WHEN THEY SEE US Companion Guide Works Cited
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WHEN THEY SEE US Companion Guide Works Cited Section / Header /SubHeader Link Name and Link Type Source | Author Section 1, When They See Us Learning New York’s Exonerated Five Article History.com | History.com Editors Guide: An Introduction https://www.history.com/topics/1980s/central-park-five Section 1, When They See Us Learning film in four parts Article Vulture.com | Matt Zoller Seitz Guide: An Introduction https://www.vulture.com/2019/07/vulture-tv-awards-best-miniseries-when-th ey-see-us.html Section 1, When They See Us Learning vacated Court Case Leagle.com | Supreme Court, New Guide: An Introduction https://www.leagle.com/decision/2002675194misc2d4811604 York County Section 1, Giving Context: Setting the New York Magazine, Central Park Revisited, October 21, 2002 Article Nymag.com | Chris Smith Stage for the Series, Background, https://nymag.com/nymetro/news/crimelaw/features/n_7836/index.html Setting and Context, Giving Context: Setting the Stage for the Series Section 1, Giving Context: Setting the crack cocaine epidemic Article Villagevoice.com | Albert Samaha Stage for the Series, Background, https://www.villagevoice.com/2014/08/07/the-rise-and-fall-of-crime-in-new- Setting and Context, Giving Context: york-city-a-timeline/ Setting the Stage for the Series Section 1, Giving Context: Setting the high unemployment Article Villagevoice.com | Albert Samaha Stage for the Series, Background, https://www.villagevoice.com/2014/08/07/the-rise-and-fall-of-crime-in-new- Setting and Context, Giving Context: york-city-a-timeline/ Setting the Stage for the Series Section 1, Giving Context: Setting the severely understaffed police force Article Villagevoice.com | Albert Samaha Stage for the Series, Background, https://www.villagevoice.com/2014/08/07/the-rise-and-fall-of-crime-in-new- Setting and Context, Giving Context: york-city-a-timeline/ Setting the Stage for the Series 1 Section 1, Giving Context: Setting the “You give us 22 minutes, we’ll give you a homicide.” Article Nypost.com | Larry Celona and Stage for the Series, Background, https://nypost.com/2017/12/13/the-reign-of-terror-when-murder-was-king-of- Bruce Golding Setting and Context, Giving Context: new-york-in-the-80s-and-90s/ Setting the Stage for the Series Section 1, Giving Context: Setting the U.S. Department of Justice Report Bjs.gov | Jennifer Bronson and E. Stage for the Series, Background, https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/p17.pdf Ann Carson Setting and Context, Criminalization and Inequity Section 1, Giving Context: Setting the report from The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality. Report Themarshallproject.org | Becky Stage for the Series, Background, https://www.themarshallproject.org/documents/4316517-Pettit-Sykes-2017-i Pettit and Bryan Sykes Setting and Context, Criminalization ncarceration-report and Inequity Section 1, Giving Context: Setting the Professor Nina Moore Video c-span.org | Nina Moore Stage for the Series, Background, https://www.c-span.org/video/?324425-1/the-political-roots-racial-tracking-a Setting and Context, Criminalization merican-criminal-justice and Inequity Section 1, Giving Context: Setting the Power is neither positive nor negative Article psychologytoday.com | Robert W Stage for the Series, Background, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-human-experience/200904/pe Firestone Setting and Context, Power and rsonal-power Positionality Section 1, Giving Context: Setting the prosecutors Video youtube.com | Adam Foss Stage for the Series, Background, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1fvr9rGgSg Setting and Context, Power and Positionality Section 1, Giving Context: Setting the brief published by New York’s Vera Institute of Justice Brief Vera.org | Elizabeth Kai Hinton, Stage for the Series, Background, https://www.vera.org/publications/for-the-record-unjust-burden LeShae Henderson and Cindy Reed Setting and Context, Power and Positionality Section 1, Giving Context: Setting the “enforce the law, preserve peace, protect the people, reduce fear” Website Nyc.gov | New York City Police Stage for the Series, Background, https://www1.nyc.gov/site/nypd/about/about-nypd/mission.page Department Setting and Context, Humanity 2 Section 1, Part One - Lesson Plan certain individual rights Website Aclu.org | American Civil Liberties https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/ Union Section 1, Part One - Lesson Plan learn how to detect media bias. Videos Adfontesmedia.com | Ad Fontes https://www.adfontesmedia.com/more-educator-materials/?v=402f03a963ba Media, Inc. Section 1, Episode One Recap, American Civil Liberties Union Website Aclu.org | American Civil Liberties Activity, Class Discussion https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/stopped-by-police/ Union Section 1, Episode One Recap, If you are stopped by the police in public Video Youtube.com | THE D.R.E.A.M. Activity, Class Discussion https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=14&v=20Z9fRrAXgo RING and American Civil Liberties Union Section 1, Episode One Recap, If you are arrested or detained Video Youtube.com | American Civil Activity, Class Discussion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEMslXo_3Ig Liberties Union Section 1, Episode One Recap, If the police are at your door… Article Rewire.org | Taylor Hartman Activity, Class Discussion https://www.rewire.org/rights-police-at-your-door/ Section 1, Episode One Recap, If you observe what seems to be an abuse of power by the police Website Justice.gov | U.S. Department of Activity, Class Discussion https://www.justice.gov/crt/addressing-police-misconduct-laws-enforced-dep Justice artment-justice Section 1, Episode One Recap, Winning Justice: The Prosecutor Project, powered by Color of Change Website Winningjustice.org | Color Of Change Activity, Digging Deeper https://www.winningjustice.org/ Section 1, Episode One Recap, Know Your Rights Camp Resource Guide (scroll to bottom) Resource guide Knowyourrightscamp.com | Know Activity, Digging Deeper https://www.knowyourrightscamp.com/new-orleans Your Rights Camp Section 1, Episode One Recap, The New Jim Crow Study Guide by Michelle Alexander Website Newjimcrow.com | Veterans of Hope Activity, Digging Deeper https://newjimcrow.com/ Section 1, Episode One Recap, The Bi-lingual Courtroom Book Press.uchicago.edu | Susan Activity, Digging Deeper https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/B/bo26032821.html Berk-Seligson Section 1, Episode One Recap, Americans with Disabilities Act and Law Enforcement FAQ Ada.gov | Department of Justice Activity, Digging Deeper https://www.ada.gov/q%26a_law.htm 3 Section 1, Episode One Recap, ACLU - Deaf and Police Interaction Video Youtube.com | American Civil Activity, Digging Deeper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAvewviVwjY Liberties Union Section 1, Episode One Recap, ACLU - Immigrants and Residents’ Rights Resource list aclu-md.org | American Civil Activity, Digging Deeper https://www.aclu-md.org/en/know-your-rights/immigrants-and-residents-righ Liberties Union ts Section 1, Activity Two, Objective learn how to detect media bias Video Adfontesmedia.com | Ad Fontes https://www.adfontesmedia.com/more-educator-materials/?v=402f03a963ba Media, Inc. Section 1, Activity Two, Reflective systems of racial and social control Article Eji.org | Equal Justice Initiative Questions https://eji.org/news/history-racial-injustice-race-and-criminal-justice/ Section 1, Activity Two, Disrupting 23% of America’s 8th graders are proficient in social studies, Data Report Nationsreportcard.gov | National Injustice https://www.nationsreportcard.gov/ Assessment of Educational Progress Section 1, Activity Two, Digging Lesson Plan: Decoding Media Bias, PBS Lesson Plan pbs.org | PBS NewsHour Extra Deeper https://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/lessons-plans/decoding-media-bias-less on-plan/ Section 1, Activity Two, Digging Making Sense of the News: News Literacy Lessons for Digital Citizens Online Course - free to Coursera.org | Masato Kajimoto, Deeper https://www.coursera.org/learn/news-literacy audit Anne Kruger, Jonathan Anzalone, Richard Hornik,Howard Schneider, Steven Reiner, Michael A. Spikes Section 1, Activity Two, Digging Reliability of Sources by East Michigan University Presentation emich.edu | Eastern Michigan Deeper https://www.emich.edu/library/help/tutorials/assets/reliability/index.html University Section 1, Activity Two, Digging News Literacy Project - News Lit Quiz Quiz Newslit.org | The News Literacy Deeper https://newslit.org/get-smart/how-news-literate-are-you-quiz/ Project Section 1, Activity Two, Digging News Literacy Project - Resources for Educators Media Literacy Newslit.org | The News Literacy Deeper https://newslit.org/educators/ Resources Project Section 1, Activity Two, Digging The Center For Racial Justice - Race Reporting Guide Race Reporting Guide Raceforward.org | Race Forward Deeper https://www.raceforward.org/reporting-guide Section 1, Additional Links Social Justice Poetry: Poetry Database Splitthisrock.org | Split This Rock https://www.splitthisrock.org/poetry-database 4 Section 1, Additional Links Wakelet, reviewed here Teacher Resource - Teachersfirst.com | The Source for https://www.teachersfirst.com/single.cfm?id=17619 Content Aggragator for Learning Students Section 1, Additional Links Anchor, reviewed here Teacher Resource - Teachersfirst.com | The Source for https://www.teachersfirst.com/single.cfm?id=17930 Student Podcast Site Learning people of color in the criminal justice system. Report Njdc.info | Kristin Henning https://njdc.info/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/2017-Henning-Race-Paternalis