Introduction 1 Innovations in 1920S and 1930S Hollywood
Notes Introduction 1. Otis Ferguson, “Life Goes to the Pictures,” in Robert Wilson, The Film Criticism of Otis Ferguson (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1971), 4. 2. Those Who Made It is the latest entry in a select group of comparable interview collections that features Hollywood personnel speaking out about their work behind the camera. One of the earliest was Austin C. Andrew Sarris’s Interviews with Film Directors (1967), an anthology conducted by a variety of interviewers; Leonard Maltin’s Behind the Camera (1971), featuring five interviews with cinema- tographers Hal Mohr, Conrad Hall, Hal Rosson, Lucien Ballard, and Arthur Miller; Kevin Brownlow’s three volumes of interviews chronicling the silent era, The Parade’s Gone By, The War the West and the Wilderness, Behind the Mask of Innocence ( 1968–1990); and Joseph McBride’s two- volume Filmmakers on Filmmakingg (1983), derived from a series of seminars conducted by the American Film Institute. My own previous contribution to this series is my edited volume, Introduction to the Photoplay (1977), an annotated collection of Hollywood n otables— including pro- ducer Irving Thalberg, art director William Cameron Menzies, scriptwriter Clara Beranger— speaking out at a seminar at USC in 1929 on topics relating to the dawn of sound. All, save Brownlow’s Parade’s Gone By, are long out of print. 3. Jean- Luc Godard, Introduction a une veritable histoire du cinema (Paris: Albatros, 1980), 100. 4. William Hazlitt’s “On the Conversation of Authors” was first published in the London Magazine, September, 1820 and reprinted in P.P. Howe, ed., The Best of Hazlittt (London: Methuen, 1947).
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