ICS Peace Memo Volume1, Number 5 July, 2008
ICS Peace Memo Volume1, Number 5 July, 2008 PIET’s 10th Summer afternoon; and breaking bread together for three days. Peacebuilding Institute Eighteen of the twenty-two international rd, SPI 2008 opened May 23 with a late guests expressed interest in affiliating with Taizé candlelight prayer service. Twenty- Peacebuilding Institute of East Tennessee two weary international guests arrived at (PIET) for the purpose of replicating the Church of the Savior in Knoxville, Ten- organization in manners appropriate to nessee, after a full day of classes and a their own countries. PIET is currently fol- seven-hour drive. Perhaps it was the luck lowing up on these requests and will in- of the draw, perhaps it was the corporate clude them on our website, interfaith prayer, or perhaps both, but the www.peacebuildinginstitute.org, as affili- service was the prelude to one of the best ates develop their own organizations to SPI gatherings in the 10-year history of the meet the peace needs of their own cul- event. It seems that every year the partici- tures. We pray that this will contribute to pants are more mature and engaged than spreading a culture of peace to every coun- the year before. This year our guests rep- try in our violence-weary world. We have resented South Korea, India, Indonesia, faith that it is, indeed, happening already. Vietnam, Myanmar, Nepal, and the Phil- ippines in Asia; Lebanon and Palestine in Correspondence the Middle East; Nigeria, Rwanda, From: Nell Levin Uganda, and Egypt in Africa; Colombia Subject: You Tube video and Argentina in South America; and Date: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 Boulder, Colorado in North America.
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