant. SPECIAL OFFER! mation on who entered the data and you to combine structured and The Import/Export features unstructured data together in a Buy the DOS and 95LX when they entered it. The Headline allows easy data transfer with versions and get an single record. other software. field is for name/title of the entry. Support wildcard and Boolean Extra program FREE! Two features make help make The versitile Print Menu allows searches for lightning quick data the unlimited creation of custom For information about the INFO Manager powerful. The first is retrieval. reports. dealer in your area contact: its flexible Information field, which Instant recall of your last 50 The Macro Recorder helps make Channel ReSources Inc. can hold structured information search inquiries or records with short work of repeated database Toll Free: (800) 947-6872 stored in "Forms" (i.e. invoices, pur­ the press of a button. operations with one keystroke. In CA: (800) 368-7999 Fax: (818) 363-5779 chase orders, etc.). A programming One keystroke word indexing. Configured for most printers language and linking between Unlimited forms per record, including the HP Laser Jet and Outside the U.S. contact: "Forms" allow the development of unlimited fields per form . the 82240-A Infrared Printer. 4-You Software Performs mathematical calc­ System Requirements Griegasse 14a sophisticated business applications. A-4910 Ried im The second powerful feature is ulations . Great for Invoicing, PC Version: MS-DOS 3.0 or Inventory, and Quotations. Innkreis, Austria INFO Manager's ability to search the higher, 640K RAM. Tel: (43) 7752-81711-37 Form customizer allows you to Fax: (43) 7752-81744 database for specific criteria or key update and change data layouts 95LX Version: HP 95LX words and create Lists, or subsets of quickly and easily. Palmtop with 512K RAM. Dealers Welcome! the database. The Pick List function

MAY / JUNE 1993 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER 35 REVIEWS: Database Programs

INFO Manager has other power­ ful features, including the ability to Product Comparison Chart edit your data, create macros for Product Disk Space System RAM SysMgr repetitive key strokes, print reports, Compliant? and transfer information between the Notes95 l20K lOOK No program and other software applica­ tions. fastNOTES! l30K 65K With The current version of INFO Man­ SWITCH! ager has problems installing with a Pocket Sales Force l40K 80K Yes data compression program loaded in Info Manager 450K to install lOOK Yes the 9SLX. This makes it difficult to l60K after install files use with Stacker 2.0 or ACE Double­ removed. Cards. I did install it successfully on my SunDisk 10MB Flash ROM card. INFO Manager comes with a time program that you transfer to the Lotus 1-2-3 file (same filename, .WK1 desktop PC version and a system 9SLX. extension). You can then use 1-2-3 to compliant 9SLX version that share qaPalm creates a data collection analyze, sort, or develop reports. features. You can download the IN­ program, not a true database. You After you have created the run­ FO Manager database into your 9SLX use it to collect data qaPalm's own time module, you can use DOS Con­ for portability, and upload any file format. You can then download nect and qaPalm to transfer the data changes to your desktop PC when the file to a dBASE file format for use entry program from your desktop to you return to the office. The 9SLX with another dBASE-compatible data­ the 9SLX. qaPalm automatically cre­ version is system compliant, your base. ates a subdirectory to hold the pro­ INFO Manager data file will have the qaPalm does not have report gram, a subdirectory to hold related same size limitations as the built-in generating, searching, or sorting files, and a batch file to run the pro­ applications (approximately SOK of capabilities. However, while running gram on your 9SLX. The data collec­ data). a qaPalm application on the 9SLX, tion program is not system-compliant you can press IALTI-Lotus to create a and must be run from FILER. qaPalm 1.0: a "Screen Generator" qaPalm lets users create a customized screen for collecting data. However, you must export Just $49 Doubles the Capacity the data file to another database program if you want to sort it of All Your Memory Cards! or generate reports. Therefore, qaPALM can not be used as a stand-alone database program. If you ·have one or more 5I2K, I MB, or 2 MB memory cards, you can double the capacity of all qaPalm is a program that lets you of them using DataBoost Thf compression software design a data entry screen. qaPalm is from Memory Card Associates. DataBoost: actually two programs; a screen gen­ erator and a run-time module. The -. Auto-installs on your HP 95LX. screen generator runs on a MS-DOS desktop computer. qaPalm displays a -. Compresses files automatically as they're region 40 characters wide by 14 lines added to the card . long in the middle of your PC's dis­ play. Creating a data entry form is as -. Is completely safe for your data. easy as moving the cursor to a spot on the screen, typing in the label of Memory Card Associates also offers a wide selection the field, and setting the attributes of peripherals for your 95LX. Call for a free catalog. and field types with the Field Op­ tions menu and submenus. qaPalm HP-user special: 1M DataBoost card only fll5.00 comes with an emulation feature that lets you test the data entry screen on your PC before transferring it to the Quality. Affordability • Selection 9SLX. ORDER TOLL FREE 1-800-949-7256 After you have created the data entry screen you desire, the screen generator creates a data entry run- Memory Card Associates' 1600 Wyatt Drive· Suite 9 • Santa Clara, CA 95054

36 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 The runtime program will work be used as text database. See HP Order Information on the earlier 512K Palmtop, but a 95LX User's Guide, page 5-2 for more 1MB 95LX with a RAM card is rec­ information. ACT! for the 95LX - $99 ommended for serious use. Contact manager for the 95LX. KIV - Keep In View is a cross between CONTACT: Contact Software Interna­ tional, 1840 Hutton Drive, #200, Carrollton, Other Database Programs an outliner and a free-form database. TX 75006, USA; Phone: 800-365-0606 or These additional database programs See PTP Sep j Oct 92 page 48. 214-919-9500; Fax: 214-919-9750. were not tested for this article. EFMS - $39 Everyone's File Management System, a flat ACT! - a powerful, popular contact file database. management program built-around a CONTACT: Charles Kingston, Box 564, database. See page 5, May jJun 1992 Elmsford, NY 10523, USA; Phone: 914-949- issue for more information. Shareware/Freeware 7870. Mentioned in This Article fastNOTES! - $69 EFMS Ii - Everyone's Information Creates electronic pop-up notes for the On the HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK 95LX. Management System is a simple flat­ CONTACT: ACE Technologies, Inc., file database with user defined 'CIS "SHR NOTES95.ZIP Mar/Apr 1993 2880 lanker Road, Suite 103, San Jose, screens, indexes, and simple report 'CIS "SHR UNO.ZIP May/Jun 1992 CA 95134, USA; Phone: 800-825-9977 or generation capabilities. See PTP Sepj 'CIS "SHR EFMS Sep/Oct 92 408-428-9722; Fax: 408-428-9721. Oct 92 page 46. Info Manager - Call 'CIS - Also available in the HP Handhelds forum of CompuServe. Free-form database program that integrates InfoSelect - a "random information text-oriented and structured data. processor" that makes it easy to save ··SHR - SHAREWARE is software distributed free of US CONTACT: 4-You Software, 20527 charge for evaluation purposes only. If you decide to S. Vermont Ave., Suite Torrance, CA and later find odd pieces of informa­ use it, you must pay the author the shareware fee. 8, This goes for any shareware found on The HP Palm­ 90502, USA; Phone: 310-323-7740; Fax: tion that never seem to fit into a top Paper ON DISK or CompuServe. 310-538-8968. regular database. See page 35, Janj Feb 93 issue for using it on the 95LX. AOL -many of these files may be found on American InfoSelect - $149 Online in the Palmtop Library (keyword Palmtop). "Random information processor." Lotus 1-2-3 - built into the 95LX. Can CONTACT: Micro Logic Corp., P.o. Box 70, Hackensack, NJ 07602, USA; Phone: 800-342-5930 or 201-342-6518; Fax: 201-342-0370. HP 95LX Word Processor and Spell Checker Keep In View - $69.96 Database "information organizer." CONTACT: Lucid Corp., 101 W. Ren­ Introducing ner Rd., Suite 450, Richardson, TX 75082, TM USA; Phone: 800-92LUCID or 214-994- 8100; Fax: 214-994-8103. fastWRITE! Pocket Sales Force - Call Contact manager with user-definable data­ base program. User programmable CONTACT: CM Software, Unit 3, Ash­ Macro commands Status Line croft Close, Botley, Oxford OX2 9SE, UNIT­ ED KINGDOM; Phone: +44 0865 864844; Fax: +44 0865 864856. pCONGRAT. Edit multiple ~To: Mr. George McDonal~ qaPalm - $145 files A screen generator for creating a data F~: 9~~i~eB6}g?~ie~~~I ~~~~t~~t+ Split Window SDbaje: •• Congratulation on your pro~otion collection program. t January 20, 199~ + CONTACT: QA Systems, Inc., 220 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017, Built-in Easy-to-use USA; Phone: 800-945-1717 or 212-599- 100,000 word Pop-up Menus 1717; Fax: 212-599-2614. Spell Checker SWITCH! 2.0 - $69 Provides a menu-driven environment for your DOS programs. Allows SWITCHable applications to operate as built-in applica­ fastWRITE! Features tions. • Full featured Word Processor for HP 95LX For more information Call: CONTACT: ACE Technologies, Inc., • Imports and Exports WordPerfect, MSWord, 2880 lanker Road, Suite 103, San Jose, WordStar and standard ASCII formats. (800) 825-9977 CA 95134, USA; Phone: 800-825-9977 or • Complete control of style, fonts and formats 408-428-9722; Fax: 408-428-9721. • Supports multiple printers and proportional fonts NOTE: Price listed is suggested retail price, • Complete Macro commands for customization ~@~ ® not including shipping and handling. You • Fully SWITCHable! with built-in applications ACE Technologies. Inc. may be able to purchase the product for 2880 Zanker Road, Suite 103 less from a software retailer. fastWRITE! version 1.0 (C 1075) ...... $99 San Jose, California 95134 U.S.A. (Dealers & Distributors welcome)

MAY / JUNE 1993 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER 37 User Profiles: The 95LX in Sales Take a look at how this group of sales professionals uses the HP 95LX to manage their time better - and increase sales!

In previous issues we fo­ Sales and other professionals were no which they take advantage of the cused on how individual users longer tied down to a desk in a 95LX. got the most out of their 95LX. building on the third floor. They From time to time we'll take a began to carry all the necessary infor­ Trade billions at dinner slightly different approach and mation and capabilities with them David J. Pierce Jones, Director, CS give you a taste of the combined wherever they were. Sales profession­ First Boston Japan Ltd., Tokyo, Japan . experience of a specific group of als have always carried samples of I am a banker who trades options professionals. their wares, but soon they were car­ in Tokyo, Japan. Each evening I In this article, a group of sales profes­ rying portable computers, lightweight download a full option pricing sys­ sionals tell you how they use the 95LX. printers, modems, and cellular tem written in Lotus from my In future articles we'll profile accoun­ phones. The office may have been networked desktop PC to the 95LX tants, engineers, physicians, real estate mobile, but it was also getting with the latest interest rates, volatil­ professionals, and more. crowded. And still the mobile office ities, and market prices. By having all was big enough that they had to this information in my pocket I can Towards a Truly Mobile Office leave it in their car or motel room trade forms outside the office with Sales is a profession on the go. Win­ when they went on sales calls. clients in Europe or the USA. This dows of opportunity open and close works so well that while having quickly, at unexpected times, in un­ Enter the 95LX dinner at a Tokyo restaurant, I was expected places. A successful sales Finally, HP 95LX came along, with once able to trade 20 billion yen of professional does his or her home­ HP CALC and Lotus to crunch num­ Nikkei 225 options. work and is prepared to take advan­ bers, Phone Book to organize contact tage of opportunities, wherever or information, Appointment Book to Travel light and healthy whenever they arise. schedule time, COMM for mobile with all your product information Then came the "mobile office." communications, and MEMO to jot Kurt M. Giesselman, Fortune 100 down quick notes. Best of all, it was salesperson, California, USA. Compu­ in your pocket when you needed it. Serve ID: [72356,1742J Although many sales profession­ I am responsible for a specific line ASCERlain als use contact managers like Pocket of products in the western third of 1 ·2·3 AclcI·ln Sales Force and ACT!, they still give the United States and portions of Automatically convert your the built-in applications a real work western Canada. I have a rigorous 1-2-3 spreadsheets into JUZQ' out. They use the PHONE application travel schedule; most business trips scenarios that incorporate real extensively to keep track of custom­ last a week, stopping in as many as world uncertainties. Use it for: ers, vendors, prospects, products, three cities per day. Therefore, I am a A Budgets voice mail extensions, and personal firm believer in traveling light. Now, A Estimates I can leave all 17 pounds of my lap­ A Scenarios contacts. They use APPT to schedule top at home. A great tool for managers that meetings, sales calls, appointments, want to evaluate the effects of call backs, and travel schedules. They LOTUS: My product line is over 400 the variability of input data. use MEMO for letters and notes items, each with specific characteris­ $95.00 including S&H during meetings. They use Lotus and tics and specifications.l store this HP CALC for budgets, comparison of information in a 1-2-3 worksheet file cost and performance of competitors in the 95LX and use Lotus' IMENU I products, tracking orders, commis­ Range Search function to identify the sions, quotas, personal stocks, car best product for my customer's appli­ service records and oil changes. Here cation quickly. are some of the unique ways in PHONE: I actually have six differ-

38 THE liP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 ent phone directories. I use the cut opportunity. name for the Lotus file (except with and paste feature to move a complete COMM: I use my 95LX and a mo­ a .WK1 extension). I put them in my record from the prospects directory dem to communicate with my office 123 directory for easy access. to the current customer directory to send and receive E-mail and up­ APPT: I use the timer function as when I "land" a new account. I in­ date my contact database. If I want a an alarm clock. I am a light sleeper clude in the Address field key con­ hard copy, I have my E-mail appli­ and have no problem hearing the tacts and even travel directions to the cation access the Fax modem on the speaker. If you want to make it a account. I also have a phone book network file server and send me the little louder set it on a hard surface directory of hotels I have stayed at or selected messages. I don't bother like wood or metal. read about, one for restaurants, and carrying forms for customers to sign PHONE: I do all the purchasing another directory of speciality stores anymore. Instead, I merely dial up and negotiating with vendors. I enter (wine, antiques, etc.). our network and have the modem codes on the last line of the Address APPT: I use the To-do list during server send the exact forms I need to field and use the I!!I (Only) function customer calls to capture requests for the fax machine at the clients office. to search my phone book database information. I even use it as a tickler LOTUS: Our client contact data­ for exact matches. Below are a list of file by creating To-dos with a future base is in UNIX. It can be translated the codes I use: date to remind me to follow up on to an ASCII format that can be used @A - action items to follow-up customer requests. Very few things as a Lotus database. This allows me @C - other clients have fallen through the cracks since to download client contact informa­ @D - doctor' s offices @H - hot prospects the 95LX arrived. The priority rank­ tion to Lotus on the 95LX or transfer @L - law firms ings really help my organization, too! my files from Lotus to the client @M - manufacturers @P - personal numbers TRAVELWARE 1.4 ii (written by database on the network. @V - vendors RSE, first described on page 42 of the I use the break-even analysis pro­ Fall 91 issue): This fantastic travel gram from page 34 of the For example, an Only search on record keeper can be configured to fit Marchi April 1992 issue of The HP @M@V@A would list the manufactur­ the 95LX's screen. I record all my Palmtop Paper to cost justify my pro­ ers from whom I buy directly and I flights, hotel stays, rental cars, and jects. I create a MEMO file that de­ have an additional action item to miscellaneous expenditures for a scribes the project and use the same follow-up. month with this program. I retain a copy of each month's record on my desk top computer when I backup my files. HEALTH and DIET: My most recent purchase is a food · tracking program for DOS based computers. It is written for an 80 X 24 screen, but seems to center the proper area of the screen on my 95LX. The program comes with a database of several thousand food items and allows adding to that database. Be sure to buy the regular Health and Diet program, not the Pro version for Windows.

No more forms to carry and a 35% increase in sales A. Greg Outlaw, computer hardware and software sales, P3 Corporation, Greenville, sc. It is my brain, life-saver, crucial deal­ closer, remote office, and "Don't leave home without it" tool. I never knew INSTANTLY BACK-UP how easy my job could be until I bought the 95LX! YOUR O.SMB AND I have increased my actual sales 1MB HP9SLX by over 34% since my purchase of NEW MEDIA CORPOII.III1ON Irvine, California U.s.A (714) 453-0100 FAX (714) 453-0114 the 95LX. I believe this is directly related to the fact that I am so orga­ nized, I no longer miss a crucial sales 1·800·CI\RDS4U


MEMO: I use MEMO files to call. I telemarket directly from my car Order Information describe projects I am currently with a cellular phone and Phone working on. I have several files in a Book. This saves me valuable time ACT! - $99 projects directory. I created a User and has added measurably to the SWITCHable contact management soft­ Defined Char key to automatically number of calls I can make in one ware. take me to my project directory and day. CONTACT: Contact Software Interna­ list the files. I merely arrow to the Most importantly, I can run the tional, 1840 Hutton Drive, #200, Carrollton, file and strike return to bring it up. cash flow analysis while I am with TX 75006, USA; Phone: 800-365-0606 or I can store as many projects as I the customer, jump back to our pric­ 214-919-9500; Fax: 214-919-9750. like using this system. ing program and eliminate at least two additional sales calls in closing Pocket Sales Force - $99.95 Movie distributor has the sale. System-Manager compliant contact man­ all the reviews agement software. Jeffrey c. Zorn, Fannington Hills, MI, Keep competitive information CONTACT: CM Software, Unit 3, Ash­ USA. CompuSeroe ID: [71165,1650]. at your figure tips croft Close, Batley, Oxtort OX2 9SE, UNIT­ LOTUS: I created a simple Gene Climer, Computer Equipment ED KINGDOM; Phone: +44 0865 864844; spreadsheet with movie reviews for Sales & Leasing, Lansing, IL USA Fax: +44 0865 864856. our customers (MOVIE.WK1 Ii). I The convenience of having all the Health & Diet - $19.95 was able to input the information at data I need, wherever I am, has al­ Food tracking program for DOS computers. any time while reading about a video lowed me to be more productive and Requires 500K + System RAM and 1.2MB movie, thus keeping my file updated. creative. MEMO: I'm on the road a lot and disk space (you will need a RAM card). This worksheet contained the name Health & Diet Pro and the Windows ver­ keep my service record for my car in of the movie, studio, box office gross, sions do not work on the 95LX or the 100- video release date, video pre-order MEMO. I don't need to go through LX: date, theatrical release date (if appli­ my files at home or in the car. I keep CONTACT: Digest Systems Research cable), the major stars, a rating from the date and description of the ser­ Inc., 10085 Scripps Ranch Court, San A-C and a short blurb. vice and enter future service appoint­ Diego, CA 92131, USA; Phone: 619-695- Most of the information was sup­ ments (i.e. oil changes, etc.) in Ap­ 3598. plied by the video trade publications pointment Book. Also available at other retail outlets and the studios. This allowed me to such as Sears, Walrnart, Egghead, Comp­ have an up-to-the-minute listing of Paperless office and still USA, etc. all movies being released at any giv­ stays in touch with HAM radio en time. I could search by order date, Thomas V. Walker, Manufacturers NOTE: Price listed is suggested retail price, name or release date, etc. I was also representative, Costa Mesa CA, USA not including shipping and handling. You able to print this out by transferring I find myself more organized and may be able to purchase the product for it with the connectivity pack to my closer than ever to a paperless office less from a software retailer. Pc. Then I would make copies for with my 95LX. I am a manufacturers our other representatives. It was a representative selling electronic com­ great sales tool and I impressed the ponents. I represent 10 manufacturers management by having the informa­ and have an account base of about tion literally at my fingertips. With 2,500 customers. the addition of a small printer to use PHONE: I use PHONE as mini­ with the 95LX, I could leave the cus­ database for, frequently called num­ Shareware/Freeware tomer a completely current printout. bers, specific accounts, HAM radio Mentioned in This Article The best thing to happen was the frequencies. 1992 Palmtop Paper subscriber disk, COMM: I connect the 95LX to a On the HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK which included the very useful APPT radio frequency modem which is 'CIS HSHR TRAVELWARE M/J 93 utility, Week-at-a-Glance (WEEK­ attached to a VHF receiver operating 'CIS WEEKABK N/D 92 ABK3.ZIP Ii). on HAM radio frequencies. This is MOVIEWK1 M/J 93 called Packet Radio. I can then com­ Increases time available for sales municate with other HAM radio 'CIS - Also available in the HP Handhelds forum of calls - quicker closes operators who use similar equipment CompuServe. with their personal computers. It's "SHR - SHAREWARE is software distributed free Peter Eaton, regional sales manager of charge for evaluation purposes only. If you decide for equipment leasing company. like connecting to a BBS without the to use it, you must pay the author the shareware fee. I've consolidated my telephone phone lines. The 95LX is particularly This goes for any shareware found on The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK or CompuServe. -- directory, business card holder, Rolo­ handy in this way, as I can quickly dex, and prospecting notebook into pack it up and go anywhere, and still AOL -many of these files may be found on American OnOne in the Palmtop Library (keyword Palmtop). the 95LX. All my files are now avail­ be able to keep in touch with Packet able for updating right after my sales Radio.

40 TIiE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY I JUNE 1993 Baud Rate 2400 Local Echo Data Bit:' 8 Add LP' s parity Odd Strip HigiJ Stop Bits o Conf. Hangup Protocol Xmodem Xon/Xof[ 'l'erminal Sound Type None Alarm Sound BS sends as update Line BS destr. YES Keep Aborted


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15375 Barranco, ~101 Irvine, CA 92718 TEl (714) 453-0100 FAX (714) 453-0114 1- BOO-CARDS 4 U To-Do or Not To-Do? Try Using Phone Instead! Not satisfied with the Appointment Book's To-Do list function? See how this user PHONE created a versatile, easy-to-use to-do list using Phone Book.

[Although this article was written for al problems which make it impracti­ macros (User Keys) to cure each one the 95LX, the tips given should be useful cal for me to use as a comprehensive of these problems. I also tried titling to users of the new HP 100LX Palmtop task-oriented reminder system. I have each of the priorities (e.g. WORK, PC - Editor.] a substantial number of to-dos and PERSONAL, CALLS, etc.) and setting find scrolling through the list item by up macros to take me to those titles. By Glenn C. Etelson item cumbersome. I also find doing This approach took up to many mac­ CompuServe ID: [70550,1074J searches difficult. I could use the ro keys and valuable screen space. Find (~) function, but only if I al­ I tried using the built-in MEMO The HP 95LX's built-in applications, ready know what the to-do is. Final­ function as a to-do list by setting up DOS capability, versatility and porta­ ly, the built-in to-do list has internal­ a MEMO file called TODO.TXT and bility make it one of the most signifi­ ly separated priorities, but the soft­ having each to-do listed as a sentence cant products recently produced for ware does not provide a way to go within a text file. I found the task of personal management. The only func­ directly to a given priority without inserting, modifying and deleting to­ tion that does not meet my needs is scrolling through every item listed in do items cumbersome with this ap­ APPT's built-in "To-do" list (~ every previous priority. proach. Further, there was no way to from the main Appointment Book In addition to the above, deleting attach and hide additional informa­ screen). a single to-do within a long list of to­ tion to the to-do item, like you can dos was incredibly inefficient. Lets from within APPT by pressing ~ What To Do with To-Do? say you have a list of 60 to-dos and (Note). Finally, MEMO did not pro­ The built-in to-do function has sever- decide one morning to clean out the vide me an easy way to prioritize my list. Each time you press I!!I (Cut) to to-do items. delete a to-do, the curser jumps back toward the beginning of the to-do Flexible Phone Book Double Your Pleasure list. This forces you to scroll through Many articles in this publication have the entire list to get back to the same demonstrated the flexibility of the . ' DUBLHDRTM spot. This makes it difficult to delete built-in Phone Book application. DublHdr™ adds an extra PCMCIA numerous items from a long list of slot to your HP95LX. Now you can PHONE has been used for many have your favorite application with to-dos without spending a lot of time tasks other than tracking phone num­ that additional memory card! scrolling and scrolling .... bers and addresses. It has excellent • ILAdapter I unsuccessfully tried creating search features, the ability to display This adapter adds HPIL to your HP95 system without giving up your PCMCIA slot or your RS-232 interface! Now you can use those IL Printers ABOUT THE AUTHOR and Disk Drives on a desktop LAN! • Data Acquisition & Control Glenn is an attorney with Conroy, Ballman & Dameron of • Robotics/Motion Control Gaithersburg MD, USA. He specializes in commercial litigation and uses his 95LX extensively in his work. Glenn I • interloop, inc. says that his own PHONE to-do list- is several hundred items long. 706 Charcot Avenue· San Jose, CA 95131 Tel: 408/922-0520 • Fax: 408/922-0545

42 1liE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 all or part of an entry, and automatic tion: Name, Number, and Address. alphabetization of its entries. With a Even though HP chiseled those field /"NOW AYAILABLli' little experimentation, PHONE names into ROM, you can put any SUNOISP Software Upgrade turned out to be the solution to my information you want into them. (The for PMCO COl518 Card Drivel to-do list problems. current version of 95Buddy Ii lets you change field names.) Use SUNDISK SDPL5-XX flash Phone Book Basics In my PHONE to-do list, I enter cards in your CD3568 Card Drive. PHONE looks like an electronic the task in Name, a reference in UPGRADE is only $20.00 "Rolodex." It's a simple, "flat-file" Number, and any other information (includes postage and handling) database program with three fields: about the to-do item in Address. Call to order by VISA, Mastercard, Name, Number, and Address. Open or send check or money order to: PHONE and press I!!I to insert a Edit card Steele Creek Technologies new "card" into PHONE. Press ~ 14035 Appling Lane :~::~r : ';!!?t'!!'IT:ns at Hyatt (Insert) to enter another card. Press Address: Charlone, N. C. 28278 reMeMber 4 ~t t~blc • 9ct ~ table at ~hB ulndou ulth vleu DC the clt~. call ~ (Done) to go back to the Index .head to order special uloa so that It Tel: (704) 588-1780 can b e ohille d screen. SUNDISK 1M SUN DISK Corporation When first opened, PHONE dis­ Tn • , r 1,,,1 , X CD3568 Card Drives are available ) plays an "index" view to give you a H o... l " J- ."d from SCT for$169.95 summary of the information stored l '------' on each card. You see a single line Card view of Phone Book to-do entry for each card. Each line has the first teredo The additional information in 19 characters in the Name field fol­ The index view only shows the first lowed by the first 18 characters in the these fields and the information in 19 characters of the Name and Num­ the Address field is hidden, much Number field. ber fields in PHONE, although each Move your cursor to any line and like a Note is in the Appointment field allows 30 characters to be en- Book. press IENTERI or ~ (Card) and you see the Card view, a complete dis­ play of all the information on the card. While in Card view, you can STOP! Before you buy another set of batteries ... edit any information on the card using the arrow keys. (More on the TM basics of PHONE can be found on SWlrCHablel page 6-1 of the HP 95LX Quick Start BAITman (NEW!) Guide. There have been many articles SWITCH! on using PHONE in past issues of C OMPAnaLE The HP Palmtop Paper.) NiMH batteries

Phone Book To-Do List "If you are tired of throwing away batteries, BATTman will allow safe I created a separate .PBK file for my hassle-free use of rechargeables on your 95LX.. " to-do list (TODO.PBK iii) and set up "Every combination of BATTman works flawlessly and I never once lost data.... a macro (User Key) to take me to this - Palmtop paper, August 1992 file from within PHONE (see "User Keys" in the HP 95LX User's Guide). I With NEW Features! have another macro to take me to my • BADman now reports 'Hours used' For more information regular phone book (PHONE.PBK). I • NiMH provides 200"10 more capacity than on our products and keep TODO.PBK as the default file so standard NiCds how to order, call: that every time I press I PHONE I, the to­ • Rechargeable up to 1,000 times • No memory effects and non-toxic to our do list comes up. environment (800) 825-9977 The macro to switch from TODO Join thousands of other 95LX users, start using .PBK to my regular phone book is as BADman battery management software with NiMH follows (assumes that both files are in Nickel-metal-Hydride rechargeable batteries and C:\_DAT). SAVE! ACE Technologies. Inc. {MENU} fs{ENTER}y{MENU} fo BATTman NEW! version 1.2 on 3.5' floppy ...... $49 2880 Zanker Road, Suite 103 San Jose, California 95134 U.S.A. phone .pbk{ENTER} BATTman with two Ni-metal-Hydrides ...... $59 (408) 428·9722. FAX (408) 428-9721 BATTman with two Ni-metal-Hydrides & charger ..... $69 PHONE has three fields for informa- (Dealers & Distributors welcome)

MAY / JUNE 1993 lHE HP PALMTOP PAPER 43 HOW TO USE: Phone Book To-do List

To see the hidden information in ty. Prioritize an entry by adding a my PHONE to-do list, I highlight the "priority number" after the group desired item in the index view and letter. In my system, 1 is the highest hit I ENTER'. priority and 9 the lowest. So my highest priority personal to-dos begin

Phone Book BS/2S/93 4:5& pH with a p1, my second priority person­ todo.pbk Index Cont.act. broker roe: IRA als with a p2, and so on_ PHONE Contact Sherirc re Johnson case File dl s cover~ "otlon, China case automatically alphabetizes and lists Go over Flandcr ca~c ~ith Sch~art~ 'j"netp·iUwg'dJ'i,P_Uil'_P,G", Hake dinner reservations at H~. the p1 priorities first, p2 priorities sec­ Order tux ror Jons ~eddln9 Pick up st£'t. £,or Aylcen Setup all change at Paul's Auto ond and so on. I do the same with Urlte to Carson re Horland case Ur-Ita t.D clt.y re Bo~es case my work-related to-dos (wI, w2, Cupy p,,,...! t' On1"':1 I 11 ' .t r,t C""r'c] Hl.,;l(J Cul GoLu FifU.!. 1. .... <1 etc.). A to-do list displayed from PHONE's Index view might look Index view of Phone Book to-do entry something like this:

pl Contact broker reo IRA Status pl Order tux for Jons wedding p2 Pick up gift for Ayleen p3 Setup oil change Pauls Auto Structuring a Phone p4 Make dinner reservations at Hyatt wl Go over Flander case with Schwartz Pete's Palmtop plopped on top of Book To-Do Entry wl File discovery motion, Chine case Pat's potted palm. Go into any Phone Book file and wl Write to Carson re Noland case w2 Write to city re Bowes case press a letter and you immediately w3 Contact Sheriff re Johnson case go to the first entry beginning with w4 Make 6/20 meeting with Johnson ing this convention, PHONE creates that letter (in the Name field). This Each group remains separated and task categories within each group ability lets me set up categories and priorities remain intact within each and priority. All personal CALLs priorities in my Phone Book to-do group. To go to a specific group/ with the same priority are listed list. priority, I press the group letter and together, all LETTERs with the same I begin all of my task entries in the priority number (i.e. p3 for third priority are listed together, etc. the Name field with a "group letter," level priority personal to-dos). The sample to-do list above either P or W, followed by a blank This PHONE to-do list system, as would now look something like this displayed in the Index view: space and a description of the task. P it stands, goes beyond the APPT's to­ indicates my personal to-dos and W do function. It can organize many pi CALL , broker reo IRA Status pl CALL , order tux for Jons wedding my work-related to-dos. PHONE separate to-do groups by topic and p2 PICK UP, gift for Ayleen p3 CALL , Pauls auto arrange oil change automatically sorts its entries alpha­ prioritize within each of those topic p4 CALL , Hyatt dinner reservations betically_ Every time I call up my groups. Note that you are not limited wi FILE, discovery Chine case wi LETTER , Carson re Noland case PHONE to-do list, all of my personal to nine priorities. You could easily wl MEETING , Schwartz re Flander case w2 LETTER , to city re Bowes case to-dos are grouped together at the have 100 priorities (01-99). Just make w3 CALL , Sheriff re Johnson case beginning of the list and all of the sure you list priorities 1-9 as 01-09 so w4 CALL , Johnson, arrange 6/20 meet work to-dos at the end. Furthermore, that PHONE will alphabetize the list Note that the order in which some of if I want to go to one specific group, properly. the items appear has changed be­ for example, my work to-dos, all I cause PHONE is now alphabetizing need to do is press wand I automati­ Creating the entry based on the task key word. cally jump down to the first entry Task-Oriented Categories I mentioned earlier that only the with a W at the beginning. Note that I create task-oriented sub-categories first 19 characters each of the Name I am not using the Find (F7) function. within both personal and work-relat­ and Number fields are displayed in Though I only have two groups, you ed to-dos. For example, in to-dos PHONE's Index view. You can put can have as many as you want and where I need to call somebody, I different information in each of those use any symbol. always follow the group letter, priori­ two fields or structure your entries in ty number and space with the word those fields so that they read as one CALL. The entry might look some­ continuous sentence when they are Prioritizing Group Entries thing like this: displayed. I use the former approach. PHONE's automatic alphabetical In the Name field, I put the group p1 CALL Lunch, 12 : 45 , Joyce sequencing of the list also allows you letter (p or w), the priority (1-9 fol­ to both prioritize to-dos within any If I need to write a letter, I always lowed by a space) and the task cate­ group and to create task oriented begin with the word LETTER, meet­ gory (CALL, MEET, etc.). In the categories within any group or priori- ings begin with MEET, etc. By adopt- Number field I would put a word or

44 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 two to remind me about the purpose At the extreme, if you have five pri­ are more efficient and the E) (Only) of the to-do. For instance, in the orities with only one entry per priori­ and I!!I (Tag) functions add flexibili­ Name field I might have p4 CALL Mark ty, the entire screen will be taken up ty to the system. Finally, you can Scardina. In the Number field I might by just five to-do items. By contrast, move between specific priorities, have re: SWITCH!. I might then place you will always be able to display 11 groups, and tasks easily. Best of all, specific questions for Mark in the PHONE to-dos on a single screen. it's built-in. You don't have to go out Address field, which would be hid­ Additionally, APPT's to-do screen and buy someone else's software. Its den in PHONE's Index view, but only shows 27 characters per entry amazing, try it! would appear by highlighting the while the PHONE index display entry and pressing jENTERI. shows 38. PHONE to-do lists are also easier nnn Displaying To-Dos to review. The Phone Book has the ability to scroll by page. This feature Shareware/F reeware PHONE's E) (Only) function lets me Mentioned in This Article display only those to-dos which con­ is lacking in APPT's to-do. Second, PHONE very quickly lets you know tain a certain word. I use this to list On the HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK subsets of my to-do list. For example, if it can't find a word you're looking TODO.PBK M/J 93 if I only want to see my wI priorities, for. (APPT will spend minutes look­ ing years into the future for a word 'CIS "SHR 95Buddy N/D 92 I press E), type in w1 and press ~ or phrase.) TERI. If I want to see all of my phone 'CIS - Also available in the HP Handhelds forum of CompuServe. calls, what ever the priority, I press "SHR - SHAREWARE is software distributed free E), type in call, and press jENTERI. I PHONE Does it Better! of charge for evaluation purposes only. If you decide don't use key words (call, letter, etc.) PHONE lets you create an effective, to use it, you must pay the author the shareware fee. This goes for any shareware found on The HP anywhere else in the card entry be­ prioritized to-do list, divided into Palmtop Paper ON DISK or CompuServe. -- topics and tasks. You can display two cause it can throw off the Only AOL -many of these files may be found on American search. fields of information and have more Online in the Palmtop Library (keyword Palmtop). If I want to list all to-dos relating information hidden, and available in to a specific person, for example Hal the card view. Deleting and scrolling Goldstein, I press ~, type in Hal Goldstein, and press jENTERI. PHONE lists all to-dos that have Hal's name in them. If I forget to put his name in Attention VARs, OEMs .•• Call Us the to-do, or misspell it, I'm out of luck. When the Hal Goldstein to-dos for Factory Direct OEM Pricing! are displayed, they remain divided .~~ by group, priority and task. To go back to the complete to-do list, press F/iOW HEWLETT E) jENTERI. ~~ PACKARD Finally, PHONE lets me tag to-do items. I highlight the desired item and press I!!I (Tag). I use it to em­ phasize immediate daily to-dos. Each HP-9SLX morning I will tag items that must be S12K& 1 MB done that day...... ,. Palmtop Computers

Other Features and Benefits of PHONE To-Do List The phone book also eliminates the Sparcom - Connectivity delete problem described earlier. Sparcom - Drlve95 - 3.5" Drive Highlight the item to be deleted and Sparcom - Statlon95 - links HP-95LX to PC press I!n (Cut). The to-do is deleted, Sparcom - Comm Station the cursor moves up to the previous AceTechnologies - 1MB, 2MB & 4MB RAM Cards entry and centers it on the screen. #1015A - Serial Cable, HP-95LX to PC #1016A - Serial Cable, HP-95LX to MAC The PHONE to-do list also lets you get more information on a given screen. APPT's to-do list takes up an entire line at the top for the date and hJII'U'Hfj.'lllI'll an entire line for each priority title. CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-227-8292. Fax: (415) 494-1995

MAY / JUNE 1993 mE HP PALMfOP PAPER 45 ...... __ :.l~ .... ~.».;-.... ~ .-L~,..-~ .. ~ ~ ...... :n..r~· ""'I!_*,.. • HOW TO USE: rhroughlthe Looking-Glass Using Keystroke Macros, .User Keys in Lotus .. ' ~ .. - . Enhance 1·2·3 with Keystroke Macros or 1 2 3 User Keys Ed shows how you can use Lotus 1-2-3 keystroke macros or 95LX System Macros LOTUS (User Defined Keys) to make using 1-2-3 on the HP 95LX a little easier.

[Although this article was written for Lotus stores its macros in empty located (i.e. 01), and press I ENTER I. the 95LX, the tips given should be useful cells, so the first thing you have to 1-2-3 will read the macro in 01 and to users of the new HP 100LX Palmtop do is move the cursor to a spot in play back the keystrokes as if you PC - Editor.] your worksheet that won't be used had just typed them in. The message for anything else. Then type in an "Range to format: ALAI" will appear By Ed Keefe apostrophe ('), the keystrokes you on the prompt line. (The ALAI part want, and then press IENTERI . For of the message will vary depending Veteran users of 1-2-3 are familiar example, to create a macro to format on the current location of the cursor.) with the power of Lotus macros. a range of cells to display two places You would then type in the range They've discovered what great time­ after the decimal point in currency and press I ENTER I. savers macros can be. On the other (e.g. 25.98), you would move to an You can run a keystroke macro hand, new users take one look at the empty cell (say, 01), type in '/rfc2- more easily by doing the following. instructions for creating macros and and press IENTERI. You've created a First, give the cell in which the macro shake their head in wonderment. keystroke macro - that's all there is is located a special name. To do this, Granted, Lotus macros can become to it. (The keystrokes '/rfc2- are press I MENU I Range Name Create \F quite complex. But that doesn't have called the "label." Note the leading I ENTER I 01 I ENTER I, where \ F is the to be the case. apostrophe. Without this, you'd acti­ name you've assigned to the cell, and In this article, we'll take a look at a vate the 1-2-3 menu instead of writ­ 01 is the location of the macro. Note few simple macros that you can cre­ ing a keystroke macro. Also note that that the backslash (\) key on the ate. All you'll need is your 95LX and the symbol in the macro language for 95LX is the Shifted III, not I MENU I. The a few minutes. I MENU I is the foreslash (j) and the backslash stands for ALT in 1-2-3 To show you how easy it is to cre­ symbol for I ENTER I is the tilde (-).) macro language. So to activate the ate a Lotus macro, let's suppose that There is also a macro Learn mode you wanted to change the format for macro located in 01, all you do is that lets Lotus record your keystrokes a range of numbers to the currency press IALTI-I!). into macro instructions. For more on format, with two numbers after the It's kind of magical to press two this feature, see page 13-27 of the HP decimal point. To do this in 1-2-3, keys and watch a large series of 95LX User's Guide. you'd press the following keys: keystrokes executed automatically. You can access this macro by It's this magic that has hooked a lot IMENUI Range Format Currency 2 ~ pressing IALTI-I!!) (Macro to run:), of good people into creating large TERI, and then type in the range (e.g. Al .. 05), or use the arrow keys to type in the cell where the macro is libraries of Lotus keystroke macros. highlight the range. Finally you would press I ENTERI. You can just as easily create a Lotus macro for this ABOUT THE AUTHOR keystroke sequence. Ed Keefe is an author, programmer, computer science How to Create Lotus instructor, and long-time contributor to support publications Keystroke Macros for HP computers. He is the president of the FastAid Company, 314 S. W. Logan, Ankeny, IA 50021. Ed's Compu- The process for creating a Lotus key­ Serve ID# is [75300,3667J. ' stroke macro is easier to do than it is to explain.

46 mE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 - Creating a Lotus Macro Library B1: • .... rFoZ Here's another time and keystroke WE BUY AND SELL saver that will keep you from having USED HP 95LX.'S to type your macros into the next spreadsheet you develop. Sell us your old 95LX The procedure for doing this is a little more complicated than creating Purchase used 95LX's a single macro. It assumes that at great savings you've created several such macros 1-2-3 screen with macro entered and want to gather them together so Products available for that you can easily retrieve them. ever) and press I ENTERI . This associ­ both the 95LX & 100LX The process involves creating a ates the names you've listed in the A column with the macros in the B Classic Computers separate spreadsheet with all of your P.O. 801499 keystroke macros in it. After opening column. Fairfield, IA 52556 Save this new worksheet to a file a new, blank worksheet, use the iii 'It (515) 472-0383 following procedure to copy individ­ called MACRLIB.WKI (press I MENU 1 FAX: (515) 472-0393 ual keystroke macros to it. File Save macrlib I ENTER I). This is your Press I MENU 1 File Combine Copy "Macro Library Worksheet." Tuesday - Thursday, Named/Specified-Range. You're then You can copy individual key­ 1Oem - 4pm Central Time asked to key in the "Range name or stroke macros over from this "macro library worksheet" to any worksheet address:". Reply by typing in the you are working on. For example, name you've given to your keystroke the macro on the fly, recording into a from a new worksheet you would macro (\F in the above example) and user key each keystroke as you make put your cursor in an unused cell press I ENTER I. Then you're asked to it. The User Mode lets you enter and and press I MENU 1 File Combine Copy supply the name of the worksheet edit user key commands individually, Named/Specified-Range. Next you file that contains this macro. High­ much like writing a line of code in would type in to the name of the any programming language. For light the filename and press I ENTER I. macro (\F or whatever) and press more on the Learn Mode, see page The macro appears in the new work­ I ENTER I. Finally, you would select 21-17 of the HP 95LX User's Guide. I'll sheet. MACRLIB.WKI (your macro library use the User Mode for this example. You'll repeat this procedure to file) and press IENTERI. The macro Press I I-IFILERIICHARI to enter copy your other macros to this work­ would be copied to the cell. the User Key Setup screen. Move sheet. Before you do, here's another I'll give some specific examples of your cursor down to an empty User tip to organize your macro library Lotus keystroke macros later in the Key slot and press I ENTER 1 (I'll use F7 and make it look like it was done by article. All these tips and techniques in this example). In the Comment a pro. will work on any PC that runs Lotus field, type in 123 Currency and press Copy each of your macros to a 1-2-3. IENTERI. In the Contents field type in separate cell in column B of the {MENU}rfc2{ENTER}. (You can key in spreadsheet. You must leave at least The 9SLX's User Defined Keys {MENU} and {ENTER} by pressing (!!) one blank cell between each macro. The 9SLX's User Keys (system mac­ first and then pressing I MENU 1 or In the cell to the left of the macro, ros) have several advantages over I ENTERI.) Press I!!£) to leave the macro type in the name of macro. For exam­ 1-2-3 macros; they don't take up any input screen and press I ESC 1 to return ple, suppose you have '/rfc2 in cell space in a worksheet, they're easier to the main SET UP screen. B1. Then in cell AI, you might type to launch, and you don't have to Note the difference between the '\F which is the name of the macro. search for a blank spot in the work­ System Macro and the 1-2-3 macro. (Don't forget the leading apostrophe.) sheet to put the macro. In fact, you {MENU} replaces the foreslash (/) Do the same for any other macros can replace many Lotus keystroke and {ENTER} replaces the tilde (-). that you want to put in your macro macros with User Keys. Now press ~ to activate Lotus. library. Let me give you an example of Activate the User Key by pressing ICHARI-~ (or whatever F-key you've When you've got all you macros how to do this and then discuss some chosen). The "Range to format:" mes­ lined up, along with their names, put of the advantages and limitations of this approach. We'll create a User sage will appear on the prompt line. your cursor on the cell containing the Use the arrow keys to highlight a first macro name (AI contains '\F in Key to perform the same currency range and press I ENTER I. (If needed, formatting operation as we did with this example) and press I MENU 1 Range press I ESq prior to using the arrow the' /RFC2- keystroke macro. Name Labels Right. Move the cursor keys to move the cursor to a new There are two ways to create User down to the last macro name in the location and then press 0 (period list (AS or what- Keys. The Learn Mode lets you enter key) to start highlighting.)


Transferring Keystroke Getting Started: Macros to User Keys Ten Lotus 1-2-3 Macros Here's a process for transferring your To get you started, I've listed 10 Lotus keystroke macros that I've developed over several years. I've also rewritten favorite Lotus keystroke macros to them as User Keys to give you a better idea of what they look like. The keystroke macros can be found in User Keys. TLG.wK1, the User Keys in SETUP.ENV. Both of these files are in TLG.ZIP a. Open the worksheet that has the A waming! Once you have copied a keystroke macro to a cell, move to another cell before running the mac­ keystroke macro you want to trans­ ro. If you do not, the macro will overwrite the contents of the cell and you will loose your macro. fer. Press ICTRLI-~, specify the range Date Stamp Macro 1-2-3 Macro : ' /WCCS that contains the macro and press This macro inserts today's date in the current cell in System Macro Version: the DD-MMM-YY format (13-Mar-93). Once inserted, I ENTER I to copy the macro to the clip­ Comment : 123 MUlti-Column Set width the date does not change. Contents : {MENU}wccs board. The range may be one cell The macro sets the column width to 10 so the (Zl..Zl) for simple macros, or a large date will fit in one column. The macro pauses to allow Column Reset block of cells (Ql..Z10) for complex the user to change the column width if desired (use This macro resets a specified range of columns to the arrow keys or enter a number). Finally press their original column width. The macro pauses to let macros. I ENTER, to accept the width. the user specify the range of contiguous columns. Activate MEMO and press ~ to 1- 2- 3 Macro : ' /RFD1- @NOW{CALC}-/ WCS10 - /WCS 1- 2- 3 Macro : ' /WCCR Paste the macro there. Change all System Macro Version: System Macro Version: foreslashs (j) to {MENU} and replace Comment : 123_Fixed_Date Comment : 123 MUlti-Column Reset width tildes (-) with {ENTER}. In addition if Contents: {ENTER}{MENU}rfd1{ENTER}@now Contents: {MENU}wccr {F9} {ENTER} {MENU}wcs10{ENTFR} {MENU}wcs you use the DEL or ESC commands Currency 2 range format in your macro, you'll have to replace Variable date This is the macro we played with at the beginning of the left and right French brackets ({ This puts the function, @NOW, in the current cell and the article. It sets a range of cells to currency format formats the range to DD-MMM-YY. Whenever you call with 2 digits after the decimal point. The macro will and }) with {LBRACE} and {RBRACE}, the worksheet up, the current date will appear in that pause and prompt you to select c: range of cells to respectively. cell, and change from day to day. format. When you have made the neces­ The macro sets the column width to 10 so the Use the arrow keys to highlight a range, or key one in (e.g. D1..E15). Then press IENTER'. sary corrections to your macro, press date will fit in one column. The macro pauses to allow the user to change the column width if desired (use 1-2- 3 Macro : ' /RFC2 - ~ (Mark), highlight the macro and the arrow keys or enter a number). Finally press SYstem Macro Version: I ENTER I to accept the width. press ~ to copy it to the 95LX's Comment : 123 CUrrency Format clipboard again. Finally, press 1- 2- 3 Macro : ' /HFDl- @NOW- /WCS10- /WCS Contents : {MENU}rfc2{ENTER} I< Shift > I-IFILERI Char, move the cursor System Macro Version : Comment : 123 variable Date Column Sum to a blank macro, and press IENTER I Contents: {ENTER}{MENU}rfd1{ENTER}@now This macro will add up a column of numbers. Enter a I ENTER I ~ to paste the macro into {ENfER} {MENU}wcs10{ENTER} {MENU}wcs column of numbers and put the cursor on the cell the Contents field. below the last number. Then activate the macro and Time Stamp Macro see the sum pop into place. Inserts the current time in the cell you are positioned 1- 2- 3 Macro : ' \ --{DCWNj@SUM({UPj{END} What Does All This Get You? on and formats the time to be displayed as HH:MM {UP) . {END} {DCWN}) - As mentioned, User Keys are easy to AM/PM (e.g. 12:45 PM). Once the time is inserted System Macro Version : find and use, and don't take up space into the cell, it does not change. Comment : 123 SUm Column The macro sets the column width to 9 so the Contents : \-{ENTER}{DCWN}@sum ({UP} in a worksheet. However, they do time will fit in one column. The macro pauses to allow {END} {UP} . {END} {DOWN}) {ENTER} have a drawback - you're limited to the user to change the colum.n width if desired (use the arrow keys or enter a number). Finally press Zip Codes ten of them at anyone time. A previ­ I ENTER I to accept the width. Enter a five-digit zip code into a cell and you notice ous Looking Glass column showed 1- 2- 3 Macro : ' /RFD'r2-@NOW{CALC} -/WCS9 that it's treated like any other number. It's automati­ how to do this by swapping SET­ - /WCS cally right justified, and if it happens to be a zip code System Macro Version: with a leading 0 (e.g. 00256) the zeros are automati­ UP.ENV type files (see page 39-40, cally dropped by Lotus. Marl Apr 93 issue). However, to use Comment : 123 Fixed Ti:me This macro converts a five-digit zip code into a thi$ procedure, you have to leave Contents: {MENU}rfdt2{ENTER}@now{F9} label (Le. it's treated like text instead of numbers). It {IDfrER} {MENU}wcs9{ENTER} {MENU}wcs even replaces leading zeroes. 1-2-3, swap the SETUP.ENV files and then return to 1-2-3. The macro li­ Variable Time Macro 1-2-3 Macro : {EDIT}{HOME}@RIGHT This puts the function, @NOW, in the current cell and (@STRING({END}+100000 , O) , 5) , {CALC) brary file approach described earlier {HOME} ,- formats the range to HH:MM AM/PM. Whenever you SYstem Macro Version: would be better if you have more call the worksheet up, the current time will appear in that cell, and change from day to day. Comment : 123 Convert ZIPCode than 10 Lotus macros you need to The macro sets the column width to 9 so the Contents : {EDIT}{HOME}@right(@string use. time will fit in one column. The macro pauses to allow ({END}+1oo000 , 0) , 5 ) {F9}{HOME} ' {ENrER} Until next time, Happy Porting. the user to change the column width if desired (use the arrow keys or enter a number). Finally press Goto named range As described earlier, 1~-3 lets you assign a special I ENTER I to accept the width. name to a range of cells (press IMENU I Range DOD 1- 2- 3 Macro : ' / RFDT2-@NOW-/WCS9-/WCS Name Create). This macro presents a list of existing System Macro Ver s ion: range names in the form of a ·pick-list.' To go to the Shareware/Freeware Comment : 123 Variable Ti:me beginning of a named range, move the cursor to the Contents: {MENU}rfdt2{ENrER)@now{ENTER} desired range name and press I ENTEi~' If there are Mentioned in This Article {MENU}wcs9{ENTER} {MENU}wcs no named ranges, the macro does no ing. Column width 1-2- 3 Macro : {GOTO}{NAME} {NAME } On the HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK This macro lets the user set a range of columns to a SYstem Macro Version: TLG.lIP - M/J 93 issue. specified width. The macro will pause to let you adjust Comment : 123 Goto Named Range the column width by moving the arrow keys or typing Contents : {F5}{F3}{F3} in a number.

48 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 Programming Tools for the HP 95LX Ed summarizes the programming tools available for the 95LX, including C languages, Assemblers, BASIC, and Pascal. He also looks at more specialized tools relating to 95LX system compliancy, graphics, the keyboard, clipboard, and four-pin serial port. By Ed Keefe In the last issue of The HP Palmtop Forth, and A WK. (A future article Programming Paper, we described Craig Finseth's will discuss the pros and cons of collection of programs for the HP each of these languages as they relate Tools and Tips to the 95LX.) In the section titled 95LX. Freyja ii, Memutil ii, and the Files on PTP ON DISK Thor ii file conversion utilities are "Support for other Languages" we've included sample code or resources Unless otherwise indicated, each of all useful in and of themselves. But these files can be found on the what makes Craig's package valuable that support these other languages. May jJune 1993 issue of The HP to programmers is the wealth of C Palmtop Paper ON DISK, or in 95LX source code and tutorials it includes. Writing System Compliant programmers section of the HP Hand (See page 25, Mar j Apr 93 issue.) Programs in C forum of CompuServe (Lib 15). Issues Until the release of this package, With the initial release of HP's Inde­ of The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK if you wanted to learn the secrets of pendent Software Vendor (ISV) docu­ can be obtained individually, or as a System-Manager Compliant (SMC) ments, it became apparent that the subscription from Thaddeus programming, you either registered preferred language for writing Sys­ Computing, Phone: 800-373-6114 or with HP as an Independent Software tem Manager Compliant programs 515-472-6330; Fax: 515-472-1879). Vendor (ISV), or you networked with was Microsoft C. The final step in other SMC programmers on Compu­ making a program System-Manager Serve and tried to pick up their dis­ Compliant involved converting an offers these files as is. coveries. During the past two years, .EXE file to an .EXM file (one that System They will not offer any HP and other people on CompuServe could be loaded and run by the SYS­ Compliant support on them unless have offered sample code and de­ MGR program). The conversion pro­ Examples you are in their ISV tailed explanations of the inner work­ gram supplied by HP worked only program. ings of the 95LX. This has helped the with programs written in Microsoft 95SMT.ZIP rest of us learn the nuances of 95LX C. Those who preferred Borland C Bytes: 154,565 CLP.C programming. were temporarily out of luck. Source files and Bytes: 5,001 This article summarizes some of In addition, information was documentation taken Sample code provid­ the best tools and other resources scarce on graphics, communications, from the HP 95LX ing a working set of available to 95LX programmers. If scan codes for the keys, and the ISV manual. The files functions that will let you combine the information in these unique serial port. deal with System­ you implement the files with Craig Finseth's collection, Manager Program­ clipboard, cut and Fortunately, help was on the way ming. They may be paste functions in you should have a very complete in the form of text files and utilities freely distributed, SysMgr. This file will textbook on programming the 95LX. that began appearing on CompuServe but are copyrighted save you headaches. Hopefully, it will get you looking in in late 1991 (listed below). by HP and Lotus. If the right direction. Unless otherwise indicated, these you're registered as E2MTC.ZIP The files mentioned in this article files are in PRGTOOL1.ZIP & PRG­ an ISV, you already Bytes: 11,012 are freeware or shareware. In future Ii on the May jJun issue have these files in A Borland C version articles we'll look at commercial pro­ of The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK. printed form. HP of the program that gramming aides. If you're aware of any other resources, please let us know. ABOUT THE AUTHOR As you'll see, most of the code samples are written in C. Undoubted­ Ed Keefe is an author, programmer, computer science instructor, and long-time ly this is because all of the 95LX contributor to support publications for HP computers. He is the president of built-in applications were written in the FastAid Company, 314 S.W. Logan, Ankeny, IA 50021. Ed's CompuServe C. Programs have also been imple­ ID# is [75300,3667]. mented in Assembler, Pascal, BASIC,

MAY / JUNE 1993 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER 49 HOW TO USE: Programmer's Tools is needed to convert from Jerry Wassinger, presents a table of the source code only, that very well supported and description of .EXE files to .EXM who did some very ASCII characters in parses comma-delim­ by Essex. Over the UIIL Forth, a System files. nice work with the the 95LX and does a ited files. This is a past couple of years, Manager compliant graphics screen of the fair job of number­ "must-have" if you're Chris Smith has con­ Forth programming E2M.ZIP 95LX. Although he base conversions. thinking of writing tributed lots of sam­ system for the 95LX. Bytes: 8,801 discontinued his work conversion programs ple code and has even An update to the on the 95LX, the file is LXKEYS.ZIP for the HP 95LX's published a Forth Basic conversion program, a valuable resource. Bytes: 1,148 applications. NewsLetter. All of the Several people have (version 4.3) fixing a A 96-byte program exemplary Forth code successfully used bug that was found in Communications that displays just the IS95LX.ZIP that I've seen is in­ BASIC and Quick­ the original program. scan codes for all the Bytes: 1,747 cluded in the com­ BASIC to write 95LX 95TRMl.ZIP keys. A PCC-C program mercial package. (See programs. If this is EDIT.C Bytes: 48,394 that sets the DOS page 31, Jan/Feb 92). your preferred lan­ Bytes: 10,112 Contains more materi­ KEYS.95 Error Level. It lets guage, then the fol­ Shows how to use the al from the ISV manu­ Bytes: 10,645 your batch file know GRAPH.U lowing will give you built-in SysMgr edit­ al. In particular, it ad­ A text file from ISV whether a program is Bytes: 8,320 some valuable tools. ing functions. It takes dresses the issue of documentation with a running on the 95LX UTIL Forth Graphics a little of the mystery writing programs that list of all the scan or a standard desktop words for the 95LX to SS95.ZIP out of the ISV docu­ use the serial port. codes. machine. load and save a Bytes: 26,867 ments. Once again, HP offered graphics screen. In­ Add-in library for this file as-is and will Support for cludes programming QuickBASIC that will TC2EXM.95 guidelines to create NOT support it, unless Personal C Other Languages let you do graphics Bytes: 5,573 you're registered in Compiler Support "clean" screens in the programming on the A small text file (5K their ISV program. Eventually, 95LX graphics mode. 95LX. The file con­ PCC is a popular bytes) describing how ii programs were imple­ tains demo program, shareware alternative mented in other lan­ to write SMC pro­ COMFIX.95 PYG.ZIP source code. The to Microsoft C and grams using Borland's Bytes: 3,889 guages. As mention­ Bytes: 63,424 library is shareware. Borland C. Registered ed, we'll discuss these C compilers. A text file that deals A small Forth pro­ users receive a usable with the 95LX serial languages in more gramming language QBCOMF.95 debugger, and some C Programming port and how to work depth in future issues. compiler. Bytes: 2,764 other utilities. • CIS , ON DISK (J /F 92) around it. A text file containing Tools for Several Program­ Assembler QuickBASIC routines mers have been able TSTCOM.U Specific Tasks 95SER.C Eventually, most that will let you use to get this to work on Bytes: 5,363 At the beginning of Bytes: 3,566 programmers bite the the 95LX's serial port. the 95LX. They've UTIL Forth serial 1992, several more A small text file of bullet and start pro­ shared their experi­ communication words tools and code sam­ Turbo C code that gramming in assem­ ence in the following that use SYSMGR Swift!BASIC ples appeared on shows six ways to do bler. Here is just one files. services on the 95LX. It is the only language CompuServe, provid­ polled serial I/O on "must-have" file from • CIS. ON DISK (J/F 92) Test code is included that will let you write ing work-arounds for the 95LX. a master at bit-twid­ for the 95LX to sever SMC programs out of the serial port bug dling. PCC-H.ZIP as dumb terminal for the box. It is the pre­ and giving program­ IR.95 Bytes: 3,830 ferred version BASIC 95ASM.ZIP a Forth microproces­ mers access to the Bytes: 12,843 A collection of C lan­ for this small ma­ Bytes: 6,827 sor single board com­ built-in graphics func­ Text file giving you guage header files for chine. Swift!BASIC is Text file for those puter. tions. information on how PCC, the Personal C designed exclusively who want a head-start the 95LX IR port Compiler. The header for the HP 95LX. It in writing an assem­ UDFORT.ZIP Graphics works and how to files contain defini­ also handles the 95- bler, System-Manager Bytes: 126,945 program it. tions for PCIO mod­ LX's graphics and Compliant programs. A small Forth pro­ GRAFIX.95 ules along with a sound functions. Here It's from Everett gramming language Bytes: 29,618 Keyboard Issues modified version of are some files that Kaser of HP Corvallis, compiler. A 30K byte text file The keyboard on the STDIO.H for the relate to this fine and it's the next best • CIS , ON DISK (J/F 92) from Everett Kaser of 95LX is, in reality, an 95LX. commercial product. thing to having Ever­ HP, Corvallis. It de­ enhanced keyboard. UNEWS4.95 (See review, page 32, ett write your pro­ scribes everything you This stumped a lot of STRING.ZIP Bytes: 19,868 JuI! Aug 92 issue.) gram for you. wanted to know programmers at first. Bytes: 4,970 Issue #4 of the Forth about the graphics Several programmers Useful for PCC users, Corner Newsletter FILEMN.ZIP ca pabilities of the have shared their even if they're not UTIL Forth includes Forth words Bytes: 1,556 95LX. It includes C findings with others. 95LX programmers. Some programmers to handle SysMgr Example of Swift! and assembler code to The file contains most prefer the Forth Lan­ graphics on the 95LX, Basic allowing file get at the built-in PROHLP.ZIP of the string functions guage for quick proto­ a updateof the Meta­ selection using Sys­ graphic functions. It's Bytes: 11,775 that were missing typing and design of compiler for double Mgr file menu system "must-have" file for A program along with from the shareware programs. UTIL numbers, bounds calls. graphics program­ the Borland C source version of PCc. Forth, from Essex checking with arrays, mers. code that displays the Marketing is one of and more. S!B_DE.LZH scan codes of all the DELIM.ZIP the best implementa­ Bytes: 25,049 95CGL.ZIP keys on the 95LX, Bytes: 5,934 tions of Forth around. UTIL.ANN EXMs written in Bytes: 40,926 even the blue keys. Contains a sample It was designed to Bytes: 6,568 Swift!Basic. Includes - Graphics source code The program also PCC-C program, work in a palmtop An announcement ASCII source codes. environment and is

50 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 SBASIe.ANN may be loaded into utility, AWK grew details of the FIXUP Bytes: 2,899 the 95LX and run into a powerful pro­ problem in the 95LX, Order Information An announcement using the Turbo Pas­ gramming language along with suggested and description of cal compiler. The eventually ported to work-arounds (see AWK 1.4b - n/a Swift!Basic, an imple­ graphics part of TP the PC environment. page 5, Jan/ Feb 93 AWK 2.03 - $249 mentation of BASIC 3.02 does not work on issue). Also included Powerful pattern matching utility. for the HP 95LX the 95LX. GCAWKl.ZIP is a utility that shows CONTACT: Thompson Automation, Palmtop Computer Bytes: 7,129 if your program con­ 5616 SW Jefferson, Portland OR 97221- that generates system­ TP5GRF.ZIP A collection of useful tains any fixups. 2597, USA; Phone: 800-944-0139 503-224- compliant programs. Bytes: 2,793 A WK programs for 1639503-224-3230. Contains the source the HP 95LX, includ­ FORMAT.PBK Pascal code for a Turbo ing code for an Editor, Bytes: 2,503 Swift!BASIC - $159.95 Turbo Pascal runs on Pascal unit to inter­ a couple of different • CIS. ON DISK (MIA 93) BASIC programming language designed for FORMAT.ABK the 95LX. Version 3.02 face to the HP 95LX ways to do MORE, a the HP 95LX. Bytes: 12,176 is preferred for its graphics routines. 40-column formatter USA CONTACT: EduCALC, 27953 These two files con­ small size (about 40K (FMT .AWK), a Hex/­ Cabot Road, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677, tain descriptions of bytes compressed). If HPGRAP.ZIP Decimal/ Octal cal­ USA; Phone: 800-677-7001 or 714-582- the file formats for the you want Object Ori­ Bytes: 8,192 culator, and file man­ 2637; Fax: 714-582-1445. Phone Book and Ap­ ented Programming More graphics inter­ agement utilities DU face source code, but and We. pointment data files. TurboPascal 3.02A - $90 (OOP), you will need The following individual has been licensed to use Borland Pascal the coding is closer to SERVER.ZIP to distribute this older version of TP that 5.0 or later. that used in the ISV Miscellaneous manual.Written for Bytes: 30,971 works well with the 95LX. Text file containing CONTACT: Joe Wright, 711 Chats­ TP95.ZIP Turbo Pascal versions Files tips on how to access worth Place, San Jose, CA 95128, USA. Bytes: 6,937 4 and 5, the source Several files have the 95LX's undocu­ Text file telling how code may be recom­ come to our attention UTIL Forth - $70 mented $SERVER to get Turbo Pascal piled to work with that do not fit in any Version of Forth designed for the 95LX. of the above catego­ command. $SERVER 3.02A to run on the versions 6 and 7. CONTACT: Essex Marketing SeNices ries. is supposed to do a HP 95LX. It includes a Inc., attn: Chris Smith, 272 Old Farms binary dump of the C sample Pascal pro­ AWK Road, Simsbury, CT 06070, USA; Phone: FIXUP.ZIP drive over to a disk. gram of Conway's Originally a UNIX 203-651-8284; Fax: 203-651-7926. Game of Life which pa ttern-ma tching Bytes: 10,867 This file gives all the

Sources for Full Featured 95LX Communications Software Commercial Programming Software The Programmer's Shop, 90 Industrial Park Introducing Rd., Hingham, MA 02043, USA; Phone: TM (617) 740-2017 or SWlrCHablel Programmer's Paradise, P.O.Box 560, fastCOMM! Farmingdale, NY 11735, USA; Phone: "", 800-445-7899 Transfers up to 14.4k baud

Full Macro rr======~======~ Pop-up Window Programming for File transfer Language Shareware/F reeware Fl HELP F2 Ymodem batch Internal Mentioned in This Article F3 Ymodem-G batch Internal F4 Xmodem Internal F5 Xmodem-G Internal Easy-to-use On the HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK F6 CompuServe B+ Overlay POp-up Menus CompuServe 'CIS "SHR Freyja MIA 93 issue B+ protocol (Memutil & Thor archived in Freyja) , ..j 1 • _- ::It 1['1 1 "t I' ~ 1 'CIS "SHR PCC J/F 92 issue support H...... lr- ['l::sl['lt fl1r 1 .;i ~f ' JI ' •.: t IJ I 'CIS "SHR PRGTOOL1.ZIP M/J 92 issue 'CIS "SHR PRGTOOL2.ZIP M/J 92 issue (Contains other freeware/shareware software mentioned in this issue.) fastCOMMI Features For more information Call: • Full-featured Communication Software for HP 95LX 'CIS - Also available in the HP Handhelds forum of • High speed data transfer of up to 14.4k baud (800) 825-9977 CompuServe. • Comprehensive Macro Language capability *'SHR - SHAREWARE is software distributed free allows users to develop custom applications of charge for evaluation purposes only. If you decide • Built-in ANSI and VT-102 Terminal Emulation to use it, you must pay the author the shareware fee. • Fully SWITCHable! with built-in applications ~@OO ® This goes for any shareware found on The HP ACE Technologies, Inc. Palmtop Paper ON DISK or CompuServe. -- 2880 Zanker Road, Suite 103 fastCOMMI version 1.0 (C1085) ...... $89 Son Jose, California 95134 U.S.A. AOL - many of these files may be found on American Online in the Palmtop Ubrary (keyword Palmtop). (Dealers & Distributors w elcome)

MAY / JUNE 1993 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER 51 What is Your 95LX IQ? 00 you make the grade? Have you got the right stuff? Now's your chance to find out ­ and have fun in the process. By Peder Sweeney

Harken back to your SAT (Scholastic a. File organization and transfer Aptitude Test) or GRE (Graduate b. Communications between the Record Exam). A few more points 95 and other computers and you would have gotten into that c. Dices and slices, even makes prestigious school. Well, here's your Julienne fries b. ROM card chance to do it right! Take the PAT d. Multiple applications open at c. Fax/Modem card (Palmtop Aptitude Test). once d. Greeting card I wrote this 95LX I.Q. test for a class we have at Thaddeus Comput­ 3. In which of the following appli- 5. How many batteries are in a ing. Everyone had fun with it, so we cations could you figure amorti­ 95LX without a card in the decided to inflict it on our subscrib­ zation? PCMCIA slot? ers. a. Set-up a. One There are one or more correct an­ b. HP Calc b. Two swers per question. Put all your books c. Lotus c. Three under your desk and use a #2 pencil d. Filer d. Four only. No talking will be allowed 4. Which of the following can be 6. during the test. If confused and needing help, a used in the 95LX's card slot? user could: 1. What is the operating system of a. RAM card the 95LX? a. Lotus 2.0 b. System Manager ABOUT THE AUTHOR c. OS/2 Peder Sweeney is the Marketing Director at Thaddeus Computing, publisher d. DOS of The HP Palmtop Paper. He lives in Fairfield Iowa with his wife Kelly. Peder is proud of the many things he's discovered not to do with the 95LX (i.e. set 2. Which are features of System the time-out to half a second when there's no AC adapter for miles). Manager?

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FAXmlln For users of the Worldport Palmtop and Worldport 2400plus modems this automated fax software makes it EASY to send faxes from your HP95LX and offers: • Fully System Manager Compliant • Integral fax number directory • Create and store multiple fax cover sheets • Conflgurable for fax speeds of up to 9600

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12. In C: \_DAT\BIZ.PBK, which is Serial to the sub-directory? Parallel Cable a. C:\ .. b. _DAT c. BIZ ~ d ..PBK Printers

13. In question 12, what does the .PBK mean? • a. File identifier b. A Phone Book file I ~ .. ~~!:t~~~ucts mI c. Phone backup utility I Imaging Supplies Express d. Phi Beta Kappa I I FAX (310)370-3265 14. In question 12, which is the root directory? l1li ~ 1-800-462-4309 [p.::::~ ..··mmm······· ..· IIIIIIII

54 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 I 0 Runs Even BetteI' On The New HP 100LH! FOREIGN LANGUAGE TRANSLATION: It's What Your Palmtop Was Made For!

You can throwaway your electronic dictionary or hard copy phrase book. The Globalink IC Translation Card converts your HP 95LX or 100lX into a full-sentence, idiomatically accurate, foreign language translator. It simplifies business or personal travel, quick phrase or sentence look-ups and even language learning for you or your family. With the same dictionary and translation algorithms as Globalink's POWBI TRANSLATOR (the leading machine translation soft­ ware for the PC) you can be confident that the Globalink IC Translation Card is the right one for your palmtop!

• Complete sentence translation Just enter a sentence from the keyboard (foreign accents • Translates idiomatic expressions are accessible on your English • Translates in grammatical structure of keyboard) and obtain an idiomatic target language translation almost instantly. You can also • Identifies multiple translations of a single load a text file from your PC and receive a word in a sentence based on the part of speech grammatically correct translation in minutes, (e.g. noun, verb, adjective) ready for your review. Ideal for business or personal • Comprehensive 60,000 term dictionary travel, academic studies, production or home Use. There • Input of foreign accents on English keyboard are dozens of ways that instant translation capability can make your business dealings more profitable and your • On-screen editing with HP memo text editor personal endeavors more satisfying. Order Any 2 Languages, Get a 3rd Language Free! 1-800-255-5660 NOW ~Iobalink ® Lal1lgullIge lhInslation To Gol JUST 9302 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 22031 Phone: 703-273-5600 Fax: 703-273-3866 $79.95 [Continued from page S.} correctly in the magazine? If 1E6*(IP(MOO(RAN#*tOO,48)+ 1))+ not please fax me correct 1E8*(IP(MOO(RAN#*1 00,48)+ 1))+ DOD [For viewing only, you can version. 1E1O*(IP(MOO(RAN#* tOO, 38)+ to)) use the built in FILER. Simply Also, the Louisiana Lot­ } Shareware/Freeware put the cursor on the file name tery uses six numbers be­ The following System Macro Mentioned and press I ENTER I. You will be tween 1 and 44, what modi­ works with English punctuation: On the HP Palmtop able to see the file and scroll fications are needed to make through it, but there are no this program select 6 num­ {CALC}{MENU}s{F7}lotto{ENTER} Paper ON DISK editing capabilities. bers instead of 5. {ESC}{F9}{F2}{F2}{Ctrl-F2}{MENU}q 'CIS"SHR PTPDISKS.PBK - M/J 93 WordPerfect 4.2 as de­ Mark Percle {MEMO}{Ctrl-ENO}{ENTER}{F4} 'CIS"SHR SOKOBAN.zIP - N/D 92 scribed on page 44 of the Nov/ St Marinvi/le, LA 70582 {HOME}{F7}.{ENTER}{F9}{ENO}{F3} 'CIS"SHR DIVDISK - Fall 91 Dec 92 issue, may be another {LEFT}{LEFT}{LEFT}{BACKSP} HPTRIX.ZIP - J/F 92 solution. [Th e program was printed {LEFT}{LEFT}{LEFT}{BACKSP} PKSL95.EXE in DIVDISK {LEFT}{LEFT}{LEFT}{BACKSP} UFK.ZIP - MIA 93 The new 100LX file size is correctly last issue. I' ve received {LEFT}{LEFT}{LEFT}{BACKSP} limited only by the available a couple of letters from Europe {HOME} Your lotto picks are On the 92 Subscribers Disk memory - Robert Roney.} in response to the Lotto picker. {RIGHT}{RIGHT} {RIGHT} ALBERT.PCX The original Solver equation {RIGHT} {RIGHT}{RIGHT} {RIGHT} RE.EXE Sheriff Says, "Get that Lotto and user keys are found in {RIGHT} {RIGHT}{RIGHT} {RIGHT} Program Running ... " UFK.TXT II. The request is {RIGHT}{RIGHT}{ENTER} 'CIS - Also available in the HP Hand­ I am having trouble making for a lotto picker with 6 num­ helds forum of CompuServe. Ed Keefe's Lotto program bers: various ranges . Here's a Line 4, the period after {F7} may *'SHR - SHAREWARE is software typical answer: need to be changed to comma () distributed free of charge for evalu­ run (page 37, Mar/Apr 93 ation purposes only. issue). I have entered and The following equation for French punctuation. Also the re-entered the program with _should_ come closer to getting last series of commands are five AOL -many of these files may be no luck. The sheriff is the six numbers between 1 and 49: pairs of {RIGHTl-{RIGHTl, with found on American Online in the Palmtop Library (keyword Palmtop). owner of the 95LX and is a space between each pair, fol ­ (Lottoliotto= pressing me to get this pro­ lowed by three {RIGHTls and 1E1 *(IP(MOO(RAN#*100,48)+ 1))+ gram running. ending with an {ENTERl. 1E2 *(IP(MOO(RAN#* 100,48)+ 1))+ Best of luck - Ed Keefe.} Is the program printed 1E4*(IP(MOO(RAN#*100,48)+ 1))+


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FILER and delete the directory. You can create automatic constants for +, -, *, ~Appt To protect yourself from accidentally Ideletini I, or" (raising a number to a power). For more on other directories, go back into FILER press MENU using the automatic constant in calculations, see MENU, Options, Dirs, and select No at the "Use page 23-6 of HP 95LX User's Guide. subdirectories?" question. This will protect you from accidently eraSing a directory full of information. liIMemo ~HP Calc SAVE TIME WRITING MEMOS OR LETTERS: CREATE A TEMPLATE USE HP CALC FOR QUICK CALCULATIONS If you find yourself entering the same information LIKE A REGULAR HANDHELD CALCULATOR time and again when you write memos or letters, As powerful as HP CALC is, it's really just as easy you're wasting time. It's easy to create a template ~point"ent Book 84.-'25.... 93 4;28 p ... "~Z ...bk CalendAr to use for the simple calculations you do with or setup a standard form to use in MEMO. For

S t1 T II T po S inexpensive handheld calculators. If you want to example you could set up a thank you note form. 1993 April 1 2 3 add 5 and 2, go into HP CALC and make sure you Start MEMO and type in the following: 4 5 .. 7 8 18 11 12 13 14 15 1f>" 17 are in the "Calculator Arithmetic" screen. Press 5 + From the desk of John Smith, 18 19 2B 2. 22 23 2 .. Director of Ma rketing: >IiIIl< 26 27 28 29 3B 2 =and 7 appears at the bottom right of the 1993 Ha~ 1 screen. If you want to divide 66 by 3, press To: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 66/3 1B 12 13 .4 15 and 22 appears. Thank you for " .. f" 'j = II. II' I . ... (I U .1. " The memory functions (MC, MR, M-, and M+) Sincerely, that you typically find on the right side of a calcula­ John Smith tors keypad are activated by the 95LX function keys Appts Calendar View Press I MENU, File Save and type in a filename F7, Fa, F9, and F10 respectively. F7 clears the memory, Fa recalls the number in memory, F9 such as THANKU.TXT. Use the Arrow Keys to position the cursor on the The next time you want to send a thank you note day you want. to move to the day you want and adds the current number to whatever is in memory, you can start MEMO, press MENU File Open, press I ENTER' to switch back to the Daily display. and F10 subtracts the current number from whatev­ er is in memory. (For more on memory functions, select THANKU.TXTand press ENTER . Then see "Using Registers" beginning on page 23-12 of press I MENU, File Save and give the file a new • Filer HP 95LX User's Guide.) name (Le. ROGER.TXT) and press I ENTER'. Then fill out your thank you note and save it again. CREATING A DIRECTORY USE HP CALC "AUTOMATIC CONSTANT" You're ready to print or transfer the file to your The DOS operating system on the 95LX lets you FEATURE TO FIGURE DISCOUNTS desktop for printing. create directories on your C drive. Like file folders The 95LX is very helpful for those "store wide 25% in a file cabinet, these directories help you organize off" sales. You can use the automatic constant your hard disk by letting you store like files in one feature in HP CALC to figure out the discounted (!I Phone separate location. (One directory, _OAT, comes price of an item. with the 95LX and is the location where most of the Let's say you go into a store with a 25% off sale. CUT AND PASTE ADDRESS INTO MEMO built-in applications automatically store their data.) What that means is that you will pay 75% of the Instead of typing the name and address into the For instance, lets say your work involves a original price (original price * .75 = discounted above template (or any MEMO document), you can number of special projects. You can create a price). Use HP CALC to figure out the price of the cut and paste them in from your Phone Book. Open directory on your C drive to store all the files first item (say its list price is 125.00). PHONE and move the cursor to the name you relatin to your special projects. Enter FILER and Go into HP CALC, key in 125.00 and press want. Press ~ (Copy), go back to MEMO and move the cursor to the "To:" line and press MENU Directory, Create. Then type in the name I ESC, c::J c::J (the times key twice). Then enter. 75 ~ you want to give your directory (e .g. and press The result, 93.75, appears at the (Paste). The name, number and address will [::J. appear in your memo and you can edit or change C:\PROJECTS, where C:\ stands for the C drive bottom right of the screen along with [*0.75]. and PROJECTS is the directory name). You can it to complete the note. create a directory on the RAM card in your memory slot by entering the A drive name and filename (Le. ___C .. loul~t..or Arlt.hf''--- A:\PROJECTS). BiSet Up After you have created the directory you can save files to it or move all your special project files STOPWATCH EASY TO USE to that directory. For instance, from MEMO you Whether your timing the length of a presentation, or would save a file by pressing I MENU' File, Save how long it took you to run that two kilometer race, you might try the 95LX's Stopwatch function - it's then type in the file location and filename (e.g. 93.75_ 1:1118.75] really pretty easy to use. C:\PROJECTS\FILENAME). ( "f''.' p n ,11- From the APPT main screen press I!!I (Watch) DELETING A DIRECTORY and ~ (Reset) to clear the clock. Press I!!) to When you want to remove the directory, you must HP CALC's Calculator Arithmetic Screen start the timer and I!!) again to stop it. You will delete all files from it. Then position the cursor on see the time elapsed displayed to the 100th of a the directory, press C!l) (Delete) and answer Yes. What has happened is that when you pressed c::J second. If you get the message, "Cannot delete directory the second time, you told the 95LX to use the next You could also use Stopwatch to time phone when DIRS is disabled Press ESC to continue," number as the automatic constant. conversations, sales presentation, or anything that you must do the following. Press (ESC) to go back The 95LX automatically multiplies future entries you can rehearse and that needs to fit into a by this number. For example, to calculate the to FILER. Press I MENU' Options Dirs and Yes at specified time slot. discounted price of the next 25% off item, key in the "Use subdirectories?" question. Go back to the regular price and press [::J.


{R 2}/re .. {END}{DHgrgq When the RAM card is in the I use the F6 feature on 95Buddy II Lotus card slot and the 95LX is switched 2.3 to link a note (UOME.TXT) to This sequence of characters ends ON, the card is powered from the the Todo list for all the tasks due. 25 characters from the right end of 1-2-3 INPUTS AND OUTPUTS 95LX's main cells or AC adapter (if Each item in UOME.TXT is date the macro. IN DATABASE FORMAT connected). Connecting the 95LX to stamped as to when it was agreed Since _STATWK1 is written in There is an add-in over on the lotus the AC adapter disables the auto­ to and when it is due. I have addi­ ROM, you cannot save this change forum (go lotus) called 123DLM ii. shutoff feature and gives you all the tional categories, all in 1st priority. to it. You may, however, save this It does a slick job of outputting time you need to change the bat­ The category headings are always new version of _STATWK1 to the comma delimited files, and reading tery. in CAPS and never indented. En­ C drive. them. Since most database pro­ If you don't have access to AC tries within each category are al­ Paul Swadener grams import and export data in power when you need to change ways indented. Single items due Eugene, OR USA comma delimited format, this makes the battery, you have three minutes well in the future are entered in on it easier to exchange data between before the 95LX powers down and the dates they are due, or a few an HP Palmtop and a desktop PC. ~Appt cuts the power to your card. You days earlier if they need prior re­ This add-in works fine for me on can press a key every minute or so view. the 95LX. The zipped file size is FIND NEXT/PREVIOUS to keep the 95LX from powering I use the other priorities for addi­ 6,621, but the actual add-in takes APPOINTMENT down. You can also turn the 95LX tional categories. The 2nd priority, I on and disable timeout by using list ongoing projects related to work about 10K of disk space. The only You can use the following trick to other alternative is to create a quickly go to the next appointment SWITCH!, 95Buddy ii, or TIME­ (e.g. HARDWARE UPGRADES, bunch of string formulas. in APPT. Every appointment usually OUT.EXE ii, etc.). 3rd priority gets home related Ron Vieceli has two or more words in it with a Slide the lock lever at the end of projects. Greg Alter CompuServe 10: [73310,3663J blank space in between the words the card to the unlock position and CompuServe 10: [70412,2041J (e.g. "Call Bill re: Lunch"). For some remove the little battery tray. Pop PRESS < TO BRING reason, when you press ~ ~, the battery out and replace it with UP MENU IN LOTUS the 95LX takes you to the next the proper back up battery (a 3-volt The less than symbol «) is a valid IB Connectivity blank space (between words in the CR2025 coin cell for HP cards). way to bring up the 1-2-3 menu. Make sure the positive (+) side of appointment). If you enter a single AUTOMATED MACINTOSH 95Buddy ii may interfere with this, the battery is sitting up in the tray. word appointment (Le. "Exercise ") BACKUP if you unload BUDDY and press you should insert a blank space For more on changing card batter­ I wrote MACBAK 1.01 Iii, a MAC 13], you'H get the Lotus menu. after the word so that the search ies, see page 1-10 of the HP 95LX Hypercard 2.x stack that uses the While your are entering a value still works. You can search back­ User's Guide. 95LX's built-in COMM application to into a cell, 13], I MENU I, or Cl will wards to the previous appointment Dave Snellard automatically copy any and all files not bring up the menu. by pressing ~ ~. CompuServe 10: [100064, 1525J from your HP to the Mac. Ted Dickens (HP Forum Sysop) This method does not work This Hypercard program features CompuServe 10: [76701,272J when you search over long periods CATEGORIES INSTEAD OF an exclusion list, TIY emulation, of time. We tested the procedure on PRIORITIES IN TODO LIST backup statistics, single file send BUILT-IN WORKSHEET GRAPH a 512K and 1MB 95LX and found I have a number of standing cate­ and receive and gives color icons to _STATWK1 is one of the built-in that if the period of time between gories in my Todo list. One of the HP files when they get to your Lotus worksheets found on the appointments was greater that two these, UOME (You Owe Me), is for Mac. You can use the exclusion list English language version of the years, the search would not work. people who have agreed to get to exclude the ROM files (like: 95LX. (Also archived in Jim Gurney back to me on something, or do _CFLOWWK1, COMMAND.COM, _HPWK1.ZIP ii) It can display a Lotus Development Corp something for me. Let's say I chose etc.) from being backed up. graph of the data with a least Rich Hall to use 1st Priority for this standing A small (5K) DOS companion squares regression line plotted into Editor, The HP Palmtop Paper category. The first 1st priority entry it. This easy graph is not easy to do is the category name in caps (Le. program (DIRLlS.EXE Iii) creates from scratch. It is invoked from the UOME). I place all You Owe Me's a directory listing of all files on all volumes (A: and C:) on your 95LX. worksheet by preSSing IALTI-P. ~Batteries in the Todo list as 1st priorities. I This will also be of interest to DOS Unfortunately, the graph disap­ indent them a couple of spaces so users even if you don't use the pears if you press any key. I found CHANGING A RAM the category name stands out. backup stack. that a simple edit of the Lotus CARD BATTERY Although it is a Hypercard stack, IALTI-P macro keeps the graph HP, ACE, and some (but not all) it is not much slower than running other RAM cards allow you to A ...... ol nt .... n~ _ o k from disappearing (allowing you to ~z . . .. the Connectivity Pack software edit, save, or print it). change the card battery without under SoftPC on the Mac. The macro is located in cell removing the card from the card R. David Mitchell IB7045of _STATWK1. Change the slot. Make sure that your RAM card CompuServe 10: [76067,1121J macro by deleting the following 24 is being powered while you make characters from the macro: the battery change or you may lose all your data. Standing Categories in a Todo List

58 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 ACOUSTIC COUPLER A GETIING PRT SC TO WORK PROGRAMMING TIP - LOW COST ALTERNATIVE ~HP Calc The 95LX print screen feature RECOGNIZE THE 95LX TO WIRELESS COMPUTING sends text characters to the printer, Sometimes a program needs to An acoustic coupler costs around CALCULATE but not graphics. In addition, de­ identify that it is running on the IN HP CALC'S LIST MODE $150. A pay phone with an acoustic pending on which printer driver you 95LX and not a desktop PC. This is HP Calc's List mode lets you keep coupler is an economical way to have selected and which printer you so it can adjust to the unique envi­ a running list of numbers and add ronment of the 95LX. There are send and receive E-Mail, as op­ are using, it may not print many them up (e.g. a shopping list, etc.). international characters. I use the programming routines to determine posed to more expensive wireless From HP Calc, press IMENU 1List, HP DeskJet 500 with my 95LX and this. Below are two examples. services. then key in a number. Every time found that I could only get interna­ Most people I have heard from you press ENTER the cursor ASSEMBLER ROUTINE I I, tional characters to print (Le. the is_hp proc report that 300 bps is the fastest moves down one line. The list total push ax bx ex dx German diphthongs ii, 6, 0, B, etc.) mov ax, 4DD4h reliable transmission speed they appears at the bottom of the if I selected the IBM Proprinter int I Sh emp bx, 4850h can get out of a acoustic coupler. screen. driver (press I SetUp 1Printer Config jnz @not_hp emp ex, OIOlh Still, a reliable, regular 300 bps is But sometimes you may want to Name 3). jnz @not_hp mov r om_version, dl much better than nothing. do a calculation first and put the I use PS.COM (archived in 95- jmp @end_is_hp result into the list. You could switch @not_hp : Robert Williams PS.EXE iI) to print graphic ste to Arith, do the calculation, but it's @end_is_ hp : CompuServe 10: [76167,2773J screens (both pictures and graphic pop dx ex bx ax easier to stay in List mode and per­ ret representations of text). It is particu­ is_hp endp form the calculation. For example, larly useful in saving proof of some aoos suppose you wanted to multiply 8 of the unbelievable end games I've The above routine sets the carry times 12 and place the product in had with Chess, Gomoku, and flag if an HP95 is not found . DOS BACKUP TRICK the list. Press 8 * 12 = I ENTER 1 other games. I found that selecting v3.22 is a ROM version and may I described a file backup solution on and 96 is entered into the list. The the HP LaserJet option in Set Up have appeared in early laptops or page 26 of the Jul/Aug 92 issue. It above format assumes that you are produced the best results with this portables. using Algebraic notation in your involved using ZIP and a batch file program. (Press ISetUp 1 Printer calculations. If you are using Re­ C LANGUAGE ROUTINE named BKUP.BAT. Here's a tip that Config Name 2). I did notice that verse Polish Notation (RPN ap­ The C language version is directly can be applied to various backup after activating PS.COM from the pears at the bottom left of your usable for Borland C compilers. strategies and save some disk DOS prompt, my .EXM programs screen), you would press 8 = 12 * could not be evoked, even with You might have to adapt for Micro­ space. IENTER I. soft C to make this work. The first time that you run SWITCH!. However, if I ran PS Ted Dickens (HP Forums Sysop) .COM from SWTICH!, I could evoke BKUP.BAT, it backs up every file in #include CompuServe 10: [76701 ,272J the .EXM programs. Therefore, I /' every directory. Some of those files, ... Check if running on HP95, don't evoke PS.COM from my return 1 if so, else return 0 like COMMAND. COM, TF.COM, AUTOEXEC.BAT file anymore. '/ and all the WK1 worksheets are in ~Memo int IsHP95 (void) Hermann Schmitt {union REGS ri ROM and don't need to be backed r . x . ax = Ox4dd4; Winnweiler, GERMANY int86(OxIS, &r, &r) ; up. To save space, go to the direc­ FIND DOESN'T WORK WITH return r.x.bx == Ox4850 && r . x . cx == Ox010l;} tory on your BACKUP MEDIUM SPECIAL CHARACTERS The Find (F7) function in MEMO where those files are located, and DMisc doesn't work right with special Mark Scardina issue the following DOS com­ CompuServe 10: [76711,732J characters. Press IALT 1-1 to put a mand(s) (press IENTER 1after each ALTERNATIVE SPELLING Gilles Kohl © (open happy face) in your 95LX CHECKERS FOR 95LX command): CompuServe ID: [100114,3146] MEMO document and then try go to I was wandering around the local rem > command . com it with the Find function. Find takes WIZ electronics store and I came rem > chkdsk. Exe you to the first special character it across an electronic Rogel's The­ rem > finds (usually the next .. - the End­ saurus and Spell Checker made by etc. of-Line marker). Seiko Instruments. This little 4" x Shareware/Freeware (Continue listing in the Jim Gurney 2.5" x 3/8" computer cost $35 and Mentioned "rem > filename " format Lotus Development Corp. has a miniature QWERTY keyboard all files built into the Atlanta GA, USA On the HP Palmtop 95LX C drive.) and a 10 character display (scrolls Paper ON DISK to 20). These commands create empty It has 80,000 words for spelling 'CIS"SHR 123DLM - MlJ 93 mlSet Up 'CIS"SHR 95Buddy - JI A 92 files with the filenames listed. and 500,000 cross references in the 'CIS 95PS.EXE - J/F 92 Since these files were created Thesaurus. It also has a calculator 'CIS Free DIRLlS.EXE - M/J 93 WHERE TO PUT after the original files with the same and a tiny memo memory. I debat­ HPWK1.ZIP - MlJ 92 AUTOEXEC.BAT & CONFIG.SYS ed the merits of this over the HP 'CIS Free MACBAK - MlJ 93 name were created, they will have If you have a RAM card I recom­ 'CIS TIMEOUT - J/F 92 more recent dates. BKUP.BAT will Dictionary/Thesaurus Card. The mend keeping AUTOEXEC.BAT $35 Seiko is slightly less conve­ see this, and not backup the origi­ 'CIS - Also available in the HP Hand­ and/or CONFIG.SYS in A:\. If nient, but a RAM card spell checker helds forum of CompuServe. nal files. These empty files you've something goes wrong, and you would cost manytimes more. I "SHR - SHAREWARE is software created have 0 bytes, so you'll save can't boot from the A drive, you can bought one and I would recommend distributed free of charge for evalu­ about 50K of disk space. just pull the card and reboot with a it for the price. ation purposes only. Ed Keefe plain configuration. Stanley Dobrowski AOL -many of these files may be CompuServe 10: [75300,3667J Ted Dickens (HP Forum Sysop) CompuServe 10: [71031,2162J found on American Online in the CompuServe 10: [76701,272J Palmtop Library (keyword Palmtop).

MAY / JUNE 1993 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER 59 HOW TO CONTACT US Products Advertised in The HP Palmtop Paper There are a number of ways to get in Company Product Page number touch with The HP Palmtop Paper 4 You InfoManager) ...... • ...... 35 ACE BATTman Battery MOnltonng Software) ...... 43 staff. You can write; mail us a disk ClaSSIC Lunar Lander) ...... 30 with your comments; send Compu­ DoubleCard RAM Memory Cards) ...... outside back Serve mail; fax; or call. Our address is: myREMOTE) ...... 33 fastCOMM) ...... 51 Thaddeus Computing, Inc. The HP Palmfop Paper !~!!~~T~~l':::: :::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : ::: : : ::: : :: ::~ PO Box 869 or 57 E. Broadway OuickView) ...... •.... • ...... 5 Switch) ...... • ...... • ...... inside front Fairfield, IA 52556, U.S.A. Cardiff Pub IC Card Expo) ...... • .... • ...... 53 Chaplet E90RMI ...... 2 Fax #:515-472-1879 Classic Computers Buy/sel used HP Equipment) ...... •...... 47 Computer Instructors 95LX, Lotus, ACT! Training Classes) ...... • ... .• • .... • ... . • ...... 14 Phone: 515-472-6330 Connection Point Leather Case) ...... 15 or 800-373-6114 CSS Environmental Case) ...... • ...... 26 Databook Memory Card Drive) ...... 28 CompuServe 10: DataViz MacLink Plus) ...... inside back EduCALC 95LX Accessories Catalog) . . .. 29 Hal Goldstein, [75300,2443] EI Dorado 95LX & Accessories) ...... 45 EMBARC/Motorola EMBARC service) . . .. •...... 11 To advertise in The HP Palmtop Pa­ E&B Leather Cases) ...... 8 Essex Marketing Services UTIL - Forth Programming) ...... 25 per, contact Brian Teitzman or Mar­ FastAid garet Martin. Genus Software ~~~~~eaE~g~a~~ge~) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: ~~ GlobalLink Language Translation Software) ...... • ...... 55 Greenwich Instruments Serial-to-Parallel converter) ...... 18 To subscribe, change address, or RAM Cardsl ...... 54 clear 1,lP. any problem with yqur i~~WiCi~:uPPlies Windows/95LX Connectivity Software) ...... 17 subscnption, contact our subscnp­ Interloop Double Header; HPIL Interface) ...... 42 Lighthouse tion department (Director Sharon Memory Card Associates Dilmore). Mirical Corp New Media ~~~~~~1~tR~~lyst) : : : : : : : : : : • : : : . : : : : : ~ : : : : • : : : . : ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : :;1 Technical Support FlashBak) ...... • ...... 39 New Visions, Inc. Monthly 95LX video) ...... • . . . . • ...... 31 HP Technical Support - HP offers On-Site-Info EMBARC Motorola) ...... • ...... 23 Palmtree Accessories) ...... •...... 21 these options: PSI Internet E-mail software) ...... • ...... 56 OA Systems OA Palm custom database builder) ...... •. .. . •...... • ... . • . 31 • FREE TECHNICAL SUPPORT- is Septimia ASCERTain 1-2-3 Add-in) ...... 38 offered to all Palmtoj) users and is Snappy Software Simple Tech ~~~o~a~::;'J~iPhiCS) ...... : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . . . .. ~~ available IJY calling503-757-2004. Sparcom • FREE AUTOMATED SUPPORT­ Steele Creek is offered 24 hours a day by calling ~f~3e~~1:~:Od~~) .. :: ... ..: : : : . : : . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :. ~~ ~~~fa'rline 95LX, 1 OOLX, accessories~ ...... • ...... 6 800-443-1254. Thaddeus Computing • REOUEST FAXED OR MAILED Widget ~~r~~Ii'~o~:,r;rv'iJa~~e?~dKJpte;)' : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : '1~ INFORMATION - 800-752-0900. On-Line Support- offered by these bulletin boara services. Software on The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK (May/June 1993) • COMPUSERVE GO HPHAND FORUM - Call 800-848-8199 or 614- Product Function ~ ~ 457-0802: For FREE membership TRVLWARE.ZIP Application: Travel record keeper Shareware 39 state #23l. ABKTL.EXE APPT: Stand alone Appointment Book viewer/edttor Shareware 23,25 APPTBOOK.ZIP APPT: Misc Appointment Book add-ins Share/Free 31 • AMERICA ONLINE Keyword MUL TIDA Y.ZIP APPT: Version 3.01 of the daily or weekly list view of .ABK files Shareware 27 PALMTOP - Call 800-227-6364 or ZApp APPT: Appointment Book viewer Shareware 29 703-.893-6288 for membership infor­ TODO.PBK PHONE: A sample to-do list in a .PBK file Free 43 mation. PTPDISKS.PBK PHONE: A .PBK file listing of ON DISK files Free 4 123DLM.ZIP 1-2-3: Add-in that outputs .WKI for input to database Free 58 MOVIE.WKI 1-2-3: .wKI database of movie reviews Free 40 How to submit an article TLG.ZIP 1-2-3; .wKI with keystroke macros; SETUP .ENV with User Keys Free 48 The richness of The HP Palmtop PRGTOOT1.ZIP Programming: Programmers tools Free/Share 49-51 Pap'er comes from the contributions PRGTOOL2.ZIP Programming: Programmers tools Free/Share 49-51 of Palmtop PC users. We and your DIRLlS.EXE Utility: Creates directory listing of 95LX drives Free 58 IRPRT.COM Utility: Print 95LX output to an HP infrared printer Free 22 fellow users welcome your suomis­ MACBAK Utility: Mac hypercard stack for doing 95LX backups Free 58 sions. (We do not offer payment for UNZIP.EXE Utility: decompresses .zIP files Free na articles; your reward IS knowing HPALL.ZIP Text: Descriptions of files in all HP forums of CompuServe na na that you've helped others.) ADVERT.ZIP Text: in-depth descriptions. products advertised this issue na na If you have a good idea and PTP9.ZIP Text: The HP Palmtop Paper, May/Jun 1993 na na want to "go for it,' send it in via README.ZIP Text: cover letter for HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK na na CompuServe E-Mail [75300,2443] or send disk or hard copy: to Hal Software mentioned and included in other issues of The HP Goldstein or Rich Hall at the above Palmtop Paper On Disk or the 1992 Subscribers Disk. address. Alternatively you can send an outline of your idea. We will try _HPWK1.ZIP (May/Jun 92) Built-in 95LX spreadsheets Free 58 to guide you as to when ana 95BUDDY.ZIP (Nov/Dec 92) New version of a popular utility Shareware 26,43.58 whe1her we would use the article 95PS.EXE (JuVAug 92) Graphics utility Shareware 59 and contact you if we need clarifi­ ALBERT.PCX (92 Subscribers Disk) Graphics file of Albert Einstein Freeware 5 EFMS (Sap/Oct 92) Small flat-file database Shareware 37 cation or have any suggestions. We HPTRIX (Jan/Feb 92) Tetris game for the 95LX, graphics Free 4 may want to use an artIcle but for a NOTE95.ZIP (Mar/Apr 93) Database program for taking notes Shareware 32 vanety of reasons you may not see PKSL95.EXE (Fall 91) in DIVDISK wtth other games Shareware 5 it for many montns. Please under­ FREYJA (Mar/Apr 93) Text edttor MEMUTIL & THOR included Freeware 49 stand that we cannot promise to RE.EXE (92 Subscribers Disk) View file and search for text Free 5 run any article. SOKOBAN.zIP (Nov/Dec 92) Maze game of logic Free 5 If you can, especially if you TIMEOUT.Zlp (Jan/Feb 92) Reset timeout Free 58 write a Palmtop Profile, send us a UFK.ZIP (Mar/Apr 93) Lotto Solver equation Free 56 black and white photo of yourself. UNO.ZIP (May/Jun 92) Note taking program Shareware 34 WEEKABK (92 Subscribers Disk) (newer version NID 92 on disk) Free 29.40

60 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER MAY / JUNE 1993 ------.-.

From Palmtop to SJ.,l~- HP 100 users Desktop ... Non call for ~--"7 SPECIAL OFFER Freedom to Use The File You Choose Highest Quality File Translations ... M acLinkP/us/ HP 95LXTM converts HP 95LX's native Phone Book, Appointment Book, Memo and Lotus 1-2-3 f i les to and from over 25 popular Macintosh applications such as AddressBook Plus, Dynodex, . Excel, Lotus, Microsoft Works, Microsoft Word, name In MacWrite, WordPerfect, etc. It also supports a number of industry standard formats, such as SYLK, DIF, CSV, Tab Text, etc., which allows users to exchange their HP Macintosh Palmtop files with numerous other Macintosh applications, including FileMaker Pro and TouchBASE

Easy File Transfer and Backup ... file transfer Connect the two computers with the included serial cable, and with just a few mouse clicks you can transfer f i les between the Palmtop and the desktop, and and translation selectively backup and restore files. And much more ... is now the best MacLinkP/us/HP 95LXTM also includes Phone Book and Appointment Book equivalent Macintosh file templates for common Mac applications such as Microsoft Works, source of Excel and FileMaker Pro. Sparcom's DataExchange Users ... Want to REALL Y use your HP 95LX files on the Mac? Macintosh Now with our special "Competitive Upgrade" you have the opportunity to get the MacLinkP/us/ HP 95LXTM software for just $49.00. This special offer expires on connectivity May 31 st, 1993. Call 800-733-0030.

Includes ... for your • Serial cable to connect a Mac to the HP 95LX • Software for the Mac and the HP 95LX • Reference Manual HP Palmtop

55 Corporate Drive Trumbull, CT 06611 Phone (203) 268-0030 THE DATABRIDGE SPECIALISTS Fax (203) 268-4345 1 -800-733-0030 All product are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Introducing DoubleFlash Storage Solution A SWITCHab/el .~ ™ V ., Doub Ie Card TM SWrrCH! and DoubleFlash! C OMPAnaLE Now store up to 20MB on your HP 95LX & 100LX!

Nominated for "Product of the Year" by Palmtop Paper, the same DoubleCard data compression is now available as DoubleFlash - high capacity Flash Memory Card.

"The real beauty of using DoubleCard is that it is truly "plug-n-play". - Palmtop Paper

Introducing DoubleFlash Lifetime Warranty your HP 95LX. DoubleRAM uses the DoubleFlash combines the success­ Demonstrating our confidence in this same data compression driver as ful DoubleCard data compression new technology, we are extending DoubleCard and therefore requires no software with the latest in Flash DoubleCard's Lifetime Warranty policy additional memory. Memory Technology. DoubleFlash is to all DoubleFlash products. As with all the result of jOint development ACE memory cards, your memory Additional software includes Pass­ between ACE Technologies, Sun Disk investment is protected for life. word, CardCopy, Unmount and a and Stac Electronics. collection of HP 95LX shareware How do I use DoubleFlash? programs. What is Flash Memory? The same "plug-n-play' capability of DoubleFlash and Doubleeard Flash Memory is a non-volatile solid DoubleCard has been brought to DoubleCard 1M (up to 1MB) ...... A2001 state storage technology that does DoubleFlash. A ROM card is provided to allow you to install the DoubleFlash DoubleCard 2M (up to 2MB) ...... A2002 not require batteries to retain its DoubleCard 4M (up to 4MB) ...... A2004 contents. DoubleFlash functions software in a matter of seconds. DoubleCard 8M (up to 8MB) ...... A2008 much like your PC 's hard disk drive DoubleFlash 10M (up to 10MB) ...... A3010 except there are no moving parts. BATTman built-in DoubleFlash 20M (up to 20MB) ...... A3020 DoubleFlash comes with built-in Why still offer DoubleCard? BATTman battery management For more information Call: All ACE's DoubleCards are manufac­ software, optimized for use with Flash tured with ultra-low power SRAM technology. Now you can use all (800) 825-9977 technology, When compared to battery technologies with DoubleFlash. Flash , SRAM's has much faster write cycles and requiring less power from Additional Features your HP 95LX. DoubleFlash and DoubleCard include the DoubleRAM utility. DoubleRAM ~@ [~L compresses your internal RAM disk in ACE Technologies, Inc.

ACE Technologies, Inc. 2880 Zanker Road, #103 San Jose, California 95134 U,S.A. Tel: (408) 428-9722 Fax: (408) 428-9721

Stacker LlS Is a trademark of Stac Electronics. DoubleFlash. DoubleCard and DoubieRAM are trademarks of ACE Technologies. Inc.