ICS Peace Memo Volume1, Number 5 July, 2008

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ICS Peace Memo Volume1, Number 5 July, 2008 ICS Peace Memo Volume1, Number 5 July, 2008 PIET’s 10th Summer afternoon; and breaking bread together for three days. Peacebuilding Institute Eighteen of the twenty-two international rd, SPI 2008 opened May 23 with a late guests expressed interest in affiliating with Taizé candlelight prayer service. Twenty- Peacebuilding Institute of East Tennessee two weary international guests arrived at (PIET) for the purpose of replicating the Church of the Savior in Knoxville, Ten- organization in manners appropriate to nessee, after a full day of classes and a their own countries. PIET is currently fol- seven-hour drive. Perhaps it was the luck lowing up on these requests and will in- of the draw, perhaps it was the corporate clude them on our website, interfaith prayer, or perhaps both, but the www.peacebuildinginstitute.org, as affili- service was the prelude to one of the best ates develop their own organizations to SPI gatherings in the 10-year history of the meet the peace needs of their own cul- event. It seems that every year the partici- tures. We pray that this will contribute to pants are more mature and engaged than spreading a culture of peace to every coun- the year before. This year our guests rep- try in our violence-weary world. We have resented South Korea, India, Indonesia, faith that it is, indeed, happening already. Vietnam, Myanmar, Nepal, and the Phil- ippines in Asia; Lebanon and Palestine in Correspondence the Middle East; Nigeria, Rwanda, From: Nell Levin Uganda, and Egypt in Africa; Colombia Subject: You Tube video and Argentina in South America; and Date: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 Boulder, Colorado in North America. Our own community representation included We have just posted a video of a song I Baha’is, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, and wrote on You Tube called “Don't Blow Up Christians. This rich mix of cultures and The Mountain,” about mountaintop re- religions was deeply moving. The com- moval. Here's the link: mon bond we all shared, our commitment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CddjK to peace, found expression in myriad ways EVeos0 through the ministries and projects of all Please check it out, make comments and the participants. pass it along. Feel free to post it on your The most meaningful experience for many website also. of SPI’s participants is probably staying Thanks a lot, with local families. This provides oppor- tunities for guests and hosts to experience Nell Levin, Coordinator, Tennessee Alli- a different culture and share hopes and ance for Progress dreams. But the other parts of the Institute also offer chances to experience intercul- ICS Peace Memo is published bi-monthly by the Insti- tural and interfaith community: sharing tutes for Christian Spirituality peace concerns in the Saturday night dis- (www.christianspirituality.org). Available through online subscription. All material ©, however distribu- cussion of Peace Issues; visiting nine local tion – with attribution – is encouraged. Email questions churches and Baha’i meeting on Sunday and comments to [email protected] morning; joining in games on Sunday Publisher: Jim Foster, Editor: Victoria Medaglia ICS Peace Memo Volume1, Number 5 July, 2008 In May we received a communication from Tony Barlett, theologian from Bexley Hall Doug Hunt, Chair of the Justice Team of Seminary (Episcopal) in New York State; Church of the Savior, United Church of and Sharon Baker, theologian from Mes- Christ, Knoxville, TN, requesting informa- siah College (Church of the Brethren) in tion about the PIET program. Following is Pennsylvania. our reply: May 23-26 -- Summer Peacebuilding Insti- Dear Doug, tute. This is an annual event where we I first want to thank you and the Justice bring in peacebuilders from around the Team for your response to John Lackey's world for an intensive 3 days of person-to- presentation and for recommending person interaction and networking with Peacebuilding Institute of East Tennessee peacebuilders here. This year we had 22 for a current donation from the team's international guests, 3 of whom partici- funds and a slot on the schedule of 2nd pated in the Issues class and worship here mile gifts. We do get a lot done for a rela- at COS on the 25th. From the 22 we have tively few dollars, but our financial limita- 18 who signed agreements to replicate the tions have imposed some difficulties for us work of PIET in their countries. Of par- from time to time. The COS provision will ticular note are those from Columbia, make a difference in what we are able to Lebanon, Myanmar, and Vietnam. We accomplish. Thank you. provide organizational guidance and You had relayed a request through John a place on our website, for a list of PIET events. This will vary a www.peacebuildinginstitute.org and, in bit from year to year, but in 2008 the some instances, limited financial events will have included: help. These will be in addition to the af- filiates we already have in about 75 other February 1 & 2 -- PIET Winter Workshop, countries. We also are just beginning to Teaching Nonviolence -- This is an annual replicate our Knoxville organization in workshop targeting teachers in public and Atlanta, Georgia and Boulder, Colorado. private schools in the area. Continuing education credit is available to teachers October 25 & November 1 -- Fall Peace- through this workshop. makers' Conference -- This is an annual event the purpose of which is to provide February 23 -- PIET made the logistical training for local peacemakers in some arrangements for the Counter Recruitment aspect of peace-building. This year's Counselor Training all-day session with theme is Exploring Nonviolent Living. Bill Galvin of the Center for Conscience Another area of interest is Nonviolent and War. Communication. We currently have a March 11 & 13 -- God's Healing Strategy practice group of about 10 persons com- -- a 2-part, 6-hour workshop led by Mi- mitted to learning this discipline. Three chael and Lorri Hardin of Preaching members of the PIET organization will be Peace. (http://www.preachingpeace.org/) going for facilitator training and certifica- March 14-15 -- Nonviolent Atonement -- tion later this year and next year. Our plan an intensive day-long workshop presented is to begin offering workshops in nonvio- by Michael Hardin of Preaching Peace; lent communication to churches, ICS Peace Memo Volume1, Number 5 July, 2008 schools and other groups early next ings or by email or phone. May God bless year. We anticipate that this will likely us all with his/her peace! become a major focus of the organization. Jim Foster We also have three persons in PIET who Note to readers of ICS Peace Memo: As are making plans to provide youth leader- PIET has had opportunities to respond to ship training and youth program materials new possibilities for promoting peace both in peacemaking to churches and camps locally and around the world, it has been throughout the region. Our Atlanta affili- our practice to respond first and then try ate is already working in this area as is our to figure out how we will pay for it. This is affiliate in Nigeria. We will be incorporat- becoming an increasingly difficult practice ing some of their resources in our own to sustain as these opportuni- programs, resources which we helped ties proliferate. The 2008 Summer Peace- them to develop over the past year. building Institute alone cost us over PIET is an interfaith organization that in- $1,300 more than we had in the bank. But, cludes Christians (Protestants & Catho- as a volunteer organization, we do not lics), Muslims, Baha'i's, Hindus, and Bud- have time, energy, or expertise to engage dhists both here and among our affili- in serious fundraising, thus making sup- ates. We are an inclusive organization in port such as that offered by Church of the every sense of the word. In the Knoxville Savior both a welcome and an essential area, 10 churches (and other religious initiative. We are loathe to cut back our groups) regularly participate in PIET's peacebuilding initiatives but may find it programs, a number which we necessary to do so in the future, unless are attempting to significantly in- other churches and individuals come for- crease. All of our participants are volun- ward with additional financial resources. teers, some of whom are virtually full- Thank you for considering how you may time. Seven COS members are in leader- be able to join other peacebuilders in mak- ship positions with PIET. ing PIET programs financially viable. Contributions to PIET are tax deductible We publish bi-monthly an online newslet- and may be made to “PIET”, 204 Busbee ter, ICS Peace Memo, which generally Road, Knoxville, TN 37920. --Ed. runs to more than a dozen pages of infor- mation on current and future events, inter- esting facts and commentary relevant to Check Out These Web Sites! peace, and reports on recent events both here and in other areas in which we have www.ChristianSpirituality.org Institutes affiliates. It is currently being sent online for Christian Spirituality is a non-profit to almost 800 persons locally who have corporation encompassing a number of either participated or are currently partici- related ministries, all concerned with fos- pating in one or more of our programs. tering a deeper spirituality in the lives of individuals. They seek to formulate clearly I think this pretty well sums up the current and incisively the deep truths of the Gos- state of the organization. I will be pleased pel of Jesus Christ and to facilitate ecu- to answer any additional questions you menical dialogue on the faith and practice may have either at our Justice Team meet- ICS Peace Memo Volume1, Number 5 July, 2008 of spirituality as it is practiced by both www.ProtectOurFuture.org This is a Christians and other God-seekers.
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