Allen's Meadow – Wilton Bird Species Checklist KEY Sp
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Allen’s Meadow – Wilton Bird Species Checklist KEY Sp - Spring Su - Summer F - Fall W - W inter A - Abundant - Birds very frequently seen in the park and usually in large numbers. C - Common - Birds that should be seen in the park but are not as regularly as certain others. FC - Birds which should be expected at the right time of the year but not on every visit or only in small numbers. U - Uncommon - Infrequently seen birds, but which occur with some regularity. R - Rare - Seldom seen birds, sightings perhaps once or twice a year or less. VR - Very Rare - Few sighting in the history of the park. Blank spaces - Birds not seen in that particular season. Sp Su F W LOONS etc Common Loon VR D.C. Cormorant U U U EGRETS & HERONS Great Blue Heron FC FC American Egret U Green Heron U U B.C. Night Heron U American Bittern R WATERFOWL Wood Duck U U U Mute Swan VR VR VR VR Canada Goose C C C A Mallard C C C C Black Duck FC G.W. Teal R R Common Merganser R Hooded Merganser U U Ring-Necked Duck U BIRDS OF PREY Black Vulture U U U U Turkey Vulture C C C C O s p r e y U FC Northern Harrier R U Golden Eagle VR Bald Eagle U U U Goshawk R Sharp-shinned Hawk U C C Cooper's Hawk U U C C Red-tailed Hawk C C C C Red-shouldered Hawk U U FC U Broad-winged Hawk FC U C Rough-legged Hawk VR Merlin U U American Kestrel C C Peregrine Falcon R SANDPIPERS/PLOVERS Killdeer C U C American Woodcock FC U Wilson's Snipe FC U Least Sandpiper R Solitary Sandpiper U U Greater Yellowlegs R GULLS Ring-billed Gull C C Herring Gull C C C C Great Black-backed Gull FC C C DOVES Rock Dove U U U U Mourning Dove A A A A CUCKOOS Yellow-billed Cuckoo R R Black-billed Cuckoo R R OWLS Eastern Screech Owl U U U U Great Horned Owl U U U U GOATSUCKERS ETC Common Nighthawk U U Chimney Swift C C C Ruby-throated Hummingbird C FC C Belted Kingfisher U U U U WOODPECKERS Red-bellied Woodpecker C C C C Northern Flicker C C C U Yellow-bellied Sapsucker U U R Hairy Woodpecker C C C C Downy Woodpecker C C C C Pileated Woodpecker U U U U FLYCATCHERS Eastern Wood Pewee FC FC U Alder Flycatcher U Willow Flycatcher U Least Flycatcher U Great Crested Flycatcher U U U Eastern Phoebe C FC C Eastern Kingbird U U SHRIKES Northern Shrike VR R VIREOS White-eyed Vireo R Yellow-throated Vireo U U Blue-headed Vireo FC FC Red-eyed Vireo C FC C Warbling Vireo C U C Philadelphia Vireo R CORVIDS Blue Jay C FC C C American Crow A A A A Common Raven VR VR VR VR LARKS Horned Lark R R SWALLOWS Tree Swallow C FC FC Bank Swallow U U Rough-winged Swallow U U U Barn Swallow C FC FC Cliff Swallow U U CHICKADEES etc B.C. Chickadee C C C C Tufted Titmouse C C C C White-breasted Nuthatch C C C C Red-breasted Nuthatch U U Brown Creeper U U U WRENS House Wren C U U Winter Wren R Carolina Wren C C C C KINGLETS Blue-grey Gnatcatcher FC U U Ruby-crowned Kinglet C C Golden-crowned Kinglet FC FC U MIMIC THRUSHES Northern Mockingbird C C C C Gray Catbird C C C U Brown Thrasher FC U U THRUSHES American Robin A A A U Wood Thrush C C C Hermit Thrush FC U Swainson's Thrush R U Veery C U U Eastern Bluebird C FC C FC WAXWINGS etc Cedar Waxwing FC FC FC FC European Starling C C C C American Pipit R U WARBLERS Black & White Warbler C U C Blue-winged Warbler C R U Tennessee Warbler R Nashville Warbler U U Northern Parula FC FC Yellow Warbler C C C Magnolia Warbler FC FC Cape May Warbler R Black-throated Blue Warbler U U Yellow-rumped Warbler FC C Black-throated Green Warbler Blackburnian Warbler R R Chestnut-sided Warbler U U Blackpoll Warbler C U Pine Warbler U U Prairie Warbler U U Palm Warbler U C Ovenbird U U N. Waterthrush U La. Waterthrush U Mourning Warbler R Common Yellowthroat C FC C Yellow-breasted Chat VR Hooded Warbler VR VR Wilson's Warbler R R Canada Warbler U R American Redstart C R C TANAGERS Scarlet Tanager FC U FC Summer Tanager VR SPARROWS Eastern Towhee U U Savannah Sparrow C VR C R Vesper Sparrow R R American Tree Sparrow FC U C Chipping Sparrow C C C VR Clay-colored Sparrow VR Field Sparrow U R FC R White-crowned Sparrow R FC White-crowned Sparrow (Gambell's subspecies) VR White-throated Sparrow C C C Harris' Sparrow VR Fox Sparrow U FC U Lincoln's Sparrow R FC Swamp Sparrow C U C U Song Sparrow A A A C Lark Sparrow VR Dark-eyed Junco C C C Snow Bunting R Lapland Longspur VR BUNTINGS Northern Cardinal C C C C Rose-breasted Grosbeak FC U U Dickicissel R Blue Grosbeak R Indigo Bunting FC U C BLACKBIRDS Bobolink U FC Eastern Meadowlark U U Yellow-headed Blackbird VR Red-winged Blackbird A A A R Orchard Oriole R R Baltimore Oriole C C U Rusty Blackbird R R Common Grackle A A A R Brown-headed Cowbird C C C R FINCHES Evening Grosbeak VR House Finch A A A C Purple Finch U U R Pine Siskin R American Goldfinch C C C C WEAVER FINCH House Sparrow C C C C .