Danielle Ferreira Chagas , Lúcia Martins Diniz ,

0365-0596/ © 2020 Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia.

Bruna Anjos Badaró , Elton Almeida Lucas

Published by Elsevier Espana,˜ S.L.U. This is an open access article

Dermatology Service, Hospital Universitário Cassiano under the CC BY license (

Antônio Moraes, Vitória, ES, Brazil by/4.0/).

Corresponding author.

E-mail: daaani (D.F. Chagas).

Received 12 December 2019; accepted 10 February 2020

present in the papillary dermis. Upon clinicopathologic cor-

Dermoscopy of late-onset

comedonicusଝଝ relation, the diagnosis of late-onset NC with EHK was made.

The main differential diagnosis was inflammatory linear ver-

rucous epidermal nevus (ILVEN), which typically presents

Dear Editor,

in the first 6 months of life as a pruritic linear eruption

on the lower limbs, arranged along the Blaschko lines. At

Nevus comedonicus (NC) is a rare hamartoma of the pilose-

histopathology, ILVEN shows psoriasiform epidermal hyper-

baceous unit, a subtype of epidermal nevus first described

1 plasia with parakeratosis, alternating with orthokeratosis.

by Kofmann in 1895. NC manifests with linear or grouped

Beneath the orthokeratosis, hypergranulosis is observed,

papules and dilated follicular openings with keratotic plugs

while the parakeratosis overlies areas of agranulosis. Focal

(resembling comedones) particularly on the face, trunk, and

mild spongiosis with some exocytosis and even vesiculation

neck; in 50% of cases, it is present at birth, but can also

may be present, together with a mild perivascular lympho-

develop during childhood (most commonly before the age 3

cytic infiltrate in the upper dermis. The infiltrate observed

of 10 years). The rare presence of skeletal and neurological

2 in the present case was probably caused by irritation. EHK

abnormalities describes the nevus comedonicus syndrome.

is characterized by compact hyperkeratosis with granular

Histopathology shows keratin-filled invaginations of the

and vacuolar degeneration of the cells of the spinous and

epidermis, with absent or rudimentary sebaceous glands.

granular layers. It may be an incidental finding or may be

Inflammation and subsequent dermal infiltrate have been

2 observed in different settings, such as bullous ichthyosis,

described in some cases. Rarely, NC may present in

epidermal nevi variant, palmoplantar keratoderma variant,

adults;recently Zaniello et al., reporting an additional case 3

3 or disseminated epidermolytic .

of late-onset NC, reviewed the few cases described.

EHC in a NC has been reported in few cases in the litera-

A 72-year-old man with a previous history of stage IB 3

ture reviewed by Zanniello et al., who reported a peculiar

cutaneous melanoma on the trunk in 2013 and prostate

case with late onset (55-year old woman). The present

presented in June 2019 with a keratotic plaque

patient is an additional case of this rare histopathological

(2 × 1 cm in diameter) and a small comedo-like nodule

variant of NC.

(almost 1 cm in diameter) on the left calf, following a

Dermoscopy of NC was reported in detail for only two

Blaschko line (Fig. 1). The lesions had appeared almost

young patients. Vora et al. described multiple, well-defined,

25 years before, and the patient had been asymptomatic

structureless brown homogenous circular areas surround-

until the week before, when the lesions became very 4

ing the keratin plugs. Kaminska-Winciorek´ et al. reported

itchy. Dermoscopic examination showed a central kera-

numerous circular and barrel-shaped, homogenous areas

totic plug surrounded by a white structureless area with

in light and dark-brown shades, with remarkable ker-

scales and focal pale structureless red area without clear 5

atin plugs. In the present case, a central keratotic plug

vessels (Fig. 2). The patient had been taking candesar-

was observed, surrounded by a white structureless area

tan, hydrochlorothiazide, bicalutamide, simvastatine, and

with scales and focal pale structureless red area without

rabepreazole for years. General physical and neurologi-

clear vessels. The following dermoscopic differential diag-

cal examinations were normal, and the patient denied a

noses were considered for the present case: squamous cell

family history of analogous lesions. Histopathology demon-

carcinoma/, which shows an amorphous,

strated a cyst-dilated follicular opening filled with keratin,

yellow-white central mass of keratin, hairpin vessels, and/or

slight acanthosis of the epidermis, and hyperkeratosis with

serpentine vessels; common , which at dermoscopy

ortho- and parakeratosis. The follicular epithelial wall and

presents multiple densely packed papillae, with a central

the epidermis showed EHK with hypereosinophilic kerato-

red dot or loop, surrounded by a whitish halo; molluscum

hyalin granules in the granular cell layer and perinuclear

contagiosum, which displays a central pore in association

vacuolization (Fig. 3). Sebaceous and eccrine glands were

with polylobular white-to-yellow amorphous structures, sur-

not present. A focal discrete lymphohistiocytic infiltrate was

rounded by blurred telangiectasia.

A topical treatment with methylprednisolone aceponate

0.1% for on week and urea 10% ointment twice a day as main-

tenance therapy was prescribed, with fast improvement of

How to cite this article: Massone C, Javor S, Sola S. Der-

moscopy of late-onset nevuscomedonicus. An Bras Dermatol. the pruritus and slight decrease of keratotic component. 2020;95:775---776.


Study conducted at the Galliera Hospital, Genoa, Italy.


Financial support

None declared.

Authors’ contributions

Cesare Massone: Approval of the final version of the

manuscript; design and planning of the study; drafting and

editing of the manuscript; collection, analysis, and interpre-

tation of data; intellectual participation in the propaedeutic

and/or therapeutic conduct of the studied cases; critical

review of the literature.

Figure 1 Keratotic plaque and small comedo-like nodule on

Sanja Javor: Approval of the final version of the

the left calf following a Blaschko line.

manuscript; drafting and editing of the manuscript; collec-

tion, analysis, and interpretation of data; critical review of

the literature; critical review of the manuscript.

Simona Sola: Approval of the final version of the

manuscript; design and planning of the study; drafting

and editing of the manuscript; collection, analysis, and

interpretation of data; effective participation in research

orientation; critical review of the literature; critical review

of the manuscript.

Conflicts of interest

None declared.


1. Ferrari B, Taliercio V, Restrepo P, Luna P, Abad ME, Lar-

ralde M. Nevus comedonicus: a case series. Pediatr Dermatol. 2015;32:216---9.


2. Weedon D. Weedon’s skin pathology. 3 ed London: Churchill

Figure 2 Dermoscopic examination showed a central kera-

Livingstone; 2009.

totic plug surrounded by a white structureless area with scales

and focal pale structureless red area without clear vessels.

Figure 3 Cyst-dilated follicular opening filled with keratin, slight acanthosis of the epidermis, hyperkeratosis with ortho- and

parakeratosis. The epithelial wall and the epidermis showed epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (Hematoxylin & eosin, ×20).


3. Zanniello R, Pilloni L, Conti B, Faa G, Rongioletti F. Late-onset

Corresponding author.

nevus comedonicus with follicular epidermolytic hyperkeratosis-

E-mail: [email protected] (C. Massone).

case report and review of the literature. Am J Dermatopathol.


4. Vora RV, Kota RS, Sheth NK. Dermoscopy of nevus comedonicus. 0365-0596/ © 2020 Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia.

Indian Dermatol Online. 2017;8:388---9. Published by Elsevier Espana,˜ S.L.U. This is an open access article

5. Kaminska-Winciorek´ G, Spiewak R. Dermoscopy on nevus come- under the CC BY license (

donicus: a case report and review of the literature. Postepy by/4.0/).

Dermatol Alergol. 2013;30:252---4.

a,∗ a a,b

Cesare Massone , Sanja Javor , Simona Sola


Dermatology Unit, Galliera Hospital, Genova, Italy


Surgical Pathology, Galliera Hospital, Genova, Italy

NL is a chronic degenerative disease of the dermal con-

Squamous cell carcinoma

nective tissue characterized clinically by yellowish plaques

superimposed on necrobiosis

ଝ,ଝଝ with a narrow granulomatous border, central atrophy, and

lipoidica: a rare complication a tendency to ulceration, most commonly affecting the

pre-tibial region of the lower limbs. It is more frequently

Dear Editor,

observed in diabetic patients and, unlike in the reported,

most patients also present mic

Necrobiosis lipoidica (NL) is a chronic idiopathic disease,

The etiology and pathogenesis of NL are uncertain; it is

of a granulomatous nature, which affects the dermis. The

believed that external trauma, primary vascular disorders,

lesions are characterized by brownish-yellow plaques, and

and microangiopathy can contribute to its development,

the most common location is the pre-tibial region. It more 1

regardless of the presence of DM.

often affects females (3:1) and appears, in general, from the

The onset of SCC in areas of ulceration and scarring

third decade of life onwards. There is an association with

is well documented in a variety of skin diseases. Ulcera-

diabetes mellitus (DM), and microangiopathy is considered

tion is the main complication of NL, observed in a quarter

an etiopathogenic factor for the condition. Ulceration is a

of patients with this disease. However, despite present-

common complication, while reports of the onset of squa-

ing a chronic course and a tendency to ulceration, the


mous cell carcinoma (SCC) in NL lesions are rare. After

onset of SCC in NL lesions has been seldom reported.

reviewing the literature, 16 cases of SCC in NL lesions were

It is not clear whether the transformation to SCC is the

retrieved.3 --- 5

result of chronic ulceration or of long-standing changes in

A 62-year-old female patient presented an ulcerated,

NL. Risk factors that may be involved in malignant trans-

hyperkeratotic lesion in the NL area, on the right leg, about

formation include loss of melanin, which facilitates the

three months prior, with no history of local trauma. She had 2,3

lesion, chronic inflammation, and hypoxia. In the present

been diagnosed with NL in the pre-tibial region of both legs

patient, the neoplasm presented as a new ulceration ten

ten years before, with no history of recurrent ulceration.

years after the diagnosis of the disease, a long period ---

The patient had controlled systemic arterial hypertension

similarly to other cases described in the literature. How-

and type 2 DM. She used oral hypoglycemic agents, with

ever, unlike others, the present case of SCC on an NL

good control in the last years, and did not present retinopa-

lesion did not have a history of recurrent or intractable

thy or diabetic nephropathy. At the physical examination, ulcers.3 --- 5

the patient presented atrophic bilateral plaques on the

Metastases have been described in the literature, and

pre-tibial region and, on her right leg, a small hyperk-

may be related to delayed diagnosis (ulcerations are

eratotic ulcerated plaque over a NL lesion (fig. 1). The 5

common in NL, delaying the diagnosis of SCC). In the

anatomopathological examination showed a moderately dif-

case reported, diagnosis and treatment were performed

ferentiated SCC with invasion of the reticular dermis in an

early; the patient is currently being followed-up and

NL lesion (Figs. 2 and 3). No palpable lymphadenomegalies

is without lymph node metastases or the appearance

were observed. The SCC was excised and the wound was

of new lesions. To the best of the authors’ knowl-

closed with a graft. The patient evolved well in the immedi- th

edge, this is the 17 case reported in the international

ate and late postoperative period. The anatomopathological literature.3 --- 5

examination showed tumor-free margins.

The onset of SCC on a NL lesion is very rare. This

possibility should be considered in patients with NL with

chronic ulcers, as well as in new lesions in patients with NL.

ଝଝ Early detection and treatment of SCC associated with NL

Study conducted at the Dermatology Department, Santa Casa

is of fundamental importance to allow conservative surgical

de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

ଝ treatment and the best possible clinical outcome.rovascular

How to cite this article: Souza MEV, Recuero JK, Santos

complications related to DM, such as nephropathy and

MF, Bonamigo RR. Squamous cell carcinoma superimposed on

necrobiosis lipoidica: a rare complication. An Bras Dermatol. retinopathy. 2020;95:777---779.