i'io. Per (APIC- B (lq)-li20t3 Covcrrrrnerit of Hinrachal pradcsh Deparrnrent of persor:nel (Ap-lID ***

I'he ChieIsecretary to the Covernmenl o.f Hinrachal pradesh

i. All the Atlnrinistrative Secretaries to the Governnrefit of Flimachal pradesh

2. All tleacls of,Dephnrnenrs in .

3. All Divisional Colnrnissioners in l{imachal Pradesh.

4, All Deputy Comnrissioners in Ilirnachal lPradesh.

Dated: Sliimla-l7l0AZ, the -vJ.) October,2016.

Subject: - Formation of Difficult Area Sub-Cadre,

In continttation.of instructions resting with this department,s letter of even ttumber dated I9'11.2013, I arn directed to say that the State covernment has now clecided to refo',rulate the difficurt areas sub-cadre as un,cer:- l. All tribai areas; in the State.

2. Cirurah and tvtehla Blocks of . 3' l5/20, l8l2a, lz/20 areas of Rampur sub Division inoluding Kuki, Darlcali, Munistr, Kasirapat pancha,yat, District Shimla, 4. Dodra Kwar Sub Division ef Distriot Shimla. 5' Jabal' pekha, Klrabal' Tangnu, Jangrik, Diudi, Mayra, sirrdasri, Dhag,li, Rohal, Ranol, Kharshali, Gaonrsari, Diswani, Dhakgaon Panchayats rrf chhohara Btock ,rf sub Division, District Shinila.

6. Sub-T'ehsil I(upvi of Disriicr Shimla.

7. Chhurr Bhangal and Bara Bhangal areas of }(angra Distric,t. fl. Shillai ancl Sangrah l'ehsils of Sirm,rur District.

...,Cont.P/-2... --$tf-., ',,2',,

9. Patu,ar Circle Charana rif TehsitNohradlhar and Patrvar Circtes; Khala tr(yirr. Llhatgarh, Koti Dhirnan and Jarag of Tehsil Dadahu, District

lii rtri.".tr. 10. Chuhar Chati of District Mancli'

Z, "l'lie other rcrrns ancl cor,clitions reguiating the difficult area sub cadre issped vicle letrer Nc. Per (AP-C)-B (19)-l/94, dated 22nd June, i1)99 shall remain unchangecl. 3. It is requcsti:rl that these instructic,ns may'be brought to the notice-of all concerned uinclcr y'ottr c,-;titrr-rl tbr strict cornpIiane i:

l'ours faithfullY, t. ---