~ NOTE.-Sinc:e prepa.ring for Publicati;;g •. OnnssION.-Wiliiam Chewelt, Esq'r. Acting Surveyor General. Archibald MacLean, Esquire, of Stormont, is Elected Speaker of the House of Assembly. Thomas A. Stewad, Esquire,-Comrnissioner for Administer •. ing the Oath of Allegiance-Newcastle District. JJlr. Olil'er Tazewell-Notary Public, Kingston. THE ALMANAC, AND PROVINCIAL CALENDAR, FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1831: Being the Third alter "Bissexti\e, or l.eall Year;


The Calculations for the Meridian of )lo-Irk. North Latitude, •••••••••• 430 39' 10" 'Vest Longitude, ••.••••.. 79 0 36' oS"

BY JAMES G. CHEWETT, Ph ilomat It's.




CHRONOI.OGICAL CYCLESII EMBER DAYS; , Dommleal Letter •••••••••• B, LUllar Cycle, or Golden ( R IFebruary •••.•. 23. £5, anll 26 0 Nlllnber,. 00 •••••••• 5. • l\:lRy ...... 25,27, aIle! 28 Epact ...... n1jseptemher .••• . 21, 2;3, and 24 SoJar Cycl.e . .' ...... 211 December ...... 14, Hi, and 17 Roman IlltllctLOH ••••••••••• 4 1

Julian Period •••••••••• 6,544 1 . ~

MOVEABLE- FEASTS. Septuagesima Sunday, Jan. 30jiLOW Sunday, ...... April 10 QuiIl([uage"ima, o.r Shrove IRogation Sunday, ••... Ma) 8 Sunday ...... Feb. 13, Ascellslon Day, or Holy Ash Wednesday, or lst rlay I Thur,day, ...... May J2 .or Lent, ...... Feb. I?[I Whi~ Su;:oay, ...... , .May 22 MIU Lent Sunday, •••• Mar 13 fnnlty til1l1day ••••••. May 29' Palm SUfiday, •••.•.. Mar. 27 Advent Sunday, ...... Nov. 27 Easter Day, .••• " •• ~. April 3, 1

UPPER CANADA- TERMS. Hilary hegins January 3rd, and ends Jannary 15(h. Easter begins. April 18th, and ends Aprij 30tl1. T.rinity begins June 20;h, and ends July 2nd. 1Vlichadmas ,begins Nm'emiler 7th, and ends Nov. 19th.

COMMENCEMENT- OF THE SEASONS. Spring, ...... Sun eRters 'Y' March 21d 8h 21m, morning', Snmmer, •••••.. Sun enters § .Tune 22d 5h 38m, morning. Autumn, ••••••• Sun enters ="= Septr. Z3d 7h 6m, afternoon, Winte" ...... SUII enters ~ Decr, 2:2d III 6m, afternooll,: 4

SOLAR AND LUNAR ECLIPS~S IN THt<: YEAR 1831. February 12-The Sun will be Eclipsed at 26 Il)inutes past 5 o'clock in the afternoon i-here invisible. February 26-The Moon will be Eclipsed at 25 minutes past 10 o'clock in tile '!lomillg i-hel'e invisible. August 7-The Sun will be Eclipsed at 24 minutes past 10 o'clock in the afternoon t-here invisible. Aligusi 22.-The MOOD will be Eclipsed, partly visible, and cal- culated as follows:- Beginning, •••••.••••.••••••• 3h 23m, morning. Middle, ...... 4h 40m Ecliptic 8 ...... 4h 48m End, .•••••.••.•••..••••.••. 5h 56m Digits Eclipsed 5° 48' fro111 the SOllthren side of the \B's ,.hadow, or on the ClJ)'s Northren li'mb. NAMES AND CHARACTERS- OF THE PLANETS. ~"'l'" The Sun, II ifr Mars, 'lV The Moon, .<-J. Jupiter, ~ Mercury, II ? Saturn, !.' Venus, I;I;l Georgian. '"' The Earth, NAMES AND CHARACTERS- OF THE ASP.ECTS, Q A Planet's Ascendillg Node. ''(5 The Descending Node. cl Conjunction, or Planets situated in the same Longitude. o Quadrature, or Planets situated in Longitudes differing three si.:;lOs from each other. 8 Opposition. or Planets siluaten in opposite Longitudes, Oll' differing' si" signs from 'each other.

THE TWELVE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. First, 'Y' Aries, -II Seventh, ~ Libra, 2, C:S Taurus, 8, 111 Scorpio, 3, IT Gemini, I. 9, t SHgi'tarius, 4, § Cancer, I ]0, V3 Capricornus, 5. SL Leo, 11, :;:;; Aquarius, 6, 11)( Virgo, 12, 7(: Pisces. The Planet (£) Venus will- be the Evening Star until the 1st March, the Morning Star until the 19th Decenlber; and thell .he Evening Stal' tt) the end of the ~'ear. . 1st Month] [hath 31 clays, It freezes on ; Till morn, late !'ising o'er the drooping world Lifts her pal~ eye unjoyous, Then appears The various l.bour of tile silent night: Prone from the dripping eave and dumb cascade, ","'hose idle torrents only ~eem to roar, The pendant icicle; the frost work fair Where transient hues and fancy'd fig-nres l'ise,

~ Last Qual' 5th 5h 37m £\'el@ Firs! Qu:v ~1s1 211 12m Mortl @ New Moon J3th 811 20m Ev (£) Full M"',II 27th 91l lc.m Even DID Aspects, Holy Days, Anni- (£)' W ;;;) I c=, I (£) ~~rlV 1'ersaries, &c. ~I~~~ ~~ ~t;~e, _ S~t I Sa Ci;'cumcision, Cold. Q i 36 4 24 8 32 9 28 2 B 2t1 Sund. after Christmas. Ruin.ln)! 73°1424 Y 31 lIJ c, ;3 cd (j; n SL if IV. wind; IT)! 7 3;5:~ 25 ]I) 36 10 4:3 4 Tu f/i; Slower CI. 4 37, Snow!f E, f1p!7 8.)\-125 i 1 3-1>11 S " \ """I i :3.fi4 20 mol'u III 36 6 Til Epiphany, Clear and ="= 7 331'127 I) 3 1,ft :~I 7 Fr ® in Apogee, cold,' 1~1~ :33:' 27 I) 30 J :28. S Sa LUCian 'ill I 324 28 1 n 2 2t' ,I IJ lst Sunday after Epiph' Snow, 111 7 31 4 29 1 311 3 24 iii .\J t 731 -, ~9 2 7 4 1" JI I'" More t 730·13(1 247 5 13 12 IV !; inD 9h 30m snow, 113 7294.3J :3 3] fi 13 fill.Hilary ~am,.rerm beg-ins: high V3 7:2~ ': ~2 4 21 fi 4; 14 Fr Oxford fenn begIns 'Wl1Uls, V3 7 ::! ll-+.38 5 2C) 7 4U 15 Sa iZ;i slow clock 10m and cold ;;:::; 7 26.·J. 34 6:20 8 :2-1 Hi 11 lilld Sunday aft Epipb • .weather ;;:::; 72014 :.';'1 '/ 2.3 9 j 17 ',j CD in SL S;:> Sta. . '* 7 2411 .3(' B 81 9 : 2-1 \: liil,,)'}, Term begins weather.il,l 18 4- 4~1 1 f:S :3 19 25 I'll Conversion or St. Paul ':.017 174 ";:'1 2 k 4 "I 21) IV 0Y~ in Perigee Now 3) 7 164 44 a 52 ~, '"':~ 27 n.·!i"ke of Sussex born, '73. cleaT § 7 Hi ..1 45 4 58 ~: C'~l 28 Fr ~ slow clock 13m 13s and, SLI7 I'j -1 410 6 1 I II ~9 ~a l~. Geo IV~ access, 18~1 seWed. SL ~ J:'l~ 4i 7 11 7 ~~ all B. Septuag ~Ul). K, ell S I, MarlyrilTJ( I ;"'1" 48 8 11 R ", 81 Kill!',' G.o, IV, proda;",e", 1820 TTYI7 \ I 44" 'I .I":':'}, 5';;' " ,., br ·k tvir5 Ab .. tiJIr1:tJ'v"?'±.... r '", fim ···tat1··\ + f!nu Month] [hath.28 days The w hit'ning shower descends Broad, wide, and fast, dimming the day With a continualilow. The laborer-ox Stands cover'd o'er with Snow :-The f .. wIs of heaven Tam'd byOithe cruel season crow'd around The winnowing store, and claim the little boon Which ProvideiAce assigns them. The bleating kind Eye rhe bleak heaven-and sad, dispers'd, Dig for the wlther'd herb, through heaps of snow,

(j Last Qr. 4th, 2h 66ui Even 1"1[) F,rst Qr. 19th, 911 42m J\:lor~ ,.NewMoon 12th, llh41mMo ® Full Moon 26th, llh 33m Mol' o D Aspects, Holy Days, Anni ® 110 - .'iii> _ ® ® 1·\ :V] 1lersuries, &'c. P I Rise Set. Rise Set. 1-1------____ 1 'Iu 0 slow clock 13m 52s ~ 7 10 4 50 9 56 9 29 2 'V Purification of B. V Mary :<:l=) 94 51 10 2410 14 :3 ,[h Ria. on mar. of Pm·if. 3 ret. ~ 7 84 52 10 53 11 10 4 Fr t) in Apogee MQre 111 7 645411 2411 57 5 Sa Agatha snow. 111 7 . 64 55 11 68 1 4. \1 B. Sexagesima Sunday J 7 44 56 morn 2 2 7 M !,i Sta. Good:t 7 24 58 0 36 258 8 Tn sleighing.:t 7 I 4 69 1 19 3 51 !J IV In 8 days of Purif 4 ret. Vl659.'} 1 2 8 4 4~ 10 Th Cold Vl 6 585 2 3 3 5 Hi II 1<'1' t!JJ slow clock 14m 348 high;:;;; I) 5, 5 3 4 2 6 14 I~! Sa Hilary Term enos winds. ;:;;; 13 55:) 5 6 3 6 53 1:'1 B. Quinql1ag8sima SUll<\ay * 6 53\5 7 6 12 7 3' 14 !VI Valeutine Cold *" 525 8 7 26 8 6' 15 Tu Shrove Thlle8day continues 'Y' 6 605 10 8 24 844 16 IV Ash WednesJay 'Y' 6 4915 11 9 12 9 40 17 Th Cumb. Term. div. m. Stormy (:;6 485 12 9 4i 10 61, 18 1'1' ~ in Perigee and rough, (:; ti 47 5 13 10 2411 58 19 Sa f;i Gr Elong. with snow (:; Ij 455 15 i.l 5 morn ~o B. lsI Sunday in Lent or sleet. II 0 4" 5 16 II 51 1 7" :!l :;1 II 6425 18 Nft 44 2 15 n fu 4ft slow clock 13m 528 NOlO SO 6 4J .5 19 1 41 3 16. :23 W moderate. § 6 405 20 2 43 4 13 124 Til SI. MatthialY. D. of Camb. born SL 6 39.5 21 3 46 5 3 125 Fr Cold SL fi 385 22 4 52 6 4c 2·6 Sa @ in SL and IT)( () 36 6 24 6 56 6 24, ':\7 B. 2nd Snnday in Lent. rough. 1T)(\6 340 26 6 57 6 .58 18 :\1 riO 325 28 7 62 7 27,; 3d Month] [hath 31 days.

The 100sen'd tempest reigns: The mOlltain thunders; and its sturdy sons Stoop to the h!>ttom oflhe roeks they shade: Low waves tbe rooted forest, scatter'd by the winds Assiduous fury, its gigantic limbs- Thus struggling through the dissipated grove The whirling tempest raves along the plain. il Lasl Qr. 6th. I1h 54m M,>rnl@ Fir.t Qr. 20th, 5h Om Even fJ New Moon 14th, Oh 32m MoI', ® Full Moon 28th, ::lh 4rn Mol' D D Abpecls, Holy Du:ys, Anni- ® €I' e ® ® M W. "'ersaries, &c. \' Risp Set. Rise. Sets.

1 Tn David Clear ~ ti 30 I) 3(1 8 27 8 2 2W Chadwick and ~629531 856857 3 T;h 0 slow c12ck J2m 18s frosty. m6 275 3a 9 25 !) 1)6 4 Fr·., =--= m 6 255 35 9 57 Jt) 5,5 5 Sa, @ in Apogee High t 6 24 5 a6 10 34 I J 53 6 f3. (In] Sunday in'Lent winds. t 6 2:J 5 :17 11 1,~ afl 48 7 !\II" Perpetua Cold 1 (j 215 89 morn J 43 8 Tn 1/3 6 :10 I) 40 0 J 2 35 9 W () Lat 3 2 24· A little 1(3 6 185 42 0 53 3 25 10 Tb mare;;:;: 6 16 '5 44 1 50 4 10 11 Fr C) in \.'3 pleasant,;;;; () 15545 252 452 12. Sa. Gregory, Martyr 7t 6 HI) 46 3 57 5 31 13 B. 4th Sunday in Lent, Mid Lent}E fi J25 48 5 15 5 57 14M Rain *611:, 4!i 615 643 .]5 Tn <;; slow clock gm 17s or T 6 !J:" 51 7 18 7 28 ] 6 IV sleet. or Ii 8 5 52 7 5a 8 39 171Th CID in Perigee b 6 7,) 5:3 8 29 9 6:, 13 F'r Edward, King of West Saxolls. (:) 6 55 55 9 911 5 1!J Sa Clear II 6 4 I) 56 9 54 morn 20 B. 5th Sunday in Lent and II Ii 25 58 10 i'i4 0 14 21 M Benedict caZd. "'0 Ii (16 0 II 44 1 26 22Tu §.'158(j 2afl46 2 I~ 28 \V SL I) 56 I) 4 I 44 a 4 24 Th 0 in SL SL 5 54 6 6 2 46 ~3 .'11 25 Fr Camb. Term ends. Aunnnc.of 11)1 5 53 I) 7 3 5] 4 32 % Sa Oxt0rd Term ends. [E. V. Mary l1Ji 5 526 8 4 43 :, [ •. 27 B. 6tb Sund. in Lent. Palm Suud. 1lJ1 :; 51 (i !) 5 5a 5 3;; 28M Storm!!: _'> 506 III 634 () 5 :2(1 Tu min, _.,; 486 12 7 3 6 54 80 W 0 slow clock, 4m 448 hail, 11] 1'-) 476 13 7 32 7 :,:i 31 Tit < .ormow. 1110 466 l~ 8 ::; 8,62' iCei t:Q 4th Month] [hath 30'days. : \ No more Th' expansi~e atmosphere is €ramp'd with cold; But, full of life and vivifying sOlll Lifts the light rl<>uds sublime, and spreadF them thin, Fleecy and white, o'er all·surrou,nding.heaven.

The softer gales succeed, at whose kind touc,h r Dissolving snows in livid torrents lost, ' The motmtail1s lift their green heads to the sky.

CJ, LastQr. 51h. 91l ·Hm iv11lro I~ ,Flrsl Qr. 19th in 10m. Morn • Nell' \Ioon ]2th. IOh 4:3m Mo (\0 Full Moon 261h, 7h 2m Even D 0 Aspects, Hol,y Days, Allni· ® ~ ~ ® ® l\'J ''I' vers(Jries, &e ;' I Pcise :3et. Rise. Set.

1 Fr Good Friday" fl15 436 17 843 9 51 '.! Set ~ in Apogee t.5 42 6 18 9 2010 4:3 ::; B. Easter Da). Rich. Bp. afCbi, J" 4J fi 1910 011 38 4 M Easter Mondav. St. Ambrose \(j 5 40 ti 20 10 5'l. aft 36 !j Tn Easter Tuesd~y Rain, \(j.) 38 6 2:.'. 11 44 1 28 Ii I' a1"l:d \13 5 37 Ii 23 morn . 2 10 7 Tli ® slow clock 2m 19s unsettled;::;; 5 366 24 0 37.2 5'7 8 ~'r weather. ;::;; 5 3.56 2& 1 36 3 40 9Sa ~ in '\3 *533627 254 4 4 HI iJ 1st Sund. afL Eas-ter Low Sun * 5 31 6 2!c1 4 14 4 50 11 ,'V) Blore '1' 5 3e 13 30 5 12 5 18 12 Tll min, l' 5 286 32 5 54 6 24 1::1 W O"f. &Camb. Term begins. and'() 5 276 3a 6 30 7 4C 14 :'h ~ in Perigee cloudy (5 5 256 35 7 10 8 56 Ifi PI' IT 5 246 3n 7 5610 8 Hi Sa 1$ and Clock equal IT.5 226 :38 8 '017 11 17 17 B. 2nd "nnday after Easter. II is"O;) 21 6 39 9 42 morn l:=i "1 Fr. !Cast in 15 days 1 ret. now "0;) 206 4(1 10 43 0 18 J:' T" l,!phog-e more Q 5 186 4211 44 1 1:~ 2<1 \Ii Easter Term begins pleasant SL 5 176 4:3 aft 48 2 2 21TIt)iuSL Cold SL.~11364<1158 250 21! Fr lZt'''llIers (5, nights. TIJ1 5 146 -16 2 54 .'3 1:3 n;O;" St. GForge K. Geo IV, b. d. kepI rlJI 5 136 47 B 5:3 3 48 24 n, :3rd Sunday after Easter ===15 116 49 4 4" 4 17 fl,i:}:, Pr. East iu 3w. 2 ret. SI Mark."'=.~ lOG 50 512 4'5:3 211 ,n [D ofGlollC. b. ===5 8652 541 552 2/1\' ,,$ fast clock 2m 23. l'Zeasall/111\5 7 6 ,,:~ 6 12 6 5] 28;" ? S,a. 10 the 1Y[} ;) Ii 55 6-44 7 5:-; 29 F. ~ 111 Apogee end. t;; 416 56 7 21 8 40 e- t 5 36 57 8 1 9 4;:) ~ 5th Month] MAY, [hAth 31 days.

I, Oft let me wander o'er the dewy fields Where freshness breathes, and dash the trembling drop9 From the bent blish, as through the verdant maze Of sweet-brier hedges I pursue my walk, ,And see the country far dift'u5'd around, On~ boundless blush, one white-empul'pJed shower Of mingled blossoms.

(J Last Q •. 4,h, 9h 18m Eveli:l First Qr. 18th, lOh 55m Morn Ii) New Moon lit iI.6h 54m Ev 1 ® Full Moon 26th, lOh 43m Mol' ' D D Aspects, Holy Days, Anni- ® fo) ~ ® ® lVI \V versan:es, &c. PI Ri;;e g~t. Ri-se. S~t. ------1------1 B 4th Sun. aft Easter. Sl Philip & J [> 2 () 58 8 49 10 37 2 M Fr. East in 1 lVIo 3 rot. [St . .J as V3 5 1 6 59 9 31 11 27 ;:; Til Invention of the Cruss. Moist, V3 5 07 0 10 35 af'l 3 4 \V ~ fast clock 3m 21s. and pro- ~ 4 fi97 1 11 35 0 57 5 Th t) in '\3 ,bably some ;;;;: 4 58 7 2 morn I 35- 6 Fe ::3t. .Jbhn Ev. Ante Port L. "ain ;;;;: 4 577 3 0 37 2 11 7 :3a * 4 55 7 5 1 43 2 45 8 B. .5th Sun aft Easter. 'Rag Sun, * 4 547 6 2 52 3 18 9M Fi·.Eastin5w.4ret. [Clear 1'45:377341351 10 Tu 2.! in 0 11h 30m Thunder 'Y' 4 527 6 "1 27 5 13 11 IV (J in Perigee in ma- () 4 61 7 9 6 3 6 2~ 12 Th >\.scells. D. Holy Thurs. ny pia- () 4 497 II 5 47 7 47 18 ~'r On mar. of Asce", 6 ret. ces. [[4 487 J2 6 28 8 5(} 14 Sa 0 fast clock 3m 55s [[i4 47 7 13 7 31 10 9 15 B. Sund aft A.cellS. Day. Clear, §!4 457 15 8 3~ 11 8 16 iVI Easter Term Ends §:4 ~4 7 16 9 30 morn 17 Tu T;> in 0 11h 30m Change- Qi4 437 Ii 10 41 (l 1 18 IV t> in Q able_ Qi4 427 18 11 46 0 4&' 19 Tb Dunstan. n]114 427 18 aft 49 1 20 20 Fr Vegilalion 11J1!4 417 19 1 61 1 53 21 9a Oxford Term eods now ~:4 407 20 2 49 2 21 22 B. Whit Suod. Prs. of Hamburgh ~4 397 21 3 17 2 51 2:3:v1 Whit Monday rap~d. ":;')4 38 7 22 3. 45 3 49\ 2.J fu Whit Tuesday 111.:4 387 22 4 14 4 47 25 W Oxford Term begins 111.4 377 23 4 46 5 44 26 Th Cainb. Term div n Aug:l~t; 'J 4 377 23 5 20 6 42 27 Fr Ven. Bede. [Abp, of Cant. J '436724 6 1 738 28 Sa Perhaps a Wile t 14 357 25 6 44 8 31 29 B. Trinity Suod, K. Chs. n, resto. V3 4 347 26 7 38 9 24 30 'vI On rnor. ofH.Tr. I ret. more 1&434726 827,10 11 ::ll Til 0 fast dock 2m 56s rain. ;:;:;:4 337 27 9 25101 55 6th Month] [hath 30 days.

--The breathing plOspecl bids the muse Throw all her heauty forth. But who can paint Uke natnre 1 Can Imagination b~ast Amid its gay creation, hues like hers 1 Or Gan it mix them wirh that matchless skill, And lose them in ei\ch other, as appears In ('very bud that blows.

~ La,t Qr. 3fd, 10h 3m Mom I® First Qr 16th, llib 42m .:ve • ~ew Mnon lIlth I h :3·1m 1V1or'® Full Moon 25th. 1 h .!:{:." Mor J) D Aspetls, Holy Days, A1l?li· © 0 ® ® .® M W ve"saries, &c. PI Rise"e' ':ise Set - -. ------I W Nicomede ~ 4 :337 2' lfI 26 11 33 2 Th ® in IS F'vggp ._ 4 :3:3 7 2~ 11 28 "Ift 10 3 f' Trinity Term b,egins dark * -4 3~ 7 28 : ",rn 0 46 4 Sa weather * 4. 3:: 7 28 0 3~ I 16 5 1st Sun aft Tr. Boniface D of 'f-l 31 7 29 1 40 1 4.8 o [Ii] InSdays of H.Tr. 2 ret [Cam. b or 4.:3 1 7 29 2 21 2 51 7 Ttl '() 4 30 7 3(0 2 51) 4 5 8 W ® fast dock 1m 28s Clea.,· () 4 297 3l 3 1)4 5 IS 9 Th f) in Perige~ and II 4 2(17 31 4 ]9 6 31 10 F,. 2.! Sta fine II 4 28 7 32 5 1 J 7 43 .J ]IS" SI. Barnabas. . -l('e r,!her,'§ 4 287 32 6 10 8 50 12 I), 2nd SUllday nf\<'rTrinity. § 4 287 32 7 12 9 48 18,'11 In 15 do)s of H Term, 3 ret. ~ -1 2; 7 33 8 ]8 10 38 ]4 Tll f) in ~ ~ ,! 277 3:j 9 27 j] 19 II) IV ,~and clock equd E~:pect lip -I 27 7 :~3 10 33 11 51 16 'I'll . some TTJ( 4 267 34 11 37 morn '17 Fr St. Alban., Thnuder nll 4 267 34 oft 41 0 2G 18 Sa showers ~4 26734 I ]9 049 19 B. 3rd Sllnilay' after Trinity. ~4 25735 146 1 35 20 \<1 ,ln3w, orH. Tr. 4 ret. Tea.o 111421)735 2'15 234 21 'I'll ~Gr.Elong, [Ed.K.ofW.Saxf}l-'l 24730 244 33] 22 IV Trinity Term ends 1114 2D 7 35 3 18 4 30 231'1, ® in Apog"e t 4 267 34 3 54 5 26 24 Fr Nativity of SI. In,o Bapt. Clear, t 4 267 34 4 37 6 2" 25 Sa V3 4 277 33 5 24 7 15 "6 B, 4th Sun. aft Trinity. Plert.'lant V3 4 277.33 6 13 8 4 27 M growing '13 4 27 7 33 7 \) 8 53 28 I'll Q slow clock 2m 44s, weather.;;:; 4 287 32 8 11 9 31 29 IV SI. Peter . - ;;:; 4 28 7 32 9 14 10 9 130 1'h ® in IS * '1 2817 3:2110 1810 52 7th Month] [h"th 31 day •.

'Tis rag'ing Noon:-The mower sinking- heaps O'"r him the humid hay, with flo" ers perfum'd; And scarce a ehirpillg grass-hopper is heard Thw' .he dumb mead. Distressful nature pants. The very streams look languid from afar; Or thro' th' unshelter'd glade, impatient, seem To hurl into the covert ofth~ shade.

@ I,ast Qr. 2d, 6h 33m Even'liS First Qr. 16th, Oh 46m Eve" • ~ew Mooo !'lth. Sh 30m Mor ® Full Mo"" 24th, 3h 48m Eve DOl A.'pects, HlJ'Y Days, An."i. ® 0 ~ ® ® M W versaries, &c. ! , Rist· Set. Rise. Set. ------j Fr ~ .low Clock 3m 17. Now 71: -+ 297 31 11 2511 12 2 Sa Vi .• it of B. V. Mary su.ltry T ~ 2!·j 7 31 morn 11 41 3 B. 5th Sunday aft Trinity Some 'Y' 'I ~L 7 311 0 15 aft 31 4 M. Transl of St. Martin distant C:5 .j. :3t' 7 3n 0 47 1 '41 5 Tu Oxford Act. and Camb. Com. C:5 4 3u 7 30 J 24 2 50 6 W Thunder. II 4 31 7 29 2 2 4 2 7 Th t) in Perigee Sultry. II 4 31 7 2!J 2 49 5 1. 8 Fr Camb Term ~nds. § 4 327 28 3 43 6 21 !J Sa Oxford Term ~"rls Now refresh § -1 32 7 28 4 44 7 24 10 B. 6th Sunday aft Trinity ing GL 4 3:< 7 27 5 50 8 IE 11 1\1 showers. GL 4 3~ 7 27 7 0 9 6 12 Tu (Jj) in GL GL 4 3~ 7 26 8 0 9 34 1:3 W Clear and 11)1 4 &~ 7 25 9 1510 17 14 Tn €f slow clock 5m23s pleasant 11J14 3;; 7 2410 1810 4t j 5 F1' SWlthin. ~ 4 367 24 11 18 11 IE 16Sa A storm ~4 3772311 45 morn 17 B. 7th Sunday aft Trkity m(J;y fll 4 37 7 23 8'ft 13 0 1£ 18 M @ in Apogee be expected fll 4 387 22 0 42 1 1£ HI 'fu Kil1g Geo. lV. crowned, 1821fll <1 397 2l 1 14 2 16 20 W Margaret t 4 407 211 1 50 3 14 2J fh t 4 4.J 7 19 2 aO 4 If 22 Fe Magdalen Vl 4 427 18 3 18 5 4 23 Sa ~ eo leI's bl . I fear '15 4 437 17 4 S 5 54 24 B. Stb Snoday after Trinity we '154 44 7 16 5 1 6 42 25 M !i.t. Jawes shall ;::z 4 457 15 6 3 "I. 27 2;; Tu St. Anne have;::z 4 467 14 ':/ 5 8 7 2i W ~ in IS a tittle * 4 477 13 9 10 8 41 2S Th too much 71: 4 487 12 914 9 14 \w Fe 0 slDwdocl<; Bm 7s rain T 4 497 11 W 17 9 44 30SI' '?- G\'. Elong .tln~' T' cl 507 1O ilO 5n 10 17 31 B 9th:Sunrlay aft Trinity month T' 4 51·7 9;11 2311 24 8th Month] A VGtrsm. [bath 31 days ---- Attemper'd Suns arise Sweet beam'd, Rnd shedding oft through lucid clouds A pleasing calm. w:hile broad, and brown, below Extensive Harvests hang the heavy ht'ad. Rich, silent, deep, thpy 'slaud i for not a gale Rolls its light billows o'er the plain: A calm of plenty! I1P Last Qr b', !lh 24m Mon, 'I® First Qr 15th', 51, 7m .Mo .... , ~ N-ew Moon 71h, 4h·16m Eve ® Full Mooll23d, 4h 48m Morn ® L~.t Quarter 30th, 5h3Jm Morn. D D Asp"cts, Holy Days, Anni. 81 ~ G ® ® M W vers(pries, &c PI" Rise Be,. Hi,e. Set. ------"- - ---I- I M L9mmas Day Very b 4 52 7 f morn 0 33 2''/'0 , 8ttltry b 4 537 7 0 I 146 3 n ® slow clock elm 53s indeed II ~ 547 6 0 42 2 58 4 Th Char IT 4 55 7 i) 1 3:3 4 3 5 Fr iJ io Perigee fine § 4 5r> 7 4. 2 30 5 6 6 Sa Traosfig. of our Lord we(Jthe,·. § 4 57 7 a 3 31 6 7 7 B ](Jlh Snnd. aft Trinily. Nam" bt 4 587 Z 4 37 t> 53 8 !VJ® iu Q [of JestlS bt 4 597 I ,,46 7 38 9 Til U ill 8 9h aft. Sultry, 11j( 5 07 (, 6 57 8 15 111 W St. Lawrence with nJ! 5 26 58 8 2 8 50 11 Th t1mnder. ~ I) 40 1)11 9 5 9 21 1~ VI' King Geo. IV b. 1762 .~- 5 [) 6 1>' 9 3510 21 13S" Rain ~i) 505,10 1511 9 14 B. 11th Son. aft Trinity. in man.,! 1fL;) i 6 5;{ 10 43 morn If} M places ill'') 8 fi 5:': 11 24 0 7 1O Tu ® in Apogee t" \) 6 51 II 45 1 l 17 W ~ slow clock 3m 56s Cloudy t ;) 106 50 aft 29 2 7 18 Tb t ;; J 1 6 49 1 13 2 59 19 Fr Clear and V3 " 126 48 2 () 3 51 20 Sa' fine. '13 5 136 47 2 55 4 40 21 B. 12th Suo aft Trill. D. ofClar. b. ~ r. 145 46 a 54 5 27 22 M I® in 13 ~ I} 166 44 4 55 6 6 23'l'u:l;';i) enlers nJ1 Rafher *.j l'I6 43 6 ('0 ;; 45 24 W 'St. Bartholomew change. 1-E 5 IS 6 42 7 6 7 20 25 Th able 1-E~' 2(: 0 4(1 8 1'2 7 52 126 Fr {if slow clock 1m 46s 'Y' " 226 3S 8 54 B 24 27 Sa 'Y' " 2:~ 6 H7 9 21" 9 2~ 28 B. 13th Su aft Trin. St A"gllstinf' b 5 261\ :14 [0 r, ;1I31 29 M SI. .Jno Bap. beheaded. ClOUd!;. c, :; 28 i\ 32 10 44 1.1 40 ~QITul \;i !1r. EI.ong. n? 290 ::11 II 82 oft 5' 131 W ® m Peng'ee li" 3U 6 SO,morn 1 fit !lthmonthl- SEl''!l'.lU.VZDER. [hath 30 days.

Heuce from the busy joy-resounding fields In cheerful errol', let us tread the maze Of Autumn, unconfin~d: and taste reviv'd The breath of Orchard big witb bending fruit. J> Obedient to the breeze. and beatillg ray From the deep loaded bough a mellow shOWer J Incessant melts away. tiV ~';~W .L\loou o,h,:::h 16rn ldurnll'l:) Full N!ooll 21st, 4h a8:-i) .t:ve @ First Qr. 13th, llh 25m Eve C!ll LastQr. 28th, lib 11m Mort. 1) D I Aspects, Hoiy Days, .111"i- I© fll I 0 ® \' 0- ~'1 W versaries, &c. 1'1 Rise Set Rise Sel. ITI~iSt. Gil'~------;;:-;;.-I§s 31;-;-;9 0 2~r3 4 2 Fo- LOlldon bul'll! loG6 O. S. vp. §.5 336 27 1 2;' 4 ;, 10th month] OC'l'O:a:CB. [hath 31 days.

A sober calm Fleeces nnbounded ether: whose least wave Stands tremulous, uncertain where to turn The gentle current. Then is the time }'or those whom wisdom and whom nature charm, To sooth the throbbing passions into peace, And woo lone quiet in her silent walks.

"£lie,, Moon5th4h 27m Evel'IID Fnll Moun21st3h 27m Morn Clll First Qnar 13th 6h 42m Ev @ Last Quar 27th 611 45m Even DID Aspects Holy Days, Anni- lID' ~ I W lID lID LVI 'W versaries" &'c. PI,Rise Set. Rise. Set.

-·------1-·I Se. Rernigius, Clear. bL 6 125 48 ---- 1 36 3 42 2 B. 18th Sunday aft Trinity U 6 13547 2 30 4 24 3 M 4ID in bL High TIJ1lfi 1515 45 3 45 4 59 4 Tu winds, 11]1 6 17 5 43 4 53 5 33 5 IV t:;';> fast clock 11m 23s with === 6 195 41 5 57 fi 3 6 Th Faith. ===16 215 39 6 30 6 56 7 Fr rain. 111,6 235 37 7 0 7 58 8 So. '? in 0 Ob 30m aft. Cold. 11116 255 35 7 31 8 59 911 19th Sun.aftTrinity,St. Denys, 111'627533 75110 11 10 i\1 Ox.f. &, Camb, Term begins. J: 6 285 32 8 36 II (i II Tu i) in Apogee More J: 6 305 30,9 1611 52 12 W ~ Gr, Elong warm. \13 6 315 2910 0 morn 1:3 Til Transl of J,{. Edw. Conf. \13.6 325 2810 50 0 44 14 Fr ~ ["st clock 12m 47s Fair \1316 345 26 II 53 1 33 15 Sa i) in "\3 ~16 355 25 aft 48 2 7 16 B 20th Sunday after Trinity. d6 375 23 1 46 2 52 17:V1 Ethelrerla. Wi"dy, *[6 395 21 2 48 3 29 If! Tn St. Luke and *16 405 20 3 45 4 2 I~) \\' some 'r 6 42 5 18 5 4 4 45 21) Til , rough 'r16 435 1i 5 53 5 8 21FrJttSta. 'ri644516 69613 '],2 Sa weather. C; 16 465 H 6 56 7 29 :18 B, 21st SUlld, aft. Trinity. Rain. C; 16 47;3 13 7 41 8 44 :!4111 ~ in. Perigee ni6 485 12 8 39 9 55 :Z5 Tn Crispin, ni6 5li 5 10 9 2710 57 :16 W Fair §11 6 525 810 27 aft 9 '],7 Til ~ fast clock 15m 57s to the § 6 535 7 11 32 1 3 ZS Fr St. Simon and St. Jude end. bL\(j 54 5 6 morn ] 5C 29 :5a t) in bL bL 6 55 5 5 0 37 2 33 30 B, 22nd Sunday after Trinity nJZ 6 ,57' 5 3 1 4il 3 9 ,,;:'" "I TIJ1t6I 59 5 1 2 46\ 3 4f 11th month] [hath 30days,

Tben comes the Father of the (en'pes! forth, 'Vrapt in black glo

'!j)l\1eWl\looti-ttll.b:l;lJmiVh,rdl'1) Full Lvl0Ul.l 19th !h 401l1E\.e. @ First Qr. 121111 h 2Sm E·e'e. , D I ASptCU." flo{y DI','18, AI;"i. I® ;0 I W I' ® I 0 ~I~.. ___ ~~"ries, &=-___ I~/tl"e I~ ,:-ISC, _~ LTu:AlI Sa!,,~s. 1""':7 14. 59 351 1 4 7 2,W jAil Sunk [SQ)Jh. b -r..'7 2,4 58 4 311 4 57 3 Tll'On M. of All Sr."ls 1 ret. PI's. '-1~7 314 [,7 5 6 5 52 4:Fr:l1< fast Clock 16m 16s Clwnge:111 17 4)456 5331 653 5:Sa 'Powder Plot, 1605, [able.1Tp 54 55 6 41 7 52 1 G:n. 123rd Sun. aft Trinity, Leonard t 7 6 4 54 6 38~ S 50 71M Michaeimas Term uegins :t 7 7" 58 7 12' 9 50 1 8,Tu PI's. Augusta Sophia b. Warm t i 8 4 52 7 5910 39 9IN @ in Apog-ee foggy 1r5 i 9 14 51 8 44 11 28 IOITh weather. 1r5 7 10,41 50 9 36 mol'll 11 Fr St. Martin [Mar. 2 ret. ~ 7 12·4 4810 30· 0 12. 12,Sa Cam T div. In, on mol'. ofSt. ~ 7 J414 46 H 29! 0 51 1 13' B. 24th Sunday aft Tri", ity, Bl'itius ~:z 7 .1514 45 aCt 29 1 2!J 14M Now *716444132231 15 1Ttl Machu!ns pleasani. 3£ 7 lil4 43 2: 3512 36 16iW e fast clock 15m 6s 'r 7 IB41 42 3 30 3 !) 171Th Hugh B. of Lincohl High 'r 7 19 441 4 103 54 18,Fr In 8 days of St. Martin 3 reI. 0 7 2041 40 4 4914 58 I9ISa 'winds, and rain. (:) 7 :n14 39 5 25 6 9 201B. 25th Sunday aft Trinity Edm. II 7 22)4 38 6. 14 7 29 211M @ in Perigee [K. & Martyr II 7 23 4 37 7 91 8 32 22i1'u Cecilia _ § 7 2414i 36 8 J2 9 41 Z3' W St. CLement, Cold ram § 7 2° 4 35 9 18' 10 52 24 Tb f) in SL [Catber. SL 7 26434101 2511 44 25,FrI in 15d of St. Martin 4 ret. SL 7 2714 33 II 32 1aft 291 26 Sa from West, IIJ( 7 28,4 32 mom J 6 1 271B. Advent Sunday or Snow TIJ1 7 29:4 31 0 35 J 41 28 M Mich. Term ends. from Ea;t. l::: 7 30i4 30 1 39 2 f1 1 1 29 Tu ~ fast clock 11m 38s ~ 7 3014 30 2 24 2 34 30lW St. Andrew ee=7 314 29 3 3343 ii2th month] [hath 31 days

Mysterious round! what skill, what force divine,­ D"ep felt, in these appear! a simple train, _ Yet so delightful mixt with such kind art, Such beauty and beneficence combin'd ; Shade, unperceived, so softening into shade j And ,,11 so forming an harmonious whole, That as they still succeed, tbey ravish stilL

iill~ New Moon 4th, 2h 31m Mor l ® Full Nloon 18th, 1 ill 53hi.Ey ~[)First Qr. 12th, 6h 5m Morn l(J;) I,Ast Ql'. 25th, 611 53m Even. t) D I Aspects, Holy Da!Js, Anni- ®I ~ 1;Q1 ®- ® ,)j W . 1lersaries, &c. ' Pl Rise Set. Rise. Set. 1 Th e fast-clock 10m 5';---ml7 3':11~ 28· 3 31 -44] 2 Fr ITl 7 324 28 4 6 5 34 3 Sa t 17 321-1 28 4 326 3E: 4 B. ~nd Sunday in Advent Siormy. t 7 3:3·\ 2, .') 9 7 35 5 M Q\D in Apog'ee Snow.t 17 334 27 5 49 8 29 GT" Nicolas. Or,.l1il1._ V)'17 344 26 635 919 1 '1\\ Q in 0 21145111 Dft. V37 344 26 72210 4 81Th Cunception of B. V. Mary ;:;~ 7 354 25 8 13 10 4i i ;'If"l'I@ in \3 Fl!Jing cloud. ~~ 735 425 9 14 11 IS InlSa f;!l fasreiock 7m 9s Clully' ;::c: 13642410 811 58 ! liB. :3rd Sanda)' in Advent tiiinds. * 7 364 2411 11 morn 12 M 3{; 1 374 23 aft 13 0 27 13ITuI1~!JCY p,.obal,iJily T -; 37\42:3 1 20 0 57 I'i\,\, of 'r738422I55120 IGI1'11 S';070. t5 7 384 2:2 :2 27 2 27 1111171' Camh.Term eorls. O. Sap. lIigh (, i :384 22 3 5 :3:3i '7iSa 05:1',>1"<1 Term enns. cold II 7 394 21 :3 46 4 4(1 IfVJ· 4th. SLlnd~.v in Advellt, .ninds. II 7 39" 21 4:38 6 4 t>J,:,] Q\D 10 Pel'lgee < w11h :;; 7 3~) 4 21 5 37 7 17 2{J~r"l Snl'I'). 50 7 4°14 20 6:39 8 2:3 ~ I V 1St Thomas. &L 7 40~.'4 20 7 43 9 2 i zz rh'® in '\3 C' OlltHS V) &L 7 414 19 9 610 4 23lF, .. &L 7 4 4 20110 10 10 54 ,24 .13 " l n nnd Clock equal Fair ilJ: 7 4(114 20:11 1611 30 25 B,!ChrislnlflS D.:),_ and nJ! 7394 21 'morn aft 2 .:!6 C\~ .S!. Stephen. }i'osty. ="'= 7 394:21 0 19 0 31 'Z7 T"iSt. John. . ="'= 7 3~'4 21 0 57 1 21 28 W Ifnnocen,s. III ~ ~fi!14 20 1 22 2 20 :29IT ], .... 1111~ ~8 4 221M 3 17 i:30,!Fl' t;'; slow clock, 2m 30s SnMV 111 7 374 2:3; 2 201' 4 20. j'H Sn Stlv~'t0r. 0))' ,·"in. 1: 7 374 23: 2 54 5 16 ,...... CIVIL LIST OF UPPER.CANADA.


FROM THE DIVISION OF THE PROVINCES IN THE YEAR 1791, TO THE PRESENT TlI\IE. Period of NAME~. TITLES. AccessiOfj;. ------,- Colone! John Graves Simcoe, ...... Lieut. GOV. .July 8 1·792. The Honorable Peter Husscll, ..••• President, July 21 1796' Lieutenallt General Peter Plunter,. Lieut. Gov. Aug 17.17!)!) The Honorable Alexander Grant, •• I?'tesident, Sept· II ISO:; His Exc~llency Francis Gore,. '.' .,. Lieut. Gov. .Al1~ 25 iSOtl .. Major General Sir Isaac Bl'ock, .•• President, Sept 30 lSI] Major Gen'l Sir R. Hale SCiea/fe, Bt. President, Ocl- 20 lSI2 Maj. Gen'IF.'Baroll de Rottenburgh President, Jun€ 19 IS13 W Ge'Q.~~ i~~~~~I.~~~':U:l~~~.d: ~ Provo Lt. Gov Dec 13 ISJ3 Lt. Gen'l Sir George :l1L,rray, Bt ... Prov, Lt Gov April 25 1815, Majdr.General Sir FrederickPbi- (p L G T I 1 IS15 lips~,Robinson, K.C.B ... ·.••.• 5 rov. t. ov. u y His EXCEllency Francis Gore~..••. Lieut. Gov. Sept 25 1S15 The HOl1orable Samuel Smith,; ••. Administrator June 11 18n Major Gen'l Sir Peregrine l\1ait- I ·Lieut. Go·y. Aug 13 ISIS land, K. C. B .•••• ; ••.••••••• .5 The HOI,ol'ahle Samuel Smith, .••. Administrator March S 18'20 MojoI' Gen'] S'r Peregrine Mait- (L' t G June 30 ISi!G laml, K . .c. BoO ...... '" .. ... \ lCU ov. Major Gen'ISm JOHN. COLEORNJ<, ( r' t G :'

LIEUTENANT GOV,ERNOR, I-lis Excellency Sir JORN COLBORN!:, Knight, Commander of the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath, &c. &C. &c. Private Secretary; •••••• Z. Mudge, Esquire. Aid.de.C~mp,_ ...... - Captain Blois, 52nd Regt. GOVERNMENT OFFICE. ~dward MacMahon, Esquire, .•• • Ch~ef Clerk,_ Arthur Gtfford, E~quire, and ~- •• •. Clerks. lVlr. Jam('S A. Smith, ...... ~ Office-Keeper and l.Iessenger, •••••• fsaac,PHkington. Assistant Messenger, ••••• • _••••• _•• FhiliRJames.

::\iEMBERS OF THE -LEGISLATIVE C~CrL. The H@norable John B. Robinson, Chief Justice, .. Speaker. The BOil. & Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Quebec. a Tl)e Hon.W.D. Powell.y It. The Hon. Angus McIntosh.l! "4 James Baby. V /,,, Joseph Wells. V " ,John McGilL 0 /#' Duncan Cameron. V ."6 Thomas Talbot,d A'a George H. Markland"V "., Thomas Clark. - /&/l John Henry- Dunn. V ~~ William Dickson- /'7" William Allan. V "6 Neil McLean. {1 ',iJ" Sir William Campbell. 0 H/tl'George Crookshank.yr·" Peter Robinson.v"" "/land Ven. The Arhdea~on~" Charles Jones._ of York. V i! H. James Gordon. _

Gr:;,nt Powell, Esquire,.~. 0 Clerk. The Rev. William Mnc,iUlay, .••• Chaplain. D' Arcy Boulton,' Esquire, •• Master in Chancery. William Lee, Esquire, •••• Gentleman U:her oj th6 Black Rod. Mr. Hugh Carfrae, •••••• Door·Keepei·. Lewis Bright, •.•••••••• •. L'I:1es9~nger. 19- MEMBERS OF 'l'HE HOUSE or ASSEMllLY. GLENGAaRY. DlJRHAM.

Alexander McMartin, John Brown, 0 Alexander Fraser. George S. Boulton. STORMONT. ·T,OWN OF YORK, Archib"ld McLean, William B. Jarvis. Philip VimKoughnett. YORK COUNTY. DUNDAS. Jesse Ketchum, JOhn Cook, Willial'll L. M'Ken'l'ie; Peter Shaver. Sf·MCOE. PRESCOTT AND RlJSSELL. JVilliam B. Robinson. (See Addenda.) 0 ':aALTON. LANARK. William Chisholm, William Monis. James Crooks. CARLETONo WENTWORTH. John Bower Lewis. John 'Villson, LEEDS. .Mlan,N. M'Nab; William Buet, junior, HALDIMAND. Matthew M. Howard. John Brant. GRE'VILLE. TOWN OF NIAGARA. Richard D. Fraoer, Henry J. Boulton, Edward Jessup. LINCOLN. TOWN OF ~NGSTON. Robert Randall, Christopher Pi, Hagermaon. John Clark, Fl'WNTENAC. William Crooks, Hugh 8; Thomson, Bartholomew C. Beardsley. John Campbell, OXFORD. LENOX AND ADDlNGTON. Charles Ingersoll, Marshall S. Bidwell, Charles Duncombe. Peter Perry. NORFOLK. PHINCIi: EDWARD. Duncan M'Cail, Asa Worden, William Willson . .Tames Roblin. MIDDLESEX. HASTIKGS. Mahlon Burwell, Reuben White, Roswell Mount. Joames H Samson. KENT. NORTHUMBERLAND. Willia,m Berczy. james Lyon, ESSEX. ArchibaldM·Donald. William Elliott, [ES~UIRESo. Jean B. Macon. [ESQUIRES, OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. James FitzGibbon, Esquire-Clerk, The Rev. Thomas Phillips-Chaplain, Samuel P. Jarvis. Esquire-Clerk of tile Crown in Chancery, . Mr. David McNall-Sergeant at Arm.'!, Williani Kno!t-Door Keeper, John Riley-Messenger. :20 MEMBERS OF 'l'HE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. The Han. John Beverly Robinson, Chief Justice •••• Chairman. The Hon and Right Reverend, The Lord Bishop of Quebec. . The Hon. James Baby. " and Ven. the Archdeacon of York. " Peter Robinson. George H. Markland. John Small, Esquire, .••••••••• Clerk of the C01lncil. John Beikie, Esquire, ••••.•••• Confidential Clerk· Mr. William Lee, ...... Clerk. Hllgh Carfrae, .• ~ •••..••••••. Door-Keeper & Messenger. Mrs. Anne Bailey, ••••••••.••. House-Keepe,·. Regular Council Day ...... First Thursday in every month.

PUBLIC- OFFICES. RECEIVER GENERAL'S OFFICE. Receiver General, •••••• The Honorable John Henry Dunn. ' ~ Mr. B. Turquand, Cl en:s,. • ••• .•••••. M "V R .1 r~ v. ose. INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE. Inspec/or General of PTovincial ~ Th H J B- b Accounts, ...... \ eLan .• ames a y-

Cl I ~ Mr. James Nation, er os, •••••.•••••• -5 Mr. Raymond Baby. _ OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AND REGISTRAR, Secretary and Registrar, .••• .•••The Hon. Duncan Cameron. Deputy Secretary and Registrar, • •. Samuel P. Jarvis, Esquire. SURVEYOR .GENERAL'S:DEPARTMENT. Surveyor General, .••. ,S. P. Hurd, Esquire, Senior Surveyo,', and ~ . Draftsman,. '.' ••• S James G. Chewelt, EsqUire, Clerk, .• '.' ...... John Radellhurst, Esquire, Mi". George C. Ridout, Exira Cle"ks, •••••• l\1r'. V\,ilJiamSpragg, ~ ;\Ir. John Caldwell,. Messc,ngel",. ~ I ••• ~ •••• ~ '. ------._' 21 LICENCED DEPU'TY SURVEyORS. James G. Chewett, Esquire, i; Senior Deputy Surveyoj". Burwell, Mahlon Farquharson, John M'Intosh, Alexander Booth, John Grant, Lewis' M'Gillis, John Burch, John Galbraith, John Nickall, James Bristol, Richard Goessman, John I'ark, Shubal Burwell, Lewis Hudson, John H. Preston, Ruben Browne, William Harris, John Pennock, John Bostwick, John Huston, John Quinn, Owen Benson. Samuel M. Hughes, Christopher Ridout, Samuet Black, Hugh Hail, James Rider, John Birdsall. Richard Jones, Augustus Ryckman, Samuel

Bmt, John Kenedy, Charles Uitchic 1 .Tosias Bower, Thomas T. Kilborn, William H, Rankin, Charles Blakely. John Kirkpatrick, James Richardson. Samuel Conge;', 'Yilson Land~tn. Asa By kert, Ge0rge Caldwell, Thomas J..Aount, Gabriel, Smit h, Thomas Cattanach, Angus _ LOUIlt, GEorge Smith, l-lenr~v Cllrrje, Robert i\1'Carlhy, Jeremiah Smith, .lohn Campbell, William Madel, Adrian' Smith, Samuel CampiJell. Ales',.. IIIcDonell, Duncan Shaw, Claudius Cleaver, Jnmcs Mount, Roswell' Swallwell, Anthony Denison, ~hll McDonell, William Smyth, John Everitt, Daniel Malcolm, Eliak Sprillger, Benjamin En-ing, Henry McNaughton, John STerrett, James B. Elmore, Publills V. nkDonp.lI, Xeil Til~'an)', George S. Egan, l\llchael Miller, Anorew Wilmot, Samuel S. Fortune, Joseph !\1cDnnald, John S. -White, Jolm K I·'raser, William l\'Yerriman) Jsaac 'r/riglJt, Ric-bard Fairfield, William S. McDonald, .Juhn West, James Fraser, Thomas CROWN :LANDS OFFICE.

Conllnz'sssicner for the selle and ~ 'm~rwfe,tnenl.o!,. ~'~~o~.vn LL!nds· The- IIo_n. Peter Robinson. mod Clergy Re.erve, ....•.. , "I. l'dr.-_. Baynes, Clerb, •••• ...... 5Mr. Richard Thanhill,

Auditor General of Land Patents-D'Arc),- Boulton, jun: Esq,

,Printer to the King's Most ,Exc'ei. ( Robert Stanton, E,,,. lent M{/desty, .. ~ • &. ~ .. _...... ~. S .l. 22


COURT OF KING'S BENCH. Chief Jusi'ice •••••••••• The Hon. John·B. Robinson. . ' 'I. The Bon. Levius P Sherwood, Putsne Judges, . •.•• ;. S The Hon James B. Macaulay Attorney General, .••••. Henry John Boulton, Esquire. Solicitor General .••.•• . Christopher A Hagerman, Esq. Reporter, ...••• ••.•••.• William H. Draper, Esquire. Keeper, ••••.•••..•••.• ,James Bri

Israel F. Jones Janles D. Doyle W. B. Winterbottom B. Dougal - Charleli Oliver Thomas H. Taylor Charles R. Heward George M'DonelI Charles B. Secord C. A. FOSler William F. Murney James Jessup, Edward C Campbell James Woods Walter W. Dickson Warren Claus John Bogert Miles O'RielIy [Esquit·cs., ATTORNIES. William Z. Cozens Isaac B. She~k Francis Rochleau Richard P. Hotham DEPUTY CLERKS OF THE CROWN IN THE SEVERAL DISTRICTS. Eastern, and 'I. G d Ottawa, S ...... eorge An ersoll, Bathtust, .••.•. ...••• . .••. •••••• Alexander Fraser, .Johnstown,...... T D. Campbell, lIIidland, .• .••• . .• .••• •••. .. •• .• Alexander Pringle, Newcastle,...... Elias Jones. Gore, • . • • . . • • • • • . •• • • . • • • . . • • • . Andrew Stevem, Niagam, .••.•.....•...••...•.•. \V. D. Millar London, .. . .•. .•• ••. .• •••• ••. ..• James l\1il~hell. Western,...... Charles Askin-Esquires, COMMISSIONERS FOR TAKING AFFIDAVITS IN THE COURT OF RING'S BENCH. Eastern District, Ottawa District. Alexander Wilkinson Richard P. Hotham Archibald M'Lea" George lVl'Donell-Esquires. Guy C. Wood Bathurst District. Peter Le Roy Geor~e Hume Reade William Z. Cozens Geor~e T' Burke George Anderson James Boulton Joseph Anderson Charles Sache Philip VanKoughnett Thomas Radenhurs! Samuel Anderson SewlIll Ormsby George Cline George Lyon John Chrysler A Fraser .John P. Chrysler James Inglis Peter Shaver \Villiam Rogerson George S. Jarvis Robert Sheriff .John Cameron Matthew Connell Alexander Chisholm M. Bell Alexander M'Martin - .T. Lcnv j - Alexander Fraser-Esquires_ Wilham M'KeU7.ie .Toseph rJHgerman~-E[Hlllires. .Johnstolen D'striel. Benjamin Dougall JOl~as Jones Joseph Allen E. Hubbell Benjamin Sey~our Dauiel Jones Henry Smith William Morris Ale«anda Pringle Alexander Thorn LowtherP. M'PhersoIll Roderick Matheson J06~ph Hagerman William Jones Thomas W. Robison Joseph K. Hartwell George H Detlor Thomas D. Campbell William ,L P. Bartlett Alpheus .Tones David Brodie-Esfl',ires, Joel Stone Newcastle District. James Bnrrett John Peters John P Chrysler Thomas Ward Andrew N. Buell George S. Boulton George Mallo~ck John Burn John Weatherhead Elias Jones :\1. Burrett George Deacon Henry Sherwood Robert C. Wilkins Peter Schofield .Tohn Boswell Duncan Carley Marcus F. YVhitehead Joseph Hagerman .Tame;; Black fsrael F. Jones ~Willi"m H. Draper l'.a,,1 Glassford George M. J. Boswell --- Gray-Esquires. Richard BuU"ck Midland Disl riel. 'V. A. Campbell, James Nickalls, junior Thomas V Tupper Thomas Parker Robert Fairburne John 1V. Ferguson Joseph 1(, H"rchimer J a. mes Samso~n .Tohn Huston Robert Smith Charles Oliver Joshua B. Lockwood Home District. .Tohn M'Cuaig Simon 'Vii::ihb~l~·n Andrew Deacon Robert Charles Horne Simon Macaulay Donald Bethune Samnol Merrill Charles C. Smail John Low Jame, King J"hn R. M'Donn1d Jan1cs Edward Small Thomas Kirl'iwtrick Gf'orge S. Boulton Henl'Y Lasher Tbornas Th'i lor Willinm.J Fairfield .J ~1l11', lI1 C:, wde!l l'rlnrshuil S. Bidwell \Villiam B Hol,jusol1 Archibald IVI'Donnell Juhn Scotl" Hiclial\l C. Rul>i,lson \~"illin.nl i\'r;;;r.llS Thomas O)Farn'i~ John F. Ta\T!or Genrgt~ ~j'Kenzic ,John War,.;;n, .Tal;~c~~ G. D~m(H'cst Peter :,l'Donald 25

Edward Goldsmilh Honorable Thomas Clark Thomas H. Taylor Josepb B. Clench Charles R. Heward Alexander Hamilton William H. Draper Willi.. m Hamilton Merrit~ .Tohn G. Spragge Jacob Keefer C A. Foster Charles Richardson W. A. Campbell, Cle,k of A$size James Black James O. Doyle Edward C. Campbell George Lount Robert E. Burns Frededck S. Jarvis John Lvons .John Bagwell-Esqnires John Warren, Waterloo Gore Dis/?·ic!. Robert Grant Thomas Taylor Johnson Clench George Rolph Charles B. Secord James Crooks W. A. Campbell, Clerk of Assize Robert Berrie \Va.rren Clatts-Esqni rO$. John Law London District. Allan Napier lWNabb Jam~s Mitchell James Durand, junior John Rolph Andrew StHen Mahlon Burwell John Burw~1l Thomas Hornor Thomas H. Tavlor John B. Askin William Notman James Hamilton William Dickson Allan Napier i'll'Nabb William Holmes Joseph Odell 'William !WKay .lohu Tenbroeck Matthew Crooks William Salmon John M'Alpine Cameron Ira Schofield .Tames Racey James Givins Charles Duncombe-Esquires William King Cornish-Esq'rs. Niagara District, Westel'n Di<;trict. James Muirhead J B. Bahy Thomas M'Cormick William Elliott, Roberl Dickson ChHrles Baby Samuel Street~E.quires J. Rapelje Honorable William Dickson Ale«ander Richardson-Esq'l's .. COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED TO AO,iVIINISTER THE Oath of Allegiance in the several Districts. ' Eas1ern Disirict. Ottawa District. William Marshall Han. Neill\i'Lean George HamIlton William Morris Joseph Anderwn Alexander Grant C. H. Sache, Esq'rs. Alexander !VI'Martin Jno !VI'Ooneil, Esqs Johns/own Districl, Guy C, Wood Bat/mrst Dislrict. Joel Stone Ja'5. Pringle, Esq'rs. George T. Btlrhe Adiel SbefwM<\ C \'\'Vm J"nes, ·Esq'rs. Grant Powell Londo1i District. Midland District. W. B. Robinson, Hon. Thos. Talbot Thomas Markland [Esqnires. James Mitchell Thomas Parker Gore .District. George C. Salmon Allan lWPherson James Crooks Mahlon Burwell Simeon Washburn, Abraham Nelles C. Ingersoll, Esq'rs. [Esquires. :rhos. Taylor, F.sqrs. Western District. Newcastle District. Niagara District. Hon. A. M'Intosh Walter Boswell .James Kerby John B. Baby Elia • .1 ones .. J ohn Warren 1\'iIliam Duff Z. Burnham, Esq'rs. Warner Nelles Hon. James Gordon Home District. Thomas M'Cormick John Dolson, John Smail Jno. Lyons, Esq'n. [Esquires.


CLERGY OF THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH OF ENGLAND. The Honorable & Right Reverend Charles James Stewart, D D., Lord Bishop of Quebec. The Venerable George O'KiIl Stuart, L L D , Archdeacon of Kingston. The Honorable and Venerable , D. D., Arch­ dea~on of York. Domestic Chaplain, &c -Revd. Robert D. Cartwright, A.M. Visiting MissiGnary to the Dtocese.-Rev. G. Archbold, EASTERN DIS1'RICT. ~,.. t'ld & 5 Rev. F. Myers. "Ua, a, c. ~ Rev. D. Robertson, Assistant Minister. Will-iamsburgh and 5 Rev. J. G. Weagan!, Osnabruck, ~ Rev. F. Mack, Assistant Minister, Cornwall &c 5 ------, , ! Rev. J. L. Alexander> Curatc. BATHURST DIS1'RICT, Perth. &c.-Rev. M. Hards, A. M. Beckwith, &c.-Rev. R. Harte, A. B. Richmond, &c.-Rev. R. Short, March, &c -(Vacant.) JOHNSTOWN DISTRICT. Revd. J. Wenham. Chaplain to the Lord Brockville,-. Bishop,-(absent.) Rev. --Gunning, (in temporary charge.) Prescott, &c.-Rev~ R. Blakey, Yonge, &c.-Rev. R Elms, Oxford and Malborollu,h.-Rev. H. Fatton. 27

lIIIDLAND DISTRICT. J{i t 5 Rev. G. O. Stuart, L. L. D. 'Lngs on, l Rev. T. Handcock, A. M" Assistant lIJin-iste·",. Bath, Ernestown, &ce.-Rev. J. Stoughton,­ Adolphustown, &ce.-Rev·. J. Deacon, Hallowell, &ce.-Rev. Wm. Macaulay, Belleville, &ce.-Rev. T. Campbell, Carryl1lg Place (Township (R J G" oj .lYlurray,) &ce. S ev. . ller, NEWCAS'l'LE DISTRICT. , &ce.-Rev. A N. Bethune, Port Hope, &e·-Rev. J. Cog'lan, A. B. Cavan, &c -Rev. Jo The-!'Rson, Peterbol'ough, S.c.-Rev. S. Armour. HOME DISTRICT·. York, &ce.-Hon. and Rev. J. Strachan, D.D. Archdeacon of Y'orlL . &e.-Rev'. J: Magrath, Markham awl Vaughan,-Rev. P. MayerhoJl'er, GORE DISTRICT. Aneaster, Barton, ( Rev. J. Miller, M. A., and lIamilton &c Dundas, 5Rov. R. Leeming, Missionaries to the Six ~Rev. R. Lugger, Nalton Indians on and the Grand River, Rev. A. Nelles, NIAGARA DISTRICT. Niagara ,-Rev; T. Creen, Chippewa, StamJord, (R ,W L '. and Queenston, §. ev. .' eemIng, Grimsby, &ce.-Rev. R. Grout, St. Catharines, &ce.-Rev. J. Clarke, A. M. Waterloo, Fort Erie, &cc.-Rev. J Anderson. LONDON DISTRICT. St. Thomas, &ce.-Rev. M. Burnham, A. B, TVoodhol1se, &ce.-Rev. F. Evans, London; &ce.-Rev. E. J. Boswell, WESTERN DISTRICT. Amherstburgh, S.c.-Rev. R. Rolph, Sandwich,-Rev. "Tm. Johnson Chatham, &e.-Rev. T. Morley. CHAPLAINS TO THE FORCES. Kingston,-Rev. R. W. Tunney, ·l'-ol·k,-Rel'. J. Hudson, !.VI. A. CORPORATION FOR SUPERINTENDING & MANAGING THE CLERGY RESERVES. The Lord Bishop, The Established Clergy, The Inspector General, The Surveyor General, Secreiary,-The Honorable George H. Markland, Agents,-The resident Clergy in the seve"al Districts. Meetings of the Board,-the first Tuesday in the months of February-May-August-and November. N.B.-A General Meeting is heJd in Febrnary.

CLERGY iN COMMUNION- WITH THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. Williamslown.-The Rev. J. M'Kenzie, Lochiel,-The Rev. J. M'Laurin, Comwall,-The Rev. Mr. Urquhart, lffarUnto1L'n,-fhe Rev. A. M'Connell, Perlh.-The Rev. Thomas Willson, .Byiown,-The Rev. Mr. CrookshanI<, Iiingston,-The Rev. J. Macbar. Ancasier,-The Rev. Mr. Sheed, Niagara,-The Rev. H. M'GiII, London,-The Rev. A Ross, Amherstbt!rgh,-The Rev. Mr. Gale,

ROMAN CATHOLIC CLERGY- IN UPPER CANADA. Glengarry,-Right Reverend Alexander M'DoneH-Bishop of Kingst,m. Very Revd. W. P. IVI'Donald, ~ V' G Very Revd W. J. O'Grady, 5 wars eneral. Revd. John M'Donell, ~ Gh l' Revd. James Campion, 5 ap a'/ns. Revd. --- Dempsey,-Secretary. St. Andrews /lnd Cornwall,-Revd. William Fnwer,-Rec/or Prescot! and Brackville,-Uev. Timothy O'Meara, " ' Bytown,-Rev. Angu3 M'Donell, " .Pe,·th,-Rev. John M'Donell, " Kingston _ 5 Very Rev W P. M'Donald, " , {R0V. M, L~lor, Hallowell and 1I1arnwra,-Rev. Michael Brennan, " ,Peterborollgh,-Rcv. Jame$ Crowley, " 29

i"ork,-Very Rev. W. J. O'Grady, ...... Reclor.' 'Toronto and Adjala,-Rev. Edward Gordon, " Niagara, Guelph and Dunrlas,-Rev. John Cullen Atnherslburgh, &c.-Rev . .f Fluet!, Sandwich a.nd Rochester,-Rev. Joseph Crevier, SURROGATE- COURT. Judge·ex"Officio,-The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Person Administl~ring the Governmellt. Official Principal,-Grant Powell, Esquire. Regisrrar,~James Fitzgibbon, Esqujre. COMMISSIONERS UNDER-- ACTS OF PARLIAMENT. HEIR AND .DEVIZEE ACT. The Chief Justice,-The Hon. J. -E. Robinson, The Puime Judges _ 5 :fhe Hon. Levim P. Sherwood. . I rhe Hon. James B. Macaulay, The Honorable and Venerable the Archdeacon of York. The Honorable James B'aby. CleTk,~John Beikie,·Esquire.'

MEDICAL--­ BOARD.' Christopher "Vidmer, .James Samson, \Villiam Lyons, Robert Charles Horne, William 'Van-en Baldwin,' Peter Deihl-Esquires. Grant Powell, Sccrelary,-Wiliiam L~e; Esquire, Ni:J/e-'The Board mecls at York on the fiut J'donday in January; Aj>ril, July, and October.

LtCENCr.~.TES PASSED BY 'I HE BOARD A~D A!.LO'\'''ED TO I'RACTICE". John Gilchrist" Hiram Weeks Elam Stimson Nathaniel Bell S. Throckmorton Samuel Gilchrist 1<~. W. Armstrong Johu Vanderpool Matthew GiJehrist I'itkin Gross Chau1!s so to do. William J. Scott Peler Deihl John King, M. D. James O'Hara John Rolph E. L. McDonald G. N. Ridley John Dormer William Lang-, .Asa F. Reid Robert Edmiston [ Gentlemen•.

PRACTITIONERS LICENCED, HAVING PRACTISED, BEFORE AND DURING THE LATE WAR. J. B. Chamberlain John Spencer Trueman Hicoel< 'Trueman Raymond David Wilcox Peter Po ward

KING'S COLLEGE, YORK. .His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, •••••••••• Chancellor, Tbe Lord Bishop of the Diocese, •.•••..••••••••.• Vis·itor, 'fhe Honorable and Venerable John Strachan, D.D. ~ P 'd t Arch,leacon of York, ...... 5 rest en, The Hon. Joseph Wells, .•• •.•••••••••••••••••••• BurSal", 'fh·c Hon. George H. Marldand, •••••••••••••••••• Secretary. COUNCIL. The Honorable Sir William Campbell, The Venerable George O'KilI Stuart, Archdeacon of Kingston. The Reverend Thomas Phillips, The Honorable John Beverly RobiDsGll~ Henry John Boulton, Esql1ire, "'rant Powell, E~qllire. 31

UPPER CANADA COLLEGE. The Lieutenant Governor, ...... Vi.itor, The Rev. J. H. Harris, D. D ...... Principal, The Rev. T. Phillips, D. D ...... Vice Principal, The Rev. C. Matthews, M. A.••••••• First Classical Maslu, The Rev. William Boulton, B. A .•••• Second Classicaillfastel'. The Rev. C. Dade. M. A...... Mathematical Department, Mr. J. P. De La Haye ••••••.••••••• H'enc" Master, Mr. G. A Barber, (. E I' h m" &A' h t' Mr. J. Padfield, 5.... •• ..... ng _s ,rrnt,ng nt me.e, Mr. Drury, ...... Drawing Master. Tlte. College Quariers are ordel'ed as follows: First Quarter, Begins immediately after the Christmas Vaca· tton, (about the 4th of January,) and ends on the 20th of March. Second Quarter-Begins on the 20th of March, and ends on the 10th of June. . Third Quarter-Begins· on the 10th of June, and ~nds at the commencement of the Summer Vacation, (about the 16th of AugusL) Fourth Quarter-Begins immediately after tbe Summer Vaca· tion, (about the tirst of OctOber,) and ends at the commeRce­ ment of the Christmas Vacation, (about the 21st of December.) ;;,;;, * At whatever period of either of the above Quarters "" Scholar is admitted into the College, or Preparatory School, his Dues for Instruction are payable from the begiuning of that Quarter.

BOARD FOR THE GENERAL SUPERINTENDANCE OF' EDUCATION IN UPPER CANADA. The Han. and Venerable the The HOIl. John H. Dunn, Archdeacon of York, The Hon. William Allall, The Hon. Joseph Wells, Chades C. Small, The Hon. George H Markland, Grant Po,,",pU, (Secretary), James Fitzgibbon, The Hon. John B. Rohinson, Chri.topher Widmer, The Hon. D. Camerun, W.O'Hara,-Esquircs. ~ CENTRAL SCHOOL OF. UPPER CANADA, ESTABLISHED AT YORK. His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor-Patron. BOYS SCHOOL. FIRST DEPARTl'vIENT. Mr. Joseph Spragge-Masler,-English Reading-Writing-and Arithmetic-.m the Principles of Bell and Lanca3tel'. 32

SECOND DEPARTMENT. Mr. John T. Wilson-Master,-English Reading-Writing;­ Arithmetic-Engli.h Grammar-Book-Keeping-and. Ele· ments of Geography. ,GIRLS SCHOOL. Rebecca Sylvester,--Mislress,--English Reading--Writing-­ Arithmetic and Sewing. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS.- BANK OF UPPER CANADA. (CHARTERED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT.) Hon. William Allan, ...... President. DIRECTORS. Hon. John H .. Dunn. George Monro, JamES Bally, Samuel P.Jarvis, Joseph Wells, Christopher Widmer, James Winniett, John Elmsley, John S. Baldwin, Alexander Wood, Wllliam Proudfoot, Samuel Rido"t, &. Wm. Gamble, Es'll's. Thomas' HelliweJl, Esqrs. Thomas Gjbbs Ridout, Esquire, •••••• CashIer, Mr. Joseph \\Tenham, ...... Book-Keeper, Robert C. Horne, Esquire, •••• " .••• Teller, Mr. Charles S. Murray, .•.•••.•.•••. Assistant Book·Keeper, Mr. John Mosley, ...... ••• Discount Clerk, IVl'r. Robert G. Anderson, .••••.•••• '" Second Te"ller, ]VIr. Edward Goldsmith, .•••••••.•••• Clerk, Rubert Yors!on, ••••••••••••.•••.•••. Messenger and Porter,' Office at Kingston-John Macanlay, E.quire, 'Cashier, OJfice at Niagam-Tbomas M'C<)rmick, Esquire, Cashiej'c CANADA--- COMPANY; (UfCORPORA'l'ED BY ROYAL CHARTER.) . CAPITAL-£ 1,000,000, STERLING. . G01'eI'llOr, •••••••.••.••••••. Charle. Bosanquet, Esquir.e. lJiJputy GovernO?·, ...... Edward Ellice, Esq'r. M.P: DIRECTORS. Robert Biddulph, Hart Logan, Robert Downie, M. P.· JamesM'Killop, M. ·P. John Easthope, M. P. M'artin T. Smith, M. P. John Fullarton, Henry .osborne, 'Yiliiam T. Hibbert" Cllal"ies Franks-Esquires; John Hullett, 53

AUDITORS'. Thomas Starling Benson, Thomas Wilson, M. P. Thomas Poynder,jun'r. John Woolley-Esquires. Secretary, ...... N. S. Price, Esquire, Clerk and Accountant, •• John Perry, Esquire, Solicitors, • •••••••••••• Messrs. FreshfieJd & Son, B k 5 Messrs. Masterman & Co. and Messrs. an "ers, ...... ~ Cocks, Cocks, and Biddulph. Office-Canada Houie, St. Helen's Place, London. Agent at Quebec, ..... • John Davidson, Esquirl', Agents at Montreal, .•• Messrs. Hart Logan, & Co. Commissioners in Canada S I~onorable William Allan, an.d 'ilhomas Mercer Jones, EsqUire. AGENTS.

B ~ Charlee Sheriff, ytown •• •••••••••••••• "{ Robert Sheriff, Lorignal, ...... Charle. P. Treadwell, Perth, .•••••••••••••••••. Alexander Fraser,

Prescott, o. 0 •••••••••••••• Edward Jessup, Kingston, •• ; ••••••••••••. James Sampson, Napanee, •••••••••••••••• Allan McPherson. BellwWe, ••••••••••••••• • James H. Samson,

Cobourg, ..••••••• 0 ••••• 0 oJ. G. Bethune,

Aldborough, •• ••••• 0 •• 0.' 0 Joh!! McFarlane,

IJuffulo, •••••••.••••• 0 ••• Ebenel"er J ohnson, Esqujre~, (Offices-at York, Guelph, and Goderich.) ....@(jjI- WELI,AND CANAL COJUPANY. (CHAR'l'ERED. ) Honorable John Henry Ounil, •••• , ••••••• President, Ae1exandel' Y. McDonel!, •••••••••. ,., ••• Vice.President. DIRECTORS. Henry John Boulton, Robert Ruodali, George Keeler, John J. LeJrerty, William H. MerriU, [Esquires. John Black, Esquire, •••••••••••• Secretary, William H. Merritt, Esquire, ••••• Agent, (Office-at St. Catharines.!. 3,(

BURLINGTON CANAL. COMMISSIONERS SUPERINTENDING. William Chisholm, Ashel Davis, Alexander Browo, William Applegrath, John Aikman, William B. Sheldon. Joshua Freeman. [Esql1irei. William J. Kerr, Esquire ••••••• Secretary. (Office-at Burlington Beach.) DESJARDINS CANAL- COMPANY~. (CHARTERED.) , Allan Napier McNab, Esquire, •••.•• •••••• Presidenl. John Patterson, Esquire ...••..•.••• ,. ,." , Fiee-President; DIRECTORS.· William Chisholm,. Uobel'! Stanton, James Crooks. [Esquires. A. Steven, Esquire, .••.•• Secretary. (.office-at Dl1ndas.) CATARAQUIBRIDGE-- COMPANY, AT KINGSTON-(CHARTERED.) John R. Glover, E'sql1ire,. .••••••••••• President. , DIRECTORS. John Kirby,. Johu Macaulay, John Marks. [Esq>lires. Mr. George F.Corbett;•••••• Secretary and Treasurer. KETTLE CREEK- HARBOUR. ON LAKE ERIE. COMMISSIONERS SUl'ERINTENDING. James Hamilton, John Bostwick, John MIltthews, Charles Ingersoll, Mahlon Burwell, [Esquil·es. GENERAL HOSPITAL OF UPPER CANADA; AT YORK. TRUSTEES. The Han. the Chief .Justire, The Hon. Geo. H. Markland, " " James Baby,. "" John H. Dl1nn, The Ven. the Archdeacon of William Allan. York, ...1pothecary: II'~., g I I., g ••• II • • , Mro fStevens ... 35 SOCIETY FOR THE RELIEF OF THE SICK AND DESTITUTE, AT YORK. His Excellency the Lientenant Govemor, •••••• Patron, The Venerai>le the Archdeacon of York, .•••••• President. VICE-PRESIDENTS. The Honble. James Baby, Honoranle William Allan, The Honble. Justice Sherwood, Jesse Ketchum. Esquire. James Fitzgibbon, Esquire, •••••• Secretary, F. T. Billings, Esquire, ••..••••• Treasurer. SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING---- CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. (YORK COMMITTEE.) His Excellency tbe Lieutenaut Governor, •••••• Patron. COMMITTEE. The Ven. the Archdeacon of The Hon. Colonel Wells, York, and Clergy, D'Arcy BoultoT!, Esquire, The Hon James B. Macaulay, C. A. Hagerman, Esquire. The Rev. Joseph Hudson, •••••••••••• Secretary, .Tbe Hon. William Allan, •.••••.•.••. Treasurer, Robert Stanton, Esquire, •••••••••••• Depositor, Mr .Tohn Powell, tell Mr. A. Elliott, 5······ ...... 0 fetors. YORK AUXILIARY- BIBLE SOCIETY. His Excellency the Lieutenant Govornor-Patron. The Han .Tohn H. Dunn-President. VICE.PRESIDENTS, Dr. Baldwin, James E. Small, Esq. Dr Morrison, Jesse Ketchum, Esq. Rohert Baldwin, Esquire. 5ECRET,l.RIES. Rev. James Harris, Rev. Alexander Stewart, Peter Patterson, Esq.••••••••..••••• Treamrer. Mr. Edw'r. Henderson, Ju'\' ..•••..••• DepositU1'Y' SAVINGS--- BANK, AT YORK. His ExceiJency the Lieu!ellallt Governor-Patron. MANAGERS. • The Hon. James Bahy, F. T. Billings, " "Johu H. Dunn, . William Proudfoot, " " Joseph Wells, Jesse Ketchum, A. 'Vood, Esquire, George Monro,-ESlJ.uires,. 36 DISTRICT APPOINTMENTS. SHERIFFS. Eastern, •• • Donald ·M'Donell, Home, •••• William B. Jarv.is, Ottawa, •• • Alex'r. M'Don,,1l Gore ...... William M. Jarvis, Bathurst, •• James H Powell, Niagara, •• Richard Leonard, .Tohnstown, Adiel Sherwood, London.•• • Abraham A. Rapelje, Midland, •• John McLean, Western, •• William Hands, Newcastle,. Henry Ruttan, [Esquires. CORONERS. Eastern, Thomas Sproule, Peter McGregor, A. French; J. 'Rea, Thomas Reade. William Holmes, Alexander Wiley, IvJidland. James Muirhead, Ottawa. Simeon \Vashburn, James Hamilton, William McFarlane, Robert Smith, David Beasley. Anthony Swalwell, William J. M'Kay, Niagara. Alfred Chesser. Samuel Shaw, Amos M'Kenny, -Charles Treadwell, Newcastle. Gilbert lVI'Micking, John Buchannan, Benjamin Ewing" Cyrenus Hall, Johnstown. Thomas Harris, Edmund Burton, William Merrick, Thomas V. Tupper, Samuel Wood, Robert Gilmour, Home. London. James Maitland, William Lee, R. L. Cockroft, Joseph K. Hartwell, Thomas Hamilton, Mahlon Burwell, William J, Scott, Hugh Richardson, Jonatillul Allstin, Colin McDonell, Arad Smalley" Geo. W. Whitehead, Bathurst James Adamson, Joseph L Odell, Alex. J. Christie, T. G. Anderson, Western. D. McLal'in, Francis Leys. John Wilson, John McIntyre, Gore. James W. Little, lViIliam Matheson, John Burwell, John Patton. JUDGES AND CLERKS OF THE DISTRICT COURTS. DlsTRcTs. JUDGES CLERKS. David Jones, •••••• ~ GAd E eas tern, •••••••••• Daniel Jones ...... S eorge n ersoR, o t George Hamiltoll •• ~ P R ' tawa, ...... •••• .. GeorgeS Jarvis, .. S .F.L~, oy, Btl' I JonasJ

CLERKS OF THE PEACE. Eastern, ••• • Archd. McLean, Home, .•••• Simon ''VashburIl, Ot/aU'a, •••• R. P. Aotham, Gore . ..•••• Robert Berrie, Johnstown, •• Edward Jessnp, Nillgara., .•• Cha's. Richardson, Balhwrst, .•• Geo. H. Reade, London, •••. J B. Askin, ~Midland, .•• James Nickalls, IYestern, .••• Charles Askin, Newcastle, •• Thomas ''liard, [Esquires. TREASURERS OF DISTRICTS. Enslern, .••• Hon. N. McLean, Home, ..• •• 'F. T. Billings, OUawa, .••• D. McDonald, Gore, .•..•. :Slijah Secoru, Joh)!stown, . Adiel Sherwood, Niagara, . •• William Clarke, Bathurst, . ...John Watson, London, .••. John Hanis, M,:Jland, . •• Thomas Markland, Weste'rn, .•• WilliaHl Hpnds, Newcastle, •• Z. Burnham, Esquires. INSPECTORS OF SHOP, STILL, AND TAVERN LICENCES. Ens!er77 , .••• Hon. N. McLean, flolne, ..••• Alex. McDonell, OUau'a ..... Thomas IHrars, Gore, ..••• . John Willson, Jolm.slown . • on"'er Everts, lVirtga1-a , ....John Claus. P,..:thnrst, . .... f. nthollY Le~die, London, .••• James Milchell, Jj}i;i/!!Ild .... :.Jawes Sampson, TVestern, '" VVilliam Hand,. Neu'casl/e, ... Elia~ JortCS, E'qu!re•. INSPECTORS OF BEEF AND PORK. Erlster ...."t, •••••• George Grant, llome, ..•.... --- --­ G·;t(llCtl .•••••• ------Gore, •••..•.. ------Balliurst, ..••. --- --­ W. D. Miller, J,·hnslown, ... Oliver Everts, N"iagar«, • •• F. Bel:cier, lJi.uJi ,1Id" •••• Henry frlurney, ~ J. MUirhead, ./. B LOl'kwood (Balh) Lnndoli, ••• ~ •• Henry V. ldlrtn, Newcastle, .••• ------' /i'estern, ...•• . JO,Cj)ll C. LewLs, INSPECTORS OF FLOVR, POT, AND PEARL ASHES. Eastern, ••••.• -- Home, ..••••• Georg'e Shaw, OllruDfI, ...... -- Gore,. ..•..•.. -- -- Bnthnl"Rt, .••• ~-- N' . \ W. D. Mill" .. , J"hs/own ..... -8. Carley, wgara, ... ) J. Muirhead, .IJlirihnd,. ,~ •• l1enry Murney, Lr}l)r/on, •••••• -- -- Newcas!te, ..•. W",. Sowden, W£.)tern, . ••••• Joseph C. Lewi", D 38


1fiRv'ie~e.allX ~ John Cameron, ,per:het,an- (T. G. Andersoll;' mstn. 5 gms tne, S Cornwall • •• Joh/! Crysler, Goderich, . •• -- Brewster, Prescott, ••• Alpheus Jones, BUTlington Bay, John Chisholm, BrockviUe ••• William Jones, Niagara••••• William Clarke, Gananoqui,. Joel Srone. Queenston, ',. Robert Grant, l{ingsfon, •• Thos. Kirkpatrick, Dalhowne, •• Wm. H. Merritt, Balh, •.•••• Colin !VlcKenzie, Chippewa, •• Robt, Kirkpatrick, Hallowell, .. Andrew Deacon, Wort Erie, •• • John Warren, Belleville, •• Robert Smith, "Charlotteville • .T. Mitchell, Newcastle, ~ Richard,Bullock Dover, .. •••• G . .T Ryerse, Port Hope. S ' Port Talbot,. Mahlon Burwell, Cobourg, , •• Dougall Campbell, Amherstburgh John Wi,lson, Yo'rk, • , Yo.' George Savage, Sandwich .. .. William Hands:

REGISTRARS-- OF COUNTIES, FOR DEEDS OF BARGAIN AND'SALE. Districts. Counties. Reglstmrs. Eastern, •••••• Stormount & Dunda$, •••••• A;ch'd. McLean. Glengarry, .•••••••• John McDonell. OltlYwa, . •••••. Prescott and Russell, .••••• R. P. Hotham. Batitur,t •• ••••••••••• Lanark •••••.•••••• George T. Bnrke. Carlton ...... Alex. McMillan. Johnstown • .••••••••• Grellville•••••••••• A. Patten. Leeds ...... D. Jones. Frontenac; P. Edward. ~ 1JIidland, .••• Hastings, Lenox. and Allan McLean. ~ Addington, Newcastle, ...... Nnrthumb"rlanrl •••• George S, Boulton. Durham •••••.•••••. Tbomas W drd. Home, ...... York••••••.••••••• SamlMI Ridout. Simcoe •..••••••••• George Lount",. Gore ...... ••• "Ventworth and Halton, ...... Tames Durand. ,1'~'qgaJ'a, .. •••• Lincnln (4 Ridings,) ...... John Lyons. I.andon, ••••••••••••• Oxford, ..••..••••• Thomas Hornor. Mirldlesex, .••••••• Mahlon BurwelL Norfolk, ...... F, L Walsh. rr,~:rlern: ' • , ••...•••.. Essex •••••••• , •••• John Hands.

Kcntl t ~ ... , G ~ 0, ~ I' ~. W-m. Jones,. 39 SURROGATES AND REGISTRARS OF THE' SURROG.i.TE counTS, IN 'I'HE S};VERAL DISTRlCTS. DISTIU CT. SURROGATE. REGl STRAH. Easlern ...... Hon. N McLean, ... A. McLean Ottawa • .••••••.••. David Pall ie, .•.•••. R P. Hotham Ballwrst ...... Jonas Jones ...... H. Bradfield

Johnstown •••. ..••. Jonas J0nes. r •••••• George MaUoe\< lYIidlrmd ••••••••••• Thomas Markland •• A. Pringle Neweastle .•••••.••. Thomas Ward •••••• M. :1<'. Whitehead Home ...... ''Y. W. Baldwin ..••. Wm. ('hewett Gore ...... Thomas Taylor ..... George l~"lph NiagaT!1 •.••.••.••. A. Hamilton ....•••. James Secord Lamlon ...... James iVlitchell ..... F. L. Walsh IFestern ...... Wro. Hands ...... Charles Askin. BOARD OF EDUCATION. Easiern Dish·ict. James Sampson, Donald McDonald, Thomas Dorland, Archibald McLean, Newcastle Dis/riel. Ottawa District; Rev. A. N. Bethune John McDonell, Home District. Bathursl District. Grant Powell, Esq. The Rev 1\1 Hrrris, Hon. Willian Allan, VViliiam Morris, The Ven. Archdeacon Strachan, Anthony Lesslie, Gore D;.'!trict. Alexaoder.1\1c!.Viillall;' Elijah Secord, George H. Read. DanielO'Rlely, J ohnslown Dislricl. Niagara District. The Rev. J. Wenham, Elnathan Hubble, London District. Junas Jones, .Tohn Rolph, E. Bottum, J. B Aski .. , Joel Stone, James Il-li.cheJJ, Hon. Charles Jones, George C. Salmon. Midland District. West em District. The Veil. Archdeacon Stewart, The Han. A. Mclntosh, C.~. Hagerman, William Handi. TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The Ven. the Archdeacon of Y 0rk is a Trustee in the several Districts. Eastern District. Ot/awa Di.'!/rict. The Rev. S. Mountain, Alexander McDoneil, The Hon. N. McLean, \ George Hamilton, Samuel Anderson, Charles Sheriff, Joseph Anderson, R. P. Hothan.• John Crysler, John Kearns, A. McMillan, 40

Bathurst District. Home District. James H. Powell, D' Arcy Boulton, Sen'f. Georg'e T, Burke, John Small, William Marshall, ,Hon. D. Cameron, William Morris, Hon. James Baby. H. Graham, Hon. J. B Robinson, The Rev. Mr. Harris, _ D, BOlilton, -Junior. .Johnstown District. Gore District• The Rev. J. Blakey, James Crooks, The Rev. J. Wenham, James Rilcey, Elnathan Hubble, John Wilson, Jonas Jones, Matthew Crooks, Han. C, Jones, Thomas Taylor, lJfidland District. William Ellis, Allan Mc Lean, Niagara District. Thomas Markland, The Hon. W. Dickson, Thomas Dorland, The Rev. W. Leeming, Hon. G H. Markland, Richard Leonard, John MacAulay, Thomas Cummings, C. A. Hagerman, James Muirhead. James Sampson, London District. Newcastle Dist1·ict. MahlOll Burwell, ,Valler Boswell, John Bostwick, Z Burnham, Jos,'ph Ryerson, Rouert Henry, James Mitchell, Elias Jones, John Rolph, ' John Peters, John Harris. Leonard Soper, Western District. Rev. A. N. B'e1hulle, Han. James Baby, Thomas A, Stewart, Hon, A McIntosh, Charles Rubridge, Alexander Duff, ' Robert Reade, Hon. James Gordon, Rev. J. Crowley, Charies Elliott. G. H. Reade,

DISTRICT SCHOOLMASTERS.-- Eastern •• . TheHev. -U l'quhart,Home .•••• The Rev Dr: Phillips Ottawa •• . Rev. John M'Lal.lrin, Gore .•••. Stephen Randal Bathurst .. Rev John Stuart, Ni(}gara .. • James J. Rolsto~, Johnstown. Mr. Bushby, Low)"" •• '. E. Chadwick, Midlarld •• 1\,lr. George Baxter, Western.,. Rev. Wm. Johnston. Newcastle .J\'lr, Davie] Ovans, COMMISSIONERS OF THE PEACE FOR THE SEVERAL DISTRICTS. The Judges, and Members of/he Executive and Legislative Councils in each and every D,,·/ncl. Eastern Dislricl. Georg-e Hamilton Charles J. Bell Jeremiah French David Pattie Anrlrew Donaldgon Allan [\Ij'Don£l1 Alexander Grant Robert Stevens Alexander M'Millan Joseph Kellogg Archibal(l M'Nabb Samuel Ande"son Philo H"n Arthnr Lov"d ' Allan M' Dnnell Peter F. Le Roy" George Lyon' David Sheek .lohn Brush Joseph B. JJewis Jacob,\Veager Simo-l) VauKleek· Henry Brarlfield ''Villiam Fraser Chauncey Johnson John M_ Mason John Corbetl .Tohn Chesser David Kennear John M'lntil-o David M' D()I)ell Roy Charles Sherriff John l'd'Donell, Abel Waters Robert Sherriff John Stewart, Charles V/"ters Daniel Beard Peter Le Roy. Charles Sherriff Henry Glass John Crysler Joseph Cass John FcrgUSOll Doualrl M·Al.llay· Elihu·Cas, He III a" L;"mlon Joseoh Anderson- Joseph Charles John BerrOI'd Lau;encc M·Kay. John Paston H. Pinkay Benjamin !<'reuch John Kearn. 'Villiam Rutherford AHJcrl French A. l,al.l rrrieau , Esqrs F. W. Bcrford Alexander M'Kenzie Bat/mrst Dislrict. George C. Rankin Abraham Marsh Alexander Thom Daniel Fisher John Cameron William Morris George Rainville John Wnldroff William Marshall Matthew Leach 'Villiam 1\1org'an George T. Burke Daniel M'Kinnun Alex'r. ::VI'M&rtin Alexander M'MiIlan John Grenviile Duncan 'il'Donel! William B Bradley Edward S. Bradley Guy C. Wood James B. Weatherby John Richey Alexander Ros~ .John B. ~1onk Alexander M'Vicar George Hamilton Joseph ~laxwell George l'ennant John [WDonell Josias Taylor Julius S Lelievre Ambrose Blacklock B. Sheek EdlVard Logan Allan Camer,," Sewell Ormsby .{ames Grierson Alexander Chisholm John Watson .John Hutchinson Alexander Fraser Roderich M"ttheson .Tames Rae John lWGiIlivray John M'Kay .Jam,,, Wilson Alex'r Wilkinson Donald Fr"ser J. Le Breton. Esqrs. ,James P"ingle John F Elliott Johr/do-wn District. D. Thompson, Esqrs. Anthony Lesslie Joel StOtl" Ottawa District. Charles Sache Gideon AJoms John iWDonc)l Henry Graham 'fnlluan Hicock D" 42

Stephen Burritt Archibald Denny Alex'r. lWDonald William Jones William L. Whiting Richard LOIVe David Breakemidg& Philip Snooks T.Turnbuli Richard Arnold Jno.-Denning, Esqrs. Davi~ Smith Hugh Monroe Midland Dislrict. A. B. Hawke Daniel Burritt Archibald :.vJ'Doneli W. J. l\1'Kay Uri Scovill Robert Williams Joseph Allan Phillip Phillips John Embury David ;3econl Lewis Grant John Stinson, junr. Jaci)b Rumbaugh 5ilvt's,er Wright Thomas Markland John :'I1arks Benjamin R. Munsell J. B. Chamberlain Stephen Yarwood Richard D. Fraser Corn. VanAlstine Richard Hitchins Heman Landon James Cotter Orton Hancox Thoma. Fraser Henry YI'Donell Jacob German Alexander Morris Robert C. Wilkins W. P. Bartels '1'110'8. D. Campbell Jame, Yonng Hugh M'Gregor Rufus C. Henderson Solomon Hazleton Jacob Shtbley 'William Wells William Bell AndreIV Deacon Adiel SherIVood J. Car.callon, seor. Richard Bullock Alexfll1der I)ayton Matthew Clarke William Ketcheson Alexander :.vJ'Millan Thomas Empey Thomas Parker Barthulomew Carley Thomas Dorland Charles Biggars IV. H. HotlUm Reuben Bedell David Wall 'William Morris Thomas Sparham Pete,' Perry Roderick Matheson Benjflmin Fairfield John Campbell George T. Burke Isaac Fraser Samuel Solmes Joseph Maxwell John Church A. Manahan Tmman Hurd Slaats Sager Samuel Clarke Henry Burritt Joseph Pringle Archibald Keating Philip Dulmage Samuel Dorland Wilham Bowe,', jr. Terence Smith Griti1th Howell Benjamin Hubbs Jonathan Fulford Charles Anders-on Hugh C. Thomson John We3.therhead Allan [WPher.on D. J. Smith Justus S. Merwin James Sampson John \Vatkins Archibald M'Lean Anthony Ivlurshall Henry Smith Alphens Jones John Macaulay George A: Clarke Henry Jones Alexander Pringle George Ridley Elnatban Hubble Simeon Washburn Adam Bowers DLlIlham Jones John German L Herchme, Wililiam Bt'owll Asa Worden Hugh McDonald James Mo .... is James Dougall Samuel Cas, y John Gardiner Gwilli"lTI Demon'est James M'Gregor C. A. Hagerman Colin M'Kenzie Adam Krien 'Vm. R. J. Burford Georg'e Ham Thomas Nash John McLe .. n Robert'smith Archibald M'Neil Edward Kingsbnry Robert Richardson Owen McMftllOn John M~Donald Henry Dingman Archibald McFaul 43

James McFarlane R Bullock Ararl Smalley George Baker· .James I.yons John Galhraith \V. H. Gray, Esqrs. A. H, Myers .Tohn B",;Wl'l! Newcnslle District. Thomas Cnr P"ter M Q.'"altl E!ias Jones Thomas \\'alker Hector MQuarrie Hicharrl Loveldn John S;ecl .Joseph Carter Alexander Fletcher Richard Birdsall Samuel Ridout Jod Merriman Alex'lnder McDonell Charles C. Small Richard Hare John H.all Benjamin Stone Zaccheus Burnham J Burnham. Esq'rs. John Lemon John O. Smith Home District. William Bidsall Robert C. Wilkins .John Small Peter Milne .Tames Young Akxander \Vond Benjamin Munger Charles Fothergill Alexander M'Donell Donald Cameron John Platt Ale;;:ander Fletcher James Adam80n Robert Henry 'Villiam Chewett Laurence Heyden \V. Boswell Grant Powell John B. vVarren'- F. B. Spillsbury Stephen Jarvis Alex. Armstrong Samllel S. Wilmot \Villiam Thompson Oeo. Ramso.y, Esqrs .. Archibalrl i.Vl'Donelt William Tyler Simcoe. John Fraser D'Arcy Boulton,jun. William Wooden Charles Rubridge .James Miles T. G. Anderson James G. Bethune .James Fit2Gibbon .James M. Hamilton Benjamin Cumming Thomas Selby Jas. Hamilton, Esqrs .John Taylor Michael Sloat Gore Dis/riet . John Hutchinson Francis Hewson \Villiam Crooks \Villi",m Ouston Frederick'S. J an'is Robert Nelles Sheldon Hawley Robert C. Horne Abraham Nelles John Covert , John Beikie James Crooks John Williams William B. Robinson Henry Hagle William Sowden .John Scott .John Wilson David Smart ·William Parsons Levi Lewis William Falkner Christopher Widmer .Tomes J\1>Bride .John Brown Augustus W. B.ldwin Hl1gh Wils',n William Shaw J. O'Brien Bouchier William ElI:s .T oseph A. Keeler William Proudfoot .James Racey John Lester R.obert Stanton Matthew Crooks Thomas A. Slewart Peter Adamson Daniel O'Rielly Robert Read John Gamble John Secord Raneri Fairburn Thomas Racey Philip Sovereign John Brisk , William .Johnson Manuel Overf.eld William \Varren of Georgina, William Proc'or Putricl, MeGuire \Villiam S. Gopper Thomas Lepard .John Huston William Tumer Tbomas Smith E Barnum \Villiam Crookshank Peler M'Gregol' .J ames Rogel's Robert Armstrong William Holme Francb Conner Lewis Algeo Elijah Secord Robert Murray James Mackl~m Israel Wood John Chisholm John D, Se'rvos William Willson Richard Beasley William H. Merrilt A Dobie W. Thompson 'lIlarner Nelles Edward A, Tarbot Peter Adamson George Ball Duncan McKenzie Rotert'Land John Usher Henry White 'Vm, Johnson Kerr Robert Hamilton J as. lVicKinlay Wm Chisholm Henry Warren Isaac Draper Ewan Ritchie J. B. Clench Jacob Pl)tts jun'r. William Scollick John Crooks John Kirkpatrick William Dunlop Daniel M'Dougal D. Campbell William Richardson M. Crysler Henry Carroll Thomas S:ephens Thomas Merritt John Waddel William I\1'Kay John Clark Gilbert Wrong Peter Hamilton John Powell Woods Samuel Edison 'V, B. VanEvery Henry Nelles John McDonald Benjamm Wilson Jame~ Black -- D. vYarren - Nathaniel Bell Wi!liam Anthony Wm. Robertson A. Proudfoot John Claus .James Parkinson Henry Trout George Stevens' John G. Lossing George Chalmers Robert H. Dee .John Burdick Job .. -Sterrett Alexanrier Gordon .Joh1l Scatchard Thomas Fvffe D,,>id Thomp.on Benj. Wilson Hllgh Gre;'n H, W. Nelles Charles Prior Charles Prior Smitb Griffin John Brewster ES'lrs. John Brewster Benj. Carley Western Distriel. John Spraute Edward Evans Ebenezer Reynolds George P"tten London District. William Duff D, K. Lewis Perer Teeple :Francis Baby Daniel Lewis Thomas Hornor .T ean Baptiste Baby John Ross, Esgrs. James Mitchell Rabert Richnrdsol1 Niagara Dislrict. Joseph Ihersoll George Jacob James Mllirhead Thomas Bowlby .John 1\1 Gregor Robert Nell,", Mahlon Burwell John Dolson John \Verren George C. Salmon Arex.c.Ma·ckintosh Crowell Wilson James Hamilton' William M'Crea "'illiall1 Crooks James Graham William M'Cormick Robert Grant Charle, Ingots.on I David Mitchell reter Bail ,Francis L. IValsh·, .J ean Baptiste Barthe S&lnue\ Street James Ra~ey Willi.:,ll Jones Genr!Z:e AdalOso, Leslifl .Patterson· William MKay Abra1am Nelles Ira Schoffield John Gaff Georg-e Keeler D, McCall Tho',. G, Anderson Thomas lWCormick Hel1l'v \Varren Mich,,-el Bailey James Ke,-by .Johu 'Eo'slwick George Mitchell Ak"ander Hamilton John I-latch .James Gordon hmes Cumminl§s Solomb.) Lossing Israel Smith 45

Claude Gouin Samuel Osborne G. Jacob, jr. Esqrs. James Bell Josepb Hamilton

AGENTS FOR ISSUING--- lUARRIAGE LICENCES. E~tern D'istrict. Alex'r. Stewart, ••. DOU1'O, Joseph Anderson, . Cornwall, Home Dis/rict. J. Cameron,-R. H. Lancaster, Andrew Mercer, •• YQ1'k, Ottawa Dis/rict. F. S. Jarvis, ••••.• T01'onto, ------.... ---- Gore Dis/rict. Bathurst District, Matthew Crooks, . Ancaster, Wm MOtTis, •..•• Perth, Niagara District. John Lowe, .•••.. Bytown, Robert Grant, .••. Q!!eenston, Johnstown Disirict. Henry Nelles, .••. Grimsby, Robert Gilmour, .• Broc/evtlle, T. M'Cormick, ••. Niagara, Midland Distnc/. John Warren, . ••. Fort Erie, James Sampson, •• Kingston. W. Richardson, .•• Brantford, Andrew, Deacon, •• Hallowell, London District Hugh M'Gregor, •• Napanee, James Hamilton, •• St. Thomas, W J. M'Kay ..••. Bath. John Han'is, •.... Villo;'ia, Thomas Parker, •• Belleville, Western Dis/rict. C. E. Bu!Joek, •• CaTl~~ing Place, William Hands, .•• Sandwich, Ncwc{J)ftle D,s/riel. DUllcan M'Gr€gor, Chatham. Thomas "Vard, .,. Port Hope,

POST OFFICES &, POST ~IASTERS, IN UPPER CANADA. (Thomas Allan Stayner, Esquire,-Depu(y Post-Master-General of British North America-Quebec.) Aclolpbustown-Thos. Dorhwd Cobourg-J. n. Bethnne Alexandria-A. ~1'Donell Colborne-Joseph A Keeler Amherstburgh-Cha's, Berczy Cornwdl-GllY C Wood Ancaster-.1ohn burwell Darlington-Robert Fairburn. Bath-John Dean Delaware-B. B. Brigham Bayham-JosEph Defield Dernorestdlle-T. Demorest Belleville-Thomas Parker Dl'llillmondvilie-C. II Leonard Beverly-P, S"hofield Dunclas-Lesslie &, Sons Brantfon!-W. Richardson Dunnville-A S. St. John Brockvilie-iTenry Jones Fort ETic-Wm. Smith Burford-G. IV. Wbitehead FrcdericJ.csburgh-D· L, Thorpe By town-H. Connell Galt-A. Shade Ca'van-J. Kno\v]son Gan3.Dcqlli..-...J. rt'lcDoneH Chippewa-A. Kirkpatrick' Grimshy-H. Nl'lles 46

Guelph-T. Husband Port-Hope-David Smart Hallowell-J. S. Hermans Port-Stanley-John Bostwick Hamilton-J. M. A Cam~ron POft-TaJbot-M. Burwell Hawkesbury-Thomas Mears l"re~cott-Alpheus Jones Kilmarnock-J. Maitland Qucenston-A. Hamilton Kingston-Juhn Macaulay Raleigh-D. McGregor Lanark-J. A Murdock Richmond-G T. Burke Lanca~rer-1;Vm. McIntosh R,vcr Trent-S. Hawley Lochiel-James Benton Sandw;ch-\Vm. Hands London-G. Goodhue Simcoe-D. Campbell L'Orignal-0l.1.sr('d Gates Smiths Fall.-W. M~ttlebefger March-Thomas Read St. Andrews-Dunom M'Donell MarkhalIl-A B,,'ker St. Calharines-VV H Merritt. IVJarUlOrr..-A. f\1anaban St. Thomas-L. Bigelow MAl'tin·tc>wn-A. McMartin SIOMY Creek-To Walldel Matilda-George Bronse Sireel.ville-J. Ransom J\1crrichsvilJe-T. Smyth Thorllhill-Tuome & Parsons' Monaghnn-.1os. Graham T',lJfold-Jacob A. Keefer Murray-Charles Biggar Toronto-A. Lewis Nappanee-A. McPherson Trafl.dgar-A. Proudfoot Nelsoll-Wm. Chishohn Vittoria-F.L. Walsh Newmarket-\V B. Robinsa.. Wa,nileet-David Thomson Niaeara-John Crooks Waterford-J. W. Powell Nor;vich-P. Lossing Wellington_A. McFaul Owabrnck-Jos. Bockus. \VelHngton Square-A. Bates Oxford-Chada. Ingersoll' l'Vhitby-J. B. Warren Penetangui.hine-J M HamihonWilliarosburgh-.John Crysler Perth-Josias TayloT,. WiJliam,blll'gil (West)- Pelerborou!;h_Thos. Tupper H. G. Stearns JPicllering.,-li'rancis Leys Yarmouth-R. McKenney fort-Bllnvell,....J. Draper York-James S. Howard. RATES OF POSTAGE, (Single Letter )

For (my.distance under, and not exceeding 60 miles •• J ••• • 4~d. Above 60 and not over 100 mil..,s •.•••••••••••••••••••••• 7 Above 100 and not over 200 miles .•••••••••••••••••••••• 9 And Two Pp.nce for eyery .additional 100 miles. Letters for the United States must be Post flaid to the Line~ and those intended to go that way for Europe, must be Post paid to the Port from which they are to depart. Letters for Europe, to go by the way of Quebec, mnst be paid to that place.-Anrl those meant togo by the Halifax Route, muat be POSI paid to Halifax.' . 47 POPULA TION. A List vj Surveyed Town.hips in Upper Canada, Alphabetically arranged, shewing in what Count'ff a'f!d District IJheyare situated, {tnd the Population in each, as jar as retunI; arlYreceived-1830. popu- TOWNSHIP. COUNTY. DISTRICT. LATION Adjala Simcoe Home 282 Adolphustown Lenox & Addington Midland 659 Albion Y()rk West Riding Home 635 Aldborough Middlesex London 608 Alfred Prescott OUawa 94 Alnwick Northumberland Newcastle AmeJiasburgh Prince Edward Midland 1642 Amherst Island Simcoe Home Amaranth Lenox & Addington Midland 391 Anca.ter Wentworth Gorp 2018 Asphodel Northumberland Newcastle 199 Augusta Grenville Johnstown 3307 ,Bathurst Lanark Bathurst ]769 Bastard Leeds Johnstown 1413 Barton Wentworth Gore 1515 Bayham Middlesex London 1458 Beckwith Lanark Bathurst 14911 Bedford Frontenac. .,Midland Belmont Northumberland Newcastle Bertie Lincoln Niagara 1982 Beverly Halton Gore 858 Binbrook \Ventworth Gore 223 Blanfor.! Oxford London Blenheim Oxiord London 545 Brock York East Riding Home 453 Brock.ilIe (Town) Grenville Johnstown 1130 Burges. Leeds Johnstown 295 Burford Oxford London 850 Bur:eigh Northumberland Newrqslle C ... istm: Lincoln Niagara 299 Caledon Yark East Riding Home 595 Cale,lonia Prescott Ottawa 260 Cambridge ll.u.sell Ottawa Camden (Ea'l) Lenox & Addington Midlm1d 1513 Camden, Dawn, &; Western 424 Zone ~ Kent Canborough Haldimand Niag-ara 310 Carradoe Middlese>; London 300 Cartwright Durhcuu NeweasHe Oa.van Durham Newca.stle ]596 48

POPlJ'- DISTRIct. ,"OWNSIIIP. COUNTY, LATION CharJottenburgh Glengarry Eastern 4290 Charlotteville Norfo!l~ London 1214 Chatham & Harwich Kent -Western 550 Chinguacosy York WfSt Riding Home 1598 Clarence Russell Oaawa ·132 Clarke Durham Newellslle 699 Clinton Lincolu Nia~-ara 1447 Coicbe.ter Essex Western 686 Cornwall & Rox- Eastern 4015 borough l Stormont Cramahe Northumberland N.wcastle 1631 Johnstown Crus by (North) Leeds 145 Crosby (South) Leeds Johnstown 1 Crowland Lincnln Niagam 832 Cumberland Russell Ot1awa 55 Da.lhou~ie Lanark Bathurst 1081 Darling Lan"rk Balhul'st Darlingtou Durham cNe,,;castle 802 see Dawn \iVestern Kent CamJen Deltnvare l\-lirJdlcsex London 73 Dereha.tU Oxi'0rd Lon'lua H!:3 Dorclwscer Middlesex Loo(:o!1 90 Do,oer Kent \V/~stprn Dmmm'md Lalldrk BRlhur,! • 18::12 D:Jmrl'i~s Halton Gure 2·j~7 Dnmnler Northumherland N,",vcastJe Dunwieh J'diddlesex London 537 Dunro Nor'humi)erlaud Ne"\ ci-ls'le 2~'6 Ellwardsburg-h Gr.enville J nhnsto\\'n 1,i,S Ekfrid Middlesex Loudon li5 Elcton Durham Ne\\ cestle Eli2abelhtowil Leeds Johnstown 3895 1<:lmsiey Lee

:H)i''(f-- \I'()WNS!!Ulf',. COUI/TV. IDt1'RJIGtr. U'irlf(J,¥' Fii:trrook Frontenac IIJidJand Hope Durham Newcastle WH Hor·;un:l ' Kent Wegtern 616 gee l\liJ- H(>ughton Norfolk K"Olldc.!l dJeloi> l~Hr.Ciiber~tone Llncoh, Niagara 724 n"ngeri()rd Bastings MiLHand }l~ll{j!l1gdon Has/;og. Midland ](ja HllnU",. Carllon B"thul'8t 58\'! Huron~ }:~sex Wesler~ I""i.m Simcoe Home ,K~i:Hh,r Lenox & AddinS'to!l rtliui>.!lHl 50

POPU- TOW;;SlUP. COUNTY. DISTRICT. LATION Kancbec Frontenac Midland Kenyon Glengarry Eastern 1131 .King York East Riding Home 766 Kitley Leeds Johnstown 909 Kingston Frontenac Midland 2683 Kingston (Town) Frontenac Midland 3587 I.alee Hastings Midland J"anark Lanark Bathurst 1611 Lancaster Glengarry Eastern 2101 Lansdown Leeds Johnstown 692 IA!cds Leeds Johnstown 661 Levant Lanark Bathurst Lobo Middlesex London 344 Lochiel Glengarry Eastern 2042 .London Middleser. I,ondon 2403 I,rorignal Prescott Ottawa 811 lLoughborough Frontenac Midlan!l 1003 .]Louth Lincoln Niagara ]263 MacNab Carlton Batburst 205 i\ladoc Hastings Midland· 139 I1bidstonc& RochesterEssex "Vestern ~i2 Mal borough Grenville Johnstown Malden Essex "restern 1087 .M"llahide Middlese", LOl1~on 146(j; )VIanven Durham Newcastle Mall''' Simcoe Home March Cariton Bathul'sl 4~;} Mariposa Durham Newcastle Markham York East Riding Home 30'70 Marmora Hastings Midland 202 Marysburglt Prince Edward Midland 1468 Matil,ia Dundas Eastem 1621 Medo",(c Simcoe Home M,,!anclhon Simcoe Home .Meneal 1!:sspx 'Vestera 28$ M"touen Northumberland Newcastle .Middleton &'!Ioug'htonNorfolk London 80T M'&lIaghal. Northumberland Newcastle 580 MOllO Simcoe Home 248 Montague Grenville Johnstown $5:1 Mone Kent Western MD"" Middlesex Lonjj'(l/l 271; MotlJltaillt Dundas Jj:astern 410 N1'ltj,;'CC Silllcoe Home MJ (",r N orth"!T,b?rJallicJ: N~wc~.~le 12{)~ !H

POII!.1'- 'rOWII"H!P, COVN'r¥'. DIH!UCT. r.;"Tr.~\r.; Nasugll.wey .... nullon Gore an, Nei~oD Halton Gore 1362 NeD~!ln Carlton Bathurs! 31 ]() Ningl\rll Uncaln Nia.gfiT" } 550 Niagara TOWA. Linccihl~. Niagara ]148 Nichol Halton Gore 53· Nissouri Oxford 1,on

~IE:"; Osnabruck:. ~tol'lnont Eastern lcinch Oso }';ronter.lac Midland Otonibea Nortbumberhmd Newcastle .542: Oxford Grem'ille Johnstown 914 Oxfo~d E"., Oxford' Lonrlon 309' OJ

I'OI'l/- COUNTY. DISTRICT. TOWNlilJIP. L&TlOI( " RoUSsell Russell OUawa Saltllee! Wentworth Gore 1283- Samia Kent Western Sandwich Essex Weslern 2201 Scarborough York East Riding Home 1135 Scott York East Riding Home eee Seymour' Northumberland Newcastle Percy Sheffield Lenox & Addington Midland 41 ~hel'broo,ke (North) Lanark Balhunt 185 Sherbrooke (South) Lanark Bathurst Sidney Hastings Midland 2145 Smith Northumberland Newcastl~ 415 Sombra Ken! - Western Sophiasburgh Prince Edward Midland 2052 Southwold Middles6lt London lOOl Stamford Lincoln Niagara 1597 3t. R.egis Indiana . Glengarry Eastera 3uunidale Simcoe Home Tay Simcoe Home ~fecum£eth Simcoe Home 715 1'horah Simco'e Home 184 Thorold Lincoln Niagara 1356 (rrmrlow Hasting" Midland 2444 Tilbury (East & West Kent Western and Romney 371, ']:.'I0J Simt()e Home Torbolt= Cariton Bathurst Toronto Ynrk We., Hiding Home 2r~74 'rosorontio Simcoe Home 'I\,wDsenril l'Iorfalk LOl~don 1420 T(afaigar Halton Gore 2.340 Tyendinagn I-Iastings Midland 373 Uxbridg.e , York East Riding Home 253 Vaughan York "ast Riding Home 1.512 Verularn Durham Newca~tle Vespra Simcoe Home . Wain fleet Lincoln Niagara 756 '''!llpole Haldimand Niagnrn 193 Wal.jughaw Norfolk London 624 Waterloo Haltoo Gore 2010 lVestminster Middlesex London 1058 Wbitby York Eas! Riding Home 1059 Whitchurch 'fork East Riding Home IB:ZZ !ill

r'oPt'~ 1'OWNSlUP. OOYN'fl':. DIS'l'l1.I~T. LATlOX •. WiIliawsbltrgh and Dundas Eastern 1ii07, Winchester Willonghby Lincoln Niagal'u 554; Wilmot :flIalton Go!'e: !!:12C WiI- Winchester D .... ](I"~· Eastern lEarn5~ burgh Windham Norfolk' lJondon ()44 Wolfe Isla lid Frontena< Midland 35~ W<>lford (3r~nl'iill? Johnstown 9~J:;{ Woodhouse, Norfolk London %7 '~'oolwich Halton Gor.e - 325· Yar"Hlu,h, Nl';-dd]esex London 1M!), Yoonge Leeds Johnstown, 2624 York York East !tiding' 'Home 3127 1'ofk (Tow.n) Vor" I'lom" 'Z9t)(} Zora 0 .. fon1 Landau \:;Hi ;C'"r" , Simcoe Hoult! .. .5ee. ZIJ1H: Kent" Wesle.rn Ca,tJ~,Qi'n·.· ~ ,---- AGGREGATE POPUJ~A'I'IOX OF U'2PIIXa CA:NAD ...'i:., HmO.

Nl::z,fnERS DlST~lc'rs. 1.!~:ULAT1~~L Hetur·ned to the Asselnbty ~ 1, Eastern.... W.755 I) 1 :l Oltawa ..•• '1 :3;833 J S Bathurst. •. 1G,Ol5 2 ,[ Brock ,itk. 4 Johnstown.. 20,407, S Jndtidi?lg Town ot" )5:' Midland .. " :34, !90 ~ ~ncludillg- Tow~. of 6'Newcastlc, .1. H,850 ~ [h Illgst\>U. ' 7 Burne ..... 1 28,,165 4 Il:cludint?' l'OWIl o( l:orlt,:_ ,1 0 " 8 Gore ••••.. 20,9,).5 I 9' Niagara .• ~. 20,916 {) ~n('lu(ling To',~'n.of to i.ontIon •••• 22 Sf;-; 6 [?\rH!;ft1"_~t,.". II We~t"rn .. ' __ ~~_.,12

TOTAL, I :210;9SJl~ - L ,;{)Q: £> 54 ~IILITIA, OF 1UPP.ER CANADA.


~, ~ Lt. Col. &. Adj. Gen. 25th Mal'. 1815, I[;&/Ollel, NATANUlL COFFIN I Col. &. Adjutant Gen. 1st Jan. 1820, Cdvnei, WALn:n O'HARA',-Assis!ant A'\j. Gen. 14th June, 1821.

REGIMENTS.-- 1. rn.E.SCOTT. 'I Ensigns. Colonel. John MeRa, Dec,:2, 20 ,)"h .. :\1cDoncll, Aprill, Z2G.J.H.McDonell, Mar. 9,24 L-ieutenanl Colonel, Wm. Cozens, do. 10, do G~<>. Hamilton, June 18, 22 Guy Chesser, do. n, do'" l1!ajoT, /dfreu Chesser, do. 13, do [Thomas iVlcnrs, Feb. 25, l~ Farq'r. Robertson, Sep. 25, 26 Captain.. Jno G. Mackintosh, do. 26, do Jeremiah Horrigan, Feb. 2,6, ]2lJohn R.o(~junr. do. 27, dQ 'I.i",xa.nder Grant, Feb. 27, dOIJOS '3. "Yldlcomb. d", 28, UO Feter F. LeRoy, Feb. 28, do Adjutant, J"hn Kearns, !\'Ie.,y 6, 20 J flO Keams. Capt. MM. 9, 24 Alex. Cameron, Nov ~N, dol Q>Ulrter MaRtcr, p~~'d~. rv~~~oneJ],~,ov. ~7, flolsamDel ';Vaneo, NO,v, 2·1, 20 :t<..i!Jah br')',1ne, J.l0V ...... 8 1 au. -- ,'"l1n Roe, SCM. ;'iOV. 29, dOl 1. GLENG .... RRY. hmes Molhy, )'lar. 10, 2'li Colone.!. "hauncy JDhnson, Sep. 2.5, 261 Alex, Frflser, Apr.. J,!2Z J ~bn Cile"C", j'tlDr. S"p. 26, 26'1' L1~eutenant Colonel, • Lienienant.,. Alpin Grallt, June IS, do Wm. Shearman, f.rov. 2;;' 201 1l'Iajor. 'Vm. Johnson, do. 27, dOt Alex_ M'l\1arlin, .Tllly 15, do .vim. Coffin, do., 28, dol ,Captains. Kp.nnelh McCasl\clt, do. 29, dO\Alex. Rose, Jan. 2, 09 Chas. A. Low, ~l::\l'. 10, 24 Ale". Grant, ,April 15, 12 Juh~ Buchanan, Scpo 96, 26 M"nl. ~,1' Pher30n, ,~llg. 3, 20 Chnrlell WRI",." uo, 27, do DOllnld Frazer, .1I'\le lS, 2\1, Alex. McGillis, June 19,22 Alex. McDonell, July 16, :2~' Danl. McPherson, do. 20, do Lieutenants .. L!!wis Chi"holm, Aug. J, 25 Peter Cameron, April 2&, n. Alex. McDonell, Nov. 5,27 Donald McMartin, do. 25, d" Ronald Gunn, April 12, 80 Alex. McDonell, do. do. do Peter Ferguson, do. 13, do Ronald McDonell, do. do. d" Liwtenants. Alex. McDolleH, do. do. d",· John Kennedy, Juu-e 18,22 Roderick McLeod,. Oct. 20, IS· James McDonell, do. 19, do John McDonell, do. 21, do DOl!ald Frazer, do. 20, do John McMartin, do. 22, do J. McKenzie, A

Duncan McDonell, Ja". 1,22 D'lDc:a.n C:£'Lmeron, Ang. ·J 7 ;2iJ J1Iajor. (.'apt,x;'13. Joha Mcintyre, April 15, ]2 Donald McLeod, Nov. la, 20 Captains. ~\ngu§ f~ilcDonell1 uo. 14. d,v- AIel<. McKenzie, Apl'i121,12 UJ,lll Cameron, Nuv. 1, ~:i' Wm. McCleod, do. 25,00 J~rchd. J\icGi~ljs, do, 2, do Dyoald McMillan, do. 25, do Rc.nald ~'.:~.:Dvn;-ddl rlo. 5, do John McDonell, Jan. >le;, lL! ~~ng~s ~?'2ltellach, do. 7. no "\"liu, Kennedy, do do. do Alex. Grant, do. do. lio ~~~\.\1.~).! f·~~~-~~~?b. ~~:~: ~: Donald McDonell,' May 21, do DU~Je. r·/JcGi.Hin'"ay, AprH 12· 3\f P"ter Mcintyre, do. do. do L;e'IJ.!en~D "Is: ji".l.~)., -\'liLku}slL)[i, F"b.:2;) ~2 "1:::(... n,;:\: UiJ~j(·B.U, Nov~ 1~.1 -::0· Jr.t'IlMtb McKenzie, do. >16, 20 Philip Earner. ' do, 1,8, t$< Allan R. McDonell, do, 17, do Wrn. McGlocklin, 'Ap.il 26, 24 Peter McDonell, Nov. 127 Gordon French, Nov. 7,27 SIlIlluel Thompson, do· 2; do Daniel Campbell, do.' S. d~~ Ewen McMillan, do. 3, do Angus McDonell, do: 9,·do Duncan McLeod; do. 5, do Donald McDonell, do. JO, do Wm. McQueen, do. 6, do James Robertson, do. 12, do Donald McDonald, do. 7, do John McDoneld, do. l3, do Roderick McGillis, April 12, 30 Duncan McDonell, do. 14, do Donald McRae, do. 13, do - Adju.tant. ' Donald McDonell, do. 14, do4.rthr. Burton,Capt. Feb. IS, Ii Ensigns. Q,w1'ler-Masier. Dlll1can McDonell, :>;ov. 5, 27 Allen McDonell, April 26,,24 Allgus McDoneld, <10. 6, do ;Surgeon-. Rodk. McGillivray, do. 7, do Wm"Bruce, Aug: 21,2/3,., Duncan McMillan, do. 8, do JUhll McDonell, do. 9, do II. STORMONT'. I. STORMONT. Colonel. Colonel. .held. McLean, April 1,22' Albert French, Jan. 28, 30 L-ieutenant-Colonel. Lientenant-Colonel. P. Vall Konghnclt, April 1, Q;,l Donald M'Donell,Jan. 28,30 l}I(Jjor. MaJo?'. Benjamin French, Feb,. 7,211 Ang-Its Fraser, Jim. 28, 30 Captaills. Captains. Donald McAuley, Feb. -7.2il. J. Van Koughnett, Jan. 2.22, Charles C. Farran, _ do. 9, do Si!llon l?raser, do. 4, d@ George Anderson, do. 3', ~<>., John D. Campbell, Feb. 12, do Joseph Barkus, do. HI, do John McIntosh, do. 13,do Wm. Ero'/me, do"20, McAuley, do, ti, U,}·, J"'Jartin M,c:Ylastio, do! 10, do F:nsigns. _ Ensigns. D" .. ;,1 C:he~ley, relt, 2 •. 2:1 Y/(,uLl\1dll,osh, f\,h, 14.22,T~NUl .. VUllD~IZGn:.r,m, 1,:;C,..-" 57

John Dafoe, Hugh McMillan, do. 6, do Nicholos West, do. "21, do Jacob Ellnion,.;n . d.o. 6, do William Shaver, do. 22, do Philip W:.Empey, '. do. 7, do John Saver, do. 24, do Archd. McEwen, do. 9, do James Adams, June 19,2-3 Adfulant. Wm; Casselman, Jan. 19,24 Michael Empey, May 3,28 Adjutant. Surgeon. John Dick, Lieut. June 18, 22 Noah Dickinson, May 1,28 Surgeon. Alex. Wilie., June 18, 2>& I. DUNDAS. I. GRENVILLE. Colonel. Colonel. John McDonell, Jan. 21,22 Hugh Monroe,. Aug. 7, SO L.eutenant· Colonel. Lieutenant· Colonel. Henry Markley, Jan. 21,22 Philip Dulmage, Aug. 7,30 Major. M(1jqr. John Crysler. Aug. 11,28 Peter Grant, Aug. 7, SO Captains. Captams. George Markley, Fet.. 20,12 Samuel Adams, June Hl,22 Henry Markley, do. 22, do Gideon Adams, do. 19, do James McDoneU, Oct. 26, 15 John Fraser, 1st. do. 20, GO *Peter Shaver, Jan. 21,22 John Fraser, 2,\. do. 22, do Alex. Rose, June 18, do Thomas Hughes, June 22, do -:T"mes McDonell, do. 19, do Alex. McDonell, do. 24, do Jacob Dorin, do. 20, do John I"awrence! do. 25. do J.~b[] Wager, do. 21, do Daniel Fraser, Sept. 4, d8 Wm. Loux, Jan. ]9,24 John Adams, do. 5, 00 DuncR!! Clarl;, April 17, 30 Denham Sines, 00. n, do Jacob Coons, do. 19, do "Edward Jessup, Oct. 1,2S Lie1!lenants. Lieulenanr.l. Je.eob Markley, 1i;1. Od. 28, 15 Thos. McCargar, Feb. 5, 13 .lacoh N. Shaver, do. 30, do Jacob \Veagart, Jan. 21. 22 David Robinson, do. 31, do Samuel Dulmage, June 22, uo "Michael Browne, Jan. 21,22 Wm. McQuecn,Adjt do. 24, do *George Ault, do. do. do George Drummonq, do. 2/, do John Dick, Adjt. June 18,22 Simon B. Fraser, Feb, 3, 23

John Dorin; , do. do. do Simon Fraser1 No~< 21, do Levrs. Casselman, June 19, do Josef'h Adams, "IIlle 18, 24 Nicholas Shaver, do. 20, do George Eou](on, ~·cpL 4,2G .Jacob Markley, 2d. do. 21, do Henry:Fraser, d'J.- 5, do Peter Boulton, June 18/ 28 \rVilliam Beacb, fi(~. 6] do John Aul!, Jan. 19,24 Robert Miller, . d~,. I. do AT, drew Soyder, April 17, 30 *George Jessup, Oct. I, ~s EnngM. Daniel H. Burritt,. ,do. 19,2.1 JaDle; Mcllmoyd, June IS; ~ Den McLeod, Aug. 1,9S·. Stephen Peters, . do. 19, do Christ. B. Stevens, do; 2, do- Curtis Adams, jr. do. 21, do .foseph Wri,!!ht, do. 3, dq Matthew Link, Sept. 4, 21j .~rlf;1!tant. Alex'r. M'Queen, do. 5, do Ja.s.,Mait}and:Capb-\pril17; 3:~ William Mineilly, do. 6, do Q;,i;arler.:lI.fa.tey. l,eo. Church, do. 7,.do Jacob Hick, Oct. 17, HI Mahlon Beach, do. 8, do Surgeon. ~Barlbol. Tench, Ocl. ],28 R C. Henderson, June IB,21l' Adjutant. I. LEEDS. W m. M'Queen, Lt. Oct. ]9,27 Colonel. Surgeon. Adiel Sherwood. April 17, 30 William Scott, .Tune 18, 22 Lieutenant-Colonel. IT; GRENVILLE. Archd. McLean, April 17, 30 Colonel. Major. Rich(1. D. Fraser, April ]7,30 Benj. R. Munsell, April 17, 31, Limlenant-Colonel. Captains. . Henry Burritt, April ]7, 30 .Tonathan Fulrord, Dec. 25, 14.' Irlajor. John McLean, Jan. 27, n· Major Burritt, April 17, 30 Peter Cole, do. 28, d" Captains. Peter ·l'urvi3, do. 29;. d". John D. Campbell, Oct. 21, 10' Klex. McLean, Jan. 13, IS. Wm. H. BoHum, Feb. 10,-17 Alex. Morris, April1l,22 Edmund Burritt, do. 12 do Alex. Grant, June 18,23' Thomas McCrea, do. ]3, do Sam!. Shipman, June 18,24. Truman Hurd, J,me 18, 22 Truelove Butie(,· do, 19, do ZibnM. Phillips, do. 19, do John Purvis, April ]7, 30· I\'eub'en Landon, Aug. 1,25 Wm. Buell,· do. 19, dG Elisha Cotter, . r'1.e~ .le~BUp, JUlie ]8,23 Stewart Jones, Feb. 1,.Z~ 59

Atijuta'llt. J ames Morris, June-IS; 2! Alex. Grant, Capt. June 18, 23 Abel Wright, Mar. 25, ilS II. LEEDS. Lieutenants. Colonel. John Cox, June 20,2'1 Charles Jones, Jan. 10,22 David Donalson, do. 22, do Lieutenant:Colonel. Wm. Brooke, do. 24, d'l> Wm. Jones, Jan. 10,22' Ensigm. Bfajor. James Finney, June 19,29 Jno. Weatherhead, June 18,23 Peter Nichol, do. 19, do Captains. Alex. McFlldane, do. 21, dD Levi Soper, May 1, 20 Alex. Cameron, do. 22, dD Niche. Bresee, do. 3, do Adjutant. John Struthers, Jan. Il,22 Wm. Brook, Lieut. June 24,2::3 :Samuel Read, June 18, 23 Quarter.f,faster. Nathan Hicock, do. 19, do Ewen McDonell, do. do. da J Qseph Hartwell, do. 20, do Archd.Denny,Adj. Jan. 19,24 IV. LEF.DS. Lieutenants. Colonel. James Kilborn. ·May· 3,20 Barthw. Carley, . June 1-8,2;11; Samuel Halliday, do. 4. do Lieutenant· Colonel. Wm. Robertson, Jan. 11,22 Silvester Wrighl, .Tune 19, ~~ Epm. 'Yehster, Jan. 14,22 Major. Rob!. Cheetham, June 18, 23 David Jones, ·Mar. 9, 24 .h,mes L. Schofield, do: 21, do Capia'ins. Allan Sweet, Jan. ]7,24 John McNish, April 13,22 {Samuel Keitsey. do. 20, do Thomasl'rul, .June 19,2t Ensigns. Dnneat! Carley, do. 20, do ; III. LEEDS, Benj. Warrent, Arlj. 00. 15, do Colonel. Adam Duca]oll, Oct. 20, 2" Jonas .Jone',.Jnl1f' 18, 22 }\rchd. Fl€t~her, do. 21. d<> Lieldenant-Colonel .. EJwarrl Parish, J line 13. S8 Geo. Burne Reade, June 18,22 Geo, Puryis, do. 14, '1., Captain,II:. E1aIDuel Penno,:k, ·do 13, ,J., D~~ i,,! J QXI~~, J ~ll~ HI, 221I.~w;, D.ChD,\~,ed. Aplil :.. n, ~'I 60

Enngm. Joseph Legarry, Feb. 6, ~ Elijah Adams, Mar. 10,24 John Nuthall, do; 10, do Benj. Tackeberry, do. 11, do James Morris, do. 11, do Niche. f[orttlll, do. ]2, do James :\1cDonell, do. 12, do Jos. P. Buell, do. ]3, do Benj. Avery, Jan. 26,26 Jones Hubbell, Oct. 20,25 Edw. Henderson, do. 28, do Sterling Deming. do. 21. do David Hogg, April 23. 27 Hernan Landen, Jr. June 13,28 Adjctant. Wilham Davis, do. 14, do Alex. Matheson, Aug. 17,21 Silvester Wright, do. 16, do Quarter-Masler. Adiutant. . Saunders Goodall, Feb. 3) 211 B. Warrent, Lt. Mar. 15,24 Quarter-Master. Il. LANARK. .'-"Ihooy Bootie, OCI. 20, 25 .Colonel . William Marshall, June 10, 22 1. LANARK. Lieutenant·Colonel. Colonel. William Morris, June 18, do .James H. Powell, Jan. 10,22 Major. Lieutenani-CoiJnel. Alex'r. Matheson, June 18, do Alex. McMillan, June 18,23 Captains. l'fl1;i{)r~ John M'I{:ay, Aug. 14,21 Chad". H. Sache, June 18, 23 John Watson, do. 23,dQ Captain,. Mu!thew Leach, do. l!8, do :5.ud .... W. Play fair, Al1g. 6.21 Alez'r. Ferguson, June 18,22 Bcnj. de Lisle, do. 7, do James Shaw, do. 19, do rms. H. Cumming, do. 13, do J. A. rd..l.·Goek, do. 20, d.o .lohn I. Elliott, do. 17. flo Henry Glass, April 26,24 Henry Olaha,,,, d9. 2.~, do Jo],n Rich('Y, Feb. 2,26 David Kinnear, Feb. 3, 23 Henry Lelicore, April 17,30 William Graham, do. 4, do William Fraser, do 19, do Alex. Matheson, do. 5, do Lieutenants. John Powell, do. 6, do Henry Bradfield, June }9,22 .John Monk Muson, JaB. 26,26 Josias Richey, do. 20, do Francis ""mock, . do. 27, do W. Matheson, Adj. do. 22,do Lwulena.nts. James Richey, April 26, 24 !Iobn Balderson, Aug. 13,21 John Ferguson, do. 27; do .I.ames Young, do. 14, dc., Gel» ge Tennant, do. 28, do Ale,.. Cameron, Feb. 5,23 Geurge Gould, do. 2£" d" JlCllj. nathwell, do. 6, do Alex. l\'JcVkr.r, do. 30, do J"hn Tutlock. 00. 7, do Donald BlIchunan, April 7.30 P,,,a Campbell, do. 10, do IVill. Gould, do. 19, do VFm. ILu'vey, Jan. ~!6J 26 EnS'igr£l. W ffi. James, .~ dC'. 27, do Rob!. Campbell, June !:!4,22 James Quail,,, . . kr1d! 23) 2i \Vm. l~irk.Patrick, April 26, 24 Ens-Ig'n.. RollI. Mlllrhead, do. 27, ece, 110. 28. do J "h.,. A'!il.mson, Feb. 5, 2.1 Jumes Hull, do. 29, d .. 61

George Thorn, April 30, 24 I. CARLTON. Thomas Ireton, June 5,26 Colonel. Alex. Moutgomery, Feb. 7,:!.i Geo. T. BUI-ke, ·Jan. 10, ~ Adjutant. . Lieutenant-Colonel. 'V. Matheson,Lieut .. June 22,28 Wm. B. Bradley, Jan, 26,26 Quarter-"~i[aster. Major. John Jackson, Aug. 1,21 Sewell Ormsby, Jan. 26,26 Surgeon. Captain •. James Wilson, June 18,22 George Lyon, Aug. 2,21 Geo. R. Landell, do. 3, do III. LANARK. Joseph Maxwell,' do. 9, do Colonel. Edw. S. Bradley, do. 21, do Jo.ias Taylor, Jan. 10,22 .James Reed, do. 30, do Lieutenant-Colonel. Thomas Sproule, do. 31, do Ulys. FitzMaurice, June 18,22 Edwd. Loggau; June 18,23 Major. Michl. Burke, Jan. 27,26 Donald Fraser, June 18~ 22 Lieutenants. Captains. Andw. Joynt. Aug. 31,21 Thos. Glendenning, June 18, 22 .John Sproule, Sept. 4, do John Robertson, do. 19, do Joshua Smith, do. 5, do John Fet"guson, do. 22, do Clement Bradley, do. 6, do. Juliu. Lelicore, do. 26, clo Sylvester Dempsey, do. 7, do Thomas Wickham, Jan. 20,24 Henry Edwards, June 18, >23 George Nesbitt, do. 22, do Francis Davidson, Jan. 26, 26 DUD can Fisher, do. 23, do Edw. L6ggan, Jr. do. 27, do L~eulenants. James '~Tilson, do. 28, do Israel'1V'ebster, June 26, '22 Andw. Hill, do. 30, do James McFarlane, do. 27, do Hugh Griffiths, Mar. 5,21 John Cram, do. 28, do Ensigns. John Fulford, Jan. 19,24 Garratt FitzGerald, Aug. 30, 21 \Vm. Baird, do. 21, do Wm. Thompson, June 18,23 Pete:r McGregor, do. 22, do Geo. R. Bllrke, do. 19, d!> Ensigns. O. M~Larren, ' do. 20, do John Nesbitt, June 24,22 Hugh Ronnan, Jan. 28,26 Alex. Dewar, do. -25, do Edwd. Mallock, do. 27, do· John Dewar, do. 26, do Chas. Thompson, do. 28, do ---- Nowlan, do. 27, do Thomas Baynes, Mar. 5,2'1 Daniel ferguson, do. 28, do Thos. A. Christie, do.' 6, do Joseph Fullan, Jan. 19,24 .las. C. Usher, do. 7, do Peter Fullan, do. 20, do AdJutant. Owen QUill, do. 21, do Syl. Dempsey, Lt. Aug. 7, 2n John Donoghue, do. 22, do Quarter-Master.'. Adjutant. James Fallon~ Aug. 2,2U Wellesly Richey, June 18,22 Surgeon. Quarter-Master. Alex' Christie, Mar. 5, 27 DUQ,(lan McMan', .1iuKltl IS, 22 . F 1. F'RONTEN AC'. Atljulant. Colonei. John Hynes, Lt. ][,'eb. 17,2'1' Thomas Markland, Aug 20,2J Qurtrler-Master. Lieutenant Colonel, Robt. Walker, TA. John Kerby, Aug. !l0,21 lYlafor. II. FRONTENAC. Chas. Anderson, do. 22, do Colonel. Captains. Hon. G.H. Markland,Apr.I, 30 1(,}bt. Richardson, do. 25, do Lieutenant-Colonel. David J. Smith, do. 30, do Francis Raynes, April 1, 30 Neil McLean, do. 31, do Captains . .John Strange, .Jllne 18,22 Thomas Sparham, Sept. 28, 16 Hc>my W. Wilkison, do. 19, do Peter Grass, Aug. 22, 21 llJia'l'id Rankin, Mar. 24, 23 Richd. Ellcrback, do. 24, do Owen McDougall; Jan. 19, 24 Alex. Pringle, do. 29, do Samnel Shaw, Nov. 22, do Hugh McGregor, Sept. 4, do l8eflj. Fairfield, April 20,26 Benj. Whitney, do. 6, do J'lmes Nicols, Feb. 19,27 Elijah Beach, - do. 8, do Lieutenants. Ra.ut. Talbert, June 20,22 Tllomas D'Alton, Aug'. 20,21 Samuci McCrea, Mar. 21,25 Hugh C. Thomson, do. 3D, do *Donald Bethune, do. 24, 2;~ Thomas Murphy, June 18,22 Lieutenants. J'(Yh'n 'Watkins, do. 19, do Daniel Everitt, Sept. 6,2'1 I\tex. 'McDonell, June 18,23 Peter Switzer, do. 7, d() J~.mes Atkinson, A~ril 19,26 Albert McMichael, do. 8, do 'Wm. 'Stennett, do. 21, do Lewis Wartman, do. 10, do iDavidBrass, Feb 19,27 John Shibley, do. 11, dl> RoOt. Wo.lker,Q.• M.do.20, do Geo. F. Corbitt, do. ]2, do Al}, ·do. ttl!). d(J 63

Thomas Underhill, Jan. 26,26 Adjutlltlt. Adjutant. Geo. Ham, Capt. reb~ Denis Mahony, Nov. 22,24 Qual'ler.M(lsler. Quarler·Mlnter. Georgo 'finIte, Mal', John McArthur, S~pt. IS,21 Surgeon. , Sl'geon. Thomas Moore, JlIne 18,22 Anthony MOl'ton, June 18, 22 n. ADDINGTON. I. ADDINGTON. Colonel. Colonel. Wm. S. McKay, Aug. 12,24 .\',fatthey Clark, April 1, 22 Lieuienanl Colonel. Lieutenant· Colonel. Colin McKenzie, Aug. 12, l'!4 Isaac Fraser, June 18, 22 Captains. "~i[ajor. Jehie! Hawley, June ]9,22 John C. Clarke, June' 10,22 Joseph Amey, do. 24, {k. Captains. Robl. Clarke, Adj. d Q • 30, .:10 HeDry Davy, Oct. I, 16, "Samuel Clarke, July], 0'/", John Richards, do. 4, do Philip Daly, do. 2, (J(, John Sha1'p. Jl!lle 18,22 John Piery, Sept. ]8, do George Miller, do. 21, UO John As,eltiile, do. ri,'o,' George Ham, Adj. do. 26, do Gaspar Be,wer, 1Vla~. 21, 26 Jacob Miller, Oct. 16,22 Johnstone Hawley, do. 22, d" Bcnj. Booth, Mar. 22,25 \'I'm. H. Clarke, June 15, 'l,7i TtlOs. Dennison, do. 23, do Lieutenants. Josh. R. Lockwood, Dec. 18, 26 C. Wheeler, June 30, 22 ?i'Hthew Clarke, do. 19, do Lewis Stover, July ], . 20, do Robt. CJ{l.rke, Cllpt. Jt\n~ 30, 2.2 64 Quarter-Master. Benj. Seym(mri May 12, 'M kalle Briscoe, JUDe 19, 22 Malthew German, do 17, do Surgeon. QWlrter Master. ' George Baker, Nov. 24,23 David Lewis Thorp, May, 10, 30 - II. LENNOX. I. LENNOX. Colonel. Colonel. C. A. Hagerman, April 5, 25 Wm. Crawford, June 18,23 Lieutenant-Colonel. LiButenant-Colonel. John McAulay, June 18,26 - Thomas Dorland, Aug.' 22, 25 i'flajor. Major. Allan McPherson, April 27,26 Thos. KirkPartrick, Nov, 3,28 Captains. Captains. Andw. Kimmerlpy, April 27,26 lohn Trumpour, May 29, 13 Joseph Pringle, do 28, do Duncan Bell, June 21,16 .James McGregor, do. 29, do Samuel Dorland, June 20,23 George H. Detlor, May 1, do Hugh McDonald, April 27,26 Archd. McDonald, do. 2, do John G. Clute, May 2,26 Richard Lowe, do. 3, do Peter V. Dorland, do. 3, do George McKenzie, do. 5, do John Anderson, do. 4, do And. Kimmerley, Jr. do. 6, do Duncan McKenzie, April 17, 30 David Second, do. 4, do John Church, do. 19, do Lie'ulenanls. Redford C. Robins, do. 20, do James Fraser, April 27, 21) Joseph B. Ellison, April 17, 30 John Chamberlain, do. 28, dl-> Lieutenants. Isaac Carscallen, do. 29, do Samuel Casey, 'Jan. 22,23 Archd. Caton, May 1, do John Clapp, do. 23, do Archd. McNeil, do. 2, do John Bell, do. 27, do John Kimmerley, do. 3, do Asahel Pbillips, May 1, do Wm. Bowen, do. 4, do Wm. Sp~ncer, do. do. d'l Jehiel Hawley, Feb. 7,27 Henry Davis, do. 2, do Ensigns. Alex. Campbell, do. 3, do Isaac Fraser, April 2'7,29 Archd. Campbell, April 17,30 David Kimmprley, do_ 29, do R. Hyke, do. 19, do James Demorest, May 1, d. Luke Carscnllen, do. 20, do John Empey, ~lo. 2, do John Van Detlor, do. 21, do Fletcher Empey, do. 3, do Ensigns. Siml'OD Pringle, do. 4, do .George Smith, Jan. 21,23 Wm. Sager, ,do. 5, d .. Jacob Detlor, do. 22, do Simeon McKenzie, Feb. 7, 27 Peter Barnbart, May 3, 26 Adjutant. John Young, do. 4, do Michael Moran, Feb. 7,27 .Andrew Embury, do. 5, do Quarter-Pilaster. Boltus Shoeman, do. ,6, do Geo. Chamberlain, April2i, 26 Wm. Sills, do. 8, do John Campbell, Feb. 7, 27 I. PRINCE EDWARD. John V&n Dyck, May 10,30 Golonel. 'iYm. M. Rol1lin, do. 11, do Corn. VanAlstine, Jan. 25,30 65

Lieutenant-Colonel. II. PRINCE EDWARD. ,James COlter, Jan. 26,30 Golonel. Major. Owen R~chards, Aug. 12,24 John Allen Jan. 26,30 LtCutenant·Colonel. Captains. James Young, Aug. 12,24 Henry M'Donell, March 24, 13 Major. Simeon 'Washburn, do. 24, do David Sega!, Aug. 12,24 Hildebrand Valoe, Captains. Guillaume Dumaresque, John McQuaig, June 19; 22 Benjamin Way, Wm. H. WallJridge, do. 21, do Samuel Blakely, James Pearson, do. 22, do F. Ferguson, June 18 23 John Babcock, do. 24,do William Blakeley, do. 19' do John Young, clo. 25, do Henry Dingman, do. 20' do Andrew Deacon, do. 26, do Jaceb Howell, Dec. 3' 27 Charles Biggar, May 28,28 , John B. "'ay, do.' 29, do Lieutena.nts. Peter Dempsey, do. 30, do Richard Gardner, Lieutenants. Guy H. Young, Edmund March, June 20 ZZ Josbua Hicks, June 18.23 Thoma~ Clapp, do. 21; do John Wright, do. 19, do Wm. Stapleton, do. 22, do John McIntosb, do. 20, do Thomas Flagler, do. 24, do Jobn Young, do. 21, dQ Benj. Richards, do. 2:; do Jobn Richards, do. 23,do Peter Segar, May 28; 28 John Stinson, Dec. S,27 Joseph Y ollng, do. 29, do David Goldsmith, do. 4,do John German, do. 30, do "--- Hancock, do. 5, do Ensigns. Ensigns. Neil McArthur, June 24,2t ,John Benson, Thomas Young, do. 25, do Baptiste Preno, June 18. 23 Obadiah Simpson, do. 26, do Richard Daverne, do. 19, do Reuben Young, April 26,24 Mark Develin, do. 20, do R. M'Shuter Wilkins, May 1,26 John Alison do. 21, do James T. Lane, May 28,28 Jasper Dingman, do. 23, do Samuel Peterson, do. 28, do John Stinson, John Stapleton, do. 29, do Hazleton Richards do. 25, do William Dempsey, do. 2S, do Robert Taylor, Dec. 4, 27 Adjutant. _ Pemorest, do. 3, do Samuel Peterson, May 28, 28 __ Roblin, do. 6, do Qltarter Master. AdJutant. William Dempsey, May 28, 28 William Blakely, Jan. 2, 09 Surgeon. Quarter.Master. Pitkin Gross, June IS, 22 Roswell Ferguson, I. HASTINGS. Surgeon. L~eutenant- ColoneE. Tbomas MOl/re, Aug. 11,26 Thomls ColemllD, }.priI17, 30 66 MaJor. MaJol" John Thompson, Aprilli',30 James H. Samson, May S,30 . Captains. Captains. Writ. Ketcheson, Oct. 10, 15 Charles Willard, Jan. 16,27 Archd. Chisholm, do. 11, do Thomas Parker, do'; 17, do Abel Gilbert, April 7,17 Wm. Driscoll, do. -18. do Wm. Zwick, do. 10, do Joseph Hagerman, do. 19, do Henry Hagerman,' Jan. 4, 22 Robt. Parker, May. 3,30 Thomas Ketcheson, Feb. 3,23 Lieutenants. Robt. D. Liddle, do. 4, .do WID. Robertson, Jan. 16,27 Benj. Ketcheson, Mar. 9, 24 Thomas Fleming, do. 17, do Alex. O. Petrie, do. 10, do Daniel Johns, do. 18, do "John Turnbull, Jan. 1,27 Edward Fidler, do. 19, do Lieutenants. Michael Moran, do. 20, do Ehjah Ketcheson, April 14,17 Solomon Johns, May, 3, 3() Roswell Leavins, Jan. 3. 22 Ensigns, C. O'Brien, Adj. Feb .. 14, do Johll Healy, Jan, 16,27 Hugh Fletcher, do. 3, 23 James Crawford, do. 17, do Isaac Stimers, do. 4, do Wrn. Campion, do. 18. do Robl. Smith, do. 5, do Robert Moserif, do. g~, do James Ketcheson, do. 6, do Adjutant. Thos. O. Pelrie, Mar. 9, 24 Michael Mor;{D,' Jan. 20, 27 Randal McMichael do. 10, do Donald !\1cLeland, do. 12, do I. NORTI-IUMBERLAl'iD. "Daniel Perry, Jan. 1, 27 Colonel. Ensigns. John Covert, June 27,25 James McNabb, Feb. 3,23 Lieutenant-Colonel. Donald Murchison, do. 4, do Zacheus Bumham, June 27,22 George Bleeker, no. 5, do II/IaJar. John Smith, ·lViar. 9,24 Wm. Falkner, June 27, do Jacob Finkle, do. 10, do Captatrls. John W. Maybee,. do. 12, do John Groves, June 27, ]6 Philip Zwick, do. 13, do Jolm Burnham, Sept. 2,22 David Roblin, Feb. 6,23' Thos. M. Spalding, do. 3, do Tobias Bleeker, do. 7, do John Kelly, do. 4, do Stephen F. Bdl, Dec. 18,26 Samuel Brock, do. 5. do Thomas Slicer, Jan. 5,27 Benjamin Ewing, June 14,26 *Donald McKenzie, do. I, do Ebenezer Perry, do. do. do Adjutant. Jeremiah Scripture, do. 15, do C. O'Brien, Licut. Feb. 14,22 James Ewing, do. do. do Quarlel'-lYlasler. '.Jno. L. WilcocJ,s, Oct. 21, 25 Ezekiel Lawrence, Feb. 3) 23 Lieutenants. Surgeon. Ephraim Burnham, .June 14,25 Geo. Neville Ridley, .July 22, 26 Wm. F. II. Kelly, do. 19, do II. HASTINGS. James Young, do. do, do Lieutenant-Colonel. Ephraim Doolitte, do. do. do Authcmy MClIahan, May 3,30 Caleb Milllory, do. do. QQ. 6r

Rellj. H. \~·illiams. June Hi, 26 A'Uutant. Dug-aId Campbell, Oct. 21, 26 A. McDonell, Capt. Aug. 1.10, 2fl J ames Rodgers, ,J line 16, '27 QUa?·ler-Master. Nathl. Andrews, Oct. 22, 27 nealter Scott, Sept. g, dt> Benj. :\'1atheIYS, do. 23, do Surgeon. EnsiJ;rrs. John Hutchison, Sept. g, ,1<, Alex Nobles, June 14,26 Charles Powers, do. do. do III. NORTHUMBERLAND. Aaron ElsworTh, do. do. do Colonel. 13enj. Frs. Ewing, do. do. do Henry Ruttan, June 28, 26 , Robt. Rogers, do. do. do Liwtenant Colonel. Arthur. L. Wilcocks, Oct. 21,26 Francis Fraser, JUlle 25,25 David Y oUllg, do. '2·1. do Majo,', Willis l\hckies, JU!lC ]6,27 Juseph Keeler, June 14, ~6 Quarter-Mast,·,. Caplains . .T. L. vVilcocks,E.]s.Julle 14, 25 James Lyons, Nay. 6, ~~~ .surge.on. John Singleton, June 14, 26 John Gilchrist, Sept. 2,22 Thos. D. Sap-ford, do. 15, do II. NORTHUl\JBERL.\ND. Ozem Slrong, do. 16, do Colond: Sheldon Hawley, do. ]7, do Archd. McDonald, June 17, ~5 Ehaldm Squier, do. 15,2"1 Lieutencmt-Colollel. Lieutenants. John M Balfour, June ~!, 25 John R. meeker, June Hi, ~(j :iJ1ajor. 0.1\1. G. R. Peters, do. 15, do James G. Bethune, June 27,25 Wm. M. Bullock, do. 17, do Captains. J. V. Murphy, do. 10, do Alex.McDonell,Ad. Aug. 30, 22 James D. Goslee, do. 20, do .John Wellsteed, Sept. 9,221 Christ.. Bullock, do. 21, do 'Ym. Sowden, do. ]0, do Josiah Procter, do. 22, do Richard Birdsell, do. 11, do Rich. Spencer,Adj. June 1,27 Francis Page, do~ 13, do Benj. Davidson, 00. 2, do Benj. Cnmming, June 27, ~-5 Richard SLcphells, ,do. 15, UO Lieutenants. Ens1,gns. Elias Wells teed, ;:;cpt. 9,22 Henry Melville, June 15, ~(i John Scott, do. 10, do Abijah Smith, do. 16, do John C Boswell; do. 11, do Robert Weller, do. 17, d" Thomas Owston, do. 12, do Peter Wood, do. ]9, do Charle& Jones, do. 13, do Aaron Henman, .Tune 15,27 Wm. Robinson, June 27, 25 John Rowe, do. 16, de> Ensigns. . Adjutant. Zach. McAllum, Sept. 9,22 Richard Spencer, June 1,27 James Elliott, do. 13, do Quarter Master. G;eorge Boswell, June 18,23 Benj. David,son, June' 13,26 Silas Pearson, .oct. 16,27 IV. NOR1HUMBERLAND. Wm.Owston, do. 17, do Colonel. Wm, ~mitb,jull, do. 18, do Hon. P. Robinson, Jail. 1, ~ 68

1. DURHAM. II. DURHAM. Colonel. Colonel. 'i'homas Ward, May 6,~i Robert Henry, May I,M Lieutenant-Colonel. Lieutenant-Cotone'!. John T. Williams, May 6, 27 Gco. S. Boulton, May 3,30 Ma}or. JJIa}or. Wm. H. Draper, May 6,27 John Lister; ,May 3,30 Captains. Captains. John Burn, July 11,12 John l-hlston, Adj. Jan. 27.26 John Taylor, Oct. 2, 20 Christ. KnGwlson, June 14,26 Jeremiah Britton, do. 6, do John Thompson, Oct. 1,28 M. J. Whitehead, June 18, 23 WilliaT(l Lawson, do. 2,do David Smart, do. 21, do David Artl1SJrong, do. 3,do John Fletcher, Sept. 18,26 Patrick McGuire, do. 4, do John Burlce, do. 19, do David Huggins, do. 6, do Erasmus Fowke, do. 20, do James Bailey, do. 7, do Myndert Harri;;, Nov. 26,27 Robert Graham, do. S', do Ebenezer Beebee, do. 27, do George ElHott, do. 9,-do Lieutenants. Lieulenants. Gardner Gifford, Oct. 2,20 Joseph Thompson, Ocl. 1,28 David Bedford, June 19,23 Francis Henderson, do. 2,do Corn. 'W cbster, Sept. 18,2() William Cotman, do. 3,do John T. Taylor, do. 19, do Thomas Mitchell, do. 4,d<> John C. Trull, do, 20, do William Fee, do. 6, do Andrew Fletcher, Nov, 26,2i -iames Laidley, do. 7,do Job Fowk<:', do. 27, de Samuel Cotman, do. S,do Jame$ Hawkins, do. 28, do John Knowlson, do. 9, do Samuel Strickland, do. 29, do Ensigns. Robert Fairburn, do. 30, do Thomas Trotter, June 15,27 Thomas Black, Dec. 1, do W m. Armstrong, do. l6,do E. Wilson, Adj. do. 3, do Joseph Graham, Oct. 1,28 EllRigns. James Greer, do. 2, do Elias P. Smith. Nov. 26,27 John R. Benson, do. 3, do Richard Lauckin, ' do. 27, do Wm. McNish, do. 4.do George Sexton, do. 28,£1u John Hall, do. 6, do Lewis Wilmot, do. 29, do George'Dixon, do. 7,do Henry Black, do. 30, do Jobn Wilson, do. S,do Thomas Muchall, Oct. 1,28 Wm. Mitchell, do. 9,do David Smith, do, 2, do Henry Argil, do. 10, do John HaIton, do. 3, do Adjutant. Jobn Walton Fox, do. 4,do John Huston, Capt. Jan. 27. 25 'Evan Jervis, do. 6,do I. EAST YORK. AdJutant. Colonel. E. Wilson, Lt. Dec. 3,27 Edwd. MacMahon, May 4,30 Quarter-Master. Captains. Levi Bigelow, Deer 1,27 Thomas Cooper, April 4, 23 Surgeon. Roht. G. Andel'Son, Dec. 23; 25 SillDllel Gilchrist, Nov. 26,27 .JaJlI?S E. Small, JIUl. 30,2G George Duggan, Jan. 31,26 William Warren, May 21. Z'l' John W. Gamble, Feb. 1,26 Peter Matthews, do 22 dl) A. S. Thompson, do. 2, do Lieutenants. ., George Hamilton, do. 3, do Clllaghan Holmes, Nov. 25 24 ''1m. B. Jarvis, do. 5, do William Gamble, do 26: do RieM. Brooke, Aug. 11, 18 .fohn Farquharson, do 30, do Wm. Proudfoot, do. do. do C. R. Heward, July 22,26 George Monro, May 21,30 .fohn G. Spragge, do 24, do Lieutenants John Ridout, May 21,2'7 Eman!. Playler, Jan. 28,26 .James King, do 22, do James Nation, do. 30, do Robert Sullivan, do 23, do Wm. Campbell, Feb. 2., do Ensigns. David Stegman, Nov. 18,2i George M'Gill, Nov. 2g, 24 J. S. Howard, Aug. 11,28 Charles Ridout, do 30, do Ch. M. Ker Batty, do. 12, do Alex'r. Armstrong, May 21,27 Henry Sullivan, do. 13, do Peter McDonald, do 22, do Raymond Baby, Nov. 16,30 .James Stanton, UO 23, ell> Ensigns. J obn Scadden. do -24, do John Stuart, Feb. 7,26 James Case, do 25,

Wm. Wilson, April 1,28 William Soles, Apr-ii 1,2S Henry Heward, do 2, do Samuel Harrold, do 2, do 51. Geo. Baldwin, do 3, do Ensigns. Riehd. Vanderburgh,do 8, do li:rasmu3 Smalley, June 6,26 Alex. Mun;ay, do 4, do Juhn A. Boulton, do 6, do James Johnstone, do 5, do William Selby, do 7, do John Griffiths, do do do facob Wells, do B,do It C. Gapper, do 7, do Jfllnes Gamble, do , 9, do Ensigns. J<::djar Stiles, do 10, do Abner Arnold, Oct. 7,26 Peter Tyler, do do do John Harrington, April l,2S Daniel McLeod, Aprit 1,2(,) Benj. Bernard, do do rio Adjutant. Alex. E. Lawrence, do' ~,do R. Graham, Capt. Junc 9, 2~ 'Ym. Anderson, do 3, do Quarter-Master. Charles Scaddding, do 4, do Peter Tyler, June 10,26 E. C. Lnwrence, do 5, do Benj. Millingnam, do 7, do I. WEST YORK. Wm. Reynolds. do 8, do Colonel, Isaac CampbelJ, do 9, do James Givins, Jan. 21,20 Wm. Gernon, Q.-M. do 10, do ..£';wtenant-C6Ioncl, "Isaac Arnold, do 8, do Robert Stanton, April 2,2'7 Adjutant. Major, D. Bridgford, Capt. Oct; 5, 26 James G. Chew,ett, Aug. 19, 2Q Quarter-JJfaslel'. Captains, Wm. Gemon, April 10, 2S 'George Dennison, Dec. ]9,21 Thomas Dennison, May 16,22 n. NORTH YORK. 3. Tnrquand, Adj, June 20,23 Colonel. Peter lVlcDvugall, April 4,27 Sarn!. P. Jarvis, April 2, ~21' Lambert Brooke, May 17, do Lieutenant-Colonel. Tbomas Fisher, do IS, do Woo. B. Robinsc,n, April 2,27 ,fames Givins, do 19, do Major. James C. Godwin, May 24, do Arad Smalley, April 1,28 William H. Lee, June 2,30 Capta,i71s, Lieutenants. Nathl. Gamble, June 27, 25 * Aaron Silverthorn, Aug. 16,22 Wm. Macldem, do do do David McNab, May 15,27 Anrlrew Borland, June 6, :26 .Tohn Powell, do 17, do Williarn Hoe, do 7, do John Paul, do 18, d" Asa Smalley, do S,do 110bert Harding, do 19, df) Riehd. Graham, do 9, do Clement Crysler, do 21. do John, H. Wilson, do 10, do Walter Rose, do 22, do Lieutenants. William Stevenson, do 23, el" Aaron Playler, June 6, 26 George B. Willard. do 24, do Titlls Wilson, 'do 7, do Clarke Gamble, June 2,30 Wm. Kennedy, do S, do Thomas A. Jebb, . do' 3, do Jeremiah Graham, do 9, do Ensigns. Silas E me:;, do 10, do George Stegman, May 18, 21 William Spragge, May 19, 27 George Crawford, May 19,30 Thomas Fuller, do 21, do James Alex. Smith, do 20, do Adjutant, John O'Grarly, do 21,<10 Bernard Tnrquand, June 20, 23 Lieutenants. Qlla:ter-lITaste1', James Boyes, April 2,27 John MllrclllSOn, June 26',20 James Patterson, do 9, do Surgeon, [srael Ransome, do 10, do William Lee, June 15,22 Ebenezer Austin do]1 do Joseph Horning,' do 12: do II. WEST YORK. Thomas MacBride, do 13, do Colonel, J:lmes lHagl'ath, Dec. 15, 27 James Fitzgibbon, Jan. 2,26 Allan MacDonell, do 17, do Lieutenant-Colonel, James MacDonell. do 18, do Simon Washburn, Aug'. 18,26 EnsiQ·ns. JJfajor, Chas. MacDougal!, April 4,27 JQhn Scarlet, Aug. 17, 26 Duncan l\lerrigold, do 5,do Captains, Thomas Robinett, do 6, do John Scott, April 2, 27 Hiram Street, do 7,do William King, do 4, do John Embleton~, Aug. 11,28 Colley A. FosteT, do 5, do Adjutant. James Farr, do 6, do Joseph B. Spragge, May 18, 30 Jno. S. Cartwright, May 23, do Surgeon. John Bagwell, May 5, 30 J osepb J\damson, April 2, 27 Benjamin Monger, do 6, do John Drummond, do 7, do I. GORE. James Campbell, do 8, do Colonel. Lieutenant, James (,rooks, April 2,22 John Smith, April 11,22 Lieutenant-Colonel. Quarler-Mastu, James Racey, Dec. 15, 2~ Joseph Rogers, May 27. 28 ilfaJor. John Westbrook, May 4, 27 III. WEST YORK. Captains. Colonel. John McInJyre, .June 12, 19 William Thompson, l'ilay 17,30 O"oiel Shol';ed, do do do Lieutenant-Colonel. Matthew Crooks, Mar. 29, 20 Fred. Starr Jarvis, May 17,30 George Rolph, April 3,23 Major. Pbilip Rymel, do 4, do William Birdsall, May 17, 30 John Aikman, do 5, do Captains. Alox. Aikman, do 7, do' E. W. Thompson, April 3,!2i Geo. Gurnett, Adj. April 27, 26 Thomas Merrigold, d.} 6, do E>hvard BJ.Hton, Sept. 11, do Joseph Price, clo 7,do Wm. Richardson, Juna 15, 2':1 Amos Merrigold, do 9, clo Jobn Petrie, un 16, do ~Thomas Magrath. Dec. 15,do Pa,rick Hamel, May 12,2B Samuel Price, May n,30 Geo. Rousseau, de> 13, do Sl!!mui'l Price, jUlI. do 18, do Lieutenants. JQ$;)pb B. Spra(ge,dQ do do Naiba" Crowell, April. iI,2:> 72

Will,a", Kerby, April 14, 23 William McKay, June 29,24 John Burwell, do 16, do William Young, Sept. 12,26 .fohn Findlay, do 17, do .lames LaJrerty, do 13, do Pet"r Horning, do 19, do Andrew Steven, do 14, do RnbertBerrie, do 21, do George Chalfners, do 15,00 Wm, Slackleton, June 15,27 Alex. Prourlfoflt, do 16, do John D, McKay, do 16, do Ensigns, AndrewWestbl'ool<, do 17, do Samuel Mullett, June 19,24 Wm. Nolman, May 12,28 Henry Kerr, do 24, do Richard Hatt, do 20, 30 John Keagy, Sept. 11,26 Ensigns, John Willer hlowell, do 12, do James Durand, April 8,23 George Durand, do 13, do Milcha Files, do 10, do Andw. VanEvery, do 14, do John Shaver. do 11, do James King, Oct. 22, 27 Andrew Edie, do 12, do .lomes Crooks, (\0·23, do ""VOl. Robertson, April 27, 26 Hiram Smith, do 24, do Thomas Perrin, June 15,27 George Brown, 00 25, do John Wilkes, do 16, do John Bastedo, do 26, do "Thomas Butler, May, 10,28 .£1£0'l1/1I.nl, .John Ryc1unan, do 12, do G. Nolman, Capt. Oct. 18, 2'1 James Chep, do 13, do Quarle1'~Master , Edwd. Vanderlip, do 20,30 Caleb Hopkins, do do do AdJutant. SU1'geon, George Gurnett, April 27, 26 Nathaniel Bell, June 18, '2:4 Quarter-Master. Edward Wand, May 20,30 III. GORF.. Surgeon. Colonel, James Hamilton, April 2, 23 Thomas Taylor, April 2,28 II, GORE. Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel, Robert Land, May 25, 30 William Chisholm, May 3, 30 Major, MaJor, Abel Land, Mal' 25, 30 John K. Simons, Sept. 11,26 Captains, Captains, Joseph Burney, April 2,23 George Chisholm, Sept. 14,20 Elijah Secord, do do do Duncan McQueen, June 21. 24 Dan!. K. Sek'ves, do do do Alex'f. Brown, do 22, do John Secord, . do Q., do .> A. Robertson, do 23, do Peter Hamilton, do 10, dO George King, Sept. 11, 26 And'w. T. Kirby, do ]5, do John Lawrason, do. 12, ao Daniel Lewis, do 16, do Charles Biggar, do. 13, do Wm. B. Vnn Every, Oct. 27,27 .lames Thompson, (10. 14. do Jonathan Petit, May 25,30 Abner Everit't, Oct. 25, 27 Henry Bers!ey, do 26, do William Neville, do. 26. 00 Lieutenants. George Nolman, Oct. 18,27 .Jacob Springstead, April ~,23 LieuleMn", Simon Bra.dl, d!t 4,do J.oi.m 1M'Carly, June 25, 24 Oljvid Almart, dI.t 6, do J,)hn Depue ilprillO,23 Cades YanE,'cry, Nov, ll6,23 Adam Young-. do. 11, do Alpheus, Smith, do. 27, do Thomas Choate, do. 12, do Richard Ferguson, do. 28, d(} Abrm. K. Smith, do. 15, do Samuel Smith, do. 29, do W. B. Sheldon,Q-MJune 5, 25 Henry Nt!le" Dec. 1, do Thomas H. Taylor, May 25, 30 Adjutant. Asbman Pettit, do. 26, do .Tohn Tborner, July ]2,26 ,. Michl. Aikman, do. 2,7, do Quarter-Master. Robert 'V. Taylor, do. 28, do J. M. A. Cameron, Nov. 24, 28 John Schneider, do. 29, do V. GORE. Ensigns. Lieutenant Colonel. James Wilson, April23, 23 Wm. M. Jarvis, May 3,30 J ames Lewis, do. 24, do JJfajor. J. B. Rous;seaux, May 25, 30 Peter McCollum, May 3,30 - James Hughson, do. 26, do Captains. David Springer, do. 27, do Henry Trout, Sepl. 11,26 R. Otto Procter, do. 28, do William Kent, do. do, do Quarter-Master. Thomas Stevens, do. do, do W. B. Sheldon, June 5, 25 George Thompson, do. 12, do Surgeon. James McNab, Oct. 16,27 Oliver Tiffany, April 2, 23 George Trout, do. 17, do IV. GORE. Thomas Fyfo, do. 18, do Colonel. Adam Stull, Adjt. do. 19, do John Chisholm, Aug. 12, 24 Lieutenants. Lieutenant-Colonel. Alex. Campbell, Sept. 13,26 Allan McNabb, May 24, 30 Wm. Campbell, do. 14, do Major. William Trout, Oct. 16,27 Thomas Smith, May 4, 27 Archd. McKinnon, do. 17, do Captains. John Burns, do. 19, do William Ellis, Sept. 12, 20 Ensigns. Alex,.Chewett, June 19, 23 Alex. McNab, Sept. 12,26 Thomas Lucas, Nov. 26, do Stephen McCollam, do. ]5, do> 'Yard Smith, do. 27, do Henry Fyfe, Oct. 13,27 Robert Murray, do. 28, do John O. Rielly, do. 14, do \VilIiam Holme, Dec. 1, do John Meredith, do. 15, d<> Luke V. Speer, do. 2, do DugaJd Livingstone, do. 16, do> .Tohu Tbornor, Adj. July 22,26 AFlgus McCall, do. 1'7, do Lieutenants. J ohu Fisher, do. 18, do Jacob Cochenour, Nov. 24,23 James Stevens, do. 19, do Aaron D. Vrooman, do. 25, do Adjutant. Peter VanEvery, do. 26, do Adam Stull, Capt. Oct. 19,21 William Coulson, do. 27, do Quarter-Master. John Beatty, Dec. 2, do John Burns, Oct. 19,21 Ensigns. !. LINCOLN. James Jones, Nov. 24,23 Colonel. Zephaniah Seton, do. 25, d<> Richd. Leonard Aug. 19,26 G 74

Lieutenant-Colonel. II. LINCOLN . .John Sen'os, Feb. 19,27 Colonel. Major. James Kerby, June 18,.23 John Clark, do. do. do Lieutenant-Colonel Caplains. RClbcrtHamilton, June 18,23 Henry F. Pawling, April 20, 22 1J'Iaj01-. Adam Brown, Aug. 13,24 Robert Grant, June 18, 23 Wm. L Smith, do. 14, do Captams. P. V. C· Secord, Feb. 2, 25 Andrew Rorbeci<, Oct. 24, 15 Johr, Claus, do. .3, do Anthony Upper, June 28, 20 Joseph Clement, Mar. 21, do Lewis Clement, do. 30, do Peter Warner, Feb. 19,27 John McMicking, Jan. 2!2,22 Walter Butler, do. 20, do John McLellan, do. 23, do George Field, May 14, do Abrm. Bowman, June 18, do "\;\fm vVoodruffe, do. do. do David Thompson, Mar. 9,24 J'J.mes Wilson, July 19,30 Jacob S, Bull, Feb. 19,27 "Robert D,ckson, Sept. 4,29 Wrn, Hepburn, May 1,28 Lieutenants. Carlton Leonard,Adj, do. do. 30 Euwd. McBride, Aug. 14, 24 Lieutenanis. John Clendenning, lceb. 2,25 James Tboml"son, Jan. 22,23 .Robert Kay, do. 24, do Henry C. Bell, April 26, 24 George Shaw, Feb. 14,27 John Street, ~ov. 22, do Richr!, Woodruffe, do. 20, do Hull Davis, Dec. 5,26 James B. Jones, do. ~1, do Hugh Rose, do. 6, do !'c'ler T. Pawling, do. 22, do Amos Bradshaw, do. 7, do Peter Ten Brock, May 14,27 Samuel Street, Feb. 19,2'i Francis G. Swayze, do. 1,28 Ensigns. "VI/alter Dickson, Sept. 4,29 Wm. McLellan, April 26, 24 Daniel Fields. July 19,30 Richard Thompson, Dec. 5,26 Coc.Johnstone Butler, do. 20, do Benj, Thompson, do. 6, do Engisrns. George Meriat, do. 7, do James Mtlirhead~ Aug. 15,24 Geo, Keefer, Jun. do. 8, do Jl!:lias S. Adams, Jan. 26,26 John DeCow, Jun. do. "9, do James McFarione, Feb. 19,27 Jacob Keefer, do. 11, .do Wm. Adams, do. 20, do John Thompson, .Jan. 19,27 ]~lias Dm'bam, do. 21, do Alex'r. Richardson, May 1,28 Ejiwd, Campbell, May 14, do Isaac Kelly, do. 2, do Genrgc Adams, do. do. do Bryan Leffert)', do. 3, do .loshlla B. Clement, do. do. do Adjutant. "james Jorden, May 1,28 Carleton Lconat'1:l, May 1, 3tl Adjutant, QUal·ler-Master. %obl. K!l.}" Lieu!. April 2'1, 25 John J. Cooper, May 3,28 QU61'rter Masters. Surgeon, Daniel Secord Jan; 2,09 John J. Lefi'er1~', April 26, 24 "j\,btr.tw Dobie July 19; 30 75

Ill. LINCOLN. I Lieutenant·Colonel. Colonel. A. Nelles, Mar. 6,20 John Warren, April 1,22 Major. Lieutenant-Colonel. Henry Nelles, Nov. 5,27 Samuel Street, April 1, 22 Captains. Major, James Dedrick, July 1,13 'Vrn. Powell, April 1,22 Henry Hickson, do. do. do Captain3. John Henry, do. do. do James Cumming, April 25, 15 Adam Limmerman, April IS, 28 Wm. D. Miller, Nov. 2(l,24 Peter Hare, do. 19, do John Putman, do. do. do Walter Dedrick, April 27, 26 Osias Buckner, do. 25, do Jacob Vaughan, Nov. 5,27 David Davis, do. 26, do Wm. R. Nelles, do. 6, do Jacob Gander, tlo. 27, do George Bark, do. 7, do Henry vYeishuhn, do. 29, do Lieutenants. Samuel MacAfee, do. 30, do John Kennedy, April IS, 22 Edrn'd. Ryslay, Adj. June 6,26 Edmund Hodges, do. 19, do Benjamin Learn, Aug. 11,28 M. Zimmerman, do. 20, do Lieutenants. Philip Dean, do. 22, do Hiram Humphrey, Nov. 2324 John D. Beamer, do. 23, do Peter Dell, do. 24, do Robert Waddle, do. 24, do Daniel Buckner, do. 25, do Thomas Bingle, April 27, 26 Peter Miller, do. 26, do Thomas WaddeJ, do. 28, do William Hawn, do. 27, do Robert Nixon, Nov. 5, 27 Henrv Iert Nelles, Jan. 12,22 Warner Nelles, Jan, 14,22 76

Captains. 'Jacoh Pow·ell, Nov. 28,23 If'onry W. Nelles, Apl'il 2,22 Samuel WODel, Nov. 29,23 Joseph YOlmg, do. 23, do Juseph Tisdale, Dec. 1,27 Wm. VV'. Nelles, do. 24, do Daniel Fisher, do.' 2, do Wm. M. Ball, do. 25, do 'Ensigns. George Runehy, do. 27, do James Brown, Nov. 25,23 Geo. Hill Sheehan, do. 26, 24 David Hunter, do. 26, do Lieutenants. Rowland GilhHt, do. 27, do Warner H. NE'lles, April 22, 22 John McNelly, do. 28, Jo John L. NeLles, do. 23, do Daniel McCall, Dec. I, do Robt. An

A lex. Bowlby, May 23,28 Israel W. Powell, May 22, '::8 Benj. Haviland, do. 24, do Quarter-Master. Samuel Chadwick, do. 26, do Wm. McCartney Feb. 12 17 Benj. Williams, do. 27, do 1. MIDDLESEX. ' Quarter-)J;laster, Colonel, Joseph Lemon, June 4, 18 Hon. Thos. Talbot, Feb. 12, 12 . Captains, I. OXFORD. Gilman Wilson, Feb. 14, ]2 Colonel. Leslie Patterson, do. 15, do Thomas Horner, June 13,22 John Matthews, March 24 23 Lieutenant-Colonel, James McQueen, do. 27 do Charles Ingersoll, Dec. 15, 23 John Warren, do. 28: do Major. Archibald GiIli., do. 29, do Sikes Towsley, May 19, 12 Hugh McCowan, do. 31, do Captains. James McKinlay, April 1, do Bela B. Bigham, Nov. 15, 12 Lieutenants. Henry Carroll, Feb. 12,17 William Bird, Feb. 12,12 T.H.Throckmorton, Aug. ]7,18 Gideol1 Tiffany, do. 14, do James Carroll, Jan. 19,24 Thomas McCall. Mar. 24,2:;1 G. W. Whitehead, do. 20, do Samnel McCall, do. 25, do John Kelly, do. 21, do John G. Gillies, do. 26, do Daniel Brown, do. 22, do Duncan McKinlay, do. 27, do Robert Alway, do. 24, do J.M.Fariand,Adj.June 18, do Lieutenants. Ensigns. Wm. Reynolds, Feb. 12,17 Daniel McIntyre, Feb. 12,12 George Nichols, Jan. 19,24 David Davis do. 13, do Calvin Martin, do. 20, do Samuel Harris, do. 17, do Henry Daniell, do. 21, do Ady'ulant. Hugh Malcolm, do. 22, do J. M. Farland, Lt, June 18,23 Thomas Ingersoll, do. 23, do Quarler-J):Taster. Colin McNee, do. 24, do Sylvanus Reynolds, Oct, 26, 15 Alex. McGregor, do, 26, do Wm. Land. do. 27, do II. MIDDLESEX. Jacob Geble, Adjt. do. 28, do Colonel... Ensigns. Mahlon Burwell, June 18,22 Peter Martin, Feb. 12, 17 Lieutenant Colonel, Joseph Woodrow, Jan. 19,24 John Backhouse! March 24,23 .Tamell O'Brien, do. 20, do Major. Archd. Burtch, do. 21, do John Rolph, March 24,23; James Ingersoll, do, 22, do Captains. Wm. Underwood, do. 23, do Samuel Edison, March 24,23 Wm. Uran, do, 26, do William Saxton, do. 25, do Leonard Kern, do. 27, do Joseph Defield, April 1, do Silas Williams, do. 28, do AbrahamBackhouse, do. 3, dOl Adjutant. Titus Williams, do. 4, dOl Jacob Goble, Jan. 28,24 Isaac Draper, do. 5, dO! "G 78

AndFew Dobbie, June 14,26 Nathaniel Griffiths, Jan. 22,2-i Henry Backhouse, do. 15, do Lawrence Dingman, do. 23, do William Summers, do. do, do Samuel Summer, do. 24, do Lieutenants. Gilbert Wrong, Jan. 22,2,\ IV. MIDDLESEX. John Summers, do. 23, dq Colonel. James Hutcheson, June 14, 2q James Hamilton, June IS, 22 James Bell, do. 15, do Major. Henry House, do. 16, dd Ira Schofield, March 24, 23 James Summers, do. 17, do Captains. Alexander Saxton, do. 19, de Joseph Harrison, April S,23 Ensigns. Simeon Bullen, do. 9, do George Dobbie, June 14,26 Roswell Monnt, do. 10, do Alex. Summers, do. 15, do Duncan McKenzie, do. 11, do John Benner, do. 16, do Richard Talbot, do. ]2, do John R. Kennedy, do. 19, do Danielf-line, do. 14, do William McInt0sb, do. 20, do Edwd. E. Warrell, Mar. 9,24 Peter Defield, do. 21, do Thomas Laurason, do. 10, do Thomas Edison, jr. do. 22, do Daniel Doty,' qo. 11, do Quarter-Master. Edward E. Taibot, do. 12, do Reuben Kennedy, June 14,26 William Putman, Sept. 25,26 John Ewart, May 1, 27 III, MIDDLESEX. Liel.tenants. Colonel. James Fisher, March 9,24 John Bostwick, June 18, 22:John Liddall, do. 10, do Captains. -'" John T. Jones, do. 11, ,10 Benjamin Wilsun, Mar. 27,23 William Gray, dn. ]2, do James Nevilles, do. do, do Alex'r. ~Sinclair, do. ]3, do John Conrad, do. do, do ,John Brain, do. ]5, do Joseph Smith, April 7, do :A;rchd.McFarlane, do. 16, do JosephL. O. Dill, Jan. ]7, 241Robt. Webster, do. 17, do Josiah C. Goodhue, do, 20, do Nathaniel Jacons do. 19, do Joseph House, do. 21, do ' Ensigns. Michael M'Loughlin, do. 22, do IHenry B. Warren, Mar. 9.24 Liwtenants. iLawJ"ence Laurasoll, do. 10, do William Orr, March 24, 23 'Daniel Campbell, do. ]1, do Jesse Zarltz, do. 25, do Thomas H. Sumner,.do. '12, do John Merlatt, Jan. 19,24 ,George'Robson, do. 13, do .Joshua Putman, do. 24, do :WilliamBurgess, '(lo. 16, do Jame8 Weishuhn, do. 2}, do 'Philip Harding, do. J7,

Hugh McCullum, Feb. 2,25 John Arnold, FeL. 5,25 Israel Smith, do. 3, do Thomas Shaw, do. 7, do Wm. Call, do. 4, do Ensigns. Hector McDougall, do. 5, do Joseph Wood, May 26, 20 Lieutenants. John Butler, do. 27, do Francis Lee, May 26, 20 John McDougall, do. 29, do Samuel Osborne, do. 27, do Thomas Jackson, do. 30, do John TraXler, do. 29, do Daniel McGregor, do. 31, do Jeremiah de Clute, do. 30, do John Shaw, Feb. 2,25 Jonas Cralt, do. 31, do James Richardson, do. 3, do Francis Drake, Feb. 2, 25 Matthew Dolson, do. 4. do John Williams, do. 3, do George Hartley, do. 5, do Jesse Cull, do. 4, do Wm. Desmond, do. 7, do

" Denotes Officers of Cavalry. Nole.-Those Regiments which appear not filled up, have their compliment of men, but the Officers have not yet been ap­ pointed. TABLE. GENERAL ASSESSMENTS Ii'! THE SEVERAL DISTRICTS.~YEAR18'29.

Easl- Olta- Bath- Johns- Mid, New- L07t- ITEMS. Home GM·e. Nia- ern. 'wa. 1<1'81. lown, I(lrld. castle, g"ura . don. ------. -- .------Uncultivated Acres, .•••.. 318643 62040 279707 :l'-t~73n:3496411 :227672 :399054 :341685 22648', 405163 J Cultivated do ...... 62360 1000S :33130 58::;89 1315:3(! 52258 85938 87542 89789 80888 Houses Squared 1 S'tory, 481 107 79 209 254 66 28i 291 476 159 Do. Framed 1 do .•.•••• 718 54 36 418 152:' 430 70S 553 797 622 Do_ Squared 2 do .•••••. 3 5 16 28 7(\ 51 154 8 Do_ Brick or Stone 1 do. 26 2 ...... 74 213 21s1 10 17 70 ] 2 ~0 Do. I'md Brk or Stone 2 do 62 16 30 145 337 10] 353 143 179 85 g ::;rist Mills, ••.••••.. '.•.. HI 17 ;J~ 40 19 3n 3-3 4h 37 !I 1 Saw Mills, ...... 28 1~ ]4 48 81 33 95 72 76 75 3 Merchants Shops, .•••• ',' 43 H. 62 50 114 38 95 69 68 33 8 3tore Houses, .••••• ~1 • .,.. 2 2 1~ 9 10 4 14 13 3 3 3ta!lions, ...... 12 5 1 ]3 26 11 21 10 20 14 8 'lorses,3 years & upwards 3758 381 G62 ~~67 G50f1 1462 3172 2796 4313 2412 9 )xen, 4 years & upwards, 1291 519 2657 3046 ::mo!J 278,) 4161 4006 4618 4786 >4 l'Iilch Cows, .••.••.••••• 8454 1])4 4(J6;, 6470 12:39.. 5218 9C!6:3 7'723 8279 8735 8 famed Cattle 2 to 4 years, ~076 321 J9f)11 2907 5lUr, 2508 444.J 3839 4969 4713 2 :losc Carriages, '" ~•... 1 2 8 5 14 1 )hretons, •...••.•••••.• , 3 2 16 1 ]3 , ~urricles j" & Gigs, .••••.•• 17 3 J l61 ,) 2 ~O 1 26 2 'Ieasure ,;yaggons, •.•••. 25 tj 3 12 15f) ell 33 73 192 32 7 82



Eii1~tern, ••••••• •••• £ 252,399 2 0 1,577 9 10k Ottawa, ••••••••••••• 43,115 0 0 179 2 11~ Bathurst, •••••••••••• 144,900 5 0 605 18 3 Johnstown, ••• '" ••••• 231.573 10 0 964 17 9k Midland, ••••••.••••. 481,176 0 0 2,004 18 0 Newcastle, ...... 181,264 9 4 755 4 7,f Home, ...... 362,839 13 6 1,572 3 9k Gore, ••••••••••.•••• 299,923 4 0 1,249 13 7 Niagara, ...... 336,249 0 0 1,401 0 9 London, ••••••••••••. 287.132 4 0 1,196 7 8 Western, ...... 115.209 13 0 480 0 9! ------.------£ 2,735,782 0 10 £Il,986 18 Ii

QUARTER SESSIONS--- OF THE PEACE. "THE general Quarter Sessions of the Peace, for tbe several Districts, are held at the following times and places :- EASTERN DISTRICT-at Cornwall, 4th Tuesday, Jan. and ~pril, Old Tuesday, July and October.- ----Chairman. OTTAWA DISTRICT-at ---- 3d Tuesday, Jan. April, June and Sept.- ---- Chairman. BATHURST DISTRICT-at Perth, 3d Tuesday, March, Sept. and Dec .. and 2d Tuesday, June.- ---- Chairman. JOHNSTOWN DISTRI CT-at Brock1lille, 3d Tuesday, Feb. and May, and 2r1 Tuesday, August and Nov.-BARTHOLOMEW CARLEY, Esq. Chairman. MIDLAND DISTRICT-at Kingston, 4th Tuesday, April. and 2d Tuesday, October.-At Adolphustown, 4th Tuesday, Jan., and 2d Tuesday, July.-JOHN MACAULAY, Esq. Chairman. NEW CASTLE DISTRICT-at Amherst, 2d Tuesday, Jan. April, July and October.-WM. FALKNER, Esq. Chairman. HOME DISTRICT-at York, Tuesday of the week next following the several terms of the Court of King's Bench.-ALEXANDER McDONELL, Esq. Chairman. GORE DISTRICT-at Hamilton, 2d Tuesday, Jan. April, July and October·-.ToHN WILSON, Esq. Chairman. 83

NIAGARA DISTRICT-at Niagara, 4th Tuesday, Jan. and March, 2d TU6sday, July, and 3d Tuesday, October.-J. MUIRHEAD Esq. Chairman. ' LONDON DISTRICT-at London, 2d Tuesday, Jan. April, July '·and October.-M. BURWELL, Esq. Chairman. WESTERN DIsTRlCT-at Sandwich, 2d Tuesday, Jan. April, July and October.-CHARLES ELLIOT, Esq. Chairman.

AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES-- IN UPPER CANADA. (By an act, passed in the 11th year Geo. IV. A. D. 1830-.n, titled, "an Act to encourage the establishment of Agricultural Societies in the several Districts of this Province," any Agricul­ tnral Society, subscribing £50, will be'entitled to £100, annually, so long as such subscription shall continue. County Societies shall be entitled to an equal share of the bounty.-Continuance of the Act,-four ye~rs.) - Cotmtyof Leeds Agricultltra! Society-Johns/own District. PRESIDENT. John Ketchum, Esqrs. The Hon. Charles Jones. SECRETARY. VICE-PRESt DENTS. J as. K. Hartwell, Esq. George Breakenridge, TREASI.IRER. Joseph 'Wiltsee, Benjamin Hamblin, Esq. Midland Dish'ict Agricultural Soc-iety. PRESIDENT. Mr. John Church, John MacAuley, Esq. Samuel Casey, YlCE-PRESIDENTS. Jacob Smith, Jun. John Marks, B. Outwater, Isaae Fraser, Daniel Perry, Allan MacPherson, Esqrs. James Lake, DlRECTORS. John A.selstine, Mr. Samuel Ayknyd, Edward Howard, I,ambeTt Van Alstine, Benjamin Hill, Duncan Beath, Peter Davey. John Campbell, SECRETARY. Jacob Shibley, H, C. Thompson, Esq. James Powley. TREASURER. Archd. CatoD, - David J. Smith, Esq. Newcastle District Agricultural Society. PRESIDENT .•••••• , ••••• Benjamin Whitney, Esq. • 5 Zacheus Burnham, Esq. V I CE·PRESJ DENTS" .... l Mr. Charles Powers, 84

DIRECTORS. .Jf)sepl. Keeler, ~Ir. Elias Jones, James Lvons, Robert Henrv. T. D. fi,~nford, 'Walter Boow'ell, Ozem Strong, John Burnham, Jam~5 D. Goslee, J. G: Bethune, David Brodie, Archd. McDonald, Jo~hua- \Yebster, "I'm. F'alkne,., Isaac Proctor, Dugald Campl>ell, Benjamin Ewing, Eben. Peny. Ep\,m. Doolittle, - Richard Hare, Timothy Rogers, Caleb Mallory, Truman l-linman, Wm. F. H. Kelly. James G. Rogers, Jonathan Mas,e.', John Grovel', Charles Biggar, T. M·. Spaldillg, Samuel Cooley, Jeremiah Scripture, Abiiah Smith, TI fa BrOl\rn, Th;ma~ Walker, Elijah Ketchllm, James Platt, Peter Alger, Comfort Curtis. Henry Ruttall, David Cumming.

SECRET.utY •• "., ••••• ,. Mr. John Steel.

TRE.l.SURER. " •••••••••• Jos. A. Keeler, Es'l' Home District Agricultuml Society, PATRON, •••••••••• His Excellency The LIEUT. GOVER:'OR. PRESIDENT, •••••.,. The Hon. l'ETER ROBINso'!,

D,RECTORS. Committee for York. Mr. James Hogg, Hon. 'V. Allan, Charles Thompsoll, Mr. Alexander '\Toan. T. 5. Smyth. G. T. Denison, Committee jor JJlal'khw/t. John Comer, ;\[ •. Wm. Crookshank, ,Jesse Ketchum, ,"Vm. Parsons, . D. Gibson, ·Wm. Armstrong, John Cbew, James Fulton, lVm. Thompson, P. Milburn. n. Boulton, C. Sheldon', J. Montgomery, James Vanderburp'h J05. Shepherd, R. Thorne. 0 , F. T. Billings, Major Butlon. Edmond Law, James Mill, . J os. I-IarrisoB, A. Stover. James ¥ounz, R.. C. Gapper, 85

Committee Jar Vaughan. CommitteeJor Chinguacosy. Messrs. Hugh Beggs, Messrs. B. Munger, John Clime, John Maxwell, John Atkinson, CommUtee Jor Toronto. David Porter, Messrs. F. S. Jarvis, . Roland Burr, 'V. Thompson, Jl)hn Arnold, D. Adamson, 'V. S. Gapper, T' Silverthorne, Edward O'Brien, John Scarlett, Charles Lawrence, Tim. Street, Committee Jar Whitchurch. Co!. Adamson, Messrs. 'V. B. Robinson, T. McGrath, _D. Wilson, - McGill, Ahrm. Stouffer, John Barnhart, E. Lount, Committee Jar Etobicoke. John Hartman, Messrs. James Boyce, James Pearson, - McGregor, W. Laughton, John Fisher, Committee Jor E. Gwillimsbllry. J. W. Gamble, Messrs. Geo. Hollingshead, Edw'd. Hargrave, John Doan, - McFarlane, CommitteeJor W. Guillimsbury. CommitteeJor Scarborough Messrs. Isaac Rogers, Messrs. H. Kennedy, J. Wilson, Step. Pherril, G. Lount, W. Devenish,. F. Phelps, David Thomson, Committee Jar N. Gwillimsbury. Committee Jar Pickering. Messrs. Arad Smalley, Messrs. Francis Leys, John Draper, Nich's. Brown, Committee Jar King. Robert Post, Messrs. Natll'!. Gamble, Jos. Wixon, Daniel MGLeod, .T. W. Sherrar, .Tesse Lloyd, G. Barclay, Thomas Cosford, Committee JOT Whitby. Edw'd. Haycock, Messrs. W; Farewell, Committee Jar Georgina. P. McDonald, Messrs. Jas. Bouchier, J•. Hayden, _.- Johnston, J. B. IVarrcn, __ Pilkington, J~hn Still, . Committee Jar Innisfil, Comm,Uee JorUxbndge. Messrs. T. Hewson, Messrs. - Webb, David Soles, John Plank, Committee Jar Tecumseth. Jos. Hilborn, Mr. Nathan Gnger. Committee Jar Brock. Committee Jar Albion. Messrs. John Letts, MessrB. M. Sloat, - Hutchinson, __ Finch, SECRETARY, J. Elmsley,. Esq. H TREASURER, W. B. JarVIS, Esg. 86 MiLITARY STAFF, OF


His Excellency Sir, JOHN COLBORNE, Knight, Commander of the Most Honorable Military- Order of tbe Bath, &c. &c. &c. Commanding the Forces in Upper Canada, Aid-de-Camp, Captain Blois, 52nd Regiment Aim/ant A,djutant General, Lieutenant Colonel C. FOSler, Town Major, Kingston, Lieutenant Patrick Corbett, R.V.B, Fort Adjutant, Pen etanguishine , James Keating.

~ CHAPJ.,AINS TO THE FORCES. TbeRev. R. \'1'. Tunney, •••••••••••• •••••• Kingston, The Rev. Joseph Hudson, ••••••••••••••••• York. ACTING CHAPLAINS- TO THE TROOPS. The Rev. R. 'Rolpb, •••••••••••• " •••••••• Amherstburgh, The Ret; T. Creen, •••••••••••••••••••••• Fori George.


RESPECTIVE OFFICERS. Commanding Officer Royal A,-tillery, Major W. Robert, Commanding Qtficer Royal Engineers, Lieut. Col. J. R. Wright, Ordnance Storekeeper, John B. Smith, Esquire. --<>- KINGSTON. Ordnance Storekeeper,'" •• '" '" •.•••• John Butler Smith, Esq. l''irst Clerk, ...... John Gordon, Second do ...••.•••••.. •••••••••••• Thomas Gurly, Master Armourer, •••••••••••••••••• Edward Price, Foreman of Wheelers, • •••••••••••••• Thomas Hart, .l:llI'eman of LaborerB, • .••••••••••••• George Hart,

BYTOWN. l'alJrn~t

YORK. Barrack ]tlaster, . .•••••.••••••. Andrew Patt.,n, Esq. BlJITack Serjeant, ••••••••••••. B. Kennedy.

FORT GEORGE. Barrack ]tIMler, ••••.••••••••• Alexander Garrell, Esq. Barrack Serjeant, •.••• ...... John Conn~r,

AMHERSTBURGrJ. Barrack ,Waster, •••••••••••••• William Duff, Esq. Barradc Serjeant, ...... James Courins,

PENETANGUISHINE. Barrack Serjeant, ••••••••••••• John Bell,

BYTOWN. Barrack Master, ...... -- Serjeant. ~ ROYAL ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. KINGSTON. Lieutenant Colonel J. R. Wright, Commanding Royal E:jlgiri;'er~ in Upper Canada. Captain R. H. Bonnycastle,Commanding District. Lieutenants, Arthur Kay, ~5················ ...... F. H. Baddeley, Clerk oj Worb, • ...... Samuel Shaw, Clerk, . ••••••••. , ...... Alexander Sterling,

RIDEAU CAl"llAL. I~;elltenant Colouel By. Lieutenant Henry Briscoe, YORK. Captain George Phillpotts. Comanding J)il!l.rid, Clerk of Works, George Houghwll. ~8 COMMISSARIAT DEPARTMENT. Commissary General, R. J. Routh-Quebec. Kingston,-Assistant Commissary General John Ha,re, " Dep'y. Ass't. Com'y. Gen't --, Will~OIl. H " u I, ____ York,-Assistant Commissary" General Foote, " Dep'y. Ass't. Com'y. Gen'!. Saunders, " H'" "M0ntr-eso.r. Fort George,-Dep'y. Ass'.t. Com!y. Gen'l. Michael Bailey. Amherstbttrgh,-Dep'y. Ass't. Com'y. Gen'l. J. Leggatt, Ie H U " . II Wm. Stanton, , Penetanguishine,-Dep'y. Ass't. Com'y. Gen'!. J. Wickens, " "u" j" __ Seymour'.

MEDICAL DEPARTMENT.- . iff . 5 James Geddes Assutant Sta Surgeons, Kmgston, ~ James Jobnstdn, INDlAN DEPARTMENT.---- UPPER . CANAD~'I.. " Chief Supel-intendant-James Givins, Esquire. SUPEItiNTENDANTS. Amherstburgh-George Ironside, Senr. Brantford, (Grand River )-John Brant, Penetanguishine-Thomas G. Anderson, Colborne, (on the Thames)-Joseph B. Clench-Esquires. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDANT. Amherstbilrgh-Mr. George Ironside, Junr.


" Hindostan-Roleia-. Vimiem-·Almares--Fuentes D' 01101- Vittoria-Pyrenne$_ Ntve-Orthes-Penin-sula-Waterloo. " Head· Quarters, at York.-OuTPosTs-Amherstburgh-Niagara-­ Penetanguishine. Colonel, SIR COLIN HALKET'r, w. K.C.B. & G.C.H. 1. g. Lieutenant.Colonel, ARTHUR JONES, w. C.B. 89

MajaT3' Arthur Jone!, N. M. Slack, d. J. T. Pidgeon. w. d. T. Dalton, 'lep.p. m, l' B. Strang""}' C. Levinge, w. Geo. Cuming, Adj. J. Fitzscotl, d. Capta·ins. William Denny, J. H. C. Robarlson, d .1. Henderson,Maj.w. Alex. Seymour, Ralph Bernal, d. Alexander Grant, w. Wm. S. Dalton, d. Paym'r.H.B. Adam~, R. W. Myddleton, d. John Lawson, d. Adj. G. Cuming, Lt. C. Stewart, w. C. P. Trapaud,. d. Q.M. T. Creighton, w "'m. C. Hanson, w. Frederick Pack, Surgeon, J. \Vinler- Wm. Long, w. Wm. J. Meyers, scale, w. J. Gardintr, w. Ensigns. Ass'l. Surgeons, Geo. Wm. Stewart, d. H. T. Bere.ford, Ferguson, Wm. Osborne, d. H. E. Austen, (;. Gulliver, d. A. R. Lestrange, w. Wilhelm Speer, Facings, Buff-Lace, Lieutenants. Charles Jones Silver, J. Impett, w. F. S. Hutchinson, d. Agent, JPrice.

79th (OR CAMERON- HlGHLANlDERS.) " Egmont-op.zee-Egypt-Fuentes D'onor-Salamanca-Pyre7i­ nes-Nevill e-Nive- TOldouse-Peninsnla-Walerloo." STATIONED AT KINGSTON.

Colonel, Sm R. C. FERGUSON, K. C. B. g. Lieutenant-Colonel, N. DOUGLASS, C. B. w. Majors. D. Malheson, 'V. L. Scobell, B. Brown, C. B. w. D. McDougall, Adj; J. Cockburll. D. MacDollgall, Lt. William Carlan, Ewell Cameron, d. Colonel, d. Andrew Brown, J. Douglass, d. Captains. T. C. Ca!lleron, Geo. J. Gordo", d. J. Barwick, Thomas Crombie, Pay;n(uler,'V. Castle, K. Cameron, Robert Fulton, Adj. D. MacDougall, J. C. Young, James MacDonald, Lieut. [w. James D. Brown, Geo. Johnston, d. QT. Mr. A. Cameron, . A. Forbes, w. M. Fitzgerald, Surg. J. Shorl, .ML D. W. A. Riach, d. HOIl. R. Boyle, s. Asst. Surg. D. Mac- Fox Maule, d. W. H. Lance. lachlan, M. D. J. Robinson, d. Ensigns. Facings, Dark Gree" T. L. Butler, d. R. Mann~rg, d. -Lace, Gold. Liwlellants. John S. Smyth, Agents, Mad)'J""ld, A.M'Donell, dep.p.m.Thomas Isbam, & Co.

d. Delached-s. Stafl'-IC, Waterloo.

~fl[ A Li3t of the Royal Navy, and Naval Establish~ ments in Canada. Commodore Sir Robert Barrie, C. B. Commander-in-Chief ( Liwtenant and Commander, Charles Holbrook, His Majesty's I Master, David Taylor, Schoonel' i Secretary, John Marks, Cockburn. Surgeon, G·eorge Coils, l Assistant S1!,rgeon, James Taylor, SUPERNUMERARIES ON THE COCKBURN',S BOOKS. STATIONED. AT ISLE AUX lIolX. Lieutenant! William Swainson. STATIONED AT PENETANGtJISHINE. Lieutenant, W. H. Woodin, Assi$tant Surgeon, James Mc:'llicoll. STATIONED AT GRAND RIVER. Lieutenant, Charles Jones,_ (B.) Assistant Surgeon, Doctor James Donovan, M. D. KINGSTON DOCK YARD. Naval Storekeeper, John R. Glover, R. N. Master Attendant, Michael Spratt, R. N. Master Shipwright, Mr. Robert Moore, Commissioner'S Deparhn€'lit, S. Yarwood, R. N. Storekeeper's' Clerk, Mi'. Robert Breeze. MONTREAL. Storekeeper's Clerk: (in charge) Mr. William Luon. , ROYAL FAMILY OF GREAT BRITAIN, THE KING, • His Most Excellent Yhjesty, W'LLIAM (HENRY) IV, of (he Umted Kmgdom of Great Britain and Ireland, KING, Def~nde .. of the F,uth, Duke of Clarence and St. Anclrews Earl of l\1unstef, Me. &:c. Sz,c. &c. ' Born 21s1 August, 1765.

Princess Augu3ta Sophia, ....• " 8 0 .; •• • " ... -Nobember f<. •• 1 :16&' Princess of Hesse Homberg·,. i • •• i • •••••• May 2:: .• 1770 Duke oi Cumberland, ..••.•.••••••..••.. June 5 •• ]771 Duke ofSmgex, ...... : ...... Janual'y 27 •• 1773 Duke of Cambridge, ...... "February 24 .. 1774 Duchess of Gloucester, ...... April 25 •• 17'76 - Princess Sophia, ..•• " ••••••••••••••••• November 8 •• 17'77 Duchess of Clarence, ...... August ]3 .. ]792 Duchess of Cumberland, •••••••••••••••. March 20 •. 1788 Duchess of Cambridge, ...... July 25 .. 1797 Tbe Presumptive fIeiress to the British Throne; in tbe first collateral Brauch, is . The Princess Alcxandrina Victoria, of Kent, &c. &c .. borp ...... !'1!ay . 24 .. 1819 Children of the laie Duke of Gloucester, . who was Uncle to Hispresent Majesty. The Princess Sophia Matilda, born ...... May 29 .• 1773 Prince Wm. Frederick; Duke of Gloucester, January 15 •• 1776 ·.. ·aee.- HIS ThIAJESTY'S MINISTERS. (THE CABINET.) First Lord of the Treasury-The Duke of Wellington. Chancellor of the Exchequer-Mr. Goulbourn. Secretary of State for Foreign .i\.ffairs-Earl of Aberdeen. Secretary of State for the Cotonial Dept.-Sir George Murray. do. do. for the Home Dept.-Sir R. Peel. Masl" General of the Ordnance-Viscount Beresford. Lord Chancellor·=-Lord Lyndh~rst. Preseu(;nt ofihe Council-Earl Ba,tbursl. Lord Privy Seal-Earl of Westmoreland. 92

- Presedent of the Board of Trade:'-Honorable William ~'. Yesey Fitzgerald. do. do. Board of Control-Lord Ellenborough. ~ecretary at War-Lord Francis teveson Gower. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster-Mr. Arbuthnot. Master of the Mint-Mr. Herries. Surveyor afWoods and Forests-Viscount Lowther.

--OF MINISTRY IRELAND. Lord Lieutenant-The Duke of Northumberland. Lord High Chancellor-Sir Anthony Hart. Chief Secretary-Sir H. Hardinge.

THE IMPERIAL- PARLIAMENT. THE HOUSE OF PEERS. The House of Peers consists of Royal Dukes, ...... 4 Dukes, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. 19 Marquesses, ...... 23 Earls, ••••••••.••..•.••••••.•••••••••••. 130 Viscounts, ...... 26 Bishops, ...... '. 30

Barons, ..• 0(> •••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••• • 170 402 SPEAKER-The Lord High Chancellor, for the time being. Clerk of the Parliaments-Right Hon. 'Sir G. H. Rose, G.C.H. THE HOUSE- OF COMMONS. England and Wales, send •••••••••••• 513 Member;: Ireland, ...... 100 Scotland, ...... 45

Total, ...... 658 Members.

SPEAKER-The Right Honorable Charles Manners Sutton. Clerk of the House of Commons-Johll Henry Ley, Esq. 93 PROVINCIAL LISTS.

,- LOWER- CAN ADA'. Captain General, Vice Admiral, and Commander in ChieJ­ Lord Aylmer, G. C. B. &c' &c. &c. Chairman of the Legislative Council--The Hon. Jonathan Sewell, Chief Justice of the Province. Members of the Executive Council-The Lord Bishop of Que. bee-The Honorables, John Richardson-James Kerr-H. Per. cival-William Smith-John Hall-C. E. C. DeLerv-John Stewart-A. 'V. Cochrane and James Stuart. • Clerk of the Council-The Hon. H. W. Ryland. Civil Secretary--:-J ohn -B. Glegg, Esq' Provincial Secretary-Dominic Daly, Esq. Auditor General-Thfrmas A. Young, Esq. Receiver General-Honorahle John Hale. Inspector General-Jos. Cary, Esq. Surveyor General-J osepn' Bouthette, Esq. jlttornev General-Honorable James Stuart. Solicitor General-Charles R. Ogden. Advocate General-George Vanfelson; Chief Justice of the Province-Hon J. Sewell. PU'isne Judges-Hon. James Kerr, Hon. Edward Bowen, HOll. Jplln J. Tascherean, for the District of Quebec, and for the Dis­ trict of Montreal. Chief Justice-Hon. James Reid. Pu,sne Judges-Hon. Louis Charles Foucher, Han. George Pyke, Hon, Norman F. Uniacke. Collector of Customs-Han. M. H. Perceval. GoUector at Gllteal! Du Lac-John Simpson, Esq. Inspector of Scows and Rafts at Chateauguay-Arthur McDo- nald Esq. l'rleasurer, do.-Lewis Demers. Inspector of Flour and Meal at Quebec_William Philips. Do. at Montreal-George Hobbs, E. Sanford, Nahum Hall, Jos. Carmel, W"iiliam Watson, and William Miller. Inspector of Pot and Pearl Ashes at Montreal-John Bou- theHer. I Assistants-George J. Holt, John Jones, Campbell Sweeny, IJewis Lamo.nlagne, Edward M. Lepheron. - ....iI- NOVA SCOTIA. Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief-His Excel lency Sir P. Maitland, K. C. B. &c. &c. &c. 94

President of the Council-Hon. S, S. Blowers. Attorney General- -- -- Solicitor General-S. G. W. Archibald, Esq. Secretary of the P1'ovince-Sir R. D. George. Surveyor General-Honorable C_ Morris. Receil'er General-Honorable H. N. Binney. Provincial TrelUlurer-'-Honorable M. Wallace. Chief Justice-Honorable S. S. Blowers. Judges.:....Hon. B. Halliburton, Hon. J. Stewart, Hon. L. M. Wilkins. , Lord Bishop of the Provlnce-John Inglis.··

....i\~~. NEW BRUNSWICK. Lieutenant Governor and Commander-in-Chief-Major Gen~,rll.l Sir Howard Douglas, Bart. &c. &c. &c- President of the Council-Honorable J. Saunders. Attorney General-C. J .. Peters, Solicitor General-,-Robert Parker.. Auditor General-F. P. Robinson. Provincial Secretary-W. F. Odell. Surveyor General- -- --.- Receiver General~Geol'ge P. Bliss. Commissioner of Crown Lands-Honorable T, Baillie. Chief Justice-Honorable John Saunders. Judges-Honorables J. M... ,.... Bliss, ·.a ..... W. Botsrord, W. Chipm ..... PRINCE EWARDS ISLAND. Lieutenant GOl'cmor and Commander.in-Chief-Colonel John Ready. Colonial Secretary-J. P. Collins, Esq. President of the Council-Honorable ~~. J. Jan-i•• Attorney Generill-Robert Hodgson, Esq. Solicitor General-William Waller, Esq. Surveyor General-Honorable George Wright. 1reasurer-Alexander Campbell, Esq. Chief Justice-Honorable E. J; Janis. Judges-Hon. T. H. Haviland, Hon. A .. LaM. Recelver General-John Stewart, Esq. -· .. e~a .. ~ NEWFOUNDLAND. Lteulenant Governor-Sir Thomas Cochranr. Lieutenant Governor of SI. Johns-Col. Sir George Elder. ' Lieutenan! Governor of Placentia-Lieut. Col. G. H. Reeves, 95 :anSCELLANEOUS.


Miles. is .•••••.•••.•••••••.••••.••• 0 ••••• 0 •••••••• 4~d. Ditto above 60 and not over 100 ..••.•••••••••••••••••• 7d. Ditto above 100 and not over 200 ...... 9d. Miles. Postage.

lI.~ L1F.n to Qucbec, ...... 0 ... 706 Is. 8d. St. Annes, ...... 766 1 10~ Three Rivers, .•••••••••••••••••• 796 1 101 River du Loup, ...... 817 2 1 Bertbier and William Henry, ..••• 841 2 1 Montreal, ••.•••••••••••••.••••. 886 2 1 Coteau du Lac, •••••••.••••••••• 931 2 3 Lancaster, ...... • _11 ••••• , 952 2 3 Cornwall, .••• '0' •.•••••••••••••• 973 2 3 Matilda, ..•••••••••...•••••••••• 1006 2 5 Prescott, .••••.••••••.•••••••••• 1021 2 5 Brockville, ...... 1033 2 5 Ganano'lue, ...... ; 1063 2 5 Kingston, ...... 1081 2 5 Bath, ...... 1093 2 5 Napance Mills, ..••• , ..••..•••••. 1107 2 7 Adolphustown, ...... , •••• 1109 2 7 Hallowell, ..••..•..•...••••••••• 1121 2 7 Murray,_.•.•••.•.••••..•••...•••• 1141 2 7 Belville, •.••••••••••.••..•••••• 1129 2 7 C.·amahe, .•••••..••••••...••••• 1166 2 7 Cobourg, .•...... 1186 2 7 Port Hope, ...... , ...... 1193- 2 7 York, •••.•••.•••••••.•.••.•... 1253 2 9 Nelson, .••.••••.••.••....•••••. 1283 2 I) Dundas, ..••.••.••.••.••.•••••• 1298 2 9 Grimsby, ...... 1321 3 o St. Catharilles, ...... 1381 3 o 1349 3 o Niagara, ...... o Queenston, . I'" " ••• , ., • , • I , ••• 1356 96 Miles. Postag~.

H.;\.LlFAX to Burford, ...... ; ...... 1328 3 0 Oxford, ...... 1343 3 0 Delaware...... 1378 3 0 Amherstburgh, ...... 1498 3 2 S?nd~ich, ••~ ...... '1516 3 4 Vlttona, ...... 1305 3 0 Port T"lbot, ...... ' •• 1359 30 Raleigh, ...... 1427 3~ 2 QUEBEC to Montreal, ..... 00" ...... 180 o 9 St. Eustaehe, ...... 201 o 11 St. Andrews, ...... 222 '0 11 'Grenville, ...... III ... ,. ••- ...... 233 o 11 'Hull, ...... - ...... 293 o 11 Richmond, •••• '...... 302 1 2 [~i)£B"'C to Chambly, •••••••••••••••••••••• 195 o 11 St. John's" " ...... 207 t1 11 Isle aux Noix ...... ' ...... 219 o 11 Philipsbnrghi· •••••~ ••••••••••••• 230 o 11 QUEBEC to Three Rivers, ...... ~ ...... 90 o 7 La Bay-e, •••••••••••••••••••••• 111 o 9 Drummondville, ...... 133 o 9 Richmond, ••••••••••••••••••••. 163 o 9 Sherbrooke, •••••••••••••••••••• 186 o 9 Hatley, ...... 199 o 9 ~tnnstead, ...... ; ••• _.0 .. 216 o 11 QUEBEC to Brockville, .•••••••••••••••••••• 227 1 2 Bastard, ••••••••••' •.••••••••••• 353 1 2 l'erth." ...... 373 '1 2 Hichmond, .••••••.• , ••••••••••• 403 1 4 1u order to find the distal1ce from any place, in the foregoing Table and List, to ,another, deduct the smaller from the larger nllmbcr of Miles, and the product gives the distance :-thU8, do you want to know how far i,t is from York 10 Coteau du Lac, by the Main Road; deduct ~31 from l25;'l, &nd there remain 322 miles, the true distance; or, if it be a CrQ$8 Road, aad you want 10 know i)ow far it is from York to onothe)" place named-say to Raleigh; see how far York is from Hal'ifax (by the List that is given) and how fllr Raleigh i.s from Halifax-dedu


POPULA- ;;: POPULA4 COUNTIES. COUNTIES. I~ TION. '"~ TION. Bedford, 1 23,412 Leinster, 2 ~ .Buckingham, 2 33,620 Montreal, 6 37,252 Comwal1is~ 2 20,012 Northumberland 2 11,307 Dorchester, 2 19,707 Orleans, 1 4,022 Devon, 2 11,342 Quebec, 6 28,917 Effingham, 2 14,921 RichelieL1, 3 36,328 Gaspe (part only) 1 2,104 Surrey, 2 11,578 Hertford, 2 14,044 St. Maurice, 4 21,081 Hampshire, 2 13,285 \Varwick, 2 15,935 Huntillgdon, 2 39,586 York, 2 30,198 Kent. 2 ll,265 Grand total...... 50 I423,6,iO ENTRIES. PORT OF QUEBEC. Goods paying Ve.ssels. Torz~. /rIen. 2;\ per Cent. 1824. '.' ..619 150,000 6.834 £, 787,820 1825 ..... 796 193,598 8973 990,225 ]826 .....714 179,949 8263 715,836 1827 .....619 J52,712 7086 724,302

Cqmparati'IJe Statement of Emigrants, arrived at Ihe Port of Q1U- bu., from the United Kingdom,- for the following ywn.­ (From the Quebec Gazette.) Emigrants in 1828, ...... 12,000 do. 1829, .•••••••••••••••••••• 15,945 do. 1830, ...... 28,075


~,. England, .• It 0 .... " •••1 It .. " ...... , •• " ...... 6,895

Scotland, ...... "...... It ...... It" ...... 2,600 \Vales, .••,...... 204 1

Total, 1830, .. " .. to .. ,. 8 It .. f. ( ••••• It ... ft It I ~ ~ 28,07& 98 A Table oj the Latitudes and Longitudes of the following Places, reckoned from Greenwich.

PLACES. 1- ri'.oRTH.· WEST I REMARKS. LATI:UDE. LONGITUD~. neg.Mm. Sec. Deg.Mm, Sec. Sandwich, ...... 42 20 10 83 9 30 Port Talbot ..•••• 42 39 59 81 24 8. Vittoria, ••• ~ ••••• 42 45 19 80 37 5 :FortEl"ie, ••••••. 42 52 20 79 8 16 Fori George, (Niagara,) ..... 43 17 37 79 16 0 York, ••••••••••• 43 39 10 79 36 O. Port Hope, ..•' ••• 43 56 0 78 32 0 Point CHarles, Determined bv (Rioe Lake) ... 44 9 45 78 19 45 Cap.Owen, R.N. Cobourg, •••- ..... 43 55 0 78 20 0 Presq' Isle Bay, .. 44 0 10 77 54 0 Eellevi11e, .••••••. 44 11 10 77 35 0 Batb, ...... 44 13 )6 76 56 0 Kingston, .•••••• 44 14 17 76 42 0 Perth, ...... 44 51 12 76. 26 - The whole of }'rank Town, •••. 45 -- 76 14 - these calcula- Richmond, ••••.• 45 10 - 75 55 - tions (excepting Mouth of the River the one relative Ridea", •.••••• 45 24 0 75 53 0 to Point Charles Gananoqui River,. 44 24 0 76 19 0 ontheRice Lake) Brockyille,. •••••• 44 34 0 75 51 0 are mean of a Prescot!, •••••••. 44 41 0 '75 40 0 number made in Crysler's .Farm, .. 44 53 0 75 16 0 lheyears 1S12- Cornwall, .••••••• 40 1 0 74 54 30 13-14; and 15. PI. au Baudet, the (Signed) BoundarH Line. 45 13 36 74 29 15 J. G. CHEWETT. LAKES IN UPPER CAri'ADA. (ESTIMATED AT.) LEN.GTH'I BRE:"!lTH. CIRCUMFERENCE. LAKE. l'tltles. Mdes. Miles. 8uperiol", ...... 10. 450. 200 }525 Huron, ....•.•••••. 250 190 1100 l'tlichiglln, ...... 260 90 1000 Erie, ..... "•.•...••. 275 50 700 Ontario,." II .. 10." .. "". ISO 80 500

Simcoe, I ."",, "" " 10 •• 40 30 120 Rice Lake, ...... 24 3 58 99


By the Day. By the Wedt. By tbe Month.~ By the Year. <. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 0 0 0 7 0 2 4 1 10 5 0 2 0 1 2 0 '4 8 3 010 0 3 0 1 9 0 7 0 411 3 (I 4 0 2 4 0 9 4 (; 1 8 0 [I 0 211 011 8 7 1~ 1

0 6 0 3 6 o 14 0 9 2- (, 0 7 0 4 1 o 16 4 10 121l 0 8 () 4 8 o 18 8 12 3 4 0 9 0 5 3 I 1 0 ]3 J3 (I 010 0 510 1 3 4 ]5 -1 2

011 0 6 5 1 5 8 J6 14 ':I 1 0 0 7 0 ] 8 0 '18 [, I) 2 0 014 0 2 16 0 36 10 () 3 0 1 ] 0 4 4 0 M 15- 0 4 0 I 8 0 512 0 73 0 ()

5 0 15 0 7 0 0 91 5 0 6 0 2 2 0 8 8 0 109 10 0 7 0 2 9 0 9 ]6 0 ]27 15 0 8 0 ~ 16 0 11 4 0 146 0 0 9 0 3 3 0 21 12 0 164 5 0

]0 0 310 0 14 {', 0 182 10 (1 11 0 ;')17 0 J5 8 0 200 ]5 0 ]2 0 4 4 0 16 16 0 219 0 0 iil 0 411 0 18 <1 0 237 5 '0 14 0 4 18 0 19 12 0 255 10 0

J5 b 5 5 0 21 0 0 2i3 If', 0 16 {) 5 12 0 22 B 0 292 0 (l 17 0 5 19 0 23 16 0 310 5 0 18 0 () 6 0 25 4 0 3:28 10 0 ].9 0 6 13 0 2612 0 346 ]5 0 20 0 7 0 0 28 0 0 365 () 0 " The Month is 28 days, 100 DISCOUNT pER CENT. 2!per cent. is Os. 6a. in a £ /In per cent. is 3s. Od. in a £, 5 1 0 20 4 0 ' 7/, 1 6 . ,22& 4 6 10 20 125 50 12& 2 6 ,3.0 6 0 15 '3 0 35 7 9

Table of Tnterest at Six per Cent.

1 Week. I Month. :3 Months 6 MonthS I YeaI'. 3. d. q: s. d. q. s. d. q. s. d. q s. d. q. 1 0 0 0 000 000 001 003 I' 2 0 0 0 000 001 003 012 3 0 0 0 000 002 o 1 o· o 2' 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 000 002 o 1 ] o 23 Z 5 0 0 0 001 003 013 032 3' ~ 0 0 0 001 010 020 041 iii I 0 0 0 00] 011 022 0150 tt:l 8 0 0 0 002 01] 023 0152 9 0 0 0 002 012 030 060 10 0 0 0 002 013 03:2 072

1001010032070120 2002021070120240 3 0 0 3 0 3 2 0 10 3 ] 9 2 3 7 0 ';" 010 043121242490 '" 5 012 060 ]60300600 ~ 6013070192370720 ~ 7020081210420840 802 10922434929.7 O. 9 0 2 2 0 10 3 2 8 1 5 4 2 10 9 0 10 0 3 0 I 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 12 0 0

-:T~ ~- ~ ~-,~ ~~. d - £ s. d. £ 8. d. 6 o 12 o 1 4 0 i ..;30009030090 o 18 o 1 16 0 I '" 40 0 1 0 0 4 0 0]2 0 1 "1 o 2 8 0 I 1:; 50 0 1 3 0 5 0 0 15 0 110 o 3 0 0 ~ 60 0 1 6 0 6 0 0 18 0 1 16 o 3]2 0 .. 70 0 1 9 0 7 () 1 1 0 2 2 o 4 4 O· ~80020080 140 2 8 o 416 0 ~90023090170 2 ]4 o 5 8 0 ... 100 0 2 6 0 10 0 1 10 0 3 0 o 6 0 0 1000 1 I) 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 30 0 o 60 0 0 ADDENDA..



RANK. NAMES. REGT'S. / . Appoint- I RANK. ment to Ruerve. t.:.oJoneJ, IJohn Beikie, :~ W. York, Aug 17 26 May)730 Major, Hugh Richardson, 2 E. York, May 3 30 July 28 ao .. George Adams, I Lincoln, July ]9 30 July 1930 " John Burn, I Durham, Oct. 5 30 0ct. 530 Captain, Allan Rabinet, 3W. York, April I} 27 May 2230 .. Warren Claus, ., 3 W. York, April 10 27 May 2230 John Terry, 3W. York, April1l27 May 22 ao .. Henry Sherwood, I W. York, May 16 27 June 3 30 .. Gardner Gifford, 1 Durham, loct. 5 30 Oct. 1\ 30 I.ieuten't. Charles Baby, 3W. York, April 6 2i May 1930 Lt. & Adjt. Thomas Burret!, 3 W. York. May 20 30 May 2{) 30

Statement of Merckandize and- Produce, passed through tk~ Burlington Canal, 1829, and 1830 to 8th December. ITEMS. 1829. 1830.

~lerchall(1ize,. 0 ...... " •• Tone, 488 lias ,Flour .•••••.•• " ••.••• Barrels, 14,446 19,780 i Wheat, ...... Bushels, 12,603 58,000

Pork ...... 0· ••••••••• Barrels, 1,792 1,6Sg \Vhiskey" ••••••••.••••• Barrels, 630 l895 Ashes, ..... , ...... Barrels, 612 718 Salt, , •••••.•••.•.••••• Barrels, 3,331 2,2S5t Beer...... Barrels, 27

'Butter, ...... ' .•.••• 0 Kegs, 6J 60 Bees Wax, •••••••.••••• Borrels, 71 ]2 I,ard, ...... Kegs, 80

Plaster Paris, 0 ••• , ••• 00 Barrels, 2i9

.BQards,,, .... "I ••• , ~ ••• • , Pieces, 6,755 6,800

INDEX• .... ~~~- .A.!pecu, .••••••••••••••.• 4 Chaplains to the Forces •.•• S6, Almanac,.. • ...... 5 Commissariat ••..•.•• , •••. 88 Assembly, House of .•.•••• J9 Commons, House of. •••••.99 Auditor General, •••.•.•••. 21 _0\ Uoro ies, ••••••••..•.•••. 23 Depuly Surveyors, •••..• , .21 .... ggregate Population, ..••. 53 Deputy CIeri,s of the Crown 2.'3 Assessments. Table of...... 81 Desjardin's Canal Company 34 Assessments, value of •••••. 82 District A fJpointments,. " •• 36 Agricultural Societies, .•••. 83 District Courts, Judges ant! Appendix, ...... 91 Clerks •.•••.••••••.•... tlli Addenda, ...... 101 Distances, Table of.••••••• 95 Discount, Table of. ..••••• 100 Barislers, ...... 22 Bank of Upper Canada•.••. ~ Ember Days, ...... 3 Burlington Canal, ••••..••• 34 Eclipses, ...... , •••• 4 Bible Society •••••••••••••• 35 F.xecutive Council, .•••.••• 20 Burlington Canal, articles Ecclesiastical Department, .26 passed (see Addenda) . Education, General Board of31 Entries at Quebec, •••••.••. 91 Chronological Cycles, ..•••. 3 Emigrants arrived, •••••••• 97 Civ il List, ...... 17 Expense Table, ••••..•••.. gil Crown Lands Office •••••••• 21 Crown Office, ...... 22 Feasts, moveable ...... a Commissioners, King's Bepch, ...... 23 Government Office, ...... , IS Commissioners, (Oath of Allegiance) ...... 25 Hospital, General of Upper Clergy, Church of England. 26 Canada, ...... 34 Corporation, Clergy Reserve 28 Clergy, Church of Scotland 28 Inspector General's Office, •• 20 CI€rgy, Roman Catholic.... 28 Inspectors; ...... 37 Commissioners, (Heir and Indian Department, .•••••. 88 Devizee) ...... 29 Interest, Table of •••••••• 100 College, Upper Canada •••• 31 Central School, ••••••••••• 31 King's Bench, Courl of.•••• 22 Canada Company •.•••••••• 32 King's College •.••••.•••••• 30 Calaraqui Bridge Company, 34 Kettle Creek Harbor, ...... 34 Coroners ...... 36 Clerks of the Peace, ••••••• 37 I,egislative Council, ••••••• 18 Collectors of Customs, ..... 38 Law Department...... 29 C()mmi5Sioner~ of the Peace, 41 Licellciates, (M~dical) .•••• 2~ L()wer Canada. (Provincial Quarter Bessio nr, ...... 8. List) ...... 93 Latitudes, Table of •••••••. 98 Receiver General's Office, .. 2~)" I"akes in Upper Canada, .... 98 Registrars of Counties, .•••. 38 Royal Ellgineer Department 81 Medical Board, ••••••••••. 29 Regiments in U. C ...... 88 Marriage Licence Agents, .. 45 Royal Navy ill U. C ...... 90 Militia, •••• '" ...... 54 Royal Family, ... ~ ...... 91 Military Staff, .••••..•••••• 86 Medical Department, •••••• 88 Seasons, commencement of S Ministry, the ...... 91 Secretary and Registrar'lI Miuistry, (Ireland) ...... 92 OffiCI?, .••••.• oo ...... 20 Surveyor General's Depara- Nova-Scotia, Provincial List 93 ment) ...... 2.() New Brunswick, Provincial Surrogate Court, ...... 29 List, •••••••••••••••.•.• 94 Society, relief of Distressed Newfoundland, Provincial Poor, ...... " ...... 3.5 List, ...... 94 Society, Promoting Christian Knowledge, ...... 35 Ordnallce Department, ••••• 86 Savings Bank, .. o ...... 35 Sheriffs, ...... 35 PlanetB, names, &c. ••• • • •• 4 Surrogates and Registrars, 3'J Public Offices, ...... 20 Schoolmasters, (District) •• ~40 Printer to His Majesty •••- •• 21 Public Institutions, •••••••• 32 Terms, King's Bench.. • ••• 3 Public School Trustees, .... 39 Treasurers, ...... 37 Post-Offices & Post-Masters, 45 Tru9tees, Public Scho~ls, ... :W Postage, rate$ of •••••••••• 46 Population ofU. C ...... 47 Upper Canadll College, •••• 31 Peers, House of••••••••••• 92 Provincial Lists, ...... 93 Weiland Callal Compally; •• S