Field Checklist (PDF)

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Field Checklist (PDF) Surf Scoter Marbled Godwit OWLS (Strigidae) Common Raven White-winged Scoter Ruddy Turnstone Eastern Screech Owl CHICKADEES (Paridae) Common Goldeneye Red Knot Great Horned Owl Black-capped Chickadee Barrow’s Goldeneye Sanderling Snowy Owl Boreal Chickadee Bufflehead Semipalmated Sandpiper Northern Hawk-Owl Tufted Titmouse Hooded Merganser Western Sandpiper Barred Owl NUTHATCHES (Sittidae) Common Merganser Least Sandpiper Great Gray Owl Red-breasted Nuthatch Red-breasted Merganser White-rumped Sandpiper Long-eared Owl White-breasted Nuthatch Ruddy Duck Baird’s Sandpiper Short-eared Owl CREEPERS (Certhiidae) VULTURES (Cathartidae) Pectoral Sandpiper Northern Saw-Whet Owl Brown Creeper Turkey Vulture Purple Sandpiper NIGHTJARS (Caprimulgidae) WRENS (Troglodytidae) HAWKS & EAGLES (Accipitridae) Dunlin Common Nighthawk Carolina Wren Osprey Stilt Sandpiper Whip-poor-will House Wren Bald Eagle Buff-breasted Sandpiper SWIFTS (Apodidae) Winter Wren Northern Harrier Ruff Chimney Swift Marsh Wren Sharp-shinned Hawk Short-billed Dowitcher HUMMINGBIRDS (Trochilidae) THRUSHES (Muscicapidae) Cooper’s Hawk Wilson’s Snipe Ruby-throated Hummingbird Golden-crowned Kinglet Northern Goshawk American Woodcock KINGFISHERS (Alcedinidae) Ruby-crowned Kinglet Red-shouldered Hawk Wilson’s Phalarope Belted Kingfisher Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Broad-winged Hawk Red-necked Phalarope WOODPECKERS (Picidae) Eastern Bluebird Red-tailed Hawk Red Phalarope Red-headed Woodpecker Veery Rough-legged Hawk GULLS & TERNS (Laridae) Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Gray-cheeked Thrush Golden Eagle Pomerine Jaeger Downy Woodpecker Swainson’s Thrush FALCONS (Falconidae) Parasitic Jaeger Hairy Woodpecker Hermit Thrush American Kestral Laughing Gull Three-toed Woodpecker Wood Thrush Merlin Little Gull Black-backed Woodpecker American Robin Peregrine Falcon Common Black-headed Gull Northern Flicker MIMICS (Mimidae) Gyrfalcon Bonaparte’s Gull Pileated Woodpecker Gray Catbird GROUSE (Phasianidae) Ring-billed Gull FLYCATCHERS (Tyrannidae) Northern Mockingbird Ring-necked Pheasant Herring Gull Olive-sided Flycatcher Brown Thrasher Spruce Grouse Iceland Gull Eastern Wood Pewee PIPITS (Motacillidae) Ruffed Grouse Glaucus Gull Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Water Pipit Wild Turkey Great Black-backed Gull Alder Flycatcher WAXWINGS (Bombycillidae) RAILS & ALLIES (Rallidae) Black-legged Kittywake Willow Flycatcher Bohemian Waxwing Virginia Rail Roseate Tern Least Flycatcher Cedar Waxwing Sora Common Tern Eastern Phoebe SHRIKES (Laniidae) Common Galinule Arctic Tern Great Crested Flycatcher Northern Shrike American Coot Forster’s Tern Western Kingbird STARLINGS (Sturnidae) PLOVERS (Charadriidae) Least Tern Eastern Kingbird European Starling Black-bellied Plover Black Tern LARKS (Alaudidae) VIREOS (Vireonidae) Lesser Golden Plover ALCIDS (Alcidae) Horned Lark White-eyed Vireo Semipalmated Plover Dovekie SWALLOWS (Hirundinidae) Blue-headed Vireo Piping Plover Common Murre Purple Martin Yellow-throated Vireo Killdeer Thick-billed Murre Tree Swallow Warbling Vireo SANDPIPERS (Scolopacidae) Razorbill Northern Rough-winged Swallow Philadelphia Vireo Greater Yellowlegs Black Guillimot Bank Swallow Red-eyed Vireo Lesser Yellowlegs Atlantic Puffin Cliff Swallow WOOD WARBLERS (Parulinae)* Solitary Sandpiper DOVES (Columbidae) Barn Swallow Blue-winged Warbler Willet Rock Dove JAYS & CROWS (Corvidae) Tennessee Warbler Spotted Sandpiper Mourning Dove Gray Jay Orange-crowned Warbler Upland Sandpiper CUCKOOS (Cuculidae) Blue Jay Nashville Warbler Whimbrel Black-billed Cockoo American Crow Northern Parula Hudsonian Godwit Yellow-billed Cuckoo Fish Crow Yellow Warbler To make your checklist, print page 1 only first. Then take the page you just printed, turn it over and put it back in the printer. Now print page 2 on the back side of page 1. Cut off the top & bottom of the paper along the dotted line and fold the checklist in half. Saltmarsh Sparrow Nelson’s Sparrow Black-throated Green Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Dark-eyed Junco (Icteridae) Baltimore Oriole (Fringillidae) (Cardinalinae)* (Gaviidae) (Podicipedidae) (Threskiornithidae) (Anatidae) (Emberizinae) (Procellariidae) Eastern Towhee (Passeridae) (Hydrobatidae) (Sulidae) (Phalacrcoracidae) (Ardeidae) STANTON BIRD CLUB P.O. Box 3172 Lewiston, Maine 04243
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