Theoretical Explanations 4 Sexual Homicide O
Notes 2 Sexual Homicide Offending: Offender Classifications 1 . The victims of the non-serial SHOs were 89% female and 8% male. The remaining 3% of the victims were murdered by serial SHOs whose victims included both females and males. 3 Sexual Homicide Offending: Theoretical Explanations 1 . Although Hickey’s (1997, 2002) trauma-control model initially offers a theo- retical explanation for serial murder, this model can also be applied to the theoretical study of sexual homicide, particularly serial sexual homicide. 4 Sexual Homicide Offending: In Search of a Criminological Explanation 1 . The potential of other mainstream criminological theories, such as self-control, social bonding, strain, and social disorganization, to explain the offending perspective of sexual homicide, although not examined in this work, should not be overlooked. 2 . Proponents of theoretical integration argue that this method reduces the number of theories and offers a more powerful explanation of crime and delin- quency. There are scholars (e.g., Hirschi, 1979, 1989; Short, 1979) who believe in combining two or more theories. However, is this either an undesirable goal or a formidable task (Bernard & Snipes, 1996)? Hirschi (1979), for example, argue that most theories are contradictory in nature and their assumptions are incompatible. Theories can only be integrated if they are basically arguing the same thing. Integration may ultimately misrepresent individual theories (Hirschi, 1989). 5 Sexual Homicide Offending: Toward an Integrative Theoretical Explanation 1 . Homicidal sexual offenders (HSOs), sexual homicide offenders (SHOs), sexual murderers, and sex killers are used interchangeably in referring to the same group of sexual offenders – those who sexually killed their victim.
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