Her Majesty the Queen Programme OF
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AN GOMUNN GAIDHEALACH Patron: Her Majesty The Queen programme OF THE FIFTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MOD Wallace Monument Photo by D. Ross Robertson, Stirling. STIRLING 10th to 13th October, 1961 Price, Two Shillings ©l)e ©liatt ®tmc0 Mlcet W)igi|Ian») Pitots ★ The Newspaper Highlanders read for News of the Highlands Advertisers Best Medium in the North YOU’RE IN TUNE with the times with a Clydesdale & North Bank chequebook in your pocket or handbag! You don’t waste time queueing up to pay household accounts—you post a cheque; you don’t run the risk of your money being lost, stolen or destroyed —it’s safe on Current Account with the Clydesdale & North Bank. And the cost really is modest. On a personal account the bank charge is now a mere sixpence for each cheque issued. Call and open a AN GOMUNN GAIDHEALACH Patron: Her Majesty The Queen Programme of the FIFTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MOD Contents PAGE Programme .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 Time-table .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 Junior .Section—Written Competitions .. .. .. 11 Tuesday—Junior Section—Oral Delivery 13 Pianoforte .. .. .. .. 19 Vocal Music .. .. .. 21 Senior Section—Literature.... .. .. .. .. 33 Wednesday—Senior Section—Vocal Music .. .. .. 35 Thursday —Senior Section—Oral Delivery .. .. .. 51 Vocal Music .. .. .. 57 Clarsach . .. 62 Friday —Senior Section—Vocal Music .. .. .. 64 Instrumental Music .. .. 65 Art and Industry Competitions 73 Winners of the Premier Competitions .. .. .. .. 74 Toilicht’ ur faicinn ann an Sruibhlea <-6^moo % 19 61 ^A/.Q^ A. McCASKIE, M.P.S. Dispensing Chemist 24 MURRAY PLACE, STIRLING Telephone : 3510 A Message from the Provost of Stirling We in Stirling are delighted you have selected our town this year for the venue of the National Mod of An Comunn Gaidhealach. On behalf of the citizens of the Royal and Ancient Burgh of Stirling, I extend a cordial welcome to you and sincerely hope that you will have a most enjoyable stay in our Burgh. The Mod was last held in Stirling over fifty years ago, and I can assure you after this long absence we certainly will do all in our power to make your stay an interesting and an enjoyable one. Stirling, as you know, renowned as the Gateway to the Highlands, steeped in history and tradition, is an ideal centre and is eminently situated for the holding of the National Mod. I send you my most warm greetings and good wishes for a successful Mod and look forward to having the pleasure of meeting many of you during your visit. 27 Snowdon Place, Stirling, — 5 — For readers who read the Scotsman undoubtedly presupposes an ability—even a willingness—to read. Pictures there are, certainly. Excellent ones. And captions too—which agreeably explain. But by and large the Scotsman depends on the written word. But it is the gift of the Scotsman to inform with wit, good humour and compassion. When you read the Scotsman you getfacts without favour, comment without prejudice, informa- tion with a light and lucid touch. It presents even the most ponderous subjects in plain and pleasurable prose. Indeed, the Scotsman is a plain pleasure to read. Daily. AN COMUNN GAIDHEALAGH Patron—Her Majesty The Queen. PROGRAMME OF THE FIFTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MOD Under the Patronage of the Provost, Magistrates, and the Town Council of Stirling. MOD LOCAL COMMITTEE OFFICE-BEARERS. Convener—Mr. A. McCASKIE. Vice-Conveners—Rev. M. MACCORQUODALE, Messrs. ANGUS S. MACKENZIE, JOHN WALKER. Hon. Secretary—Mr. A. A. MACCALLUM, “ Mornish,” Bridge of Allan. Hon. Treasurer—Mr. D. J. WALKER. GAELIC SERVICE (Broadcast) will be held in the CHURCH OF THE HOLY RUDE on SUNDAY, 8th OCTOBER, at 3.30 p.m. Service conducted by Rev. Malcolm MacCorquodale, M.A. Preacher—Rev. John MacDougall, M.A. Readers—Mr. Hugh MacPhee, F.S.A.(Scot.), and Mr. Angus S. Mackenzie. Precentor—Mr. Archie MacLean. OFFICIAL OPENING cf the MOD in the ALBERT HALL on MONDAY, 9th OCTOBER, at 7.30 p.m. COMPETITIONS commence Daily at 9 a.m. prompt. Admission: Thursday Morning Sessions, 2/-; Lovat and Tullibardine, 2/-; Other Sessions, 1/-. Tickets are not available in advance. ART AND INDUSTRY EXHIBITION in ROOM A, ALBERT HALL. Admission, 1/-. JUNIOR CONCERT on TUESDAY, 10th OCTOBER, in ALBERT HALL, at 7.30 p.m. Presiding—WILLIAM J. GOLDIE, Esq., M.A. Admission, 4/- (Reserved); 2/6 (Unreserved). CEILIDH (Broadcast) on WEDNESDAY, 11th OCTOBER, in ALBERT HALL, at 8 p.m. Fear-an-tighe—Mgr. AONGHAS MACCOINNICH. Admission, 3/6 (Unreserved). RURAL CHOIRS’ CONCERT on THURSDAY, 12th OCTOBER, in ALBERT HALL, at 7.30 p.m. Presiding^—LORD BRUCE. Admission, 5/- (Reserved); 3/6 (Unreserved). GRAND CONCERTS on FRIDAY, 13th OCTOBER, in the REGAL. First Concert, 6.30 p.m. Presiding—WM. MACFARLANE GRAY, Esq., O.B.E., J.P., Provost of Stirling. Second Concert, 8.45 p.m. Presiding—Brigadier LORNE CAMPBELL, V.C. Admission, 6/- (Reserved); 4/- (Unreserved). MOD DANCE in the ALBERT HALL on FRIDAY, 13th OCTOBER, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Ticket, 7/6. including Buffet. — 7 — Uisge Beatha! Bodaich A Dhuine Chridh Leth bhodaich (cosach no oruinn) eiolaichean crionain "King CeorgelV OLD SCOTCH WHISKY MOD TIME TABLE TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th October, 1961 TUESDAY ORAL Time Place Competition a.m. 9.00 Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings No. 5 Reading (Fluent) 9.00 Committee Room, Municipal Buildings No. 7 Recitation (Fluent) ... 9.00 Committee Room, Albert Hall No. 17 Reading (Learners) 9.00 Girl Guides’ Hall . No. 19 Recitation (Learners) 10.15 Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings No. 22 Reading (Learners) 10.30 Committee Room, Municipal Buildings No. 10 Reading (Fluent) 10.40 Committee Room, Albert Hall No. 21 Recitation (Learners) 17 10.55 Girl Guides’ Hall . No. 20 Recitation (Learners) 19 11.00 Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings No. 18 Reading (Learners) ... 13 11.05 Committee Room, Albert Hall No. 31 Verse-speaking 11.10 Girl Guides’ Hall . No. 29 Recitation (Comunn na h-Oigridh) 11.25 Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings No. 9 Narrative (Fluent) 11.25 Committee Room, Municipal Buildings No. 8 Conversation (Fluent) 11.25 Girl Guides’ Hall . ... No. 30 Conversation (Comunn na h-Oigridh) VOCAL SOLO, DUETS, CHORAL AND PIANOFORTE a.m. 9.00 Albert Hall No. 13 Unpublished Solos (Fluent) 21 9.00 Lesser Albert Hall No. 33 Boys and Girls, 16-18 22 9.00 Smith Art Gallery No. 24b Girls’ Solo, 14-16 ... 25 9.55 Albert Hall No. 12 Silver Medal (Boys) 10.10 Lesser Albert Hall No. 23 Girls’ Solo, under 12 10.25 Albert Hall No. 11 Silver Medal (Girls) 11.15 Smith Art Gallery No. 24a Girls’ Solo, 12-14 ... 11.35 Albert Hall No. 25 Boys’ Solo (Learners) 11.45 Girl Guides’ Hall ... No. 35 Pianoforte 11.45 Lesser Albert Hall No. 32 Former First Prize-winners p.m. 2.15 Smith Art Gallery No. 15 Unison (Fluent) 2.15 Lesser Albert Hall No. 28 Choral (Learners) ... 2.15 Albert Hall No. 27 Unison (Learners) ... 2.50 Smith Art Gallery No. 16 Choral (Oban Times) 3.20 Smith Art Gallery No. 34 Action Songs ... 3.40 Smith Art Gallery No. 26 Duet (Learners) 4.15 Lesser Albert Hall No. 14 Duet (Fluent) WEDNESDAY VOCAL SOLO a.m. 9.00 Girl Guides’ Hall ... No. 56 Folk Songs 9.00 Smith Art Gallery No. 66 Men (Learners) 9.00 Lesser Albert Hall No. 65 Ladies (Learners) ... 9.00 Albert Hall No. 54 Oran M6r (Men) 10.10 Smith Art Gallery No. 67 Waulking Songs (Ladies) WEDNESDAY—VOCAL SOLO (continued). Time Place Competition a.m. 10.15 Girl Guides’ Hall ... No. 57 Solo Port-a-beul 10.30 Lesser Albert Hall No. 68 Rowing Songs (Men) 10.50 Albert Hall No. 51 James Grant (Ladies) 11.35 Lesser Albert Hall No. 86 Mull and Iona noon 12.00 Albert Hall No. 73 Quintin MacLennan p.m. 2.00 Albert Hall No. 53 Oran M6r (Ladies) ... 2.00 Smith Art Gallery No. 70 Kennedy-Fraser 2.00 Lesser Albert Hall No. 87 Oban and Lorn 3.30 Albert Hall No. 52 MacLean Watt (Men) 4.15 Smith Art Gallery No. 69 Learners’ Finals THURSDAY ORAL Girl Guides’ Hall No. 44 Recitation (Fluent) ... 9.00 Committee Room, Albert Hall No. 47 Original Poetry 9.00 Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings No. 61 Recitation (Learners) 9.20 Committee Room, Albert Hall No. 48 Sgialachd 53 9.40 Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings No. 62 Recitation (Learners) 55 9.55 Girl Guides’ Hall . No. 45 Recitation (Fluent) ... 10.05 Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings No. 63 Reading (Learners) ... 10.20 Committee Room, Albert Hall No. 49 Speech (Fluent) 10.45 Girl Guides’ Hall No. 46 Reading (Fluent) 10.45 Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings No. 64 Speech (Learners) ... 11.15 Committee Room, Albert Hall No. 50 Dialogue VOCAL SOLO Smith Art Gallery No. 72 Nova Scotia ... 57 Albert Hall No. 55 Gold Medal Finals . 59 CHORAL AND INSTRUMENTAL Albert Hall No. 58 Lorn Shield Smith Art Gallery No. 76a Ladies’ Rural Choirs Lesser Albert Hall Nos. 82-85 Clarsach Smith Art Gallery No. 71 MacMaster Campbell FRIDAY DUET, CHORAL AND INSTRUMENTAL Lesser Albert Hall No. 74 Duets ... 9.00 Smith Art Gallery No. 77 Male Voice Choirs 9.00 Albert Hall No. 76 Ladies’ Choirs 10.05 Lesser Albert Hall No. 79 Pianoforte 10.20 Smith Art Gallery No. 75 Quartettes 10.40 Lesser Albert Hall No. 80 Violin 10.45 Albert Hall No. 78 Choral Puirt-a-beul 11.15 Lesser Albert Hall No. 81 Violin (Quintin MacLennan) 65 p.m. 2.30 Regal No. 59 Lovat and Tullibardine Albert 1 No. 60 Margrat Duncan AN COMUNN GAIDHEALACH THE OBJECTS ARE TO ENCOURAGE AND PROMOTE : 1. The Teaching and Use of the Gaelic Language.