MAY I JUNE 1993 An Independent Publication fo r Users of HP Palmtop Computers U.S. $7.95 Publisher's Message ......................... 3 Letters to the Editor ........................... 4 The HP 100LX ..................................... 6 THE HP's new Palmtop PC is fully PC-compatible, with an improved library of built-in applications, , CGA-compatible display, a 9-pin serial port, anc longer battery life. User to User: A Hands-On Look at the HP 100LX ..................... 13 HPPalmtop Hal Goldstein gives an account of his first thre, weeks using the 700LX and tells why you might 0 might not want to upgrade. The HP OmniBook 300 Superportable PC ...... ..................... 19 HP's new light-weight subnotebook PC comes ~P, aper with Microsoft Windwos 3. 7, Word, and Excel bui. in. It has four PCMCIA slots and a fax/modem sIc and has options for 80MB of hard disk space ane 8MB of system RAM memory. New Products and Services .......... 21 Add-ins Improve APPT .................... 25 This software helps you to better manage you appointments by letting you see more than one day's appointments at a time, viewappoint­ ments and to-dos together, and more. THE HP 100LX! ADDITIONAL APPT SOFTWARE .... .. ...... .. .... .. .. 37 Database Programs PAGES 6 AND 12 for the 95LX ...................................... 32 Take a look at some of the database programs available for the 95LX, including Notes95, fastNOTES!, Pocket Sales Force, Info Manager, and QA Palm. User Profile: The 95LX in Sales ............................ 38 Take a look at how a group of sales profes­ sionals use the HP 95LX to manage their time better, and increase sales. Using PHONE as a To-Do List .......... 42 NoT satisfied with Appointment Book's To-Do list function, this user created a versatile, easy-to use to-do list using Phone Book Looking Glass: Enhance 1-2-3 with KeystroKe Macros or User Keys ........ 46 Lotus 7-2-3 comes with its own keystroke macros: the 95LX has its User Keys. Both can make Lotus 7-2-3 a little easIer on the 95LX. Advanced r6~~~liWP~~~~~.I~ ......................... 49 This article summarizes the programming tools available for the 95LX, including C languages, Assemblers, BASIC, and Pascal. It also looks at more specialized tools relating to 95LX system compliancy, graphics, keyboard, clipboard, ane the four-pin serial port.. Basic Quiz: What is your HP Palmtop IQ . 52 Find out how much you know about the 95LX, BASIC TIPS ........................................ 57 QUICK TIPs ....................................... 58 Advertisers Index ........................... 60 Files on May/June 93 ON DISK ...... 60 Imagine designing your own HP 95LX ... I Introducing Nominated for TM "Product of the Year" SWITCH! version 2 by Palmtop Paper Multi-Tasking Software for 95LX! IjICOHGRAT • DOCW_-_-__ "'To: Fm : (aslWRITEI - Word Processor with built-in 100,000 (aslNOTES/ - Electronic pop-up notes software with full searching capabilities. !- --"' ~-.' ~ / \ !r.W:::e=:I=CO=:=:=tO=H=::=:P=st=:C=:O=MM=!= I=,e:=F=or= t=he= H:::p=9:::5=L=X::;) ~ ______ Single-Key multi-tasking! Instantly switch back and forth between these programs and your F2 Ymodem batch Internal 95LX built-in applications. ~~ *~g~~~-G batch I~~~~~~I SWITCHable! ~~ ~~~g~~;~ve B+ 6G~F)~~1 ______ /~ ~ '.' -I-I~; ::"-:'1', ' 1 , to -.o? 1 Ho? l l= [.) " H ' lt- Ib·:,-: (:'I= t 'Jr- ':' : e-t '.1 1= J (aslCOMMI - Full-Featured Communication Software - up to 14.4K baud! SWITCH! A ac:ci s I fastnotel Q .... ult ida\l B act95J J faswriteJ R myremotel C act95smt K npl S psf' D apcalc: L jagdial T sokobanl ~ ~~~r~~fIl/Ylt ~:r!Ya ~ ~~tr~~! G fast line! n0 rnenut i 1 W weekabk • fastLlNE! H fastncf'9 P message X ziprnenu • QuickView! [Jfasll i ne .. faslcomme:l acl95sm Cfast-not.e • myREMOTE mfasur" i le>12]sokoban :; fastl i ne / SW i lch! ~ • Lander ':e t Ill _ AI:-I fll [·0 .= TO"I E ~ I t New Features - ACE TECHNOLOGIES E:,' t F,:., t Fl1 oi-fll .: ' EI': ,:- 11.:., .;- • Provides SWITCHable! Environment • ACT! for 95LX SWITCH! - Multi-tasking software for your 95LX - CONTA CT SOFTWARE with control panel including Direct • Direct Launch DOS applications • Palm Reference. Palm Database Launch, SwapAPP, Caps display, • Customize your Blue keys - LIGHTHOUSE SOFTWARE Block cursor and more. • Block cursor and Caps Lock display • Personal Food Analyst - MIRICAL CORPORATION • Typewriter style SHIFT/Caps keys • SOKOBAN - with 300 undo's • Start-up DOS shell option Customize your HP 95LX Version 2 now includes multi-tasking capabilities favorite DOS programs, change your default that allow SWITCHable! DOS applications to run C:'_DAT directory; and even erase a For more information Call: simultaneously with MEMO, PHONE, LOTUS 1-2-3 forgotten password. etc. Now you can switch between programs (800) 825-9977 with a single key! In addition, SWITCH! 's SWITCH! 's control panel allows you to set the SwapAPP feature allows you to assign any auto power off timer; displays digital battery SWITCHable! applications to your Blue keys and levels; turn off serial port to save power; still gives you access to the built-in applications. change alarm tone and level. No more re-booting and closing built-in SWITCH! Menu and Control Panel applications. Get SWITCH! and enjoy instant access to your programs! In addition, a menu-driven user interface gives ~@[~L you instant access to any of 48 DOS and EXM ACE Technologies, Inc. programs. Create single-key loaders for your SWITCH! version 2 (C1055) .... .. .. ................. $69 ACE Technologies, Inc. 2880 Zanker Road, #103 San Jose, CA 95134 U.S.A (408) 428-9722 FAX (408) 428-9721 SWITCH!, SWITCHable l. fostWRlTEI . fostSPElll. fostCOMMI. 'ostNOTESI. 'ostllNE!. mvREMOTE ore trademarks of ACE Technologies. Inc .. ACTllso trodemorkofContoct Sottwore. Polm Reference. Polm Database ore trodemolkS of UghthouseSoHwore. Personal Food Analyst Is a trademark of Mlrleol Corporation. HP 9SLX Is a trodemoil< of Hewlett Packard Company SPECIAL Publisher of The HP Palmtop Paper LEnER FROM HAL GOLDSTEIN Thaddeus PUBLISHER OF THE Computing INC. HP PALMTOP PAPER Dear Subscriber, We know many of you want to receive The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK So, at a special price, until June 30th, you can collect all the disk sets we've produced from 1991 through 1993. The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK is more than its name implies. Yes, it contains all the text from The HP Palmtop Paper in an easily topic-searchable format. And yes, it contains in-depth information from our advertisers to help you more informed buying decisions, but.. .. .it also contains all the best freeware and shareware available for the HP 95LX as we discover it. Here is just a sample of the great software subscribers to The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK have received with each issue. 95BUDDY - 1992 Product of the Year VDE - Compact, powerful text editor SPEL95 - Spell Checker for the 95LX VDE-LX - Makes VDE work like WordPerfect OUTLINE PLUS - Outliner and text editor COMMO - Robust communications program FINISH - Completes words you type DIET - File compression utility UMA - Useful Macros UNO - Useful Notes, database MULTIDAY - Week-at-a-glance ATO - Automates CompuServe activities GAMES - Chess, Space Invaders, Tetris, GRAPHI - Graphics program Othello, Mastermind, Worm, Checkers, PHONE - Databases; TV guide, New and Go-Moku, Klondike, Adventure, Sokoban, Old Testament quotes, special character set, Poker and many more. area codes, 1-2-3 file and many more. PLUS. .. Solver equations, Lotus Spreadsheets, latitudes and longitudes, translation YOU'LL NEVER utilities, a travel organizer, language compilers, screen printing utilities .. GET A BEnER ... and much, much more! CHANCE! The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK is a goldmine of useful software for the HP 95LX, Use the order and can help you turn your palmtop into a more powerful and productive machine. card enclosed in The HP Palmtop Paper gives you the information you need to get the most out of your The HP Palmtop Paper HP 95LX. The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK gives you the tools. to take advantage of Sincerely, this limited time offer, ... or call 800-373-6114 or 515-472-6330, Hal Goldstein or fax 515-472-1879 Publisher today. Offer expires 6/30/93. P.S. Subscribe today. You have nothing to lose with our full, money-back guarantee. At $159 for 2 years (13 sets) The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK comes to a mere $12.25 per set! Offer expires June 30, 1993. 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