A Sputnik over Glengarry • Maybe the Communists 'doesn’t bother us. We’ve al- want us watching their Sput- ready got enough overhead to niks in the sky, rather than, 'worry about. The Glengarry New their underground. ONE OF ’S A W ARD-WINNING WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS

VOL. LXVII — No. 4 ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23rd,. 1953 SINGLE COPY 7c Lieutenant-Governor Being Invited To Unveil Kenyon Reeve À. C. Vallance Plaques At WUIiamstown This Summer New United Counties Warden ’ Reeve Allan C. Vallance of Ken- The Historical and-Archaeological Gillivmy’s Bridge area. yop Township, was elected Warden Society of Ontario, in conjunction It has not been definitely learned Warden Warns 1958 of the United Counties at the in- with the Ontario Department- of yet whether the last two will be so Rev augural meeting of council’s Janu- "Travel and Publicity,, is planning on marked, this year. . T© Be Year Of Change ary session, Monday. It marked the unveiling two, and possibly four, . There was. a time when he would first time in 47 years that a repre- historical plaques in the Williams- -The Historical Society and the During, the year, ahead, the i Ontario Department of Travel and have been a .stranger indeed, who sentative from Kenyon had been town area this year. paused to ask the meaning of the topography of the goodly portion of given that honor. The late Mur- Miss Llewella Dunlop of Wil- ( Publicity have been so marking his- the front of the counties will under- toric sites at various parts of the "letters U.È.L., so 'often found on doch McRae of Greenfield, father of liatnstown, is in change of local ar- old stones in the cemeterieg of go a vast change. Warden Allan C. John A. McRae, township clerk- rangements and she is inviting On- province, and Dr. G. F. G. Stanley, Vallance reminded Counties Coun-. I Professor of History at Royal Mili- Glengarry.v And there was a time, treasurer, had served as Warden in tario’s new Lieutenant - Governor, also, when it. Was thought the cil, Monday, during his inaugural 1910. the Honourable J. Halller Mackay, I tary College, Kingston, is the mem- address. He understood that on or S ber of the committee particularly highest honour that .could be pajd George Lefebvre, reeve of Alex- to unveil thé plaques,- probably in one, was to say of him that he was about July 1st the power pool of May or June. concerned with Eastern Ontario. He the St. Lawrence Development andria, moved the election of Mr. has appointed Miss Dunlop local a United Empire Loyalisf. Vallance, and the motion was sec- To be so honored are: In this connection, much has been would begin to take shape, when Rev. John Bethune, with a plaque secretary in charge of arrange- hundreds of acres of land wtmid be onded • by Stanley Fraser, reeve of ments,- and Dr. Stanley has also heard about the exodus from the Roxbprough Township, and passed at St. Andrew’s , his original Mqhawk Valley in New York State flooded and a .permanent physical congregation. been assisted in planning by Colonel change would take place on the unanimously. Reeve Basil Dawley Donald Fraser MacRae, M.C., after the Revolution. But the man of Winchester assisted at the In- David Thompson,, with a plaque ■who founded St. Andrew’s Presby- map of the counties, j ' at the nearby Bethune house, where director of industrial Research The entire project, of power de- stallation ceremony. Foundation, and a native of Wil- terian Church in WUIiamstown, in the great’explorer resided for some 1787, came from South Carolina, velopment and . the deep seaway Mrs. James Vallance of Maxville, 36 years,. liamstowh. would be nearing the final stages mother of the- new Warden, was v and with him many others. Rev- Sir John Johnson, with a plaque Known for her work in recording erend John Bethune’s name was before the year’s end; in fact, ar- among the interested spectators, and on the site of the original mill built the history of early Glengarry, Miss WARDEN ALLAN C. VALLANCE rangements had1 been made for the it marked the first time in the 108- r r not confined to- Glengarry, however. by Sir John when Williaflistown Dunlop has p ®pared for News read- His sonsT 6T whom there were, six; Queen to officiate at the opening yèur history , of Counties Council was first settled after’ the exodus of ers brief sketches of the four, prin- went abroad, one, to become Bishop ceremonies during 1959. that a mother had been present to XJnitîdv Empire Loyalists from the cipals. That covering Rev. John of , and another Dean of Film Of Games An event of ‘Vast importance’?' witness, tÿe installation of a son as Mohawk Valley. Bethune wifi, be found in another . They had “fallen” under French Teachers would be the holding of the Inter- Warden. Among other interested Col. Alexander Fraser’s historic column, and the others will appear the influence of Dr, Strachan when To Be Shown national Plowing Match in Finch witnesses were three former reeves home of “Fraserfield”, in the Mac- in subsequent issues of this paper. he'conducted an Anglican School in Want Higher township this fall. ‘ of Kenyon: A. A. Fraser, Apple Hill; Cornwall. At Max ville Dinner As their warden he urged the D. D. MacKinnon, Dunvegan, and leaders of the various municipalities John D. MacLean, Greenfield, and r Mr. Bethune was born on the Isle ‘“Ilie Heart Is Highland”, a 22- Saw Sputnik 11 of Skye, Scotland; educated at Salary Schedules to do all in their power to extend, the members of Kenyon Township Ayrshire Club minute film record of the Glengarry and have extended by others, a very Council. , - King’s College, Aberdeen, and or- Highland Games, will have Its first Sunday Night dained in the Kirk of Scotland ac- A special meeting of the Alex- hearty welcome to “the thousands Rev. Dr. D. N. MacMillan of Dun- andria Separate School Board was showing at Maxville next Wednes- of visitors Who will be attending vegan, delivered the invocation at Of Glengarry Sputnik II, the Russian space- cording to the form of that time. day night, at a dinner sponsored by held Monday night at the request this annual event.” the inaugural session. travelling globe-trotter, passed Many of his countrymen had emi- Kenyon Agricultural Society. It grated to America and had settled of the' teaching staffs "of the bilin- He wanted them to leave the area over Glengarry, Sunday night, gual schools who wished to discuss follows the annual meeting of the with a “goodly feeling toward us Holds Banquet according to Victor Benoit, MaihN in South Carolina. From them he higher salary schedules. Five rep- Fair Society that afternoon. after having enjoyed a pleasant and New Warden Is Glengarry Ayrshire Club, held its street southf who claims he received a “Call” to the church resentatives of the teachers met The film has been produced by happy visit.” annual banquet on Wednesday eve- saw it. which, ministered to them. It has been written that he was, much with the Board and asked that the the Del-Mar studio of Ottawa, and Earlier he had thanked the coun- Maxville Area Resident ning, January 15th, in the United It came out of the Northwest, salary schedule of the' Association cil for the high office they had Church Hall at Williams town. ■ In ’ according to Mr. Benoit, at a admired for his meekness and for the Games committee is considering Counties Warden Allah C. Val- his “scholarly attainments”, to say of French Teachers of Ontario be entrusted to him. He also thanked riîpite of the unpleasant weather height of about 25 degrees on adopted. purchasing it as a means of pub- lance was born, in Kenyon- Town- nothing of the fact that he wrote the ratepayers of the Township-of ship, 45 years ago, a son of the late there was a néar-record attendance, the horizon. Not as white as licizing the Glengarry Games across Kenyoq. for "making it possible for including many of the senior' execu- and spoke Gaelic eloquently and This has a starting salary of James ■ Vallance and of Mrs. the stars, it had a reddish glow $2,200, and annual increases of $200 me to accept this high office.” tive members of the Canadian . Ayr- fluently. Later, many of these peo- the country. Vallance. He resides one mile south and it appeared to be lazing a year to a maximum of $4,600. . “When you realize that hot since along though it must have been ple were to settle in Glengarry. Frank Ryan of Ottawa. is to be a of Maxville and has been a dairy shire Breeders’ Association. the year 1910 has this honor been John McLennan of Martintown, speeding for in a matter of It has also been recorded that The present salary scale used here special guest of the Society at Mon- farmer since graduating from Max- Mr. Bethune was a timid-man for lay teachers has a minimum of bestowed on a representative of the ville High School. president of the Canadian Ayrshire minutes it had faded into the day’s dinner. Township of Kenyon, the late Mur- Breeders’ Association; Douglas Mac- distance probably southeast of -which, in the ‘light of subsequent $2,200 and a maximum of $2,700. ■ (Continued on Page 6) He has spent 10 years in muni- Kechnie of Ottawa, secretary-trea- Montreal. circumstances, is hard to believe, The nuns and Brothers get slightly cipal life, having served as coun- surer; Lou Roper of Dundas, secrè- Mr. Benoit says he Jieard for upon the outbreak, of the Am- less. cillor, deputy-reeve and reeve. He Sputnik would be visible in this erican Revolution he “boldly de- Five of the teachers are now get- Villeneuve Spoke tary-fieldman of the Ayrshire Cattle 1 Reeve Stanley Fraser was chairman of all committees of ■Club of 'Ontario, and Clarence area shortly after 8. p.m., via a clared for the King ’. He suffered ting the $2,700 maximum, and trus- In House Friday the coimty council and has been Mann of Peterborough, president of CERA newscast.. He went out much for his principles. He was tees pointed out that adoption of In Line For Warden president and past president of the the Ayrshire Cattle Club of On- into the cold, clear night air at taken prisoner and held for months, the proposed schedule would mean Osie Villeneuve, MP, Glengarry- Children’s Aid Society and chari- meanwhile being subjected to in- an immediate ificriÿse to the $4,600 Reeve W. S. Fraser of Roxborough tario, were among those preseht. that hour and he figures it was Prescott, delivered his maiden- man of Civil Defence for the Un- , Several important presentations about 8:10 when Sputnik II dignities not in keeping with his maximum for at least one lay Township, Is to serve as chairman itéd .Counties. were made during the course of came into view. position. He was made to walk iteaoher. Such a schedule miSht speech in the House of Commons, of finance committee of Counties from Charlestown to New York result in doubling the present school Fridayl when he took part in the Council, the traditional stepping He has served on the local school the evening, including the Citizen Observatory officials say the board and spent three years as Calf Award presented by W. M. satellite will again be visible along with other prisoners. He had tax rate, it Was pointed out. debate cm the Government’s new stone to the Warden’s chair. no bed but the ground and as a The Board has never had a salary Names of the chairmen of «stand- secretary - treasurer of the area ' ■Gladish of the Ottawa Citizen to over Ontario tonight and again agricultural support policy. school board. David Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. as follows: (It will come out of - result his health was permanently schedule and it promised the teach- ing committees were announced The speech will be carried in full He is a staunch Conservative and JD. C. Murray of .Mgrtintown. This the northern skies travelling injured. Although the subject of ers that by April it would ready a Tuesday by Reeve Lloyd C. Davis, southward - and will be" visible (Continued on Page 4) schedule that they could consider. in our next issue. Iroquois Village, chairman of the elder of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian award is.presented by The Citizen Church, Maxville. to the boy or girl with the highest for about six minutes) Jan. 23rd, striking committee.. They are: individual score in calf club pro- 6:43 p.m. (in eastern sky); Jan, Printing, Reeve James Sinnot, He is married to the foirner Mary ject in Glengarry County. It car- 24th, 7:21 p.m. (in western sky) ; 9 Lancaster Village; resolutions and Kinnear of Apple Hill and Corn- ries in addition to an award in the Jan. 25th, 6:27 pan. (high in Hope To Start Christophers Course For Leaders Here memorials. Reeve Eugene Ranger, wall, who was also present at the -form of a plaque, a cash value of sky); Jan. 26th, 7:12 p.m. (in Lochiel township; education, Reeve meeting. They have one son, Ron- The Christopher movement, de- $125, which is to be applied on the western sky), and Jan. 27th, 6:16 on all aspects of thé Christophers ers”; more solid citizens able to James N, Fitzgerald, Maxville Vil- ald, 19, at present with the radio purchase of a purebred heifer calf p.m. (high in dry). signed to encourage individual initi- and the panel later answered ques- inspire others with “confidence”, lage; equalization of assessment, division. Department of Transport, ative in the way of truth and light, of a breed of the winner’s choice, i;| tions from the floor. fewer to throw “cold water” on Reeve Basil Dawley, Winchester and one daughter, Florence, 18, who reached Alexandria last night when anyone taking the initiative in the township; forestry,'Wilfrid Cooper, The Lions Club of Alexandria Very similar to the Dale Carnegie will enter Ottawa Normal School Douglas Stewart members of St. Finnan’s parish and right direction. deputy-reeve, Matilda township; St. next fall. Both are graduates of award was presented to George representatives of various other of course in public speaking, the Chris- ■Sangster, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Ger- topher moyement works to develop The Christopher course is de- Lawrence Seaway, Reeve George E. Maxville High School. Commands RCÂF Unit the parishes of the diocese met to signed to reaffirm our belief in the Beavers, Morrlsburg Village. (Continued on Page .9) discuss organization of a ten-week the latent qualities of leadership in Squadron Leader Douglas C. every individual. But it has as its God-given dignity of the individual Public welfare. Reeve Donald Christopher course here. and to develop the skills qf leader- Kyle, Williamsburg township; agri- March Of Dimes Stewart, D.F.C., a native of Stew- So enthusiastic was the response primary purpose the encouraging, Richelieu Club art’s Glen, is now the Commanding in each one, of a sense of personal ship so that one is better able to culture, Reeve Kenzie McGillivray, that it . was decided to 'start the express one’s self and influence Finch township; county property, Drive Next Week Officer of 5008 Air Intelligence Unit course February 5th. Classés will be responsibility for restoring truth to Makes Presentations of 19 Wing, RCAF, Auxiliary, at everyday living. “God has put a bit others for good, the speaker pointed Reeve Jos. A. Filion, Lancaster Taking part in the “March of held each Wednesday night from out. township; roads and bridges, Reeve Installation of the new slate of Vancouver, B.C. ‘ Command of the 7 to 9 pm. in the Alexander School of the missionary in every human Dimes” drive next week will be unit was taken ovej- Jamjary 12th being”, as Mr. McClure pointed out, J. M. Fader, Winchester Village; members of the Legion Auxiliary officers’ of the Richelieu Club of over a ten-week period, with in- Sponsored jointly by the Parent- finance. Reeve W. S. Fraser, Rox- at the RCAF Station, Vancouver, “and it is the aim of the Chris- Teacher Association of the Alex- here in Alexandria. Canvassers in- Alexandria took place at an enjoy- structors from the Ottawa Arch- borough township. able soiree Sunday evening at the from Squadron .Leader R. Daryl diocesan FTA travelling here to tophers, to encourage each one to ander School and Alexandria dioce- tend to call on all business places, Thomas, DF.C., C.D., who is retir- put that power for good to use — san council of the CWL, the meeting All members of the council are and residences,’ and are reminding home of retiring ' president 'Elle present the course. members of these committees. David. The ladies had been in- ing after 14 years’ service in the not from fear of what is wrong, but attracted more than 100 residents citizens to have their donations Regular arid Auxiliary arms of the The class is restricted to from from1 love of what is right.” vited' for the occasion. 16 to 25 people and many signed up •of the town and outside parishes to ready. The "Mother’s March on RCAF. Polio”, a campaign which was begun Advantage was taken of the occa- for the course last night. Because Millions of TV listeners are Alexander Hall. Daylight-Attempt Squadron Leader Stewart served a few years ago as women banded sion to present a set of cuff-links of the problem of travel involved. familiar with the Christopher be- Angus R. MacDonell was in the in the RAF and RCAF as a bomber together to collect for this worthy •carrying the Richelieu crest to Mr. It was decided only potential in- lief, “it is better to light one candle chair, and among those called on To Enter Home pilot over Europe and the Far East .cause, has rapidly gained momen- David, while Mrs. David also re- structors from the Cornwall area than to curse the darkness”. Father to speak briefly Were Mrs. Lloyd Police Chief Ed Dupuis is investi- during World War II. He was one Charles Keller founded the Chrisr tum, with women’s organizations all -ceived a small token In appreciation of the original members of 5003 Air should take the course. Later they McHugh, president of the diocesan gating. an attempted break-in at ■of her hospitality. _ might sponsor it in Cornwall under tophers in 1945 with a few hundred CWL; Mrs. Earl Leroux, president across the country ^adopting it as Intelligence unit at it$ formation. the home of Wilfred McLeister, St. a project. You are asked to lend Mr. and Mrs. Donat Major, North circumstances; more conducive to followers. Today well over 10 of St. Finnan’s sub-division, CWL; Paul street, Tuesday afternoon. A son of Aléx C. Stewart, patrol- million' persons in all walks of life 1 our local group your best support. Lancaster, also received a gift in man1 on Highway 34, and Mrs. the spread of the Christopher move- Lloyd McDonald, of Cornwall, dio- When the housekeeper returned recognition of the fact both Were ment in that area. make up the Christopher audience, cesan representative of the Parent- from shopping at about 4 pm., she Stewart, now of Vanfcle'ek Hill, Mr. McClure declared. «parking birthdays. Douglas' Stewart is now associated Attending last night’s meeting Teacher Federation of Ontario; found the winter door at the rear Meet On Safe Driving Dr. Robert Morel heads the new with his father-in-law in the Pease from the'Ottawa Archdiocesan PTA j It is a movement toward more Gerald McDonald, president of the of the house had been removed from slate of officers, which looks for- Van & .Storage business in Van- were'Donald McClure, chairman of positive thinking and action by çiore Alexandér School "PTA, and Rev. its hinges. Evidently her .return A special meeting of the Glen- ward to an active year. couver. . the'Christopher Leadership course; people against the forces of evil; J. D. McPhail, rector of St. Finnan’s interrupted the attempt to force garry Federation of Agriculture is Mfs. F. A. Copping, secretary, and a program designed to develop more Cathedral parish. entry. being held next Tuesday afternoon Albert Doucet, an instructor. Mr. leaders bent on “improving” con- Following 'the' discussion, lunch Tracks found in the snow are be- in the Ag. Rep’s^pffice here on the Roy ai Bank To Have New Look, McClure gavé an informative talk ditions; more “doers” than “talk- was served. lieved those of a young man. • 5 subject-of safe driving.

Third Cage And Faster Service ”D” Company To Public Meeting Being Held Monday The Royal Bank is something of line-ups before the tellers’ wickets a mess this week as many of the which have been .all too common Start CD Training interior fittings make way for the in recent years?' To Inform On Brucellosis Control Civil Defense training for mem- new look. Workmen 1 moved . in The machines will-serve another Dr. Ken McDiarmid of the Pro- been quick to sign the petition. Monday night to modernize the purpose which may not prove 'as bers of “D” Company, SD & G vincial Veterinarians’ Office, To- The petitions have to be in by local branch and the ultimate aim popular until current account cus- Highlanders will start next Wed- ronto, will be the special speaker February. 6th, and Mr. Humphries is faster, more satisfactory service. ' tomers have gfSwn usedio the new nesday, January 29th, at the local at a meeting, Monday night, in the reports many of the canvassers are A third teller’s cagç is to be in- system. They will mean the end Armouries, according to an an- Cafeteria of the High School, here. already out ih the concessions. He stalled, the accountant’s counter of current account passbooks. There nouncement by Captain 'Harold Dr. McDiarmid will outline features explains that mice the drive is com- lengthened, the manager’s office will be no waiting for bankbooks to of The Brucellosis Control Act and pleted, certification must be secured moved. be written up; the customer will get Stimson. point out the advantages to. be from the township clerks as to the And coming In a month or so is a statement showing the cheques on .A special training staff from Ot- gained by setting rip a Control Area fact at least two-thirds of cattle a new system to speed up handling his deposit and his balance. tawa will come here each Wednes- here. ' " owners In the township have signed. of current account deposits — a All cattle owners are urged to Then the petitions go to the. posting and proof machine that will Use of the machines, Mr. Mac- day to teach first aid, search and Farlane points out, will not only attend. Deputy-Minister of Agriculture at do away with much of the time- rescue, traffic control, firefighting, An.organization meeting of poten- Ottawa and the Minister requests taking chocking- cf-current account speed up. service. Possible error in the ledgerkeepers’ work will be evacuation of civilians, assistance to tial canvassers was held last Friday that the Government set up the deposits by the tellers. Machines night, and J. Y. Humphries, local Control Area. will post and prove the deposits, the eliminated and the customer will civil authorities in an emergency, I fc & get a more accurate statement of and other related subjects, The 1 iiiyift ag. rep., reports 'it: augurs well for Lending urgency to the'drive to .tellers will still have to check cash the success of the drive for signa- set up the Brucellosis Control Area, receipts, but that’s only a minor his bank balance. regular Army training will be con- tures. Some 44 of the county’s is the report this week that a ship- part of each transaction. . j By next week it is expected the fined to Monday nights.' ' ANOTHER NUCLEAR “FIRST” - Pltasanton, Calif. - The most active farm leaders Were pres- D. D. MacFarlane, branch man- third Jelier’-s cage will be- in use. Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s Nuclear Power Plant built by ment of Glengarry ' cattla was The Company now has a strength ent anff they reflected a willingness ager, promises the addition of a It will flank the present two which General Electric was dedicated today, it’s the world’s first all- to get out and' canvass. One had turned back at the U.S. border be- third cage and introduction of the are being moved back several feet of 42 and will welcome new re- prlvately financed nuclear power plant.. This latest photo shows already covered his area, and re- cause they were hot all from free» new machines will end the long the plant in a pastoral setting at Pleasanton, Calif. "to enlarge the customer area. cruits. ported all he had contacted had listed herds or a Control Area, Page 2 The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Thursday, January 23rd, 1958

The Weeklies Say CDITO. IT’S OUR OPINIONRIALS ^ y GOOD SAMARITANS Few people would want to, and no one should, just drive on in" com- Men Of Past To Be Commemorated plete shunning of help on the high- THE Ontario Historic - Sites Committee is Glengarry’s early days, Miss Dunlop is well ways. In most cases the plea could be very genuine. Best procedure is 1 not to content itself with marking places, qualified to act as an adviser to the Historic to go to the nearest house where you we learn. The men who made history in Sites Committee. can telephone. — Courtenay (B.C.) the early days are also to be remembered Many more of Glengarry’s pioneers de- Angus. WITH OUR with plaques. ' ' serve such recognition. Bishop Alexander o O o In. May or June of this year, Glengarry Macdonell, the first Roman Catholic bishop EQUAL may see plaques erected to the memory of -in , has already been remem- -• It is past time we realized that RAMBLING P such pioneere as Sir John Johnson, whose bered by a plaque at St. Raphaels. John Indians and whites are all Cana- father is commemorated in the naming of Sandfield Macdonald, Ontario’s first pre- dians and should be equal in all re- REPORTER j Williamstown; to Rev. John Bethune, the mier, and Simon Fraser, are so honored at spects. The practice of providing By ED. first Presbyterian minister in Glengarry ; to St; Andrews. And no doubt many others segregated Indian schools and hos- She had a million dollar David Thompson, who is being honored in of our early greats will gain recognition as pitals must cease before any sig- figure, but inflation set in. nificant progress can be made. — ******** British Columbia’s centennial year, 1958, as the committee’s funds permit. Grenfell (Sask.) Sun. Canada’s first great cartographer. A fourth We like this* idea of honoring the person, ’TWAS REALLY ICY plaque may be raised to Colonel Alexander rather than the relic. The churches first o O o We saw our first icicles of 1958 on OIL BUSINESS Saturday, and it was also the first Fraser of Fraserfield, an ancestor of our built in Glengarry may long since have been time this winter we can recollect ' own, who once owned 600 acres of Glengarry replaced by "more imposing edifices; the The depressed condition of the crude oil market is . . . not a local having our ears nipped by frost. «oil and whose imposing residence near homes that were a century ago outstanding, That was January 18th, mind you;;; Martintown at one time played host to one. Southeastern Saskatchewan may by today’s standards be sadly in need Of oilfields have not suffered nearly as just about the time we usually en- people of prominence journeying by stage- central heating. The house David Thomp- much as Alberta fields. Saskatche- joy our January thaw. In this un- coach- along the King’s Road from Lower son once occupied, tells not one whit of the wan oil is situated in a favorable usual winter, we wouldn’t be ton Cahada to what is now Toronto. tale of his exploratory mind. demand'position. The bil business surprised if we got a bit of Indian Miss Llewella Dunlop of Williamstown, Plaques detailing even a bit of the excep- Is far from on the wane here.—Es- summer instead.. tevan (Sask.) Mercury. And we’d welcome it- if it wasn't is assisting the Ontario Historic Sites Com- tional attributes of the men who made those for the fact curling is booming as mittee in a local advisory capacity, and in sites historic seem- to us much more to the o-O o it never did before arid we’d like- this issue we publish the first of a series of point. INDULGENT PARENTS to see the natural ice at the rink;; stories covering the -personalities, to be so Glengarry boasts many sites that are No wonder that the modern child hold up well on into Marchl - honored. Long known as ’an historian of historic. But they were all man-made. is growing up to be lazy and expect • The way curling is catching on. everything done for him, while dol- it’s just possible this may be the lar bills are peeled off the wallet by last winter we’ll have to depend on:, indulgent parents, for the mere ask- The Former Mayor Of London Did the weather. Paying Taxes On The Instalment Plan ing, or in lots of cases, for the mere hinting. — Deloraine (Man.) Times. Not Win The Case After All UR 1958 Town Council and Public Utili- learned'that the pill of taxation can be made Prices were first to reach the O ' o O P (The Durham Chronicle) moon. ties Commission have held their inaugural much more pallatable if payments are ******** HELPING HAND For many years there has been a law oh the Ontario Statutes which meetings, have organized for the year spread. But our municipal taxing procedure THE WEST STILL HAS SOME has remained static. The bill for the-entire "Let us resolve that during 1958 states that any citizen is entitled to information and records kept by civic ahead and no-doubt are planning them pro- we will at least try to ’apply the officials. In most municipalities there has never been any problem over Glengarry had more representa- grams during these ■ comparatively quiet year drops on one with a thud in late Golden Rule to our business and this. tion-at the Liberal convention last- months of winter. . . November, just at the time the taxpayer is personal life, to do our small bit to But in London last year Mayor Dennis and his Council refused to week than we' realized. We were delighted to report Mayor cringing" at the thought of Christmas improve this old world of ours. release certain annexation information to the public. Editor Arthur Ford Just about noon on Saturday,. Simon’s inaugural call for early budgetting spending. When we find a person who is in of the London Free Press instituted court action. Maurice Poirier of Wiseton, Sask.. of the corporation’s financial needs and we We trust the primary objective of the difficulty, lènd a helping hand. The Newspaper reporters and editors who had always been able to freely wandered in to the office to renew PsUC in 1958 will be progress on our water monetary reward may be non-ex- get information from civic officials were astonished when the Judge in this acquaintance. He had been a dele- ■ trust he also has in mind-the introduction supply. Too many seasons have come and istent but the inner glow will make case ruled the law did not apply in this particular instance. - gate from Rosetown-Biggar, and is of instalment paying .of municipal taxes. goneN without. any of the improvements up for the helping hand extended For a short time it seemed the Mayor and Council were being upheld now visiting hîs brother, Prooule. - At least one member of council has seen the planned being proceeded with. to your fellow-men. — Little Cur- for their action. And in the early afternoon. possibilities of such a plan and Alexandria rent (Ont.) Manitoulin Expositor, But there was another court. A London citizen who believed the Donald R. McPherson of Winnipeg", 1 is * far behind many other Ontario muni- If the PUC can concentrate on doing o O o public were entitled to the Information decided to contest the- Mayor’s dropped in to renew his paper and; something about our water, and Town give us his impressions of the con- cipalities - in this matter- of allowing a SENSITIVE CANADIANS office. The campaign was on that issue and the citizens voted the former Council can come up with a better system Maym-out of office two to one. vention. He also had been a dele- ■■f premium for early tax payments rather than, Canadians are the most sensitive of budgetting corporation expenditures, we people in the world. We can’t stand One of the first acts after the new Mayor was sworn to office was to gate from the West, and came On pay borrowing costs at the bank all year - to visit iris brothers, Ranald and: in order to meet town expenditures. will have been well served by these fellow criticism and as a result, we flood release the annexation reports to the public. citizens who are carrying the ball for us the paper with letters. We protest - Bernard McPherson. Other, levels of government long ago through the year ahead. to Parliament; we holler “it ain’t . Both of these delegates from the- so” at the top of our voices, we have , She, Shis, Shim West were ready for a rest after' no sense of humor at all. People three hectic days at Ottawa. And can learn a lot from criticism, but Recent immigrants from non-English speaking countries will appreci- both appeared to think Pearson has The Liberals Get A New Leader not if they shout their heads off ate this verse, taken from the Canadian Weekly Editor. It’s entitled; no peer. every time they hear any. — Hart- “The Queen’s English”: Western Canada still boasts some? IE sound and simulated fury of the Liberals, it would seem. And some- r party strife centring for the most part on land (N.B.) Observer. We’ll begin with box, the plural is boxes, Liberal convention is over and Lester B. national issues. It was in his role as spokes- of them were imbued with it in their o O o But the plural of ox is oxen, not oxes. Pearson is now duly installed on the man for Canada on the world scene that he One fowl is of goose, but two are called geese, > youthful- days in Glengarry. second-last rung of that ladder which leads made his mark. DOG POISONING Yet the plural of mouse is never meese. ******** . ' to Canada’s top 'elective post, the Prime As Liberal leader he. will -have little or Many dogs are killed by thought- You may find a lone mouse, or a whole nest of mice. The cuter the number, the less people who put out garbage and But the plural of house is houses, not hice. , harder it is to get hèrs. Ministership. His selection as Liberal leader no- time to devote to such ulterior aims - as ******** comes as no surprise and we think the choice world pbacé. He will be embroiled in the then add strong poisoning to kill - If the plural of man is always men, rats. Greater care should be taken Why shouldn’t the plural of pan be called pen? MORE ON MORONS' made at last week's convention will sit well battle to win ballots right here at home. by people who spread poison in their with even those Canadians who have another If the singular’s this arid the plural these. Our sense of humor undoubt- And his success will be measured in many garbage^ there is a method of plac- Should the plural of kiss ever be keese? edly is very low. We even get a. party affiliation. eyes simply by his ability to win back votes ing the killing compound deep, so We speak of a brother and alsoxbf brethem, laugh out of those tales of the little- Mr, Pearson has proved himself in the that last June swung to the Diefenbaker that it will kill rats who work inside, Sut though we saw mother, we never say methern. moron the boys regale us with ad field of international diplomacy, a very forces. and not kill dogs and other animals. Then the masculine pronouns are he, hfe, him, infinitum. ' tricky field indeed. He has shown qualities Mr. Pearson must now descend from the —^Dartmouth (N.S.) Free Press. But imagine the feminine, she, shis, shim. Along came a little minx from of statesmanship which have so been ivory tower of international diplomacy to the city on the weekend to spring; a new series on us. And we de- admired -on the international scene as to take an active part in the infighting of party , JSSJSSSSSSSS8SS2SSS8SSS2S8SSSSJSSS?SS8SSS8S25SSS83SSSS?SSSSSSSS5SS5SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS885SSS8S8SSSSSS8S2SSSSSS8SS852SS8SSS8S?SSSSSS8S8SS5S?888S2SSS.r8 ,!S^ win him a Nobel prize for. peace. l cided to make a melange of those politics. We trust he will not divest himself the boys have given us and the But in stepping into the Liberal leader- entirely of the qualities of statesmanship DO YOU girlish utterances. You just might ship he leaves the world , of diplomacy for he displayed so effectively in his role as 7J lild Liar^g Syr^e . . . REMEMBER? get a laugh out of this column for a sphere. much more concerned with the Minister of External Affairs. a change. narrower outlook of party politics.. In his Canada could do with fewer petty, party Gleaned from the fyles of The Glengarry News Neil’s favorites are: years as Minister of External Affairs, Mr. politicians and more men of the stature of Why did the little moron take a Pearson could stand largely aloof from the statesmen. - TEN YEARS AGO Valley, together with contents, in- FIFTY YEARS AGO ladder to church? He wanted to go to High Mass. cluding 14 head of cattle, horses, Friday, January 23rd, 1903— Friday, January 23rd, 1948— swine and fowl, was destroyed by Why did the LM drive his car over, a cliff? He wanted to test his air- We Marvel At The Modern Miss James A. McArthur, reeve of Lan- fire about nine o’clock Sunday eve- .The following curlers left for caster Village, was named chairman ning. — Dr. J. Howard Muhro was brakes. Montreal yesterday to participate in If -you don’t think those are of the Finance Committee of Coun- elected reeve of Maxville over Rob- the great bonspiel: Messrs. J. A. WE marvel at the modern Miss. She’s primary urge to. play ball with the man of funny, let’s get Kevin in on .the; ties Council, as the January session ert McKay by the same majority, Cameron, J. A. McRae, Dr. McLen- so sophisticated; she’s" .got all the the moment, and try to make it a love set. deal: opened Monday. It is the traditional 36, which was rolled up in the elec- nan, A. L. Smith, Jr., J. F. Mc- answers ; she’s debonaire to a degree ; She’s still taking the long look at a life stepping stone to the Warden’s tion of December 5th. — At a meet- Why did the little moron throw she rolls with the punch. You’re led to be- Gregor, R. Martin, R. A. F. Blair the clock,out of the window? He sentence, and she wouldn’t be making with chair. — The Royal Bank branch ing held on the 11th inst., the con- and A. G. F. Macdonald. By a score lieve nothing will ever floor her. She’s so many risque - retorts if those Joes she’s escaped serious damage from fire gregation of the West Church, Kirk of 33 to 28 Alexandria curlers de- wanted to see time fly. always leading with her left; her flow of aiming at weren’t so fond of showing off at 1:30 am. Thursday. Tarpaulins ' Hill, decided to send a call to Rev. Why did ^ the LM take a spoon. ■ feated Cornwall in Montreal yes- sugar and milk to the movies? He repartee is easily the,- match for anything her sophistication. being used by the contractor com- C. K. Mathewson, -minister of the terday. — On Monday evening, 19th wanted to enjoy the serial. the young buck has to offer.- Basically, we’d say, she’s made of sound pleting the new vault building Heckston and Pleasant Valley inst., after a lingering illness, Annie caught fire and flames were reach- charge. — Maxvdlle’s CNR section Coleman, beloved wife of A. L. Mac- And Alan’s got a few, too: But to older eyes there is apparent the stuff-and all set to mother a new. generation “Why did the little moron climb odd wince when the blow is a bit below the that will be even smarter than this smart ing higher than the three-storey crew had a close escape from serious donald, M.D., of this town, and building when the fir-e brigade injury or death in a snow .storm up on the roof of the saloon”, he’ll; belt. They’ve got all the answers, they’d model. The only fault we would find, in daughter of the late John Coleman, ask you. Because he heard the, lead man to believe. But the young man on reached the scene. — Roy Honey-j; last week. While running west of of Leeds, , passed peacefully fact, is with her penchant for pedal pushers well of the Bell staff at Maxville, Cummings’ Crossing they were met away. — Duncan Gray has just drinks were on the house, he’ll: answer without too much prompt- the make will do well to limit his tongue. and slacks that seldom live up to the name. left Monday to take a course in by the National Express and had no completed for H. G. Cuddon,. a One of the breed, suitably companioned, They don’t do a thing for her that couldn’t Montreal before being permanently time to remove their speeder from ing. beautifully finished black oak hall Why did the LM eat jelly beans was a Newscaller the other night. It was be done much more effectively by a skirt located at Hawkesbury. the rails. rack. It is a splendid specimen of the verbosity of the varmint that got us and ankle sox. the cabinet-maker’s skill. — Owing before going to bed? He wanted to ☆ ☆' ☆ dream in technicolor. going. Prompted by her boy friend, she She’s so darn cute, this mademoiselle of TWENTY YEARS AGO ☆ ☆ ☆ to a legal technicality affecting his unleashed for us a line of patter that had return, D. J. Bathurst, who was re- If your stomach muscles are still, this, day and age, one sometimes wonders Friday, January 21st, 1938— FORTY YEARS AGO tight, maybe you’ll get a titter out us hanging- on the ropes. What did the why one was so much in a hurry to get put elected reeve of Lancaster Town- Friday, January 25th, 1918— ship at the recent nomination, has of some of these this. Montreal type little moron say when he —. She had on the shelf. But then, being twenty today, Rev. Jean-Paul Cossette, O.P., tickled us with: so many answers this moron hardly dared assistant master of novices at the sent in his resignation. When and a mere male, must be a problem too. On Monday evening a few friends elected he also held the position of Why did the little moron cut a open his mouths- Chatter about a current With the price of bread, one must hesitate Dominican Monastery, Ottawa, has of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Gormley hole in the rug? Because he want- been appointed curate of Sacred . school trustee which, according to platter and she was so far ahead of your to step into the ranks of the bread-winner. formed a surprise party and took the Statutes, rendered him ineligible ed to see the floor show- But he Heart Church, Alexandria, recently possession of .their home on Kenyon put the piece back in because he record you couldn’t even follow the tune. And then, these young things seem so prac- taken over by the Dominicans. — for the office. Bring up almost any subject and she had tised in playing the role of the temptress street, where that day they were didn’t want to see the whole show. an answer. Clarence Ostrom represented the quietly celebrating their Crystal ☆ ☆ ☆ Why did the LM run around the., Eve, it must be tough to be twenty-or-so and Alexandria Curling Club at Ottawa, wedding. — The following casualties top of the Corn Flakes box? Be- But we did get, a pleasant impression seriously intent on narrowing the field of early this week, when district clubs in the ranks of the original 154th SIXTY YEARS AGO cause it said “tear around here”. of the young Miss of today. She’s not too were hosts to the Scottish curlers. fillies to one. Battalion were published this week: Friday, January 21st, 1898— Why did the LM kill his father much different from the girls of a genera- Being fat and forty and anything but The rink on which Clarence played Killed in action, E. Johnston, Corn- and mother? So he could go to the- tion ago. She’s smart as a whippet (what- free has its compensations, we suppose. And lead, won its game. — Harold Cam- wall; wounded, J. R. Barkley, Win- His Lordship- Bishop Macdonell Orphans’ picnic. ever claim a whippet can make to being we’re quite content with our role of sideline eron has purchased' Mrs. Neil chester, Lieut. J. R. McDonald, Dal- and the committee of St. Finnan’s What did the LM do when the smart) ; she’s gpt all the answers rolling off spectator, -most of the time. That’s until one McDonald’s farm at McDonald’s keith. — Ambrose Kennedy, Joseph have decided to make extensive im- steamroller ran over his cat? He her tongue, in a line that’s a bit more daring Grove. — Rannie McCormick ar- Kennedy and John Gauthier made provements ïq the Cathedral. The just stood there with a long puss. of these pert young bobby-soxers bobs,over rived from Matatchewan, Ont., to than her maiden auht might have used. But the horizon. up the Glengarry team which won ceiling beneath the roof is to be Did you hear about the LM who deep down, we believe, there’s still the visit his mother, Mrs. John Me-. first place in the annual Live Stock completed in the form of a grind; went into the iivingfoom because he. They’re really hep ! Cormick. — While engaged in get- Judging competition held this year celling with wood finish) the wood- thought he was dying? ting out wood, A. A. McDonald of at Kemptville on January 22nd. Be- work throughout the interior will And then there was the little' the 4th Kenyon, sustained a broken sides winning the cup and medals be repainted and other improve- moron who took two slices of bread THE GLENGARRY NEWS arm. the members of the team won in- ments made. The contract has been downtown in case there was a Member of: ☆ ☆ ☆ dividual money prizes and they will awarded to John R. Chisholm.—On traffic jam. And a car struck him. Canadian Weekly Newspapers’ Association; Ontario Weekly THIRTY YEARS AGO compete at the Union Stock Yards, Monday morning W. J. Dawson of and gave him a jar. Newspapers’ Association; Audit Bureau of Circulation Friday, January 20th, 1948— Toronto, in February for the cham- the Union Bank staff here, received Did you hear about tile LM who Published every Thursday by pionship of Ontario. —On Monday instructions to report at once at the sent three socks to his son in college P.O. Box 10 — The News Printing Company — Telephone 9 The annual meeting of Alex- evening friends gathered at the Winnipeg branch. Mr. Dawson was because he’d heard the boy had EUGENE A. MACDONALD - EDITOR AND PUBLISHER andria’s newest industry, the Gra- home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Mc- captain of the hockey team and the grown another foot? O Lh ham Creamery Co., Ltd., held Janu- Donald, 17-9th Chariottenburgh, to boys gave him quite a send off that Glengarry dairymen who milk to SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.50 per year, anywhere in Canada, payable in advance; ary 10th, brought out the fact that bid adieu to Donald McDonald, who evening. — Miss Mary McCulloch of music might enjoy the one about United States and Foreign, $4.50 per year. the company had had another good left Tuesday to join a Battery at Glen Robertson, met with - a fatal the little moron who pushed the cow DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Casual, 70 cents per column inch. Contract rates given on year, a net profit of $9,419.70 being Kingston. — Angus J. McDonald accident when lighting her stove. over the cliff so he could hear the application. COPY MUST BE IN OUR OFFICE NOT LATER THAN 12 NOON WEDNESDAY. shown. A dividend of 6 per cent and cousin, Angus A. McDonald, of Coal oil which she was using, ex- Jersey Bounce. will be paid the shareholders on Mack’s Corners, left on Tuesday for ploded, igniting her clothing and We can’t go on. We’re so sorry Authorized as Second Class Matter by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, Canada June 1st. — The new barn recently Ottawa to attend a school of tele- she was badly burned, passing away for the little moron at this stage... erectéd by D. D. McDonell, Green graphy. on Monday evening. we’re practically in tears. The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Thursday, January 23rd, 1958 Page 3 -*•••••••••••••• • •••••• AND • : «SUTMAXVILLE SURROUNDING • • FROM DISTRICT •

Provincial -Constable Hawkshaw Rae, Mrs. A. D. McDougall; Re- Xt’s Hex» €3 mand'family were guests of the. for- freshment committee, Mrs. Gregor mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McEwen, Mrs. W. N. Metcalfe, Mrs. Hawkshaw. D. Macintosh, Mrs. D. MacEwen; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hughes and Organist, Mrs. W. MacEwen; Audit- daughter, Betty, spent Saturday in ors, Mrs. L. McNaughton, Mrs. G. the village. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes Mump. ■ took part in the Winterburn Bon- The meeting closed with prayer. si, x xx spiel, which is being played this week. EVENING AUXILIARY MET Rev. and Mrs. D. C. Munro spent The January meeting of the Eve- Tuesday in Ottawa. Rev. Munro’s ning Auxiliary of St. Andrew’s Pres- sister. Miss Winnifred Munro, ac- byterian Church, was held at the companied them to Ottawa and The Sale that you have been waiting for home of Mrs. W. S. MacLean. plans to remain there for a few days. Mrs. Ed Carter’s unit Was in Mrs. Jason Scott of Ottawa, is charge, and Mrs. Carter presided. spending a few dayS with Mrs. The meeting opened by singing J Rupert Metcalfe. the hymn, “Hast Thou Not Known, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. White, Mrs. Hast Thou Not Heard?” Mrs. John E. Bickerstafl, Mrs. Osie Villeneuve, Christie gave the scripture reading, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mr. and followed by prayer by Mrs. Wilfred Alexandria Outfitters’ Mrs. Lyman Mdüllican and Miss Vallance. Margaret Dingwall, all spent Tues- The new study book on Japan was day in Ottawa. used. A very interesting missionary Mrs. Malcolm McAuslane has re- lesson in dialogue form was given turned home after spending^a few by three members, Mrs. Archie days in Ottawa. Munro, Mrs. Ed Carter and Mrs. T Mrs. R. J. Hoople is spending a Carman Kennedy. Much informa- •few days in Cardinal, with her tion on Japan was given, both as to daughter, Mrs. Archie Campbell and its people and their country, where family. such great opportunity awaits the 23rd ANNIVERSARY Keith Cain of the Bank of Nova church. Scotia, Maxville, spent the weekend Mrs. Allan Vallance gave a read- in Brockville, visiting friends. ing from the Glad Tidings on the Mrs. P. A. Munro and Miss Mar- Mission Overseas in Nigeria. “Faith It is essential that we make space for new SALESpring Merchandise that will be garet McLean have returned to of Our Fathers” was sung. their home on Spring street, after spending two months with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Munro, the new Mrs. Donald Munro. president, took the business portion. coming in shortly. It is therefore absolutely necessary that we clear all winter Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McRae spent She read the hymn, “Standing at the weekend in Ottawa. the Portal of the Opening Year". merchandise possible. Here is your unequalled opportunity to buy superb bargains. Gordon Winter spent the week- It was decided- that a .Life Mem- end with his mother, Mrs. Helen bership be given in 1958, and that Winter. the same method will be used as previously to obtain the money. Miss Bertha McEwen, Henry Mc- This Sale will last as long as the present stock holds out Ewen, Mi'S. Everett Montgomery Mrs. John W. MacEwen gave a and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacLeod most interesting account of the were in Pinch on Sunday at the annual meeting of the Women’s home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lafleur Missionary Society of the Glengarry (nee Elinor McEwen). They were Pre'sbyterial, held in St. John’s paying tribute to the memory of Church, Cornwall, on January 7th, BUY NOW AND SAVËJ Mr. Parquhar Lafleur, who passed 1958. away on Friday last. The sympathy “O God Our Help in Ages Past” ■of the community is extended to ,was sung, and a prayer closed the Mr. and Mrs. Lefleur on their be- 1 meeting. reavement. Miss Thelma Rowe of Ottawa, This Sale starts at 9 Thursday, JAN. 23rd spent the weekend. with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Rowe. DUNVEGAN Congratulations are due to Mrs. and will last until all sale merchandise is disposed of Dalton Gadbois Cnee Shirley Urqu- Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Montgomery, ,hart), who gave birth to twin > - •daughters in the Hotel Dieu Hos- Mrs. John MacDonald and Mrs. B. Jodoin visited their mother, Mrs. pital, Cornwall, on Monday. MacRae, in the General Hospital, Cornwall, on Monday. WA OFFICERS FOR 1958 ELECTED Donald MacIntyre spent the past! week in London, Ont., at the RCAF Ladies’ and Children’s Specials The January meeting of the' WA was held at the home of Mrs. H. centre. He arrived home Sunday. Malcolm Dewar, Ottawa, spent Ladies’ Under Hose To Clear at—25c Ladies’ Bed Jackets To Clear at $1.00 : 3mith, with Mrs. Harold Willis pre- Ladies’ Wool Hats To Clear at $1.00 siding. the weekend at his home here. Ladies’ Nylon Gloves — assorted colors To Clear at—25c An excerpt from the Dominion Misses Margaret Stewart and Ladies’ Cotton and Wool Hose—ribbed top To Clear at—50c Ladies’ Flannelette Pyjamas To. Clear at $1.98 Jessie MacDonald paid a visit to Ladies’ Shoes—Reg. up to $6,95 To Clear at $1.98 Council bulletin was read, followed Ladies’ Stanfield’s Snuggies To Clear at—50c by a hymn. The scripture lesson •Ottawa, recently. Children’s Shoes—Reg. up to $4.95 To Clear at $1.98 Was read by Mrs. G. MacPhail, and Clifford Austin, Alexandria, spent Ladies’ Nylon Scarves—assorted shades To Clear at—50c Ladies’ Playtex Brassieres—Reg. $3.95 To Clear at $1.98 the Bible lesson was given by Mrs. Tuesday afternoon with his parents Ladies’ Plaid and Wool Scarves To Clear at—50c Girls’ Tereylene and Nylon Blouses—sizes 7-14X .... To Clear at $1.98 :H. Smith. This portion of the meet- here. Ladies’ Slips? r. To Clear at $1.00 Ladies’ Kid Gloves—Reg. up to $4.95 To Clear at $1.98 ing was closed with the reading of The members of Farm Forum met Ladies’ and Children’s After-Ski Socks To Clear at $1.00 Children’s Wool Pullovers and Cardigans To Clear at $1.98 last week at the home of Miss -a poem by Mrs. Willis. Ladies’ Blouses To Clear at $1.00 Ladies’ Wool Slacks, Plaids, etc.—Reg. $7.95 To Clear at $2.98 Twenty-three ladies responded to Florence Campbell, and this week at h D Ladies’ Purses To Clear at $1.00 Ladies’ Pullovers and Cardigans—Reg. up to $6.95 To Clear at $2.98 u,a SïïïI »«>« °' “■-• “■>“'*• •"• " Ladies’ Cotton Pyjamas To Clear at $1.00 Ladies’ and Girls’ White Turtle Neck Sweaters To Clear at $2.98 notes for Christmas boxes were read MacLeod. from members of the congregation. :Mrs. MacKillican gave a full report of the year’s financial statement, which showed a substantial balance GLEN ROY in the bank. Ladies’ and Children’s Coats and Sno Suits It was decided that a Valentine Frank Muldoon, Winnipeg, who Tea be held, and the committee ap- was in Ottawa last week as a dele- Children’s Nylon Gab. 1-pc. Sno Suits To Clear at $5.00 Children’s Coats—7-12 yrs.—Reg. $24.95 To Clear at $14.95 pointed to look after same is: Mrs. date to the Liberal convention, Children’s 3-pc. Sno Suits—sizes 4-6X To Clear at $6.95 Girls’ Teen-Age Coats—Reg. $27.50 To Clear at $19.95 R. J. Hoople, Mrs. Harold Willis, spent Friday night with his Children’s 3-pc. Nylon Sno Suits—7-12 yrs. To Clear at $12.95 Ladies’ Coats—size 7-19—Reg. up to $59.50 To Clear at $19.95 Mrs. W. M. Metcalfe, Mrs. Harold brother-in-law, Ronnie Shirtliff, and Children’s 3-pc. Coat Sets—sizes 2-3X To Clear at $9.95 One Group Ladies’ Coats To Clear at $9.95 Blaney and Mrs. Archie Campbell. Mrs. Henry O’Donovan. On Satur- Children’s 3-pc. Coat Sets—4-6X To Clear at $12.95 Ladies’ Car Coats—assorted sizes and colors Other business items were discussed. day afternoon, Mrs. O’Donovan and To Clear at $9.95 Officers elected for 1958 are as Mr. Shirtliff accompanied Mr. Mul- Children’s Coats—7-12 yrs.—Reg. $18.95 . To Clear at $9.95 Ladies’ Borgana Coats 20% Discount follows: doon to Ottawa. President, Mrs. Hugh Smith; 1st Evans Cameron, Manotick, was vice-pres., Mrs. H. Willis; 2nd vipe- heme for the weekend. pres., Mrs. Ed. Hunter.; 3rd vice- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cameron and pres., Mrs. C. J. MacPhail; 4th vice- Donald Cameron were in Ottawa Men’s and Boys’ Specials pres., Mrs. Wilfred MacEwen; sec- recently to visit Sister Mary Angus. retary, Mrs. Donald 'MacEwen; Ewen McDonald and Donald Men’s Work Socks -... To Clear at 3 pairs for $1.00 Boys’ Duffle Coats—Reg. $16.95 To Clear at $9.95 treasurer, Mrs. Lyman McKillican. Shago, Prescott, spent the weekend Men’s and Boys’ Ski Caps To Clear at $1.00 Boys’ Suburban Coats : „ To Clear at $9.95 Convener of Ways and Means at their respective homes. committee, Mrs. R. J. Hoople; Press Mr. and Mrs. Alex McCulloch and Men’s Fleece Lined Underwear—sizes 34-46 To Clear at $1.98 Boys’ Overcoats—Reg. $19.95 To Clear at $9.95 secretary, Mrs. C. J. MacPhail; family spent the weekend with rela- Boys’ Fleece Lined Underwear—sizes 24-34 To Clear at $1.98 Men’s Woollen Pullovers and Cardigans- -Reg. $9.95 To Clear at $4.95 Manse committee, Mrs. J. D. Mac- tives in Montreal. , Men’s Hats—Reg. up to $8.00 To Clear at $1.98 Men’s Broadcloth Shirts—Reg. $3.95 to Clear at 2'for $3.00 Men’s Suburban Cbats To Clear at $12.95 Men’s Broadcloth Shirts—Reg. up to $6.95 To Clear at 2 for $5,00 Men’s Overcoats—Reg. $35.00 To Clear at $19.95 Men’s and Boys’ Wool Plaid Gabardine Jackets— To Clear One Lot of Men’s 2-Pant, All-Wool, Worsted Suits— To Clear Reg. up to $16.95 at — $7.95 sizes 36-44—Reg. up to $55.00 at $24.95 Annual Meeting OF THE Kenyon Agricultural Society Dresses ! Housecoats ! will be held in ONE LOT OF ONE SPECIAL LOT OF ONE LOT OF Community Hall, Maxville LADIES’ DRESSES Ladies’ Dresses • Skirts - Housecoats LADIES’ SKIRTS Up to $24.95 Sizes 7-261/2 Up to $22.50 Up to $14.95 Sizes 10-20 Wed., January 29th TO SELL at i/2 PRICE TO CLEAR at 2 for $5.00 TO SEL at 1/2 PRICE at 1:00 p.m. sharp Anyone interested in this organization is cordially invited to attend, and will be welcome to hear the reports of the various committees, and to enter into the discussions. We have many other Special Values that lack of space prevents us from describing . . . Come in and see for yourselves, and WE WELCOME ANY NEW SUGGESTIONS you will undoubtedly realize that it will pay you to “BUY NOW AND SAVE” at Alexandria Outfitters. WHICH MAY BENEFIT YOUR,FAIR

A TURKEY DINNER ^ BE HELD AT „oo PM WEDNESDAY EVENING Alexandria Outfitters PRICE $1.25 SHORT PROGRAMME TEL. 106 Where Value and Courtesy Meet TEL. 106

8i8SSS?S?3S8S?S52SSSS^35îîSSS58SS5S5î;S!2SSSS?é5îfS?SS8S8îSSSSSSS?8S8S85SSSSÎSS5SS8SSS8SSSÎo^l Page 4 The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Thursday, January 23rd, 1!)58

☆ ☆ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rod P.. MacDonald, on Wednesday eveninc Team On Top of last week. AHS CHIT-CHAT Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lauzon and In Border League daughter, Miss Hortense Lauzon By YVETTE LAPORTE Vankleek Hill leads the Border and Paul Emile Charborineau o£ League this week, closely pressed by Hi! Chit-Chat readers! Green Valley, motored to Montreal Williamstown and Hawkesbury. Just a few words to let you peek on Sunday last, where they spent Hard-pressed for player talent the through our school activities. the day with relatives and frieiwUn local Legion team is not yet in the Well-rested after the Christmas While there, they attended the cellar due to the fact the Cornwall holidays, most students are now christening ceremonies of the for* entry has yet to win a game. giving all of their time and energy mer’s grandchild, Lucy Lauzon, in- The,, league standing as of Mon- to their studies. fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs day: The Student Council is in the Alban Lauzon. . P W L TPts process of measuring fingers for Mr., and Mrs. Donald J. McDonald school rings which students will and family, Dalhousie Station, spent Vankleek Hill 6 5 1 0 10 wear proudly around Easter time. Sunday afternoon with Mrs. A. Williamstown 6 4 1 1 9 During the past few weeks, many Sayant, Rod and Florence. Hawkesbury ... 5 4 0 1 9 extra-curricular activities have got Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. McDonald under way on Tuesdays and Thurs- and children', St. Andrews West... Maxville 5 2 1 2 6 days at 3:15'p.m. sharp. Skating at Lancaster 6 2 4 0 4 weekended here with her parents- the Arena is also enjoyed on those and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Rod P Alexandria 7 1 6 Ô 2 days. MacDonald and Miss Mary Mac- TANK HELPS IN ITS OWN MOVING JOB - Milton, Pa. - En Cornwall 4 0.4 0 0 Last Thursday, 12A girls and boys SPUTNIK WITH MUTTNIK OVER TOKYO - Tokyo, Japan - Donald. route from Milton, where it was built by the Advanced Products who Were scheduled to play with An enterprising candy firm In Tokyo made the most of the number Division of ACF Industries, to Saranac Lake, N.Y., this 30,000- 10B, won both games. Keep up the one topic of the year — globe-girdling Soviet satellites - to draw gallon storage tank for high-pressure gas occupies a special rig in good playing 12A! attention to their wares. They took’Tokyo citizens by surprise by which the tank acts as its own truck bed. The rig has only cables Eight-Ender Scored I hope that the very cold weather placing a plastic model of Sputnik 11 complete with the late Laika connecting the rear dolly and forward cradle on which .he tank will not prevent our Chit-Chat (space dog) circling a giant globe atop a nine story building in the To all CO-OP MEMBERS: rests. Because of all the space it takes up on the highway, the rig In Lachute Play readers from looking forward to the heart oLthe famed Ginza Section. Note the ''MOOD" at right. and tank move only on prescribed routes in daylight hours and in The perfect end in curling, an INSURE good weather. next AHS news. eight-ender, was a feature of Gov- IN YOUR OWN ernor-General’s competition play at the minister of St. Andrew’s today, engaging a minister who might, in ber is small, and if it were greater, Lachute, Friday night, and an Alex- complains that members of the con- dOMPANY andria rink was on the losing end. the first instance, be an assistant the more wealthy must in every gregation-continue to come late. and do such parts of the duty as public business fill up the deficiency, Winchester Drops Local Juniors Dr. Perrier’s Hawkesbury rink Rev. Mr. Bethune did not live to BUY A turned the trick, and Hawkesbury were above my strength, and who, for under all good governments and minister from the pulpit of the to diminish as much as possible his salutary institutions, the rich al- went on to win the double rink play present church, as it was not ready From Lead In Three-Game Series by a decisive score on both ices. expense to the congregation, might ways pay for the poor, and they CIA The Winchester Juniors took two Rocket Richard in attendance. for occupancy until 1818, as the war extend his service further than the have reason to bless God that they Wilfrid Marcoux’s local four was wins and a tie in a week-end three- The league standing: of 1812 had intervened. For many present limits and finally succeed were able to do It. putting up a strong battle against years he had suffered from a cough game series with the Alexandrians, P W L T GPts to the whole charge. “Your affectionate and AUTOMOBILE their Hawkesbury opponents when which ‘‘showed a weakness of the and as a result the locals tumbled faithful servant, from top spot to third place as the Winchester ...v 7 4 2 1 27 9 that fatal eight on the eighth end lungs”, and he died in 1816. “But in this expectation I have second half of the schedule got Finch 6 4 2 0 30 8 occurred. Marcoux’s last shot to Until the end of his life he con- been disappointed. There is to this “JOHN BETHUNE, INSURANCE underway. Alexandria 7 2 4 1 37 5 save the end was almost perfectly tinued to be deeply concerned about day, no more thought of providing “Williamstown, POLICY on target, but it bent at the last the welfare of his congregation who, The locals journeyed to Win- Metcalfe i 6 2 4 0 24 4 for a minister, than there was 16, September, 1815.” minute and caromed off shot to he feared, were unable to manage twenty years ago and there is as chester, Fridays and held the fast- o CO-OPERATORS leave the eighth Hawkesbury rock for themselves. One of his last great an apathy respecting this [Editor’s Note — In subsequent improving host team to 3 3-3 tie. hugging the six-foot. In the return game here Saturday efforts was to write an exhortation essential measure as if it were cer- issues, Miss Dunlop will present pen INSURANCE night, Winchester won 7-4 and they Some 50 PeeWees Play was stopped while the vic- to the members in which he urged tain that I should outlive the whole sketches of David Thompson, Sir torious team' had their picture them to set about securing another congregation. In this state of things John Johnston and of Fraserfield.] ASSOCIATION repeated Monday night at Win- Agents— chester. Used Against Ottawa taken with the big end. minister. For a pen-picture of Rev. I consider it a duty I owe you to John Bethune, U.E.L., a portion of lift up my feeble voice in this ALLAN E. MacDONELL, When Finch plays here Saturday Some 50 local and district Pee- The local rinks were made up of: Williamstown Bruno Brunet, Rolland Cholette, that letter is as follows: manner and warn you of the per- night the Junior Glens will be Wee hockeyists were flung at their nicious consequences to yourselves CLARK MacCUAIG, Lancaster Ray Periard, Wilfrid Marcoux, skip; ’To the members of the Presby- NEIL B. MacLEOD, Dunvegan sporting their brand new uniforms Ottawa visitors, Saturday. And pos- and your families of your luke- and they may also have a few new sibly because of Father Gauthier’s Dr. Harold Abbey, Paul Roy, C. E. terian Congregation at Williams- GLEN NORMAN WILLIAM D. MacLEOD, Dalkeith Kitts and E. A. Macdonald, skip. town and of the other Congrega- warmness in this serious business. faces. They could use more sup- policy of giving every youngster a Peter MacDonald of Chesterville tions connected with them in “Bestir yourselves, therefore, to port at the box-office for they’re chance to play in the game, the and Alexandria, was at the home of playing a good brand of hockey. Visitors skated off with a 5-3 Glengarry,— take measures of precaution and let Ottawa Junior Shamrocks, who victory. The visiting team was Greenfield Beat “My state of health Is so pre- not a miserable parsimony persuade are sponsored by Toronto Maple brought here by Rev. Donald carious and I am so advanced in you to think back from the attain- Leafs, are coming here Sunday, Pruner, O.M.I., and Flying Officer Boys From Concessions life that I cannot reasonably ment of an object so essential to February 9th, to meet the Glens, Allan Gallant of the RCAF. In a game played in Greenfield on promise to myself, many more days, your well-being in that state where 1 let the event of my present indis- money has no value nor currency. and efforts are being made to have Scoring for Ottawa were Jimmie Sunday, January 20th, a team com- AT McKermy (2), Dan O’Rielly (2), and posed of youths from the fourth and position be ever so favourable. You must allow that the blessing of John Pinke. Jacques Roy of Glen sixth of Kenyon, was defeated by “For several years past, I have God has prospered your industry Robertson, counted twice for the an 8-6 decision in favor of Green- had many anxious thoughts about and that events calamitous to many locals, and Maurice Seguin got the field. -* the destitude state in which you others have been beneficial to you. Lefebvre Pavilion ! No excuse, therefore, can be sus- other. ' Russell Raymond was top marks- must be left, when it should please tained for want of means. The only ST. EUGENE, ONTARIO man for Greenfield with four goals, God to call me away; but I fore- Coaches Stuart McDonald and real want there can be is the want and Gerald MacDonald and Andy bore saying anything on the sub- Garry, Shepherd had the difficult ject, under the impression that'my of will. In every community of any task of handling the 50-odd players Couture each added two more to extent some will be poor and dis- [ Friday, January 24th the total. declining years and growing in- who turned out to play against J firniities, would necessarily point tressed, without any apparent fault GOLDEN WEST COWBOYS from OTTAWA Ottawa, For the opposing team, Gerald out to yourselves, the propriety of of their own. Among you the num- The game climaxed a full day’^ Flaro flipped four pucks into the activity in the Gardens as the Greenfield net and Hughie Mc- morning Minor Association' play Cormick and Bill McDonald each was followed by the PeeWee jam- copped .pne goal-. boree. The lineups were as follows: For Magistrate Leopold Lalonde Greenfield: Carman Raymond, Rus- passed the hat among spectators to sell Raymond, Peter McDonald, hélp defray expenses. John McDonald, Gerald MacDon- ald, Alex MacDonald, Alfie McDon- ald, Clinton McDonald and Andie Here’s Another “Buy-At-Home” Couture. - ; ^ PREVENT Playing for the opposing team were Wilfred Cadieux, Jerome Mc- AND Kinnon, Charles McKinnon, Hughie CARBURETOR FREEZE-UP LOST TIME MacCormick, Jackie Smith, Bernie with MacCormick, Jimmie St. John, Gil- Service For Alexandria bert Ripley, Gerald Flaro and Billy Champlain 4X Anti-Stalling G-asoline McDonald. Laurier Lefebvre's Service Station Rev. John Bethune... FOR SOME TIME NOW we have been able to supply you with the famous “Keyed For United Motors Service Distributor — Champlain Oil Products — Guaranteed Repairs (Continued from Page 1) Speed” Smith - Corona portable typewriters — a “Made in Canada” product with a world- Alexandria — — Phone 391 privation and degradation, he bore his suffering with dignity, always ministering to the spiritual and wide reputation. i £ physical needs of those who suffered with him. And he -won their un- dying loyalty. When finally, an exchange of prisoners was arranged, Mr. Bethune was released and ap- WE’RE ADDING TO THAT service to our community by handling as well. .. Smith-Corona ALEXANDRIA COMMISSION AUCTION pointed Chaplain with the rank of Captain, to a Scotch Regiment, “The Loyal 84th of New York”. Held every Wednesday When peace came at last, he came at Alexandria — starting at 7:30 p.m. with many of his people to Mont- Adding Machines and Cash Registers real. We will pick up cattle for our sale at $1.00 per head For two years Mr. Bethune re- over any reasonable distance. mained in that city, and in the Highest in quality — lowest in price — they are unequalled in their field, All hogs between 180 and 220 lbs. sold are tattooed - meantime founded St, Gabriel’s Church. But his grant of Crown ADDING MACHINES possessing many features that give you extra efficiency — save you time with’ Government Grade. Land lay in the vicinity of Wil- liamstown, so he journeyed to it, and money. ' , and there, in 1787, founded St. Telephone 14-R-4 OMER POIRIER Andrew’s Church. The trip up the St. Lawrence with No need to go far afield—We are the responsibility for his flock was laborious and dangerous, so it was bringing the world’s best, to be expected that Mr. Bethune would lose no time after arriving to your door. in holding a religious service. This REGISTERS COME ONE! COME ALL! Thanksgiving worship was held at 4,he point of landing, which was Ai opposite the Old Cemetery in South Low down payments—easy terms—make . A Big Burns’ Night Lancaster. Thus, to South Lan- caster goes the honour of having it possible for you to start using this had one of the first -religious serv- ices in Glengarry. efficient equipment at once in your busi- Friday, January 24 And so they came— Two Models ness. Why wait? “But not drooping -like poor at the fugitives, In exodus to pur Canadian Wild. But full of heart and hope. $114.50 NO OTHER MAKE GIVES YOU SUCH Bonnie Glen Pavilion With heads erect .and piercing eye, GREAT FEATURES Victorious in defeat.” $129.50 on Highway 43 — 3 miles West of Alexandria In view of the need of the com- AT SO LOW A PRICE munity, Rev. John Bethune was not RAY BOWEN’S ORCHESTRA content with one congregation, He Two Models organized churches at Lancaster, at SHORT PROGRAMME at MIDNIGHT Summerstown and Martintown. On a gray mare, famed in story, he featuring Bagpipe, Piano, Violin by Glengarry rode many miles, east to Coteau in The Glengarry News $199.50 Junior Musicians; also good old Scottish Music Lower Canada, west to Cornwall and crossed the river in summer by by Mrs. Donald E. MacPhee, John Angus boat and in winter on the ice to DEALERS FOR SMITH - CORONA TYPEWRITERS MacDonald, Allan McPhail Dundee, Que. If he were at home $234.50 on Sunday, the Church bell was Telephone No. 9 $1.00 Admission $1.00 rung at 8 o’clock in the morning, and again at 10 and 11, a custom which is still observed. And still The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Thursday, January 23rd, 1958

that night, at 8 pmi Lenore Spooner Will Reside Mrs. D. j. MacGrimmon, secretary of Glengarry Clan MacLeod, re- Lovely Bride In Alexandria ceived the invitation from Quebec MacMIIXAN—SPOONER MacKAY—THOMPSON Clan MacLeod officials. Anyone wishing to attend from Glengarry Lenore Anne Spooner, daughter of ■ A quiet but pretty wedding took is asked to contact President Ian Mrs. Florence Spooner and the late place at the manse in Lancaster, on January 11th, when Ruth Thomp- MacLeod, Dunvegan, or the Secre- Leonard Spooner, of Alexandria, be- tary, Mrs. D. J. MacGrimmon, RHL. SOCIAL and PERSONAL son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. came the bride of Brian Francis 1, Dalkeith. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. P. MacDonell, Mr. and Mrs. D. Dy MacFarlane MacMillan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex James Thompson,, was united in Oth Kenyon, accompanied Mr. and visited Flight Lieutenant and Mrs. J. MacMillan of Dalkeith, on Sat- marriage with Jack MacKay, son of Mrs. George- Villeneuve, Greenfield, Fred King in Ottawa over the week- urday, January 18th, in St. Finnan’s Mrs. James MacKay and, the late t« Montreal on Sunday, where they end. They also dropped in on Mr. Cathedral. Rev. D. B. McDougald Mr. MacKay of Alexandria. Rev. visited With Mr. and Mrs. Finley and Mrs. J. G. Blinn, while in the officiated at the ceremony. Rev. W. E. Black officiated at the cere- MacDanell, and attended the chris- Capital City. Sr. St. Gilbert presided at the organ mony. tening of their new baby daughter, Dr. D. J. Dolâri, as a Director of while Howard Morris was soloist. Miss Pierrette Lefebvre played Anne. Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. the Governing Council of the Eng- Given in marriage by her brother, the wedding march, and during the signing of the register, rendered SPECIALS Bernard: Masterson, Ottawa, were lish Catholic Education Association, Alex Spooner, the bride was lovely, godparents. Also present were Mr. was in Toronto last wfeekend, at- gowned in white lace and net. “I Love You Truly”. and Mrs. Garfield MacDonald, and tending a meeting, designed to pre- Fashioned with a square neckline, Given in marriage by her father, LAVO-—32 oz. bottle 22c Mrs. Brian Masterson. pare the programme for the Easter the fitted bodice of lace was but- the bride was lovely in a floor- Miss Ruth Sicard, nurse-in-train- Convention. toned down the bade, with a lace length jx>wn of white net over satin BREAD .. .ySL. 24 oz. 16c with sequins. Her shoulder-length ing at Hotel Dieu, Cornwall, was a Mr. and Mrs. Procule Poirier and peplum extending over the bouffant New Brunswick 1 veil was held by a cap of pearls apd CALF SPROUTS FIFTH LEG - Seoul, Korea - A five-legged weekend guest of her parents, Mr. their guest, Maurice Poirier of skirt of net, and tapering to a point POTATOES—50 lb. $1.19 and Mrs- L. Sicard. , in the back. A crown of pearls and sequins. {She carried a nosegay of calf makes the headlines In Korea. The animal is shown here with Wiseton, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. - its mother. The fifth leg can be seen hanging down from behind its BUTTER— 1st Grade 66c - Fraser and Robert Macdonald and sequins held her veil of tulle il- pink ’mums centred with white Lucien D’Aoust and Rita, were in carnations. neck. A local circus has offered about $20. in American money for Per Carton Miss Cathy Caton, Montreal, were Montreal on Sunday, visiting with lusion. She carried a bouquet of the calf. weékend guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. red roses. Miss Isabel Thompson, sister of CIGARETTES $2.99 relatives. Also many other SPECIALS E. R. Macdonald. Miss Ruth Sicard was bridesmaid, the bride; was bridesmaid. She wore Misses Marge and Helen Seger At a family gathering on Sunday, in stock. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rochon had in a ballerina-length gown of sage a floor-length gown of blue net over and Colleen MacKinnon spent last satin with a lace bodice and Joan Gauthier Glengarry Clan • as guests, Mr. and Mrs. D. Gratton, green chiffon over an underskirt of Sunday in Ottawa. taffeta .and net: It was fashioned matching headdress. She carried Specials will be, sold Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Stimson of Aylmer; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Belisle, Feted By Friends Invited To Meet on a cash basis only Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. E. Rochon, with a boat neckline, cap- sleeves, a nosegay of yellow ’mums centred Ottawa, were weekend guests of Mr. and fitted bodice circled with a with white carnations. Miss Joan Gauthier, bride-elect, and Mrs. Harold Stimson. and Miss Monique Rochon of Mont- was entertained with a cup and real, and Dr. and Mis. A. Rochon velvet ribbon, extending to a bouf- ' Lawrence Quipp was best man. Dame Flora Mrs. Archie MacDougaU and chil- saucer shower at the home of Miss Members of Glengarry Clan Mac- of Hull. fant skirt. She "wore beige feather, The groom’s gift to the bride was LAUZON dren, and Finnan MacDonald of Mavis Dewar, on Saturday, Janu- Leod have been invited to meet D. H. Loucks, principal of Char- hat, gloves and shoes, and carried a set of pearls; to the bridesmaid, - Montreal, were weekend guests of a bouquet of bronze ’mums. ary 11th. ' Upwards of a dozen-young their chief, Dame Flora MacLeod Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. McDonald. Lan High School, and Mrs:' Loucks a cosmetics set, and to the grooms- of MacLeod, at Montreal, February General Store man, a tie. The bride’s gift to the ladies Were present, and enjoyed a Little Miss Sandra MacDougall re- were afternoon guests of Mr. and John Miles MacMillan was 3rd. Dame Flora is now on a round- Sinclair St. . Tel. 185-W groomsman for his brother, and groom was a set of gold cuff links. buffet luncheon served by the host- mained on with her grandparents Mrs. J. T. Smith on Sunday. esses, Miss Dewar and Betty St. the-world tour and . will be enter- — WE DELIVER — for the coining week. Mr. and Mrs. Josqph Bellefeuille Hugh Allen MacMillan of Cornwall, A reception was held at the home tained by the Quebec Clan MacLeod another-brother, and- Bruce Ken- John. Miss Gauthier expressed her Mrs. M. J. Morris spent last week spent' the weekend- in Hawkesbury, of the bride’s parents, following the thanks and extended an invitation at a reception in the Windsor Hotel nedy of McCrimmon, were ushers. | in Ottawa visiting with Mr. and visiting -with theri son, Henri Belle- ceremony, where the afternoon was to visit her in her new home. Mrs. Ed Muleair and family. She feuille; daughter, Mrs. Romain Mrs. Spooner, the bride’s mother? spent in singing and dancing. wore a dress of navy blue crepe The badminton club, of which returned on Sunday with Mr. and Lanthier, Mr. Lanthier and chil- For their wedding trip to Ottawa, Miss Gauthier was a member, also Mrs. John Morris, who were return- dren. with beige accessories and a corsage the bride wore a knitted suit of of pink carnations. entertained in honor of her forth- ing to Ste Anne’s after spending the Holiday guests at tile home of Mr. pink wool, with a corsage of white coming marriage, at the Armouries, Mrs. MacMillan, the groom’s Hairdo Unattractive ? weekend in Ottawa. and Mrs. Edouard Leroux, were Mrs. roses and lilies-of-thè-valley. on January 14th. A social evening mother, wore a dress of blue crepe Mrs, Solomon Sabourin and Mrs. Raoul Giroux, Mr. and Mrs.'Aimé The couple will reside in Alex- was held, following the regular Take This Opportunity, from Now until February 1st Bert Sabourin spent Thursday of Gentille, Mr. and Mrs. René Leroux, with pink accessories and a corsage andria, games session, and Mrs. Eugene SPECIALS on PEKMANENTS last week in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Falcon, Mr. and of pink carnations. Prior to her marriage, the bride Macdonald expressed the good $6.00 VALUE 810.00 VALUE Maurice Poirier, a delegate to the Mrs. Eugene Leroux, Claude Giroux, The reception was held in Alex- wishes of all present, while Miss $4-00 [.00 was tendered a shower at the home reduced to .. reduced to ... Liberal convention from Rosetbwn, Roger Leroux and Miss C. Richard, ander Hall, which was decorated of Mrs. William Mitchell; a cup and Georgette Gagnier presented her Saak., is spending a few days, here all of Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Ger- with bells and streamers for the with a steam iron from the group. 88.00 VALUE $g.00 $12.00 VALUE .00 with Mr. and Mrs. Procule Poirier. saucer shower at the home of Miss ard Montpetit, Ottawa; Mr. and occasion. Pierrette Lefebvre, and a linen The bride-elect expressed her ap- reduced to .. reduced to ... no Donald R. McPherson of Winni- Mrs. Maurice Montpetit, Mr. and For their wedding trip to the shower at the home of Mrs. John preciation to the club members for (Complete with SHAMPOO and CUT) peg, who was also a delegate to the Mrs. Emile Brunet, Glen Robertson, Northern States, the bride wore an Robertson. their kind remembrance. Liberal convention, is visiting his and Mr. and Mrs. Eudore Leroux, ' off white gown of wool with a brown — Call NOW for AppointmentV— brothers, Ronald and Bernard Mac- Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gauthier, Green Valley. ! top coat and tangerine accessories. her parents, were also guests.- Pherson, and their families. . o — Mr. and Mrs. Alex MCDougald and Mrs. R J. Morris left bn Monday I Prior to her marriage, Miss Many At Funeral Chez Monique Beauty Salon family of Montreal, were weekend for Campbell’s Bay, where she is j Spooner was honored by members Phone 130 visiting with her son, É. W. Morris, j of.the Bell Telephone staff, of which People who fly into _a. rage always Main Street ALEXANDRIA guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mc- Rev. A. McDonald Mrs. Morris and family. I she was a member, when she was Many Glengarrians from .the To- make a bad landing. Dougald, 4th Kenyon. - Mr. arid Mrs. Wellington Desjar- Eugene A. Macdonald will attend presented with a General. Electric, ronto area werq in attendance at dins, Joyce, Alice and Wellington, a meeting in Ottawa on Saturday, mixette, at an afternoon luncheon. the funeral of Jiev. Archibald Mc- Ji., when it is planned to form a Weekly Guests from a distance who at- Donald, C.SsR., held in St. Patrick’s of Alexandria, motored to Ot- - - tawa on Sunday to visit May Des- Newspapers Association in Eastern tended. the wedding, were: Sandy Church, Toronto. One of the well- Jardins, -who is a patient in Ottawa Ontario. MacMillan of Port Arthur; Mr: and known Fathers of .St. Patrick’s BARBARA'S Civic Hospital. 'Mrs. R. J.. McCalium was in Mrs. Alex MacDougall, Mr. and Mrs. Church, and a native bf Greenfield, John James MacPhee has re- Kingston on Saturday, attending the Bill George' Mrs. Lillian Pollock, Father McDonald died on December January Clearance, SALE turned to Ottawa to resume his marriage , of her son, Jack McCal- Misses Joan O’Meara and -Joan 27th in St. Michael’s Hospital. former position with National Re- lum, to Miss Eileen Shanley, and is Whittingham, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Among relatives in attendance search Council, following complete visiting tlfis week With relatives in Pickening, Lawrence Pollock, James were his brother, Innis MacDonald, recovery from his recent illness. Montreal. Cantwell, all of Montreal; Mr. Greenfield, and two sisters, Miss Mrs. Jos. MacDonald and Master Guests of Bill and Lloyd Kennedy and Mrs. Mac Seguin, Verdun; Mr. Ann MacDonald, Greenfield, and. Don't Miss This Sale Event Brian Kirby, have returned to last weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Mrs. Tom Bonnèr, Beaurepaire; Miss Josephine MacDonald, New Montreal from a visit with relatives George Xpèe Mae Keftnedÿ), bf Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. MacDonald York’City; Mr. arid Mrs. Donald G. and son Ian, Mr. and Mrs. Hector hi Toronto and Oshawa. Montreal.- y MacDonald, Hamilton; Squadron- Bellefeuille, Mrs. Alex Hugh Ken- Leader R. B. Ellis, Richmond Hill; OVERCOATS Mrs. Emery Chevrier, Casseiman, nedy, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mac- DRESSES.... spent last weekend with her son, Corbet MacDonald, Toronto. An- ONE-THIRD OFF the Price Millan, all of Cornwall; Mrs. Lloyd other sister, Tena, Sister Marie of ONE-THIRD OFF the Price NYLONS Gaston Chevrier, Mrs. Chevrier and Chandler'of Ottawa. family, ■ the Sisters of Charity, Washington, D.C., was unable to be present. Jos. A. Filion and George Le- WOMEN’S SHOES... WOMEN’S O’SHOES febvre ade in Cornwall this week The Pontifical Mass of Requieiq 77c pair attending the current session of Mrs. J. Gilligan was sung by Most Rev. F. V. Allen, AS LOW as $1.00 Per Pair 20 PERCENT OFF the Price Counties Council. DD. Among those present were Summerstown Dies Rt. Rev. Msgr. Ewen J. Macdonald The funeral of Mrs. John Gilligan, and Rev. C. F. Gauthier of Alex- MEN’S SUITS ...... J...... AS LOW AS $22.77 a lifelong resident'of Summerstown, andria, as-well as many priests of In Europe For was held on January 14th from Mc- the Toronto Archdiocese, and re- MEN’S CAR COATS $14.88 CINEMASCOPE Arthur Bros, and MacNell Funeral ligious Sisters. Industrial Research Home, Cornwall, to the Church of A son of Ranald A. MacDonald HYDRO PARKAS ... : $12.97 Boys’ LINED JEANS ..... $2.98 À native of Williams town, Donald the Precious Blood, Glen Walter, and his wife, Flora A. MacKinnon, FRIDAY and SATURDAY F. MacRae pf Oakville, Ont ; will ’ for Requiem High Mass at 10 am. January 24th and 25th of Greenfield, the late Father Mc- Boys’ PARKAS sizes up to 34 $7.97 Men’s OVERALL SMOCKS $4.29 represent the-Canadian government ' Rev. Rudolph Villeneuve, ' parish Donald was born at Greenfield, on a three-month tour bf Western priest, officiated. October 8th, 1899. In 1911, he MANY OTHER BIG BARGAINS ALL THROUGH THE STORE ‘Hollywoed Or Bust’ Europe as part of a program of in- Mrs. Gilligan, the former Evelyn entered the Redemptofist Novitiate, dustrial research. , • • . Dean Martlh and Jerry Lewis Laplante, was born at Summers- took his religious vows one year He is the eldest son of Mrs. D. A. town 62 years ago, a-daughter of later and was ordained to the - - ' MacRae of Williams town and the the late Henry Laplante arid his priesthood June 13th, 1917, by Arch- BARBARA'S STORE MONDAY and- TUESDAY late; Mr. MacRae. wife, the former Laura Blanchard. bishop, later Caftiinal, Hayes of PHONE 107 Main Street, Alexandria PHONE 107 January 27th and 28th The 4S5-year-old father of three Though in declining health for New York: children will visit eàch of the West- the past few years, her death was . As a .Redemptorist, Father Archie “Lieutenant ern Eur6pe United Nations mem- unexpected and came as a shock preached missions in every province bers to prepare his reports on the to her many relatives and friends. Of -the Dominion and he also served Wore Skirts" productivity of their industries. He She passed away at her Summers- as assistant and parish priest in left last Thursday to fly to London town'home oh January 11th. such cities as Montreal, Regina, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT and bn Sunday flew to Paris. Chief mourners include her hus- Saint John, N.B., Edmonton, Lon- Comedy - Cinemascope - Mr. MacRae -is director of indus- band', - John Gilligan; three step- doh, Ont., arid Charlottetown, » Color trial research in the Ontario Foun- sons and two step-daughters: Gar- PE.I. In 1945, he was chosen as a Tom Ewell and Sheree North dation-. net and John A. Gilligan, both of Consulter ‘to Very Rev. Father Cardinal; George Gilligan, New Or- Provincial. WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY MODERN MADHOUSE leans, La.; Mrs. Edward Laplante, In ' 1946, a heart condition de- Summerstown, and Mrs. Bernard January 29th and 30th veloped and his activities had since We don’t live in a world, we live Hutt >of Bainsville. been restricted to thé role of con- in a madhouse; low income bracket Also surviving are five brothers: fessor to the laity and several re- “Between Heaven homes — $12,000; medium priced Wilfred and Elmo, both of Sum- ligious communities in Toronto. cal’s — $4,000 and up; increase in merstown-; Proctor Laplante of And Hell" mental illness — up 55 percent in Tupper Lake, N.Y. ; Earl Laplante, • INVITATIONS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ten years; mink coats ($250) ' for in New York State, and John La- your poodle; and cost of living shot plante, believed to be in New Zea- War - Cinemascope - Color up 122 points' in eight years. Need land. Four nieces and one nephew When in need of Busi- • ANNOUNCEMENTS ness 0 r Professional Robert Wagner - Terry Moore any more evidence? — Minnedosa also survive. • RECEPTION CARDS (Man.) Tribune. Pallbearers were Ross Cameron, assistance, consult the Edward Laplante, Ralph Laplante, “News” Business and Professional Directory. • THANK YOU CARDS Robert DeRouchie, John A. and 1 Garnet Gilligan. YOU CAN STILL PICK UP A Friends and relatives were, present SELEdTION of OUR ITEMS at for the funeral from such points as SALE PRICES. Cardinal, Massena, Tupper Lake, N.Y., and Senneterre, Que. Marielle’s Featuring "THERMO-GRAVURE” PRINTING Burial was made in Precious (Raised Lettering) Blood cemetery, Glen- Walter. BEAUTY SALON OUR ANNOUNCES SPECIAL PRICES on LET US ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR WEDDING PLANS CHILDREN’S WEAR DEPARTMENT SEE OUR PERMANENTS from now until Feb. 15th ... You may select your Wedding Invitations, Announcements and “OREST” WILL SOON CARRY A COMPLETE LINE • Acknowledgments with complete confidence es to quality and correctness of form. PAPER ART COLD-WAVES • • I including Shampoo, Hair-Cut WE ALSO HAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING NAPKINS, MATCHES AND CAKE BOXES and Setting, regular See Our Selections At PARTY DEPT. $6, $7, $8, $10, $12 i now reduced to $4, $5, $6, $8, $10 Wilfred Mcleister • THE NEWS PRINTING COMPANY CARMEN’S DRESS SHOPPE I > STATIONERY FOR APPOINTMENTS P.O. BOX 10 — ALEXANDRIA, ONT. ALEXANDRIA Phone 358 ( SHOPPERS’ NEEDS ALEXANDRIA, ONT. Phone 527 Phone S*age 6 The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Thursday, January 23rd, 1958

and a guest speaker. I andria town, and Stanley Fraser, “Gentlemen, our counties have May meeting, to be held in the'i revee of Roxborough, and also to seen great changes during the past COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE- evening, at the home of Mrs. G. L. j Basil Dawley, reeve of Winchester few years”, he continued. “We have Clark, with Mrs. Marwobd Grant i township, who so competently had over one-third of our assess- leading the worship service.. assisted at his installation. ment taken away from us by an- LOCHIEL GREEN VALLEY Mrs. George Irvine will be hostess | Welcome to Session nexation. for the June meeting, with Mrs. A. j He was very happy as his first “We have and are losing con- We are sorry to hear that some Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Currier and L. Clark in charge of the worship duty to welcome them to the 4n- siderable assessment by the power «of our friends are in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Aime Viau spent a service. | augural session. “To those of you project. These are problems we IPeter H. MacMillan underwent an recent w'eekend in Montreal, where The Misses Jennie and Ethel Ross j who are returning to familiar duties have and are asked to meet, as well operation in the Montreal General they visited with relatives. will entertain the members, for the may I saw' how pleased I am to look as to continue to give the best serv- Hospital last week, and James Mac- Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacDonell, July meeting, with Mrs. Urquhart forward to another year cf par- ice possible to our citizens. Millan, Brodie, was 'taken to Corn- Maitland, were weekend guests of in charge of the worship Service. ticipation in counties business with “The council of the counties has wall General Hospital, Sunday, for Mr. and Mrs. Angus R. MacDonell. The August meeting will be held your worthy assistance and co- not failed in the past and I know treatment. Aime Decoste and daughters left at the home of Mrs. D. A. MacRae, operation”, he said. that we as a council , shall continue Mrs. John A. MacMillan, Cardinal, this week for Florida, where they with Mrs. G. W. Irvine conducting “To the new members may I give the good work of our predecessors spent a few days with her son, will vacation for a few weeks. , the worship service, and Mrs. C. A. you a special welcome and assur- in office.” Hugh P. MacMillan, Mrs. MacMillan Miss Catherine E. Blair was at Cattarraoh in charge of the study ance of the co-operation and assist- He concluded by saying he fully and family. her home here this weekend. book. ance of not only myself but of all realized and appreciated the many Mrs. A. W. MacPhee is in Corn-, o —■ The September meeting, to be held the members as well,” responsibilities of the high office to wall visiting her sister, Mrs. George at the home of Mrs. E. Alguire, with It was his sincere hope that 1958 which he had just been elected and Hayland, who, we are sorry to hear, Mrs. A. L. Clark in charge of the would be a happy and prosperous added, “I accept the position. With «underwent an operation in the McCRIMMON study book. year for all. mixed feelings of pride and Cornwall General Hospital last Miss Ethel Dingwall will be host- He annoùnced that pressure had humility.” week. We hope to get good news McCRIMMON WI MET ess for the October meeting, with been brought to bear on the council “I trust that with Divine guid- of her recovery soon. McCrimmon Women’s Institute Mrs. D. A. MacRae conducting the to provide, in accordance with the ance and your support I may be Rod McPhee, Montreal, spent the held their January meeting at the worship service, and Mrs. Clark Statutes of Ontario, proper accom- able to maintain the dignity and weekend with his parents, Mr. and home of Mrs. W. R. MacLeod, MacDonell the study book. modations for the administration of decorum that has been set by my . Mrs. Rod J. McPhee. “Bonnie Brier”, on Thursday after- The November meeting, being the justice and some definite and con- predecessors in office and which is A number of the younger children noon, with 'Mrs. J. D. MacDonald Thankoffering, will be held at the crete action would be necessary traditional of the wardenship of • enjoyed an afternoon of skating at presiding. Motto was “Good humor Manse, in the evening, with a during the year. these United Counties.” the Arena, Saturday, when Father is the food of health, sadness is the thankoffering service, and a guest Gauthier arranged a number of poison”, and roll call was a dental speaker. Hold on to your Life hockey games between the boys hint, responded to by 12 members. The December meeting, a Christ- from Ottawa and bur local Pee- “A two minute silence” was ob- mas service, will be held at the 1 Insurance with both hands Wees. Maybe the Ottawa boys won, served in memory of Mrs. D. A. home of Mrs. C. A. Cattanach, with | WANTED-Your Signature... tot our boys had lots of fun, too. MacLeod, Alexandria, a former Mrs. Gjlmour, Mrs. H. M. Grant, Misses Shirley and Helen McDon- charter member. Mrs. A. T. MacDonald and Mrs. N. Life Insurance is very valuable property for ald, Montreal, arid Basil McCormick A new year message from the Hall, a committee in charge of the ... on a passport to security and peace of mind for you and your family. «sf Ottawa, were home for'the week- president of FWIÔ, was read; and a programme. end. request for baby clothing to aid o you and your family — an application for a Sun Life Never make any change in your life insurance Messrs. A. W. MacPhee and D. A., needy children, a work project in without first talking the matter over carefully A. J. and D. E. MacMillan and Mrs. conjunction with the Unitarian Warden Warns... of Canada policy. Why not give with a representative of the company concerned. Rod Fraser, Glen Sandfield, visited Service jCommittee, of the United He may save you many regrets later. Mrs. George Layland, a patient in Nations Agency. Mrs. Haggarty fContinued rf-om Page 1) me a call? the hospital. asked for every member’s co-opera- doeh McRae, you will appreciate The faith that millions of Canadians have in Mrs. Frank Beckingham of Alex- tion in this, project; and plans were LARRY J. McCOSHAM andria, visited at Keith MacMillan’s how honored we all feel this day”, their life insurance has been vindicated through made to give it further study at the he said. DISTRICT SUPERVISOR on Friday. February meeting. 162 Pitt Street CORNWALL wars, epidemics, panics and depressions. o — He revealed that among the audi- Entry forms were received for the ence of some 40 persons were “prac- Their experience proves that it is a wise course Farmstead Improvement Compe- LAWRENCE J. MacDONALD tically the entire council board and Phone 252 LANCASTER tition to be carried out in the three for YOU to hold on to your life insurance officers” from the township. Sev- with both hands. IAGGAN United Counties, by the Inter- eral former reqyes and deputy- national Plowing Match committee. reeves were also present. SUN ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Johnnie Dougald MacMaster ac- Topic for the meeting was “Edu- Hg expressed thanks to his spon- THE\|FE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA companied Omer Poirier to Florida cation. Mi'S. W. Rf MacLeod gave a sors, George Lefebvre, reeve of Alex- " ■ „ L-557D 3ast Thursday, for a few weeks. splendid paper entitled “Know Your . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson of School”. Yankieek Hill, visited with Mr. and A spelling bee was conducted by .Mrs. Dan MacLeod on Sunday. Mrs. J. P. MacLeod, and the winner Mrs. Billy Campbell and. Barry was Mrs. W. R. MacLeod. • spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Hostesses for the. meeting were: dww.ydwwwww .Kenneth Nixon. Mrs. D. D. MacMaster and Miss Mrs. James Grant, Sheldon and Hilda MacGrimmon. .Sonna, visited Mrs. Ken MacLen- An invitation to meet at the home unan and baby girl in Hawkesbury, of ÎJrs. J. P. MacLeod for the Feb- •ton Sunday. ruary meeting, was accepted; and Mr. and Mrs. Morlin Campbell, members are reminded to bring Gail and Dawn, visited Mr. and Mrs. something they have made this Hughie Fisher last Thursday eve- •winter. o 3 n d a b I e 3!ing. .Neil J. MacLeod underwent an «operation on Saturday last. He is reported doing nicely. Roddie F. MacLennan returned WILLIAMSTOWN liiome on Saturday from the Smiths WMS PLANS MEETINGS ‘Clinic, Hawkesbury. BIN-DOOR Mrs. H. M. Grant entertained Mr. .and Mrs. Alex M. Stewart eight members and one visitor, of visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mac- the United Church Auxiliary, of the Xeod last Thursday. WMS. Miss Annabel MacMaster visited feed processing Mrs. Cattanach.had charge of the her home here. worship service, the theme of which Keith MacMaster and Herbert was “The Second Mile”. The wor- Goodman are cutting wood at Lan- ship service was followed by a hymn caster. and prayer. A discussion,, on sev- Miss Margaret Grant visited her eral subjects, was led by Mrs. G. W. home here on the weekend. Irvine, and the meeting closed with it. O. MacDuff called . cn his th& Lord's Prayer, repeated in daughter, Mrs. Fitzpatrick, on unison. Lunch was served by the Sunday. hostess, and a pleasant social time ■On Thursday night the following enjoyed. took m the hockey game in Mont- The following is the program for real: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Nixon, 1958: The February meeting will «Joan, Kent and Ralph MacSweyn, be held at the home of Mrs. A. L. Mrs. Ronnie MacGillivray, Gerald Clark, in the evening, with Miss A. . snd Harold Robinson, Mrs. Sheldon L. Dunlop in charge of,the worship •«.Grant, Fergus McRae. service, and Miss Ethel Ross, the ; Miss Rhoda MacLennan, R.N., of study hook. 'Cornwall, visited Mr. and Mrs. The March meeting, at the home Games R. Grant. Mrs. Herbert of Mrs. Clark MacDonell, with Mrs. Goodman and Julia were with them Ivan Clark leading the worship

ONTARIO FUEL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF The Municipal Franchises Act, Chapter 249, R.S.O. 1950, Section -8, as amended, and IN THE MATTER OF Applications by The Consumers’ 'Cas Company for Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct works and to supply natural gas. to the inhabitants of the under-mentioned municipalities. VVL LUURjbD LUf-KJ AND HARD The Corporation of the Town of Alexandria. then to serve you better we bought The Corporation of the Village of Hastings. M@Wwifh our new The Corporation of the Village of Alfred. a DAFFIN Feedmobile* because we The Corporation of the Village of L’Orignal. The Corporation of the Village of Elmvale. You can depend on our punctual BIN-DOOR farm feed service to ... (1) call at your farm at discovered that only with a DAFFIN The Corporation of the Township of Percy. The Corporation of the Township of Charlottenburgh. regular intervals ... (2) grind everything you grow for feed .. . (3) mix it uniformly with could we promise punctual, de- The Corporation of the Township of Cumberland. the best concentrates to make the formulas you like ... (4) add molasses without making the The Corporation of the Township of Plantagenet North. pendable service together with fast, The Corporation of the Township of Lancaster. feed lumpy ... (5) put the feed just where you want it. The Corporation of the Township of Horton. ' efficient feed processing. The Corporation of the Township of Goulboum.

NOTICE OF HEARING •REGISTERED TRADEMARK Ontario Fuel Board hereby appoints FRIDAY, THE 31st t/" BETTER FEED LESS WORK DAY OF JANUARY, 1958, at 10:30 o’clock in the forenoon, Eastern Standard Time, at the offices of the Board, Suite 311, 4 Richmond Street East, Toronto, Ontario, for the hearing of •t Ibe above Applications and all persons interested therein. » - Copies'of the Applications may be inspected, and further particulars obtained at the offices , of the Clerks of• the re- spective municipalities, the Applicant, the Solicitors for the MAXVILLE FEED & SEED CO. LTD. Applicant. Messrs. Zimmerman,’ Haywood and Turville, 111 .Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario, or this Board. . DATED at Toronto,.this' 15th.day of January, 1958. Phone 40 - Max ville - Phone 40 i i i * Y ONTARIO FUEL BOARD, “A. R. CROZIER”, Chairmair “W. R. HOWARD”, -Commissioner, 4-2c jvwwvywvwvwwwwwwwww The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Thursday, January 23rd, 1958 Page 7

MacKülican; roll call: A cheerful Prayer in unison closed the de- teresting article on Juvenile De- thought for the new year, and reso- Glen Gordon WMS votional part of the meeting. linquency. -COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE- MOOSE CREEK lutions, which was well responded to The Aim and Object of the Wo- ' It was moved by Mrs. Scott night last. by all the members. men’s Missionary Society Was read Fraser, seconded by Mrs. Hall, that Mr. and Mrs. Neil J. MacLeod ! C. W. WALTON HEADS The guest speaker, Stanley Fraser, Held Meeting in unison. each member bring a penny for spent a portion of Wednesday last BOARD OF TRADE was called on and needed no intro- The minutes of the previous each year of their age at our. next KIRK HILL The January meeting of the Glen meeting. at Vankleek Hill and visited with duction to the members. His sub- Gordon United WMS was held at meetnig were read and approved, The annual meeting of the Moose Mrs. Jas. Wightman read a poem, Hr. and Mrs. H. J. MacGillivray Duncan P. MacCuaig, who is a ject, “Proceedings of the Municipal the home of Mrs. Scott Fraser) with and the treasurer’s report given. Creek Board of Trade, was held at “My Purpose”. were in Toronto last week for a few patient there. We hope to see im- Council of the United Counties of the president in the chair. The secretary read a letter from days to attend the funeral of his provement in his condition soon. He the Central Hotel, with a large, at- Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. the Christian Stewardship secre- Mrs. Edgar McCuaig read an tendance. The meeting opened with a prayer hrother-in-law, Mr. Harry Huff. We is missed around Laggan, corner. A “thank you” was given by Mrs. for the new year, read by Mrs. tary, stating that our allocation for article, “For the New Year”, and D. J. MacKinnon to the guest sympathize with the family. Marcel Pattyn is at present doing Stanley Fraser, president, presid- Edgar McCuaig, followed by the 1958 would be $130.00. the meeting closed with the Lord’s speaker for his inspiring talk, which Norman McDonald, his mother interior painting at Alexandria, in ed and was assisted by the secre- hymn “Standing at the Portal of The World Day of Prayer was an- Prayer in unison. Refreshments, Louis Shepherd’s'hcme. tary, Emery Brunet, who also gave was very interesting to all. It was the Opening Year”. nounced, samq to be held on Febru- were. served and a social hour en- and sister, are now occupying their followed by the singing of “For Our new residence on Dewar avenue. We see Mr. Leary trucking small a full and concise report for the The text word was “light’, or ary 21st. Mrs. Walsh read an in- joyed. loads to his new farm here, and we year closing. This was followed by Reeve is a Jolly Good Fellow”. prayer” and each member read a We hope they may enjoy the-same Accordion music and violin music, 'for years to come. hope soon to have him in our midst paying of the annual dues. verse containing these words. E. A. MacKillican, chairman of by Sheldon Robertson and Don. A number of. ladies took part in to stay. The lesson, “Let Your Light So Miss Margaret Grant, Montreal, the Nominating committee, read the Vanderwal; soloist, Miss Claudette Shine”, was presented by Mrs. Scott a quilting bee on Thursday last at slate of' officers for the ensuing Lemieux, who sang “Ivy Rose” and the home of Mrs. Evans McGiliivray. spent the weekend at her home Fraser and Mrs. Matheson. here. year, which was accepted as follows: “Why, God, Did You • Take Mama jI Mrs. Tanner read Dr. Bell’s sec- Eldred McMillan, Montreal, spent Hon. Pres. — Stanley Fraser. Home”, accompanied by Miss Patsy the weekend at “The Pines” with Mrs. Dan MacLeod and Mrs. ond sermon given during the week OH Fergus MacRae spent last' Thurs- President — C. W. Walton. Montcalm. of prayer. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A “thank you” was given to all McMillan. day evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. 1st Vice-Pres. — Bernard Guerrier. Mrs. E. McCuaig read an inter- THIS R. Grant. They also had that 2nd Vice-Pres. — Gordon Scott. who contributed to the programme. esting article, “It Came To Pass”. Miss Margaret MacGillivray spent afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sec.-Treas. — Harry Tessier. The February meeting is to be at a few days in Ottawa last weekend, The scripture reading was from Maclllwain and Rae, from Vankleek Directors — Stanley Fraser, Geo. the home of Mrs. Elmer MacDer- Philipians 2, verses 19 to 30, read in and visited her brother, John D., Hill. Macintosh, D. W. Montcalm, A. D. mid. Convener of Agriculture and unison. SINGER who has been seriously ill in the Some of oui' young dog enthusi- McRae, Leonard Dupuis. Canadian Industries, Mrs. E. A. The worship service, “The Second Civic Hospital' since his operation. asts attended the dog derby at La- It was decided to have affiliation MacPhail. Motto: The advance- Mile”, from the Missionary Monthly R. P. McLennan was taken to the chute last weekend. with the EODA and Chamber of ment in Our Canadian Industries. Automatic Smith Hospital last week. He is was read, and followed by the hymn J. R. MacNeil and Willie and Commerce. Meetings will be held A questionnaire on the hand book, “Lead On O King Eternal”. now recovering, according to report. the second Thursday of each month. Leaders Mrs. E. L. Blair, Mrs. J. A. o—• Fergus MacRae were visitors to Vankleek Hill on Saturday. A “thank you” was given to all re- Buchanan and Mrs. Currie Blair, in charge. Members are requested to Pallbearers were Percy Kier, Neil J. MacLeod is entering Smith tiring officers. Jackie McPhadden, Louis . Lafave, hand in questions to the above Clinic at Bawkesbury, on Thursday. Melvin Lafave, Wilmot Reardon and Model 306 ladies before the meeting. LAGGAN We hope neil will not be long away REEVE ADDRESSES WI Emile Fortin. and come home feeling tops. “The Queen” was sung to bring Honorary pallbearers were N. J. Stanley Fraiser, reeve of Township the meeting, to a close, with an hour, (Intended for Last Issue) Page, Ernie Marsolais, John Boutin, of Roxborough, was guest speaker of social time in the spacious din- Choice of cabinets as illustrated and others STOP STREETS R. V. Duhime and G. A. Lafave. Most of our young hockey fans are at the January meeting of the ing-room of the hostess, where all according to available stock, some in their Among relatives and friends from journeying to Montreal by bus on We have always been opposed to Moose Creek Women’s Institute, partook o^the many dainty things eriginal cartons, FIRST COMEI—FIRST SERVED! a distance were^ Mr. and Mrs. Thursday night to see the Toronto an over-abundance of stop streets, which was held at the home of Mrs. provided for the inner man. and Canadiens hockey game. and feel that these should be con- Emery Brunet, on Thursday eve- Walter Dobbins and Clark, Clinton, • POPULAR QUEEN ANNE CABINET The president, Mrs. Elmer Mac- N.Y.; Mrs. George Slattery, Pres- Mr. and Mrs. Sandy MacPherson fined to the main streets and high- ning. The president, Mrs. Elmer Dermid, thanked the hostess, Mrs. • HANDSOME CONSOLE CABINET cott, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin visited her father, Fred MacCrim- ways, and we have yet to be con- MacDermid, opened the meeting Brunet, for her. hospitality. mon and Callum, on Sunday. vinced that there is any sense in with the usual exercises, consisting o Riley, Verdun, Que.; and others, WHY SETTLE FOR AN UNKNOWN BRAND WHEN YOU Mr. and Mrs. Everett Nixon visited putting any portion of residential from Cornwall, Williamstown and of the “Opening Ode”, Mdry Stew- CAN OWN A SINGER FOR SO LITTLE with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mac- areas into ‘Stop’ and ‘Through’ art' Collect and the Lord’s Prayer, St. Raphaels. Crimmon, Cornwall, on Saturday restrictions. — New Liskeard (Ont.). Funeral Held Mr. Riley died at Niagara Falls, followed by the secretary, Mrs. C. E. 84 Ont. He was 56. PAY AS LITTLE AS $2 A WEEK Blah-, reading the minutes and cor-, After minimum down payment respondence. It consisted of a letter To Martintown He was born in Martintown, the Now at your announcing the Achievement Day son of the late Joseph. Riley and The funeral of Terrence Riley, a Mrs. Janet Ann Guay, Martintown. YOUR LETTER IS at Cornwall Centre on Saturday, January 25th, in the Township Hall. former Martintown resident, took In addition to his mother, he is SINGER SEWING CENTER place to St. William’s Church, ilar- survived by four brothers, William IMPORTANT! There were also a letter re: the Listed in your telephone book only under SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. course to be held at Lunenburg in tintown, followed by interment in and Eilbum, both of Cornwall; O ^ February: one from Mrs. Haggarty, the family plot. Rev. J. H. Ouimet, Melvin, Verdun, Que., and Howard, FOR SALE and SERVICE 2 ÇtAqeMhdk CM/ot* Martintown, was celebrant of the Martintown, and four sisters, Mrs. TVii>«fe7 OALCALO provincial president; also an appeal ON ANY MAKE OF MACHINE — CALL © 'Tiu. fwL P Ç*dL. for baby clothing from the Uni- Solemn Requiem Mass, assisted by Waiter Dobbins (Ann), of Clinton, tarian Service, Ottawa. Rev. Leo O’Dowd, Cornwall Clas- N.Y.; Mrs. George Slattery (Viola), A full and pleasing report was sical College, as deacon, and Rev. Prescott, Ont.; Mrs. Lorinda Wert, given by the. secretary-treasurer, Joseph Michaud, Cornwall Classical Miami, Fla., and Mrs. George Pet- | Alexandria 6 6 Alexandria © ^OifefhtcJWxiM. Mrs. C. E. Blah, on the Christmas College, as sub-deacoh. erson (Gwelda), Cornwall. baskets and the Santa parade, and an appreciation expressed to all who On all mail, altvays include in any way helped to make the Your name and return addrea# In above so successful. upper left corner. New board members from society 0 Name of penon to whom yon are to the Hall Board, are Mrs. Elmer writing. MacDermid and Mrs. Wilfrid Mont- 0 Street addrew, rural route num- calm. proved and approved ber, or post office box number. At the . close of the business around the world O Name of post office (city, town or period, Mrs. J. A. Buchanan, con- 58 FORD village). vener of Resolutions, presented the following programme: Institute rally song; Motto: Never make a resolution you can’t keep, carefully explained by Mrs. E. A.

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THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA SEE YOUR Certain features illustrated or mentioned are "Standard" on some models, optional at extra cotton others.)

MacPhail Motor Sales MAXVILLE 8 PHONE 186 3Page 8 The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Thursday, January 23rd, 1958

fornia, when not visiting with other Miss Term Fraser members of her family. Laughs Galore At Glen Sandfield Her remains rested at Shaw Funeral Heme, arid on Tuesday Party As Young People Entertain Died At Yakima afternoon were conveyed over the The many relatives and friends of Northern Pacific Railroad to Spo- (Intended for Last Issue) kane, accompanied by her three Another uproarious night of good Christena (Tena) Fraser were sad- dened by her sudden passing at sisters, the Misses Harriet and • clean fun was provided' by the very More Than 20 Boxers Kathlyn Fraser and Mrs. M. J. Mel- active Young People’s Group, for a Yakima, Washington, at 4 am. January 6th. choir, where other members of the . jolly gathering of young and not- Al Glen Sandfield family and friends met the train, ; so-young who attended1 the Orange Miss. Fraser was hospitalized with Every week, more and more young influenza-bronchial pneumonia just and her remains were taken to Hall, Glen Sandfield, on Friday athletes join the Glen Boxing Club, Smith Funeral Home, •. ■evening. The entertainment fol- before Christmas, and apparently and the Orange Hall fairly rocks had' recovered sufficiently to con- On Wednesday evening at 7:30, lowed the pattern of previous when the muscular, young fellows Rev. Bernard J. Barry recited the ^successful nights; events and games verse at length with her sisters and go through their paces. During the friends, and she was looking for- Rosary, and many friends from were pursued at a pace that left actual training periods, there is various points came to pay their some of the adults breathless, but ward to returning to her hetne in a little time for fun, but the boys few days. She had special nurses, last respects. still chuckling. seems to thrive on the vigorous With Ruth Ann McDougall at the around the clock, and ah that On January 9th, at 8 a.m., the j work-outs and always come back medical science and loving care funeral was held to Our Lady of . piano, the fun commenced at 8:30 for more. when the crow'd -joined in com- could do was tenderly administered Lourdes Cathedral, Spokane, Wash., ( munity singing, led-by the minister. At a date yet to be set — prob- to her, and her sisters were in and Rev. Bernard J. Barry chanted ably the middle of February — in constant attendance at her bedside. the Requiem High Mass. Interment In accordance with the custom in 1 Gled Sandfield, those who do not answer to popular demand, a boxing She lapsed into a coma Sunday was in the family lot at Riverside sing with the crowd are invited to show and variety show will be afternoon and passed away without Park cemetery, and Rev. Erwin L. the platform to sing ajone, so on organized in the Orange Hall by the regaining consciousness. Hef death Sadlowski conducted the graveside Friday,’ the following paid the Young People’s Group. More than was attributed to a brain hemor- service. .penalty: Shirley McMillan and Ger- six matches have been provisionally rhage. She was visited frequently Pallbearers were William Fraser ald Simpson sang “Loch Lomond”; arranged; there will also be a dis- by her pastor, Rev. F. J. Schoen- Robertson, Roderick J. Fraser j Harold McLeod! and Russell TJrqu- play of physical training. berg, and he administered _ the last (nephews), Melvin Johnson, Bruce hart sang “My Wild Irish Rose”; The class -meets every Monday rites of the Church. Johnson (cousins), Robert Coles and Mrs. Roddie Fraser sang “When night. Under fourteen, meet at Christena Agatha Fraser was born L. B. Bailey. You and I Were Young, Maggie”; 7:30; over that age meet at 8:30, at Alexandria, the third eldest of She is survived by one brother, Miss Grace Urquhart sang “Let Me Rev. Mr. Reid is in charge of train- 12 children, and second of nine Malcolm Fraser, Pasadena, Calif., •Call You-Sweetheart”. ing, and is ably assisted by Michael daughters, of Roderick Fraser and and seven sisters, Mrs. A. A. (Isa- In an elimination game, the win- Gibb, Sr._ his wife, Catherine Flora Mac- belle) MacMillan, St. .Albert, Al- ners were A. D. MacLeod and Kinnon. berta; Mrs. A. M. (Sadie) Robert- Harold MacLeod. for one minute; Russell Urquhart She went West with her parents son, Great Falls, Montana; Mrs. E. In-a -game called Passing the Hat, and Christine McKenzie gave a very and other members of the family A. (Jessie) White, Clarkston, Wash.; Peter Fraser was a popular winner. realistic portrayal of a cat-fight; hi May, 1905, and located at Cres- Mrs. J. Gordon (Margaret) Robert- There was a great deal of hilarity ran round the hall ton, Washington, where her father son, Pasadena, Calif.; Mrs. M. J. - when everyone in the hall took part with an make-believe wheel-barrow. was a successful wheat rancher. (May) Melchoir, Salem, Oregon; . in the competition, “Find Your A. K. McLeod, in one minute, told She received her early education Miss Harriet Fraser, and Miss Start an interest-bearing Christmas Gift Account now! Mate”. No one was permitted to the crowd all the nice things he at St. Margaret's Convent, Alex- Kathlyn Fraser, Yakima, Wash., and speak but the MC, and he had given could see in Elinor McCallum. In andria, and later took a course in several nieces and nephews. Other -everyone the name of an animal or return, Elinor auctioned off A. K., dress designing, and was employed relatives in attendance were J. Plan for your 1958 Christmas shopping now—by planning your savings. ''bird. By imitating the call, howl or as if he was a horse. Ruth Ann for a few years at the Crescent Gordon Robertson, Pasadena, Calif.; Decide how much you need as a Christmas fund, and put aside a portion noise each person had to find his MacDougall and Russell Urquhart E, A. White,* Clarkston, Wash.; Store in Spokane, but she gave up each payday in a BNS Christmas Gift Account. Open yours right away— or her partner. Although he was gave a very realistic demonstration- her position and returned home to brothers-in-law; Wm. F. Robertson, unable to locate a mate, James Mc- of a husband and wife having a help her mother. nephew, Carter, Mont.; Mrs. Wilbur at any BNS branch. * Callum was declared the winner and heated argument. Scott and Mrs. Joseph Muretta, was loudly cheered for his sports- In a “necking” — orange under She was well-known and had a nieces, Great Fails, Mont. wide circle of friends and acquaint- manship. neck competition — Jean MacMillan Many Mass cards, messages of The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA When the game Forfeits was in- ances in Eastern Washington and •and Gerald Simpson, representing Edmonton, Alberta, regions. sympathy and beautiful floral pieces troduced, the hall rang with, laugh- Glen Sandfield, beat “neckers” — were received testifying to the high ter — especially when the following Elenor McCallum and Harold Mc- In 1926, she went to St. Albert, regard in which she was held. Alberta, to keep house for her two paid their penalties: Leod of Kirk Hill. Due to Illness, her brother and ( A. D. MacLeod waltzed around At Musical Chairs, Joyce Bethune bachelor uncles, John and Allan Fraser, and she unselfishly cared sisters, Mrs. A. A. MacMillan and the hall holding a coat instead of outsped all opposition and was Mrs. A. M. Robertson, were unable a partner; Helen MacMillan held loudly cheered. for them until they passed away. In 1944, she returned to her home to attend the funeral. BNS people are friendly people—get to know them an imaginary baby in her arms and The exciting game called “Find o walked1 the floor rocking and sing- and had since resided at Yakima at our Alexandria & Glen Robertson branches. D. the Lady and Fit the Shoe”, saw Menard, Manager. ing it to sleep; A. K. McPherson A. K, McPherson win the prize when and Clarkston, Washington, spend- Quality has everything in its favor and Donna McLeod sang a duet; he waltzed off with Christine Mc- ing two winters at Pasadena, Cali- including the price. Kenny McDougall sat on a chair Kenzie. and on on imaginary violin, played A scrumptious meal consisting of Turkey In the Straw; Wellington sandwiches, and a wide variety of Hay fought an imaginary Marciano cakes and cookies, was served by Mrs. Angus McLennan, Mrs. Roddie Fraser, and Mrs. Donald Bethune. i Following entertainment by Ruth Ann MacDougall on the piano, and Youcantqo Michael Gibb on the guitar and singing, the MC, Rev. Mr. J. Filson Reid, closed the wonderful evening Most things you buy today have gone with prayer. ALLOUT o up in price—an average of 80% SCHOOL HOMEWORK Well-planned homework probably between 1940 and 1956 according If you feel has a place in the upper grades of the elementary, school and in high to the Consumer Price Index. school. It should never take up so much time, however, that he has " These days mostMi-iir people work under little or no time to devote to family But in Ontario during these same ^ pressure, worry more, sleep less. This activities, social life and the de- strain on body and brain makea physical velopment of outside interests that fitness easier to lose—harder to regain. years, the average price of Today's tense living, lowered resistance, are healthy and worthwhile. — overwork, worry—any of these may affect Lindsay (Ont.) Watchman-Warder, normal kidney action. When kidneys get ELECTRICITY used in the out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, home and on the farm has actually disturbed rest, that “tired-out” heavy- headed feeling often follow. That’s the time to take Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Dodd’s gone down 4%. : stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you fee! better—sleep better—work better. Ask for Dodd’s Kidney Pills at any drug counter. $3 The average cost of a day’s cooking for a family of four is only 5.3 cents.

Electricity is one of the most important NOW does things in your daily life. Your home is safer... easier to keep clean... DEDUCTIBLE brighter... more cpmfortable than

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My name >* ,Va. axai* a • •••••«•aaagggag»ag*gggggg •••• {MrjMrt./Mht) FEDERAL I tbf* at. a ©EPARTMENT aaba'aa a a a» ...... Date of Birth .a...... OF LABOUR Age when Annuity to start Telephony I understand that information given will b-î held «frictiy^confldenlial The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Thursday, January 23rd,-1958 Page & ☆ Ayrshire Club... and the Ayrshire Cattle Club or Federation Of Agriculture Gives Ontario Cheese Manufacturers Ontario, who were present, spoke most optimistically of the future- ! FARM FORUM (Continued from Page 1) outlook for sales and demand ®£ New Views On Price Support FINDINGS Declared For Floor Price aid Sangster, Bainsville, the Grand Ayrshire cattle, but warned that ☆ ☆ Champion showman in the 4-H breeders must be prepared to main- New emphasis on price support ernment in mid-summer of 1957, A special welcome to Dunvegan Written for The Glengarry News Club program in the county. we made it clear that we think de- by T. J. HUGHES tain the health status of then- herds views of the Canadian Federation Forum. They reorganized on Janu- John McLennan of Martintown, at a high level if they were to take of Agriculture was laid in a pres- ficiency payments as a method of ary 6th. Reports for the week of As I mentioned, I went to- the factories going bankrupt this past supporting prices paid, to farmers season, bonding of all factories was was honored by the St. Laurence advantage of this market. entation by the board of directors January I3th were from Dalkeith, Ontario Cheese Manufacturers’ As- Valley Agricultural Socjety, when of the CFA-, to the Minister of Agri- can be an important means, in ad- Dunvegan and Lochinvar, the topic sociation convention in Toronto, and contemplated. However,' he stated Representatives of other clubs dition to market price supports, of that some form would be worked he was presented with a diploma present included Donald Munroe^. culture, Hon. Douglas Harkness, being “Price and Income Support”. I learned some most interesting for long and meritorious service to prior to the introduction of the carrying out a new, more aggressive Dunvegan said that the following data on the cheese industry. I find} °ht so that factories with financial president of the Glengarry Holstein: support program. We wish to again statements in order would be grant- the agricultural .industry in the Club; Roy Siifimons from the Stor- Government price support bill, No. should be supported: manufactured this convention the most profitable county. Mr. McLennan has been 237, into the House of Commons. emphasize strongly that for use in milk products, eggs, pork, beef, on to attend as the executive^ have ed a license and those not in good mont Club, and Russell McIIwairr the proper Circumstances of both financial standing would have to be a society director for 30 years and from the Prescott Ayrshire Club, The presentation was made because a permanent basis with" controls, speakers from all phases of the is also past-president of this group, it was felt important to stress cer- these support methods would be with needed price changes from industry and practical men as well. bonded to protect the producer. John McBain, president of the quite inadequate. which sponsors Williamstown Fair. Glengarry Federation of Agricul- tain features of CFA policy. time to time. They could not agree Fern Guindon, MPP, Glengarry, “We should particularly empha- Weakness in advertising and mer- ture, addressed the group on the- The statement said: “The Cana- on a definite floor price, but would I learned that the Ontario Cheese was present and he extended his dian Federation of Agriculture at- size the case of dairy products, want a price based on a cost of pro- Manufacturers’ Assôcïation is in I chandise packaging was disclosed by Farmstead Improvement Compe- where the position of the industry 1 Jim Reeves, sales manager of Mc- best wishes to the club and ' con- tition-planned by the FOA in con- taches very great importance to this duction with a small margin, of Lavor of, and is using every means gratulated the many Ayrshire matter, because Canadian farmers definitely needs a higher level, of profit. to get, a floor price for their | Cann Erickson, Ltd., Montreal. He nection with the forthcoming Inter- support if it is to continue to serve breeders who had bred and ex- national Plowing Match this year... must refuse to accept policies which Dalkeith supported a temporary product and establish stability in stated that the foreign types of the people of Canada as it has in cheese were climbing and more and hibited winning animals at major J. Y. Humphries, agricultural rep- ask them, as so often they have basis, so that the floor price could the industry. On the other hand, shows in Canada and the United been asked in the past, to operate "tlie past. the Ontario Cheese Producers’ Mar- more' people were eating this type resentative for Glengarry County,. vary in the cost of production. They of cheese due to more attractive States throughout the year, bring- introduced the head table guests on a basis of producing cheap food “We have advocated that a form- suggested these floor prices: 3.5% keting Board are not in favor of a ing honor to the county. ula should be embodied in price floor and are hoping for some sort packaging. He said that factories and spoke briefly. — cheap in relation to high and milk, $3.50 per hundred; eggs, 40c Osie Villeneuve, MP, Glengarry- rising farm costs, and moreover support legislation as a guide to per doz; pork, $30.00 per hundred of miracle that may let them run and buyers should see that cheese The guest speaker, Gilbert Mac- farm price supports, and trust that their business as before. is made so that cutting and packag- Prescott, although unable to attend, Millan of Huntingdon, Que., past- cheap in terms of the general level dressed; steers, 19c per lb.; oats, sent along his best wishes. of consumer purchasing power. A such a formula, or a similar form- ing vbuld make promotion of the president of the Dairy Farmers of $1.50 per bushel. They did not think sale of cheese more tempting to the more aggressive policy of support- ula, will be in the Government’s these prices would cause a surplus. Cheese of better quality and with The executive members of both Canada, Was unable to be present consumer. the Canadian Ayrshire Association ing farm prices is therefore clearly new legislation. A main considera- Lochinvar felt that it was the less extraneous matter was made because of the storm. needed — one reflecting a greater- tion in connection with our. formula farmers’, job to produce a com- this year past, and the înake was Wood St. John, executive _secre- readiness than has been apparent is that, basically it makes a com- modity, and the government’s job up. This was brought forth by Jack in the past to meet farmers’ needs. parison between the prices farmers Bain, chief instructor for Western taxy for the National Dairy Coun- to get a market for it at a proper cil, was panel moderator for the Needless to say, we are looking to receive and the costs of goods and price. -and Central Ontario, and by Frank the new legislation which the Gov- services he buys. A major bar- Robinson, chief instructor for East- panel discussion in the afternoon ern Ontario. It was also stated by session. Some very important ques- THE ALL NEW ernment is proposing to bring in, j ometer of the position of farmers farm prices. in our economy must be this vital both men that the make of foreign- tions on sanitation, merchandising to inaugurate such a policy. “A further recommendation re- “In our presentation to your Gov- 1 relationship between farm costs and type cheese was up considerably. and factory making problems were specting price support policy which brought forth. we would like to make is that the Government officials from the principle be adopted of establishing' Department of Agriculture, stated Mr. Haslett of the Farm Eco- support prices on the basis of a that the trend in the last few years nomics Branch of the Department price which shall be paid to' the was to Ifiè larger factory and that of Agriculture, showed slides per- * Y A Fine Chain Saw producer, rather than to the trade. the smaller factory, unable to keep taining to the cost of production for ANNUAL UNIT MEETINGS Experience with some commodities up with sanitation and quality, was the years 1941 to 1956, and this proven in the woods has shown, that this is necessary OF THE sadly* being left by the wayside. showed that it now costs 5(4 cents if support programs are to be prop- Mr. H. P. Mulloy of the Wisconsin to produce a pound of cheese. This Eastern Ontario erly effective. Cheesemakers’ Association, speaking is very interesting when you con- “We would conclude by reaffirm- at the morning session, said that sider that some plants in this area The Top Saw on the Cattle Breeding Associations ing the objective of farm policy in this was" the case in the United -axe trying to carry on at-3% cents Canada, which must be to ensure to States, and1 that one-third of the per lb. Canadian Market in Glengarry and District Canadian farmers living standards factories were making 2% times as LANCASTER UNIT that compare favorably with those much cheese as 10 years ago. But The same executive, was elected in every position, with Grouped Controls enjoyed by. people in other occu- he said that some of the factories for 1958. F. E. Wright, vice-presi- Light Weight and Rugged . . . Perfect Balance pations.”—Contributed. were getting too. large for their own dent of Kraft Foods, ' Limited, is FRIDAY, JANUARY 24th good and that quality and flavor president again. It was felt that This Saw has many features were suffering. with the state of. the-industry as. it in TOWNSHIP HALL, WILLIAMSTOWN—at 1 p.m. that other saws have not MAX VILLE UNIT Glen Nevis Native is now needs the guidance of-some- E. V. Biggs, Dairy Commissioner, one with a decided knowledge of See this Saw in operation and Convince Yourself . TUESDAY, JANUARY 28th Died In Detroit told the convention that due to two the cheese industry. It’s the only Saw to carry One-Year Warranty on Parts in MAXVILLE COMMUNITY HALL — at 1 p.m. Sylvester McGilljvray, a native At the end of .four lessons, the Many from this area attended of the Glen Nevis area, died at his - LOCHIEL UNIT leaders were each presented with a this convention, and I feel sure Hughie McIntyre home in Detroit on December 23th, cup and saucer. Mrs. M. McLennan they gathered knowledge they could CHAIN SAW SALES and SERVICE at the age of 63. He was the son thanked the leaders in a few well not buy for dollars. Every speaker TUESDAY, JANUARY 28th of the late John Duncan and chosen words, and Mrs. Fraser pre- on the program was a top man in APPLE HILL, ONT. Hannah McGillivray of Bridge End, sented the gifts. his field. AGRICULTURAL OFFICE, ALEXANDRIA—at 8 p.m. and left this district In 1925, for ♦ Detroit, where he was an employee —- Speakers: of the Detroit Street Railway until his retirement In 1951. He was a DR. R. G. SMILEY, Sec.-Manager of the Association; member of the George F. Monogan DR. WILSON, recently appointed to the Knights of Columbus Council for Association staff. many years. He is survived by his wife, Sydney, ♦ one daughter, Mary Joan Johnson, ALL MEMBERS ARE URGED TO ATTEND ' and three sons, John James and Cameo Carrier Frank; as well as five grand- children. He also leaves six sisters, Mrs. William McNamara,. Mrs. Wilfred McDonald, Mrs. Ljicy McMillan, Mrs. Gerald O’Doherty, Mrs. Law- rence McDonald, Mrs. Alex Mc- PUBLIC MEETING Donald, and three brothers, Sam, Duncan and John McGillivray, all to discuss the possibility of developing of Detroit. Glengarry County as a The funeral, which was largely attended by many sorrowing friends and relatives, took place on Decem- Brucellosis Control Area ber 31st, with Requiem High Mass celebrated in the Church of Christ the King, in Detroit. Pallbearers were six nephews: Monday, January 27 John, Joe, Ambrose and Leo Mc- 1958 . . . at 8:00 p.m, Donald, Dearwood O’Doherty and GENERAL MOTORS Jimmy McGillivray. VALUE 3804 Pickup in CAFETERIA of Alexandria High School^ Numerous spiritual offerings and (Use Rear Door off Parking Lot) floral tributes. were received-, and many people called at the Funeral SPONSORED BY Home to pay their last respects, ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE reflecting the esteem in which the deceased was held and the regret and GLENGARRY FEDERATION OF felt at his passing. AGRICULTURE ALL CATTLE OWNERS WELCOME Picnic Grove WI HANDIEST, HANDSOMEST, THRIFTIEST J. Y. HUMPHREYS, HON. W. A- GOODFELLOW, Agricultural Representative, Minister of Agriculture, The December meeting of Picnic Alexandria, Ont. Toronto, Ont. Grove Women’s Institute was held just before Christmas, at the home of Mrs. Donald and Mrs.. Norman PICKUPS that ever hustled a load! Gumming, with Mrs. , Mason Mc- Lennan as co-hostess. Here's new hustle, new muscle and new style tailored to cut The motto was “Put Christ back Ready to tie into tough chores with into Christmas”. The roll call, an costs as no other light-duty trucks ever did before ! Chevrolet's Idea for Christmas Decorations, was '58 pickup fleet brings you a new high in hard-working all these work-whipping features! Farm Business Short Course answered by a large number of efficiency with more powerful high-compression V8 and PICKUP BOXES UP TO 9 FEET IN LENGTH. Take members and visitors. 6-cylinder engines under the hood! your choice of 78'', 98" or 108" pickup - • covering subjects of, Mrs. Donald MacLachlan gave boxes. Each offers a full-width grain-tight Cunrrent Events. It was moved to Bring on the tough jobs! Chevrolet’s hustling 1958 pickup fleet tailgate, more load space (no inboard wheel- Farm Accounting . . . Farm Management send a donation to the Children’s can handle them fast and at.Iower-than-ever costs. Under new con- housings), low loading Aid and, Save the Children Fund. toured hoods you’ll find improved fuel-saving 145-h.p. Thriftmaster height. There’s extra Factors affecting Profits . . . Farm Finance It was also decided to pay their, fee 6’s, or 283-cu.-in. 160-h.p. Trademaster V8’s (optional at extra cost). strength for long life to the local Fair board. Here’s extra power when you need it — with maximum economy and and greater load pro- and Business Analysis 'Mrs. John FOumey reported for trouble-free performance. tection. Agriculture, and Mrs. Scott Fraser Rugged Chevrolet pickups have built-in muscle with new extra- February 4th, 5th And 6th reported for Canadian Industries; rigid front end sheet metal and hefty frames that shrug off rough Mrs. McLennan for Citizenship, and punishment. And you can be proud of Chevy’s handsome new cabs Mrs. Jas. Sangster reported for and bodies. New style fenders, new grille, modern cab interiors com- in the Mrs. Neil Sangster on Community HARDWOOD FLOORS, Activities. Miss Betty Van Loon, bine good looks with can-take-it durability. There are plenty of other FLUSH TYPE SKID STRIPS. reporting for Home Economics, gave Chevrolet advantages — new dual headlights, concealed Safety Steps, Sturdy pickup floors Alexandria High School a humorous reading on how to pre- High-Level ventilation, panoramic windshield, 12-volt electrical sys- are constructed of re- silient seasoned hardwood. Skid strips, re- from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m., Feb. 4th and 5th serve a husband. tem and dozens more. Your Chevrolet dealer can show you the right pickup for your job. Visit him soon. cessed nearly flush in the hardwood, absorb The programme consisted of pack- much of wear from loads, give platform from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., Feb. 6th ing boxes of Christmas cheer for longer life, facilitate sliding of cargo. shut-ins, and singing Christmas NEW HUSTLE... NEW MUSCLE... NEW STYLE carols. LECTURER: MR. JOHN CLARK CT-558C : The hostesses served lunch, and a Department of Agricultural Economics, O.A.C., Guelph social hour was enjoyed by all. All Farmers are Invited to Participate An interesting course on making SPONSORED BY lamp shades was conducted in THE ONTARIO DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Picnic Grove school in December. CHEVROLET TRUCKS J. Y. HUMPHREYS, HON. W. A. GOODFELLOW, Mrs. D. MacLachlan and Mrs. A. Agricultural Representative, Ontario Minister of Agriculture, McNaughton were leaders. The Alexandria, Ont. Toronto, Ont. course proved both interesting and GLENGARRY MOTOR SALES instructive. Some very pretty lamp PHONE 238 shades were the result. ALEXANDRIA^ 3Pa“e 10 Tiie Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ontario, Thursday, January 23rd, 1958

WE NOW CARRY a complete line of HELENA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES HOUi S0UT THAT By RALPH TEE RUBENSTEIN For Sale, To Let, Wanted, etc.: 50 cents for thirty words or less COSMETICS 2 cents each additional word; extra insertions, 40 cent minimum. THAT'S THE LAST TIME YOULL Births, Deaths;-No Charge, Cards of Thanks: 75 cents, In Mem- BRING- ANYONE TO SEE ABOUT DROP IN AND SEE oriam: Minimum, 75 cents, 10 cents per line ot verse. Public THE WIDE RANGE Notices: 12 cents per line,, first insertion; «81 cents per line subse- BUYING- OUR HOUSE !f YOU BlG- quent insertions, 10 cents-extra if not paid in advance; 25 cents TOWN BROKERS DON'T CARE* WHO extra if Box No. used. Ôlassified Display: $1.00 per column inch. YOU BRING-. WHY-THE WAY THEY Our clerks are being es- >TEAR THINGS UP, YOU'D THINK pecially trained to advise Copy for Classified Ads must be in this office not later than noon THEY ALREADY OWNED THE PLACE Thursday, to appear in current week's columns. on use of these products. “ELOISE” GETS ENGRAV- INGS — Washington, D. C. — 1—Coming Events '8—In Memoriam Seven-year-old Evelyn Rudie, . ! of -Los Angeles, Calif., the BETHUNE — In loving memory of Wedding reception in honor of Mr. “Eloise” of television fame, McLElSTER’S our dear mother, Mrs. Angus receives a set of steel engrav- and Mrs. Brian MacMillan, in _ Bethune, who passed away Janu- ings of all the U. S. Presidents REXALL MacGrimmon Hall, on, Friday | ary 24th; 1957. night, January 24th. Everybody | from Mrs.. Eisenhower as-the welcome., 4-lp A silent thought, a secret tear child star called at the White DRUG STORE Keeps her tpemory ever near. House to pay her respects -to the First Lady, > Phone 21 Alexandria A wedding reception in honor of Mr. i —Fondly remembered by f S and Mrs. Dunchn' Joseph Me- ] the family. Donald (nee Joan Gauthier), Fri- Glen Sandfield, Ont 4-lc day, January 31st, in Alexander Hall. Everybody welcome. 4-lp MacGILLIVRAY—In loving mem- ory of,a dear mother and grand- Valentine Tea and Food Sale at the mother, Mrs. Angus A. MacGilliy- Church on the Hill, Wednesday, ] ray, who passed away January February 12th, 1958. 4-lc 28th, 1957. D. A. FAWTHROP, B.COMM. The annual meeting of the Maxville “God took her home, it -was His will, Horticultural Society will be held But in our' hearts she liveth still/’ CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT in the Maxville Community Hall, —Rae and Marion MacGillivray. Thursday, January 3pth, at 8:00 ^ Dalkeith, Ont. 4-lp 101 SYDNEY STREET o’clock. — Mrs. C. J. MacPhail, ' President. 4-lc MacGILLIVRAY — In memory of a dear mother, Mrs. A. MacGilJiv- 'The annual meeting of the St. Law- ray, who passed away January WE 2-5421 rence Valley Agricultural Society' 28th, 1957;- CORNWALL ONTARIO (Williamstown Fair Board), will i “With tender love and deep regret, be held on Thursday, January We who loved you can never 12- -Articles For Sale 31—Wanted — Miscellaneous ! 46—Legal l-57-tf 30th, at 1:00 p.m., in the Char- j forget." (Continued) lottenburgh Township Hall.. All j Art and Lois Gill. All kinds live poultry wanted. Write j ’ '.persons interested in the work of ’ Montreal, Que. 4-lp One used oil furnace; two good used or ’phone us and we will send our Notice To Creditors ' .the Society, are invited. 4-lc^ TV sets, at special price; one 17" buyer, s/ Laporte, Alexandria, i] In the Estate, of DONALD ALEX- ! MacGILLIVRAY— In loving mem- and one 21". Apply at Legare ’phone 25. 27-tf |I ANDER MACDONALD, Q.C., late - TO OUR FRIENDS WHO BOUGHT 2—Births I ory of a dear daughter and sister, Store, Alexandria. Phone-697. j of the Town of Alexandria, in the I Catherine. , 4-lc Deadstock removed from your farm j County of Glengarry, Barrister, SONS OF OUR SENIOR HERD SIRE CONTANT — Mr. and Mrs. Hubert j Deep in hearts she will always stay, ! promptly . for. sanitary disposal. I deceased. $2.00 service charge for each call. .Contant (nee Alberta Chouinarde) ■ Loved and remembered every day. j 1 Boston pool table, 9'A'xiV/, cotn; I All persons having claims against -of A^^rïfiria, announce the ^birth ^ —Mother, sisters and brothers. I plete with balls, etc. Apply to Telephone collect: Lancaster 229, , the estate of Donald Alexander SPRING FARM ROYAL BLUEBLOOD at Hotel Dieu Hospital on Janu- . o . Smith Sales and Service. Tel.: Cornwall WE 2-6821. St. Lawrence 1 Greenfleld nt 4-lp Macdonald, who died on the 10th ——— Very Good ary 21st, of a son. Maxville 86. 4-lc Rendering Company Limited. ] day of December, A.D. 1957, are I, 57-p It is a great pleasure to announeé that 3LEONARD — Harry and Teresa 9—Personal • hereby notified to ’ send in to the 14—Autos For Sale ! undersigned solicitors on or before ;he is now graded Very Good in Selective Leonard, Ottawa, announce the : 39—Help Wtd. Male, Female 1934 Ford Sedan, in excellent run- j the 7th day of February, ,1958, ' full Registration. ' _ .arrival, on Saturday, January] ATTENTION i particulars of their - claims, and 38th, 1958, at Grace Hospital, of | ning condition. Apply to John WITHOUT experience you can earn after that date, -the estate will be We have no sons for sale, but expect some :a son, 7 Ibé. 8 ozs., a brother for OAK, HU 1 It Kb Plamador, Victoria St., Alex- money by selling Avon Cosmetics ; distributed having regard only to for our annual sale in October. Debbie. . j—For complete insurance coverage andria. Phone 788. 4-lp and Toiletries in your vicinity, the claims of which notice shall — land low cost financing, see me be- Openings in rural districts. Write MacKINNON To Mr. and Mrs. ; j0I.e you bUy your new Car or Truck 1950 Dodge coach, with custom built then have been received. Miss Mosher, Box 95, Cornwall, DATED at Alexandria, Ontario, Dennyland Farms Alex MacKinnon, Maxville, Ont., ]a^e model Used Car This mod- radio and air conditioning; in ex- stating telephone number. 4-lp at Cornwall General Hospital, on j ernj cost insurance and finance cellent condition. A bargain for this 7th day of January, A.D. 1958. R. A. & J. J. Denovan DALKEITH, Ont. (Friday, December 27th, 1957, a pjan available for either dealer or cash. Tel.: Alexandria 599. 4-lc Light assembly Work to do at home. MACDONALD & AUBRY, ■daughter, Diane Elizabeth. - | private-sales. RAYMOND ROCHON, Experience unnecessax-y. Crown Barristers, etc., Alexandria. Phone 220. 1-tf 15—Farm Produce MacLEOD—To Mr. and Mrs. Kenzie , Ind. 8507 W. 3rd, Los Angeles 48, Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers, MacLeod (nee Elsie Urquhart) at j 10 ton baled straw. Apply to Maurice Cal. * 4-lp Alexandria, Ont., Cornwall General Hospital, on ] O'Connor, R.R. 2, Green Valley. Solicitors for the Executors. January 16th, 1958, a son, Gary , EYE EXAMINATIONS Tel.; Alexandria 75-W-2. 3-2p 40—-Employment Wanted 2-3c Kenzie. B Y OUR REGISTERED 16—Poultry — Livestock Experienced farmer seeks ■MacMILLAN—Mr. and Mrs. Donald | OPTOMETRIST , , . , War- | (j-uriug (tog month was 4,499 and C. hfacMillan (nee Naomi Mac- j Phone 667 for Appointment Holstein cow, due to freshen soon. 1,780, 863 clla es DR. MOREL -Lennan), wish to announce the Apply to David Stevens, R(R. 2, s•sssrAkkemans, e/o DennySES* Van Loon, w(f« j —«?■ rg lard. ™ j g : arrival of their son, John Hunter, ] __ TERMS AVAILABLE Greenfield; 3% miles west of Greenfield. Tel.: Maxville 152- j Other statistics noted include the | i •on January 15th, 1958, at Grace Filion’s Jewellers Laggan comer. 4-lp W-13. 3-2p; number of registration and permits.1 p Hospital, Ottawa. 44-tf (39); defective equipment (114) WILL BE ARNOLD FARMS LTD. chauffeurs’ licenses (1); rate- of ■®—Deaths GRENVILLE, QUE. MAN OVER 55 speed (474); careless driving (28); 10—Lost — Found weight and load (50) ; rules of the ( MacMILLAN—Angus E. MacMillan, WORK HORSES FOR SALE ABSENT FROM HIS OFFICE at Stratford, Wisconsin, on De- LOST—A set of white crystal prayer Receiving regular shipments of 3 Days A Week i-oad (108); fail to remain at scene] heads, in black leather case. GOOD FARM HORSES (1); drive while prohibited (6); cember 27th, 1957, a son of the Here's an excellent opportunity for ! ’rato , H (20) fail to late Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mac- Finder tel. 366, Alexandria. 3-2c from Western Ontario. All types y re- UNTIL and sizes for sale. a mature man to make enough ' ’ Millan, of Glen Roy. Survived by money in only 3 days a week ... to port accident (4) ; criminal negli- his wife, the former Bax-bara 12—Articles For Sale Top prices paid for all horses for gence (3) ; drive while intoxicated slaughter. Also crippled or dead spend the other 4 days enjoying life. Swartz; by one brother, John Because we pay our top men in (0) ; ability impaired (5) ; other MacMillan (Jack), of Ingleside, See the new 6%-horsepower Clinton animals picked up for rendering ] Saturday, February 1st Saw, at the new low price. One I purposes. other cities up to $5,000.00 to $12,- charges (10). Y and three sisters, Misses Mary 000.00 in a year, this opening we o — and Anne MacMillan, of Mont- HO Pioneer Saw, traded in on the Daytime—Phone: Hawkesbury 1958 new Canadian, run only 10 hours, ’ MElrose 22124 or 22126 have in the Alexandria area should real, and Mrs. Gerald Casey, of v be worth Success comes before work only ;St. John, N.B. Fxmeral was held priced at $135. Many other good i At Night or Sunday ' in the dictionary. rin Stratford, December 30th, 1957. trade-ins at a reduced price. Also MEhose 23165 or 23816 $4,000.00 to $9,000.00 carry a supply of chain saw parts. 1-57-tf You have freedom in ' running your 7—Cards of Thanks Hughie McIntyre, Chain Saw own work schedule and receive Sales and Service, Apple Hill, Ont. 20—Farm Machinery friendly personal help from oui- (QUENNEVILLE—The family of the 3-2c home office people who appreciate One John Deere tractor manxire ^ effort can late Stephen Quenneville take this A mow of straw; also one bay. horse spreader, on rubber, 2 years old,.' JL. . „ opportunity of thanking neighs get more paynav and still haveV a coming ten years old. Apply to ^capacity 70 bushels. Apply to happier life. (LASSI FlfiMI COLUMNS hors, friends and relatives for J. A. F. MacDonell, 16-6th Ken- Smith Sales and Service. Tel.: We are a'mxxJti-mülion-dollar con- their acts of kindness, spiritual yon. Tel. Maxville 158-W-2. 3-2p Maxville 86. 4-lc offerings and messages of sym- cex-n with a national sales foxce of pathy received at the time of his One lady’s black fur seal coat, in 21—Real Estate middle-aged men who are finding death. Special thanks to Alex- pexffect condition. Apply to Ed- our work the most fascinating and andria Branch of the Canadian mond Cardinal,- Centre St. Tel. best ^ paying they have ever cx- Legion. 4-lp 174. 4-lp EXCELLENT BUYS perielxced. IN If you want to spend 3 days a week ' —taking short auto trips in sur- REAL ESTATE rounding area to handle contacts with our customers, then we can ADVERTISE IN “THE GLENGARRY NEWS” make it worth your while. For com- FOR SALE plete information write President, Main Street South Dept. 44, P.O. Box 711, Fort Worth Cement block building, 11-room 1, Texas. hoxise, well finished, with 10 BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL acres of land; well and ghiall 44—Opportunities Miscel. barn. j WANTED — We are appointing Buyer may take possession dealer's to handle our used and immediately. new automobiles at wholesale DIRECTORY prices. Opportunity for farmer. Write to Box 356, Ottawa, Ont. For Further Information See 3-tf INSURANCE ' JEAN TROTTIER ACCOUNTANTS - AUDITORS Phone 163 Alexandria NOTICE Licensed Local Agent for INSURANCE Have conti'act for 40 cords xnixed Ottawa, Cornwall, Kingston BRISSON REAL ESTATE Fire, Life, Sickness, Accident, Auto- Brockville hax-dwood, 25 cords poplar and bass- mobile, Plate Glass, Dwelling, Fur- Cornwall, Ont. wood, at Cornwall. Anyone who niture, Theft, Wind and Farm MacLEOD, COMRIE needs this contract may 'phone 768 Buildings. & COMPANY 28—Farms Wanted or apply Peter Benoit, Victoria St., Certified Public Accountants > Farm wanted to rent, by Dutch Alexandria. 4-lc 1 MORRIS BROS. Licensed Municipal Auditors family, in the Alexandria area, NOTICE Phone 33 ■ Alexandria DONALD A. MacLEOD with or without stock and imple- Licensed Ti'ustee in Bankruptcy ments; good buildings. Contact TAKE NOTICE that a special i-57-tî meeting of the shareholders of CORNWALL OTTAWA Box “S”, c/o Glengarry News. B/ RRISTERS 338 Second St., W. 27 Merritt Ave. 4-lp Alexandria Improvement axxd Ath- letic Association Limited, will be Tel. WE 2-3613 Tel. 2-4123 WANTED TO RENT—A house and ,j held at the Alexandria Curling Club MILLIGAN & MacDONALD 1-56-tf, lot, or small farm with good build- [ on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, (Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries ings, and electricity; preferably on 1958, at 7:30 pm. R. P. Milligan, Q.C. BERNARD CARDINAL, B.A. King’s Road, between Martintown D. N. McRAE, Sec.-Treas. D. J. MacDonald, B.A. COMPTABLE LICENCIE ' and St. Andrews. Apply in wilt- 4-lc 122 Sydney Street ing to John A. MacDonald, 460 Cornwall, Ont. — Phone WE 2-3640 Licensed Public Accountant Augustus St,, Cornwall. 4-lc 717 Second Street, East, Cornwall November Accidents ALEXANDRIA OFFICE: Telephone WE 2-3013 Inswance Bldg., Main St. North, ”ALEXANDRIA Thursday of each week—9-5 Alexandria — Tel. 174 Killed Twelve 1-57-tf IROX & METAL 26-56-tf Twelve people died in accidents ☆ ☆ in No. 11 District, OPP, during OPTOMETRIST Basa» We buy all kinds of Scrap November, according to figures re- S. JOSEPH KEONICK, R.O. For RESULTS Use leased by district headquarters. « HOURS . ,;A ☆ ☆ The figui'es show there were a S am. to 12 noon — 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. total of 151 accidents during the 17 MAIN ST. W., HAWKESBURY W. MORRIS, Manager month, 10 of them fatal. Sixty- Telephone ME 2-2061 “NEWS” WANT ADS three people were injured. 57-p Phone: Lochiel 14-R-13 The number of vehicles checked