~ NOTE.-Sinc:e prepa.ring for Publicati;;g •. OnnssION.-Wiliiam Chewelt, Esq'r. Acting Surveyor General. Archibald MacLean, Esquire, of Stormont, is Elected Speaker of the House of Assembly. Thomas A. Stewad, Esquire,-Comrnissioner for Administer •. ing the Oath of Allegiance-Newcastle District. JJlr. Olil'er Tazewell-Notary Public, Kingston. THE UPPER CANADA ALMANAC, AND PROVINCIAL CALENDAR, FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1831: Being the Third alter "Bissexti\e, or l.eall Year; AND THE SECOND YEAR.OF THE REIGN OF HIS MAJESTV KING WILLIAM THE FOURTH. The Calculations for the Meridian of )lo-Irk. North Latitude, •••••••••• 430 39' 10" 'Vest Longitude, ••.••••.. 79 0 36' oS" BY JAMES G. CHEWETT, Ph ilomat It's. -O.~. York, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY R. STANT(1)N. Pl:UNC\P.I\L .ThR'ftCL"ES OF THE ALTh'IANAC, VOR 1831. CHRONOI.OGICAL CYCLESII EMBER DAYS; , Dommleal Letter •••••••••• B, LUllar Cycle, or Golden ( R IFebruary •••.•. 23. £5, anll 26 0 Nlllnber,. 00 •••••••• 5. • l\:lRy ........... 25,27, aIle! 28 Epact ..................... n1jseptemher .••• . 21, 2;3, and 24 SoJar Cycl.e . .' ............ 211 December ...... 14, Hi, and 17 Roman IlltllctLOH ••••••••••• 4 1 Julian Period •••••••••• 6,544 1 . ~ MOVEABLE- FEASTS. Septuagesima Sunday, Jan. 30jiLOW Sunday, ........ April 10 QuiIl([uage"ima, o.r Shrove IRogation Sunday, ••... Ma) 8 Sunday ............ Feb. 13, Ascellslon Day, or Holy Ash Wednesday, or lst rlay I Thur,day, ......... May J2 .or Lent, ........... Feb. I?[I Whi~ Su;:oay, ...... , .May 22 MIU Lent Sunday, •••• Mar 13 fnnlty til1l1day ••••••. May 29' Palm SUfiday, •••.•.. Mar. 27 Advent Sunday, ...... Nov. 27 Easter Day, .••• " •• ~. April 3, 1 UPPER CANADA- TERMS. Hilary hegins January 3rd, and ends Jannary 15(h. Easter begins. April 18th, and ends Aprij 30tl1. T.rinity begins June 20;h, and ends July 2nd. 1Vlichadmas ,begins Nm'emiler 7th, and ends Nov. 19th. COMMENCEMENT- OF THE SEASONS. Spring, ........ Sun eRters 'Y' March 21d 8h 21m, morning', Snmmer, •••••.. Sun enters § .Tune 22d 5h 38m, morning. Autumn, ••••••• Sun enters ="= Septr. Z3d 7h 6m, afternoon, Winte" ........ SUII enters ~ Decr, 2:2d III 6m, afternooll,: 4 SOLAR AND LUNAR ECLIPS~S IN THt<: YEAR 1831. February 12-The Sun will be Eclipsed at 26 Il)inutes past 5 o'clock in the afternoon i-here invisible. February 26-The Moon will be Eclipsed at 25 minutes past 10 o'clock in tile '!lomillg i-hel'e invisible. August 7-The Sun will be Eclipsed at 24 minutes past 10 o'clock in the afternoon t-here invisible. Aligusi 22.-The MOOD will be Eclipsed, partly visible, and cal- culated as follows:- Beginning, •••••.••••.••••••• 3h 23m, morning. Middle, .................... 4h 40m Ecliptic 8 ................. 4h 48m End, .•••••.••.•••..••••.••. 5h 56m Digits Eclipsed 5° 48' fro111 the SOllthren side of the \B's ,.hadow, or on the ClJ)'s Northren li'mb. NAMES AND CHARACTERS- OF THE PLANETS. ~"'l'" The Sun, II ifr Mars, 'lV The Moon, .<-J. Jupiter, ~ Mercury, II ? Saturn, !.' Venus, I;I;l Georgian. '"' The Earth, NAMES AND CHARACTERS- OF THE ASP.ECTS, Q A Planet's Ascendillg Node. ''(5 The Descending Node. cl Conjunction, or Planets situated in the same Longitude. o Quadrature, or Planets situated in Longitudes differing three si.:;lOs from each other. 8 Opposition. or Planets siluaten in opposite Longitudes, Oll' differing' si" signs from 'each other. THE TWELVE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. First, 'Y' Aries, -II Seventh, ~ Libra, 2, C:S Taurus, 8, 111 Scorpio, 3, IT Gemini, I. 9, t SHgi'tarius, 4, § Cancer, I ]0, V3 Capricornus, 5. SL Leo, 11, :;:;; Aquarius, 6, 11)( Virgo, 12, 7(: Pisces. The Planet (£) Venus will- be the Evening Star until the 1st March, the Morning Star until the 19th Decenlber; and thell .he Evening Stal' tt) the end of the ~'ear. 1st Month] [hath 31 clays, It freezes on ; Till morn, late !'ising o'er the drooping world Lifts her pal~ eye unjoyous, Then appears The various l.bour of tile silent night: Prone from the dripping eave and dumb cascade, ","'hose idle torrents only ~eem to roar, The pendant icicle; the frost work fair Where transient hues and fancy'd fig-nres l'ise, ~ Last Qual' 5th 5h 37m £\'el@ Firs! Qu:v ~1s1 211 12m Mortl @ New Moon J3th 811 20m Ev (£) Full M"',II 27th 91l lc.m Even DID Aspects, Holy Days, Anni- (£)' W ;;;) I c=, I (£) ~~rlV 1'ersaries, &c. ~I~~~ ~~ ~t;~e, _ S~t I Sa Ci;'cumcision, Cold. Q i 36 4 24 8 32 9 28 2 B 2t1 Sund. after Christmas. Ruin.ln)! 73°1424 Y 31 lIJ c, ;3 cd (j; n SL if IV. wind; IT)! 7 3;5:~ 25 ]I) 36 10 4:3 4 Tu f/i; Slower CI. 4 37, Snow!f E, f1p!7 8.)\-125 i 1 3-1>11 S " \ """I i :3.fi4 20 mol'u III 36 6 Til Epiphany, Clear and ="= 7 331'127 I) 3 1,ft :~I 7 Fr ® in Apogee, cold,' 1~1~ :33:' 27 I) 30 J :28. S Sa LUCian 'ill I 324 28 1 n 2 2t' ,I IJ lst Sunday after Epiph' Snow, 111 7 31 4 29 1 311 3 24 iii .\J t 731 -, ~9 2 7 4 1" JI I'" More t 730·13(1 247 5 13 12 IV !; inD 9h 30m snow, 113 7294.3J :3 3] fi 13 fill.Hilary ~am,.rerm beg-ins: high V3 7:2~ ': ~2 4 21 fi 4; 14 Fr Oxford fenn begIns 'Wl1Uls, V3 7 ::! ll-+.38 5 2C) 7 4U 15 Sa iZ;i slow clock 10m and cold ;;:::; 7 26.·J. 34 6:20 8 :2-1 Hi 11 lilld Sunday aft Epipb • .weather ;;:::; 72014 :.';'1 '/ 2.3 9 j 17 ',j CD in SL S;:> Sta. '* 7 2411 .3(' B 81 9 :<? IF< u Pr;sea The. cold :7E 1 2:1 .4 :::7 9 :H in I:, HI'I, 4 in c\ 811 15motle- 'r 72~-1 :0.8111):3611.1 4,. 21, !'h Fabian, ,-ales. '1'17 :!2~1 2;::; 11 J;j I I .';1 21 FI" Agnes llI01'e bll; 21 ~ 3~lll 4':: moL;· 22 Sa Vincent snuw (::) 7204 4i! aft 2-+ 1. (II 2:{ .8. 3rn Sund aft Epiph, and stormy III.7 19 j .. jj i 1 9 2 1<> 2-1 \: liil,,)'}, Term begins weather.il,l 18 4- 4~1 1 f:S :3 19 25 I'll Conversion or St. Paul ':.017 174 ";:'1 2 k 4 "I 21) IV 0Y~ in Perigee Now 3) 7 164 44 a 52 ~, '"':~ 27 n.·!i"ke of Sussex born, '73. cleaT § 7 Hi ..1 45 4 58 ~: C'~l 28 Fr ~ slow clock 13m 13s and, SLI7 I'j -1 410 6 1 I II ~9 ~a l~. Geo IV~ access, 18~1 seWed. SL ~ J:'l~ 4i 7 11 7 ~~ all B. Septuag ~Ul). K, ell S I, MarlyrilTJ( I ;"'1" 48 8 11 R ", 81 Kill!',' G.o, IV, proda;",e", 1820 TTYI7 \ I 44" 'I .I":':'}, 5';;' " ,., br ·k tvir5 Ab .. tiJIr1:tJ'v"?'±.... r '", fim ···tat1··\ + f!nu Month] [hath.28 days The w hit'ning shower descends Broad, wide, and fast, dimming the day With a continualilow. The laborer-ox Stands cover'd o'er with Snow :-The f .. wIs of heaven Tam'd byOithe cruel season crow'd around The winnowing store, and claim the little boon Which ProvideiAce assigns them. The bleating kind Eye rhe bleak heaven-and sad, dispers'd, Dig for the wlther'd herb, through heaps of snow, (j Last Qr. 4th, 2h 66ui Even 1"1[) F,rst Qr. 19th, 911 42m J\:lor~ ,.NewMoon 12th, llh41mMo ® Full Moon 26th, llh 33m Mol' o D Aspects, Holy Days, Anni ® 110 - .'iii> _ ® ® 1·\ :V] 1lersuries, &'c. P I Rise Set. Rise Set. 1-1---------------- ____ 1 'Iu 0 slow clock 13m 52s ~ 7 10 4 50 9 56 9 29 2 'V Purification of B. V Mary :<:l=) 94 51 10 2410 14 :3 ,[h Ria. on mar. of Pm·if. 3 ret. ~ 7 84 52 10 53 11 10 4 Fr t) in Apogee MQre 111 7 645411 2411 57 5 Sa Agatha snow. 111 7 . 64 55 11 68 1 4. \1 B. Sexagesima Sunday J 7 44 56 morn 2 2 7 M !,i Sta. Good:t 7 24 58 0 36 258 8 Tn sleighing.:t 7 I 4 69 1 19 3 51 !J IV In 8 days of Purif 4 ret. Vl659.'} 1 2 8 4 4~ 10 Th Cold Vl 6 585 2 3 3 5 Hi II 1<'1' t!JJ slow clock 14m 348 high;:;;; I) 5, 5 3 4 2 6 14 I~! Sa Hilary Term enos winds. ;:;;; 13 55:) 5 6 3 6 53 1:'1 B. Quinql1ag8sima SUll<\ay * 6 53\5 7 6 12 7 3' 14 !VI Valeutine Cold *" 525 8 7 26 8 6' 15 Tu Shrove Thlle8day continues 'Y' 6 605 10 8 24 844 16 IV Ash WednesJay 'Y' 6 4915 11 9 12 9 40 17 Th Cumb. Term. div. m. Stormy (:;6 485 12 9 4i 10 61, 18 1'1' ~ in Perigee and rough, (:; ti 47 5 13 10 2411 58 19 Sa f;i Gr Elong. with snow (:; Ij 455 15 i.l 5 morn ~o B. lsI Sunday in Lent or sleet. II 0 4" 5 16 II 51 1 7" :!l :;1 II 6425 18 Nft 44 2 15 n fu 4ft slow clock 13m 528 NOlO SO 6 4J .5 19 1 41 3 16. :23 W moderate. § 6 405 20 2 43 4 13 124 Til SI.
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